IN modern houses there are more and more household appliances for various purposes. One of the latest devices, gradually entering our lives, are air conditioners.

Like any others automatic devices, these products require maintenance. Today we will tell you how to clean the air conditioner yourself right at home, without calling a professional.

Regular maintenance of household appliances

Air conditioner problems

While using the device, you will immediately feel that it is not working properly. full power that his insides were clogged. To prevent mold and bacteria from growing inside the device, it will need to be cleaned. The indoor unit is located in our apartment, so getting to it will not be difficult, external unit outside, but you will rarely need to approach it.

Don’t worry, anyone can handle this task with their own hands, even those without general idea about the operation of such equipment. To bring your unit back to life, it will be enough to clean its filter from dirt, inspect the insides and pay a little attention appearance. The indoor unit is subject to less contamination than the external unit, but the operation of the device entirely depends on its functioning.

It is advisable to clean the air conditioner filter from dirt every month when the device operates tightly. If there are people in the house who suffer from asthma or allergies, then you will have to clean more often, for example, once a week. However, once you have mastered the procedure for cleaning the device yourself, you will do everything automatically.

Even the average person can take care of their home air conditioner

What threatens us if we ignore the cleaning of the air conditioner:

  • first of all, a dirty filter will affect the quality of operation of the device, and the air coming out of it will not be as fresh and clean as it should be;
  • due to accumulated dirt indoor unit the device will emit an unpleasant odor;
  • the internal radiator of the device will overheat as a result of poor cooling, which will certainly affect the entire drainage system;
  • the air cooling system will begin to work unstably, after which the device will make various noisy and crackling sounds that we would not want to hear in our homes;
  • the drainage system of the device will fall into a very neglected state, which may cause condensation to drip directly into the apartment, rather than leaving through a pipe outside the house;
  • if you want to clean the air conditioner, you will encounter great difficulties in the form huge amount dirt, mold and other unpleasant contaminants inside the device.

Such conditions will create a favorable environment for the growth of mold, microorganisms, mites, and, as a result, an unpleasant odor inside the device. Therefore, in order not to bring the unit to such a state, it is easier to clean it properly yourself at home, or call a professional a couple of times.

Cleaning the machine

The most important and simplest action that we can do with our air conditioner ourselves is to clean its filter. The filtration system in many devices is identical, there are some features in the models different manufacturers, but they are insignificant. Replacing the filter or cleaning it at home is very simple, as the documentation for the device will tell you about.

The entire algorithm of actions to help clean the filter is described and drawn in the instructions. There you can also find the general theory of operation of the device, methods for cleaning its other elements, such as the radiator, outdoor unit.

Removing and cleaning the device filters from accumulated dirt

The list of processes for cleaning the filter yourself looks like this:

  • to remove the filter from the device, you need to open the air conditioner cover located on the indoor unit, most often you just need to lift it up;
  • To remove small amounts of dust, it is convenient to use a vacuum cleaner;
  • If the appliance has been cleaned for a long time, and the dirt is old, then take the grille to the bathroom and wash it under running water, but do not use detergents, there is enough water;

Detergents should not be used, as they can damage the filter itself, and during operation, parts of the composition remaining on the grilles will pollute the air entering the apartment.

  • after washing the filter in mandatory must be dried and only then placed in the indoor unit;
  • sold for air conditioners special compounds, allowing you to disinfect its insides, they are sprayed in the air, and the device, driving it away, is cleaned; to do this, turn it on like a fan and spray the composition;
  • Wipe the outer part of the device, including the blinds, with a damp cloth, after which the device can be assembled and started up in normal mode.

Some air conditioners are equipped with disposable filters for air purification, which must be replaced with new ones as they become dirty. Please pay attention to this point when purchasing a device.

Like many other devices, the air conditioner has a radiator (heat exchanger), which is located under the filter or immediately under the cover. You can clean it from dust with the same vacuum cleaner, if you can reach the hose. It is highly not recommended to wash the inside of the device, especially with your own hands, without the help of experts. The instructions for the device talk about steam cleaning, but only professional specialists can clean the device in this way.

Maintaining the device in working condition is not at all difficult

Once or twice a year, you will have to clean the external unit of the air conditioner, located outside, on the wall of the house, from dirt. Most often, the outdoor unit is cleaned after winter. It is very good if the device is secured in an accessible position, but if not, you will have to call the experts.

In many multi-storey buildings air conditioner cleaning outside impossible without special devices. Agree with your neighbors and call a team to clean all devices on your side of the house, prepare for the arrival of summer season when the device is absolutely necessary.

To clean the external unit you will need to remove protective grille, clean it of dust and dirt, after which you need to inspect the insides of the outer part of the device and vacuum them. Since this part of the device is located outdoors, a large amount of dirt accumulates in it, which we need to remove. After all cleaning procedures, the block is assembled.

External air conditioner unit of a popular brand

In the event of various breakdowns of the device, do not try to repair it yourself, unless, of course, you are a certified engineer and a refrigeration specialist. Call the professionals, let them see what is leaking and why the unit is not cooling.

For normal operation monitor the device regular care, there are no particular difficulties in this. But a clean and ready-to-use device will help you regulate the microclimate in your apartment, refresh hot air and ventilate the room.

Promptly caring for household items climate control technology, work efficiency can be maintained, high level reliability, extend service life. Initially it concerns cleaning home split system from dirt, dust. It is not at all necessary to call cleaning service specialists. Let's consider how to clean the air conditioner yourself, using a minimum of funds and financial costs.

Why is cleaning necessary?

Cleaning the home climate system is necessary first of all to preserve the health of the residents, and only then for the quality work technology. The influence of cool air, but saturated with pathogenic microorganisms, does not manifest itself as quickly as the breakdown of climate control equipment, unusual odor, leakage, or the appearance of mold on the module.

The decision to clean the air conditioner is made precisely after the above signs of a malfunction of the climate control system appear. But this is just an extreme degree of pollution that has accumulated for a long time, poisoning the air being driven through.

If the residents are relatively healthy, the impact of a damaged split system will not be felt immediately. It will be more difficult for asthmatics, people who have problems with respiratory system, cardiovascular diseases - they will quickly feel the difference in the operation of dirty equipment.

To prevent an extreme situation, it is necessary to regularly clean the entire climate system. This will help preserve the health of people living in the apartment, extend the life of electrical mechanisms, and create optimal microclimatic conditions every day.

How often should you clean your home air conditioner?

The frequency of cleaning the split system is determined by many factors. If we talk about the external module, once a year is enough to normal functioning the entire system.

Various elements of the internal module require a specific processing time for them. Thus, the most frequently cleaned parts are air filters, which absorb the bulk of all debris that comes with the air. They need to be cleaned once every 1-3 months, which depends on the degree of contamination of the room itself, the characteristics of its location, etc.

The fan and heat exchanger can be cleaned less frequently - twice a year is enough. As a rule, experts recommend carrying out treatment in the spring before starting active use summer period and late autumn, before the onset of winter frosts.

If the air conditioner is used under conditions of increased pollution, cleaning procedures are carried out even more often as dust settles on the elements of the device. You need to monitor this yourself, carry out timely maintenance of the climate control installation, then cleaning the air conditioner at home will not be difficult.

What needs to be cleaned?

Household climate control equipment must be cleaned almost completely, to one degree or another. The internal module must be treated with a fan, evaporator, drainage group, air filters, internal and external surfaces of the plastic housing.

Treatment of the outdoor unit - washing the metal housing, filters, fan, condenser. Particular attention is paid to the equipment located under the canopy. Birds like to settle under it, thereby clogging the outer element of the system with fluff, small feathers, leftover food, and other waste products.

Let's take a closer look at how to clean an air conditioner in a living space with your own hands.

How to clean the external unit of the air conditioner?

Most often, the outer element becomes clogged with fluff during poplar flowering, street dust, and sand blown there by the wind. If the house is located near a highway, on a street with heavy traffic, the outer housing of the unit and internal parts become covered with soot and soot.

Over time, these contaminants adhere to the blades of a fan, compressor, or condenser in a dense layer, complicating their operation. The heat exchange process is disrupted, since adhered dirt does not allow the refrigerant to cool effectively. This leads to an increase in energy consumption during normalization of heat transfer work and wear of the internal parts of the device.

Mechanical flushing of the outdoor module of the split system is sufficient to maintain cleanliness and proper operation. Let's define a few recommendations on how to clean the outdoor unit:

  • Disconnect the equipment from the power supply before starting cleaning work.
  • Remove the outer metal casing.
  • Remove large debris (feathers, fluff, leaves, small branches) with a brush or an autonomous compressor unit.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to clean fine dust deposits from hard-to-reach parts, or blow them out with a compressor.
  • Clean the fan blades.
  • Use a strong water pressure and use a steam generator to rinse the plate condenser from dirt.
  • After drying all the elements, put the module body back.
  • During cleaning work, ensure that no moisture gets into the electrical unit.

How to clean the indoor unit of an air conditioner?

Cleaning the indoor unit requires more attention, time, set of funds. The main points of the process are cleaning treatment of air filters, fan, evaporator, drainage system, the inner surface of the housing. Let's look at each separately.

Air purification filters

They are processed most often because they become contaminated with dust faster than other parts. They are a fine mesh with plastic partition, are the primary system, rough cleaning incoming air. How to clean the filter in your air conditioner:

  • Turn off the power supply.
  • Open top plastic panel housing, fix in this position.
  • Carefully remove the air filters.
  • Remove dust with a brush or vacuum cleaner.
  • Rinse under running water. If required, soak in soapy solution, after some time, rinse under the tap.
  • Dry completely.
  • Reinstall after complete cleaning of the indoor unit (if done).


Most modifications of climate control equipment include a removable drum with fan blades. This allows you to wash it separately if necessary. Sequence of cleaning actions:

  • Make sure that the installation is disabled.
  • Remove the front panel of the case.
  • Remove the drainage container after first disconnecting the electrical unit.
  • Find the fan retaining screw connecting it to the motor.
  • Carefully unscrew the screw so as not to damage the evaporator.
  • Clean the fan blades from dirty deposits with a soap solution and disinfectant.
  • Dry the part.
  • Treat fan blades with an antibacterial agent that inhibits the spread of germs.
  • After completing all cleaning work, reinstall using the reverse order.


Deep cleaning of the heat exchanger is carried out only by employees of a special cleaning service with removal of the indoor unit. At home, it can only be treated superficially. Therefore, you should not clog the air conditioner; you need to clean it in a timely manner to avoid large financial expenses. Cleaning process:

  • Check if the equipment is disconnected from the power supply.
  • If front panel, filters have been previously removed, begin processing. If not, carefully dismantle the elements.
  • Use a long-haired brush to gently clean the evaporator from top to bottom, taking care not to damage the thin plates.
  • Use the purchased antimicrobial agent according to the instructions specified by the manufacturer. This could be a foamy substance, an antiseptic spray, etc.
  • Dry the heat exchanger.
  • Carry out fixing disinfection treatment details.

Drainage system

It is very important to clean this part of the split system. It accumulates a lot of moisture, which subsequently combines with dust and becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and fungal colonies. Contaminants and mucus form a plug that prevents the outflow of condensate, which leads to leakage from the climate control module. Cleaning sequence:

  • Checking that there is no power connection is mandatory.
  • If the panel and filters are removed, disconnect the drainage from the electrical unit.
  • The drainage container is treated with soapy water, an antiseptic, and washed with running water.
  • Rinse the drainage pipe under pressure with water and an antiseptic solution.
  • Dry.
  • Place the parts in place.
  • It is recommended to place an antibacterial agent in the form of a tablet inside the container that inhibits further activities pathogenic microorganisms.

The process of cleaning the air conditioner can be seen in the video.

The process of cleaning the air conditioner is not complicated, but it requires care and precision. You can do it yourself, or entrust it to professional workers. The frequency of processing must be observed to avoid unpleasant consequences and unexpected financial expenses. Any climate system, even one equipped with a self-cleaning option, must be cleaned.

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For a long time now different types Air conditioners have become almost the main equipment in our homes, since thanks to them we establish an ideal microclimate in our premises and, thus, escape from heat or cold. But there is no equipment that does not require regular maintenance, so for the air conditioner to operate efficiently and properly, think about cleaning its parts. In what cases can you clean the device yourself at home, and in what cases will you need the help of a specialist?

In what cases is it necessary to clean the indoor and outdoor units of the air conditioner?

Equipment should be cleaned immediately in the following cases:

  1. The air conditioner began to consume more electricity.
  2. The climate system began to work worse or its power decreased.
  3. When you turn on the air conditioner, a characteristic crackling or loud noise is heard from the electricity. In this case, you should check the unit's turbines or filters for clogging.
  4. During operation of the equipment, a condensate leak appeared from its external unit.
  5. An unpleasant and pungent odor that appears immediately after turning on the air conditioner. This is a warning that there is a problem with the drainage system or the evaporator grille.
  6. The appearance of gurgling or popping sounds, which indicate that the drainage has become worse or the cooling system is losing refrigerant.
  7. The external unit makes a characteristic knocking sound, which means it’s time to clean its body from clogging. The fan blades no longer rotate or catch on another object.

If you treat the air conditioner with care, it will last its entire service life without repair, which is about 11 years of ideal operation.

If you treat the air conditioner with care, it will last its entire service life without repair, which is about 11 years of ideal operation.

How to clean your air conditioner at home yourself: step-by-step instructions for different components

Before you start cleaning your air conditioner, determine the types of work that need to be done. The following processes are carried out independently: cleaning the fan, heat exchanger, filters, drainage.

The outdoor unit also needs cleaning, but it is better to hire a professional to do this job. Working at height is not safe and requires special devices and experience.

To clean your equipment yourself, you will need the following tools:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • soft cloths;
  • a small brush (not very wide and with medium bristles);
  • toothbrush;
  • detergent;
  • soap;
  • container with warm water.

Cleaning filters

Cleaning the filters is simple, so everyone can handle this process, the main thing is to follow this sequence:

How to clean the heat exchanger

The heat exchanger affects the quality of cooling and heating of the room, so the procedure for cleaning it should not be ignored.

  1. First, the internal block in the device opens.

    It is also important to clean a dirty air conditioner heat exchanger

  2. Get the grate.

    We take out the heat exchanger grille

  3. Use a vacuum cleaner to collect all the dust from the grate. The vacuum cleaner should operate at medium power.

    It is better to clean the heat exchanger with a soft brush.

  4. Wipe the grill with a slightly damp cloth so that there are no traces of dirt or dust accumulation left later.

    Wipe the heat exchanger grill with a rag

  5. We insert the element into its original place and cover it with a lid.

    Treating the heat exchanger with an antiseptic

  6. You need to wait a little before turning on the air conditioner.

How to clean the outside of the device

Also, the external unit of the device needs constant cleaning, although it gets dirty much less than the internal one, so it needs to be removed from dust once every 6 months.

For the procedure, a powerful vacuum cleaner is used, which is capable of extracting all the dust from the external filters and heat exchange radiator, as well as a soft brush:

When the outdoor unit is located within reach for servicing, use a compressor. A hose with a fitting is pushed into the housing and the valve opens. This way you will remove dirt outside the air conditioner grille.

How to clean a fan

The fan is located inside the unit, so you need to open the cover to see its blades. The accumulation of dust on the fan prevents it from working properly. You can remove plaque in this way:

The fan cleaning procedure must be carried out carefully and thoroughly so as not to damage the blades.

Cleaning the fan from dust must be done carefully and carefully so as not to damage the parts.

Cleaning the drain

The drainage of the device is cleaned using antibacterial treatment. This process includes maintenance of all equipment components. If you have a steam generator, this procedure can be completed much faster.

The housing, drainage, and filters of the device must be cleaned regularly. This should be done depending on functional purpose equipment and its climatic location:

Equipment drains are cleaned as needed. You can check the contamination of the system channels visually by looking at wet spots..

The service life of the equipment depends not only on the selected model and good installation air conditioner, but also from it correct use. Sticking to simple rules, you will extend the operating time of the equipment.

  1. There should be no drafts in the room where the air conditioner is installed. Close doors and windows to maintain the required temperature, otherwise the equipment will work in increased mode, which will increase the load on the compressor and fan.
  2. Unnecessarily, do not turn on the air conditioner for maximum airflow, as well as minimum airflow. temperature regime, because with constant high power operation of the equipment, internal parts wear out faster.
  3. The air conditioner must operate at the permitted outdoor temperature: inverter models - from -5 to -10 degrees, equipment with a “winter set” up to -20 degrees, basic models - from 0 to -5°C.
  4. Servicing must be carried out regularly. For intensive use twice a year, for moderate use - once a year. Specialized companies will charge a relatively inexpensive price for such a service, but this increases the likelihood of preventing serious repairs in the future.
  5. The indoor unit of the system should not be directly exposed to sunlight.
  6. After long downtime The air conditioner switches on to ventilation mode to run the entire system. This will remove accumulated condensation and eliminate unpleasant odors.
  7. The air flow coming from the air conditioner should not have any obstacles in its path.
  8. The external unit must be protected from exposure to precipitation. For example, make a canopy that will prevent snow and rain from falling on the block. You can also install an anti-vandal grille.
  9. Once a quarter, clean the air conditioner filters, dry them and put them back in place.

You can not only extend the operation of the air conditioner, but also make the equipment less dirty. To do this, follow these rules:

  • Ventilate the room periodically while using the equipment;
  • do not place foreign objects on the air conditioner and its indoor unit;
  • containers with water and flowers also do not need to be placed on the equipment;
  • do not touch the equipment with wet hands;
  • do not let animals sit on it.

In what cases can you not do without a service center?

When buying an air conditioner, be prepared for the fact that without service in some cases you won't have to. There are several reasons that will force you to turn to specialists:

You cannot eliminate any of these reasons yourself, which means you cannot do without service.

Video: how to clean the external unit of an air conditioner with your own hands

Now you already know how to maintain your air conditioner, but the cleaning process various parts must be carried out carefully, as you can damage the equipment or injure yourself. What can we say about the fact that a badly damaged element will have to be replaced. Also make sure that after cleaning, the air conditioner parts dry thoroughly. Comprehensive service will help long time use your conditioner.

Every day, your air conditioner moves large amounts of untreated air. All dust and dirt settle on its filters, which require regular and thorough cleaning. If cleaning is not done, then dirty air with dust will again enter the room, and you will breathe it. And this is fraught with allergies and other health problems. Moreover, an uncleaned air conditioner is noisier and may emit an unpleasant odor. Experts advise performing preventative cleaning of the air conditioner at least twice a year before the start of the season of use. In this article we will figure out how to clean the air conditioner at home yourself.

Signs that your air conditioner needs cleaning

The frequency of cleaning your air conditioner may depend on many factors, such as:

  • The degree of indoor air pollution;
  • Frequency of use of the device;
  • The height of the air conditioner above the ground (floor);
  • Air humidity.

More frequent cleaning may be due to the fact that you have a device installed that combines the functions of air conditioning and air purification.

If you notice the following signs, it is recommended to clean the air conditioner yourself as soon as possible:

  1. The air conditioner started to be very noisy.
  2. An unpleasant odor appeared.
  3. The device began to cool poorly.
  4. Condensation is leaking from the indoor unit.

Cleaning the indoor unit of the air conditioner

To clean the indoor unit, unplug the device. Carefully remove the top cover and remove mesh filters. Soak them in warm water with added soap and leave for a while. This way, the dirt that has accumulated over a long time will be better left behind. If you notice an unpleasant odor when the air conditioner is operating, use antiseptic and disinfectants. This will help cope with bacteria and fungi. It is recommended to clean the indoor unit at least once a month.

As for pocket filters, it is not recommended to clean them yourself. Otherwise, you will most likely have to replace the entire unit. Simply remove and replace them with new ones.

After the filters, it is necessary to clean the rotary fan, made in the form of a roller. Since this part of the indoor unit of the air conditioner is designed to circulate cooled air from the device into the room, quite a lot of dust also settles on it. For long period Without cleaning, the fan blades can become so dirty that they stop performing their functions. For effective cleaning For a rotary fan, you need to moisten the blades in a soapy solution and turn on the device, drive air through them. After a few minutes, turn off the device and complete the cleaning manually using a brush and soap solution.

Cleaning the heat exchanger

Cleaning the air conditioner also includes cleaning the heat exchanger, which is responsible for both heating the air in the cool season and cooling it in the summer. Once you have cleaned the vents on the top cover, begin cleaning the heat exchanger.

After opening the lid, carefully brush the dust from the heat exchanger fins with a brush. In case heavy pollution apply wet cleaning, but special care is needed here so as not to deform the thin plates. This cleaning should be done approximately once a year.

Cleaning the external unit of the air conditioner

The external unit does not need to be cleaned as often as the internal one. It is enough to clean and rinse it 1-2 times a year. Most often it becomes clogged with poplar fluff, plant pollen, leaves, debris, and small twigs. If the outdoor unit is not cleaned, it will most likely lead to serious problems. The equipment will not be able to effectively perform the air conditioning function, breakdown is inevitable. It is also necessary to clean the outdoor unit because dirt that gets there interferes with normal heat exchange in the radiator. And this, in turn, leads to overheating and failure of the compressor.

The steps for cleaning the outdoor unit of an air conditioner include removing large debris. Next, clean with a brush and vacuum cleaner. A vacuum cleaner will help you pull dust out of hard-to-reach places. Then clean the fan blades, for which it is better to use a damp cloth. This must be done very delicately. During wet cleaning Water may get on the electrical components of the device. To prevent this from happening, you need to cover them with plastic wrap.

The radiator plates are washed with strong water pressure. To do this, use a hose or a special mini-wash. If the contamination is severe, then additional detergents are used.

Finally, you can wipe it with a sponge. inner surface block. It is important to remember that assembly and connection of the device can only be done after all parts have completely dried.

Cleaning the drainage system

If the drainage systems are not cleaned for a long time, the air conditioner will most likely leak. The fact is that in the drainage tubes in large quantities not only dust and dirt accumulate, but also fungi or mold. All this can clog the tubes so much that the water outflow through them stops and water goes inside. The danger is also that mold from the pipes can spread to the radiator and to the walls of the case.

There are three ways to clean your air conditioner drain:

  • Regular cleaning with water and detergents;
  • Flushing the disconnected drain and blowing it with air;
  • Flushing at complete disassembly block.

At home, the easiest way to do regular cleaning. Fat-dissolving detergents, such as dishwashing liquid, are suitable for this. And don’t forget to rinse the drain pan thoroughly, since its contamination is the main cause of the unpleasant odor.

Air conditioner operating rules

In order for the air conditioner to serve you as long as its manufacturers promise (the service life depends on the brand and manufacturer and is 7-12 years), you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Regularly (at least once a month) clean the indoor unit of the air conditioner and wash all filters.
  2. If any signs of air conditioner malfunction occur, immediately turn off the device and call service.
  3. Once a year, you must call specialists who will check the pressure of the device and refill the air conditioner with freon. Specialists will also clean those blocks that you were unable to clean on your own.
  4. Air conditioners with a built-in all-season unit should never be used at temperatures external environment below 0°C.

Seasonal preparation of air conditioner

Now you know how to clean your air conditioner at home, but that's not all there is to know about air conditioners. Along with regular cleaning twice a year, you need to prepare the equipment for the start of the new season.

Preparing for the summer

Before you start warm season It is imperative to clean the heat exchanger located in the external unit of the air conditioner. Also check how the equipment operates in all modes. Check the operation of the fans and set them to full power. The only exception to this can be high humidity air. Replace air filters if necessary. Rinse the outdoor unit thoroughly, ideally this should be done under high water pressure.

Preparing for the winter season

If the air conditioner is not equipped with an all-season unit, then its use down to a temperature of minus 3°C is permissible. If such a unit is installed, then no more than 0°C. Turning on the device when more than low temperatures dangerous due to freezing of its drainage system. If this happens, then most likely you will soon find out about it, since water will begin to flow from the indoor unit of the air conditioner. This is the condensate that should have flowed out through the drain tube.

Winterizing your air conditioner may also include equipping it with special device crankcase heating in the compressor, as well as a speed controller in the outdoor unit. And if you also install the so-called “warm drainage”, then the air conditioner can be operated all year round at any temperature.

So, let us remind you once again why we need to regularly clean the air conditioner:

  • A dirty air conditioner is a health hazard;
  • A dirty air conditioner wastes electricity;
  • Pollution reduces the resource of the split system;
  • Contamination increases the risk of breakdown by up to 95%.

Thus, we see that in order to clean the air conditioner with your own hands, no special skills or tools are required.

An air conditioner is a device that allows you to create the most comfortable conditions for a person to stay in a room. But if you don’t regularly take care of cleanliness, the benefits will be much less than the harm. Therefore, the question of how to clean the air conditioner must be resolved in a timely manner.

How to determine when it's time to clean your air conditioner

It is difficult to give a definite answer to the question of how often your air conditioner needs to be cleaned. As a rule, owners make a decision on their own by carefully inspecting the device and finding contamination not only outside, but also inside on the fan blades. However, there are a number of signs by which you can determine that it is time to clean the device:

  • unpleasant odors are felt, most often damp;
  • it was discovered that the air conditioner began to consume more energy than before;
  • the indoor unit is leaking;
  • cooling power has become noticeably lower;
  • When you turn on the device, you hear a crackling or other noise.

You cannot ignore at least one of the above signs, otherwise the mechanism may break down and you will need to replace some parts, and sometimes the entire device. The frequency of preventative cleaning of the air conditioner depends on many factors. It is necessary to take into account not only the area of ​​​​the room and the number of people living, but also the location of the building.

  • The higher the floor where the air conditioner is located, the less often cleaning will be required. IN upper layers air concentration of dust is much less than below.
  • If the building is located in an industrial part settlement or close to the road, the heating and cooling system will need to be disinfected more often.
  • When the poplars growing near the house begin to bloom, the fluff can quickly clog external filters devices, therefore summer period Cleaning your home air conditioner with your own hands or with the help of a professional may even be necessary more than once a season.

Possible consequences of air conditioner contamination

Even if the room with the air conditioning system is regularly cleaned, small particles of dust still settle both outside and inside the device, and accordingly, it also needs to be cleaned. If measures are not taken, pollution can result in the following negative consequences:

  • decrease functionality devices;
  • overheating of the heat exchanger, increasing the load on the compressor and, as a result, compressor failure;
  • the proliferation of mold, bacteria, and dust mites inside the device, which can lead to diseases of the lungs and other organs of all household members;
  • foul odor emitted by the device.

How to clean an air conditioner yourself

Before starting cleaning, you should carefully read the instructions for the device. Be sure to find information not only about the procedure for removing dirt and dust, but also about the design of the system.


Even if you don’t understand the structure of an air conditioner, you don’t need any special skills to clean the filters yourself.

  1. Open the cover of the indoor unit and carefully remove the mesh parts;
  2. Place the filters in a bowl of soapy water;
  3. After 30 minutes, check to see if any dirt remains;
  4. IN hard to reach places The easiest way to clean is with a toothbrush, but this must be done carefully, without pressure;
  5. Rinse the filters in running water;
  6. Gently wipe clean parts with a dry cloth, and if sunny weather It will be enough just to put them on the windowsill until completely dry.

Attention! Some air conditioners have carbon filters(based on activated carbon). They are not cleaned, but completely replaced approximately every four months.


Cleaning the radiator involves removing dust between the thin plates. Doing this yourself is not so difficult if you have a vacuum cleaner on your household. In the absence of this household appliance you will have to use a brush or a brush with long bristles.


Let the unit run for a while before cleaning the fan. Then open the lid of the device and clean the blades with a toothbrush dipped in soapy water. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Drainage system

To clean the drainage antibacterially, you first need to find the entrance to the system. As a rule, it is located under the cover on the side. And then you can go in two ways:

  • wash the entire system and spray a special antibacterial substance containing alcohol from a spray bottle;
  • use a steam generator, that is, blow steam into the body of the unit.

Cleaning the outdoor unit

If how to clean an air conditioner at home usually does not cause additional questions, serious difficulties can arise with the external unit, especially if it is located at a height of several floors. In this case, you shouldn’t risk balancing with a brush on the windowsill; you need to call specialists who have all the necessary equipment.

Even if you live on the ground floor, you should still contact a professional if the air conditioner is not working well, is leaking, and the contamination is quite serious. If you decide to clean the device yourself, you need to be extremely careful. It is most convenient to use a vacuum cleaner by first unscrewing the lid. After completing the procedure, all parts must be returned to their place.

  • avoid drafts in the room where the air conditioner is installed in order to reduce the load on the device;
  • the operating life of the device will be longer if you do not often use the blowing function at maximum power;
  • before turning on the air conditioner, make sure that the temperature outside is appropriate for your device (most models are allowed to be used from 0 to -5 degrees);
  • maintenance should be regular, 1–2 times a year, in addition, you need to carry out independent cleaning as needed;
  • make sure that the indoor unit is not exposed to direct sunlight and is also protected from precipitation;
  • if you have not used the device for a long time, you first need to turn on the ventilation mode;
  • provide air flow coming out of the air conditioner, free space, unimpeded movement;
  • It is a good idea to install an anti-vandal grille on the external unit.

Any equipment needs careful care, and the air conditioner is no exception. The operating rules include the removal of contamination; this should be done regularly. Now you know how to clean the air conditioner at home yourself, however, in some cases it is more advisable to invite specialists.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):