As a rule, the sofa is placed against the wall, positioned along it. This is the most common option for positioning a sofa in a standard room. But now studio spaces are popular, combining several functions at once. Remodeling apartments to combine a kitchen with a living room, a living room with an office, etc. has become commonplace. New apartment and private buildings are often already built with open plan. In rooms of this type, installing a sofa against the wall is not always advisable. There are more convenient and logical options.

This is true not only for studios, but also for standard rooms, characterized by a large area. Here the sofa can be moved closer to the center of the room or installed across its length. This arrangement plan allows you to correctly zone and balance the space.

Sofa in the middle or across the room: for what purpose?

1. For zoning

To visually separate the living room area from the kitchen, dining room, office, bedroom, play area or passage area, a sofa is installed at the junction of the areas. Of course, “facing” the living room.

The sofa can be located near the wall, adjacent to it with one of the sides, or closer to the center of the room.

To make the living room area more isolated and closed, armchairs, a couch or a second sofa are placed at right angles to the sofa.

2. For visual correction of the shape of the room

If the room is elongated and very long, a sofa standing across it breaks it into two parts. This saves the room from looking like a corridor.

Designer: Nadya Zotova

Serious error- arrange furniture around the perimeter elongated room. Some objects must be placed perpendicularly long walls. In the living room, as a rule, it is the sofa that becomes the dividing element, dividing the space.

Sofa in the center of the living room: divides the room in half

For zoning and segmenting space, not only a straight line is suitable, but also corner sofa. You can place it so that one side is located along the wall, and the other is across it. This position of the sofa can be called peninsular (the side perpendicular to the wall is a soft “peninsula”).

3. To create classic balance

Classic requires symmetry and balance. Taking this into account, the living room is furnished in a modern classic style. A compositional center is formed in the interior (this could be a fireplace, TV, mirror, large painting or something else), through which or from which the axis of symmetry passes. Basic furniture - sofas, armchairs, coffee tables— is placed along this axis.

If you place armchairs and sofas against two opposite walls, the principle of symmetry will be observed. But if the room is wide enough, the seating areas will be too far apart from each other, which will reduce the comfort level of the living room. Therefore, in large rooms Ah, it is customary to move upholstered furniture closer to the center line.

The composition of the soft group is variable: it can consist of a sofa and two armchairs, a sofa and a couch, two small sofas, etc.

By the way. Furnishing with two sofas is not very popular here. However, in many cases this option is much more convenient. After all, such a set is very flexible. It is always easier to place two compact items rationally and efficiently than one bulky one.

4. If there are no other options

It happens that the room is literally littered with doors and window openings. A solid section of wall sufficient to attach a sofa to it may simply be missing. If you want to hang the TV opposite the sofa, search for the most suitable place for upholstered furniture it becomes even more complicated.

In such a situation, the island arrangement of upholstered furniture may be almost the only possible option. The sofa is installed closer to the center - so that there is a fairly wide passage behind it (at least 70 cm).

Sometimes the sofa is pulled out to the middle to bring it closer to the TV.

Sofa not against the wall: rear view

Of course, you need to look for a sofa that has back side looks just as good as the front one. Unfortunately, not all sofa manufacturers provide for this, because most buyers place the sofa against the wall.

If you are completely satisfied with the sofa, but the view from the back leaves much to be desired, furniture that will come to the rescue will hide the shortcomings: for example, a console table, a low shelving unit or a long narrow cabinet. You can order such furniture exactly to the size of the sofa.

If cushioned furniture separates the dining and living areas; it can be attached to the back surface of the sofa dinner table or a bar counter. They also set up work corners in this place, which is very, very convenient.

Sofa across long room: right choice

The location of upholstered furniture in the living room is of paramount importance in creating perfect interior. The interior is mainly influenced by how you arrange the main piece of upholstered furniture - the sofa. This question is very important not only for small rooms, but also for large and medium-sized living rooms.

The difficulty lies in placing the sofa comfortably and at the same time so that it fits harmoniously into the interior composition. In our article we will talk about how to implement this without allowing a conflict of interest.

The influence of the type of sofa on its location in the living room

Everyone knows that there are several main types of sofas. The location of your sofa will largely depend on what type it is. The following types of sofas are distinguished. By design features:

  • corner;
  • classic;
  • island.

Depending on the transformation mechanism:

  • sofa book;
  • click-clack;
  • accordion;
  • dolphin;
  • Eurobook;
  • withdrawable;
  • puma;
  • pantograph;
  • cot.

The corner sofa is designed to be located in one of the corners of the living room. Its form is advantageous, first of all, because it corner placement he saves a lot usable space. It's another matter if you decide to place a corner sofa in the middle of the living room. In this case, such a piece of furniture will look much more cumbersome. Experts recommend taking this step only if you have a large living room.

The situation is similar with island sofas. Such furniture cannot be placed against the wall, since it is structurally designed in such a way that it must be approached from any side. That's why the only option This is the location in the middle of the room. And this requires space.

Another thing is a classic sofa; it can be placed either against the wall or in the center of the room, but you need to remember the dimensions of such furniture. If the sofa is too bulky and the room is small, it is better to place it against the wall and not clutter up the precious space.

The mechanism for transforming the sofa also seriously affects its location. In a small “Khrushchev” apartment, you have to carefully plan the use of every centimeter of space, so before installation you need to take into account the dimensions of the sofa in a disassembled state.

Another thing modular design sofa A modular sofa consists of several elements (modules) that allow you to independently model the design of such furniture, so if you do not have enough space for it, you can simply rearrange the sections, as the configuration of the room requires this.

Size and shape of the room and placement of the sofa

The size and shape of the living room are almost the determining factors dictating the location of the sofa. Moreover, if the room has small sizes Some types of sofas may have to be abandoned altogether due to the impossibility of accommodating them. As for the size of the room, the logic here is very simple; the larger the room, the more freedom you have when arranging upholstered furniture. The smaller the room, the more you need to think and “weigh” everything before finding the desired place for your comfortable sofa.

The shape of the living room also affects the placement of the sofa. For example, in old houses there are quite often various architectural elements of unclear purpose in the form of various niches, which the owners also strive to use to the maximum.

Therefore, if you have such a niche, it may be logical to install a sofa in it, having first selected it in size. If your living room has irregular shape, then it is not advisable to use a monolithic corner sofa, but perhaps there is a place for a modular or classic version.

The location of the sofa relative to other interior elements and zoning of the living room

The majority of residents of our country do not have huge houses or apartments, therefore, in order to make your home more functional, you have to zone the existing rooms, highlighting areas for work, relaxation and more. A sofa is an interior element with which you can zone the living room space, for example, by placing it in the middle of the room, laying a rug opposite it and placing coffee table, it will turn out to be a good recreation area.

You can place a TV opposite this zone, which will fully complement its functionality. You can zone the living room in another way; to do this, you just need to fence off part of the room by placing a sofa of a classic design across it; this is quite convenient when you need a clear division of the room into a working and relaxation area.

As for the location of the sofa relative to other interior elements, we have a number of tips.

To summarize, we note that the principles of placing a sofa in the living room are not so difficult to understand; putting them into practice in a specific room is another matter. Of course, there are no universal recipes in this matter, but be smart and resourceful, take our advice into account, and your sofa will certainly be installed in the best possible way.

Photo of the location of the sofa in the living room

As a rule, the sofa is placed against the wall, positioned along it. This is the most common option for positioning a sofa in a standard room. But now studio spaces are popular, combining several functions at once. Remodeling apartments to combine a kitchen with a living room, a living room with an office, etc. has become commonplace. New apartment buildings and private homes are often already built with an open floor plan.

In rooms of this type, installing a sofa against the wall is not always advisable. There are more convenient and logical options.

Sofa in the middle or across the room: for what purpose?

1. For zoning

To visually separate the living room area from the kitchen, dining room, office, bedroom, play area or passage area, a sofa is installed at the junction of the areas. Of course, “facing” the living room.

The sofa can be located near the wall, adjacent to it with one of the sides, or closer to the center of the room.

To make the living room area more isolated and closed, armchairs, a couch or a second sofa are placed at right angles to the sofa.

2. For visual correction of the shape of the room

If the room is elongated and very long, a sofa standing across it breaks it into two parts. This saves the room from looking like a corridor.

This is true not only for studios, but also for standard rooms with a large area. Here the sofa can be moved closer to the center of the room or installed across its length. This arrangement plan allows you to correctly zone and balance the space.

A serious mistake is to place furniture around the perimeter of an elongated room. Some items must be placed perpendicular to long walls. In the living room, as a rule, it is the sofa that becomes the dividing element, dividing the space.

3. To create classic balance

For zoning and segmenting space, not only a straight sofa, but also a corner sofa is suitable. You can place it so that one of the sides is located along the wall, and the other - across. This position of the sofa can be called peninsular (the side perpendicular to the wall is a soft “peninsula”). Classic requires symmetry and balance. Taking this into account, the living room is furnished in a modern classic style

. A compositional center is formed in the interior (this could be a fireplace, TV, mirror, large painting or something else), through which or from which the axis of symmetry passes. The main furniture - sofas, armchairs, coffee tables - is placed along this axis.

The composition of the soft group is variable: it can consist of a sofa and two armchairs, a sofa and a couch, two small sofas, etc.

By the way. Furnishing with two sofas is not very popular here. However, in many cases this option is much more convenient. After all, such a set is very flexible. It is always easier to place two compact items rationally and efficiently than one bulky one.

4. If there are no other options

It happens that the room is literally dotted with door and window openings. A solid section of wall sufficient to attach a sofa to it may simply be missing. If you need to hang the TV opposite the sofa, finding the most suitable place for upholstered furniture becomes even more difficult.

In such a situation, an island arrangement of upholstered furniture may be almost the only possible option. The sofa is installed closer to the center - so that there is a fairly wide passage behind it (at least 70 cm).

Sometimes the sofa is pulled out to the middle to bring it closer to the TV.

Sofa not against the wall: rear view

Of course, you need to look for a sofa whose back side looks as good as the front side. Unfortunately, not all sofa manufacturers provide for this, because most buyers place the sofa against the wall.

As a rule, the sofa is placed against the wall, positioned along it. This is the most common option for positioning a sofa in a standard room. But now studio spaces are popular, combining several functions at once. Remodeling apartments to combine a kitchen with a living room, a living room with an office, etc. has become commonplace. New apartment buildings and private homes are often already built with an open floor plan.

In rooms of this type, installing a sofa against the wall is not always advisable. There are more convenient and logical options.

Sofa in the middle or across the room: for what purpose?

1. For zoning

To visually separate the living room area from the kitchen, dining room, office, bedroom, play area or passage area, a sofa is installed at the junction of the areas. Of course, “facing” the living room.

The sofa can be located near the wall, adjacent to it with one of the sides, or closer to the center of the room.

To make the living room area more isolated and closed, armchairs, a couch or a second sofa are placed at right angles to the sofa.

2. For visual correction of the shape of the room

If the room is elongated and very long, a sofa standing across it breaks it into two parts. This saves the room from looking like a corridor.

A serious mistake is to place furniture around the perimeter of an elongated room. Some items must be placed perpendicular to long walls. In the living room, as a rule, it is the sofa that becomes the dividing element, dividing the space.

For zoning and segmenting space, not only a straight sofa, but also a corner sofa is suitable. You can place it so that one of the sides is located along the wall, and the other - across. This position of the sofa can be called peninsular (the side perpendicular to the wall is a soft “peninsula”).

3. To create classic balance

Classic requires symmetry and balance. Taking this into account, the living room is furnished in a modern classic style. A compositional center is formed in the interior (this could be a fireplace, TV, mirror, large painting or something else), through which or from which the axis of symmetry passes. The main furniture - sofas, armchairs, coffee tables - is placed along this axis.

. A compositional center is formed in the interior (this could be a fireplace, TV, mirror, large painting or something else), through which or from which the axis of symmetry passes. The main furniture - sofas, armchairs, coffee tables - is placed along this axis.

The composition of the soft group is variable: it can consist of a sofa and two armchairs, a sofa and a couch, two small sofas, etc.

By the way. Furnishing with two sofas is not very popular here. However, in many cases this option is much more convenient. After all, such a set is very flexible. It is always easier to place two compact items rationally and efficiently than one bulky one.

4. If there are no other options

It happens that the room is literally dotted with door and window openings. A solid section of wall sufficient to attach a sofa to it may simply be missing. If you need to hang the TV opposite the sofa, finding the most suitable place for upholstered furniture becomes even more difficult.

In such a situation, an island arrangement of upholstered furniture may be almost the only possible option. The sofa is installed closer to the center - so that there is a fairly wide passage behind it (at least 70 cm).

Sometimes the sofa is pulled out to the middle to bring it closer to the TV.

Sofa not against the wall: rear view

Of course, you need to look for a sofa whose back side looks as good as the front side. Unfortunately, not all sofa manufacturers provide for this, because most buyers place the sofa against the wall.

The living room is a zone of comfort and relaxation in the apartment. AND the main role it is dedicated to the sofa. This is a truism, no one argues with it. And yet, it turns out that there are enough reasons to design a living room interior with two sofas instead of one.

This type of furniture layout encourages communication and comfort. In this case, you can also rationally and conveniently arrange the furniture in the room. When is it better to install two sofas? At different layouts, where there are many doors and windows in the room. In this case, the sofas should be placed in the center of the room opposite each other, thereby freeing up the passage to the windows and entrance.

Choosing the color and shape of sofas

First you need to decide on the interior style and. Thus, it is almost impossible to choose a design for ready-made furniture, coatings, materials. Therefore, first think through everything to the smallest detail and only then buy furniture.

When designing your future living room, you need to determine the size of the sofas. There are some tips:

  • First, decide how many guests usually come to you and whether there will be room for everyone. The living room, decorated according to the trend, has enough space, but you need to decide on the dimensions of the sofas, because the seating area will take up from 1/3 to 1/6 of the volume of the room.
  • If you've already found the sofas you're looking for, make sure they'll fit the space you've given them. You can order a sofa to your taste at retail outlets from the masters, if you haven’t found it the right option in the shop.
  • When choosing an interior concept, it is not necessary to use the color of the sofas in the main background of the room; common mistake. The sofa can contrast with other elements, attracting attention.
  • Upholstery and functional features

    A large selection of sofas of different shapes and features attracts attention. You can install paired modules. This is very important for small rooms, where you can vary the size, shape and compactness of sofas. There are also transformable sofas, so that convenient time create a relaxation area and save space during the day.

    Now classic sofas becoming a thing of the past, as they are less functional for modern furniture.

    The design of the living room also needs to be thought out based on the materials from which the soft part will be made - suede, Genuine Leather, jacquard, or tapestry.

    Velor, tapestry and flock are very popular. Sofas made from these materials will not last long. It is better to choose chenille or jacquard. The price difference is not that big, but they will last longer.

    Skin too great option, looks luxurious, but the price matches. You can choose a cheaper option - an artificial substitute. It looks the same and is almost as good as leather. Each material has its own texture and characteristics, so the room can look in completely different colors, and the overall perception and appearance. Therefore choose better furniture in the showroom, where you can choose and view colors and materials.

    You can also combine different types of materials, which will add an intriguing accent to your sofa.

    How to place it correctly?

    Designers offer several variations for placing sofas in a room, let's look at them:

    Placement of sofas in the letter “G” (perpendicular placement). In this position, all guests will be comfortable watching TV and there will be space.

    When the sofas are facing each other with seats. This option is especially relevant and involves more communication between guests. Convenient for games and relaxation without TV.

    Longitudinal installation option. Sofas are placed next to each other along the wall, or in the middle of the room. It will be so free space, but to balance the design you will need to install additional soft modules opposite.

    One and correct option no for a specific room, so you need to be guided by your wishes and views.

    Corner sofa. Comfortable and cozy, with upholstery to suit every taste, with storage drawers and sleeping space, classic and modern, huge and compact... The assortment is incredibly large, and it’s not for nothing that this piece of furniture is one of the bestsellers in furniture stores.

    Leather corner sofa with adjustable armrests

    But still, how exactly to fit a corner sofa into the living room interior? In this article you will find 30 design ideas for corner sofas and their placement in the room. And choose suitable model available at

    Gray corner sofa

    Decorate the corner sofa with bright pillows and complement it with a coffee table. Provide a floor lamp or sconce that gives additional light for reading. You can put a rug in front of the sofa to add coziness to the interior.

    Compact modular corner sofa

    Arredaclick design

    When buying a corner sofa, you first need to pay attention to its size. Of course, everyone will think to check whether the model they have chosen will fit into the room, but that’s not really what we’re talking about. Not everyone knows that the dimensions of the sofa itself affect how comfortable it will be for you. Sit on the chosen sofa, check if your feet are on the floor. The recommended sofa seat height is 40 cm, but people of different heights will find different heights comfortable. Adjustable armrests and backrest allow you to customize the sofa to suit you.

    Black corner sofa for a small room

    Arredaclick design

    The materials for making corner sofas are striking in their diversity. The metal or wooden base is covered with leather, eco-leather, and various fabrics. A leather sofa has a noble appearance, but genuine leather can be very capricious, so leather sofas Not suitable for families with small children or pets. A sofa upholstered in fabric is easier to care for and more practical.

    Modern living room interior with corner sofa

    Banni design

    Many manufacturers offer corner sofas with additional accessories, such as built-in shelves or an included coffee table.

    Leather corner sofa with built-in table

    Arredaclick design

    Blue velvet corner sofa

    Banni design

    Classic corner sofa

    Low corner sofa with a laconic design

    Euromobili design

    Purple corner sofa

    Original design of a corner sofa

    Option for a small room

    Living room interior with a corner sofa in Scandinavian style

    Beige corner sofa in a modern interior

    Unusual orange corner sofa

    Elegant corner sofa for a large living room

    Fabric sofa in neutral colors

    Leather corner sofa with movable backrest

    Gorgeous white sofa with low contrasting coffee table

    Gray and white interior with calm accents in shades of blue

    Beautiful solution with rhyming textiles

    Functional corner sofa with many pillows

    Green corner sofa

    Leather sofa with movable headrests

    Rounded corner sofa

    Suede sofa with built-in shelves

    Which rooms are suitable for zoning

    It should be remembered that you can place a sofa in the middle of almost any room. With a competent approach and following all the rules, the interior will turn out perfect, even if we're talking about about a small living space. You can entrust the design development to specialists or create everything yourself, showing creativity and imagination. It is best to draw up a floor plan on a piece of paper or in a special program to see in advance how it will look in the end.

    There are situations when installing the sofa exactly in the center is the only affordable option. It is relevant for rooms with big amount windows and doorways, you can place such furniture exactly in the middle or move it slightly towards the window, leaving a large space behind. In too narrow rooms, reminiscent wide corridors, it helps to visually make them wider and divide them into two separate zones, where you can place other additional parts.

    Suitable Models

    Not all sofa options are suitable for central zoning. When selecting this piece of furniture in a store, you need to choose only the most acceptable options in terms of size and type of layout. Standard books take up too much space; it is better to replace them with models with a roll-out mechanism, which are great for comfortable sleep at night and rest during the day.

    A comfortable sofa unfolds as simply as possible; to do this, you need to pull out its lower part and place it on top soft seat. This model is well suited for small living rooms where you need to save additional free space. For those who are not embarrassed by the lack of linen drawers inside the sofas, the so-called “dolphins” are perfect. They are divided into two parts, one of which is pulled forward using a loop.

    American and French folding beds also do not cause problems and are compact in size. These guest models are equipped with metal frames and take up little space when folded. When choosing the right models, people usually pay attention to their style and design, upholstery color and folding mechanism. The right furniture This type should fit harmoniously into the interior and be combined with other items. Subject to all zoning rules, any model can be correctly placed in the center of the room.

    One of the most important areas in any living room is the seating area. As a rule, it contains upholstered furniture, a table, a TV, and some accessories that help create an atmosphere of relaxation. The leading role in such an area is given to the sofa, because it is on it that your guests can sit comfortably, and if there are 2 sofas, then this is twice as comfortable. It is about living rooms with two sofas and the interior design in them that we will talk about in this article.

    Room for receiving guests with two sofas - room requirements

    A living room with two or several sofas is a large or medium-sized room, firstly because the sofas need to be placed somewhere, and secondly, the space around them needs to be properly arranged. Two separately standing sofa without a properly designed environment, they will look alien, no matter what interior of the hall they try to fit them into.

    A full-fledged recreation area with two sofas will occupy at least 9 square meters. m., because in addition to the pieces of upholstered furniture themselves, there is a fairly large table, a floor lamp, a composition of living plants, a wood-burning or electric fireplace, and more - all this requires space. In addition, a living room with several sofas is not limited to just a seating area. As part of the forced zoning of space, the owners combine the living room with a study, bedroom, hallway and even kitchen, all of which takes up precious square meters.

    Conclusion: the interior of a room with two or more sofas is simply impossible to fit into a small room, perhaps with the exception of cases when mini sofas are used. But even under these conditions, you need a lot of space, because you want to decorate the room in a trendy style.

    To decide on the color, shape, size and type of future sofa, you must first choose the interior style in which your favorite living room will be decorated. It is impossible to match the design style to existing furniture, wallpaper, or flooring. If you before you start registering stylish room If you bought different things, they will definitely become ballast for your design creativity.

    You'll have to think about how to combine an old sofa with your favorite new chest of drawers and a chandelier. Rid yourself of such ballast or give up the idea of ​​decorating a stylish interior composition for your living room. Otherwise, trying to figure out the “vinaigrette” of old things, you will create something awkward, wasting a lot of time and money.

    The advice of experts is clear - you should purchase furniture and create a furniture composition from it only when you can get an idea of ​​the interior of the room for receiving guests as a whole.

    When designing a living room with two or more sofas, decide on the size of the upholstered furniture. Designers give some advice on this matter.

    The type and shape of the sofa in the interior will entirely depend on the overall design concept, as well as on the color composition you choose. For some reason, many people think that the upholstery of upholstered furniture should match the color of the main color used to decorate the room, but this is not at all the case. In accordance with the design idea, sofas can act as accent elements, contrasting with surrounding objects and attracting everyone's attention.

    Upholstery and functionality of sofas

    The interiors of living rooms with two or more sofas are full of ideological diversity. Some install transformable sofas so that when night comes, the living room seating area can turn into a place to sleep. Others install paired modular sofas, the modules of which are interchangeable and interchangeable. So, on occasion, you can make one huge one out of two sofas. In general, designers are trying their best to make the recreation area not only beautiful, but also functional.

    As a rule, sofas decorated in a classic style are less functional than their more modern counterparts, and they take up more space.

    However, this does not mean that in certain cases you will have to choose between beauty and functionality. Modern furniture manufacturers have mastered the production of transformable sofas in a classic style with spacious niches. Of course, this is not super beautiful and expensive furniture from famous Italian furniture makers, but it is also very, very decent.

    The design of a living room with two or several sofas can be hopelessly ruined if, when purchasing upholstered furniture, you do not pay attention to the upholstery material. Jacquard, tapestry, laminated suede or genuine leather, each sofa upholstery material gives it its own special texture, defining its appearance. The perception of the color of upholstered furniture also depends on the texture of the material, so when ordering sofas from a catalog or in an online store, look at their analogues “live”, in some furniture showroom in good lighting.

    Important! Two sofas in the interior of a room for receiving guests may look completely different from those in a furniture showroom, and even more so in the pictures in the catalogue, so when choosing specific models such furniture, consider the intensity of lighting.

    How to place sofas in the living room?

    The interior of the hall, or rather its finished appearance, will depend on how well you placed the sofas within the living room’s seating area and how such sofas look within the overall design composition of the room. Experienced designers offer several classic options for placing two sofas within a room with a seating area, let's look at them.

    1. Placing sofas with seats opposite each other. A rather convenient and familiar option, which is good because the interlocutors have the opportunity to sit opposite each other. And if between them there is comfortable table- this is even better, because you can all drink coffee or play board games together.
    2. Perpendicular placement. It assumes the placement of sofas in the letter “G”. In this case, the guests will sit sideways to each other, but it will be more convenient for everyone to watch TV together.
    3. Longitudinal placement. When sofas are side by side, armrest to armrest along the wall of the living room or in the middle of the room. The advantage of this placement can be considered the opportunity to free up more usable space, and the disadvantage is that opposite the boxes standing nearby sofas require additional pieces of upholstered or cabinet furniture for symmetry, although not in all cases.

    Note! The two sofas in the living room, the photos of which you see below, clearly illustrate the placement options described above.

    To summarize, we note that the design of a room for receiving guests with two sofas has its own characteristics. After all, in in this case an unusual furniture composition is used, but a modified one. However, there is nothing complicated in this case, the main thing is to think through and arrange the sitting area in the living room, and the rest will follow.

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    When renovating, we rely on our own feelings, not knowing the basics of design, which is why the result so often does not live up to expectations.

    website I have collected the most common mistakes that are made when decorating the interior of a living room.

    Your living room only has overhead lighting.

    Lighting creates atmosphere and should take into account your mood, so a living room can't get by with just a chandelier in the center of the room. Create your own lighting system ( desk lamp, sconces, floor lamps, ceiling lighting, etc.).

    Missing or incorrectly sized carpet

    Small carpets bring imbalance to the room, you should select a carpet correct size for your living room. A large carpet will provide visual extension space, and the interior will take on a finished look.

    Your TV is out of place

    The best place to place a TV is on an empty wall. Do not install the TV opposite or near a window; this is harmful to your eyesight and prevents you from seeing the image clearly. The distance between the TV and the sofa depends on the size of the screen: the distance should be 3–5 diagonals. Consider this when buying a new TV.

    You underestimate the power of pillows

    Sofa cushions create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere. When choosing pillows, consider whether the texture of the material will match the upholstery of the sofa or chair. If the upholstered furniture in the living room is made of velvet or velor, then cotton or linen textiles will be inappropriate. For small-sized furniture Neat and small products are suitable, and a massive sofa can contain several voluminous pillows.

    Your sofa is against the wall

    This rule works for large rooms. If you have the opportunity to place the sofa not against the wall, then be sure to do this - thereby you will visually increase the space and create comfort. A sofa near the wall in a spacious room looks more like a dance class than a living room.

    Dark furniture in a low room

    Your living room will appear visually squat and cramped if you purchase furniture in dark shades. Suitable for a low living room compact sofas, armchairs and neat tables, always on raised legs. Opt for neutral light shades.

    You choose furniture based on design, not personal convenience

    Just because a piece of furniture looks nice doesn't mean it will suit your home. Make sure your furniture is comfortable for you and test it out. Sit in a chair or at a table that you like. Otherwise, you will rarely use these things and will have to part with them.

    Furniture that has lost its relevance

    There is also furniture fashion. Bulky upholstered furniture with voluminous backs and armrests has long lost its relevance. Pay attention to furniture with straight lines and a clear silhouette. You can choose a traditional sofa, but in an unexpected and modern color.

    Photos are not hanging correctly

    The ideal height is 153 cm from floor level to the center of the image. If you have too many photos, then great solution there will be a gallery on the wall, and not photo frames placed in all corners.

    Large furniture

    The most common mistake is to fill a room with furniture that does not fit in size, especially sofas. This makes the room seem even smaller. If you have a large living room, then you can afford a roomy corner sofa. For small living rooms, a double sofa and a pair of armchairs would be preferable.

    You neglect the functionality of the living room

    If you have rectangular room, then you can adjust it with the help of a cabinet or rack, since the square shape of the room is most advantageous and it is easier to maintain balance in such a room.

    Several options for zoning:

    • Living room and bedroom - the bedroom will always be closer to the window, since by definition sleeping area should be away from the entrance.
    • Living room and kitchen - the placement of both areas is strictly according to your taste, although it is preferable to place the kitchen near the window so that it is convenient for the hostess and there is enough light to prepare food.
    • The living room and dining room are two full-fledged units that should have enough space and space in one room.
    • Living room and office - the office can occupy a very small corner, the main thing is to install an additional light source.

    This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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      THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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          What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

    • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):