IN open ground, it is very important to comply with all the conditions of this process and ensure proper care. Correctness is of particular importance.

In this article we will tell you how to water cucumbers in open ground to get a rich, high-quality harvest.

Conditions for growing cucumbers

Before you start growing a crop, it is important to familiarize yourself with the conditions that are necessary for normal growth.

  • Landing. The most favorable time for planting vegetables is the second half of May. Starting from this time, there are fewer night frosts, and a constant warm weather. You can plant a vegetable either.
  • . The plant prefers fertile heavy soils. Choose a well-lit place for planting, with access sun rays. Vegetables may die from strong wind- this should also be taken into account when choosing a site.
  • Weeding. When caring for cucumbers, it is necessary to regularly thin them, since darkening the plant affects its development and growth.
  • Loosening. Before flowering, it is important to loosen the soil. After the third leaf becomes noticeable, the vegetables are hilled.
  • Watering. This point is very important when growing crops.

It is worth taking into account the excessive requirements of cucumbers for temperature conditions. Frosts have a detrimental effect on the plant. If the temperature drops below +15 °C, crop growth may slow down. The optimal temperature for growing cucumbers is +25...+30 °C.

Having provided the necessary conditions to grow a vegetable, you can get good harvest and try delicious cucumbers from your garden.

Does cucumber like moisture?

Cucumbers are a moisture-loving crop, but even despite this, you should not “flood” them. The plant has a special structure of the root system, so it is important to constantly moisten the soil. If there is not enough moisture, this will lead to darkening and brittleness of the leaves. If there is excess moisture in the soil, the amount of oxygen will decrease, and this will cause the leaves to turn pale, lead to inhibition of the growth of vines and the appearance of greens. If there are constant changes in the humidification process, as well as temperature fluctuations, this can cause bitterness in the fruit.

It is very important to monitor the soil moisture level - ideally it should be 80%. If the humidity drops to 30%, the plant will simply wither.

Did you know? Cucumber is one of the most ancient crops. Its age is more than 6000 years.

How to properly water cucumbers in open ground

Watering cucumbers is one of the the most important aspects crop care. Whether it will be possible to grow a high-quality and rich harvest depends on its correctness. We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the intricacies of this event.


Usually, summer residents, coming to the site on weekends, begin to water their vegetables generously, because they know that this crop loves moisture. However, as a result of such “excessive” care, it often begins to rot. root system and productivity decreases. There is only one conclusion - there should be a measure in how often to water the cucumbers.

In summer, watering should be done at least 2 times a week, and if it occurs for a long time elevated temperature, the procedure should be carried out every other day.

After planting seedlings in open ground in spring, watering is done once every 5-7 days. If the soil on your site is clay, it will retain moisture better, so in this case you can water the beds less often, but more abundantly.

Times of Day

It is best to water the plants in the evening or in the morning. This is due to the fact that during the day, when temperatures are highest, water falling on the foliage can cause burns.

In addition, in the heat, evaporation occurs faster, which reduces the effectiveness of this event. If the soil is too dry, you should not flood it; it is better to water it gradually, in small doses.

Important! Weeding must be done very carefully, since the root system of cucumbers is close to the surface!

Water requirements

It is strictly forbidden to water the plant cold water. It negatively affects the root system and reduces its ability to absorb. The temperature of the water used for irrigation should not be less than 19 °C.
If you use water from a well to water your plot, you will have to build a special tank for the cucumbers in which it will be heated.

Irrigation technique

You can water different ways. Hoses, buckets, and watering cans are suitable for this. It is important to adhere to the main rule, no matter what tool you use: water should fall exclusively on the ground. This way you can moisten the soil as much as possible and nourish the root system.

Growing cucumbers and drip irrigation

Before you start growing vegetables, it's important to know what to look for.

So, the main points to pay attention to are:

  • Plant cucumbers in the area where they grew before, and.
  • In the fall, apply to the intended planting site.
  • When buying seeds, pay attention to their expiration date.
  • During the growing process, carry out 2 times: at the beginning of flowering and during budding.
  • The distance between seedlings in one row should not be less than 25 cm.
  • Harvest regularly, as overripe fruits take away nutrients from the plant.
  • Water correctly.
One of the methods of soil moistening that has good efficiency, is drip irrigation. Its advantage is that the water goes directly to the root system of the plant. Thus, the culture quickly gains strength, water consumption and the amount of

By and large, for a good harvest, cucumbers, in addition to water, only need a sufficient amount of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium. By choosing the right timing and quantity of fertilizers, you can achieve very good yields. Maximum yields obtained with a skillful combination of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Cucumbers are grown in organic-rich soil. To do this, in the spring, manure or humus is added to the garden bed in an amount of 10-15 kg per 1 square meter. meter. It is advisable to apply mineral fertilizers to the soil three weeks before planting cucumbers in the garden. To do this, for 1 sq. per meter they take an average of 15 g of sodium, 20 g of phosphorus and 15 g of potassium and all this is simply scattered over the surface of the soil.

Feeding cucumbers

In phase 1 of the true leaf, the first feeding of cucumbers is carried out. You can prepare the following solution: dissolve 10 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of superphosphate in 10 liters of water. This amount is enough for an average of 15 plants. After two weeks, you can feed again with the same solution made in double concentration. Make sure that fertilizers do not get on the green part of the plant, as this will cause burns. If the solution does get on the leaves, you should immediately wash it off with water.

If an insufficient amount of humus or manure was used during planting, then the second feeding can be done with a solution of mullein with the addition of ash, or a solution of chicken manure with ash. Mullein is diluted with water six times, bird droppings 15 times. Take a glass of ash onto a bucket of solution.

Cucumbers are fed every 10-15 days and stop feeding 20-30 days before harvest.

Very good action provides boron fertilizer. It is applied as foliar feeding in the flowering phase at a dose of 2 g per square meter. meter.

To ensure that fertilizers are evenly distributed in the soil when fertilizing, the soil is pre-watered.

Feeding cucumbers with folk remedies

Organic fertilizers are applied throughout the entire period of growing cucumbers, following the regime, taking into account the quantity. Excess nutrients can cause rapid growth foliage, accompanied by poor formation of ovaries and more. Using the means at hand, at home, you can prepare nutrient solutions for feeding greens.

Fertilizing cucumbers with ash

Slow plant growth slow development sheet plates, a small amount of color on the bushes is all signs of a deficiency in the soil nutrients.

It is advisable to add ash throughout the season. Used for irrigation ash solution. 1 cup of sifted ash is diluted in a bucket of water and left for a day. This solution is watered at the roots of cucumbers, until the end of fruiting, once every 7-10 days. Cucumbers are watered under the bush, the consumption rate is one liter per plant.

To prevent diseases, dust the root trunk and the ground around with ash.

Fertilizing cucumbers with yeast

This feeding increases resistance to disease, promotes the growth of the root system and the entire plant as a whole, the number of fruits increases, and the quality improves. Yeast contains significant amounts of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, and other elements.

Dissolve one packet of raw yeast in a bucket of water, stir thoroughly, and leave to ferment for a day. Water the plants at the root at the rate of one liter of solution per bush. Yeast tincture is used additionally in combination with mineral fertilizers no more than once every 15 days.

This product can also be used to water tomatoes. initial stage development.

Fertilizing with yeast infusion has the same effect on plants as sourdough.

Fertilizing cucumbers with soda

You can prolong the fruiting of cucumbers by watering the plantings with soda, but not only with it, but in combination with some other components. Prepare the following solution, for 10 liters of water you will need:

1 glass of ash + 1 liter of infusion of rotted hay, aged for 48 hours + 30 g baking soda+ 15 grams of urea.

Fertilizing cucumbers with chicken droppings

You can use both rotted chicken excrement and fresh ones. Before using such fertilizing from chicken manure, the beds with cucumbers are thoroughly watered so as not to cause burns to the roots of the plants. Fresh litter is diluted warm water in a ratio of 1:20 and the cucumbers are carefully watered with the solution at the root (0.5 liters per plant). After applying the fertilizer, the remaining solution that gets on the bushes should be washed off from the watering can with clean water.

All feeding is carried out in the morning or evening hours.

Signs of nutritional deficiency on cucumbers

A deficiency of any nutrients in the soil affects the growth and development of cucumber plants. For example, if there is a lack of nitrogen in the soil, plant growth is retarded, the leaves become light green, and the fruits become pointed and also lighten. The roots begin to turn brown and die.

If the plant does not have enough phosphorus, the leaves become small and dark green. Plant and fruit growth slows down.

If there is insufficient potassium in the soil, a bronze tint appears on older leaves, and then a brown border appears on the edges. The plant practically ceases to resist diseases.

There is insufficient magnesium usually on sandy and sandy loam soils, on lower leaves plants appear light green spots, then they turn yellow, become brittle and fall off prematurely.

The presence of manganese in the soil increases the intensity of plant respiration and the absorption of carbon dioxide. The lack of this element delays fruiting and reduces yield.

Please tell me what kind of fertilizer do you use for cucumbers? Do you like feeding cucumbers with yeast? What fertilizers do you use for cucumbers in a greenhouse, and which ones in open ground?

Cucumbers are the favorite crop of most summer residents. Universal to use, for proper care gives a rich harvest. For good growth The crop must be provided with sufficient moisture and heat. Already in June, the ovaries are visible - the first rudiments of the harvest. However, it happens that there are many of them, and the culture has stopped developing. Therefore, it is necessary to understand why cucumbers grow poorly, whether they like drafts, and what can be done to make the crop grow well again.

Why did cucumbers stop growing?

If cucumbers have stopped growing, you need to understand why this happened. To do this, it is important to analyze the time of planting, care and conditions under which they grow.

The main reasons for growth stagnation are:

  • Poor quality seeds. Low quality planting material can be noticed during the growing period of seedlings. It germinates poorly and produces weak shoots. In this case, the small leaves turn yellow before planting in open ground.
  • Early disembarkation- the crop loves warmth, so you should not plant it on the first warm days that come after frost. For favorable growth cucumbers it is important to average daily temperature was no lower than 15 degrees. If the landing occurred earlier, nothing can be done. The summer resident can only learn the lesson and not make similar mistakes next year.
  • Lack of nutrients during the growing season- cucumbers do not develop, the fruits become flabby and deformed. This often happens due to a lack of nitrogen. To do this, it is necessary to feed the crop at the root with a solution of urea. If the fruits resemble a pear in shape, they lack potassium, you need to water them with potassium sulfate or a solution of wood ash.
  • Improper care- Growing cucumbers requires careful care. It is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, water it, and form lashes. Best harvest It turns out on the side shoots, so you should pinch them to 40-45 cm, cut off the top of the main stem.
  • Lack of moisture- cucumbers begin to bloom, but small cucumbers do not grow. It is necessary to water three times a week with warm water. When flowers form, you should not pour water on the leaves, so as not to knock off the ovaries.
  • Poor pollination- if the cucumbers begin to set, but do not grow, the reason is poor pollination. To correct the situation, you can spray the crop with a sugar solution with lemon balm infusion. The product will attract bees and improve pollination.
  • Development of diseases- a common disease of cucumbers is powdery mildew, appears as white spots on the crop. To get rid of it, you need to use a mixture of skim milk, a few drops of iodine and warm water. The product will get rid of the problem, the plants will slowly begin to recover and set fruit.
  • Cucumbers may stop growing due to the development of anthracnose. This is a disease in which spots appear on the upper part of the leaf. A pinkish coating forms at the bottom of the leaf, turning into sores. To grow a good harvest, you need to remove all damaged parts.

Cucumber ties

Cucumbers grow poorly and grow slowly: what to feed them

If cucumbers have stopped growing, you need to decide what to do as soon as possible. First of all, in order for the crop to grow, it is necessary to feed it with special fertilizers, which can be either chemical or natural.

Natural fertilizers

Grain feeding- fill the bucket 2/3 full with bread crusts, add water, and put under a press for a week. To use, you need to dilute it three times, add 50 grams of universal fertilizer per 12 liters of water. Treat the crop at the beginning of flowering and before wilting once a week.

On a note! This product has an acidic environment, so it is excellent for alkaline soils.

Ash. To get a good cucumber harvest, you need to pour not a large number of facilities. It is worth remembering that the method is not permissible when simultaneously using nitrogen-containing fertilizers. It is worth stopping processing when the first small fruits appear.

Brilliant solution

Yeast feeding. To prepare, you need to take 10 grams of dry yeast, dilute it in 10 liters of warm water, add a tablespoon of sugar. Let it brew for 2.5 hours, then dilute with 50 liters of water. Is used for rapid growth and the appearance of large ovaries.

Feeding with brilliant green and iodine. Used to kill diseases. The roots are treated with brilliant green; to do this, 10 drops must be dissolved in a bucket of water. Iodine is applied to leaves and shoots. It is necessary to dilute 10 ml of iodine in 10 liters of water. Spray the crop.


Processing with mullein. Folk way allowing you to grow a rich harvest. This product can be used at any stage of crop growth. Dilute a few cakes of cow dung in 10 liters of water.

Infusion of onion peel. She needs to fill a 3 liter saucepan and add water. Leave for a day, then dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Often, summer residents have a situation in which cucumbers have begun to grow poorly; how to feed them is not difficult to decide; there is a wide choice.


  • Preparations Kemir, Universal, Aquamarine are used when seedlings are moved from a house from a balcony or windowsill to the ground or to a greenhouse. In order for the shoots to sprout, you need to dilute 5-7 grams of fertilizer in 10 liters of water and water the hole.
  • Microfertilizers containing boron - when treated with this product, the crop will begin to actively grow and form a large number of ovaries. Use 1 granule per 1 liter of water.

Cucumbers set but do not grow: care problems

If the ovary stops while growing a crop, this occurs due to a number of reasons. These include:

  • Low air temperature.
  • Low nutrients, poor soil.
  • The bed in which the crop grows is located in a shaded place, because of this the ovaries form slowly.
  • Too dense bushes.
  • Watering with cold water.
  • Excess or lack of moisture.
  • Incorrect feeding.

In order to correct the situation, it is necessary to take measures:

  • Water only with warm water, and the amount of water should be measured.
  • Who loves drafts, tomatoes or cucumbers? Cucumbers are afraid of drafts, so they should not be planted in areas exposed to the wind.
  • Plant the crop only in beds open to direct sunlight.
  • Feed with fertilizers in the correct ratio.
  • Treat the seeds before planting with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Feed the plant at the root with a urea solution.
  • Trim the main stem and pinch off the side stems.
  • Attract the attention of bees.
  • Treat with pest control products.

In addition, to obtain ovaries it is necessary to attract bees. For this purpose they are used special compounds, which can be purchased at the store or prepared independently from sugar and lemon balm infusion.

Cucumbers don't grow fruits, what should I do? First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause of the problem.

On a note. If it grows in open ground, cover it with a special covering material at night. This will help avoid temperature changes.

Cucumbers are a crop that requires attention and care to obtain a rich harvest. Before planting it in open ground, you need to find out what conditions the plants need, whether cucumbers like a draft or not, and what and when to fertilize them. After this, prepare the bed, properly cultivate the soil, then plant the seedlings and feed them. If cucumbers bloom, but small cucumbers do not grow, most likely it is due to improper care.

How to water cucumbers? The answer worries many gardeners and gardeners, since watering these vegetables is key point competent cultivation. These whimsical plants are ready to give excellent harvest only with proper care. When you need to water them, what kind of water can be used, how exactly and what are the watering standards - read here.

Cucumbers need to create a moist microclimate of air and soil so that they have the opportunity to fully develop. Don't forget that this type of vegetable consists of as much as 95% water.

It is possible to determine when to water the cucumbers next, based on a number of signs. The soil near the base of the stem should be dry, and in the lower layer should be well moistened. This way you can prevent rotting of the roots and the development of diseases.

It is better to plan watering cucumbers in the early morning or evening. If you water your crops in the morning, you should check to see if the water has dried on the surface of the leaves before the sun begins to bake. If not, the plant may get burned. In the evening, the plantings are watered so that the liquid has time to be absorbed before the onset of cold weather. Otherwise, the roots may begin to rot. On particularly hot days, watering cucumbers can be done both in the morning and in the evening. This should be done according to the principle of sprinkling.

During rains, it is better to stop watering. Since we are dealing with tropical plant, whose root system is located as close as possible to the surface of the earth, cucumbers do not tolerate waterlogging. Unlike their garden-grown relatives, greenhouse cucumbers they love it in the heat abundant watering water, so it is recommended to douse them more often when caring. When flowering begins, watering is stopped for several weeks.

How often to water cucumbers? Usually this is done 6 – 7 times a week.

What to water with

Caring for plants involves watering them with water at a certain temperature. To prevent the occurrence of diseases, it is unacceptable to use cold water whose temperature is less than 12 degrees. With cold watering, instead of a good harvest, you can get a lot of problems.

The optimal temperature that vegetables like is from 20 to 25 degrees Celsius. Some sources advise watering the plantings with warm water, the temperature of which is 23–25 degrees. In cool weather without precipitation, vegetables like to be watered hot water, the temperature of which is about 55 degrees. Proper care in this case involves watering directly under the bush. Do not allow the liquid to end up on top of the foliage.

To water vegetables in a greenhouse, you can get a non-cold liquid by standing it in a special barrel. Such a container is filled and placed in a sunny place on the site. During the day it will warm up normally, and you will get an excellent liquid for irrigation.

When watering your favorite vegetables with warm rather than cold liquid, you are guaranteed to get a good harvest of non-bitter cucumbers.

In addition to watering with plain water, cucumbers respond well to spraying with potassium permanganate, which is also called potassium permanganate. This simple and accessible product contains manganese, which is indispensable for normal development vegetable crops. Fertilizing with potassium permanganate comprehensive care should be carried out in the spring, when the seedlings have already been placed in their permanent “place of residence.” It is also practiced to feed potassium permanganate together with boric acid. Such manipulations will protect plants from various diseases.

How to water correctly

We have already figured out what to water with, now it arises important question- how to water cucumbers correctly. To make everything safe for the crop, you need to water it with a watering can through a sprayer. This way you can always avoid exposing the root system and compacting the top layer of soil. If this does not work, you should hill up the bush, filling the base up to the cotyledon leaves. If you do not have a sprayer, you need to make sure that the stream does not hit the very root. It is also permissible to water in special grooves between the beds, which must then be mulched.

With normal care, plants are watered regularly and abundantly, exclusively with warm liquid. If the leaves begin to wither, you should immediately begin the next watering. Do not water cucumbers with a strong stream, as it will wash away the soil around the roots. In the garden, it is better to water the vegetables from a watering can directly into the holes.

The system has proven itself well in open ground drip irrigation. You can even make it yourself. It is carried out using two-liter plastic bottles. Holes are made in them with a hot nail, then they are buried in the ground with the neck down. Make sure there is always liquid in the bottles.

The rules for watering cucumbers in a greenhouse with proper care are also simple. The soil must be kept fluffy so that the root system receives enough oxygen and does not protrude outward. Several times a season, new layers of soil are added. If the ground has sunk slightly, you can only loosen the soil with a rake or pitchfork. Just do this carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Do not over-moisten the soil for cucumbers grown in a greenhouse. It is also unacceptable uneven watering. If for some reason you were unable to carry out a couple of waterings, then on the third one take less than the usual amount of liquid.

The practice of many gardeners shows that it is necessary to dry the soil at the beginning of the fruiting period. This will limit the growth of leaves, and the crop will direct all its efforts to the development of buds and then fruits. They return to the usual watering schedule at a time when a large number of flowers are visible on the plants. As a result, you will get crispy and juicy cucumbers.

As with cultivation in open ground, the greenhouse uses a system drip irrigation. This is an imitation of natural precipitation. Leaves, stems and fruits require irrigation. When watering is carried out, watering cans, sprayers, and hoses are used. You can buy an irrigation system in a store or make it yourself. To do this, a series of holes are made in the hose, and a canister with a tap is filled with liquid. A hose is attached to the canister, which is pulled through all the beds.

Irrigation rates

To stimulate the ovaries before flowering, cucumbers are watered with 3–4 liters of liquid per square meter. Such manipulations are required every 5–7 days. During the important period of flowering and fruiting, the frequency of watering with proper care is 6–12 liters per 1 m2 every 2–3 days.

Water the crops personal plot required as the top layer of soil dries. That is, every 5 days, 8–9 liters per square meter.

After flowers appear on your bushes, the frequency of watering is 1 time per week. At the time of ovary formation and fruiting, cucumbers require watering every few days in the amount of 25 liters of liquid per 1 m2.

How much liquid do your favorite vegetables need in hot weather? It is recommended to place containers with water between the rows or to refresh the surface of the leaves using a watering can. If it rains, there is no need to water the vegetables at this time.

When growing vegetables in a greenhouse, the amount of liquid for young cucumbers is 4–5 liters per 1 m2 of area, taking into account drying of the soil. At the time of flowering, the soil should be moistened every few days. Next, watering is carried out every other day, using 9–12 liters per square meter. If the days are hot outside, it is recommended to carry out additional evening sprinkling. The fluid requirement decreases by 2–3 times.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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