A garden is a place where the soul rests and the eye rejoices. Dear summer residents and owners of estates, you are very lucky, because you have room for self-expression. you can arrange your own garden, where you can walk, sit and dream, reflect.

Yard landscaping scheme: 1 - Morning glory tricolor, 2 - Jasmine nightshade, 3 - Passionflower, 4 - Cardiospermum, 5 - Thunbergia Gregor, 6 - Alien nasturtium, 7 - Cherry climbing rhodochiton, 8 - Farbitis flower.

Let's divide the garden area into 4 levels:

  • lawn;
  • flowers;
  • shrubs;
  • trees.

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Lawn, flowers and flower beds

The basis of the garden is a green, lush and well-groomed lawn. No matter how hard you try to decorate your garden, if the lawn is not at the highest level, know that your garden plot will not have a marketable appearance. Start “building” from the foundation - from the lawn. There are several main ones. Water 2 times a day. Monitor the water temperature, it should not be very cold, the flow of water should be uniform, and the soil should be saturated to a depth of 15-20 cm. Surface watering leads to the growth of weeds and lawn diseases. Cut the grass when the soil is dry and only with sharp knives. When mowing, one row should be parallel to the previous one so that the lawn looks neat. To make it thicker, you should alternate the cutting direction: cut from north to south once, and from east to west the next time.

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Scheme of a fragrant flower garden: 1 – Mock orange, 2 – Phlox paniculata, 3 – Hybrid peony, 4 – Tiger lily, 5 – Mexican ageratum, 6 – Marine lobularia, 7 – Turkish carnation.

The next level is flowers. The assortment is large; in choosing colors, everyone is guided by purely personal criteria. Each flower has its own characteristics and requires special care. Improper design of flower beds can ruin the entire look garden plot. Before planting, it is necessary to till the soil; this procedure will support the life of the flowers all season. The earth must be good quality: loose, homogeneous, without lumps, stones and weeds. Use mineral and organic fertilizers for watering.

Flowers can be planted at any time of the year, except winter. Recommended landing time is morning or evening.

Each type of flower needs its own volume of water for full development, so when planting you need to take into account the level of water consumption.

Plant plants with the same heights side by side.

The soil should always be loose, and do not water with very cold water.

To make your garden plot look organic and sophisticated, do not overdo it with the choice of color. Place the brightest flowers in those places where you want to make an accent, leave more neutral ones for other places. It is also not recommended to combine everything, that is, do not plant red roses with daisies, or tulips with carnations.

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Shrubs and trees, hedges

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Shrubs will help you. There are 2 types of shrubs: evergreen and deciduous. With their help you can create hedge: It is not only very convenient, but also beautiful. With the help of bushes, you can divide the entire garden plot into zones, emphasize the paths and protect yourself from prying eyes. Many shrubs have a long flowering period, they are unpretentious and not susceptible to disease. Because of their versatility, beauty and the fact that shrubs do not require special attention, they are so loved by summer residents. In addition to all the above advantages, some shrubs will give your garden a charming aroma during the flowering period.

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We climbed to the very top high level- to the trees. Trees are very multifunctional: they save you from the heat in summer, from the wind in winter, and protect your land plot, in the fall they decorate the garden plot with golden leaves, and fruit trees in summer and autumn they enrich you with vitamins.

When you choose a tree, keep in mind that you are signing up for a long-term cooperation. Think about what the tree will be like in 10, 20, 30 years. Plant trees away from each other so that their crowns do not intertwine in the future and do not extend beyond the boundaries of the garden plot. The choice of trees should depend on the size of the area available. A pyramidal crown is suitable for smaller areas, and a spreading crown for larger areas.

Don't ignore or forget about coniferous trees. They have a noble and sophisticated appearance, clean the air well and have a fresh pine scent.

Cherry, apricot, black cherry and peach trees They will decorate your garden in the spring; during the flowering period they have a fabulous appearance and aroma.

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Decorating the garden with your own hands

In addition to plants, you can add additional decor. The market offers a huge range of garden decorations. If you don’t want to spend money and like to create, then you can do it yourself. It will take time, but the garden will delight you all year round.

Colored ice balls

This decor is suitable for cold winter with snow. You will need:

  • balloons;
  • food coloring;
  • water.

Fill the ball with water to measure its capacity. Then pour into a measuring cup, now you know how much water you will need for each ball. We dilute food coloring in water, choose the color to your taste, you can mix it. Pour the resulting solution into the balls. It is better to do the entire procedure outside or in the bathroom, because if the ball bursts, you will spend a lot of time with the mop.

We tie the ball of water well and take it outside. Place the tail down and leave overnight until the water freezes. In the morning, carefully remove the shell of your decor. Now you have the original ice balls. On white snow they will look very impressive and original.

When you have a house and a barn on your property, and everything else is wasteland. I want to do everything beautifully, but I don’t have a lot of money in my pocket. How to proceed?

1. One of the main conditions is to take your time. Remember the wise saying: if you hurry, you will make people laugh. This is where she comes in handy. Dozens of times I have witnessed how people spent their last money on seedlings that were not at all suitable for their plots, or worse, intended only for the southern climate. Plants disappeared, people were despondent. And it’s clear that beauty never appeared. They again bought something they just liked, planted it, then uprooted it, mourning another failure. And in the end, it often happens that a very large amount is wasted in vain. AND YOU COULD SAVE! Do not follow this example under any circumstances!

2. One of the main tips isdraw up a design project for the site or just a plan. It may not be perfect without special knowledge - but it’s better than nothing! Think carefully about the plants you want. Read their characteristics, fortunately there is plenty of information now.

3. First of all, we plant the so-called green skeleton of the site: trees, shrubs. Of course, we’ll get to work on the garden right away. If possible, we allocate a separate piece of land for it, depending on the needs. An important hint: if you are not going to sell fruits, then the following set is quite sufficient for a family of 4-5 people:

  • 3 apple trees (early, middle, winter),
  • 2 pears (summer, winter),
  • 2 plums,
  • 2 cherries,
  • 3 black currant,
  • 1 Red Ribes,
  • 2 gooseberries,
  • optional Japanese quince, sea buckthorn.

IN southern regions you need to add two peaches, two apricots, grapes.

At first, this seems insufficient to some, and they buy much more seedlings, and then they often don’t know where to put the products, and there is more and more shade on the site. Then the saw comes into play. Here's another savings article for you. Estimate the number of plants not offhand, but with your mind. And one more thing: buy seedlings only from trusted nurseries, and look for them at an affordable price: the choice today is huge in almost all regions.

4. Let's continue working with trees and shrubs. This time with decorative . If the area is small, there is clearly no room for big trees. But, fortunately, there are also short forms. One or two would play the role of dominant and vertical very well. If possible, you can make a forest edge, say, from mountain ash, maple, birch, spruce. If you constantly trim them, you can reshape them and stop their growth.

THIS IS A VERY ECONOMICAL OPTION : Inexpensive seedlings can be bought in forest areas or taken from neighbors. If the forest is nearby, then obviously the wind will carry a seed to someone’s plot and a seedling will appear there. As this, for example, happened in our area. One day we noticed two tiny pines, two birches and one maple. We were incredibly surprised and delighted: we wanted to make a forest corner right at this spot, but we couldn’t get around to it. And now the trees are growing, and we cherish them and admire them. These are the real miracles.

Concerning ornamental shrubs, then they are simply irreplaceable even in reality small area. And first of all, think about which ones to use for hedges. In my opinion, it should be on any site. It is beautiful, comfortable and the microclimate improves.

There is no money for thuja - and there is no need! Moreover, those who fence themselves with thujas on all sides for reasons of being expensive means great are losing a lot: this is too much and with aesthetic point vision (a huge monochromatic range of green, which is already in abundance on the site) and psychologically (a large number of conifers are oppressive, especially for children).

So if you still want to use thujas, then let them act for you, say, only as guards at the entrance to the site or as a sparse living hedge on the front side of the house. But even in this case, there is an opportunity not to waste too much. You can buy a small seedling or even plant it from seeds or take cuttings from a neighbor. Yes, it takes time for it to grow. But this will be your real brainchild.

Most deciduous shrubs much cheaper. Again, many of them take good cuttings and grow quickly. Weigels, cotoneaster, hydrangeas, privet, forsythia, white dogwood, euonymus, Ginnala maple (perfectly cut to any height) are suitable.

Or, if you wish, you can cover the fence with unpretentious perennial vines, climbing beans, or plant sunflowers and mallow.

One beautifully flowering shrub or group will look great, say, on a lawn, in a recreation area, near a gazebo. You can always get lilacs for a purely symbolic fee (many types of them produce shoots that people are happy to get rid of), rose hips or jasmine.

NOW ATTENTION! - THE MOST VALUABLE LIFE ADVICE IS ALWAYS BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR NEIGHBORS! And it’s better not to beg them for plants, but trade them or treat them to pies, barbecues, invite them for tea (it definitely won’t require significant expenses), and so on. Then your fellow gardeners and flower growers will be happy to bring you seedlings and cuttings.

5. Let's move on. It would be good to pay attention to the paths. When they are in order, the area is immediately transformed. If you have broken or chipped tiles, it is better to say goodbye to them without regret, at least in the front area. Various material There is now a lot for laying paths.

But we are talking about a cheap option. Then it could be a regular gray concrete tile made with my own hands, interspersed with colored pebbles. Or even colored tiles, if you add dyes to the cement.

And a path made from ordinary gray stones collected in the fields will cost you almost free. This material is beautiful, durable and fashionable at all times. Moreover, even any woman can make such a path. And, say, in a recreation area you can make a step-by-step path from larger and flatter stones. A grass path is also good, but it needs to be kept within the intended width and mowed on time.

6. Never agree to a temporary greenhouse made of assorted materials, crooked sticks, broken window frames etc. This is a cross to all the beauty of the site. Everyone knows: there is nothing more permanent than temporary. It’s better not to start a greenhouse at all than to ruin everything with it. If you really need it, save money for it and buy parts for it or finished design. After all, this will last for many years.

7. Set aside a space in the front area for a lawn, even if it's small. He is a real decoration for the site. Sow your lawn yourself by reading about the technology or watching our video course “Doing beautiful lawn" And always keep it in good shape.

8. As for flower beds . Again, do not buy plants for them that you know nothing about. You will save significantly if you make flower beds from perennials and plant only annuals from which you can easily collect seeds in sufficient quantities. Of course, study prices and buy seeds and seedlings at lower prices.

9. Be sure to set aside a place for a rock garden or a piece of Japanese garden . Costs may be minimal. They mainly need stones, pebbles, moss, a few conifers and a lot of cover plants. Another advantage - they feel great even on the north side and in the shade. And how beautiful!

All dacha owners one day think about decorating it, adding something special to the atmosphere. Of course, you can go to specialized stores and buy whatever your heart desires. But if summer residents want their vacation spot to be unique and inimitable, then it will be much more interesting to make the decorations with your own hands. Jewelry made independently will give the owners both a creative mood and aesthetic pleasure.

Choosing original ideas for a summer residence

Each dacha owner, if desired, can find a lot of the most different ideas to decorate your site. To make most of the decorations, only improvised means and minimum costs. And old, unnecessary furniture and interior items will inspire creativity even more. Often seemingly completely useless and forgotten things can come in handy. Country designers use in their work everything that comes to hand: broken old furniture, unnecessary toys, various bottles and dishes, car tires, remaining building materials and much more.

No dacha decoration is complete without intricate interesting flower beds. Uniqueness flower arrangements you can add them by planting them in old containers. These can be barrels, pots, and even carts. Many summer residents build various picket fences for flower beds.

Original paths on a summer cottage will always add coziness. They are made from timber or stone. And leftover materials can always be used to build another composition.

Bottles and plastic jars are especially popular among country designers. From them it is easy and simple to build many interesting sculptures, decorations for flower beds, and borders. There are no limits for imagination here.

You should definitely place a bird feeder in your dacha. Children usually love to watch birds. And with a feeder, birds will be a frequent visitor to your summer cottage. It can be made from a plastic bottle, from an unnecessary block of wood, or from twigs.

Without special labor you can make a variety of figures that will bring comfort and individuality to the countryside atmosphere. To make them, you can use a variety of design solutions and materials. For example, polymer clay, leftovers polyurethane foam, gypsum and other building materials. You just have to start creative work and it will immediately become clear that nothing is impossible.

Crafts from improvised materials

The most popular among available materials for crafts are bottles, various plastic jars and boxes. Before starting work, you should definitely think through the details so that the result is truly beautiful and does not resemble a pile of plastic waste.

Plastic bottles are easy to cut and it is easy to shape them the required form. And if you cover the result of the work with suitable paints, you get bright, unique decorations for your dacha. For example, you can make animal figures (pigs, cows, bees) or fairy-tale heroes. By making such decorations, you can unleash your creative potential, and each time the crafts will become more and more perfect. At large quantities unnecessary plastic, it is used to make not only crafts, but also pieces of furniture.

If you have a glass cutter among your tools, you can make original pots from glass bottles. Such crafts look very stylish and easily fit into any design. Candle stands can be made in the same way.

Bottle caps can also be useful for decorating furniture, decorative fences, creating compositions and even curtains. You can also use containers from chocolate egg toys.

Leftovers natural stone Perfect for decorating a pond in your country house. A small pond will add unique comfort to the atmosphere of the dacha. Flower beds, crafts or a recreation area will look good around. If the pond turns out to be large enough, then it can be decorated with an interesting bridge.

Every motorist always has old tires. You can simply paint them and make bright bases for a flower bed, or you can show your imagination and cut out various shapes.

Arrangement of a play area at the dacha

Doing landscaping and decoration summer cottage, don't forget about the children. They need their own territory for games and entertainment. Children of any age love swings. They can be made from regular boards and ropes or use metal chains and old tires painted in bright colors. It’s easy to build slides and swings from scrap materials. The main thing is that everything is strong and reliable.

For kids, you will definitely need a sandbox. Its borders will look interesting from multi-colored bottles or wooden frames. A sandbox in the form of a ship or car will look original. It is recommended to make an awning over the sand to protect from the bright sun.

Children will certainly love having their own playhouse in their summer cottage. Benches, a table or other furniture can be placed inside. It all depends on your imagination. The house can be decorated with a bright flower bed or homemade decorations. Usually the children themselves are happy to take part in decorating their territory.

Ideas for decorating a fence at the dacha

The uniqueness of the dacha plot is best emphasized by its fencing. A fence is not only the protection of territory, but also the so-called business card owners.

Simple wooden or iron fence– it’s banal. It definitely needs to be decorated. You can decorate the fence in the most different materials: flower pots, crafts in the form of animals, painted landscapes and everything your imagination allows for. For example, unnecessary brightly colored rubber boots will look original as pots.

You can decorate the fence with old discs. They reflect sunlight and look interesting in any lighting. You can also apply different patterns to the discs.

A fence made of round timber, painted to look like colored pencils, looks impressive. This fence can also be used to fence off a children’s area in a dacha.

Any fence will look more comfortable if some climbing plants. Eat different kinds, which grow very quickly. For example, decorative beans or morning glory. You can plant vines. They grow much slower, but also look more expensive. Beyond any comparison in this case wild grapes. Grape leaves gradually change their color and retain their beauty until frost. It looks original when the “grape fence” turns into a canopy. This design gives the fence an antique look.

Beautiful decorations for a low fence will be flowering shrubs, planted along it. You can combine plants with different colors and flowering time.

IN evening time The different lanterns on the fence look beautiful. It’s also possible to make them yourself from scrap materials. Or you can just paint them glass jars attached to the fence, place candles. The main thing is that the flame does not reach the fence.

Lovers of drawing will have a lot of room for imagination. You can draw anything on the surface of the fence: nature, scenes, cartoon characters, ornaments, small patterns in the form of flowers, butterflies, ladybugs. It’s easy to draw on any fence, but it’s easier on a fence made of corrugated board.

Compositions made from lids, shells, stones, and dishes look original. It’s easy to make plastic flowers from the bottoms of bottles and paint them in rich colors - they will look beautiful on a wooden fence.

We design flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds will help transform a summer cottage and add color to its atmosphere. When choosing plants, you should definitely take them into account individual characteristics. First of all, you should decide on the “soloist” flowers, that is, the main plants in the flowerbed. The choice can be made of three or four types.

The flower arrangement looks beautiful ornamental grasses and leaves of interesting shape. With them, the flowerbed will be original, even when the flowers are not blooming. But you shouldn’t try to place a lot of different plants. The territory of the site should look holistic and harmonious.

Of course, it’s not enough just to plant flowers beautifully. Flowerbeds also look more original if they are decorated around them. The composition must be complete.

Flower beds can be decorated using any unnecessary items. The article already mentioned that it is not difficult to make small flower beds from old tires painted in bright colors. You can use a wheelbarrow, cart, an unwanted beehive, or even an old car. The main thing is that everything is done carefully and aesthetically. If desired, you can add decorations to the flower garden in the form of homemade bees, butterflies, and interesting stuffed animals.

You can make a small fence around the flowerbed. For its manufacture it is possible to use plastic bottles or cups, fences made of tine, stones. The flower bed looks beautiful and smoothly turns into a lawn.

Setting up a relaxation area

The dacha must have a comfortable place to relax fresh air. This issue must be approached very responsibly. It all depends on the preferences and desires of the owners. This could simply be a laid out area with a table and comfortable chairs or hammocks placed in the shade.

A gazebo, which can be made from the remaining building materials. Gazebos whose walls are decorated with climbing plants look beautiful. Bright soft pillows or blankets look cozy as decorations.

Swings can be not only for children, but also for adults. It will not be difficult to build wide wooden swing for relaxation or make canopies somewhere in the shade of trees. For convenience, they can be decorated with soft pillows.

You will definitely need a barbecue in the recreation area. It can be made, for example, from old barrel. For evening and night time, flashlights can be provided.

When designing and decorating a dacha plot, it is worth remembering that a dacha is a place of rest from the everyday life and bustle of the city. It should be comfortable and calm here, and the environment should be pleasing to the eye. It is important not to overload the area with crafts or other design solutions, everything should be in moderation. Imagine, create, surprise!

Owners purchasing land for a dacha face a lot of tasks, the main one of which is landscaping the dacha plot. Simply building a house or temporary shelter on it is not enough, because a dacha is traditionally considered best place for relaxation (active or not) in nature, and it should be comfortable. There are no trifles in the process of arranging a personal garden, and in order for your dacha to become truly comfortable and beautiful, you need to pay attention to everything: from fencing and paths to lawns and flower beds.

A cozy garden plot with your own hands. Where to begin?

Any suburban area needs improvement

Landscaping a dacha should begin with cleaning the area. The yard should be cleared of last year's leaves, various debris, stumps should be uprooted, large stones and other similar objects should be removed.

Then you can move directly to landscaping. To arrange a personal plot with your own hands in as soon as possible and at the same time achieve harmonious combination all elements of landscape design, it is necessary to act consistently. Drawing up a plan for upcoming work will help you with this.

Preparatory work and planning

Given the importance of planning, the first priority is to draw up a work plan. To do this, you will need to make a drawing with existing buildings and trees marked on it, as well as the boundaries of the site.

Then you need to decide if you want to remove anything. If there are already fruit trees, then it is better to save them, since growing new ones will take a lot of time.

The spaces remaining free can be filled with garden paths, flower beds, gazebos and everything else you would like to see in your dacha. Usually on a summer cottage they place:

  1. Relaxation area. There are awnings, etc. here.
  2. . If you have children, it would be wise to take care of their leisure time at the dacha by installing a sandbox, swing or slide.
  3. Territory for economic needs. This part of the dacha is allocated for such buildings as, (if the house does not provide one), storage for fertilizers.
  4. Garden. It is recommended to place it with north side area to provide the plants with the maximum amount of sunlight.
  5. Garden. Almost any place that is not too shaded or swampy is suitable for it.

It is important to highlight correctly functional areas

These zones can be called basic, although optional. Still, a lot depends on the size of the plot and the personal preferences of the owners. For some, a vegetable garden is more important, while others just want to enjoy their holiday surrounded by neat lawns.

Whatever you prefer, the fact that the dacha should be well-groomed is beyond doubt. An important role in this is played by the arrangement of a decent fence for the site.

Site fencing: choosing the right one

Which fencing is better to choose for your dacha? The most reliable and presentable will be a fence made of stone or brick, as well as a forged one. However, these options are quite expensive and, if you do not plan to spend a lot, you can get by with a wooden picket fence or.

True, in the case of a fence, the reliability of protecting your site from unwanted intrusions is highly questionable. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally strengthen such a fence with chain-link mesh.

Reliable fence made of corrugated board and brickwork

The mesh itself, fixed between the supports, can also serve as a fence, and to make it look more attractive and hide the area from prying eyes, you can plant shrubs, climbing plants or flowers along it. Hawthorn, barberry, thuja, juniper, lilac will look appropriate near the fence, and among the climbing ones - girl's grapes, sweet pea and others.

Garden paths and paths

– a mandatory attribute of any site. To make your movement around the dacha more convenient and its overall appearance harmonious, you should take care of arranging paths that unite all functional areas. It is better if they are all made in the same style.


The easiest way is to make sandy paths. To do this, you will need to mark their contours with a rope, remove soil about 20 cm deep from the surface of the future path, fill it, water it and compact the gravel. Then there is another layer of gravel, finer, and, finally, a layer of sand, preferably with stone chips. Today such a mixture can be easily purchased in a store; its shades come in a wide variety of colors, so the path will not only be practical, but also beautiful.

The laid sandy path is carefully compacted and framed with a border made of brick or concrete. The recommended height of such a fence is 5 cm above the level of the path. Flowers or shrubs are usually planted on the sides. They visually highlight the path and at the same time strengthen the soil near it.

Sand path


Laying concrete path with your own hands

You can also make paths from concrete. This material is more durable, moreover, if you use ready-made concrete blocks, later it will be possible to change the direction of the paths simply by rearranging the slabs.

However, the fill concrete mortar gives more possibilities for creating unusual shapes and smooth curves. This will take some effort, but the result is worth it. The base of the path is prepared in the same way as sand and formwork is installed on the sides (it is recommended to soak it in water in advance so that the solution does not stick).

Note! Laying reinforcing mesh under concrete greatly reduces the risk of cracking garden paths and increases their service life.

Then you should prepare a solution in the proportion of 1 part cement, 2 sand and 4 gravel, place it in the prepared form and level it. After the concrete has set a little, you can apply patterns imitating stone to its surface.

concrete path

In addition to sand and concrete, stones or stones can also be used for paths. brickwork. The base for them is prepared similarly to the previous options, but installation is much more labor-intensive. In order for the stones to fit well, they will need to be trimmed and laid out on cement mortar manually, which, as you understand, is a very painstaking task.

Relaxation and games area

The improvement of a summer cottage can hardly be called complete without the presence comfortable conditions for relaxation and a place specially designed for this.

Place to rest

It is best to arrange this area in the garden or lawn. It can consist of several benches and a table (the simplest option), or of a gazebo, a full-fledged dining area, a barbecue and other attributes necessary for cultural recreation.

If you plan to place a barbecue or grill on the site, pay attention to its distance from housing and wooden buildings. For fire safety reasons, it should not be too close to them, but placing it close to the neighboring area is also undesirable.

Cozy gazebo with barbecue

A significant role for a comfortable pastime at the dacha is played by all kinds of canopies and gazebos, which will protect you from the bright sun in the summer, and also will not allow the sudden onset of rain to spoil your vacation. In addition, a gazebo entwined with grapes or flowers will undoubtedly decorate the garden area. It is usually located in the center of the garden, by the pool (if one is planned) or the playground.


Provide a place for children to play

Those who have small children or grandchildren should arrange a safe place for them in their dacha. play area. It is recommended to place it closer to the house or in another clearly visible place in order to be able to keep an eye on the children. If there is a swimming pool on the site or, then the playground should not be too close to it, and the reservoir itself, as potentially dangerous place, must be fenced with a dense fence.

The area for the playing area should be level, without sharp slopes. You should not choose a place that is too shaded, but too much sun will not do any good. To provide moderate shade, it is better to pull out an awning or install an awning.

As for horizontal bars, slides, swings and other play equipment, the main requirement here is safety. It is necessary to make sure that everything is securely fastened, and also remove stones, sharp pegs and other objects from the site that could cause injury.

Rules for landscaping a summer cottage: choosing plants

After the site is demarcated into main zones, it’s time to revive and decorate it with green spaces. To make your lawns and flower beds pleasing to the eye, you must follow all the rules for landscaping a summer cottage.

First of all, you should evaluate the climate, the location of the dacha, as well as the composition of the soil. It is possible that for some plants to grow, it will be necessary to additionally fertilize the soil, and some may not take root at all if climatic conditions too harsh.

When deciding on specific types of plantings, also take into account the degree of shading. After all, it is known that not all plants tolerate constant shade or sun well. The humidity of the soil is also of considerable importance - its level should be sufficient, but not excessive. It is very difficult to grow anything in a wetland, and in this case you will need to first drain the soil and select moisture-resistant plants.

Shrubs and lawn: which require less care?

Shrubs and lawns, famous for their unpretentiousness, are excellent green spaces for a summer residence. A well-groomed lawn always looks win-win, both on its own and as a background for other elements of landscape design. You can buy already grown lawn in rolls, which greatly simplifies the gardening process, or, if you wish, you can sow and grow it yourself.

Lawns and shrubs at a summer cottage

If you decide to purchase ready-made lawns, be sure to pay attention to the type of grass. Since, depending on it, they can be shade-tolerant, drought-resistant, trampling-resistant, athletic, etc. To decide which type suits you best, it makes sense to consult with the owners of nearby plots who already have practical experience in this matter.

The choice of ornamental shrubs, usually planted along fences, paths or in combination with, is also wide. The most popular are forsythia, Japanese rhododendron, dwarf spruce, jasmine, weigela and, of course, lilac. As a rule, such shrubs are unpretentious in care, and with the right place for planting and periodic trimming of excess branches they will delight you for many years.

Flower beds

The finishing touch that adds a bright touch to general appearance summer cottage, there will be flower beds. Almost any place can be allocated for them, since there are enough varieties of flowers, among which there are some that are resistant to heat, moisture, and shade. To make the flowerbed look well-groomed, you should fence it with a small fence made of vines or surround it with stones, and correct selection and arrangement of plants with different periods flowering will allow you to enjoy their beauty all summer long.

The flowerbed will add bright colors

Beautiful garden plots (photos)

As you can see, it is quite possible to decorate and improve the dacha with your own hands, although it will require considerable effort and a serious approach to the matter. But the result of such efforts will undoubtedly please you. And, to get inspired to implement your dacha landscaping project, we bring to your attention beautiful personal plots, photos of which are given below.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. Ebay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):