Tar and ammonia, yeast and weeds, potassium permanganate and sleeping coffee - gardeners feed their plants with everything. And the effect is amazing, and, importantly, it costs a penny, or even nothing at all. We suggest you add one more pharmaceutical product to this list - hydrogen peroxide. For plants, this product plays the role of an aerator, fungicide, gets rid of harmful microorganisms and strengthens the root system.

Hydrogen peroxide for the garden: principle of operation

H 2 O 2 – hydrogen peroxide, or, as it is more often called, hydrogen peroxide. According to the formula, as well as according to appearance, we can say that peroxide is almost water. “Almost” consists of one oxygen atom, and this compound is very unstable: the “extra” atom is easily separated from the molecule, and its oxidative functions are manifested. So, if you spill peroxide on a wound, free oxygen will destroy the tissues of pests - microbes, spores, and the wound will be considered disinfected. The same thing happens with pathogens on plants and in the soil.

But that's not all. Watering with hydrogen peroxide saturates the soil with “extra” oxygen, that is, it serves as an aerator.

You can also use peroxide to improve the quality of water for irrigation - it oxidizes organic matter, pesticides, and promotes rapid weathering of tap chlorine.

Hydrogen peroxide for flowers, seedlings, seeds and plants

Treating seeds with hydrogen peroxide

You've probably tried more than once to soak seeds in potassium permanganate to etch them before planting. It turns out that hydrogen peroxide can fully replace potassium permanganate.

To do this, the seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in 3% peroxide (this is the concentration that is most often found in our pharmacies), after which they are washed with water and dried.

If we're talking about For slow-germinating seeds - eggplant, parsley, carrots, beets - you can take a weaker solution (about 5 ml per glass of water), but let it sit for a day or a little less. Thanks to this, the seeds will germinate faster. Treating seeds with hydrogen peroxide ends with washing and drying.

Hydrogen peroxide for seedlings

So that the seedlings grow strong, and root system developed actively, it is watered with a peroxide solution (25-30 g of peroxide per 1 liter of water). Peroxide for seedlings is used regularly, but not constantly, replacing one watering every 1-2 weeks.

A weaker solution can be sprayed on “dejected”, weak, sick-looking seedlings (20 g per bucket of water). Peroxide works especially well against blackleg and root rot.

We also mention here that peroxide can be added to water for rooting cuttings.

Watering plants with peroxide

As is the case with others pharmaceutical drugs, which the gardeners themselves thought of using, there is no one to ask the exact proportions of peroxide dilution. Some people replace all watering with H 2 O 2 solution, others occasionally add a couple of drops per liter of water. Therefore, experiment, monitor your plants and, if necessary, adjust the recommendations given here.

Fertilizing plants with peroxide at the rate of 10 ml per liter of water can be considered universal, safe, the “golden mean”. With such a rather weak solution, you can regularly water the beds and flower beds - this will invigorate the plants, saturate the soil with oxygen, thanks to which the roots will be able to more effectively absorb soil micro- and macroelements, the peroxide will corrode the dying plant tissues on which pathogenic microflora settle.

If you do not intend to water with peroxide regularly, you can make a more concentrated solution - 20-25 grams of peroxide per liter of water.

Will help feeding with hydrogen peroxide and plants that suffer from stagnant water and whose roots suffer from rotting. To do this, prepare liquid phosphorus fertilizer, and per liter ready-made fertilizer add 1 tbsp. peroxide. Spill the solution 2 times a week until the danger passes.

It will come in handy peroxide for flowers in pots where the soil has not been changed for a long time. The concentration is the same, the effect is immediate.

Spraying with hydrogen peroxide

To treat late blight, add 4 tbsp to a bucket of water. l. iodine and 2 tbsp. l. peroxide. And if instead of iodine you add 2 tbsp. alcohol, you can get an excellent remedy against pests garden crops– aphids, scale insects, scale insects.

Peroxide for the garden indispensable for beds with herbs. Take one and a half to two tablespoons of healing liquid per liter of water and spray the plants not only from the outside, but also by lifting the leaves, reaching the stem. In response to this, the leaves of garden inhabitants will acquire a rich green, and the plants themselves will get stronger.

As you have seen, an extraordinary assistant is hydrogen peroxide. It can be used in greenhouses suffering from mold, in aquariums where a lot of dead vegetation has accumulated, and on any crops that look depressed.

I have small children, so I have given up store-bought ones for now. mineral supplements for flowerpots - they have noticeable, colored, rustling bags, so I’m always scared that the little one will sneak in there someday. But such mixtures are moderately dangerous, that is, if they come into contact without gloves, they can cause harm!

I spent a long time collecting reviews from friends, watering the flowers with a solution of yeast, iodine, succinic acid... Sometimes I treat my green pets pharmaceutical peroxide, and I can see from the leaves and luxurious blooms that the flowerpots like it.

  • It accelerates the growth of flowerpots. This is especially true if you dream that your former cutting will finally form into an adult plant.
  • Strengthens small roots, helping the young flowerpot to take root faster.
  • Saturates the soil in the pot with oxygen.
  • Acts as a fungicide, slightly disinfecting the plant.
  • Poses a threat to pests, especially newly infested ones.
  • Helps in the fertilization process.
  • This substance also has another amazing effect: when peroxide gets into tap water, it displaces chlorine, which is dangerous for plants. Peroxide also displaces pesticides from the soil and crops growing in it.

This universal remedy It is worth using for damaged, weakened flowers - peroxide acts gently, without harming the already weakened “pet”. In addition, it has proven itself well in transition periods.

In floriculture, 3% peroxide is used. This is exactly what I will talk about below.

How does peroxide work?

Many people remember the formula of water from school - H2O. The formula of peroxide is almost the same, only it contains 1 more oxygen atom - H2O2. Water after a thunderstorm has a similar formula (and it is highly recommended to use it for irrigation).

This additional oxygen works as an oxidizing agent, which is what fights fungal diseases and pests.

True, in “wild” (that is, rain) water, this oxygen atom is quickly lost, and in peroxide it is unstable. Getting into the water for irrigation, and then into the pot, the solution quickly releases an oxygen atom, which goes into this same soil, saturating it.

Can this solution replace fertilizing?

On many blogs they write that yes - they say, peroxide contains everything essential microelements, so you should not combine it with other nutrients to avoid overdoses. But I beg to differ. The formula of peroxide, as I already said, is H2O2.

There is no calcium, no potassium, no phosphorus... Therefore, I would not say that peroxide itself can give anything to flower crops.

Rather, it acts as an amplifier for the roots to absorb nutrients from the soil.

So if your flower grows in fresh soil, which contains peat, humus and other “tasty” (from the flower’s point of view) substances, then yes, after adding peroxide, you don’t need to pour anything else into the pot. You will saturate the soil with oxygen, strengthen the work of the roots, and then the flower will take care of itself.

If your flowerpot grows in rather “shabby” soil, I would still recommend watering it with something extra. No need to buy mineral composition, there are many effective folk methods - for example, honey, which can even be added to water with peroxide.

By the way, there are other, richer pharmacy fertilizers for flowerpots. For example, diluted aloe juice. This solution helps house plants bloom profusely and acquire simply gorgeous foliage. Here's how to use it:

How to properly water flowerpots with this product

In summer we often display indoor flowers on open veranda or an unglazed balcony. Except clean air, our flowerpots thus gain access to rainwater, which is very useful for them. In winter, such luxury is not available to them, so we should take care of the flowers on our own.

An indication for such watering is the presence of wilted, dry leaves on the flowers. But completely healthy flowerpots also need oxygen. Peroxide can also be used for seedlings.

A solution that is suitable for almost all home flowerpots (except for crops that prefer distillate - but there are only a few): 2 tablespoons of peroxide + 1 liter of water.

Such " hydrogen water“The flowerpot is watered once a week. If your flowers require more water, water them more often, but make the solution less concentrated, adding 10 to 15 drops of peroxide to the same liter of water.

Important! Before each watering, collect all fallen flowers and leaves from the soil surface and slightly loosen the soil.

You will see the results of such waterings after 2-4 procedures.

Even root rot is not a contraindication to hydrogen irrigation. On the contrary, if you overwatered the flowerpot and because of this you are now treating its roots, water with peroxide will help them recover faster.

Soaking seeds in peroxide

This procedure saturates the seed with oxygen, stimulates, strengthens, and disinfects.

You need to do everything like this:

  1. Mix a glass of water (250 ml) and 25 drops of peroxide.
  2. Dip the seeds into this solution for half an hour.
  3. Remove the seeds, rinse under clean water(for example, put it in a sieve and bring it to the tap).

If you have crop seeds with very poor germination, you can keep them in peroxide for up to a day.

Spraying plants

Both for spraying and for wiping leaves, you can prepare the watering solution discussed above (liter of water, 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide). If desired, you can also add a little sugar here.

When spraying, try to get it not only on the leaves, but also on the petioles and stems.

The procedure can be carried out quite often, even every day (in winter, when radiators dry the air, tropical plants type female happiness or Dieffenbachia it is simply necessary).

The only “but”: the flowers should be sprayed with a basic solution (with two tablespoons of peroxide) no more than once every 5 days. For daily use, take a more diluted solution (a few drops of peroxide per liter of water).

Treatment of flowerpots

The basic medicinal solution looks like this: 50 ml of peroxide, 2 tablespoons of alcohol, 1 teaspoon of soap shavings, 900 ml of water. This solution is effective in treating mold, the first manifestations of blackleg, root rot (not advanced form). Plants can be either watered or sprayed with this medicine.

Another medicinal composition, which harmful insects are afraid of: 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of peroxide, 40 drops of iodine. With its help you can get rid of spider mite, mealybug, midges, scale insects. In addition, people are afraid of this solution bacterial infections(if the problem is serious, pour a little rubbing alcohol into the solution).

Important! When watering flowerpots with water containing iodine, pour it along the edges of the pot so that it flows down the walls. Try not to get it not only on the leaves, but also in the center of the soil, from where water will immediately seep to the roots.

Let's repeat the most important information

  • The peroxide formula is close to rainwater, so this substance is not harmful, but beneficial for indoor flowers.
  • Regular use of peroxide has a therapeutic effect (fights fungi and harmful insects). In addition, this substance saturates the soil in the pot with oxygen and helps the plant roots absorb useful minerals.
  • The easiest way is to water the flowers with water in which a few drops of hydrogen peroxide have been diluted. You can also spray or wipe the leaves with a similar solution.
  • To treat flowers, you need a more sophisticated solution of soap shavings, peroxide, water and alcohol.

By the way, it is not peroxide alone that keeps our flowerpots alive during the cold season (and not only)! There are a number of simpletons and available pharmaceutical products, which have proven themselves well among flower growers and gardeners. Here is a short but very succinct overview:

Hydrogen peroxide can successfully replace traditional potassium permanganate at the stage of seed treatment. To disinfect seeds, they are soaked in a 10% peroxide solution for 20 minutes, and then washed with water and dried. If you are sure that there are no pathogenic organisms on your seeds, then you can use hydrogen peroxide as a growth stimulant. In this case, the seeds must be soaked for 12 hours (and difficult-to-germinate seeds like parsley, carrots or beets - 24 hours) in a 0.4% peroxide solution. Then rinse and dry in the same way until free-flowing. This treatment promotes rapid germination, increased yield and increased plant immunity.

Peroxide can also help in the fight against late blight. A tablespoon of peroxide in a bucket of water with the addition of forty drops of iodine (or without it) - ready solution for preventive spraying of tomatoes. Hydrogen peroxide for seedlings
Hydrogen peroxide for seeds and seedlings

Seeds will germinate faster, and the root system will be stronger and more branchy, if you soak the seeds in a solution of hydrogen peroxide: 30 drops of 3% peroxide per glass of water. There are recipes for soaking for 30 minutes in 3% without dilution. Hydrogen peroxide softens the seed coat faster and kills pathogens located on the surface of the seed.

The seedlings are watered with a solution of the same concentration to develop and strengthen the plant’s root system. Watering with H2O2 can be systematic, but not more than once a week.

Feeding seedlings with hydrogen peroxide

  • Peroxide can be used to disinfect any wounds on plants.
  • Watering at the root enhances “root hygiene”, enriching the roots with additional oxygen.....eliminates everything bad, which means it improves immunity.
  • You can soak seeds in hydrogen peroxide before sowing; it has a great stimulating effect on seed germination and plant growth. Watering seedlings of flowers and vegetables once every 4-5 days, i.e. in fact, every first or second watering….
  • After picking seedlings, it is recommended to regularly spray with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, without even skimping... Peroxide again provides additional oxygen in abundance to the leaves…. The seedlings are developing better!
  • The recipe is simple: for 2 liters of water, 40 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. That is, the medicine bottle that I have in the photo holds just 2 liters of water. This solution can be watered at the root and sprayed on the leaves. This solution disinfects the soil and protects plants from pests. It has long been known that what healthier plant the less pests attack it!
  • And in conclusion: You can prepare an effective insecticide for spraying plants: 100 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 100 g of sugar and 2 liters of water
  • Rooting cuttings in this solution works wonders! Cuttings do not rot in water with hydrogen peroxide. Just before the roots appear, you need to partially or completely change the solution from time to time, or simply add fresh one!

Fertilizing plants with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide keeps plant roots healthy. Additional soil aeration helps plant roots absorb micro and macroelements. The released oxygen “eats” dead roots and does not allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply. Add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide per liter of water and water the plants once a week. There is no need to irrigate the leaves with this solution as a fertilizer.

Hobbyist flower growers know that there may come a period when plants stop growing and the number of flowers sharply decreases. The most unpleasant thing that can happen is the death of your favorite flower. Stopping the growth of a plant is most often the first sign of any disease, so you should examine the flower and concentrate on caring for it. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the ways to feed plants and thanks to it it can solve several problems at once.

Is it possible to water flowers?

Hydrogen peroxide has a positive effect on many living organisms, including flowers. In nature, plants receive water after rain and when snow melts. Exactly like this chemical composition water is perfect indoor flowers, and it can be obtained thanks to hydrogen peroxide. This diluted product can be used to irrigate young seedlings and indoor plants, disinfect seeds before planting in the ground, and spray seedlings.

Experienced flower growers claim that already an hour after peroxide gets into the ground you can notice positive result. The plant begins to grow much faster, the green mass increases and subsequently fruiting increases. In addition, hydrogen peroxide is recommended for treating plants during their growth, since it effectively combats various types diseases.

Benefits for plants

Chemical formula Hydrogen peroxide molecules resemble water, so plants react to it quite normally. Peroxide is characterized by its instability, and upon contact with the treated surface, an oxygen atom is released. It disrupts the normal functioning of microbes and pathogens.

One more main function When an atom is released, it is considered that the soil is filled with oxygen. In addition, thanks to peroxide, it is possible to purify water for irrigation. By adding a few drops of this product to 30 ml of water, active displacement of chlorine begins, and pesticides are removed due to hydrogen peroxide.

  • allows you to get rid of harmful bacteria that hinder the development of the plant and inhibit its flowering;
  • inhibits the process of rotting of the roots of indoor flowers;
  • accelerates flowering.

If the plant is damaged, hydrogen peroxide is considered an ideal disinfectant.

How to prepare the solution?

At home, indoor plants are most often watered tap water. However, they still prefer rainwater because it contains peroxide. For watering indoor flowers at home, a solution is usually prepared according to the following scheme:

  • You need to purchase a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution at the pharmacy;
  • you need to dilute 20 ml of this product in 1 liter of water;
  • the solution must be mixed well and used for watering plants.

Flower growers use different dosages of hydrogen peroxide depending on the goal:

  • if necessary, water the plants daily, dissolve a few drops of the product in 1 liter of water;
  • for soil health measures, dilute 3 ml of peroxide in a liter of water.
  • if it is necessary to disinfect seeds before planting in the soil, there is no need to dilute the peroxide;
  • When preparing the soil before planting, you need to dissolve 1 bottle of the product in 5 liters of water.

Hydrogen peroxide is effective in combating various plant diseases and helps give weak seedlings a healthy appearance. Late blight can be dealt with using a solution prepared from a bucket of water, a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 40 drops of iodine.

Feeding and fertilizer


A positive result can be achieved through additional aeration, which helps the plant quickly absorb macro and microelements. When hydrogen peroxide gets into the ground, oxygen is released, which absorbs dead roots and thereby prevents the proliferation of various pathogens. It is recommended to simply stir 10 ml of peroxide in 1 liter of water and water your indoor plants with this nutrient mixture once a week.

When adding peroxide to the soil as a fertilizer, there is no need to resort to other fertilizers. The fact is that this product contains all the necessary microelements that are needed for normal plant growth and flowering. When using other types of fertilizers, the soil may become oversaturated or the flower will simply become spoiled.

Hydrogen peroxide also helps to cope with plant diseases such as root rot and blackleg. Typically, rot on the roots appears within a day when the plant is flooded with water and the roots are in stagnant water with insufficient oxygen content. In this case, it is recommended to water such plants with a solution prepared from phosphorus fertilizer and 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is necessary to add 20 ml of h3O2 to the fertilizer solution and treat the plant with this mixture twice a week.


In addition to watering, it is allowed to spray the plants. It is recommended to perform this procedure several times a week, while not forgetting to lift the leaves of the flower. Spraying must be done from the outside of the plant, being sure to pay attention to the stems. Constantly performing this procedure helps indoor flowers long time keep your attractive appearance. Gradually, the leaves become bright green, and weak shoots become new life. Hydrogen peroxide is considered effective in combating fungal diseases such as blackleg, mold and root rot.

You can cook it at home prophylactic with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, which must be sprayed on the flowers every day. The following components are used for this solution:

  • 900 ml water;
  • a few drops of dishwashing detergent;
  • 20 ml medical alcohol;
  • ¼ cup 3% hydrogen peroxide.

The mixture for spraying plants must be prepared before use by mixing all the components together. It is recommended to irrigate the stems and leaves of plants with this product with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, which helps protect them from various pests.

For seeds and seedlings

If it is necessary to treat seeds, hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with this traditional means, like potassium permanganate. To disinfect seeds, you need to soak them for half an hour in a 10% solution, then rinse well with water and dry. If you are sure that there are no pathogens in the plants, it is allowed to use hydrogen peroxide as a growth stimulant. In this case, the seeds should be soaked in a 0.4% hydrogen peroxide solution for 12 hours. It is recommended to soak hard-to-germinate seeds of parsley, beets or carrots in the solution for two days.

The seeds will germinate much faster, and the seedlings will have strong roots, if they are left for some time in a 3% peroxide solution. To prepare such a solution, you need to dissolve 30 drops of 3% peroxide in a glass of water. This product helps to quickly soften the seed shell and destroy pathogens living on their surface.

After picking the seedlings, it is recommended to spray them daily with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. This product saturates the leaves with additional oxygen, and the seedlings grow much better. To prepare the mixture, you need to dissolve a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide in two liters of water. This product must be sprayed on the leaves of the seedlings or watered at the roots. The solution disinfects the soil and helps protect seedlings from various pests.

In some cases, when using a solution of hydrogen peroxide, stains may form on the surface of the soil white, which resemble mold. This is most often observed when using land purchased in a store, and in such a situation it is better to spray young shoots without watering.


Hydrogen peroxide is considered an affordable and effective means through which plants receive microelements and substances necessary for their normal growth and flowering. You can purchase the product at any pharmacy, and preparing solutions does not require special skills. If you follow the recommended dosages when using the drug, you can notice a positive result after a few days. Hydrogen peroxide is used in all agricultural areas of the world, which truly confirms its effectiveness.


Fertilizers for indoor plants | World of Women

The secret of luxury indoor flower garden is simple: the plants need to be fed well, otherwise you won’t get either lush foliage or good flowering.

A strict “diet” when a plant experiences a shortage of nutrients, usually leads to disease - because the plant does not have the strength to resist. But how to properly create a menu for green pets, taking into account their different tastes?

1. Granulated sugar. Almost all plants love sugar (and cacti generally have a great sweet tooth). Before watering, you can sprinkle 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar (for a pot diameter of about 10 cm) over the surface of the soil or give the plant some sweet water (0.5 teaspoon of sugar per 0.5 cup of water).

2. Feeding with castor oil gives a good effect beautifully flowering plants(1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water) while tying buds.

3. Wood ash very useful for plants (both as nutrition and for disease prevention). For cooking ash solution 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ash needs to be poured into 1 liter hot water and leave for 1 week, stirring occasionally. Watering with this solution is once every 10 days.

4. Citrus peels. You can water the plants with this infusion: take the peels of pomegranates or any citrus fruits. Fill them with water and leave for a day. All! The nutritious infusion for watering is ready! Fertilizers for indoor plants

5. Aspirin. The immunity of indoor plants is greatly enhanced by spraying with an aspirin solution. One tablet dissolves in a liter of water.

6. Diluted aloe juice is also suitable for all common indoor plants. You need to dilute one teaspoon of juice in one and a half liters of water.

7. Sweetened water. Ficuses can be watered with sweetened water once a month. For one liter of water take one teaspoon of sugar. The leaves of these plants can be wiped with milk. This will give the plants shine and beauty.

8. Mushroom infusion will help your plants look healthy and beautiful. Soak the crushed edible mushrooms in a ratio of 1 to 1. After a day, drain the infusion and fill the mushrooms with water again. In a day, the mushroom water for irrigation will be ready.

9. Vitamin B 12. Violets will like this feeding: take an ampoule of vitamin B12 and dilute it in a liter of water (settled, of course). You can feed violets with this vitamin twice a month.

10. Banana peel, which is rich in potassium, magnesium and phosphorus, can be used when replanting plants. On top of the drainage layer, place a layer of finely chopped or minced banana peel, fill it with soil and plant the plant.

11.Water after boiling eggs is simply irreplaceable for your house plants. From it they can obtain useful mineral salts, which are released by the shell when water boils. Fertilizers for indoor plants

Hydrogen peroxide for house plants. Sometimes houseplants don't get the help they're used to. First, remove overly dry or wilted leaves and loosen the soil so the plants can breathe.

Then we use hydrogen peroxide, usually called water oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent natural disinfectant that helps enhance plant growth and prevent root rot.

20 ml. hydrogen peroxide per 1 liter of water. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water and water the plants once every 4-5 days. I assure you that in a few days your plants will be restored and will also increase their growth.


When propagating plants, sometimes there is a problem with root formation. To speed up the process, you can resort to stimulants industrial production, the most popular of them are root and heteroauxin. But there are also several time-tested folk ways. 1.Med. A teaspoon of honey is dissolved in 1.5 liters of water, the cutting is placed one-third in the solution and kept in it for 12 hours.

2. Potatoes. Large potatoes are suitable for rooting. All eyes are carefully removed from it, an incision is made and the cutting is inserted into it. At sufficient watering it will quickly take root. Even poorly cutting plants can be rooted in this way, because cuttings receive a lot of nutrients from potatoes. Fertilizers for indoor plants

3.Aloe juice. Add 3–7 drops to the water with the cuttings fresh juice aloe. It not only accelerates the appearance of roots, but also stimulates the immune system of the cutting.

4. Willow water. Place several branches of willow (poplar, wild rosemary, willow are also suitable) in water and wait for the roots to appear. When the roots appear, the willow twigs can be removed and the cutting placed in this water. The resulting water is not changed, only topped up if necessary.

5. Yeast. Prepare a yeast solution (100 mg per 1 liter) and place the cuttings in it for a day, after which they are washed and transferred to a half-filled container with water.

6. Succinic acid

Seller in flower shop once persuaded me to buy succinic acid: they say that this product amazingly stimulates plant growth and it is impossible to overdo it. At home I diluted 1 g of powder per 5 liters. water, watered and sprayed all house plants with the solution. Fertilizers for indoor plants

The result was amazing! And it became noticeable within a week:

Maranths have released new leaves and shoots. - The begonias also liked the feeding: the ever-flowering one, for example, gave 4 powerful side shoots at once, flowering increased. Indoor floriculture - The pandanus appeared new leaves not only at the top, but also from under the leaves of the first, second and third row. - Aglaonemas produced new leaves, some gave birth to babies. - Cuttings of tangerine, ficus, chlorophytum, peperomia, alocasia, syngonium, and oleander gave good growth of leaves. - Opuntia It first burst into thorns, and then released 12 lateral segments. - A cutting of African portulacaria that had not taken root for a long time produced 2 side shoots. - The Decembrist agave liked the “treat”; the growth of leaves on the Crassula and Agave plants noticeably perked up.

Separately, I would like to talk about the use of succinic acid for cacti and succulents. I didn't expect them to rapid growth, but was very surprised when a month later Haworthia released 10 babies at once. - The cacti were happy too.

However, I do not recommend reapplying succinic acid to cacti and succulents: a reverse reaction may occur. Fertilizer should be applied once or repeated no more than once every 2 years.

Properties of succinic acid for plants

Due to the excellent natural utilization of succinic acid in nature, it does not pollute the environment. Therefore (and not only) it is often used for plants. It is an excellent plant growth regulator, improves the absorption of substances from the soil, and also helps plants cope with various kinds stress. Succinic acid normalizes the natural microflora of the soil and the vital activity of microorganisms found in it. Treatment of plants with acid increases resistance to adverse effects environment. Its use in relation to certain parts of plants, accordingly, stimulates growth: treatment of roots - root growth, young shoots - growth of new shoots. Succinic acid is an excellent resuscitator for plants. It is used to treat seeds and cuttings before planting. various plants to improve germination and increase stability. Fertilizers for indoor plants

Dosage of succinic acid

To prepare working solutions suitable for spraying and soaking, 1 g of succinic acid must be dissolved in large quantities warm water. This is how we make a strong solution of succinic acid. The volume of solution after this cold water bring to 1 liter. That is, it turned out to be a solution of 1 g per 1 liter - a one percent solution. Next, to obtain a 0.02% solution of succinic acid, you need to dilute 200 ml of one percent with cold water to 1 liter. Fertilizers for indoor plants.

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There are midges in Orchid: what to do?

Reading time: 2 minutes

Many flower lovers consider Orchids to be the elite of flowering plants. But even these royal beauties are susceptible to attack by fungus gnats (sciarids).

These small pests, as a rule, do not greatly disturb the health of the plant, although they make it unsightly in appearance. In this case, the presence of a fungus gnat indicates poor care and, fortunately, rarely requires treatment with chemicals.

Dampness and mold

Fungus bugs are not the most common pest of indoor plants. They are often confused with fruit flies (Drosophila), although our mosquitoes have more dark color. While fruit flies fly near fruits and rotten foods, sciarids appear near wet soil, sewers and drains.

Fungus gnats are attracted to CO2 ( carbon dioxide), which is why they fly straight into your face.

Adults of these midges are 1-2 millimeters in length, thin and similar to very small mosquitoes. These tiny black insects seem harmless because they are just flying around the plant.

Mold in the substrate

But while adult insects sit on the leaves of the Orchid without harming it, their larvae feed on juices from the thin root hairs of the flower. This leads to yellowing of the leaves and weakening of the plant. They can also damage the plant's fragile roots or stems, leaving it vulnerable to rot and infection.

The easiest way to avoid these midges is to water your Orchid properly. It is overwatering and poor drainage that promotes fungus, mold spores and rot that attracts fungus gnats.

Eliminating the cause of midges

  1. When flying insects appear, check for sciarids on the Orchids. You may notice adults: look for them on flowers, leaves, as well as the rim of the pot and in the substrate. You may see these pests hovering around the plant. At the moment you find adult fungus gnats, eggs or larvae may already be laid in the substrate.
  2. Therefore, transplant the Orchid into a new well-drained soil mixture. Please note: it should decompose slowly. The best substrates consist of slowly decomposing organic materials such as coconut shells or fibers, as well as charcoal. Made from non-organic ingredients the best option there will be perlite. Fungal larvae feed on fungal spores that grow in warm, fertile, and overly moist soil. They also eat decaying organic matter, for example, rotting substrate or plant roots. So the older your flower substrate, the greater the likelihood of infestation with these midges.
  3. Try to reduce watering and allow the top layers of the substrate to dry out between waterings (about 2-3 centimeters of the top layer). Water your Orchid only when necessary and do not allow water to accumulate in the tray under the pot. Fungus larvae need moist soil, so they will disappear quickly.
  4. Fertilize the Orchid with a weak solution of fertilizers once a month. The main thing is not to overdo it, use half the concentration indicated on the package.
  5. Cut off dying or drying parts of the Orchid immediately. This will keep you from getting adult fungus gnats. Please pay special attention to areas of the plant near the soil line. Remove fallen plant material and debris from the soil surface as soon as you notice it.

Removing midges

Vinegar - good remedy not only against fungus gnats, but also against fruit flies. Fill the jar with baby food apple cider vinegar half and also add 1-2 drops liquid soap for dishes (to remove surface tension).

Vinegar trap

After this, close the lid and make several holes in it, sufficient for midges to fly in. Place these trap jars next to problem Orchids and use them until the bugs in the flower disappear.

Getting rid of larvae

Hydrogen peroxide will help with this. Mix one part 3% hydrogen peroxide with four parts water. Wait until the soil dries, and then water the Orchid with this solution. Closed ground It will hiss for a few minutes - this is normal.

And fungus gnat larvae will die upon contact with hydrogen peroxide. After a few minutes, the hissing will stop and the peroxide will break down into harmless oxygen and water molecules. Repeat this procedure as needed.

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Hydrogen peroxide application for plants

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In order to have beautiful home flowers, you need to constantly care for them. To do this you need to cut bad leaves, apply fertilizers and properly follow the watering regime. But if the plant is sick, use various means to improve his condition. Let's look at how to use hydrogen peroxide for plants at home.

Benefits of peroxide for plants

This solution is used to eliminate various problems, including:

  • elimination of bacteria;
  • preventing root rot;
  • acceleration of flower growth.

Before watering you should get rid of damaged leaves and parts of the plant, and also loosen the ground a little so that the rhizome gets air.

If there are wounds on the plant, peroxide is used for disinfection. In order for the seeds to take root better in the soil and begin active growth, they are first recommended to be soaked in a peroxide solution. If cuttings need to be rooted, they are placed in water with the drug. This prevents the shoots from rotting and also promotes rapid development root system.

Peroxide for indoor plants, application

In everyday life, indoor “pets” are most often watered with plain tap water. But they always preferred rain liquid because it contains peroxide. To water plants with hydrogen peroxide, you need to prepare the following product:

  • purchase a 3% solution;
  • mix 2 tablespoons of the product and 1 liter of water;
  • stir thoroughly.

Plants are watered with this solution once every 5 days. The same product is used to spray plants.

For spraying, you can prepare a slightly different mixture:

  • mix ½ cup of peroxide with the same amount of sugar;
  • pour the mixture with two liters of water.

In addition, for various purposes, flower growers use the following dosages of the solution:

  • if it is necessary to water the plants daily, then add a couple of drops of the product per 1 liter of water;
  • in case of health measures for soil, dilute 3 ml of solution in 1 liter of water;
  • to disinfect raw materials for planting, it is not recommended to dilute peroxide;
  • When preparing water for planting, you need to dilute 5 liters of water with 1 ml of peroxide.

Peroxide - cheap and effective remedy for caring for indoor plants without special effort. The main thing is to follow the recommended doses when using, and a positive result will be visible within a couple of days.


Hydrogen peroxide for plants and seeds

I would never have tried hydrogen peroxide for plants if I had not found recommendations for its use on the Ministry’s website agriculture USA in the Agricultural Research Service section.

h3O2 is truly a natural pesticide, fungicide, soil aerator, strengthens the root system and stimulates growth. The properties of hydrogen peroxide can be useful for any type of gardening, including gardening on a windowsill.

How does hydrogen peroxide work for plants?

h3O2 is indistinguishable from water in appearance. Like water, hydrogen peroxide is made up of oxygen and hydrogen, but has an extra oxygen atom (like ozone-enriched rain during a thunderstorm). h3O2 is an unstable molecule that quickly loses one oxygen atom. This atom acts as an oxidizing agent that destroys pest tissue - many pathogens and spores die from free oxygen. In addition, the released oxygen acts as a soil aerator. Thanks to its good oxidizing effect, gardeners use hydrogen peroxide to improve the quality of water for irrigation - chlorine disappears faster from tap water, pesticides and organic matter oxidize.

Rainwater also contains h3O2, this is part of the “cleaning system” of the earth. Unstable ozone O3 easily attaches to water molecules and just as easily breaks down, oxidizing in the process various pollution in the atmosphere.

Hydrogen peroxide for seeds and seedlings

Seeds will germinate faster, and the root system will be stronger and more branchy, if you soak the seeds in a solution of hydrogen peroxide: 30 drops of 3% peroxide per glass of water. There are recipes for soaking for 30 minutes in 3% without dilution. Hydrogen peroxide softens the seed coat faster and kills pathogens located on the surface of the seed.

Good article on the effect of hydrogen peroxide on seed germination with links to research on eHow.

The seedlings are watered with a solution of the same concentration to develop and strengthen the plant’s root system. Watering with h3O2 can be systematic, but not more than once a week.

Hydrogen peroxide as a fertilizer

Hydrogen peroxide keeps plant roots healthy. Additional soil aeration helps plant roots absorb micro and macroelements. The released oxygen “eats” dead roots and does not allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply. Add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide per liter of water and water the plants once a week. There is no need to irrigate the leaves with this solution as a fertilizer.

Since peroxide comes in more than just 3%, you may find a table of dilutions of different concentrations useful.

Prevention of pests and diseases

With h3O2 you can prepare a weekly preventive spray for balcony and garden flowers and herbs:

  • 50 ml 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol
  • 3 drops of dishwashing liquid
  • 900 ml water.

The mixture must be prepared immediately before use. Irrigate the leaves and stems of plants to get rid of aphids, scale insects, and mealybugs.

The oxidative properties of oxygen in peroxide work against blackleg and root rot. Root rot develops within a day if the plant is flooded and the roots are in stagnant water with a low level of dissolved oxygen: water the infected plants generously with a solution of phosphorus fertilizer + 3% peroxide (2 tbsp h3O2 per liter of fertilizer solution) 2 times a week.

The active release of oxygen displaces anaerobic conditions in the soil; even 2-3 waterings may be enough to cure. Let the water drain well from the pot along with the infection, do not let the pot stand in a tray filled with dead water.

A Canadian hydroponics website talks about hydrogen peroxide as a cure-all for root rot. Orchid lovers use peroxide when replanting to treat the roots. You can wipe the pots with it before planting.

Gardeners treat greenhouses with hydrogen peroxide to prevent mold. Cuttings take root faster in the h3O2 solution.

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is known as a remedy used in medical purposes, is also widely used in everyday life. There are many scientifically proven methods for using it. This article will talk about hydrogen peroxide for plants, which application Gardeners and vegetable gardeners found it.

The main advantage of hydrogen peroxide is that it is a strong oxidizing agent that has a detrimental effect on pathogens. Due to these properties, peroxide is used in different areas. It is often used by gardeners, gardeners, and indoor plant lovers.

Ways to use hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is a widely known drug sold in pharmacies, which is colorless and odorless and dissolves well in water.

Pharmacies usually offer the substance at a concentration of 3%. It differs from water in the presence of an additional oxygen atom, which is quickly lost by the substance. The released oxygen easily aerates into the soil.

The antiseptic effects of the liquid are well known. It also disinfects, cleanses, and has a healing effect. There is no toxicity in the solution, but caution is required in use, since too high a concentration of the product causes irritation of the mucous membranes and skin.

Advice! Plants benefit greatly from peroxide.

Germination of seeds

To germinate seeds we have always used various drugs to provide good growth plant, increase resistance to diseases. Peroxide provides all this even more effectively than potassium permanganate.

Peroxide allows you to pickle the seeds; to do this, take a 3% solution and soak the seeds in it for 30 minutes. After this, the seeds need to be washed and dried. This procedure will kill pathogenic flora that may form on the surface. planting material. As a result, the seeds germinate quickly, the plants develop well, become very strong and branchy.

Is it possible to water seedlings and adult plants with peroxide?

According to numerous reviews we can say that watering young plant seedlings with peroxide significantly strengthens their roots, increases resistance to disease, and disinfects the soil.

The released oxygen prevents decay processes and protects roots in case of excess moisture. This is very important when planting plants in viscous or clay soil in which natural drainage is difficult. Small roots are simply burned out by the released oxygen, which will completely save the entire plant from rotting.

Advice! You can water plants with peroxide at the roots, or spraying them is also allowed.

Application for plants

Practical methods for using peroxide are very diverse. She became effective means, tested by many gardeners.

Watch the video! Attention!!!hydrogen peroxide is not suitable for everyone!

Watering seedlings

  • 20 drops of 3% peroxide;
  • dissolve in 1 liter of water.

It is necessary to water this solution at the root.

Higher concentrations are not acceptable. Too thin roots of young seedlings will simply collapse under the influence of a high dose of oxidizing agent.

Watering mature plants

Peroxide is very useful for adult plants; they tolerate it perfectly. Watering should be regular.

  • 2 ml peroxide 3% (up to 2 tbsp);
  • 1 liter of water.

If watering is carried out rarely, you can increase the dose of the product by taking 2 tbsp. l peroxide per liter of water.

Protection against diseases of indoor plants

The occurrence of root rot in indoor plants requires taking drastic measures. Using peroxide will solve the problem.

Correct use of peroxide allows you to completely remove pathogenic flora in a few steps and provide excellent growth conditions for the roots.

The composition of the solution is as follows:

  • Peroxide 3% -2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Water – 1 liter.
  • Phosphorus fertilizer.

It is important to ensure that all pathogenic flora is removed from the pot. To do this, water from the pot must flow freely. This is not difficult to achieve; you just need to raise the pot on a stand so that it does not stand in the water.

Fighting diseases of aquarium plants

Peroxide added to aquarium water is very useful. It quickly deals with rotten parts of plants, purifies water, and destroys harmful bacteria. The peroxide concentration should be small: 10 liters of water will require 2.5 ml of peroxide. You need to increase your concentration gradually.

First, peroxide is mixed with water outside the aquarium, then the diluted solution is gradually poured into the aquarium. It is unacceptable to pour the undiluted substance directly into the aquarium, since this significantly harms the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Fertilizer for garden and indoor plants

Peroxide is an excellent fertilizer for almost any plant. Nothing special useful elements not introduced into the soil, but excellent aeration of the earth occurs, the roots begin to more intensively absorb mineral compounds and nutrients.

Simultaneous watering and fertilizing with peroxide creates excellent results. The solution is prepared at the rate of:

  • 1 tbsp. l. peroxides;
  • 1 liter of water.

No special watering techniques are provided.

Spraying plants

In some situations, it is effective to spray green spaces with peroxide:

  • 50 ml peroxide,
  • 1 liter of water,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of alcohol,
  • a few drops of detergent.
  1. Foliar feeding. You can fertilize not only through the roots. Through leaves and stems you can also feed the plant well. The solution is made:
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of peroxide 3%.

The solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed.

  1. Disease and pest control.
  • 100 ml peroxide;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • add 100 g sugar.

Rooting cuttings

To prevent cuttings from rotting in water and becoming covered in mucus, peroxide is used. The released oxygen is needed by the cuttings for better rooting.

The composition can have an arbitrary concentration. You can dilute 1 tablespoon of the drug in a liter of water. You need to put the cuttings in this water

Disease Control

It has been noticed that late blight is treated with peroxide. The bush needs to be sprayed with a solution of the following composition:

  • peroxide 3% – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water – 10 l;
  • iodine – 40 drops.

Spraying is done several times during the season. A small addition of alcohol will help defeat aphids, scale insects, and other tomato pests.

The solution is suitable for treating all plants. Processing peppers will prevent diseases such as blackleg, late blight, and bacterial spot.

Peroxide solution is also used for preventive spraying against diseases.

Prepare the solution:

  • 1 glass of ash;
  • 10 liters of water;
  • infused and filtered;
  • add 1 tbsp. spoon of peroxide;

If the bushes are already sick, take twice as much peroxide.


Peroxide is a universal, affordable, inexpensive remedy that is suitable for almost all plants. It provides reliable protection from diseases and pests, excellent care behind the plant. The correct dosage will make green spaces healthy and strong.

Watch the video! Hydrogen peroxide works wonders! Incredible result

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