The principle of the Minecraft game is simple - it is about life in the virtual world, as well as survival. And the first rule of such an existence is to find a place where you can spend the night or hide in bad weather. This rule works for this game, but you better not go looking for shelter. Of course, for the first few days you will have to spend the night in extreme conditions, but this is until you have enough materials to build your own house. You shouldn’t aim for something grandiose right away - for starters, four walls and a ceiling will do. And then you can more freely mine resources, and this will give you the opportunity to build a much more impressive structure in which you will live and escape from all the hardships of the Minecraft game. How to build beautiful house? To do this you will have to take several steps.

Laying the foundation

In many ways, building a house in the game overlaps with real life, so some stages will not seem new to many. First stage Even beginners and inexperienced Minecraft players will be able to overcome it. How to build without a foundation? This is where you need to start, so arm yourself with stone blocks and decorate the lower part of your building. If you wish, you can easily make not just a foundation, but a basement, so that the house is as realistic as possible, but this is not a necessary condition, so you can simply lay out the shape of your future building with stones, and your foundation will be ready. So you have taken the first step towards building a luxurious building in Minecraft. How to build a beautiful house based on the existing foundation? From this point on, the task begins to become more difficult.


At the second stage, you will need to carry out the largest amount of work, since you will create the skeleton of the house itself. Make sure that you have as many bricks in your inventory as possible, since this is the best way to make the body of your building. Brick is quite durable and looks very aesthetically pleasing, but this is a matter of taste - you can use stone, wood, and even gold. Everyone has their own taste, and there is no point in imposing any concrete solutions. After all, this is the whole essence of Minecraft. How to build a beautiful house? There is no single answer to this question, you can only find tips, manuals, advice, but you will have to do the main work yourself. However, rest assured that the result will be simply wonderful.

Creating a roof

Not the most pleasant process for this game is creating the roof. There are no special realistic materials in Minecraft that would be suitable for such a task, so you will have to improvise. Is it time to experiment quickly if you don't have the necessary information? This means you need to get them - you can find out on the Internet what people most often make a roof out of, so you can take their advice and follow their example. It is worth noting that very often players use original or painted sheep wool to make a beautiful, albeit not the most durable, roof. However, this is not the only way - you can use various elements, experiment with blocks - for this you are given almost unlimited freedom of action in Minecraft. How to make a beautiful house? This is a question that does not imply instructions for building houses, according to which you can repeat one to one what is shown in the figure, but a kind of manual that sets the base of your knowledge, forming the steps that you need to go through. And the next step is to insert windows and doors.

Closing window and door openings

Many may think that windows and doors are just decorative elements, but in fact they are not. The door is used to allow the character to enter and exit the house, and the window is intended to allow entry inside sunlight. What's stopping you from leaving empty holes? Actually it's real threat- you build a house to protect yourself from dangerous mobs that roam at night, so if you leave even one crack, they can sneak in and all your efforts will be pointless. And at the same time, the aesthetic aspect also plays an important role here, because a beautiful house with holes instead of windows and doors is unlikely to remain so - it will be unfinished and unattractive. Therefore, windows and doors are something that will definitely need to be taken care of.

Home decorations

Naturally, if you want to make your home original, you will need to decorate it. Here you can already give free rein to your imagination - use various blocks, sheep's wool, leaves, paints and much more to make your building attractive. The most beautiful houses in Minecraft were created by those who are not afraid to experiment - they try, select colors, combinations, combinations, and in the end they get a masterpiece. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and then perhaps your home will also be among the best.

It has long outgrown its status as a “game for geeks”, turning into a true classic of the world game library. But before you rush towards adventure and danger, it would be nice to take care of a permanent camp. Yes, at first a dugout or a cave will be enough for you. But after a while, you will need something more reliable. For example, a hunting lodge.

Before starting construction, you need to decide on the materials. They will dictate the appearance and capabilities of your shelter. Many give it to cold, mossy stones. They are stern, pathetic, but very cold. In addition, the extraction and construction of facilities from stone bricks– this is by no means for beginners.

That is why, at first, it is better to focus on wood. And to make your virtual life easier, we will tell you how to build your first house in Minecraft.

Wood is our everything

Since we're building wooden house, we need wood. A lot of wood. Fortunately, you can get it by cutting down trees in the nearest forest.

There are 6 types of trees in Minecraft: oak, dark oak, spruce, birch, acacia and tropical tree. Each of them has its own coloring of boards and sticks. So, keep that in mind. After all, the combination of wood various colors can both ennoble and vulgarize your home.

The main purpose of wood is to make boards, one of the most versatile resources in Minecraft.

In addition, you can burn wood in a fire and get coal, the purpose of which we will tell you a little later. In the meantime, let's see what your boards can do.

1. Stairs

Saves you from unplanned mountaineering sessions. Made from 6 blocks of boards.

2. Wooden sticks

The basis for many items, including weapons. To get 4 wooden sticks, you will need 2 blocks of planks.

3. Wooden fence

Often the only thing that prevents your mobs from scattering around the area. Requires 4 blocks of wood and 2 blocks of sticks. Generated in quantities of 3 pieces.

4. Wooden slabs

Floor, ceiling, path and whatever you want. For 6 slabs you will need only 3 blocks of boards.

5. Door

The last obstacle on the way to your refuge. Costs 6 blocks of wood.

Glass questions

One more important element buildings are windows. What could be better than well-glazed frames? Yes, they are fragile, but they look simply amazing.

To get a block of glass you will need to burn a block of sand on coal. You can get coal in a mine, knock it out of mobs, or get it from wood.

The next step is manufacturing glass panels for windows. One pack of windows requires 6 glass blocks. However, the pack contains as many as 16 panels. So, you don’t have to deny yourself anything.

Construction is a delicate matter

Well then. The materials have been prepared. It's time to start construction. For your convenience, the construction process is presented in a step-by-step manner.

1. Porch

Clear space for future construction. Install the staircase blocks at the selected location.

Then place 7 blocks of boards on either side of the top step. Please note that since the boards are laid out on the upper level, the entire structure seems to float in the air. Then, at each end, lay out 4 boards, perpendicular to the previous line.

Finally, cover the entire enclosed space with wooden slabs.

After this, we move on to stage 2.

2. Finishing the porch

The simplest way to fence a porch is wooden fence. We also use it to support the porch blocks. This way it will no longer hang in the air.

To do this, place fence blocks above and below each block of boards. It may be a good idea to install blocks of wood on either side of the stairs. However, if this does not appeal to you, you can use other material.

The porch is ready. We begin to build walls.

3. House facade

The facade of the building is built from blocks pure wood. To do this, lay out the first line of your favorite logs, as shown in the screenshot.

When erecting a wall, do not forget to leave room for observation windows, which will be filled with glass and a couple of barred windows. A fence can be used as a lattice.

The doorway is located in the middle. It is fenced with plank blocks, and the area in front of it is laid out with a second layer wooden slabs. The door opens at the very last moment.

4. First floor. Laying floors

Like the porch, the entire building will rise above the surface. Therefore, use a familiar fence as a foundation. Lay out a rectangle 16 fence blocks long and then place the wood blocks on top of it.

Are you done? Great! Now fill the entire space with boards. They will become the floor of the first floor.

The floors are laid, it's time to think about the walls.

5. We build walls

The floors have been laid, which means the first floor is almost ready. All that remains is to add three walls. A height of 3 blocks is just right.

We leave the selection of materials at your discretion. You can alternate boards of different colors and windows of the most incredible configurations. Or simply build a log house. In our case, we raised the walls from boards (light), diluting them with blocks of wood (dark) and large windows 2x2.

The pictures show the construction of the first side wall. The rest are built by analogy. When you're done, move on to the next stage. Or a floor, if you like.

6. Floor, take two

Yes, many of you are wondering: “Why do we need a second floor?!” We answer: “ Two-storey house looks more impressive, more pathetic and nobler than the one-story one.” And from the balcony on the second floor it is very convenient to shoot mobs who want to feast on adventurers.

The construction of the second floor also begins with the floor. Just take the boards and line the space above the first floor.

As you can see, the floor of the second floor hangs over the first, without any support. To achieve this, install two blocks of boards in one of the corners, one above the other. In this case, the lower one, which touches the walls of the first floor, can be removed upon completion of the work.

Important point. Don't repeat our mistake by filling the entire space with plank blocks. Leave empty space and install a ladder. Otherwise, you can only get to the second level using a teleport.

The floors are ready. Let's start with the base of the new walls.

7. New basics - old rules

To enliven the appearance of our house, we decided to delimit the floors with a kind of belt going around the house. This is quite simple to do if you remember how we worked with the floor of the second floor.

First, let's place two wood blocks, one on top of the other, in one of the corners of the wall.

Then we’ll remove the bottom one and start adding block after block to the top one until the resulting “edge” surrounds the new floor of the second floor.

Are you done? It's time to tackle the walls. And there it’s not far from the roof.

8. Walls are high

As with the first floor, the easiest place to start is with the windows. And here a wide scope for creativity opens up for you. You can make a tracing paper from the first floor or build something completely new. And we're not just talking about windows.

In our case, we simply moved the windows a little, giving the second floor a slight asymmetry.

A separate nuance concerns façade wall. There will be a balcony there. Therefore, do not forget to cut and fence off the doorway, as on the first floor. And to make it easier to climb, place a step next to it.

Well, since we're talking about a balcony, let's build it.

9. Balcony for ball and war

The balcony needs supports. At least for the first time. To do this, build two wooden supports directly on the blocks installed on either side of the porch stairs. Then install one block on each side of the new trunks in order to expand the balcony.

Now that you've sorted that out, start laying the floors. Wood boards are perfect for this. A good idea would be to surround the balcony with railings, the role of which will be perfectly fulfilled by our familiar fence.

At the end, you can remove massive wooden supports and replace them with thin racks of sticks in the corners of the balcony area. They should be lifted from the nearest sections of the porch fence.

Everything seems to be fine with the balcony. Now it's up to the roof.

10. Roof, but not the same

The construction of the roof leaves two impressions. On the one hand, there is nothing complicated about this. On the other hand, a wagon with a trolley will be required for resources. Or even two.

First, stock up on as much as you can. wooden stairs. They are the raw materials for a strong and reliable roof.

The first circle borders top part walls of the second floor. In our case, they are made of wood, clearly distinguished by its dark color.

The next one will stand directly on the walls. And so, until victory.

As you already understand, each next circle will build on the previous one. This is a long and tedious task, but your work will be rewarded with a beautiful and durable roof.

We're almost at the finish line. Only light touches remain.

11. Final

In principle, your house is ready. All you have to do is place furniture, trophies and other nice things there.

In addition, you can properly improve the area. Surround it with a fence, dig pit traps, install sensors and load crossbows. In a word, do everything so that no one leaves offended.

And when you get bored, treat yourself to a stone mansion. The construction technology is the same. Unless it will become even more difficult to get there without asking.

That's all. We hope you enjoyed it. And see you in the pixel spaces of MineCraft PE.

Perhaps building a house is the first thing a player has to do in Minecraft. It can store a variety of resources and items obtained during your travels. In addition, by hiding in it, you can protect yourself from aggressive mobs that attack at night.

How to build a beautiful, and most importantly, reliable house

In Minecraft, any materials are suitable for its construction. But since wood is the easiest material to obtain, it is better to use it in the construction of the first house. To obtain wooden blocks, it is necessary to organize the cutting of trees. Once a sufficient amount of this construction resource has accumulated, everything will be ready to begin construction. The player himself chooses the dimensions of the upcoming construction: it can be 5x5, 8x8, 12x12, and so on.

Construction process

1. To install a block on a surface, select it in the existing inventory and click on in the right place right mouse button. Each next layer is laid by jumping onto the existing one, then the action is repeated. This will allow you to build the walls of the future house. It should be noted that when erecting walls, you can immediately leave space under the windows, or you can do this after the work is completed, for which you will need to cut them out of the wall.

2. Next, all openings are subject to glazing. To make glass, Minecraft uses a furnace. In its middle lower cell there is coal, in the one located above it there is sand. When using the latter Minecraft versions It becomes possible, using a workbench, to place glass in the lower six cells and, after crafting, a double-glazed window appears, suitable for placement in the opening. To place it there, select the double-glazed window in the inventory, move the cursor to the required location and press the right mouse button.

3. The house needs a door - we make it. You can craft it from any materials. But since the house is made of wood, similar material must be used in the manufacture of the door. We return to the workbench again and attach wood blocks to its vertical middle and left rows. The door is ready! All that remains is to choose a place for it, cut down the extra blocks and install the door using a right-click.

4. The roof can be made in any way: stepped, flat, triangular, etc. To make the first option, wood blocks are placed on the workbench as follows:

  • row horizontal bottom;
  • middle row, its two left cells;
  • top horizontal row, one cell to the right.

All that remains is to place the manufactured steps on the roof. To organize floors in the house, you need to dig up the ground, then place it in this place wooden blocks. That's it, the house for Minecraft is ready!

Minecraft fans great amount, some people like the game for its plot and possibilities, while others are simply drawn in by its mechanics. And among the beginners who are just comprehending such exciting game, the question very often arises: how to build a beautiful house in Minecraft. Here we will try to help beginners figure it out and get through the fog of misunderstanding in the construction of their first building.

What can you build while playing Minecraft?

The biggest advantage of Minecraft is the lack of framework for construction. You can build anything, there are no restrictions, construction begins - from a small pile of branches thrown together, to a huge beautiful castle that will outshine everything with its grandeur standing nearby houses in minecraft. But we still have time to get to the castles; first we will answer the question: how to make a house in Minecraft? First of all, use your imagination and come up with a rough concept for your home. Is it difficult? There is no need to be sad about this, minecraft is huge world, where you can not only build, but also watch how others build. There's nothing wrong with borrowing ideas, so if you see a house you like, don't hesitate to try making the same one.

Conventionally, all buildings in Minecraft are divided by level of difficulty, which is why do not immediately tackle the most beautiful houses in Minecraft. Of course, you can try, but you risk wasting your time. It’s worth starting with simple but interesting buildings, and it’s better not to be fooled by the most simple solutions, of which there are a lot on the Internet. A nice feature of Minecraft is that it has ample opportunities for creativity.

So how to build a house in Minecraft? We are building a house step by step.

For the first construction, I would like to offer a simple, but very interesting house, having built which, the question of how to make a house in Minecraft will completely disappear for you. When the construction is completed, you will understand the essence of the building, and you can easily create any building that interests you, or you can simply stay in this house.

This building will consist of two floors, and for construction you will need:

stone and brick blocks;
wool and leaves.

Construction begins with laying the foundation. To create it, you need the maximum durable material, a lot. As mentioned above, these will be stones and bricks. Building a foundation is not a very complicated process, the main thing is to make the foundation level, otherwise there is nothing complicated.

Now that the foundation is ready, we build walls around it. You can save materials and make the walls of a small thickness, saving a couple of blocks, but it is better not to risk it and make the walls thicker and more reliable. Once you've built all the walls, use wool to give them the look you like. Shouldn't be dismissed this stage, it may seem that the walls do not have to be beautiful, but your home should be as comfortable as possible.

Now to the most difficult thing - this is the roof, because it’s simple Smooth surface Few people will be happy with it, it needs to be done beautifully. The most simple option there will be the creation of some kind of pyramid, but although this option is simple, it will take a lot of time to build, so be patient.

In general, that's all, all that remains is to install windows and doors, and it may seem that it is very simple, but in fact, creating a house can tickle your nerves, the most important thing is not to rush and everything will work out. If this article wasn’t enough for you, look for: how to make a beautiful video house in Minecraft and you definitely won’t be bored, because there are options for creating beautiful home, a lot.

Minecraft: how to build a house?

Public Minecraft servers is a place where everyone square meter The cubic world is filled with a variety of buildings. Many are building their own palaces, some are building modern hypermarkets and shops, but for the most part the area is filled with soulless boxes reminiscent of dull city landscapes.

Building a house - flight of fancy or planning?

Building a house in Minecraft is not an easy task, but it can be accomplished in several ways. There are several for this in various ways, which include both serious planning and flights of fancy.

Your dream home: is it that simple?

Many players believe that there is nothing easier in Minecraft than building your dream home. In most cases, this is unfortunately not the case. Although there is a method of construction literally offhand, which will be discussed later.

Walls come first

It’s impossible without walls, so it’s worth doing them first. Average height the walls, unless, of course, you build a castle for a giant, are six blocks. The width is usually made equal to the height. At this stage, it is better to immediately plan the location of all external elements- window sills, shutters, and other decorations.

Roof as a beautiful necessity

After experimenting with the walls, you can move on to the next stage - building the roof. Depending on the style of the house, you can use simple cubic blocks or half blocks and make a standard flat roof. Or you can approach the issue creatively by creating steps sloping roof. It is easy to add skirtings from half-blocks to such a roof, making the structure even more interesting and unusual.

Experimentation is most important

Don’t be afraid to experiment at any stage of building construction, since building a house in Minecraft can only be done through trial and error. Even after creating an excellent cottage, you may realize the need to change the wall material to make the hut “alive.”

Planning the house in advance

There is another way to build a house in Minecraft. It includes the use of special third-party programs, such as Minecraft Structure Planner. This is a small but extremely convenient application that allows you to sketch out a plan for a future building without entering the game.

We build by squares

The interface is very much reminiscent of an embroidery canvas transferred to electronic format. Blocks corresponding to any material are placed on the checkered field. The choice of "layers" allows you to go higher so that you can create a full building.

We bring creations into the world...

The resulting building in the program can be transferred to the game itself - for this there is backward compatibility between them. It is also possible to evaluate the house in the interface of the application itself. Using a simple 3D engine, the building is reproduced as it will look directly in the game world.

...and not only to your world

If the house is of great cultural value, has an unusual appearance, then it is quite possible that the server administration will allow it to be transferred to multiplayer. This means that the building will not have to be rebuilt, wasting time on extracting materials, but it will be possible to immediately begin its operation and modification. After all, it is ore mining that takes up most of the time, since building a house in Minecraft without large quantity blocks are not allowed.

Drawings on the grass as a final decoration

Also in this program you can develop various decorations, which are huge canvases made of colored blocks. The application also allows you to process and turn cubic designs into photographs, both manually and automatically.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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