The New Year holidays are approaching, and, therefore, festive feasts. A table set with taste can turn even an ordinary meal into aesthetic pleasure and a feeling of celebration. By setting the table at home, you can deviate a little from the strict canons of serving that are strictly followed in restaurants and at official receptions. But there are still a few golden rules that should be followed even at home.


Table setting always begins with laying out the tablecloth. For a formal reception, tablecloths made of shiny fabrics will look appropriate, rough linen cloths are suitable for a simple table, and for home gatherings, tablecloths in pastel colors.

Of course, the tablecloth must be spotlessly clean and ironed. But in an effort to maintain cleanliness, you should not cover it with oilcloth on top. The linen should go down on all sides of the table by no less than 25 cm, but not lower than the seat of the chair: a tablecloth that is too short will look sloppy, and a tablecloth that is too long will cause inconvenience to guests.

The canvas should go down on all sides of the table by no less than 25 cm, but not lower than the seat of the chair.


The serving set on the table can be different, it depends on the dishes that will be served, so without a well-thought-out menu you cannot start serving. It is important to provide approximately 80 centimeters of table length for each guest and ensure that the location and appearance of each set of cutlery is completely the same. All serving items on the table must match each other and the interior in color and shape.

Care must be taken to ensure that all dishes and utensils are clean and free of water stains. To do this, just wipe them with a warm and damp towel, and then polish them with a dry one.


First, a decorative serving plate is placed in a central place, at a distance of at least two centimeters from the edge of the table. Place a plate on it for appetizers or soup. For puree soup, serve a soup plate, and for clear soups and broths, a cup. At the top left, eight centimeters from the decorative one, place a small pie plate for bread and butter.


Cutlery that will be needed during meals is laid out on the sides and on top of the serving plate. Forks are placed on the left with the horns up, and knives are placed on the right, with the blade facing the plate. The utensil that will be needed first is located furthest from the plate, so the farthest are the snack bars, the fork and knife, followed by the fish ones, and the closest ones - the tableware ones.

Cutlery should not be located under the edges of the plate.

If there is no dessert on the menu, then the soup spoon is placed on top of the serving plate, but if dessert is planned, it is placed to the right of the row of knives. Dessert and fruit cutlery is placed above the snack plate - parallel to the edge of the table.


It is important to follow the rule - each drink has its own vessel, so the number and type of wine glasses and glasses depend on what drinks will be served at the table. For example, red wine, brandy and cognac are served in slightly pot-bellied large glasses, while smaller glasses are used for white wine. Champagne tastes best in tall, narrow glasses, and cocktail glasses can be used for juices and mineral water.

The glasses are located to the right and above the serving plate. A glass for mineral water or juice is placed at a distance of one and a half centimeters from the tip of the knife. Then, at an angle of 45 degrees from the edge of the table, a wine glass and a vodka glass. The same order works here as with cutlery: the glass farthest from the plate is used first.

The glasses are located to the right and above the serving plate.


Each guest should have an individual napkin, which must be folded beautifully and placed on the appetizer plate at the end of serving. There are many ways to fold napkins, and the best way to fold them is to make them look fresh and attractive when unfolded.


Stylish details will put guests in a festive mood and help them feel the atmosphere of solemnity, but their number should not be excessive and interfere with serving and arranging dishes.

If you have a beautiful figurine, it can become a wonderful decorative element on the holiday table. Candlesticks in combination with exquisite dishes and beautiful glasses look especially elegant.

Fresh flowers look very fresh and original. So that they look harmonious and do not interfere with guests, their height should not exceed the largest glass in the serving. It is better to place a small vase of flowers in the middle of the table and pay attention that the bouquet does not have a strong smell.

If your holiday is themed, for example, New Year’s, then you can place suitable decorative elements on the table - spruce branches, figurines of snowmen or Santa Clauses, silver “rain”, small gifts for guests.

Placement of dishes

The festive table should not be “clogged” with an overabundance of dishes and utensils, so that each guest has a sufficient amount of personal space.

It is better to place the salt and pepper utensils in the center of the table at a short distance from each other. You can also place utensils with mustard and sauces there. The butter is served with special knife, and mustard - with a small spoon. Bread bins are placed on opposite sides of the table so that all guests can easily reach them.

Bread bins are placed on opposite sides of the table so that all guests can easily reach them.

Cold appetizers are arranged alternating fish, meat and vegetable dishes. Soup should be served in a tureen, and hot dishes should be served in special dishes. All dishes and salads should have separate spoons.

Bottled drinks should be placed uncorked on the table. Fruity and mineral water put in different places table and open immediately before the start of the feast. Juices and fruit drinks are served in jugs, vodka and strong liqueurs are best placed on the table in decanters. Wine and cognac are served in bottles.

It would be right to start the holiday by serving cold dishes - salads, sandwiches, and only then start serving hot dishes - first, second and dessert.

Nowadays, a beautifully set table represents hospitality, and food in such an environment is especially tasty. Don't miss the opportunity to do New Year's celebration even more joyful and elegant!

You need to set the dinner table beautifully not only for the arrival of guests, but also for your family. Even kitchen and coffee tables deserve special treatment. We offer a few tips to help make your table setting simple and stylish. Main secret lies in the combination of texture, color and accessories.

1. Porcelain and glass

You don't have to spend a fortune on plates or glasses to have an elegant table. If you decorate it correctly, it will look like a million. First of all, you need to pay attention to porcelain and glass.

We start with porcelain. There should be a small plate, a salad plate, and a bowl on the table.
Use a trivet plate. It is quite large and perfectly frames the dishes, outlining its boundaries. You can use a special mat, which you can make yourself from decorative paper. Simple wreaths and even leaves will do.

Grouping the glasses. If you place more than one glass on the table, then this trick alone will give the table a stylish and elegant look. Glasses should be grouped, there should be glasses for wine and glasses for water.
Cutlery can be connected using ribbon or twine. In addition, they can be beautifully wrapped in a napkin.

2. Tablecloths

Tablecloths can completely change the mood, immediately creating a festive mood. Now there is a huge selection of all kinds of tablecloths, napkins, runners, which must certainly be different color, textures and patterns, it is desirable that they all combine with each other. In addition, there should be themed sets that are suitable for certain holidays.

Table runner- a tablecloth in the form of a narrow strip running across the entire table. This is one of the most modern methods decorate the table, especially if you don’t want to hide a beautiful wooden or glass tabletop completely under the fabric. Such paths are universal. They can be easily laid out on top of a regular tablecloth along the table, you can put them across and designate places for guests.
Tablecloths must be on the holiday table, especially if you want to emphasize the theme or color scheme of the set table.

Napkins. There is no need to give up cloth napkins in favor of disposable ones. They are an integral part of the table design. If you really don’t want to wash them after the holiday, then you should take a closer look at banquet-style paper ones.
Cutlery mat determines a seat for each guest. They can be not only rectangular, but also square (give modern look), and round (break the angularity of the table).

3. Central composition

There must certainly be a central composition on the holiday table that will decorate it. It will add volume and unite the entire table, but you need to remember that it should be low and narrow.
The main rule is that on each side there should be at least 35 cm left for a person and his cutlery. Therefore, we subtract at least 70 cm from the width of the table, the rest of the space can be used for composition. For the tabletop composition we use flowers, candlesticks, twigs, and stones.

Table setting involves the correct arrangement of dishes, cutlery and decoration. Its design directly depends on the target destination; it can be a regular feast, a gala event or a business lunch. But some rules must be followed for any event.

Naturally, in order to arrange a real celebration, you need a large cozy hall where you can accommodate all the invited guests, and you should also take care of beautiful dishes, tablecloths, cutlery and various holiday dishes. Near each plate there are knives, forks, spoons, glasses and glasses. As a rule, all devices are usually divided into individual and auxiliary. The latter are used to take food from common dishes, these include spoons, forks, tongs, scoops and much more. Using auxiliary forks and spoons, they put food on their plate from common dishes, while the spoon is in right hand, and the fork is in the left. Sauces and hot soups are served in ladles very carefully, so as not to drip onto the tablecloth. If this does happen, you can blot the stained area with a napkin without attracting everyone’s attention.

Traditional design implies a certain order in which dishes are placed on the table. First, porcelain or earthenware products are placed, cutlery is placed, and then glasses, shot glasses, glassware and crystal.

A photo of the table setting is presented below:

Fabric and paper napkins are of considerable importance when decorating. Fabric ones can harmoniously complement general design, they look sophisticated and elegant. According to etiquette, guests place them on their laps so as not to stain their clothes. Use paper napkins to wipe your lips and hands during or after a meal.

Table setting for a birthday and a lot of photos

Name day is one of the most favorite holidays for both adults and children, so table setting for a birthday should be elegant, original and even bright.

A large role in decoration is given to the tablecloth. It can be plain snow-white or, on the contrary, colorful. And the lace patterns on it will give the table a solemn look. In order to prevent stains from appearing, oilcloth is placed on top of the tablecloth.

Table setting for a birthday would not be complete without tableware such as wicker fruit baskets, crystal vases for sweets and salads, porcelain plates and elegant glasses.

It is very important to think about the number of invited guests in advance, so that there is enough equipment for everyone present to avoid awkward situations.

A vase of flowers is placed near the birthday boy, but in such a way that it does not interfere or block the view. Fruit baskets are placed on both sides of the table, preferably the same.

After this, several stands with bread and sandwiches are placed at the same distance from one another and drinks. As for the plates, there is generally accepted rule- place them half a meter apart from each other, and they should be one centimeter from the edge of the table. Using mismatched cups and plates for a special occasion is considered bad form, so it is best to take dishes from the service, because they are not only beautiful, but also the same.

It is arranged as follows: first, shallow plates are placed for the second course, larger ones are placed on them for the first courses, and on top are the smallest ones, which are used for appetizers.

The arrangement of cutlery has its own peculiarities: a fork is placed on the left, a spoon on the right and table-knife, and the spoon and fork should lie with the concave side up. Paper napkins are laid out on the left side. Glasses, shot glasses and glasses are arranged in descending order from left to right, starting with the largest container.

It is customary to start the holiday with cold dishes: salads, appetizers, sandwiches, then hot dishes and dessert are served. Hot usually consists of the first and second. The hostess must check the presence of a spoon in each salad bowl so that it is convenient for guests to serve it.

For children, the festive table is served in the same way as for adults, but now many parents prefer to use plastic dishes, in order to prevent possible injuries and breakdown of expensive services. Moreover, today plastic glasses and the plates delight with their bright and original appearance, allowing you to do children's table elegant and colorful.

As you know, children have a big sweet tooth, so it’s worth paying attention Special attention sweets: cakes, cookies, sweets, ice cream, which should be served in beautiful vases and other desserts. Fruits can be unusually cut and distributed.

Juices, compotes, fruit drinks, tea or coffee are suitable drinks for children. And of course, the main attribute of the celebration will be a beautiful birthday cake.

DIY festive table setting

Every housewife, preparing for any special event, tries to decorate the festive table as best as possible. But before you cover it, you should think about what style it will be decorated in.

First of all, the choice depends on the design and colors of the dishes and tablecloth, and choosing a tablecloth to match the dishes is much easier than choosing dishes to match the tablecloth. If you have a set of delicate, exquisite crystal in your home arsenal, a snow-white tablecloth and starched fabric, perfectly white napkins will go perfectly with it. A wonderful decoration There will be bouquets of flowers in crystal vases. It is much easier to choose a canvas for porcelain dishes, because any combinations and accessories will look good on it.

Serving festive table It will become more sophisticated if you add an additional twist to it in the form of colored or plain napkins folded into various shapes. Most importantly, the tablecloth, dishes and napkins should be combined with each other.

A plain tablecloth is very practical, on which you can place dishes of any color. To give it a more formal look, it is decorated with a silk ribbon. If there is an elegant coffee service on the table, a tablecloth and napkins with lace will be an excellent addition to it.

Folded paper napkins will help complete the look. in a special way. Thanks to the wide variety of these products, they can easily be selected for any event, be it a wedding, New Year, Valentine's Day and other holidays. Special holders, which are now included in the set of services, will help you secure the napkins.

Candles and candlesticks on the festive table create a special, unique atmosphere in the room and decorate the event. These attributes will be appropriate at any celebration, the main thing is not to replace the lighting with them, since the festive table should be well lit. The color of the candles must be chosen in one color scheme with napkins or tablecloth, dishes or glasses.

The New Year and Christmas table will convey the whole holiday atmosphere if you decorate it with white or red candles in candlesticks with spruce branches. You can arrange them in flower arrangement or between bouquets, or screwed to flower holders so that the candles rise above the bouquets. You can see the photo of what this table setting looks like here.

Table setting for the holiday can be complemented by all sorts of things and objects, for example, silk ribbons, which are matched to the tone of the dishes. They are used to make patterns or pass from bouquets to cutlery, thereby creating smooth lines and rings.

Various silver figurines are also not uncommon in modern ceremonial table. And finally, flowers serve mandatory element serving. Properly decorated and arranged bouquets help lift the mood, create comfort in the room where the holiday is taking place, and also add a touch of charm and charm to the table setting.

Home table setting

As a rule, serving home desk falls on weekends when the family has the opportunity to gather at the dinner table full staff. Prepare for such a case delicious dishes, beloved by family members, leisurely conversations are held, the time during such a dinner passes very pleasantly and sincerely.

A well-set, beautifully decorated table teaches children to use cutlery correctly, promotes a good appetite, and brings pleasure to the household members sitting at it.

Table setting for breakfast

Aesthetic table setting for breakfast lifts the mood for the whole day, but it also has its own characteristics. First, plates for appetizers are placed, and then cups or glasses on saucers. The handle of the cup and the spoon on the saucer should be on the right so that they are convenient to use. Eggs, boiled “soft-boiled” or “in a bag”, are served in a special stand on a long leg, which is placed on a plate for a snack along with an egg spoon (for this it is better to use a plastic device, since a metal spoon will become bad smell). The porridge is poured into a deep plate, which is also placed on the snack bar. Hot drinks: tea, coffee, cocoa are poured into cups from a teapot or coffee pot, which are placed in the middle of the table or on the side, so that they are convenient to take out. Pastries and sandwiches are laid out on a wide platter, butter, a plate of honey, jam or jam, and a sugar bowl and salt shaker are also placed on the table.

A small set of several napkins and insulation for a teapot (coffee pot) will decorate the table and create coziness. This set must be completed in uniform style from the same material. Classic option is considered a set of checkered products that will suit any kitchen interior. It is very practical and inexpensive to use paper napkins, which are placed under the appliance or on a plate with bread. It is useful to involve older children in setting the table at home and gradually they will learn this interesting, simple task.

Table setting for dinner

Setting the table for dinner requires compliance with several rules. Usually, it is customary to serve cold and hot dishes for lunch, and dessert at the end of the meal. Such serving will require several utensils (spoons and forks) to place food into individual plates from common dishes. Snack plates are served for each family member, along with a fork and knife. A snack knife is used for butter.

First courses (hot soups) are served in broth cups and deep plates. Both are placed on the table in a special substitution plate to make it easier to remove these dishes and then to prevent the table and tablecloth from heating up. Tablespoons are used for broths and soups, and knives and forks are used for meat.

The main dishes are laid out in small, pre-served plates. If it is a fish dish, the table is served with a fork and a spatula knife, which separates the fish fillets from the bones. Cutlets, meatballs, zrazy, omelettes, casseroles and similar dishes are divided into pieces using a fork. Dessert is served at the end of the meal, when all the utensils used after the first and second are removed.

Table setting for dinner

Table setting for dinner is similar to lunch setting, with the only difference being that there are no utensils for hot dishes. For the evening meal, prepare a casserole, pancakes, pancakes, or a sweet pie.

Dessert plates are pre-placed on the table, dessert forks are laid out on the left of them, and dessert knives are placed on the right. Cups for hot drinks are placed to the right of the plate, or closer to the center of the table.

A very useful acquisition for the kitchen will be a utility table, which perfectly helps out the hostess while eating. Additional plates, cups, cutlery and other items that may be needed during meals are placed on it.

Setting the table at home is painstaking, but at the same time pleasant and interesting activity, which will bring a lot of pleasure and benefit to the whole family.

Of course, the beauty and originality of the design depend on the imagination and hard work of the hostess. In this matter, it is important to take into account many things: the choice of dishes and cutlery, the color of the tablecloth, napkins, as well as the correct arrangement of all items and decorative elements. But besides this, there are generally accepted and long-standing established rules table setting, they should definitely be taken into account when decorating it.

One of the main requirements is to have a spotlessly clean and ironed tablecloth. Its ends should hang evenly from all sides of the table by about 30 cm, and the corners should cover its legs.

When arranging dishes, you need to start with plates that have been cleanly washed, wiped with a towel and polished to a shine with a napkin. Snack plates are placed opposite each chair and at a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the table. The pie plate is placed to the left of the snack bar. The table should only contain necessary devices, you shouldn’t overload it with extra dishes, firstly, it spoils general form, and secondly, it creates certain inconvenience for guests.

To make it easier to seat a large number of guests, you can make cards in advance with the names of all those present and place them near the glasses.

The distance between the chairs should be approximately 50 cm, this will ensure a comfortable time at the table.

Despite all the complexity that seems at first glance, setting the table with your own hands will be successful if you put maximum effort and patience into this work, show maximum ingenuity and imagination, and, of course, bring a piece of your soul into it. Then any event will go off with a bang and will be appreciated.

Before setting the table, you should inspect the dishes and cutlery, paying attention to the quality of washing, defects, etc. If the inspection reveals, for example, a crack in the plate, a chip in the glass, a broken tine of a fork, or insufficiently washed cutlery, knives are dull, they should be replaced immediately or reprocessed.

Before setting tables, it is necessary to warm up with a handbrake and polish dishes and cutlery, glass or crystal.

You should know the cleaning techniques:

Yes, when wiping glasses The stem of the glass is taken with the left hand, wrapped with part of the towel, and with the help of the rest of the towel, the glass is wiped inside and out with the right hand.

When using this technique, great care must be taken not to break the glass.

Sparkling wine glass requires special attention, as it is difficult to penetrate its pointed bottom. Therefore, first carefully insert one end of the towel into the glass, and then the rest of it. Do not blow on glassware or use used napkins for cleaning.

At wiping the plates they are grasped with the left hand by the end of the towel, the rest of the towel is grasped with the right hand and the plate is wiped, turning it.

Cleaning forks, spoons and knives carried out alternately. One end of the towel in left hand take several forks, and with the rest of the towel in your right hand, wipe each utensil separately.

Preparing spices and seasonings

Serious attention should be paid to the preparation of tableware items, which include salt shakers, pepper shakers, mustard pots, bottles for vinegar, sunflower or olive oil, as well as an ashtray.

Salt shaker should be made of crystal or ordinary glass, but with edges made of stainless metal. It needs to be cleaned daily. Don't put too much salt in the salt shaker.

Since fine table salt is easily moistened, it is mixed with table salt, the so-called dry salt. For this purpose, you can also put a few grains of rice in the salt shaker.

In cases where open salt shakers are used, they must be filled every day, but before that they must be washed and dried as thoroughly as possible. The surface of the salt is leveled, and the edges of the salt shaker are wiped with a towel.

Pepper shaker fill only half with dry pepper. The holes in its lid should be as small as possible. Open containers for black pepper are not used because it quickly evaporates.

Mustard requires special care. To prevent it from getting dirty on the outside, do not overfill it. To prevent the mustard from drying out, add a few drops of milk.

It is better to have spare cutlery set to replace all those that have become unusable.

Often get dirty and require replacement ashtrays. They should be cleaned with a special cloth after each use. You should not clean the ashtray in the presence of guests - it must be replaced with a clean one in a timely manner.

Seasoning Bottles (sunflower oil, vinegar, etc.) can be kept in limited quantities and serve as needed. Bottles are not filled to the top.

To distinguish vinegar from other liquids, add a few drops of red wine.

Cloudiness of sunflower oil can be eliminated by adding a little salt to it on the tip of a knife.

When setting tables, they always put salt and pepper on them.

Horseradish served with fish dishes - boiled, jellied, meat aspic, cold boiled meat and other dishes.

Mustard, if there is no meat dishes, are not placed on the table and are served upon request on a plate or small tray (when serving a meat dish, mustard mustard is required). It is better not to buy ready-made mustard, but to prepare it yourself.

Serving is the final stage of table preparation

It is important to provide at least 80 cm of table length for everyone present at the table.

Before serving, tables are covered with tablecloths. For this purpose certain techniques. First, a folded tablecloth is placed on each table. Having unfolded it on the table and taking the edges of one of the sides with both hands, they lift the tablecloth and then sharply lower their hands down, as if shaking it. Air bag formed between the table and the unfolded tablecloth, makes it possible to move it in any direction and carefully place it in the desired position so that its central fold coincides with the center of the table. The perpendicular fold should also run down the middle of the table.

When setting a table with a tablecloth, do not wrinkle it, pull it by the corners or pinch it with your fingers. The corners of the tablecloth should fall against the table legs, covering them. The descent of the tablecloth on all sides of the table should be the same - no less than 25 cm and not lower than the seat of the chair; A smaller descent of the tablecloth gives the table an unsightly appearance, and a larger one is inconvenient for those sitting.

If a rectangular table needs to be covered two tablecloths, then the first of them is laid on the side opposite from the main entrance to the hall or the main passage in it. On the second, upper tablecloth, the edge is turned inward so that a straight, even line is formed. Utility tables and sideboards are also carefully covered with tablecloths or napkins.

If you need it during a meal change the tablecloth, this should be done as quickly and almost imperceptibly as possible. Having brought a clean tablecloth, you need to move the dishes to the utility table. Then, taking the edges of a clean tablecloth and at the same time lifting the edges of the soiled one, quickly replace it. In this case, the table cover should not be exposed.

When setting the table, a certain order is followed:

- first put earthenware or porcelain dishes,

- then place the devices

- and after that they put crystal or glass.

Glasses, wine glasses, shot glasses, when placed on the table, are held by the stem.

Table settings vary depending on the nature of the meal:

- breakfast,

— or evening service to guests.

Example full table setting for evening service:

For breakfast A vase with paper napkins (or linen ones), a pie plate are placed on the table, and a knife and fork and a teaspoon are served. The pie plate is placed to the left of the place where the dinner or snack plate should be. The fork is placed on the left, horns up, the knife is placed on the right, with the blade to the left of the place intended for a dinner or snack plate. A teaspoon is placed behind it. Snack plates are not placed on the table, because breakfast dishes are served already placed on appropriate plates (they need to be served if the appetizer or breakfast dish is served in a salad bowl or ram, etc., since it is not customary to eat from such dishes).

For quick service during the day at lunch a placeholder plate is placed on the table and a snack bar on it, to the left of it is a pie plate, between them is a dinner fork, and to the right of the plate is a table knife and a spoon (table or dessert); The wine glass is placed in front, behind the table knife. There should also be a vase with paper napkins or linen napkins on the table, which are placed on snack plates and spices.

The distance from the edge of the table to the handles of the cutlery and the snack plate is 2 cm, and to the pie plate - 5 cm.

Snack or dinner plates are placed only when dishes are served in dishes from which it is not customary to eat.

During such a meal, it is allowed to use oilcloth on the table instead of a tablecloth or cover the tablecloth with film.

When setting the table for a leisurely lunch or dinner Place a snack plate exactly opposite the chair at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table, and to the left, 5-10 cm, a pie plate.

Between them, place a snack fork and a dinner fork, tines up, and to the right of the snack plate - two knives: a table knife and a dinner fork with the blade facing the plate. A wine glass is placed behind the appetizer plate to the right; Place a folded napkin on the plate.

Place salt and pepper in the middle of the table.

A vase of flowers is also placed in the center of the table. If the table is set for four people, place an ashtray on the corner or on the side facing the aisle.

When serving dishes, the serving is supplemented depending on the nature of the dishes.

An indispensable detail when setting the table - linen napkins.

Depending on the nature of the meal, they are folded different ways, keeping in mind that the napkin can be easily unfolded to wipe your lips or place it on your lap.

Also taken into account and hygiene rules: The less finger touches on the napkin, the better.

If a snack plate is not placed on the table when serving, then in its place place a starched linen napkin (no paper ones are placed) folded in four.

For lunch as well festive dinner For a banquet, napkins are often folded in the shape of conical caps: first, fold the napkin in half, and then tuck its lower end, giving it the shape of a cap.

Using tableware for serving

To serve bread, toast, baked goods:

— for individual service — pie plates (diameter 175 mm);

— for a group — bread bins, small table plates (240 mm in diameter).

In the absence of special bread vases, bread can be placed on a snack plate for home meals or during buffets and receptions.

To serve cold appetizers:

snack plates (200 mm in diameter) - they are also used as stands for salad bowls, etc.;

square salad bowls (sizes 240, 360, 480 and 720 ml) - for salads, pickles, marinades, mushrooms, etc. - from 1 to 6 servings;

trays, herring bowls 250 and 300 mm long, narrow - 100, 150 mm - for serving fish gastronomy, salmon, stellate sturgeon or sturgeon, natural or with a side dish, herring, sprat, sardines, saury, etc.;

oval dishes (350 - 400 mm long) - for appetizers from fish and meat gastronomy, banquet dishes (jellied sturgeon, pike perch, etc.);

round dishes (300 and 350 mm in diameter) - for meat and vegetable snacks, canapés and banquet dishes; turkeys, lamb saddles, etc.;

vases (diameter 240 mm) on a low leg - for signature salad (for at least 2 - 3 servings), as well as for fresh tomatoes, cucumbers or radish salads, romaine lettuce, etc.;

gravy boats (capacity 100, 200 and 400 ml) - for cold sauces or sour cream from 1 to 6 servings.

When serving, appetizer plates are pre-placed on dining table, other types of dishes are used to bring snacks to the table.

To serve first courses:

broth cups (300 ml capacity) with saucers - for broths, puree soups, as well as for soups with finely chopped meat or chicken and other products;

deep dinner plates (capacity 500 ml, diameter 240 mm) - for serving soups in full portions; small table plates are necessarily used as substitutes for them;

deep plates for serving soups in half portions (300 ml capacity) - for soups; snack plates are used as substitutes;

soup bowls with lids for 4, 6, 8, 10 servings - used when serving family dinners (in Lately Also widely used is a clay pot for special dishes, which is served with a deep wooden spoon and placed on a placeholder plate).

To serve second courses:

small dinner plates (240 mm in diameter) - for fish, meat, poultry, game, etc.;

round dishes (diameter 500 mm) - for poultry, game dishes, vegetable dishes, cauliflower, chicken cutlets and etc.; In these dishes, the food is brought and laid out on plates, which are used to set the table before serving the main courses.

To serve dessert (sweet dishes):

small dessert plates (200 mm in diameter) - for pudding, Guryev porridge, soufflé, etc.;

deep dessert plates (200 mm in diameter) - for strawberries with cream and other sweet dishes.

To serve hot drinks:

tea cups (capacity 200, 250 ml) with saucers - for tea, coffee with milk, cocoa;

tea saucers (diameter 185 mm) for glasses;

teapots for tea leaves (capacity 250, 400 and 600 ml) - for serving;

kettles for top-up boiling water (capacity 1200-1600 ml) - for serving;

bowls (250 and 350 ml capacity) - for green tea;

coffee pots (800 ml capacity) and black coffee pots for 1, 4 and 6 servings (100 ml capacity per serving);

cups (100 ml capacity) with saucers - for black coffee, oriental coffee or chocolate (liquid) and express coffee;

milk jugs (200 ml capacity) - for milk for coffee or tea;

creamers (capacity 25, 50 and 100 ml) for 1, 2 and 4 servings;

vases - for jam, sugar;

sockets (diameter 90 mm) - for jam, honey, preserves, lemon and sugar.

To serve facts and confections:

small dessert plates (200 mm in diameter) - for apples, pears, grapes, watermelon, etc. (they differ from snack bars in their design depicting fruits; if they are not available, snack plates are served);

vases with a flat surface on a low leg (diameter 300 mm) - for pastries and round cakes;

pie plates - for serving confectionery.

Depending on the need, an appropriate number of pie, deep, small table, dessert, and snack plates is provided.

Good luck and bon appetit!

A pleasant addition to preparing for welcoming guests will be proper serving table.

Of course, you can simplify it a little strict rules which are followed when setting tables at official receptions or in fashionable restaurants, but certain generally accepted canons Still, it will need to be observed at home.

1. They start setting the table from the tablecloth. A linen tablecloth in pastel colors is best suited. The length of the tablecloth should not be short, but not too long. Optimal size so that the height of the tablecloth hangs 25 cm on all sides of the table.

2. The table setting set must be selected according to the menu of the festive feast. All items from the serving set must be identical. They should definitely be washed again. warm water, even if they were clean, and wipe dry with a towel.

3. Decorative serving plate will serve as a serving center for one guest.

4. Devices must be placed so that they cannot be did not fall under the rim of a large plate. This will create inconvenience for guests.

5. According to the rule: each drink has its own glass, you need to serve drinking vessels such as drinks for which are provided in the menu. Glasses are placed on top to the right of the serving plate.

Correct location table setting items

6. Every guest must have it on their plate. there should be a napkin. The napkin must be folded beautifully, but it must not be wrinkled.

7. The highlight of the holiday table should be decor. These can be fresh flowers, original compositions, selected in style for the occasion of the celebration. The main rule for decorating a table is that there should not be too much of it, and it should not interfere, but complement the festive table.

8. All dishes on the table must be placed so that it was convenient for every guest to get every treat. Salt, pepper, bread are placed in several places at once. Appetizers alternate: vegetable, meat, fish. All salads must have spoons. The most important dish is place of honor in the middle of the table. It is advisable that all dishes are already cut into portions before serving.

These rules will be enough to give the festive table an elegant and attractive appearance, at the same time delighting its guests with its subtle aesthetics.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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