Rarely seen garden plot, on which there would be no flowers. Man does not live only by his “daily bread.” Human soul asks for beauty, as they said in ancient Rome, “spectacle”. And what could be more beautiful and perfect - nature and its creations - flowers? We give them to those we love. They calm us down when we feel bad and lonely. Their exciting aroma excites the imagination, drawing pictures of the Garden of Eden.

The rose is rightfully considered the queen of all flowers. There are few people indifferent to its beauty and aroma. Therefore, even an inveterate “realist gardener” tries to find a place for such a beauty on his plot.

But so that the rose pleases us abundant flowering, you must act like the Little Prince from A. Exupery’s fairy tale - love and water your rose, that is, take proper care of it. And for this you need to know the rules of care and watering. So let's talk about this, namely, about watering roses.

Rose is a moisture-loving plant. But its need for water depends on its growth phase.
and time of year.

Dependence of watering on the growth phase.
The time of the most abundant watering of roses is the time when the plant is actively growing. That is, when
- the buds begin to bloom,
- the first leaves and shoots appear,
- after the rose blooms for the first time.

These are all periods of the most active growth of the rose. And during moments of growth, any living organism requires increased nutrition and feeding. And, just as in humans, hemoglobin transports oxygen to human cellular tissues, so water in a plant delivers the necessary nutrients to the roots. That is, if there is no water, then no matter how much you feed the rose, everything will be to no avail.

And, of course, without moisture itself there will be no growth. Without watering, the plant will not develop. At the same time, if you think that summer is rainy and you don’t need to water, then this is not so. Rain waters only superficially, but spot watering is needed.

Dependence of watering on the time of year.
In autumn, roses require less moisture than in summer. This is explained by abundant watering leads to stimulation of the growth of shoots that do not have time to get stronger by winter. As a result, the shoots die in winter. This means that if autumn is rainy, then watering can be stopped completely. If autumn is dry, then you still need to water the roses with a small amount of water, maybe once every seven days. Make sure that when frost sets in, the soil is kept moist at all times.

One of the secrets of watering roses is that winter watering is important for them. This watering can be called one of the stages of preparing the rose for wintering. That is, it is necessary to pour at least three buckets of water under each bush before the onset of frost.

Rules for watering roses
For watering to be effective, you need to follow certain rules.
1. Create an earthen roller around each bush. This way we will ensure that the water flows to the roots and does not spread over the surface.
2. Water for irrigation must settle and warm up. To do this, first fill different containers with water in which it will settle and warm up. From cold water the flowers will get sick.
3. You need to water once every seven days. If the weather is hot, you can switch to watering twice a week.
4. There should be a lot of water. One bush of ground cover roses requires at least a bucket of water, and one and a half buckets of climbing roses.
5. Make sure that an earthen crust does not form after watering. It does not allow the roots of the plant to breathe. Therefore, constantly loosen the soil after watering. To save yourself from this time-consuming operation, you can mulch the soil under each bush, then upper layer will remain loose. Mulch is a variety of organic residues. They can be: leaf humus, peat, chopped straw, tree bark.
6. Do not water flowers during the day. Droplets of water remaining on the leaves can concentrate light and thereby cause a burn to the plant.
7. Do not water flowers late in the evening. Because then they will spend the night without drying out. And the consequence of this may be fungal diseases roses

And finally, two more tips:
- It is convenient to water roses from a watering can. You just need to remove the sprinkler first. And water right under the bush, precisely.
- do not water roses with a hose. In this case, a strong cold jet can damage the flower. Well, besides, the rose does not need watering from above. Because droplets of water remain on the leaves, and on a sunny day they lead to burns.

In general, care for, love and water your roses. And then they will answer you with fabulous colors and exciting aroma.

The queens of the garden are roses, gracefully enveloping them, like the embrace of a beloved girl, a gazebo, or with slender bushes sticking out in the middle of a flower garden, decorating it lush buds And bright colors can be seen more and more often in garden plots. Only avid gardeners, who strive to plant every piece of their plot with something edible, avoid meeting these beauties, perhaps because, having planted a rose bush on the plot, you can forget about tomatoes and cucumbers forever?
Whether this is true or not, roses have conquered the planet, everyone loves to give them, many people love to grow them, but, alas, only a few know how to grow them correctly. We will eventually understand many of the intricacies of rose agricultural technology, but for now let’s talk about watering, because, as you know, even in rainy weather, which is what summer is now like, you should not avoid watering roses.
As you know (but, alas, not everyone) the rose is one of (and perhaps the most) moisture-loving plants in the garden. Watering this wonderful flower should be plentiful. Of course, roses experience the greatest need for moisture at the very beginning of the season, when leaves are growing, buds are forming, and buds are blooming. The second period, when plants urgently need moisture, is the flowering period, and the third stage, when flowering has already passed and young shoots begin active growth.
It is extremely simple to explain such a randomized moisture requirement - the growth period is the period of consumption nutrients V large quantities. Plants can pull these substances out of the soil only if they are dissolved in water; the more of the latter, the more active the nutrition will be, hence the active growth of the crop.
In order to provide roses with adequate nutrition, and not with what is left in the soil from the predecessor, which is depleted year after year, roses must be provided with fertilizing. Anything will do here, like organic fertilizers, and complex mineral ones.
Even in rain, which can fall daily, roses must be watered, of course, in this case it should not be as frequent as, for example, during a drought. To ensure that irrigation moisture does not spread throughout the entire area, but gets to the root system, it is necessary to carry out small but very important agrotechnical measures. Proper watering of roses will only be correct if the edges of the bed where the roses grow are raised and a small earthen roll is built around the bushes.
Proper watering of roses (as well as other flower crops) requires the use of settled water, which is heated during the day sun rays. Cold water from a hose or, even worse, cold water from a well can, when watered in hot weather, put plants in a state of shock, which is very dangerous, when growth can completely stop and buds can be dropped.
If it is drizzling outside the window, then the roses should be watered no more than once a week, but at least half a bucket of water should be poured out, and in dry weather, watering should be doubled while increasing the amount of irrigation water. Climbing roses are even more water-loving, apparently due to larger area foliage, under each bush climbing rose It is necessary to pour out at least a bucket of water in wet weather and at least one and a half buckets in dry weather.
It is most convenient to water from a regular watering can, but the sprinkler nozzle must be removed. This way you will provide watering directly under the bush, without irrigating the foliage; roses really don’t like this.
You should not install sprinklers in areas where roses grow; in hot weather, water falling on the leaves can cause severe burns to the surface tissues. IN best case scenario this will have a negative impact on appearance plants, and at worst, can cause disease.
Contrary to many beliefs, never water roses late in the evening; water is not available. sunlight will not have time to evaporate and the remaining on the surface of the leaves will become great place for the propagation of fungal diseases.
Don’t be lazy, after watering, be sure to loosen the soil under the bushes, this will prevent it from forming a rather dense earthen crust, which prevents air exchange in the soil. If you don’t have any time at all and you can’t periodically loosen the soil, then loosening can be replaced by mulching the top layer of soil. Peat, straw, tree bark, rotted manure or leaf humus are ideal as mulch for roses.
In the second half of summer, when autumn is already knocking on the doorstep, drumming slanting rains on the glass, the need for watering for roses is reduced. Now watering needs to be minimized, because active consumption of nutrients can cause a new wave of shoot growth, and they, young and unripe, will certainly freeze in the winter.
If autumn is full of rainy weather, then watering can be completely stopped already in September, but if all the moisture has poured out in the summer and autumn pleases with fine and warm days, then watering must be continued, irrigating the soil once every 8-10 days, pouring no more than 2 under each bush. 3 liters of water. It is very good if the soil stays moist in winter.
N. Khromov,
Ph.D. biol. Sciences

I have a small rose garden, still very young, but already experiencing its first losses. Last summer, one bush simply dried out, although I watered it along with everyone else. Tell me how to properly water roses in hot weather?

Almost every gardener has at least one rose bush in his flowerbed, and their lovers plant whole beautiful plants. The main advantage of the queen of flowers is beautiful inflorescences various colors and types. In order for roses to delight with their blooms, they need proper care.

One of the main factors influencing the formation of inflorescences and their further development is proper watering of the bushes, especially in hot weather. Lack of moisture has a detrimental effect on roses. The buds first wither, and with a long “water diet” the inflorescences become smaller over time.

To provide roses with optimal hydration, it is worth considering some points that affect its quality:

  • composition of the soil on which roses grow;
  • age and size of bushes;
  • abundance and frequency of watering;
  • watering time;
  • watering method.

Soil composition

When watering, you need to consider the type of soil the roses are grown in and how well it holds moisture. So, if the soil is sandy, then the water will quickly evaporate from it, and the plant will need to be watered more often. On clay soils, moisture will stay longer and watering in this case will be less frequent.

In heavy clay soils it is necessary to add compost, preferably before planting the bush.

Age and size of rose bushes

Roses need a certain amount of water depending on whether they are young or mature plant. Newly planted bushes do not yet have a sufficiently strong, formed root system, so they require more moisture. A sufficient amount of water is especially important during the establishment period (the first 6 months).

In old mature bushes, especially large sizes, the roots are already growing deeper and going to the sides. This means they also require more moisture.

Abundance and frequency of watering

One adult rose bush requires at least 15 liters of water during the period when leaves appear, as well as after the first flowering. The soil should be well moistened to a depth of 30 cm. Under normal conditions weather conditions It is enough to do this once a week. As for how to water roses in hot summer weather, in such conditions the plants need more moisture and attention should be paid to them every 2-3 days.

To prevent moisture from evaporating quickly, it is advisable to mulch the bushes with horse manure. should be changed every spring.

Watering time

The most favorable time for watering is early morning. If you do this at lunchtime, when the sun is at its peak, you can cause burns on the leaves. Evening time also not suitable, since then mold appears on wet leaves.

Watering method

For irrigation use settled rainwater and a watering can, from which the liquid comes out in several streams (like from a shower). If you pour in one stream, it will quickly erode the soil around the bush and can expose the roots.

Basic rules for watering roses - video

What garden plot is complete without magnificent rose bushes? They are wonderful decoration garden, and delight with their bright buds with early spring and until autumn. But for all this beauty to truly evoke admiration, rose bushes need proper and regular watering.

The fact is that roses are very moisture-loving plants, but they have different periods of their development, when they need more or less water, and therefore it is very important to follow this rule and water the plants according to their requirements.

For example, in the first half of summer a lot of water is required, but by autumn, if watering is not reduced, young shoots will develop that will freeze in winter, so watering must be stopped altogether. Before the first frost, the soil must be thoroughly moistened (at least 30 liters per bush) and hilled, otherwise the rose will not survive the winter well.

How often to water garden roses in summer?

As already mentioned, roses love water, but surface watering is not enough to water one plant. Powerful root system It lies quite deep and needs plenty of intensive moisture.

Bush forms of roses, including roses, require slightly less water - 5-10 liters per bush, but large climbing varieties require from 10 to 15 liters.

So that when watering the water is absorbed exactly where it was intended and does not spread, it is necessary to make a kind of earthen rampart around the trunk of the plant, and the bush itself will be located in a small funnel. Arrange in a similar way tree trunk circles fruit trees, only for roses their diameter is much smaller.

In dry summers, you need to water roses often in the heat, since the soil dries out very quickly and the roots do not have time to absorb moisture. This should be done at least twice a week, because a slight wetting of the top layer of soil will not produce results.

But if the summer turns out to be humid and rainy, then one watering a week will be enough. It is wrong to think that if it rains, the plant does not need watering. After all, as a rule, rain wets only 5-10 centimeters of soil, and the root system remains dry.

What to water roses with?

For watering rose bushes, a regular watering can without a sprayer or a bucket is best. But it is extremely undesirable to water plants with a hose, because tap water cold enough and plants will not develop well when watered with it. It’s good when there is a tank or barrel on the site where the water can settle and warm up before watering - this way it acquires a suitable temperature and is freed from harmful chlorine.

Those who prefer the sprinkling method to moisturize their plantings should know that it is better to do this in the early morning hours, because in the heat of the day, water under the scorching rays of the sun will leave burns on the leaves. And if overhead watering is carried out late in the evening, then at night, with a natural drop in temperature due to moisture, fungal diseases can develop.

There are forms of rose bushes that are planted in pots and tubs to decorate a garden or gazebo. They can be as large as garden forms, and miniature ones, which decorate window sills and terraces.

Be that as it may, roses that don't grow in open ground, also need moist soil, which means regular watering. The soil should not be wet at all times, but moist. It is very good if a rose grows in clay pot, which retains moisture well, preventing the roots from drying out, as happens with plastic containers.

Not everyone knows that you need to water a domestic (Chinese) rose in the same way as a miniature one - often and abundantly. As a rule, such a plant is grown in large containers, which means that at least 5 liters of water will be required for watering. To prevent root rotting, indoor roses good drainage is needed. These plants respond well to spraying on the leaves, but not in direct sunlight.

The centerpiece of almost every garden is the rose, known as the queen of flowers. The flower earned this title not only for its elegant beauty, but also for its special care requirements. In order for roses to bloom, delighting the owner and causing admiration for others, they should be watered correctly. The secret of caring for them lies in watering roses.

When planting a rose in your garden, remember the Little Prince, the hero of the fairy tale by A. de Saint-Exupéry, who was able to see the soul of the flower, fall in love with it and become its true friend, despite all the fastidiousness of the rose.

As for the secrets proper watering, there are several of them. First, you need to remember that roses love moisture, but the intensity of watering the flower depends on the phase of its growth and the time of year. These parameters are closely related. Without taking into account at least one of them, the result may not be achieved. Then the flower will disappear, but the withering process will be prolonged.

Accordingly, the rules of watering must be studied and remembered. They do not require unusual or complex actions, but only strictly follow the timing.

Watering and growth phases of roses

The flower requires abundant watering during the growing season. This period includes several stages of rose development:

The appearance of the first leaves and shoots;

Bud opening;

After the first rose bloom.

These stages are accompanied by an intensive growth process. Accordingly, a rose, like any other flower that grows, requires intensive care. It is based on fertilizing and watering, which bring the flower the nutrition it needs for growth. From the fertilizer, substances enter the soil, and water delivers them to the flower itself (water is absorbed by the roots along with nutrients).

Even in case of rainy weather, the rose must be watered during the growing period. Surface watering The rain that comes from it does not replenish the plant's need for water. This can only be achieved through spot irrigation.

Watering roses according to the seasons

Abundant watering occurs in the summer. By autumn it is reduced. If autumn is rainy, additional watering can be stopped. If it is dry, then it is enough to water the rose once a week. Intense autumn watering will cause the flower to grow. The rose will send out young shoots, but they simply will not have time to grow stronger in the winter and will die in the frost.

Another secret of watering lies in moist soil during the frost period, which is very important for the flower. Watering is considered one of the stages of preparing a rose for winter. Before the onset of cold weather, 3 buckets of water should be poured under each rose bush, a little more is possible (reducing the volume is not recommended).

Rules for watering roses

1. Each rose bush at the bottom should have a small cushion of poured earth. He will provide direct hit water to the roots of the plant, preventing it from spilling around and going aimlessly into the ground.

2. You cannot water flowers with freshly drawn tap water. The pre-drawn water must settle. During this time, it will warm up and heavy substances will settle. Such watering will be nutritious and not harmful. Few people know that cold water provokes diseases in roses.

3. Watering is carried out every seven days. Only in extreme heat is it allowed to increase it to twice a week.

4. Watering must be plentiful. For ordinary roses (ground cover) a bucket of water is enough, but for climbing roses you will need one and a half.

5. After watering, the soil must be checked. The formation of a crust on the surface of the earth should not be allowed. Then the soil stops breathing and does not allow the roots of the plant to do so. To prevent this from happening, the soil needs to be loosened a little after watering. In order not to repeat the operation after each watering, you can mulch it. Any organic residues are used in this capacity. This can be chopped straw, peat, tree bark or leaf humus.

6. Water better evening. During the day, after watering, droplets of water may remain on the leaves. They will provoke a concentration of light, and the leaf will get burned.

8. Last advice There will be a way to water roses: remove the sprinkler from the watering can, which will allow you to pour water directly under the bush itself. Such watering will be targeted and most effective.
You can use a hose, but the strong stream of cold water that comes out of it can damage the plant. And watering from above is undesirable for the flower.

By caring for a rose with love, the owner will receive excellent flowers that delight with their aroma and appearance.

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