The wool produced by a sheep is a unique natural product, and blankets made from sheep wool have many useful properties. Wool contains lanolin, which has a beneficial effect on your health. A blanket is one of the bedding items that people use in everyday life. After a certain time, it may need to be removed and cleaned. How to wash a sheep's wool blanket?

You need to say right away: Washing wool blankets is hard work and requires physical effort.

You can always take it to the dry cleaner for cleaning if finances allow. We would recommend hand washing quilts and fur blankets using your feet! Next we post a photo of such a wash!

Blankets can be divided into several types:

  1. Quilted. The fabric of such blankets is covered with fabric on all sides and quilted. Therefore, the fur lies flat and does not bunch up at all. The product is easily washed by hand.
  2. Whole woven. Blankets are made of thin and fairly strong woolen material. They can be washed by hand and can be washing machine.
  3. Fur. Sometimes a special fur coating is applied on one side or two. The blanket turns out soft and warm. Many blankets are hand washable. If the water icon is crossed out, dry cleaning only is used.

Features of washing sheep wool blankets

How to wash items made from sheep's wool? These blankets are soft, light and comfortable. They should be washed delicately so as not to spoil them. appearance. This should only be done when the blanket is really dirty.

Several types of cleaning are used for them:

  • foam cleaning;
  • handwash;
  • automatic washing;
  • dry cleaning

To find out what type of washing is suitable for a blanket, you should read the information on the label.

The following information can be found on the label:

  • washing is prohibited;
  • Ironing is not recommended;
  • Bleaching is prohibited;
  • Drying in a centrifuge is not recommended;
  • gentle treatment in dry cleaning.

When choosing a certain type of cleaning of such a blanket, you need to consider several nuances:

  1. products do not like water;
  2. blanket in wet very vulnerable and can receive various damage;
  3. fibers are negatively affected by the most known remedies for washing;
  4. When machine washed, fibers can harm the machine's mechanisms.

There are many prohibitory signs on the labels, so the housewife may wonder how to handle the blanket. However, many housewives are good at washing blankets and bedspreads at home, using the manual or machine method. Therefore, it is necessary to decide on some subtleties and act carefully.

How to wash sheep's wool? When the label indicates that it can be washed by hand or machine, then it is worth choosing an effective washing gel. Can be used:

  • ordinary (laundry) soap;
  • powder for products containing wool fibers;
  • liquid detergents used for washing wool products;
  • special powder that does not contain chlorine and bleach.

You should use a gel to treat the blanket that can effectively deal with dirt and have only a mild effect on it. Do not buy advertised expensive gels, such as Laska. It certainly won't do any harm, but it won't do any good either. Your dirt won't wash off.

How to wash a sheep's wool blanket by hand? Before the washing process, you need to take into account that the wet blanket will be heavy and you may need the help of family members. The drying space also needs to be very spacious.

It is a well-known fact that such things do not like prolonged exposure to water. Therefore, washing time should be kept to a minimum.

Hand washing a blanket will help avoid its mechanical damage, since the process of interaction of the product with the washing gel is fully controlled.

For example, let's take this blanket. Pay attention to the icons - you can wash by hand.

We fill the bath with warm water, no higher than 30 degrees. IN hot water wool shrinks.

Add washing gel to the water (1 cap per 10 liters of water). We foam the water and immerse the blanket in the water. No pre-soaking required!

Let the blanket soak in lanolin. This can be done either with your hands (squeeze) or with your feet (get into the bath and trample the blanket with your feet for 5-7 minutes).

Then drain the dirty water and rinse the blanket with cool water. If there is a lot of dirt, repeat the rinsing.

Roll up the blanket with a roller and pull it to the edge of the bathtub. Squeeze without twisting. Let the excess water drain, you can throw it on a chair, or on the edge of the bathtub, you can put a board on the bathtub. Leave the water to drain for 1.5-2 hours. Wool quickly releases water.

We take it out to dry and air, preferably on the balcony.

Dry until completely dry. Wool does not like the sun - lanolin is destroyed.

Can a sheepskin blanket be washed in a washing machine? Any housewife knows that a blanket can change its appearance after washing it in the machine.

The washing and drying procedure requires a lot of physical effort, so if this is allowed, you can wash a full-woven blanket in the washing machine.

Although there are some tricks to help make this process effective. The main thing is when washing in a machine, choose a mode that can carefully wash the product. Some washing machines have a program that indicates the following mode: hand wash/wool. This is most suitable for washing blankets.

Machine washing instructions:

  1. The product should be washed in water at a temperature of about 30 degrees;
  2. The spin must be turned off;
  3. It is not recommended to use washing powder in automatic machines;
  4. wash only at speeds of no more than 500;
  5. To avoid the blanket fibers getting into the machine drum, you should put the product in a duvet cover. Washed fur from a blanket may remain in the drum of the machine, which is detrimental to the machine itself.

Even if all precautions are taken, there is still a small chance that the blanket may lose its appearance.

If you wash a blanket in an apartment in the summer, you can freely turn off the water heating in the machine. The water in the pipes is cool in hot weather, so this will create the most favorable conditions for washing the product.

Cleaning a blanket

How to wash sheep's wool at home? If there is a problem on the blanket slight contamination, then you don’t need to wash it completely. To do this, you should purchase a product that contains lanolin.

Steps to clean a blanket:

  • the blanket can be placed on the floor or other flat surface;
  • foam in a small amount of water detergent into foam;
  • using a sponge or manually apply the resulting foam to areas prone to contamination;
  • the blanket does not need to be wetted, but the foam should be evenly distributed throughout the product;
  • after a few minutes, remove the remaining foam with a clean sponge or rag;
  • hang the blanket to dry.

This method works well to remove stains from a blanket. After processing, the product becomes clean and fresh. Sheep blankets quite difficult to clean, for this you need to choose correct method and detergent. When the housewife can decide on the right approach to cleaning the product, then such a blanket, while maintaining its appearance, will be able to serve her for a long time.

On video: how to wash a wool blanket in a washing machine.

Got your favorite blanket dirty? Before you wash your sheepskin blanket, here are a few tips to keep it soft and warm. With things made from natural materials, and especially those made of wool, must be handled with care and delicacy. This does not mean that they cannot be washed using a washing machine. However, it is worth following some rules regarding cleaning this item.

Let's start washing

Blankets made from sheep wool are light, warm, environmentally friendly - you can’t count all the advantages! And as you know, you quickly get used to good things, moreover, you literally fall in love with such things. Therefore, no one would want the blanket to be damaged after washing. The best option: clean it depending on what and how much it is dirty. The following washing methods are suitable, which will be discussed in more detail below:

  • dry cleaning (or foam cleaning);
  • handwash;
  • washing in a washing machine;
  • dry cleaning

About whether it can be used these methods, is easy to recognize by looking at the label. As a rule, you can find the following information on it:

  • ban on washing;
  • ban on ironing;
  • ban on bleaching;
  • ban on centrifuge drying;
  • gentle dry cleaning mode.

Just prohibition signs! Therefore, after studying the label, the housewife may doubt: is it still possible to use the washing machine, since the label prohibits this? You can care for your blanket according to the manufacturer's instructions and have it dry cleaned each time. However, practice shows that delicate hand washing and washing in a washing machine are not contraindicated if you are careful and follow the recommendations for cleaning woolen items. Thus, the answer to the question of whether a wool blanket can be washed is yes.

Now let’s figure out which cleaning option to give preference to. specific situation. Dry cleaning should be chosen in case of light occasional surface contamination. In other words, a stain that appears on the blanket needs to be treated with foam, without soaking it entirely. If the contamination is more severe, it has penetrated deeper - for example, if something was spilled on the blanket - you will have to wash it without waiting for the fibers to fall off and it to become saturated with a foreign smell.

The ideal option is to take the blanket to the dry cleaner or call a specialist from a cleaning company. This is fully consistent with the manufacturer's information about proper cleaning, does not require any effort or effort, but the method is quite expensive. Another option is to wash the blanket. We have already considered the question of whether it can be washed and came to the conclusion that it is possible. If only this procedure will take place according to the rules.

Useful tips - sheep wool blanket:

  • should be protected from contamination and washed as rarely as possible;
  • you need to wash with a product that contains lanolin;
  • cannot be ironed;
  • needs to be dried on horizontal surface;
  • Do not dry near radiators or in direct sunlight;
  • cannot be squeezed in a centrifuge;
  • cannot be twisted;
  • It is useful to air your sheepskin blanket from time to time to eliminate unpleasant odors.

We erase

Now let's take a closer look at how to wash a sheep's wool blanket by hand and in a washing machine, as well as how to remove stains from it.

Partial foam washing involves the following steps.

  1. Dilute wool detergent in cool water according to the instructions on the label.
  2. Whip up a stiff foam.
  3. Apply foam to the dirt with a sponge or brush.
  4. Remove the foam with a clean sponge, rinsing it several times.

To wash a sheepskin blanket by hand, do this:

  1. fill the bath with cool water, temperature no higher than 30 °C;
  2. dissolve a lanolin-based wool cleaner in water (it envelops the fabric fibers and prevents them from deforming, thereby preserving their original properties);
  3. Place the blanket in the water, do not rub or squeeze it; the maximum that can be done is to slightly lift it and lower it back into the water;
  4. Next comes the rinsing procedure, which must be repeated until the water becomes clear;
  5. leave the blanket in the bath to let the water drain from it;
  6. When the blanket stops leaking, lay it out on a horizontal surface to dry naturally.

Washing in a washing machine consists of the following steps.

  1. Set the “Wool” or “Hand Wash” mode (if there is no “Wool” program).
  2. Pay attention to the temperature: it should be at 30 ° C or at the “cold water” mark.
  3. Turn off the spin function.
  4. Wash with a powder marked “for woolen items”; you can also add conditioner.
  5. When the wash is finished, remove the blanket and dry it by laying it on a horizontal surface.

Washing by hand and using a washing machine costs several times less than dry cleaning, but this will require considerable physical strength. Especially if we're talking about about a one and a half or double blanket. Imagine how much it will weigh when wet! Despite the fact that the washing machine does everything itself, it is quite difficult to remove an unwrung blanket. Also, drying it requires a lot of space, and its location should exclude proximity to radiators.

Can a sheepskin blanket be washed in a washing machine? It is possible, but not often, but in extreme cases heavy pollution. And in order for the item to remain as soft, attractive and loved as before washing, you need to follow the tips and recommendations described in the article.

To make our sleep comfortable and healthy on cold winter nights, we use warm blankets with natural filler. They can use down, camel, or sheep wool. Sleeping under a natural blanket is warm, pleasant, and good for health, since the hairs of camel and sheep wool, which are microscopic cavities, are filled with miraculous lanolin (animal wax).

Down, sheep, camel blankets sometimes need our increased attention. Their fabric covering becomes dirty, and the owners are faced with the question of washing the blanket. It’s good if the product’s packaging and its label have been preserved, where the manufacturer specifically indicates whether the product can be washed or whether it should be handed over to dry cleaning specialists. If information about this is not available, use the recommendations below.

Is it possible to wash a down, wool or camel blanket in a washing machine and how to do it correctly?

If two or three decades ago Manufacturers advised that down products should only be dry-cleaned, but now this problem can be solved differently.

Automatic machines have appeared in our homes, and this changes things significantly. Of course, dry cleaning makes it easier to meet the conditions for caring for down products, but this can also be done at home. How to wash duvet so that it does not lose its beneficial properties and does not lose its attractive appearance?

Follow the rules specified in this memo:

  • To wash products made from down, you will need neutral detergents; you can use products for gentle care of wool (water temperature 30 degrees);
  • The volume of the washing machine tank must have a load of at least 5 kg, best option- 7 kg;
  • Each down product is washed separately;
  • the duvet cannot be bleached;
  • at the end of the main wash, the blanket will need additional rinsing (and this needs to be done 3 times);
  • you need to wring out the blanket at high drum speeds;
  • drying is carried out in a drum dryer (installing temperature regime at 30 degrees), until completely dry, placing 2-3 large tennis balls with the blanket;
  • After drying in the machine, the blanket is shaken vigorously, hung for airing, the fluff must be constantly fluffed.
  • It is strictly not recommended to dry down items on radiators. central heating and near electric heaters.
  • To winter time the blanket has dried as quickly as possible, you can use the fan.

If the fluff dries for a long time, it begins to emit bad smell. And even after complete drying, the blanket can retain a musty smell; sleeping under such a product is not only unpleasant, but also harmful, especially for those people who suffer from allergic manifestations. In general, for washing duvets experienced housewives try to choose a hot summer day. You should also find out the weather forecast in advance; precipitation is extremely undesirable. Even a little rain can reduce all your efforts related to washing a duvet to zero. If your duvet is too large to fit into the washing machine tub, you will have to hand wash it. Here the rules are:

  • Choose a high-quality detergent; you can use powder to gently wash wool.
  • The water temperature when washing and rinsing should be identical - 30 degrees.
  • The blanket should be dried flat.
  • After drying, the fluff needs to be fluffed and straightened.

Can a camel blanket be washed in a washing machine?

It is known that wool is capable of self-cleaning, but housewives sometimes have to wash blankets with this filler, since their fabric covering cannot be protected from contamination. Do not rush to place the product in the washing machine tub; read the recommendations on the blanket label. If the manufacturer does not advise washing the blanket in the washing machine, then this is what you need to do - choose dry cleaning or hand washing. Sometimes it happens that a blanket can be washed in a machine, but it is so bulky that this will be problematic.

Wool has a hollow structure, it absorbs water and when wet, a large product becomes simply too heavy to lift. If you are not going to use dry cleaning services, or simply cannot do it, you will have to wash it by hand. There is only one piece of advice here - a high-quality detergent for washing wool, equally warm water(30 degrees), used for washing and rinsing.

If the product is made from camel hair machine washable, please read how to do this and what water temperature you will need to set. When washing a camel wool blanket, the water should not be heated above 30 degrees. The machine will do a great job, but you will have to choose the most suitable detergent for this. Ordinary powder is not suitable for an automatic machine, since it washes fabric well, and such a detergent can damage the structure of wool.

In addition, regular powder will be difficult to rinse out of wool. To preserve all the beneficial properties of the valuable filler, you should purchase a special detergent for washing woolen products. This product should contain an extract of lanolin, the natural enzyme we talked about above. The lanolin extract carefully envelops wool fibers and preserves their properties. It renews lanolin, returning wool to its natural protection. After you have stocked up on the necessary detergent, pour it into the machine compartment, set the washing mode to “gentle”, or set the mode to “wool”. We remind you that the water temperature is 30 degrees. After washing, the blanket can be spun in the minimum spin mode.

Dry camel blanket needed in a horizontal plane. It is laid out on clotheslines or placed on a floor dryer. The room where the blanket is dried should be well ventilated. In or near the sun heating battery it cannot be dried. You should not bend the blanket, as the wool will bunch up and the product will lose its shape.

How to wash a blanket made from camel hair

Sometimes as a warm winter blanket an ordinary camel blanket is used. This wool product is much easier to care for than a filled blanket. From time to time it also has to be washed and this is done using a washing machine. You will need detergent for wool; the water temperature when washing should not exceed 30 degrees. It is not recommended to wring out a camel wool blanket; the spin function will need to be turned off first. After washing, the blanket can be carefully laid out on the rack above the bathtub so that excess water glass Dry the product in a straightened form, you can hang it by the edges.

Washing a sheep's wool blanket

You already know where to find information on how to wash a sheepskin blanket in the washing machine. This could be a label or product packaging, on which the manufacturer often places information about proper care behind the blanket. The most gentle way to wash a sheep's wool blanket is to wash it by hand, but do not use hot water, rub and twist the product vigorously. Most often, manufacturers recommend dry cleaning sheep wool blankets. Sometimes it’s impossible to do this, and besides, not everyone wants to, especially if there is an automatic car at home, and the blanket itself is not large in size.

So, we take a blanket with sheep wool filling, put a white duvet cover on it, this is necessary in order not to clog the filter. If you wash without a duvet cover, the filter will very quickly become clogged with fine sheared sheep wool. After this, we place the product in the washing machine tank and set the desired mode. As with the camel blanket, it is preferable to choose a quality wool detergent with a lanolin extract. The washing mode should be gentle, the spin cycle should be soft, and the water temperature should not be heated above 30 degrees. A sheep's wool blanket should be dried flat, in horizontal position, away from sunlight.

The blanket is machine washable if it has no filling, but one side is made of sheep's wool. Yes, there are special sheep wool blankets. They look like this: on the one hand it is an ordinary, rather thin sheepskin, on the other - dense natural fabric. Both of these sides are stitched together and have fabric trim around the edges. Such blankets are very warm; their properties are in no way inferior to products with filling. In addition, such products are in great demand among practical housewives, precisely because they can be washed in an automatic machine without any problems.

Even a double blanket, one side of which is made of sheepskin, will not be too bulky and heavy when wet. That is, it fits quite easily into the washing machine tank and has enough space for intensive, high-quality rinsing of detergent. To wash such a blanket, you should set it to a gentle cycle, soft spin, and the water temperature should not be more than 30 degrees. You can use wool powder or detergent with lanolin extract. This blanket can dry horizontally or vertical position. I must say that it dries much faster than a blanket with sheep wool filling.

Washing blankets with other natural fillings

Relatively recently on store shelves bedding appeared bamboo blankets. If you're not sure how to machine wash a blanket when it's filled with newfangled bamboo, trust our recommendations. This product has a lot of advantages, it is light weight, it washes well, does not require special conditions for drying, dries quickly. Bamboo blankets do not lose their original form and size. After placing a bamboo product in the washing machine tank, set it to a gentle cycle and fill the compartment with liquid detergent. After spinning, place the blanket on a horizontal drying rack or simply on a line. There will be no deformation of the product; bamboo blankets are lightweight and dry quickly. You don’t even need to beat the filler; after drying, it becomes loose and voluminous.

Any blanket requires periodic cleaning, and products made from sheep wool are no exception. They can and should be washed. If you do everything carefully and according to the instructions, then such a blanket will not lose its appearance and quality, continuing to delight you with its comfort and warmth.

Can sheep wool blankets be washed?

The easiest way to find out how to wash any item is to look at the icons on the label. The only pity is that they are not always reliable: some manufacturers write that only dry or dry cleaning. This is due to the fact that they want to protect themselves and exclude claims from users if the blanket shrinks as a result of wet washing.

So, in fact, all blankets filled with sheep wool are perfectly washable, representing a fabric cover stitched lengthwise and crosswise. They differ by type of fabric and filler density. The thinnest ones have a density of 150 g/m2, and the standard ones are filled twice as densely. They are considered universal. The heaviest and densest ones are made with padding of 400 g/m2.

There are some models that have wool on the outside rather than the inside. They are used as blankets, without duvet covers. Consequently, they get dirty much faster due to constant contact with skin, dust, etc.

Detergents for washing sheep wool blankets

The most the best remedy for washing there will be something that is intended for woolen items and contains lanolin. Typically these formulations are liquid. You can use regular powder and conditioner, but this is not the most reliable choice.

Here's a series suitable means, which you can purchase in household chemical stores:

  • Weasel "Wool and Silk"
  • "Vanish Oxy Action"
  • Wool balm “Frosch”
  • "Vorsinka"
  • Gel "Meine Liebe"
  • Dalli Woll-Balsam
If washed by hand, you can use a mild hair shampoo or baby soap, liquid or solid.

Washing a sheep's wool blanket in the washing machine

For such items, only the gentle washing cycle is suitable, but if your machine allows it, select the cycle for woolen items.

Be sure to check at what temperature your washing machine washes things. Some machines have a preset temperature of 40°C for these modes. If this is the case, you will have to refuse such washing, otherwise the wool will shrink and become crumpled. In this case, choose a short wash at 30°C. The spin should be set to 600 rpm.

This type of washing is a guarantee that the blanket will not shrink and the filling will not turn into lumps.

Instructions for hand washing sheep wool blankets

Hand washing is a good option refresh the blanket, but it is worth warning that this is not an easy task - the wool will become very heavy when wet, and the product will turn out to be heavy. If you are not afraid of such work, then do the washing in this order:
  1. Fill the bathtub with water. You won't be able to wash a blanket well in a basin. The water should be thirty degrees Celsius.
  2. Sprinkle or pour cleaning agent. Stir it well in water until it dissolves completely.
  3. Immerse the blanket in the resulting cleaning solution and leave to soak for 40 minutes. Place the entire product evenly in the bathroom.
  4. Now lift the blanket several times and drop it back down. Don't rub it! You can’t squeeze out such a thing either.
  5. Move the wet blanket to the far side of the bathroom and flush the water. Then type a clean one. Again, raise and lower it several times. After this, drain the water again and add fresh water. Rinse again. Repeat these approaches 4 times.
  6. Drain and wait for most of the water to drain from the blanket. Do not squeeze it under any circumstances.
  7. After this, lay the product out to dry. This is the most difficult part because wool blankets should not be hung to dry after hand wash. Choose a place and cover it with towels, lay a washed blanket on top.
  8. When the blanket is dry enough and slightly damp, hang it on a drying rack or line to dry. Periodically you need to smooth the blanket with your hands and stretch it a little around the edges. So, it will take on its original form.
You cannot dry such things on a radiator or in direct sunlight. It is very important that it dries within 24 hours. If the humidity persists longer, an unpleasant musty smell will appear.

Do not leave the blanket under running water. Firstly, it can disrupt the uniformity of the filler. Secondly, flowing water from the tap is not so clean, so the stream may leave yellow stains on fabric.

Sometimes after washing the wool curls tighter. This natural process, which indicates that the filler High Quality. Gradually it will fluff up.

Dry cleaning wool blankets

Now there are many modern means, which allow you to remove stains without washing. They can clean things up locally:
  1. Lay out the blanket on a flat surface, you can do this on the floor.
  2. Take a clean new sponge, you can use a regular dishwashing sponge.
  3. Prepare the solution concentrated product and shake or stir it until foamy. The foam should be very thick.
  4. Take the foam on a sponge and apply it to the blanket. Starting from one corner, brush horizontal stripes to the other edge. Do not rub, but gently remove dirt.

This method perfectly cleans any stains from woolen items. They become much cleaner and fresher. Dry cleaning is not suitable for deep cleansing of all accumulated dirt; it only removes surface dirt. Regular washing is much more effective.

If you have absolutely no desire to bother and waste your time, it is better to turn to professionals. They will clean the blanket or blanket well and dry thoroughly. Oddly enough, most dry cleaners will simply wash and dry your item. Essentially, the same thing can be done at home in a regular washing machine.

The most important thing in cleaning any woolen products is accuracy. With the right approach, this wonderful product will serve for decades. Wool blankets are difficult to care for, but their wonderful properties more than make up for this drawback.

Covering yourself with a wool blanket is not only pleasant, but also useful. After all, it has a positive effect on the general condition of the human body. But in order for the product to serve as long as possible, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for caring for it, as well as recommendations on how to wash a woolen blanket or rug.

Features of the material

Wool is one of the most popular natural fillers for bedding. It has excellent air permeability and is also universal at any time of the year. In winter, a wool blanket will provide the necessary level of warmth, and in summer time will give you the desired coolness.

Among the main useful properties wool can be distinguished:

  1. Hypoallergenic. Products made from such material rarely become the culprit of development allergic reaction even in small children.
  2. Resistant to stains. This is especially true for bedding made from camel wool. They are at the right approach can last up to 20 years.
  3. Big choice. For filling bed linen sheep, goat, camel, alpaca, and merino wool can be used.

The cleaning method should be chosen depending on the type of fabric production:

  1. Quilted. Easiest to care for. To make it, a wool canvas is fastened with threads to the fabric on both sides. As a result, the filling remains securely attached, which significantly reduces the risk of damage to the product. Thanks to this technology, the production of blankets and rugs can be made either by hand.
  2. Whole cloth. To produce this type of blanket, fabric fibers are combined tightly together to form a continuous product. It has a small thickness, but is different high density. It is not recommended to wash this in a washing machine, but it can be washed by hand.
  3. Fur items represent two sides. With one of which the fabric is attached, and with the other there remains clean, uncovered wool. They look quite attractive and are especially popular. But caring for them is the most problematic. Washing such items is strictly prohibited; even the most gentle method is not suitable. The only solution to the problem is dry cleaning.

When purchasing, you should always be interested in the care instructions and also check for labels on the item. Additionally, if possible, it is better to ask the seller for instructions on how to handle such materials.

Basic prohibitions when using

Sheep blankets and rugs are very light and do not take up much space in the apartment. It can serve long years, if you follow basic care recommendations. Among them, you should definitely know what you definitely shouldn’t do with wool:

  1. Expose to hot temperatures. Washing in hot water will instantly damage the product.
  2. Wool should not be ironed for the same reason. The fibers of the material will immediately change their texture and change their properties.
  3. The material does not tolerate intense mechanical impact. Therefore, active washing, spinning and excessive rinsing with twisting movements are strictly prohibited.
  4. Bleaching. These accessories should not be cleaned with any type of bleach.

Before you begin describing the washing process itself, you should familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations for caring for wool products.

Rules of care

It will be possible to wash products much less often if you ensure that they are properly dried after each use. Wool absorbs moisture well. Therefore, after sleep, hang the blanket on fresh air for at least 15-20 minutes. If this is not possible, then take the blanket out into the fresh air once a week or two, but for the whole day. For drying, be sure to choose dry sunny weather. The presence of moderate wind will enhance the effectiveness of the procedure.

If a stain appears, it can be washed separately. To do this, it is not necessary to wet and wash the entire product. You can easily remove dirt at home using the most common means.

For long-term storage use only special covers made of highly breathable fabrics. Ideal - cotton. But even in this case, it is better to periodically take out a blanket or blanket and dry it in the fresh air, since such products are an excellent haven for dust bugs.

How to wash by hand

It should be noted that washing such a product by hand is not easy. Wool quickly absorbs water and becomes very heavy. In addition, it is difficult to rinse and wash. Each stage requires a serious approach; mistakes are unacceptable. Spinning can permanently damage the product, and improper drying will cause the development of fungi and bacteria inside the blanket or rug.

  1. Fill the bathtub with cool water. The temperature should not be higher than 30 degrees.
  2. Add special remedy. You can use preparations or baby shampoos. But it's better to give preference special compounds that contain lanolin. This substance protects fabric fibers from deformation.
  3. Whip into thick foam.
  4. Place the blanket in the bath.
  5. Leave for 5-10 minutes. You can't rub or pull it.
  6. It is only allowed to lift and release the blanket with gentle movements.
  7. Now you can start rinsing. Do this until all the detergent is completely rinsed out. You need to drain and refill the bath with cool water. It will take a large number of water, but the result largely depends on the correctness of the manipulations.

Once the rinsing is complete, the blanket can be left to drain. Then place a chair under it and let more water drain. This will make it much lighter and easier to lift. The more moisture is removed, the less time it will take to dry.

How to wash in a washing machine

The product should be loaded into the drum based on its maximum load. Wool absorbs water strongly and becomes very heavy. Therefore, for equipment with a low load level it is better to use Baby blanket, and wash adult clothes in a machine with a load of at least 5 kg.

Before starting the process, make sure once again whether this product can be washed. If it does not prohibit manufacturers, then carry out the following manipulations:

  1. For washing, select the Wool mode. If this is not the case, a hand wash program will do.
  2. You can also set the parameters yourself: temperature no higher than 30 degrees, normal rinsing, no spin.
  3. Start the process.

Heavy stains can be removed with baking soda before washing. table salt, vinegar or ammonia. After washing is completed, you can start drying.

How to dry it properly

Dry only in a horizontal position and after maximum water has drained. The product must be laid out on a hard surface. Place another blanket, blanket, or towel underneath. The base must have strong absorbent properties.

The base should be changed periodically to a dry one. This will reduce drying time. After the product has dried, you can hang it on a rope. This will complete the process and prevent moisture from accumulating inside the blanket.

Thus, it is not so easy to make sheepskin or the wool of another animal at home. The process will take a lot of effort and time. but if you periodically carry out such a procedure, then you will be able to enjoy for a long time the pleasant warmth and softness that it gives to its owner on long nights.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.