If you've been playing Minecraft for a while, you might have noticed that on some servers there are houses amazing beauty. Building a beautiful, aesthetically pleasing and impressive structure in which the player wants to live, albeit as a virtual cube character, takes a lot of effort and time. The hardest thing is to build a house that meets your vision of beauty and suits functionality. If you are not a brilliant architect, then you have already bitten your lips in search of optimal solution both tasks. It's time to stop searching and get down to business!

Aspects of building a beautiful house in Minecraft

Jizhok games divide construction into two main aspects:

  • Interior.
  • Exterior.

Exterior is the appearance of a house in Minecraft

The exterior should look attractive and defiant. A beautiful house should match the architecture of the city or area in which you are planning to live.

  • Look at this house. What's wrong with him? He looks decent, although he cannot be called handsome. Not The best decision from an architectural point of view, but it is clear that a lot of work has been done. From the point of view of minimalism, the house looks decent. In construction, you need to adhere to order. Our job is to learn to observe this order.

  • Now take a look at next house. Effective, isn't it? Now you can see the difference with your own eyes. It is not necessary to build a house according to a model. It is important that you understand that building a unique and beautiful home will take much longer than building a simple one.

A few simple steps to solve complex problems when building a beautiful home:

  • Firstly, forget about using simple shaped profile blocks (squares, rectangles, etc.). There are a lot of houses built from square blocks. They are all of the same type, which is especially noticeable in multi-user servers. They only add monotony and spoil general form cities.
  • Secondly, start building a house from the exterior! This will make it easier to navigate when building a house. The interior is almost always customized appearance Houses.
    Don't be afraid to experiment with half blocks when building roofs, floors and siding.
  • Use additional functional structures.
    This refers to pillars that can be placed as if they had practical significance. For example, they can be placed in the form of supports or load-bearing structures for stairs, torches or even hang them in your garden.
  • Nature can be a wonderful addition to your image beautiful home. Trees will help make your surroundings more vibrant. Flowers can decorate monotonous structures. Vine, for example, will add a more solid appearance to your home.
Minecraft house interior

There are several important prerequisites that are important to consider when choosing the interior of your home. Namely: take into account the overall structure of the house. Create an image before you start working.

  • Tackle the ceiling first. Do not leave the roof open! It's not pretty or realistic! It is better to strengthen the ceiling with beams, supports and columns. Then you will know exactly how much space will remain on the floor and walls.
  • Add basic household items Firstly. This way you can determine if you have room for additional objects. First, set up the tables, chairs, and workbench in your desired location. And only then look for a place for a fireplace or torches.
  • Start placing smaller, but equally nice, details throughout your home. Lay carpets, tables and a spacious window in the guest room. Dedicate an entire floor to her. And fill the second floor with ingenious structures needed for a workshop, smelter or warehouse. Leave the attic for a bedroom and a room for paintings, trophies or weapons.
  • Start arranging the roof. Don't close it completely, let access be open. Yes and a little sunlight it won't hurt in the house. Otherwise the house will look like a dungeon. Place a pool there, for example, and a gazebo. Or an additional guard booth.
  • Arrange your bedroom last. First the bed, and only then bookcases, chests and carpets. There you can rest after you build beautiful house.

Follow a few strict rules and aspects, and you will not get lost in a huge number design solutions and materials. Construction will take you a lot of time and effort. But having built a beautiful house? you can admire it at any time of the day or night.

The principle of the Minecraft game is simple - it is about life in the virtual world, as well as survival. And the first rule of such an existence is to find a place where you can spend the night or hide in bad weather. This rule works for this game, but you better not go looking for shelter. Of course, for the first few days you will have to spend the night in extreme conditions, but this is until you have enough materials to build your own house. You shouldn’t aim for something grandiose right away - for starters, four walls and a ceiling will do. And then you can more freely extract resources, and this will give you the opportunity to build a much more impressive structure in which you will live and escape from all the hardships of the Minecraft game. How to build a beautiful house? To do this you will have to take several steps.

Laying the foundation

In many ways, building a house in the game overlaps with real life, so some stages will not seem new to many. First stage Even beginners and inexperienced Minecraft players will be able to overcome it. How to build without a foundation? This is where you need to start, so arm yourself with stone blocks and decorate the lower part of your building. If you wish, you can easily make not just a foundation, but a basement, so that the house is as realistic as possible, but this is not a necessary condition, so you can simply lay out the shape of your future building with stones, and your foundation will be ready. So you have taken the first step towards building a luxurious building in Minecraft. How to build a beautiful house based on the existing foundation? From this point on, the task begins to become more difficult.


At the second stage, you will need to carry out the largest amount of work, since you will create the skeleton of the house itself. Make sure that you have as many bricks in your inventory as possible, since this is the best way to make the body of your building. Brick is quite durable and looks very aesthetically pleasing, but this is a matter of taste - you can use stone, wood, and even gold. Everyone has their own taste, and there is no point in imposing any concrete solutions. After all, this is the whole essence of Minecraft. How to build a beautiful house? There is no single answer to this question, you can only find tips, manuals, advice, but you will have to do the main work yourself. However, rest assured that the result will be simply wonderful.

Creating a roof

Not the most pleasant process for this game is creating the roof. There are no special realistic materials in Minecraft that would be suitable for such a task, so you will have to improvise. Is it time to experiment quickly if you don't have the necessary information? This means you need to get them - you can find out on the Internet what people most often make a roof out of, so you can take their advice and follow their example. It is worth noting that very often players use original or painted sheep wool to make a beautiful, albeit not the most durable, roof. However, this is not the only way - you can use various elements, experiment with blocks - for this you are given almost unlimited freedom of action in Minecraft. How to make a beautiful house? This is a question that does not imply instructions for building houses, according to which you can repeat one to one what is shown in the figure, but a kind of manual that sets the base of your knowledge, forming the steps that you need to go through. And the next step is to insert windows and doors.

Closing window and door openings

Many may think that windows and doors are just decorative elements, but in fact they are not. The door is used to allow the character to enter and exit the house, and the window is intended to allow sunlight to enter. What's stopping you from leaving empty holes? Actually it's real threat- you build a house to protect yourself from dangerous mobs that roam at night, so if you leave even one crack, they can sneak in and all your efforts will be pointless. And at the same time, the aesthetic aspect also plays an important role here, because a beautiful house with holes instead of windows and doors is unlikely to remain so - it will be unfinished and unattractive. Therefore, windows and doors are something that will definitely need to be taken care of.

Home decorations

Naturally, if you want to make your home original, you will need to decorate it. Here you can already give free rein to your imagination - use various blocks, sheep's wool, leaves, paints and much more to make your building attractive. The most beautiful houses in Minecraft were created by those who are not afraid to experiment - they try, select colors, combinations, combinations, and in the end they get a masterpiece. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and then perhaps your home will also be among the best.

Minecraft is one of the most popular games modernity. If you have already started playing and don’t know where to start, then this article is just for you. First of all, you need to build a beautiful house. Anyone can do this, even a beginner.

How to make a beautiful house in Minecraft?

So, we will build a house that consists of three floors. This area is enough to craft other useful items and place them in your home. For fun, you can build a garage next to your house. This way you will have a beautiful home in the style of Tony Stark.

To build our own home we will need the following materials:

  • Brick blocks;
  • Leaves;
  • Brick steps;
  • Glass;
  • Stone blocks;
  • Wool.

We need stone blocks to build the foundation of our future home.

The bricks will be used to build walls. Wool white will also be used for walls, however it plays cleanly decorative role. White inserts look very harmonious and beautiful.

As for colored wool, we will use this material to make the roof of the house and garage. Brick steps can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also for the construction of external window sills.

So, the construction of your house will go through the following stages:

  1. Of course, you first need to build the foundation of your home. Here you need to use durable materials. Brick or stone are perfect. It doesn’t matter which of these materials you choose, the main thing is that the foundation is level;
  2. Now you can start building the walls. Their thickness should be no more than one block, although you can make two, but it doesn’t look very nice. However, on the other hand, such a wall will be more reliable and will be able to withstand enemy bots;
  3. If you want to get the effect of painted walls, then use colored wool;
  4. At the top we make a small pyramid, which will play the role of a roof;
  5. The last stage is the installation of windows, doors and other details into your beautiful home.

That's the whole secret of getting a beautiful home. However, there is no need to rush, because it is almost impossible to remodel your home.

How to make a beautiful house on the lake?

Building a foundation is the most unpleasant procedure, since building something on sand is very inconvenient. In addition, making a foundation is not as easy as on ordinary soil. To make a house near a lake look beautiful, you can enclose it with a fence. You have the opportunity to install torches that will illuminate the area of ​​the house at night.

Thus, we learned how to make a beautiful house in Minecraft. The most important thing is not to rush, because when the house is demolished, you will lose all the materials that you used during its construction.

How does the web design process work?

  • The optimal ceiling height is 3 cells. If you do 2, the ceiling will visually “put pressure on your head”, 4 or more - for spacious halls.
  • Any ascents and descents in or near the house must be accompanied by stairs.
  • Don't forget to arrange inner part at home - a bed, a workbench, a chest, a stove, paintings - the minimum set.
  • By making the interior walls of the house from colored wool (soft colors) you can create the effect of wallpaper or painted walls.
  • All examples were made in the “normal” game mode (i.e., all materials for construction were obtained by hand) and were done in a fairly short time.
  • All examples - personal experience. This is not the final result and other players' opinions may differ. If you have any additions, please write in the comments.

Part 1: "House on the Lake"

A rare type of construction, but no less beautiful for that. A house on the lake - what could be more romantic? :-) The house is made practically from one tree, so you will need a lot of it.

1. Choose a place for construction. The shore should be fairly flat and the expanses of water large enough for aesthetic beauty. My choice fell on this place:

2. We make the foundation from wood blocks (not boards):

3. The foundation is almost ready. The most unpleasant part is over (building in water is always inconvenient):

4. Expanded the foundation a little and added a fence. By the way, common mistake(or technical flaw) that I see in buildings is the lack of territory adjacent to the building. And such territory should always be marked, in particular by a fence:

5. We dig up sand in the distance and modify the coastal part - it’s difficult to explain how, in any case, the path made of boards should not be higher than the sand level:

6. Making a roof. To rise to the roof level I used the same sand - it was quickly removed later. The main thing is not to make the roof a “corner”, in the style of village houses - we have a house on the river bank, and a “village” roof would be out of place.

7. What kind of house is on the shore, without a descent to the water, where a couple of boats are waiting for an evening stroll?

8. At night, we place torches, illuminating the house and the area around:

For visual variety, I made a strip of stone foundation. IN real life This is not used, but a monotonous tree doesn’t look good either.

9. Done:

Part 2: "House in the Woods"

There will be less description of construction - based on the fact that you have read everything above and already know the basics of construction.

1) We start, as usual, by finding a suitable place. Because we are building a “House in the Forest” - that place should be surrounded by dense forest. The site you like will most likely have to be cleared of forest:

2) Foundation - 1 strip of stone. Above are the boards. We make the roof from wooden stairs. Please note that the foundation and roof protrude by 1 block. This makes the house look much more beautiful from afar. If everything is flat, it’s ugly. And also pay attention to the door - it is exclusively single. Double doors are made only at the main entrances, in large buildings. A double door near a barn will not look aesthetically pleasing.

3) The attic is an optional, but very pleasant part of a country house. True, in my version there is no ladder for it - there are not enough sizes. And if you are making a house with several rooms, then an attic and a staircase to it are required.

Building houses in the game Minecraft is one of the most basic tasks. Housing provides your protection from creepers, and also allows you to survive in the difficult conditions of the minecraft game. A player's shelter can tell his financial situation, so all players try to build houses that please their souls. Mechanical view buildings, one of the best and beautiful houses, because it does almost everything automatically.

Players who travel and do not stay in one place are better off building quickly erected and from cheap resources to wait out the night and go back to adventure. But such buildings have a lot of disadvantages, such as high level noise from creepers, low strength. If you're playing alone, you can download interesting map(for example, a city) and see how they should look, gain experience. Open the maps and find the nearest cave and start construction.

Players who already have some supply of resources can build middle class house. These are usually built from stones or bricks. The advantages of such dwellings: fire resistance, expandability, good protection from creepers. Cons: resource costs. Buildings of this type need to be built in a thoughtful place, first look at the map and evaluate the area.

Complex type housing in minecraft. For players who have managed to accumulate a sufficient amount of resources. Complex type V minecraft game are castles or other buildings large scale. Pros: a lot of space, almost complete invulnerability, respect from other players on the server. Cons: long construction, requires a very large amount of resources and time. Some players who build such dwellings post videos, you can gain experience from them. It's nice to look at buildings like this. On a map, such constructions look wonderful and surprising. You need to choose with precision appropriate place, the map will help you choose it.

Needed: shovel, pickaxe.
Time: about half a minute.

You need to find an earthen or cave place in Minecraft. And dig yourself a dugout, which will be a good way to save you at first.
Pros: protection from creepers for the first time. Cons: low strength.

Mushroom house

Needed: Mushrooms (preferably red), bone meal, some blocks of other materials.
Time: 5-10 seconds. Easy to build.
To build this type of house, you will need to install a mushroom and have bone meal to enlarge the mushroom. Once completed, place the ladder and get comfortable.
Pros: prefabricated, low cost. Cons: low explosion resistance.

Stone house

Needed: 2-3 stacks of blocks, 20-30 blocks, glass/glass panels.
Time: 5-10 minutes. Easy to build.

You will need to build a kind of square from blocks. You will need to install glass and a door. The house has high fire resistance and strength. Cons: typical, because many players build these in minecraft. You can also make a mechanical one at the end of construction, which will look great in the game.

On a tree (with video)

You need: 2-3 stacks of blocks, glass, a lot of stairs (initially you can climb a tree using vines).
Time: 10-15 minutes + time to find the tree.
We are building medium.
Usually built on big tree, in most cases on a large oak tree (2 by 2 blocks) or tropical tree. The entrance to this is usually via a staircase.
Pros: the most effective protection from mobs in minecraft, houses of this type are beautiful.. Cons: complex construction.


Needed: 3-4 stacks of building materials of sufficient strength, glass.
Time: 2-4 hours.
Building is hard.
In the simplest version - a stone one with a farm and a shaft, surrounded by a wall.
From the outside they look beautiful.
Pros: protected on all sides, plenty of space. Cons: long to construct, requires a large number of resources.

Castle in minecraft (with video)

Needed: a lot building materials(50 stacks at least).

Time: several days at least. We build hard.
The castle represents prosperity and wealth in Minecraft. If built correctly, it is practically invulnerable. If you are playing single player, you can download the castle map and enjoy it. Watch the video on YouTube and decide for yourself whether it’s worth downloading.
Pros: a lot of space, respect from other players in the minecraft game, almost complete invulnerability, incredibly beautiful. Cons: takes a long time to build, a lot of resources, creepers can appear in dark basements. When you finish construction, you can do mechanical lock. It is very nice to look at such a castle. Some players pass by the castle in surprise, examining it in the smallest details.

underwater house

You need: a lot, a lot of glass, patience, nerves.
Time: several days at least. We build hard.
Pros: there is always fish, invisible, with in the right light Only octopuses will spawn near you, beautiful inside. Cons: difficult expansion; if one block is removed, there is a possibility of flooding. Mechanical, in the underwater world will not be easy to do due to the complexity of building mechanisms in water conditions. TO this house you can download suitable mods, such as sharks, to add hardcore.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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