22711 03/08/2019 6 min.

A chainsaw with the proper power is capable of cutting down any tree trunk for which the length of the cutting part is sufficient. You need to carry out the work very carefully, adhering to all the rules. Particular attention should be paid when there is a risk of unpleasant situations due to too thick, icy or contaminated wood.

You need to take into account all the factors that can complicate the work, and use the chainsaw carefully, constantly monitoring your actions and the work of your partners.

What do you need to know first?

There are a range of factors that influence the correct felling of timber. Most important conditions are divided into two categories: the technical component of the process and ensuring the safety of all persons involved.

Be safe when cutting

The technical side of the issue is usually requires an immediate solution even at , since each model is designed only for a certain thickness, density and structure of wood. Sawing is usually done quite slowly. Acceleration is only possible when working with well-yielding wood or thin trunks (you can even use it for this). Usually such plants are not of great value, so they are cut down very rarely.

It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the tree in advance, comparing with the selected chainsaw model (see). The device must optimally meet a specific power goal. If the length of the device’s tire does not exceed 35 cm, then the maximum diameter of the tree trunk with which the work is carried out is 30 cm. When the length of the tire reaches 65 cm, then you can cut down options up to 60 cm in diameter.

For the most massive types of wood, complex and very powerful chainsaws are used (see the most), having exceeding standard weight. The length of the tire in them is above 65 cm.

The sawing technology also changes along with the thickness of the target. One cut can reliably cut down trees up to 20 cm in diameter. If this indicator exceeds this threshold, you need to make several cuts in order to cut down the tree without damaging the device and without much effort on the part of the workers.

How more height tree, the more problematic compliance with safety regulations becomes. Sawing also becomes more complicated, since more weight requires some effort and high power devices. Sometimes you have to make cuts in a group, maintaining a level distance, that is, making them at different heights.

You need to measure the center of gravity in advance to determine the fall of the tree. This indicator is influenced by the shape of the crown, as well as the characteristics of the trunk itself. These criteria influence not only the position of workers, but also the proposed cutting locations, which are optimal. Usually the trunk needs to be cut down completely and at the root, but sometimes a certain part of it is required, which also affects the cutting process.

Step-by-step instruction

The technology for cutting down trees of large and small diameter has several differences. First you need to learn how to cut down small plants:

  1. Step 1. Looking for the slope of the tree. Even a slight gravity is suitable, but the more strongly this feature is expressed, the more clearly one can notice the exact direction of the plant’s fall.

    It is advisable to cut straight trees in convenient places for stalling, not at random. One cut is approximately half of full size trunk

  2. Step 2. C reverse side The same incision is made at the same level. You need to wait until the plant begins to bend significantly, that is, the fall will be noticeable. First, the tree should be felled with a cut at the level of an adult’s shoulder, and then separately, that is, with minimal risk to safety, the rest of the massif should be refined and only a small stump should be preserved.
  3. Step 3. Cutting a tree into its component parts can be done starting from the branches, which are located farthest away. Small branches can be easily cut down in one step, while thicker branches should preferably be cut in two steps, so as not to damage the chainsaw. The saw chain (see) cannot touch the ground, as this will lead to its rapid dulling.

A tree is considered large if its diameter exceeds half a meter. First, the trunk is used as a support, but sawing the structure can only be done after choosing the angle at which the plant will fall. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Step 1. A cut is made from top to bottom with a slope of 60 degrees. It must be done exactly from the side of the intended slope. You must always maintain the exact angle and keep the chainsaw absolutely level.
  2. Step 2. A horizontal line is drawn below, which should be adjacent to the innermost point of the first cut. When it is carried out all the way, you can remove the corner made of wood, which allows you to make a side cut.
  3. Step 3. On the opposite side of the first two cuts, a horizontal sawing is made, which begins slightly above the lower level of the cuts on the opposite side. It is necessary to cut quite deeply, but it is forbidden to perform the operation completely, that is, the tree must remain in an upright position.
  4. Step 4. In the second cut you need to install a pre-prepared wedge or a special blade for felling forest. The remaining volume can be removed using a spatula or by finishing from the inside.

Exists alternative way safe felling of trees. At first solid wood completely sawed through.

Then the device moves in the opposite direction with a slope to the left and reaches the middle. You need to insert a wedge under the second cut. The tree is sawn from the opposite side.

Sawing branches and trunk

Branches need to be removed from the bottom of the tree, which is already lying on a flat surface. You should alternately finish the rows of branches, reaching the central ones, in order to gradually completely clear the trunk. All elements must be removed separately; it is advisable to transfer the sawn-off parts into a specific container during the work process.

Cutting branches from a horizontal log

To cut a trunk, you must take the following steps:

  1. The trunk is cut about halfway from the top.
  2. The saw turns off (see why) but remains in the tree. At this time, a wedge is driven into the hole obtained in the first stage, which must be tamped down well with a hatchet. This is necessary so that the saw does not become distorted by the weight of the two trunks, but is in a free position between them.
  3. The trunk is being sawed to the end point.

Sometimes the chainsaw bar remains in the trunk, especially for not just massive, but also hard wood. In this case, there is no point in pulling it out. You need to quickly turn off the motor, and then you should exert pressure on both sides of the barrel from the cut below, trying to simultaneously pull out the device. This action will require the help of a partner.

Take a closer look at the video:

Safety precautions

When performing tree felling procedures, it is necessary to ensure full safety precautions for both individuals and employees of organizations. You cannot fell trees yourself. Having a partner is a must. You should not light an open fire when working, and if there is one, you should extinguish it before turning on the chainsaw. Also you can't smoke. You should take care in advance to protect your face from sawdust, as they always fly off when cutting wood.

Before sawing wood you need to make sure that if it falls it will not affect people, living beings, will not damage cables or wires carrying current. It is prohibited to work when strong wind. It is advisable to calculate in advance the direction of fall of the trunk down to the exact contour on which all the rods and other elements are cleared, so as not to damage the tree, and also not to cause its inertial revolution.

When working with full-length, thick posts, the chainsaw is held with both hands, and tension is constantly felt.

You should not carry out work using only the outer part of the saw, as this will lead to strong kickback and automatic shutdown of the device, which can ruin the entire work by making sloppy movements.

When cutting thick posts or massive branches, it is advisable to raise the chainsaw to shoulder height.

The main aspects necessary to comply with when cutting trees:

  1. If the trees are dry, then no sources of not only sparks, but also smoke should be allowed, since adding gasoline to dry wood can cause a fire, which not only slows down the work process, but also harms the environment.
  2. Before turning on the chainsaw, you need to look around. There should be no children or animals nearby. Only workmates or bosses.
  3. You should always try to hold the chainsaw. Even if malfunctions occur and it automatically turns off, you should behave carefully, since falling of the device with a sharp part can lead to dire consequences.
  4. Workers prepare in advance for sawing wood. Wear thick clothing and a face mask to cover the entire body from possible ingress of dust and dirt.

    To get rid of the continuous sound of a chainsaw, it is necessary to use sound-isolating headphones, otherwise headaches may occur during prolonged and regular work.

  5. The tree trunk should act as a kind of shield for the worker, so to cut it, the opposite side of the plant is first marked.

First, all are determined technological features , only then you need to clearly plan the stages of work, which will help ensure that you protect yourself from the impact of the weight of a falling tree. Even with great experience work, it is necessary to constantly take care of one’s own safety, since the highest number of injuries are received by workers who have been in this field for a long time and are accustomed to a constantly tense and dangerous environment.


To quickly cut down a tree, you must first perform preparatory work, ensure safety precautions, only then proceed with the event. It is enough to independently apply those positions that the scheme for sawing wood provides for, so that the success of the event is guaranteed.

Security technology is of great importance. To perform it correctly, you need to prepare in advance, and also be attentive to the work throughout the entire time of interaction with wood.

Quite often there is a need to cut down a tree not only on your own site without buildings, but also near a private house. In this case only correct technique will minimize the risk of damage to nearby buildings or vegetation.

How to cut down or cut down a tree using hand tools

Such an event falls into the category of quite labor-intensive work, and it is correct to dump it quickly and in in the right direction Even a single tree standing alone is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

Felling trees in a forest or on personal plot This can be done either manually or with a chainsaw. Standard technology manual cutting involves the use of wedges, axes, felling blades and levers, as well as cable and rope.

The main working tool in this case is a hand saw.. As practice shows, even with making the right choice felling direction, some deviations are inevitable, which depend on individual characteristics plants and surrounding natural factors.

Technology self made:

  • work should always begin with a cut, the purpose of which is to ensure the required direction of felling and maximum safety for all those working on the felling;
  • cutting the trunk involves cutting with an ax from the side where the tree is supposed to be felled;
  • the standard level of undercut depth can range from a third to a quarter of the total diameter of the stem;
  • if the plant is supposed to be felled towards a natural slope or in the direction of the wind, then the cut should be smaller;
  • if the plant is supposed to be felled against a natural slope or against the direction of the wind, then the cut should be larger;
  • after the hem is completed, sawing is carried out, and the cut is made using a bow or two hand saw, rubbed with kerosene;
  • if the diameter of the stem part is larger than the width of the saw blade, after deepening the cut, a wedge must be inserted into the cut, which will help avoid clamps;
  • cutting must be stopped before the cut reaches 2-3 cm to the undercut.

How to cut down a tree with a chainsaw (video)

After the sawyer has cut the trunk, he pushes it with his hand or a pole, with a stop at a height of 300-400 cm. To prevent cracking of the log, the commercial wood is cleared of branches as quickly as possible, after which bucking and storage are carried out.

To fell a trunk manually, must be observed certain rules:

  • The longer the cutting blade of a hand saw, the more springy it is, which can significantly complicate the process of cutting hardwoods, including ash, maple and oak;
  • determine length hacksaw blade it is necessary in accordance with the rule, which states that the length of the saw should be a couple of times greater than the diameter of the trunk;
  • the teeth of a hacksaw that is too short will jam inside the wood, and uncomfortable work will cause rapid fatigue.

Usually, manual method used to cut down young and not too young tall trees.

How to cut down trees with a chainsaw: technology and safety measures

Cutting wood with a chainsaw is much faster and more convenient. This method can effectively fell a large and tall tree. A felling scheme must first be developed and the operating condition and serviceability of the chainsaw must be checked. Also All operating factors are assessed:

  • barrel location;
  • determine in which direction the tree needs to be felled;
  • clearing the workspace;
  • removal of root nodules, branches and twigs located lower than the level of the feller's shoulder.

You need to cut down the trunk in the correct direction, so you need to approach this parameter as carefully as possible.

Felling or felling are classified as activities increased danger, That's why It is very important to minimize any risks:

  • needs to be taken care of in advance special clothing, safety shoes, gloves and helmet;
  • you need to check the serviceability of all the tools used and the ease of use at all stages of the work being carried out;
  • especially if this is not a single operation, but a long and large-scale one.
  • this must be taken into account important factor, like the wind, the direction of which can change the trajectory of the fall of the trunk

Before carrying out work, it is necessary to remove and thoroughly clean the space, removing excess growth and ensuring unhindered movement around the trunk. During the felling process, you must not be distracted and take your eyes off the plant being felled.. In strong gusty winds, it is better not to carry out felling work.

Cutting down a tree: choosing the right direction (video)

Felling trees in the right direction

The technology for felling large and young trees has some differences, but exist general rules, which must be taken into account during the work process:

  • make a cut half the diameter with a chainsaw on the side of the slope or on the side into which the sawn plant should fall;
  • make a cut on the opposite side and fell the tree;
  • during felling large trees an inclined upper cut is made at an angle of sixty degrees relative to the base of the falling side. The undercut of the stem part is performed at 20-25% of the diameter;
  • at the next stage, a horizontal lower cut of the undercut is made, converging with the upper cut, which will make it possible to obtain a side frame;
  • then the next horizontal undercut is made above the first and always on the opposite side;
  • A wedge is inserted into the second cut and after finishing the cut, the tree must be felled using a spatula.

It is better to carry out the work from November to mid-December, when there is not yet too much snow mass, but the ground is already frozen enough. The chainsaw must be held with both hands during operation.

How to prune a tree correctly: sawing branches

Crown pruning must be done in sequence, performing work from the bottom up, which will allow the cut branches to fall freely to the ground without getting tangled in the lower branches that have not yet been cut down.

The rope used to control the fall should be tied one and a half meters from the trunk. The branches must be trimmed so that the remaining branches are 30–40 cm long, which will allow, if necessary, to throw on a safety line or use them as a support for the legs.

Cutting a fallen tree

After felling, the branches are cut off. Cutting begins with distant branches. Small branches are cut from above, and large stubborn branches require undercutting from above, after which pruning is done from below, which will not allow the saw to jam.

The forks must be cut crosswise in order to cut off all diverging parts with one cut. Depending on the further use of the wood, the trunk can be cut into completely arbitrary parts.

What to consider when felling trees near your home

It is quite difficult to cut down vegetation, including large trees, growing around houses. Such an event requires a special technology. The need for felling may be indicated the following factors:

  • the stem part is located at an angle of more than 45 degrees;
  • the plant has a tall and thin trunk;
  • there are cracks and hollows or rotten areas.

Closely located buildings and structures, electrical communications and network engineering Often the area of ​​work is very limited. In this case, preference is most often given to felling not entirely, but in parts, by hanging and lowering already cut elements. Such this option requires the use of special equipment or binding and lowering of cut fragments using nearby standing trees.

After cutting, a stump remains, which is most often removed by uprooting, which allows high-quality alignment soil surface on the site. To reduce labor costs for such activities, It is recommended to fell trees by cutting off the roots. This cutting is not done directly, but at an angle to the direction of root growth. You need to dig out the roots with a shovel, having first removed the bark from the top of the roots and tapped the soil, which will reduce the risk of the ax becoming dull during the cutting process.

Felling trees with an ax and a regular saw is used in Lately less and less often, due to the presence of electric and chainsaws among country property owners. However, in particular difficult cases It is advisable to seek help from specialists who, using special equipment, perform such work very quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Landscaping and caring for the garden cannot be done without felling old trees. Without proper organization work there is a risk of damage to structures or serious injury. Today we will tell you in detail how to properly cut down a tree and lay it in the right direction.

Safety precautions, tools and devices

We hope there is no need to explain why felling trees requires a special approach to ensuring the safety of the work. You must have a clear and sober understanding of the threats to life, property and surrounding objects posed by the uncontrolled fall of cut branches and the tree itself. Likewise, you should be aware of the dangers associated with working at height.

We will give some safety recommendations as we describe the felling technology, but most of them have general meaning, which means these requirements must be met even before you pick up a chainsaw.

First of all, solve the issue of insurance. If there is no special insurance available, contact it yourself:

  1. Fold a rope (from 1 t per break) about 2.5 m long in half.
  2. Pass it between your legs with a loop back.
  3. Tie a figure-eight knot at the front of your belt.
  4. Wrap the loose ends around your torso, passing each into a loop at the back.
  5. Tighten the ends and tie them at the front over the figure eight.

Figure-of-eight knot diagram

Scheme of a figure eight knot for tying a carabiner or cable

The loop at the front is designed to hook a carabiner, which is attached to a safety lanyard wrapped twice around the tree trunk. Figure eight knots or Prusik loops should be tied at the ends of the sling. You can throw it anywhere, but it is better if a massive branch or branch is located just below. Please note that wrapping a loop around your belt is not best idea If you fall, there is a high risk of injury to the ribs and spine.

Another strapping option is shown in the video:

When trimming the crown and felling, it is necessary to clear escape routes in advance. Of course, the fall of each cut branch must be controlled by an assistant using a tied rope, but no one is safe from the fact that the branch suddenly changes its trajectory.

Under no circumstances should you work with ladder. To secure yourself at height, wrap a second sling twice around the trunk and thread your feet through the loops at its ends. It is allowed to work only in closed clothing, glasses and gloves. The head must be protected by a helmet or at least a thick hat. In addition to the chainsaw, also stock up on about a hundred meters of strong rope for guy ropes and keep a light hook on hand in case the branches collide tightly.

1. Work clothes. 2. Helmet. 3. Safety glasses. 4. Hook. 5. Rope. 6. Felling wedge. 7. Chainsaw. 8. Hand saw

Assessment of the scope of work, crown pruning

The main problem when felling trees is that it is impossible to accurately predict how the crown mass is distributed. Accordingly, you cannot accurately predict the trajectory of the fall, even if you trim the trunk correctly. To make work easier, it is recommended to carry out work in the spring or late autumn when the crown is thinnest. The weather should be calm and dry, and the tree should not be slippery after recent rain.

First, set up a stepladder and trim off any lower branches that are within reach. The stepladder must be installed in such a way that there is a tree trunk between it and the branch being cut. Most advantageous position, including when working without a stepladder - when you hold the chainsaw with both hands, as if hugging the barrel.

The crown must be trimmed strictly in sequence from bottom to top, so that the cut branches fall freely and do not get tangled in the lower ones that have not yet been cut down. The rope, with which the assistant helps control the fall, should be tied 1-1.5 m from the trunk. The branches need to be cut so that there are branches 30-40 cm long, on which you can easily put safety lines or rest your feet.

When the stepladder is no longer high enough, place a leg strap over the most comfortable branch or wrap it around the trunk at the desired height, and then rest your feet on the loops. You need to position yourself so that the sawing site is at chest level or slightly lower. While hugging the tree with one hand, wrap the second lanyard (or better yet, a chain) twice to secure your belt, connect the loops with a carabiner and tighten the coupling on it. The second advantageous position is to turn your back to the trunk and stand with your feet on the branch to be cut, while you need to cut it, naturally, half a meter in front of you.

Before you start cutting, adjust the length and height of the slings for comfort and make sure you have enough room to maneuver. After this, you can lift the chainsaw from the ground by the rope tied to the handle, and the attachment location should be chosen as far as possible from the tool controls.

Which comes first: felling or trimming?

Some trees do not need pruning, while others cannot be felled otherwise. Especially if gas pipelines or power line wires are located near the crown. As we have already said, the main purpose of pruning is to balance the tree, so it is not necessary to trim the branches on the side where you plan to collapse.

The height of the tree is no less important. If you cannot clear an area of ​​the required length under the tree, the trunk needs to be shortened. Naturally, before this you will have to cut off all the lower tiers of branches, sometimes you even have to cut off the branches from the side of the blockage. What to do - sometimes the crown is intertwined in a very bizarre way.

When working in the garden and green spaces, neighboring trees often interfere. If this is not dead wood, it is not advisable to touch them. It is much better to cut the branches in sections, starting with the one furthest from the trunk that can be safely reached. Even if small fragments of branches get stuck in your own or neighboring crown, an assistant can easily pull them down and to the side.

We can definitely say that you should start felling only if:

  1. After treatment, the appearance of a tree clearly makes it clear that it will fall exactly the way you want it to.
  2. The height of the tree is 30-50% less than the length of the cleared area, similar to the width of the crown.
  3. There are other trees or stationary objects nearby to which guy ropes can be attached to guide the trunk when it falls.

How to trim a trunk correctly

Now you can move on to the easiest part of the process and fell the cleaned trunk. It's really simple, the main thing is to make the cut correctly.

From the side where you plan to cut the tree, use a chainsaw to make an oblique cut from top to bottom, one-third of the trunk diameter at an angle of 60°, as shown in the figure. Next, from the bottom we make a cut straight or at an angle of 30° so that we end up with a wedge. The tree will fall in a direction perpendicular to the fold line created after knocking out the wedge, so it is advisable to make the joint of both cuts as even as possible.

On the reverse side, we retreat upward from the plane of the lower cut by 2/3 of the trunk diameter or a little more. We cut obliquely and downwards, directing the cut towards inner corner wedge-shaped cutting. As you approach the center, you will hear a characteristic crack and the tree will begin to slowly tilt. The saw must be immediately removed from the expanding cut and calmly moved five meters away from the tree.

There is no need to tie any ropes and pull them, the trunk will fall by itself. On the contrary, there should be no people at all in the direction of the fall. However, do not forget that it is still worth tying the guy ropes.

Cutting the trunk and uprooting the stump

All that's left to do is clean up after yourself. In fact: do not leave the cut down tree and stump as is. First, trim all remaining twigs and branches to their very base. Cut the forks crosswise to cut off both diverging parts with one cut. Depending on what kind of tree you felled and how you plan to use the wood, cut the trunk into pieces taking into account the available transportation method.

Uprooting the remaining stump by hand is too tedious. Using a 16-20 mm wood drill, drill vertical holes in the cut of the trunk of such a depth that they go 15-20 cm below ground level. You need to drill in a checkerboard pattern with an interval of 5-7 cm. Using a funnel and cleaning rod, pour into fill the holes with ammonium nitrate to the top, cover the top with a piece of roofing material. By the next season, the stump will turn into dust, and you can easily remove its remains.

You can clearly see how to cut down trees correctly in the video below:

A chainsaw with the proper power is capable of cutting down any tree trunk for which the length of the cutting part is sufficient. You need to carry out the work very carefully, adhering to all the rules. Particular attention should be paid when there is a risk of unpleasant situations due to too thick, icy or contaminated wood.

Place the lever in the middle of the backrest and use your shoulder as much as possible. If necessary, cut away any thick bark so that the arm is supported by solid wood. Making sure that the chain does not catch on the lever, fold the rear cut. Be sure to leave a suitable hinge.

Now it's time to turn the tree over. To help distribute the load and avoid strain, keep your back straight and knees bent - tuck your legs. When a tree begins to fall, always return to the escape route. Never push down on a tree with one hand while lifting with the other. Lifting in a twisted position is a recipe for serious back injury.

You need to take into account all the factors that can complicate the work, and use the chainsaw carefully, constantly monitoring your actions and the work of your partners.

There are a range of factors that influence the correct felling of timber. The most important conditions are divided into two categories: the technical component of the process and ensuring the safety of all persons involved.

When cutting trees into the wind or against their natural squat, cutting leverage can be invaluable. Cut out the notch and make the back cut off as shown in the picture. Be sure to leave a small corner uncovered for support. This will prevent the tree from being returned. Remove the saw and insert the chopping lever. On the tree side, pass through the corner support at an angle downward to avoid hitting the chopping arm. Rotate the tree as before.

Get into the habit of using the chopping lever. As you work, carry or throw it from tree to tree. You don't have to use the lever with every tree, but it will be handy when you do. Tongs and Pulp Hooks Tongs and Pulp Hooks have made scaffolding safer and more efficient. The inventors of these tools created extensions of our hands. We no longer have to hammer our unsuspecting fingers while trying to lift a slippery balance or pinch our backs trying to lift without bending.

Be safe when cutting

The technical side of the issue is usually requires an immediate solution even at, since each model is designed only for a certain thickness, density and structure of wood. Sawing is usually done quite slowly. Acceleration is only possible when working with well-yielding wood or thin trunks (you can even use it for this). Usually such plants are not of great value, so they are cut down very rarely.

Nippers are used to grasp, hold or lift pulpwood. Releasing the grip of wood pliers requires a little practice. If they hold fast when you drop the line, you or your tongs may end up on a pile of pulp! To release the wood, use quick pressure and twisting. With practice you will get the hang of it quickly.

If you are willing to try the tongs again, you will understand why this tool is so easily accepted by forest workers. Thongs come with a leather or vinyl holster that slides over the belt for easy access. The chain hook is a curved steel hook mounted on a handle. There are two types available: it is designed to lift four-phase pulpwood about 30 cm long with the hook perpendicular to the handle. On some models the tip is replaceable.

It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the tree in advance, comparing with the selected chainsaw model (see). The device must optimally meet a specific power goal. If the length of the device’s tire does not exceed 35 cm, then the maximum diameter of the tree trunk with which the work is carried out is 30 cm. When the length of the tire reaches 65 cm, then you can cut down options up to 60 cm in diameter.

The second type of cellulose hook has a shorter history in Atlantic Canada. Used more often in Scandinavia than here, it was designed for rolling rather than lifting wood. Unlike the previous larger hook, this one has a handle and hook in the same plane. As a result, any piece of wood larger than 15cm in diameter will fall out of the hook when lifted. This hook is designed to hold a roll of wood, and it comes with a holster to be worn on your belt.

This new hook is very good when used with modern systems forestry However, to know its true benefits, you must dedicate yourself to learning how to use it. If you ignore early disappointments, you will discover another valuable tool.

For the most massive types of wood, complex and very powerful chainsaws are used (see the most), having a weight exceeding the standard. The length of the tire in them is above 65 cm.

The sawing technology also changes along with the thickness of the target. One cut can reliably cut down trees up to 20 cm in diameter. If this indicator exceeds this threshold, you need to make several cuts in order to cut down the tree without damaging the device and without much effort on the part of the workers.

Here are some tips for using a smaller cellulose hook. With the influence of Swedish forestry practices in the province, several forest workers now use two hooks instead of pulp hooks. This approach requires refined technique and careful practice. The lift is more efficient because the weight is distributed more evenly across the shoulders than when used with one hand with tongs. The hooks are held on opposite sides of the pulp stick and under small angle, as shown.

To reduce the chance of injury, try this with caution at first or get a demonstration. Strengthening these tools, especially the hook, is critical. Without correct sharpening they will be next to the useless ones. New tools are rarely sharp when sold, so follow this sharpening guide.

The greater the height of the tree, the more problematic compliance with safety regulations becomes.. Sawing also becomes more difficult, since greater weight requires some effort and greater power of the device. Sometimes you have to make cuts in a group, maintaining a level distance, that is, making them at different heights.

For a cellulose hook, store the inside of the point so it holds the wood securely. Interior the point should be parallel to the front of the handle. Bevel the outer edges of a point to create sharpness. The shape of the point ensures that the hook always bites into the wood.

To check if the point is sharpened correctly, pull the hook through the flat wooden surface with both hands. The point should always bite into the forest. To support correct form points, sharpen by feeding the beveled edges of the otter. The tongs are sharpened in the same way.

You need to measure the center of gravity in advance to determine the fall of the tree. This indicator is influenced by the shape of the crown, as well as the characteristics of the trunk itself. These criteria influence not only the position of workers, but also the proposed cutting locations, which are optimal. Usually the trunk needs to be cut down completely and at the root, but sometimes a certain part of it is required, which also affects the cutting process.

Personal safety equipment as described in the Chainsaw Safety Guide and illustrated. Fuel and oil containers that are properly designed for this purpose. Do not use glass or soft plastics, and wedges and driven tools have at least two wedges. It is best to use plastic high density or soft metal. They are useful for rolling small trees or rolling and storing logs to assist with cross-cutting. Lever for chopping. This is useful for small trees and one with a hook can be used as a hook. You may prefer to trim the axe. It is also useful for splitting large blocks of firewood. Know your limitations. Cutting down trees on steep slopes or unstable soil. Work on trees cut down on power lines, buildings or public routes. Driving trees one on top of another. Back, pulling the trees. Cutting down dead trees. Make sure that no one with you, unless they are an instructor or assistant, is within two tree lengths of the tree to be cut down. Check for hazards in areas such as electricity or telecommunications lines. If in doubt, seek advice from your local regulatory authority. If any path is expensive, railway or public access is within two tree lengths of your work area, check with the regulatory authority to see what precautions they require to prevent harm to other people and property. Check for buildings, equipment, fencing, or overhead mesh pipes within two tree lengths of the tree's fall direction. Having checked that precautions have been completed and taken where necessary, you are now ready to look at the individual tree that needs to be cut down. If possible, plan for the tree to fall so that it clears any obstructions and lands in a clear, open space. Check for dead or damaged branches or any debris that could be knocked out and fall into the work area as the tree falls. This is especially common in older shelterbelt trees and causes many serious accidents every year. They may come off when the tree falls and falls into work area by pulling a tree out of the desired fall direction, or causing other trees to uproot and fall. Pay attention to any vines that may affect the direction of the fall. Look for any rot around the base of the tree where the cuts should be made. This may affect the direction of the fall. the sparsity of the tree, the location of the heaviest branches and the overall weight of the crown will help you choose the direction of fall. Wind can influence the direction of fall and must be taken into account along with other points. Avoid falling trees in strong winds or bad weather. If wedges or other cutting tools are needed, have them ready.

Controls the direction of fall, allowing the tree to fall freely in the selected direction. minimizes splitting or cutting. Acts as a hinge and controls the direction the tree falls, prevents the tree from twisting or breaking when falling, preventing the tree from falling backwards if the back cut is closed. Watch for the tree to lean back or bounce when it hits the ground.

  • Don't forget your first aid kit.
  • Chainsaw, files, manuals and tool kit.
  • Chainsaw manufacturer's booklet.
  • Working in the wind or with windy trees.
  • Cutting down large, highly branched shelter belt trees.
  • Cutting down trees with heavy currents.
  • Cutting down trees that may splinter or cut.
  • Willow and Tawa are two examples of such trees.
  • Make sure there are no other persons, children or animals in the work area.
  • This distance must be increased if cutting down a slope.
  • Look at the tree underneath different angles so you don't miss anything.
  • Look for branches connected to each other by branches of other trees.
  • Scarf; back split and wooden hinge.
  • Remove the saw from the cut and turn it off.
  • Proceed to the planned evacuation route.
  • Watch for falling material.
A rear cut at the same level as the scarf may cause the tree to detach from the stump.

Step-by-step instruction

The technology for cutting down trees of large and small diameter has several differences. First you need to learn how to cut down small plants:

  1. Step 1. Looking for the slope of the tree. Even a slight gravity is suitable, but the more strongly this feature is expressed, the more clearly one can notice the exact direction of the plant’s fall.

    It is advisable to cut straight trees in convenient places for felling, and not at random. One cut is approximately half the full size of the trunk.

    The cut is allowed to be left without holding the tree or hinge. The tree will fall without control. A rear cut at the same level as the scarf may cause the tree to be pushed away from the stump. Inverted trimming may cause the fall to fall in the wrong direction and damage the bar.

    Remember that if the tree has a large side or leans back heavily, these methods will not be successful and may even be dangerous. Get an experienced person or professional to handle this type of wood. A different cutting method may be required.

  2. Step 2. The same incision is made on the reverse side at the same level. You need to wait until the plant begins to bend significantly, that is, the fall will be noticeable. First, the tree should be felled with a cut at the level of an adult’s shoulder, and then separately, that is, with minimal risk to safety, the rest of the massif should be refined and only a small stump should be preserved.
  3. Step 3. Cutting a tree into its component parts can be done starting from the branches, which are located farthest away. Small branches can be easily cut down in one step, while thicker branches should preferably be cut in two steps, so as not to damage the chainsaw. The saw chain (see) cannot touch the ground, as this will lead to its rapid dulling.

A tree is considered large if its diameter exceeds half a meter. First, the trunk is used as a support, but sawing the structure can only be done after choosing the angle at which the plant will fall. Algorithm of actions:

Some risk factors and difficulties

Remove the bark from the wedge position to expose the hardwood and the wedge is immediately effective. Bring the wedge home as they cut out the notch to get maximum help from the wedge lever. Do not attempt to drive a plastic wedge into a closed cut, as splitting or breaking the wedge may result in facial injury.

Start the back cut on the lean side of the tree, leaving a slightly narrower hinge tree than usual. Continue the reverse cut on the other side, allowing you to use a wider joint and insert a wedge into the cut. The tree must fall in the right direction. Once there is sufficient solid wood, insert a wedge or wedges into the cut and drive as the cut progresses. Make one side of the back cut as usual and place a wedge in this cut opposite the scarf and according to the desired direction of fall. Make sure both back slits are slightly overlapped, but make sure they are still the correct distance above the cut scarves. Be aware that the tree may slide backwards or lift into the work area when it hits the ground. Don't turn your back, watch the progress and progress of the tree you cut down. Follow the escape route from the falling tree. Make the scarf a little deeper, but not more than half the diameter. Place the wedge in the back as soon as practicable to ensure the fall is in the correct direction, as there is no crown to help tip the tree over. on the ground. There are two types called "cut" and "hanging" trees. If a machine is present, it can help push the tree in the right direction. Otherwise, wedges can be inserted into the back incision and driven home until the tree will fall. If the back is too tight to insert the wedges, you can reapply the scarf and cut the back of the wood in reverse. Make a second round of cutting, cutting off the diameter of the tree above the first, as this will reduce the chance of splitting. Insert the wedges before there is a chance that the tree will lean back and keep them moving when cut down. If there are trees that abut felled trees, give them a quick check as there may be broken branches or suspended materials that could fall into the work area. Make sure the wood is stable and won't roll or move when you start working on it. If you have equipment, trees lying in difficult or dangerous positions should be pulled into a safe and stable position before pruning or cross-cutting begins. Pruning should be done while walking along the tree, provided the tree is stable and debris or scrub is not an obstacle. If pruning is to be done from the top of the log, the distance to the ground should be no more than 5 meters. This cutting method can cause back strain and lead to falls and tripping out. Trees that are actually on the ground can be pruned with relative safety. Beware of a tree suspended by its branches, as one large branch can hold the tree up. Cutting this branch may cause the tree to roll on top of you. Once the tree is supported from the ground, trim large branches from the outside, making a couple of cuts to test stability.

Trimming a tree held off the ground

Use enough bar when trimming to reduce the chance of nose or bar contact and kickback. Stand on your side from the tension and release the tension with two cuts, first on your side and then on the other side. Examine the wood and determine if any part may roll, drip, or wobble when the cut is completed. Magazine control can also be lost when magazines are curled or rolled. Unless it's clear that by holding a tree on a slope, you have to assume that it can move at any time. Make sure that other people are not in danger if the cut-out magazine rolls down the slope. Never try to cross a tree or log that is in dangerous condition, or if the cut cannot be completed. It may be possible to make the incision in a less desirable position that might eliminate the danger. When you are going across, find a stable footing and avoid standing on free material. Clear a sufficient area to work and an escape route if danger arises. Look for any defects, such as rot or large branches, that may be affecting your intersection. Make sure that carrying the saw does not bring the chain into contact with the ground or objects that could damage it. Generally the wood will not lie in the ideal position for crosscutting and the following points will help you crosscut without error. The most common situations are tension, compression and pressure.

Let's go - cut down the trees properly

  • Make the scarf face the direction you want it to fall.
  • Insert the wedge into the cut.
  • Drive the wedge home when the cut is complete.
  • Cut the scarf as usual in the direction you want it to fall.
  • The back is as normal.
  • Make the scarf a little smaller than usual using the usual method.
  • Make the final part of the back by angling it to avoid a wedge.
  • Keep the wedge under pressure as the final cut is made.
  • If necessary, use a different wedge.
  • Move quickly along the escape route to distance yourself from the stump area.
  • Cut down trees along the slope.
  • Make sure you are not in the path of a rolling tree.
  • Place cushions if you think movement is possible, especially on slopes.
  • Always complete the cut from the top side of the log.
  • Always work on the uphill side of a tree on a slope.
  • Watch out for limbs that are under tension.
  • They can retreat and cause serious injury.
  • Don-tret-logs that are suspended at a height of more than 5 meters above the ground.
  • Crossing above this height means the saw is being used above shoulder level.
  • Never stand up or cut trees that have a root plate.
It doesn't matter if you just want to cut down a tree that has gotten too big in the garden or if you want to go into the forest.
  1. Step 1. A cut is made from top to bottom with a slope of 60 degrees. It must be done exactly from the side of the intended slope. You must always maintain the exact angle and keep the chainsaw absolutely level.
  2. Step 2. A horizontal line is drawn below, which should be adjacent to the innermost point of the first cut. When it is carried out all the way, you can remove the corner made of wood, which allows you to make a side cut.
  3. Step 3. On the opposite side of the first two cuts, a horizontal sawing is made, which begins slightly above the lower level of the cuts on the opposite side. It is necessary to cut quite deeply, but it is forbidden to perform the operation completely, that is, the tree must remain in an upright position.
  4. Step 4. In the second cut you need to install a pre-prepared wedge or a special blade for felling forest. The remaining volume can be removed using a spatula or by finishing from the inside.

There is an alternative way to fell trees safely. First, the solid wood is completely sawn through.

Then the device moves in the opposite direction with a slope to the left and reaches the middle. You need to insert a wedge under the second cut. The tree is sawn from the opposite side.

Sawing branches and trunk

Branches need to be removed from the bottom of the tree, which is already lying on a flat surface. You should alternately finish the rows of branches, reaching the central ones, in order to gradually completely clear the trunk. All elements must be removed separately; it is advisable to transfer the sawn-off parts into a specific container during the work process.

Cutting branches from a horizontal log

To cut a trunk, you must take the following steps:

  1. The trunk is cut about halfway from the top.
  2. The saw turns off (see why), but remains in the tree. At this time, a wedge is driven into the hole obtained in the first stage, which must be tamped down well with a hatchet. This is necessary so that the saw does not become distorted by the weight of the two trunks, but is in a free position between them.
  3. The trunk is being sawed to the end point.

Sometimes the chainsaw bar remains in the trunk, especially for not just massive, but also hard wood. In this case, there is no point in pulling it out. You need to quickly turn off the motor, and then you should exert pressure on both sides of the barrel from the cut below, trying to simultaneously pull out the device. This action will require the help of a partner.

Take a closer look at the video:

Safety precautions

When performing tree felling procedures, it is necessary to ensure full safety precautions for both individuals and employees of organizations. You cannot fell trees yourself. Having a partner is a must. You should not light an open fire when working, and if there is one, you should extinguish it before turning on the chainsaw. Also you can't smoke. You should take care in advance to protect your face from sawdust, as they always fly off when cutting wood.

Before sawing wood you need to make sure that if it falls it will not affect people, living beings, will not damage cables or wires carrying current. Do not work in strong winds. It is advisable to calculate in advance the direction of fall of the trunk down to the exact contour on which all the rods and other elements are cleared, so as not to damage the tree, and also not to cause its inertial revolution.

When working with full-length, thick posts, the chainsaw is held with both hands, and tension is constantly felt.

You should not carry out work using only the outer part of the saw, as this will lead to strong kickback and automatic shutdown of the device, which can ruin the entire work by making sloppy movements.

When cutting thick posts or massive branches, it is advisable to raise the chainsaw to shoulder height.

The main aspects necessary to comply with when cutting trees:

  1. If the trees are dry, then no sources of not only sparks, but also smoke should be allowed, since adding gasoline to dry wood can cause a fire, which not only slows down the work process, but also harms the environment.
  2. Before turning on the chainsaw, you need to look around. There should be no children or animals nearby. Only workmates or bosses.
  3. You should always try to hold the chainsaw. Even if malfunctions occur and it automatically turns off, you should behave carefully, since falling of the device with a sharp part can lead to dire consequences.
  4. Workers prepare in advance for sawing wood. Wear thick clothing and a face mask to cover the entire body from possible ingress of dust and dirt.

    To get rid of the continuous sound of a chainsaw, it is necessary to use sound-isolating headphones, otherwise headaches may occur during prolonged and regular work.

  5. The tree trunk should act as a kind of shield for the worker, so to cut it, the opposite side of the plant is first marked.

First, all technological features are determined, only then you need to clearly plan the stages of work, which will help ensure that you protect yourself from the impact of the weight of a falling tree. Even with extensive work experience, it is necessary to constantly take care of your own safety, since the highest number of injuries are suffered by workers who have been in this field for a long time and are accustomed to a constantly tense and dangerous environment.


To quickly cut down a tree, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work in advance, ensure safety precautions, and only then proceed with the event. It is enough to independently apply those positions that the scheme for sawing wood provides for, so that the success of the event is guaranteed.

Security technology is of great importance. To perform it correctly, you need to prepare in advance, and also be attentive to the work throughout the entire time of interaction with wood.

Autumn for gardeners is not only the time to harvest, but also the time to clean the area from excess branches, twigs and trees that have served their time. Trees, as you know, come in different heights and widths.

Chainsaw - faithful assistant farmer! Therefore, today we’ll talk about how to properly cut down trees using chainsaws. Let's look at the techniques and safety rules when felling and sawing large and small trees using a chainsaw.

  • Techniques for felling and sawing wood

    So, let's figure out how to properly cut down a tree with a chainsaw?

    Preparatory work

    Before starting to work with wood, it is necessary to evaluate all working factors:

    1. Is the tree standing straight or tilted?
    2. We determine in which direction the tree needs to be felled;
    3. Clearing working space(remove extra items, we cut down protruding shoots, twigs, bushes, etc.);
    4. We prepare the tree itself: we remove root burrs, branches and twigs located below shoulder level.

    Tip: To properly fell a tree, you need to pick up an ax and place it parallel to the tree at arm's length. Now move in this position towards the fall until the tree visually becomes the size of your ax. Now you are standing in the place where the top will lie. If there are no obstacles on your way, then the choice of side of the stall is correct. And, if there were obstacles, try to eliminate them, or choose a different angle of incidence.

    How to cut down trees with a chainsaw

    It must be said that the technique for felling large and small trees is somewhat different.

    In principle, this instruction is standard for all situations. Looking at this picture, you can easily cut down any tree, but there are always nuances, which we will discuss below

    Since the situation is a little simpler with small trees, we’ll start with them.

    Now, as for sawing sawn wood, there are also nuances here. 1 - cutting the trunk from above is not correct, the saw will simply jam; 2 - therefore, we begin to saw the cut tree from below

    Tip: Try not to touch the ground with the saw chain - this will dull it too quickly.

    Now, let's talk about big trees, with a diameter of 50 cm or more.

    Trunk big tree should serve as your support. After choosing the direction of fall, let's start cutting:

    There is another way: cut through the tree, then move the chainsaw in the opposite direction from the log house to the left to the middle. Then, there will be an underdrink on the side. Then insert a wedge at the end of the second cut and finish the wood on the back side.

    Training video on how to properly operate a chainsaw

    Sawing branches and trunk

    Sawing branches

    We begin to cut down the branches from the bottom of the lying tree. First we make a cut at the bottom, then finish it at the top. Large branches should be cut not at the very base, but a little further. And then, we will remove the knot separately.

    Sawing the trunk

    The trunk must be sawed as follows:

    1. Using a chainsaw, we cut half of the trunk from the top;
    2. Without removing the saw, insert the wedge and drive it in well with a hatchet (this way you will avoid clamping the saw between the halves of the trunk);
    3. finish it to the end.

    If the chainsaw bar is still stuck in the trunk, you should not try to pull it out. Stop the motor and push the barrel on both sides of the cut from the bottom until the saw comes out.

    About safety rules

    Both an experienced farmer and, especially, a beginner need to know the rules safe work when cutting down trees.

    Let us outline the main points of safe felling and sawing of wood:

    1. When working in the garden (forest), and even with a gasoline-powered saw, smoking is strictly prohibited. Dry trees + gasoline can save you from the need to cut anything, because there will be nothing left to cut - just a pile of ash!
    2. Before work, make sure that no one or nothing will disturb you. It’s like in war - there shouldn’t be any women, children or animals!
    3. Hold the tool firmly with both hands. If you drop a chainsaw, you can be left not only without a tree, but also without limbs!
    4. Do not cut wood vertically with the edge of the saw; a kickback effect may occur and the tool will be thrown directly at you.
    5. Wear work gloves and clothing and protect your face from splinters and dust. To make it easier to work, wear special soundproof headphones, otherwise the buzzing of the chainsaw will be remembered for a long time.
    6. Use the tree trunk as a shield and start cutting from the back side.
    7. Study well technical points and make a work plan for yourself. Don't be overconfident, even if you have a lot of experience. After all, according to statistics, it is experienced lumberjacks who are injured more often.

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