Aloe is loved by flower growers not only because of its unusual attractive appearance, this plant has a lot of healing qualities. Aloe Tree (Agave) and Aloe Vera are of particular value in this regard.

From decorative varieties I really like Aloe Variegation (aka Tiger). This compact plant with foliage adorned with white spots, speckles and stripes blooms beautifully with bright orange inflorescences.

In nature, aloe lives in places where it is very dry and warm. For example, in Africa, Madagascar or the Arabian Peninsula. It is classified as a Succulent, a group that unites representatives of the flora with unique properties easily adapt to negative environmental conditions, in particular to prolonged droughts.

Their appearance is distinguished by thick, succulent shoots and leaves that accumulate a large supply of water. Often, succulents are decorated with modified leaves that look like spines, hair or bristles.

Aloe tolerates low and high temperatures, he is capable a long period do without watering and do not require any special care. However, for successful cultivation of this unusual plant It's worth finding out some details about his needs.

Planting aloe: how to do it right

When planting aloe, pay attention Special attention on the:

  1. Selection of the most suitable location and pot;
  2. Soil preparation;
  3. Reproduction method;
  4. Correct landing.

Place for aloe - how to choose the best

This succulent will feel great in the south or east window. Northern location is not at all suitable, because the plant should be brightly lit, but not exposed to open sun. Light partial shade is best.

The container for planting aloe should be either plastic or terracotta. They are good because it is very difficult for liquid to pass through - for aloe this is the optimal property. Its size should be such that the root ball feels free in it, with a gap of about 3 cm. In addition, the pot should not be too deep.

You can determine the ideal size of a flowerpot for a flower to live comfortably by focusing on the proportions of the length of the leaves and the diameter of the flowerpot; their ratio should be 2/1.

Substrate for aloe - prepare it yourself

You can plant aloe in a special substrate for succulents purchased at the store. Or you can prepare it yourself, but do not forget that:

  • It should allow oxygen to pass easily;
  • Its composition should not include peat;
  • The acidity level should be either neutral or slightly acidic.

You can make the soil lighter and more airy by adding coarse sand, finely broken bricks, small shells, perlite, and expanded clay gravel. And it itself must consist of equal parts sand (can be replaced with any other drainage layer), leaf soil, humus and clay mixed with turf soil.

Be sure to fill the bottom of the pot with drainage, then a layer of substrate and sprinkle a thin layer of fine gravel or, conversely, coarse sand on top.

Reproduction methods: choosing the best

To grow this amazing succulent, you can use several methods at once:

  • Sowing seeds;
  • Cuttings;
  • Planting a leaf plate;
  • Radical process;
  • Rooting the top shoot.

Seed propagation of aloe

Seeds should be planted in the first months of spring. Prepare the soil in advance; its composition has already been described above. The temperature in the room where the seeds will germinate should exceed 20 degrees Celsius. It is better to take a pot that is not wide and shallow.

The seeds are scattered evenly over the damp soil, sprinkled with a layer of sand on top - the planting depth should not be more than 1 cm.

Polyethylene is stretched over the crops or glass is placed. Now they need sufficient moisture and frequent spraying of the emerging leaves.

After the seedlings have three true leaves, they are planted in separate pots, the height of which is no more than five centimeters.

One-year-old seedlings can be transferred to their permanent place into a container of suitable size.

This method is not the easiest, it is quite labor-intensive, but its advantage is that with its help you can grow a lot of seedlings at once.

Propagation of aloe using cuttings, leaves and stem shoots

There is no particular difference between all these methods. To propagate with any of them, you will have to select the most suitable part of the flower and cut it off with a sharply sharpened, disinfected knife.

All cut areas are thoroughly dried and pollinated with crushed activated carbon. Next, the cut fragment is stored in the dark in the open air for a week.

The shoots are taken from adult specimens with up to 8 large leaves. After the cut site has dried, the shoot can be planted in the substrate.

If you decide to propagate aloe by children or root shoots, then it is best to combine this procedure with the planned transplantation of an adult specimen.

To separate the children you will need a well-sharpened knife. Small roots should remain on each cut child. Aloe is propagated by parts of an adult specimen, usually in warm time of the year.

How to plant:

  • After the cuttings have dried, the cuttings and leaves are planted in a pre-prepared substrate.
  • The leaf tip down is buried in moist soil; the planting depth is approximately 3 cm.
  • The planted leaf or cutting is covered with a glass jar cap or film.
  • It is recommended to place the container in a well-lit place.
  • If you decide to propagate aloe by shoots, then choose one that already has no more than six leaves. It should be deepened before the location of the lower sheet plates. To keep the seedling firmly in the ground, it is covered with small stones. Next, it is grown in an improvised greenhouse.
  • Basal children are planted with roots. If, while separating the shoot, you damaged the roots, then they need to be dried for several days and only then placed in the ground. The parts that remain undamaged can be planted immediately in the greenhouse.

Proper care of aloe

Caring for this succulent is not so difficult, the main thing is to comply with certain requirements:

  • It is not watered often, because succulents can easily live without water for a long period of time. In the warm season, watering is carried out once a week, and with the arrival of cold weather, moistening is increased to twice a month. Undesirable and too much abundant watering, since stagnant moisture will cause rotting of the roots.
  • Helps to cope with this problem drainage system, implying several holes at the bottom of the pot through which excess liquid will drain.
  • The water intended for irrigation should be slightly warm, approximately 25-35 degrees. Excellent results are obtained by placing a container with aloe in a tray filled with water, so the roots are well saturated with water.
  • Aloe needs regular nutrition. They feed it in spring, summer, autumn, one feeding is needed every month. It is recommended to use for this special compounds for succulents and cacti though good results They will also give liquid mineral complexes.
  • An important condition successful cultivation aloe is good lighting, without direct sunlight.
  • Dry air has an extremely negative impact on the well-being of the plant; this aloe experiences it much more severely than the lack of watering. Therefore, the flower needs constant spraying of the fleshy leaves and the space around it.
  • Aloe is a plant that needs winter dormancy. At this time, it is highly undesirable to disturb it; try to water it rarely, and do not fertilize or replant it under any circumstances. However, at this time the flower needs fresh air, regularly ventilate the room, avoiding drafts.

Possible problems

  1. Aloe often suffers in apartment conditions, because it is most often cultivated in medicinal purposes, constantly tear off leaves and care little about his needs. If you grow it correctly, without cutting off the foliage, then this plant can amaze you with its amazing beauty.
  2. Excess water causes the greatest damage to aloe - the roots begin to rot and the flower eventually dies.
  3. Lack of light, especially in winter, also negatively affects the plant - the stems become elongated and the foliage becomes smaller.
  4. Direct Sun rays negatively affect the decorative appearance of aloe - its foliage becomes reddish and thin.
  5. You should not plant a succulent in dense clay, which retains moisture for a long time and does not allow oxygen to pass through; as a result, the aloe roots will begin to rot.

What is the most important thing in caring for aloe?

  • Aloe – unpretentious plant, able to easily survive drought.
  • The plant prefers openwork partial shade and small containers for precipitation.
  • The soil for planting a flower should be breathable and light.
  • Aloe is easy to propagate. Seeds, cuttings, tops, root suckers and even the leaves of the plant can give you a new plant.
  • The succulent is afraid of stagnant water and dry air.

Many people are interested in how to grow aloe. This amazing flower It grows quickly, produces many shoots and does not cause any particular difficulties in care. But growing aloe at home requires careful preparation and compliance with a number of important conditions.

If you are wondering how to grow aloe, you first need to choose a seedling wisely. The flower is propagated by small cuttings, which can be obtained even from young flowers. They grow at the base of the agave and look very similar to an independent plant. The seedlings have their own root system, so you can immediately plant the sprout in a permanent place. Choose a cutting that has fleshy leaves. The length of the stem must be at least five centimeters. In this case, care will be as simple as possible. But smaller specimens can also take root, so if there are no large cuttings, you can take a small sprout.

The flower is propagated by small cuttings, which can be obtained even from young flowers.

There are no special requirements for the soil in which the future agave will grow. If you wish, you can buy soil that is intended for cacti. This perfect option. If you prepare the soil yourself, do not add peat, as the aloe root system reacts negatively to it. It is better to take two parts of turf soil and add coarse sand, humus and leaf soil to it. Also useful charcoal– it has disinfecting properties. A small amount of broken, crushed brick will make the soil looser.

Choose a suitable pot, fill in the drainage and soil, and plant aloe. The container should not be too small or too large. In the first case, the agave will not grow, in the second you will have to wait a long time for changes. The best optionclay pot. In it, the roots will breathe better, and excess moisture will not stagnate.

Choose a suitable pot, fill in the drainage and soil, and plant aloe.

Roast the soil in the oven before planting the plant in it.

This procedure will reduce the risk of diseases and pests, and it will be easier to care for aloe. After planting, you should choose the right window sill on which your pet will live. It is better if it is a room whose windows overlook south side, since the flower loves warmth and light very much.

Growing conditions

When answering the question of how to grow aloe at home, one cannot help but mention the basic rules of care. Compliance with them will allow you to achieve positive results and grow strong agave.

Watering and fertilizing

Aloe is considered an unpretentious plant, but everything needs to be organized minimal care. The flower easily tolerates drought, but it is better to avoid it. After disembarkation young sprout, watering should be frequent - two to three times a week. Then it declines. The frequency of watering depends on the season. In spring and summer, agave begins to grow actively and requires sufficient moisture. Therefore, aloe needs to be watered twice a week. From autumn to spring, a state of dormancy sets in, so watering may be less frequent. This must be done as soon as earthen lump will dry out. Moisten the soil evenly, avoiding water accumulation at the roots.

Feeding is carried out during active growth. Use a fertilizer designed for cacti or succulents. You can also use used ground coffee or tea leaves. But before using it, be sure to dry the mixture to prevent the appearance of small black flies.

Light and warmth

Growing aloe is usually not difficult. The plant does not tolerate coolness and shade, so it is better to place it on the south side. There will be Better conditions for growing agave, and care will be very simple. However, direct sunlight is harmful to the plant. Therefore, if you notice that the leaves of a flower are beginning to turn yellow, choose another place for it or organize protection from the bright sun.

The optimal temperature for agave in summer is about twenty-five degrees, in winter – no lower than plus twelve. Be sure to protect aloe from hypothermia and drafts. As a result, the flower will delight rapid growth and even flowering.


Agave requires periodic replanting, as its root system develops quickly. If you want the plant to grow, try to change the container annually in the first five years of its life, and then every two years. This must be done in the spring, when aloe easily tolerates any manipulation, and after that no intensive care is required. If the flower is not replanted, but simply stops growing.

To replant an agave, simply pull it out along with the soil and move it to new pot. The container should be chosen about twenty percent larger - this is the optimal volume. Pour drainage into it, then soil, previously calcined in the oven, place aloe and pour soil on top. Lightly compact the soil with your hands and add the remaining amount. Then water the plant and return it to its usual place. With proper care, the procedure must be repeated after a year.

If aloe, like, is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, lower leaves needs to be cut off periodically. As a result, the plant loses attractive appearance and there is a need for its reproduction. New flower can be created from a cutting, a shoot, a separate leaf, or seeds.

If aloe, like Kalanchoe, is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, the lower leaves must be periodically torn off.


One of the most simple ways get mature plant. The cuttings that you will plant to propagate agave should reach ten centimeters in length. Cut it with a sharp knife, powder the cut area with coal dust and dry it at room temperature for two to three days. Then plant in a prepared container filled with loose soil below and wet sand above. If there are many cuttings, the distance between them should be about five centimeters.

The longest process, but it allows you to get a whole plantation of plants. The container for growing seeds should be flat and low; the optimal time for sowing is spring or summer. In this case, the containers can be placed in a greenhouse and not sprayed to maintain optimal humidity. The seeds are laid out at a distance of one and a half centimeters, slightly pressing into the ground. It must first be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or heated in the oven. The soil with seeds is sprinkled with dry, clean sand. The recommended temperature for seed germination is 22-25 degrees.

Propagation by seeds is the most time-consuming process, but it allows you to obtain a whole plantation of plants.

Reproduction by shoots

An adult plant always produces young shoots, which thicken the aloe and deprive it of its strength. In the new place they will take root well and become independent plant. When separating formed shoots, make sure that their roots are less damaged. Carefully clean the base of the aloe from the soil and use your fingers to separate the shoot, then plant it in a separate place. If the shoot is firmly attached to the mother plant, cut it off, being careful not to damage the roots. Sprinkle the open cut with charcoal powder and after a couple of days plant it in a moist substrate.

From healthy plant cut off the lowest leaves. It is important that the cut is clean and even. It is treated with coal powder and sent to the substrate. You can cover the sheet glass jar. It will help maintain optimal levels of humidity and temperature. It also needs to be protected from direct sunlight until the plant has completely taken root.

It is important that the cut is clean and even.

Reproduction by apex

If the agave begins to rot from the bottom of the trunk, try to save the crown and propagate the flower with a cutting with a tip. The main condition is to quickly cut off the rotten part to prevent the spread of the disease. Then the plant is treated with coal powder, slightly dried and planted in another place with healthy and moderately moist soil.

When you have planted the seedlings and the first leaves have appeared on them, you can feed the agave. Regular watering is done once a week. It is better to breed aloe in spring or summer, so that the flower has enough warmth and sun to fully recover.

When you have planted the seedlings and the first leaves have appeared on them, you can feed the agave.

What is harmful to aloe

Although the plant is easy to grow, some factors can ruin your efforts to grow aloe vera. These include:

  1. Root rot is the most common disease that appears as a result of overwatering. If the leaves of a flower become pale, too soft, or begin to fall off, there is a high probability that the roots are rotting. To save aloe, remove it from the pot, remove damaged parts, sprinkle it with ash or sulfur and replant it in new land. If the entire root system is affected, you will have to cut the cuttings and grow the flower again.
  2. Lack of lighting and heat - this is evidenced by pale leaves. To correct the situation, move the pot to a lighter windowsill. Falling leaves may indicate that the plant is cold. This may occur due to a draft or too much watering. cold water. Seal all the cracks in the windows and water the agave with water at room temperature.

Various pests are also dangerous for the plant:

  1. Scale insects are brown plaques attached to the leaves. To get rid of them, wipe the flower with a cloth soaked in vinegar or alcohol, then spray with an insecticide. This product can be purchased at any indoor plant store. It is important to follow the instructions, and after the procedure, ventilate the room well.
  2. Mealybug - manifests itself as a waxy coating similar to cotton wool. are susceptible to this disease. The pest is afraid of moisture, so wash the leaves thoroughly, wipe them with vinegar or alcohol and place them in a shaded place for a couple of days.
  3. Spider mite - it can be seen by the cobwebs covering the leaves, and small insects, located with reverse side leaves. Spraying will help solve the problem garlic tincture, wiping soap solution or commercial insecticide.

In general, the plant is unpretentious, so growing and caring for aloe does not cause any particular difficulties. If you provide him the necessary conditions, your windowsill will be decorated with a beautiful and powerful plant. After just two years of life, its leaves will have collected the maximum amount of useful substances, and they can be used for medicinal or cosmetic purposes.

unique plant, which is found in almost every home. Since ancient times, this plant has been used in folk medicine. It has proven itself as an excellent bactericidal and antiviral agent.

One of amazing properties aloe penetrates the skin faster than water, which allows you to achieve the desired effect in a short time. Due to its rapid absorption, it is used to treat poisoning and intestinal infections. In addition, aloe has anti-allergenic and anti-stress properties.

How to grow homemade aloe

Growing aloe is not difficult. It does not require specialized care or regular watering. Young plant up to 3 years old, transplanted in the spring. During this period, the aloe root system develops greatly. If you do not replant, the roots will begin to protrude from the pot and the leaves will wither. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out this work.

In the future, it should be replanted 2-3 times a year. Next, we will tell you how to transplant a plant.

  1. Cut off a small shoot from the root of the flower and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. This will not damage the aloe, but will allow the desired crust to quickly form on the trimmed area. It is recommended to keep the sheet in the refrigerator for up to a day.
  2. Checking the aloe leaf. If the crust has formed, you can proceed to planting.
  3. Pay attention to the ground. Before transplanting a flower, consider the soil where it previously grew. Changing the soil can negatively affect rooting or even lead to the death of the plant.
  4. Choose the shape of the future pot. A pot the size of a mayonnaise bucket is suitable for a small shoot. Use better capacity made of ceramic material. Pieces of broken brick or expanded clay should be placed at the bottom. This will prevent water from stagnating in the pot.
  5. Having rooted the flower, you should crush it upper layer soil and water. Then sprinkle 1-2 cm of dry soil on top. Finally, you need to put on plastic bag and put it on the windowsill.

It is important to remember that aloe does not like direct sunlight, so do not keep the plant in a sunny room. The room should be ventilated regularly.

The young flower is not replanted, but the rolling technique is used. This is due to the still weak and unformed root system. Take the pot with the plant and transfer it to the required container.

How to grow aloe from a cutting

They are as follows:

  1. Protection from direct sunlight. On especially hot days it requires spraying.
  2. Hibernation. Does not require watering in winter. During awakening, you should fertilize the soil.
  3. Prevention from diseases. When the first signs of disease or pests appear, the cause must be eliminated in a timely manner.
  4. Aloe needs to be trimmed regularly and yellowed and damaged leaves removed. Leaves with pests are also copied. If desired, you can shape the shape of a flower. This is done by cutting off the side shoots. The emerging shoots are removed.

Aloe is a natural pharmacy on the windowsill. Even an inexperienced gardener can grow this plant. It is enough to have a little love, show a minimum of care, and the flower will not only please the eye, but also benefit you and all your loved ones.

Aloe can be found on the windows of many Russians. Its value is not only decorative form, but also in healing properties juice But it can be taken from healthy plants. You can grow aloe at home if you know the care details. They will vary slightly depending on the type of it indoor plant. Plants must be grown in comfortable conditions.

The aloe house plant varies in external signs, depending on the type. In nature, this succulent plant is tall and forms thickets. Domestic aloe is a dwarf, a hybrid, compared to its wild relatives.

Most often grown (description and photo):

Aloe real

Aloe vera has a short stem, fleshy, smoky green leaves that form a rosette. The leaf blade is covered in white spots. There are thorns along the edges. It blooms, but rarely, but if aloe is cared for at home according to all the rules, it will throw out an inflorescence that looks like a brush. The flowers are inconspicuous, yellowish.

Aloe arborescens

Aloe arborescens has another name - . Grows quickly. Gray-green leaves, resembling swords, are located on the stems, forming a rosette. Flowers are a rare occurrence, but when they appear, they delight the eye with red, yellow or pink inflorescences. On some plants the flower is scarlet.

Scarlet tiger

Aloe variegated, with tiger-colored green leaves, grows up to 30 cm. Rosettes are arranged in a spiral. Valued among gardeners for its decorative properties. To the question of how often aloe blooms, there is only one answer: you don’t often see pink or yellow inflorescences that resemble tassels.

Any of these varieties can be used as medicinal and cosmetic product. Cosmetologists all over the world prepare rejuvenating and medicinal preparations with the juice of the leaves.

In order for the plant to please, you need to know how to care for aloe at home.

Features of care


The question of how to plant aloe from a shoot is of interest to novice gardeners. For aloe, pots are purchased before planting. They should be spacious and large in volume, preferably ceramic, so that the root system can “breathe”. The root grows well, it will be uncomfortable in a small bowl, since an incorrectly planted aloe shoot begins to signal an error with crawling roots and drying leaves.

Replanting should be done when the plant becomes crowded. The aloe flower is placed in a new one each time, bigger size(in accordance with the dimensions of the flower), a bowl, in a certain composition of the soil. Although this unpretentious plant does not require soil, for a young sprout you need to buy soil in flower shop. By the way, agave prefer to grow in cactus soil.

First, drainage is poured, then soil. Lightly shed and you can plant aloe. Indoor flower After planting, they are placed in a cool place out of direct sunlight. Then transferred to sunny windowsill: after all, agave (the second name for aloe) is a heat-loving plant.

Experienced gardeners advise keeping the soil in a hot oven to protect the future plant from diseases and harmful insects.

Watering rules

Aloe at proper care, grows quickly at home. When watering aloe, you must follow this rule:

  1. In summer, once every 7 days is enough, but generously. If the agave begins to bloom, watering increases.
  2. In winter, when the plant rests, it grows very slowly, moisture consumption is minimal, it is enough to water once every 15 days.

How to water aloe correctly so as not to harm:

  • Moisture stagnation should not be allowed. Roots rot in water. A lack of moisture in the soil is easily determined: usually the fleshy leaves become flat and the tops curl.
  • A drainage cushion made of expanded clay, brick chips, and fine gravel helps prevent stagnation.
  • Before planting aloe, the bottom of the pot is drilled in several places so that excess water drains into the tray, otherwise the ground becomes covered with a green coating.
  • Watering from above is prohibited. It is better to pour water into a tray and place a flower in it.
  • Use water at room temperature. If water is taken from the system, it is first settled.
  • In summer, plants are created around high humidity by spraying
  • Once every two months, special fertilizers are added to the water for irrigation and the home healer is fed.

Lighting Features

We've talked about how to water aloe, now it's time to talk about lighting. Any home flower demanding of certain things light mode. Place the agave on a sunny windowsill. Regarding winter period, then it can withstand dimming quite well, dispensing with artificial backlighting.

To form an even arrangement of leaves indoor flowers, including the agave, are moved to the balcony for the summer. You need to place it so that direct sunlight does not hit it and burn it.

Properly caring for agave means creating and temperature conditions: in summer from +22 to 26 degrees, in winter within +10 and slightly higher.

Transfer rules

The indoor flower needs to be replanted. This procedure is usually carried out with the onset of spring days. If you transplant the agave correctly, it quickly takes root and begins to form new leaves.

Before replanting aloe at home, divide the plants by age. If the plant is young, it needs to change the pot and soil annually. Old after 2 or 3 years. It is also necessary to plant heavily overgrown agave plants, regardless of age.

After preparing the container and soil, separate the plant from the pot using a knife. You need to shake off the old soil from the roots and cut off the darkened roots. The same operation is carried out with damaged roots. Having placed the flower in the center, you need to add soil and compact it.

When aloe is transplanted, a lot of variety remains planting material:

  • root shoots;
  • accidentally broken leaves;
  • cut cuttings from the top. By the way, the top is specially cut off to obtain a new plant.

Which aloe breeding method should you choose?

There are several ways, each requiring its own approach. Therefore, if you have no experience, you will have to decide and choose one thing:

  1. Seeds. Not all flower growers decide to use this method, because it takes a whole year to get a flower. It looks like this: sowing seeds, obtaining seedlings, caring for them, creating certain conditions. You'll have to fiddle around like a small child.
  2. Growing aloe from a leaf is a practical method. Pinch off the planting material and sprinkle the cut with activated carbon. Let it sit for 5 days to dry. Then immerse it 5 cm into the ground and cover it with a jar. Since the leaf is without a root, planting is carried out in moist soil and covered with a jar on top. The created greenhouse effect accelerates the development of the root system (10-15 days).
  3. Now let's figure out how to grow aloe from a shoot. Take the desired part from a healthy plant. The shoot should have up to 8 leaves. Trim aloe to in the right place and remove the planting material to dry for five days. Before planting an aloe shoot, you need to make sure that the lower leaves reach the moist soil. The shoot takes root well on a lighted windowsill. The first signs that the plant has taken root will appear in about a month.
  4. Agave plants are propagated by children. This is the name given to shoots coming from the root. If aloe babies are without roots, they can also be used as planting material. Root system then it will develop.

Plant diseases and pests, how to fight

Agave is an unpretentious plant, but if damaged by pests, it looks depressing.

Let's look at the most common problems.

Root rot, leaf lightening, rotting of the lower part of the plant Excessive watering Reduce intensity and wait until the soil dries. If the problem does not disappear, replant in any way
Sudden leaf drop Used when watering cold water or the plant is standing in the cold Water with warm, settled water, find a more suitable place
Appearance of brown spots Not enough moisture Increase watering
Appearance of soft spots Fungus For treatment, apply a fungicide, ventilate the room
Strong pulling of the plant Lack of light Move to a lit window

There are also insects that can cause irreparable harm. You need to beware of scale insects, spider mite, mealybug, thrips. The measures to combat them are the same as with other indoor plants.


in the photo aloe marlota/A.marlothii

An agave is a must have in every family. It is advisable to place a flower pot in the bedroom to receive enough oxygen at night.

There are many signs associated with aloe growing in the house:

  • protects the house and residents from the evil eye, damage, brings good luck;
  • people live happily ever after;
  • The flowering of agave is associated with an angel who has taken up residence in the house.

If the plant is used for medicinal purposes, then you need to take the leaves from the oldest. How to determine the age of aloe? This can be done using the height of the plant: if above 20 cm, then approximately 3 years.

It is safe to say that every true connoisseur of funds traditional medicine I have aloe at home. About amazing medicinal properties The flower has been known for a long time, and it is easy to care for. Today we will tell you how to plant aloe correctly at home.

The timing of planting aloe depends on the propagation method you choose. If you use seeds for planting, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in early spring. Aloe cuttings can be carried out at any time of the year. Of course, the active phase of the growing season in spring or summer is best.
The main thing is to cut off healthy strong shoots during the growth period of aloe, which are perfect for planting. If your aloe has children - young lateral shoots, then it is best to wait until planned transplant when the plant needs a new pot. And for such optimal time there will be a warm period.

Video “How to plant aloe correctly”

In this video, an expert will tell you how to properly plant aloe.

Choosing a pot and soil

First of all, for aloe you need to choose right place. The natural habitat of the succulent is areas with a sunny, arid climate: the African continent, the Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar. It is for this reason that you need to choose a sunny window sill for the plant on the south or east side of the house. Also, contrary to assumptions that aloe must withstand the scorching rays of the sun, care must be taken to lightly shade the plant to provide diffused lighting.

The ideal container for planting a succulent will be small. plastic pot or weighted terracotta dishes.

These materials are characterized by the absence of pores, so the evaporation of moisture through the walls of the pot is excluded, unlike pottery. The size can be selected according to the volume of the root system: the roots should fit freely in the container, and there should be a margin of a few centimeters up to the walls.

Next, during regular replantings, a new pot is selected for the plant, slightly larger than the previous one. It is important to choose the right soil for the succulent. You can buy ready-made balanced soil. If you want to choose it yourself, then the soil for aloe must meet certain requirements:

  • be airy and loose to provide good ventilation to the air;
  • with a neutral acid-base balance or low acidity;
  • the composition should not include peat.

You can make the soil looser using coarse-grained river sand, small broken bricks, perlite, shells and expanded clay gravel. As a rule, the soil for aloe should contain a small part of clay mixed with a turf layer, leaf soil and humus. Well, any drainage component. All components are taken in equal proportions.

Landing instructions

The planting method depends on how you will propagate the succulent. If you plan to plant seeds, then in addition to a special substrate, you need to select a small, narrow container. The seeds are carefully laid out on the moist top layer of soil and buried approximately 1 cm. Next, they are sprinkled with a thin layer of sand and covered with film. The temperature should be at least 20 °C, and seedlings also need regular, sufficient watering.

After several large leaves appear, the seedlings are transplanted into small separate containers. Aloe is considered more popular using cuttings, leaves, and young lateral shoots. But before planting aloe without roots, it is advisable to root it.

The method in which a plant fragment is placed in liquid for rooting is not always suitable. The succulent may develop weak roots or rot altogether.

It is best to leave the part prepared in advance to dry for several days in a cool place, and then root the cutting in damp sand. The main thing is to disinfect the sand first. Often seedlings in sand are not needed. From time to time you need to carefully tear up the sand to see if a root has formed. After the appearance of strong roots, the seedling is transplanted into permanent soil.

It is important not only to know how to plant an aloe shoot, but also to prepare the cutting correctly. To do this, you need to cut a suitable fragment from an actively growing plant that has at least eight mature leaves. The cutting tool must be sharp and disinfected.

Next, dry the cut area and sprinkle with powder. activated carbon and store in a dark place for about a week. After the cutting area has dried, the cutting can be planted. Plant ready cutting It is recommended to follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • place the leaf in moist soil about 3 cm;
  • cover the cutting with film or a glass cup;
  • place the seedling in a well-lit place;
  • when planting a cutting, use a shoot that has at least 6 leaves;
  • the children are planted with roots.

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