Autumn for gardeners is not only the time to harvest, but also the time to clean the area from excess branches, twigs and trees that have served their time. Trees, as you know, come in different heights and widths.

Chainsaw - faithful assistant farmer! Therefore, today we’ll talk about how to properly cut down trees using chainsaws. Let's look at the techniques and safety rules when felling and sawing large and small trees using a chainsaw.

  • Techniques for felling and sawing wood

    So, let's figure out how to properly cut down a tree with a chainsaw?

    Preparatory work

    Before starting to work with wood, it is necessary to evaluate all working factors:

    1. Is the tree standing straight or tilted?
    2. We determine in which direction the tree needs to be felled;
    3. Clearing working space(remove extra items, we cut down protruding shoots, twigs, bushes, etc.);
    4. We prepare the tree itself: we remove root burrs, branches and twigs located below shoulder level.

    Tip: To properly fell a tree, you need to pick up an ax and place it parallel to the tree at arm's length. Now move in this position towards the fall until the tree visually becomes the size of your ax. Now you are standing in the place where the top will lie. If there are no obstacles on your way, then the choice of side of the dump is correct. And, if there were obstacles, try to eliminate them, or choose a different angle of incidence.

    How to cut down trees with a chainsaw

    It must be said that the technique for felling large and small trees is somewhat different.

    In principle, this instruction is standard for all situations. Looking at this picture, you can easily cut down any tree, but there are always nuances, which we will discuss below

    Since the situation is a little simpler with small trees, we’ll start with them.

    Now, as for sawing sawn wood, there are also nuances here. 1 - cutting the trunk from above is not correct, the saw will simply jam; 2 - so we start sawing the cut tree from below

    Tip: Try not to touch the ground with the saw chain - this will cause it to become dull too quickly.

    Now, let's talk about big trees, with a diameter of 50 cm or more.

    Trunk big tree should serve as your support. After choosing the direction of fall, let's start cutting:

    There is another way: cut through the tree, then move the chainsaw in the opposite direction from the log house to the left to the middle. Then, there will be an underdrink on the side. Then insert a wedge at the end of the second cut and finish the wood with reverse side.

    Training video on how to properly operate a chainsaw

    Sawing branches and trunk

    Sawing branches

    We begin to cut down the branches from the bottom of the lying tree. First we make a cut at the bottom, then finish it at the top. Large branches should be cut not at the very base, but a little further. And then, we will remove the knot separately.

    Sawing the trunk

    The trunk must be sawed as follows:

    1. use a chainsaw to cut half of the trunk from the top;
    2. Without removing the saw, insert the wedge and drive it in well with a hatchet (this way you will avoid clamping the saw between the halves of the trunk);
    3. finish it to the end.

    If the chainsaw bar is still stuck in the trunk, you should not try to pull it out. Stop the motor and push the barrel on both sides of the cut from the bottom until the saw comes out.

    About safety rules

    Both an experienced farmer and, especially, a beginner need to know the rules safe work when cutting down trees.

    Let us outline the main points of safe felling and sawing of wood:

    1. When working in the garden (forest), and even with a gasoline-powered saw, smoking is strictly prohibited. Dry trees + gasoline can save you from the need to cut anything, because there will be nothing left to cut - just a pile of ash!
    2. Before work, make sure that no one or nothing will disturb you. It’s like in war – there shouldn’t be any women, children or animals!
    3. Hold the tool firmly with both hands. If you drop a chainsaw, you can be left not only without a tree, but also without limbs!
    4. Do not cut wood vertically with the edge of the saw; a “kickback effect” may occur and the tool will be thrown directly at you.
    5. Wear work gloves and clothing and protect your face from splinters and dust. To make it easier to work, wear special soundproof headphones, otherwise the buzzing of the chainsaw will be remembered for a long time.
    6. Use the tree trunk as a shield and start cutting from the back side.
    7. Study well technical points and make a work plan for yourself. Don't be overconfident, even if you have a lot of experience. After all, according to statistics, it is experienced lumberjacks who are injured more often.
  • Owners summer cottages or private houses are familiar with the situation when it is necessary to cut down a tree. Here it will come to the rescue, unlike its brothers: an ax and an ordinary hand saw, it will cope with this task faster, and most importantly, the operator will not have to make a lot of effort.

    The main reasons for getting rid of a tree:

    • The tree is already old;
    • The tree is infected with “worms” or has simply already dried out;
    • The tree tilted and there was a danger of falling;
    • Territorial issue.

    Before you remove a tree, you need to prepare for it. First, check the area around. Will the plant be able to damage something by falling? Based on this, we choose the place of fall.

    The next step is to check the tree itself: are there any long branches, possibly dry, it is better to cut them off. They pose a danger to the sawer during felling.

    After checking the tree, we move on to the tool. The saw and ax must be well sharpened, the chainsaw must have a well-sharpened chain, and the blade must be tensioned. And the last factor is weather conditions. Pay attention to the wind, as it can change the trajectory of the fall; calculate the angle of incidence taking into account weather conditions.

    Safety precautions when working with a chainsaw

    Separately, it is worth stopping at the chainsaw. It is most often used for cutting down trees and working with it requires special attention.

    1. First of all you will need . You should wear glasses and gloves at all times, this will protect against splinters and damage to your hands. Also wear a hard hat.
    2. The chainsaw must be held with both hands and all fingers wrapped around the handle. You cannot change your body position; your back should always be straight. If you need to bend down, bend your knees.
    3. It is forbidden to move with a moving chain - it is unsafe.
    4. Refilling of the tool is not less than important process. You cannot refuel a still hot engine; you need to wait until it cools down. Gasoline should not come into contact with the saw set and chain.
    5. It is important to remember that for the chainsaw to function correctly and properly, you need to carry out proper running-in. often written in the instructions.

    What chainsaws to use

    You need to choose a chainsaw or electric chain saw based on the tasks you will perform. For purposes such as cutting down a tree, you need to pay attention to the power and duration of operation. Based on these characteristics, the following types of chainsaws are distinguished:

    • Household chainsaw. It has a low power of 1.5 to 2 kW and is not designed for long-term operation. It is recommended to use it for up to 40 minutes without breaks. This is compensated by its low weight and low cost. Suitable for preparing firewood;
    • Semi-professional chainsaw. More powerful and “hardier” than household ones. The power of the tool varies from 2 to 2.5 kW, and can work continuously for up to 8 hours. Its weight and dimensions are smaller than those of a professional one. Used for felling small trees and simple construction work;
    • Professional chainsaw. The largest and heaviest chainsaws. All this is compensated by their power. The engine power can reach 9 kW, and the duration of continuous operation is 16 hours. The body is made of shock-resistant materials, which also affected their weight. All professional tools are balanced to make working with them easier. Such saws are used in industry and difficult conditions;
    • Chainsaws for working with one hand. In terms of their characteristics, they do not differ from professional ones, the difference is in materials and dimensions. Such a saw will not be as impact resistant and will be smaller in size. It is suitable for high-altitude work, for example, trimming branches on a tree. The cost of these saws is an order of magnitude higher than conventional ones.

    They belong to a separate class. They are powered from an outlet and are most often found with a power of 2 kW. Electric saws are not suitable for continuous tree felling, long construction work or working in difficult conditions. Good choice They will be suitable for summer residents and gardeners; they can cope with any household tasks and are suitable for occasional tree cutting. Additionally, you can learn about electric saws. When compared to chainsaws, electric saws have a number of advantages. They are environmentally friendly, unlike gasoline analogues, and easier to use. The main disadvantage is the constant need for food, as mentioned above, for use on your site this will not be a problem.

    Regardless of the type of saw, the chain should always be sharpened. This will speed up the process and prevent damage to the tire. Every instrument owner must know.

    When choosing a chainsaw, you need to consider the diameter of the tree trunk. The thicker the trunk, the longer the tire needed:

    • For trees with a trunk diameter of 30 centimeters, you need a chainsaw with a long bar of more than 35 centimeters;
    • If the thickness is from 30 to 60 centimeters, you will need chainsaws with a long bar from 35 to 60 centimeters;
    • If the trunk thickness is more than 60 centimeters, you need a professional saw and a tire more than 60 centimeters.

    Felling a tree step by step

    Now you can begin the actual felling of trees. Based on the thickness of the trunk, use different techniques their rolls, let's look at them.

    Felling trees up to 20 centimeters in diameter

    In order to cut down such trees, one cut will be required.

    • An incision is made where the tree is inclined; the length of the cut is half the diameter of the trunk;
    • Now we make the same cut, but on the other side and at the same level (the level should be at the height of your shoulders);
    • The tree should begin to swing, after which we use our hands to tip it in the direction we need.
    • We cut down the remains of the trunk.

    After the tree is felled, the trunk is first cleared of branches. After this, they clear it of knots and saw it starting from the top. If everything is done in correct sequence- the chance that the chain will jam is reduced to a minimum.

    Felling trees with a diameter greater than 20 centimeters

    The main difference between felling trees with a diameter of more than 20 centimeters is that there are several cuts. One cut will lead to jamming of the saw and, as a result, damage to it. With this approach, it is impossible to control where the tree falls. You should begin removing the plant according to the following instructions:

    • We select the height of our cut and make a mark;
    • At this mark we make a small cut, which will be at 45 degrees to the tree trunk. Please note that first you need to select the side where the tree fell and make the cut from this side;

    The depth of the cut is determined based on the diameter of the trunk. It is equal to a quarter of the diameter. The latter is determined as follows: at chest level (1.3 meters from the ground), measure the circumference of the trunk and divide by Pi (3.14). For example, the circumference of the trunk is 120 centimeters, then its diameter will be 120/3.14 = 38 cm. The depth of the cut is 38/4 = 9.5 cm.

    • On the same side we make another cut, it will be horizontal. The distance from the first cut varies from 25 to 40 centimeters. This optimal distance to avoid premature tree fall and facilitate its removal;
    • Now we pull out this piece of wood and a segment similar to an ax comes out;
    • We cut the tree on the other side. This cut will be parallel to the previous one. We cut without reaching the cut. Leave a distance equal to 10% of the trunk diameter. If we take the example above, we need to leave about 4 centimeters. The tree may begin to crack or wobble, then you need to stop and not cut further.
    • A felling blade or wedge is inserted into the resulting hole.
    • Using a wedge or our hands, we push the tree towards our cut segment.

    How to cut down a leaning tree

    A tree is considered tilted if it deviates from the vertical by more than 7 degrees. First you need to find the height of the tree, this is done as follows:

    Now knowing the height of the tree, we find the angle of deviation:

    The angle of inclination is calculated using a calculator. As a result A must be greater than 0.9902, then the tree has a slope angle of 7 degrees or less.

    If it turns out that the angle of inclination of the tree is 8 degrees or higher, you cannot cut the tree against the inclination. This threatens to split the trunk and endanger the life of the cutter.

    Before work, you should clear the surrounding areas to move away from the tree, be sure to wear a helmet and accurately calculate the location of the fall.

    Permission to remove a tree from the site

    The law of Ukraine regulates the removal of trees and there are a number of cases for which you will have to pay a fine. Based on pp. 7-8 of project No. 1045 « About the approval of the Procedure for the removal of trees, bushes, lawns and gardens in populated areas" allowed on request:

    • “The removal of damaged, dry and damaged trees at the site is carried out in a balanced manner on the basis of the act, which is consistent with paragraph 4 of this Procedure.
    • In the process of liquidation of the legacy of natural disasters, emergency and emergency situations, and also in times when the growth of green plantings threatens the lives of healthy communities and the life of communities and/or legal entities, The number of green plantings will be established without further delay, with further registration of the act in accordance with paragraph 4 Whose order."

    The request must be submitted to the State Traffic Inspectorate in accordance with clause 4. And in clause 10 says the following:

    • “The planting of greenery on the land plot, which is under private authority, and on the garden plot is subject to the decisions of the authority (koristuvach) of the land plot without paying their dues. »

    Having familiarized yourself with the theoretical part, you need to move on to practice. Foresta offers saws made from impact-resistant materials and automatic feeding lubricants, which increases the life of the chain. Our chainsaws are assembled at renowned factories, and in tests they perform at the level of expensive brands.

    If you need it for your home or garden, check out electric saws. They are easier to use than chainsaws and are distinguished by their Ukrainian price and European quality. Our products also have a 2-year warranty. Such long term delivered because we are confident in our tool. According to statistics, in the first 3 years of use, only 2% of devices sold are sent for repairs.

    Our service is available throughout the country, we have 600 collection points, as well as the ability to send repair tools by mail. If you contact the service directly, then within 3 hours you will receive an almost new tool. It will be in good working order and, as a bonus, cleaned.

    Mainly cutting down old trees, which various reasons have become unnecessary (they have stopped bearing fruit, are interfering with construction on the site, have ceased their active development, or simply pose a danger due to their age), produced in the fall.

    And since trees can vary significantly in size, the difficulties that arise when cutting down a tree are also different. It is very difficult, for example, to remove trees located in close proximity to residential and outbuildings, site fencing (fence), power lines.

    The question itself, “How to cut down a tree?” usually does not cause problems. But here’s how to do this in order to accurately and accurately drop it in the right direction, so that when the trunk falls, you do not cause any destructive damage or avoid injury yourself - not an easy task.

    Tree cutting tools

    First of all, you will need a helper(s) and the following tool:

    • chainsaw;
    • axe;
    • cable (ropes);
    • jack;
    • persistent pole

    Preparing for work

    Trees can be felled old-fashioned ways by hand or with an axe. But it’s better and easier to use a chainsaw. But we must not forget that a chainsaw is professional tool increased danger and requires preparation and careful handling when working with it. Before you start working with this tool, you should make sure that it is in full technical condition, check that the tank contains required quantity fuel (gasoline) and oil.

    Then you need to conduct a thorough inspection and analysis of the condition of the trunk to be cut down. The next step is to clear the area adjacent to the tree of objects that may interfere with free movement around it.

    Then it is necessary to clear the lower part of the trunk to a height of approximately 1.5-1.8 meters from branches and fragments of twigs. It is important to determine the direction in which the tree will fall and, if possible, its height. This can be done quite simply. At arm's length, holding the ax vertically relative to the selected tree, you should move in the direction of its fall until their sizes are equal. This will be the approximate location of the fallen top.

    Cutting down trees up to 50 centimeters thick

    Tree cutting methods different diameters differ from each other. Since it is easier to fell young thin trees, let’s start by considering this technology.

    A cut is made from the side of the tree's slope or the desired direction of fall with an upright trunk. The depth of the cut should be half the thickness of the trunk. The tree is then sawn from the opposite side until it falls. Any trees, regardless of their diameter, are not completely cut down - initially to a height of 1 to 1.5 meters, subsequently removing the remaining part.

    Cutting down a trunk over 50 cm

    After choosing the direction of fall, a cut is made from the same side at an angle of 45-50 degrees relative to the vertical line of the trunk to a depth of a quarter of its thickness (diameter). Then, moving lower, a horizontal cut is made until it connects with an oblique cut. The result is a side drink.

    Having crossed to the other side, a counter horizontal saw is made slightly higher than the opposite one. Important: the fall saw is never completed to avoid an unpredictable fall. 5-10 centimeters (about ten percent of the diameter of the trunk) are always left uncut, after which the tree is pushed in a given direction using a pole, ropes, and in some cases wedges (jack).

    Cutting a leaning tree

    A leaning tree is considered to be an 8-10 meter tree whose top extends slightly beyond the meter perimeter from the center of the future stump.

    Such a tree is felled according to the same principles as a straight one, if the direction and its slope coincide. In the opposite case (the stall occurs in the direction opposite to the angle of inclination), the trunk in the upper part is fixed with ropes and pulled by them in the direction of the fall.

    When the angle of inclination of the tree is significantly greater than 6-8°, it is better to resort to other methods (cutting in parts).

    Safety precautions

    1. When working with rotten, rotten trees, the uncut part of the main, felling saw should be left thicker.
    2. Special attention is paid to tilted trees.
    3. A safe work and retreat zone for the logger is on either side of the direction in which the trunk falls.
    4. Avoid felling trees downhill (if possible).
    5. Take all safety precautions when working with a chainsaw.

    Don't be overconfident. Even among professional loggers, the injury rate is quite high.

    22711 03/08/2019 6 min.

    A chainsaw with the proper power is capable of cutting down any tree trunk for which the length of the cutting part is sufficient. You need to carry out the work very carefully, adhering to all the rules. Particular attention should be paid when there is a risk of unpleasant situations due to too thick, icy or contaminated wood.

    You need to take into account all the factors that can complicate the work, and use the chainsaw carefully, constantly monitoring your actions and the work of your partners.

    What do you need to know first?

    There are a range of factors that influence the correct felling of timber. Most important conditions are divided into two categories: the technical component of the process and ensuring the safety of all persons involved.

    Be safe when cutting

    The technical side of the issue is usually requires an immediate solution even at , since each model is designed only for a certain thickness, density and structure of wood. Sawing is usually done quite slowly. Acceleration is only possible when working with well-yielding wood or thin trunks (you can even use it for this). Usually such plants are not of great value, so they are cut down very rarely.

    It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the tree in advance, comparing with the selected chainsaw model (see). The device must optimally meet a specific power goal. If the length of the device’s tire does not exceed 35 cm, then the maximum diameter of the tree trunk with which the work is carried out is 30 cm. When the length of the tire reaches 65 cm, then you can cut down options up to 60 cm in diameter.

    For the most massive types of wood, complex and very powerful chainsaws are used (see the most), having exceeding standard weight. The length of the tire in them is above 65 cm.

    The sawing technology also changes along with the thickness of the target. One cut can reliably cut down trees up to 20 cm in diameter. If this indicator exceeds this threshold, you need to make several cuts in order to cut down the tree without damaging the device and without much effort on the part of the workers.

    How more height tree, the more problematic compliance with safety regulations becomes. Sawing also becomes more complicated, since more weight requires some effort and high power devices. Sometimes you have to make cuts in a group, maintaining a level distance, that is, making them at different heights.

    You need to measure the center of gravity in advance to determine the fall of the tree. This indicator is influenced by the shape of the crown, as well as the characteristics of the trunk itself. These criteria influence not only the position of workers, but also the proposed cutting locations, which are optimal. Usually the trunk needs to be cut down completely and at the root, but sometimes a certain part of it is required, which also affects the cutting process.

    Step-by-step instruction

    The technology for cutting down trees of large and small diameter has several differences. First you need to learn how to cut down small plants:

    1. Step 1. Looking for the slope of the tree. Even a slight gravity is suitable, but the more strongly this feature is expressed, the more clearly one can notice the exact direction of the plant’s fall.

      It is advisable to cut straight trees in convenient places for stalling, not at random. One cut is approximately half of full size trunk

    2. Step 2. The same incision is made on the reverse side at the same level. You need to wait until the plant begins to bend significantly, that is, the fall will be noticeable. First, the tree should be felled with a cut at the level of an adult’s shoulder, and then separately, that is, with minimal risk to safety, the rest of the massif should be refined and only a small stump should be preserved.
    3. Step 3. Cutting a tree into its component parts can be done starting from the branches, which are located farthest away. Small branches can be easily cut down in one step, while thicker branches should preferably be cut in two steps, so as not to damage the chainsaw. The saw chain (see) cannot touch the ground, as this will lead to its rapid dulling.

    A tree is considered large if its diameter exceeds half a meter. First, the trunk is used as a support, but sawing the structure can only be done after choosing the angle at which the plant will fall. Algorithm of actions:

    1. Step 1. A cut is made from top to bottom with a slope of 60 degrees. It must be done exactly from the side of the intended slope. You must always maintain the exact angle and keep the chainsaw absolutely level.
    2. Step 2. A horizontal line is drawn below, which should be adjacent to the innermost point of the first cut. When it is carried out all the way, you can remove the corner made of wood, which allows you to make a side cut.
    3. Step 3. On the opposite side of the first two cuts, a horizontal sawing is made, which begins slightly above the lower level of the cuts on the opposite side. It is necessary to cut quite deeply, but it is forbidden to perform the operation completely, that is, the tree must remain in an upright position.
    4. Step 4. In the second cut you need to install a pre-prepared wedge or a special blade for felling forest. The remaining volume can be removed using a spatula or by finishing from the inside.

    Exists alternative way safe felling of trees. At first solid wood completely sawed through.

    Then the device moves in the opposite direction with a slope to the left and reaches the middle. You need to insert a wedge under the second cut. The tree is sawn from the opposite side.

    Sawing branches and trunk

    Branches need to be removed from the bottom of the tree, which is already lying on a flat surface. You should alternately finish the rows of branches, reaching the central ones, in order to gradually completely clear the trunk. All elements must be removed separately; it is advisable to transfer the sawn-off parts into a specific container during the work process.

    Cutting branches from a horizontal log

    To cut a trunk, you must take the following steps:

    1. The trunk is cut about halfway from the top.
    2. The saw turns off (see why) but remains in the tree. At this time, a wedge is driven into the hole obtained in the first stage, which must be tamped down well with a hatchet. This is necessary so that the saw does not become distorted by the weight of the two trunks, but is in a free position between them.
    3. The trunk is being sawed to the end point.

    Sometimes the chainsaw bar remains in the trunk, especially for not just massive, but also hard wood. In this case, there is no point in pulling it out. You need to quickly turn off the motor, and then you should exert pressure on both sides of the barrel from the cut below, trying to simultaneously pull out the device. This action will require the help of a partner.

    Take a closer look at the video:

    Safety precautions

    When performing tree felling procedures, it is necessary to ensure full safety precautions for both individuals and employees of organizations. You cannot fell trees yourself. Having a partner is a must. You should not light an open fire when working, and if there is one, you should extinguish it before turning on the chainsaw. Also you can't smoke. You should take care in advance to protect your face from sawdust, as they always fly off when cutting wood.

    Before sawing wood you need to make sure that if it falls it will not affect people, living beings, will not damage cables or wires carrying current. It is prohibited to work when strong wind. It is advisable to calculate in advance the direction of fall of the trunk down to the exact contour on which all the rods and other elements are cleared, so as not to damage the tree, and also not to cause its inertial revolution.

    When working with full-length, thick posts, the chainsaw is held with both hands, and tension is constantly felt.

    You should not carry out work using only the outer part of the saw, as this will lead to strong kickback and automatic shutdown of the device, which can ruin the entire work by making sloppy movements.

    When cutting thick posts or massive branches, it is advisable to raise the chainsaw to shoulder height.

    The main aspects necessary to comply with when cutting trees:

    1. If the trees are dry, then no sources of not only sparks, but also smoke should be allowed, since adding gasoline to dry wood can cause a fire, which not only slows down the work process, but also harms the environment.
    2. Before turning on the chainsaw, you need to look around. There should be no children or animals nearby. Only workmates or bosses.
    3. You should always try to hold the chainsaw. Even if malfunctions occur and it automatically turns off, you should behave carefully, since falling of the device with a sharp part can lead to dire consequences.
    4. Workers prepare in advance for sawing wood. Wear thick clothing and a face mask to cover the entire body from possible ingress of dust and dirt.

      To get rid of the continuous sound of a chainsaw, it is necessary to use sound-isolating headphones, otherwise headaches may occur during prolonged and regular work.

    5. The tree trunk should act as a kind of shield for the worker, so to cut it, the opposite side of the plant is first marked.

    First, all are determined technological features , only then you need to clearly plan the stages of work, which will help ensure that you protect yourself from the impact of the weight of a falling tree. Even with great experience work, it is necessary to constantly take care of one’s own safety, since the highest number of injuries are received by workers who have been in this field for a long time and are accustomed to a constantly tense and dangerous environment.


    To quickly cut down a tree, you must first perform preparatory work, ensure safety precautions, only then proceed with the event. It is enough to independently apply those positions that the scheme for sawing wood provides for, so that the success of the event is guaranteed.

    Security technology is of great importance. To perform it correctly, you need to prepare in advance, and also be attentive to the work throughout the entire time of interaction with wood.

    Increasingly, chain saws have begun to be used not only for felling trees in forests, but also in the private households of ordinary homeowners. The convenience and speed with which the chainsaw copes with wood allows it to be used for sawing firewood, trimming branches and limbs. However, in the hands of an inexperienced person, a chainsaw can pose a significant danger. One clumsy movement entails consequences in the form of cuts and more serious injuries. Therefore, before you pick up this tool, you need to know how to cut with a chainsaw correctly.

    Chainsaw - effective tool for felling and sawing trees

    When working with a chainsaw, you must protect yourself from possible contact with the saw attachment, falling branches and flying wood chips. Choose thick, padded pants that will prevent the chain from coming into direct contact with soft tissues legs Be sure to purchase high-quality chunky shoes, preferably work boots with thick soles and a metal insert on the toe. It is important to wear a helmet so that the saw headset does not injure your head if it bounces off the tree. Safety glasses are another one. important detail work suit, which is designed to protect the eyes from flying branches, wood chips and dust.

    Tight pants, helmet and goggles - effective protection from injury

    2. Correct operator position when working with a chainsaw

    A running chainsaw should be held firmly with both hands, clasping the rear and front handles with all fingers. Maintain balance and do not slouch when working. If you need to bend over, it is advisable to bend your knees without changing the level position of your body.

    After finishing work with one object, you can move on to another only when you turn off the chainsaw. It is not recommended to move with a rotating chain - it is dangerous!

    3. Be careful when refueling

    The engines in gasoline saws are two-stroke, so they need to be filled with a gasoline-oil mixture. When the engine is hot, you cannot refuel the device; you must wait until it cools down. Be careful not to get gasoline on the saw attachment or engine. If it is necessary to refuel the tool in working conditions, do it at a distance of 3-6 m from the epicenter of work.

    Starting a chainsaw - rules for getting started

    1. Place the tool on a hard surface so that the chain does not touch the ground or other objects.

    2. Move the inertia brake handle away from you, thereby engaging the chain brake. If this is not done, the chain will immediately begin to rotate upon startup.

    3. If there is a decompression valve, press it - this will reduce the pressure in the cylinder when starting.

    4. With a cold engine, pull out the choke control lever.

    5. Pass the toe of your right foot through the rear handle, while holding the front handle securely with your left hand. Start pulling the starter cord with sharp, repeated jerks until you hear a characteristic sound - the engine “sneezes”.

    6. Place the choke lever in its initial position.

    7. Continue pulling the starter cord until the saw starts.

    8. Press the throttle and the engine will stop idling.

    9. Release the chain from the brake and start working.

    If the engine is initially warm, there is no need to use the choke lever. All other launch stages remain completely identical. It also happens that the engine is warmed up, but the saw cannot be started. Then it is recommended to pull out the choke lever halfway and immediately push it back. The saw will start!

    Now that the saw has started, you can start working. To do this, you need to understand how to operate a chainsaw, performing various tasks: felling a tree, trimming branches or bucking a trunk.

    How to cut down trees with a chainsaw

    If a tree falls, it can cause injury to you and others, so you should determine in which direction it will fall. This can be affected by the tilt of the tree and the direction of the wind. Having determined this direction, warning signs should be placed at a distance of at least two tree trunk lengths for the safety of people who may appear in the felling area.

    Felling a tree with a chainsaw is a task for professionals

    From below, the trunk is cleared of branches using the bottom of the tire. Now you can move on to undercutting the tree for directional felling (directional undercut). This is done in two stages. First, an inclined top cut is made at 60° to a depth of 20-25% of the diameter of the tree. After this, a horizontal lower cut is made, which should converge with the upper one.

    Undercutting a tree for directional felling: 1 - upper undercut, 2 - lower undercut, 3 - horizontal felling cut

    Cutting branches from an already fallen tree

    When cutting branches with a chainsaw, there is a danger of them rebounding, so you need to work extremely carefully and methodically, trying not to use the nose of the tire. When working, lean the tool against the trunk or thigh, cutting off the branches of the lower and top part tires. It is more convenient to cut branches from above the trunk by placing the chainsaw on its side. If the tree has thick branches, it is advisable to cut them down in sections. Once the branches on the side and top of the trunk have been cut, the tree can be turned over and the top branches cut off.

    Pruning branches with a chainsaw does not tolerate distraction

    Cutting a tree trunk into pieces - bucking

    Before you start sawing the trunk, determine its tension. If the situation is incorrectly assessed, the trunk may bounce upward when cutting and injure someone standing nearby. In the event that the pressure is directed from above, it is necessary to start sawing the trunk from above to about 1/3 of the thickness, until it clamps the tire. After this, the cutting continues, but from the bottom of the trunk.

    If the pressure comes from below, then all these stages are performed exactly the opposite. First, the cut begins from below, and then continues from above until the cuts are aligned.

    Bucking a tree trunk - great way practice if you are a beginner

    Working with a chainsaw is a difficult and responsible task. If you have never picked up this tool before, then do not start getting acquainted with it by felling trees. Start with the simplest thing, for example, with bucking. Practice on a small fallen log and only then move on to larger scales of work.

    Well, you can also learn about some factors that should be taken into account when working with a chainsaw by watching a short video.

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