Moving the kitchen to living room– the process is complex, but possible. Such redevelopment can make living more comfortable by combining rooms and allocating an additional room.

Moving the kitchen into the room is popular not only in houses built last century, but even among homeowners in modern new buildings.

The main obstacle on the way to achieving our plans is sanitary, building codes, standards. All information about the possibility of moving the kitchen is in the documents - SanPiN and SNiP 31-01-2003. Any actions in mandatory require approval.

Relocating a kitchen as an example different projects and layouts, as well important nuances you can watch in the video:

Let's consider when such redevelopment can and cannot be carried out.

Prohibited and allowed options

Cases when it cannot be transferred

  1. After the redevelopment, the kitchen space will be located directly under the bathroom of the neighbors above.

This option may work if you increase the area of ​​the new premises by square meters bathroom by demolishing the partition.

There are exceptions here.

  • This can be done if you have a two-story apartment.
  • This can be done if you live in top floor.

Kitchen moved to the living room along with communications
  1. Under new kitchen area after the redevelopment there are living rooms for the neighbors.

There are exceptions here too.

  • This can be done if you live on the first floor.
  • This can be done if there is non-residential premises below you. As a rule, these are commercial premises on the ground floors apartment buildings. They can occupy one or two floors. With housing on the second or third floor, there is a chance to coordinate the project according to all the rules.

Kitchen in large living room. Water supply and sewerage are connected from the bathroom behind the adjacent wall
  1. The neighbors above the kitchen will have a toilet or bathroom.
It is good if the location of the new kitchen is close to the original location. Then it will be possible to avoid problems with the supply of sewerage, water supply and ventilation pipes.
  1. The kitchen is gasified.

It is impossible to remove the partition from the living room in a gasified room, because... According to the standards, it must be isolated. It is permissible to make sliding doors.

Exception: You can legally refuse gas in your apartment as a single person by submitting an application to the municipality. A special commission makes a decision on the reconstruction project and transition to a new tariff for electric stoves. After making changes to the technical plan, you can coordinate the time of work with gas services. The contract with old service providers is terminated and a new one is concluded with electricity suppliers.

  1. There will be access from the kitchen to the toilet or bathroom.

5 valid transfer options

Here are a few options when it’s realistic to get approval:

  1. you live on the first floor and there is no neighbors’ bathroom above you;
  2. on the floor below there is a non-residential premises;
  3. you have a two-level apartment;
  4. the neighbors below also legalized the redevelopment (and already under them (the neighbors) there is probably non-residential premises).
  5. you live on the top floor and are expanding the kitchen, combining it with a bathroom. There is an important note here: the main kitchen equipment(stove, sink, etc.) can only be located above non-residential premises.

Another possible example of redevelopment. Ventilation runs along the ceiling (hidden by a suspended or suspended ceiling), sewerage runs along the floor, and water pipes run next to the new sink.
Combining the bathroom and moving the kitchen into the living room. It is easy to transfer communications here, because The wall borders the bathroom. But it can be difficult to coordinate the redevelopment of corridor partitions.

There is another option, although it can hardly be called a transfer - demolishing the partition between the kitchen and living room. In Khrushchev buildings, this idea receives the most approval from the housing inspectorate, because the wall between the kitchen and living room is not load-bearing.

A few more important nuances

  1. Ventilation. It is required in the new premises, but moving it is the most problematic part. It is not practical to move the kitchen if you have to pull it ventilation pipe more than 10 meters. The craving will decrease. Installation required additional fans. For an apartment with low ceiling this is not a good idea.

  1. Temperature conditions. Permissible temperature– 18-26 degrees Celsius. In cold weather – 19-21 degrees.
  2. The natural light ratio is also important. Its value is from 0.5. The new location must have sufficient lighting. It is not allowed to erect blind partitions that will block the window to the street.
  3. It is not recommended to carry the water supply far. This is fraught with a decrease in pressure due to the large horizontal extent. Pipes are hidden under the floor or in a drywall box.
  4. Section sewer pipes more water pipes. Considering that they must run at a slope, the floor under which they are hidden will have to be raised. An idea for apartments with sufficient ceiling heights.
  5. It is worth taking into account the load of the electrical network and, if necessary, installing a separate machine.

How to legalize and where to apply?

Unauthorized kitchen remodeling

It is not uncommon to remodel a kitchen without approval. This may threaten fine, according to the Administrative Code (from 1,000 to 30,000 rubles). In addition to the fine, you will be required to either return everything to its original condition, or go to court. The unauthorized transfer of the kitchen to the living room can only be legalized in this way.

If you win the case, then there is still a lot of hassle ahead with obtaining a new technical passport from the BTI or MFC, a cadastral passport, and registering data on changes in living space in the Federal Registration Service.

If you lost the case, the court ordered to restore original appearance premises, and you did not do this within the specified period, that is, there is a risk of a new trial according to the norms of the Civil Code. You may be forcibly deprived of your property rights.

Regulatory authorities may not know about the redevelopment. But if building codes are seriously violated, then the consequences can “emerge” naturally. Flooding of neighbors and other troubles will prompt victims to take action and organize an inspection.

Coordination of kitchen relocation before remodeling

The option where you don’t have to try your luck always leads to the best outcome: even if they don’t agree, you won’t be fined. In general, there are fewer problems. The documents that will need to be collected are shown in the figure below.

Documents for approval of moving the kitchen to the living room

If you don’t have the time and patience to do redevelopment, you can entrust it to organizations that specialize in this. They will also advise you on the question of whether it is possible to move the kitchen in your case, they will offer the most good option. You will be spared the need to contact numerous services and authorities. By contacting such companies, the likelihood of the project being approved in accordance with all legal provisions increases. True, you will have to pay a lot of money for such services.

Who doesn't dream of large kitchen, in which you can place any furniture and equipment you like, and in addition also equip a full-fledged dining area? But alas, our desires do not always coincide with reality. This is especially true for residents of high-rise buildings - they usually have modest kitchens at their disposal, which can hardly be called comfortable. Only moving the kitchen to another room will help correct the situation. How to do this in order to clearly comply with all standards and obtain a functional space? To do this you need to know important aspects approval of the redevelopment and the transfer itself, which will be discussed further.

What changes are not allowed?

To begin with, it should be noted that owners of private houses are absolutely free to move the kitchen. The main thing is to sum everything up necessary communications and provide natural light. But this is not enough for residents of apartment buildings - they need to coordinate the changes with neighbors, the BTI, the housing office, the Department of Architecture and other authorities.

Attention! Failure to comply with current legislation and regulations when performing redevelopment is fraught with a fine. If during the process of moving the kitchen you violate any sanitary or construction standards, you will be required to return the original condition of the home.

In what cases is it prohibited to move the kitchen even by a meter?

When is kitchen relocation allowed?

Relocating a kitchen is possible in the following situations:

  1. If the apartment is located on the first two floors and there are no areas under it that are intended for living, you can move the kitchen to any living room. This option is suitable for apartments located above offices, shops and other similar establishments.
  2. The kitchen can be moved to any room, regardless of the floor of the apartment, if all equipment and communications are located either in a non-residential premises or in the original kitchen area.
  3. In the apartment located on the last top floor, you can move the kitchen to the bathroom and toilet area.

But even in all of the above cases, moving the kitchen is allowed only if the standards of SanPiN and SNiP 31-01-2003 are observed:

  • area – total area kitchen space must be at least 8 sq.m.
  • temperature – not less than 18°C ​​and not more than 26°C.
  • lighting – the kitchen must have natural lighting. If there is no window in the room, then light should enter through transparent partitions or glass doors from the next room.

Attention. Even if you equip your new kitchen with many powerful lighting fixtures, but natural light will not enter it, transfer will be impossible.

Approval stages

Each region has its own peculiarities of approving the redevelopment of an apartment, which you will learn about once you begin to deal with this issue. But in general case The process consists of the following five steps:

If the decision is made in your favor, you can start looking for builders and begin remodeling the kitchen.

Alternative option - merger

Today, the option of combining the kitchen with another living area is becoming increasingly popular. This good alternative transfer, because the combination is easier to coordinate with the relevant authorities than a radical redevelopment. But even here, apartment owners in high-rise buildings need to know several important subtleties.

The main thing to remember when starting a merger is that it is prohibited to remove the load-bearing wall between the kitchen and the living space. Even its partial deformation is not allowed, as this will lead to the appearance of cracks and subsidence of the entire building or other emergency consequences. Unauthorized destruction load-bearing wall is punishable by a fine.

You can combine your kitchen with any living room only if you use an electric stove and not a gas stove. If you decide to dismantle gasified equipment, then in its place it is necessary to install protective shutters or special sliding structures, which will guarantee the safety of further operation of the premises.

Arrangement of new communications

Moving a kitchen to any room is not complete without installing new communication systems: water supply, sewerage, ventilation. You need to think about these works before the entire approval process begins, in order to provide for all the nuances in terms of redevelopment.

The least problems arise with water supply - pipes can be placed under the floor, under the ceiling, hidden in special grooves or routed through walls.

But with sewerage things are not so simple. Firstly, the diameter of the sewer pipes is quite large - at least 50-75 mm, which makes it difficult to pass them through the walls. Secondly, the pipes must be installed at a certain slope, so it is impossible to carefully lay it under the floor covering. The way out of the situation is to install a pump that will pump water into the sewer.

No less important question– arrangement of a ventilation duct. It must be connected to the exhaust duct former kitchen. In this case, its partial overlap is prohibited. It is also not allowed to connect the box to the ventilation duct of a bathroom or bathroom.

Coordinating the relocation of a kitchen is a rather complex, but doable procedure. The main thing is to strictly adhere to all the rules and regulations so that the desire to enlarge the kitchen does not become the reason for a fine and does not provoke a deterioration in the functionality and aesthetics of the entire apartment.

Kitchen relocation: video

How to move the kitchen to another room: photo

When remodeling an apartment, it very often arises next question: Is it possible to move the kitchen into the room? Due to long-standing traditions, most families have breakfast, lunch and dinner in the kitchen. This is always very convenient because you can easily monitor the preparation of subsequent dishes (for example, dessert) while eating. In addition, the reception of guests most often takes place in the kitchen (feast).

However, due to the not always competent layout of kitchen buildings, kitchens are very small and are not able to accommodate much more. a large number of guests, but also even accommodate apartment residents. Then a logical conclusion may arise that setting up a kitchen in the room can become great solution many everyday problems.

Where can you move the kitchen?

There are several options for solving this problem. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to move the kitchen into the bathroom or hallway. There is only one option - moving the kitchen to the living room or to the corridor with a balcony.

So, it is best to move the kitchen to the following rooms:

  • to residential premises;
  • into the corridor;
  • to the balcony;
  • to the loggia.

Only one question remains to be clarified: is it legal and legal to install a kitchen in any other room?

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Legality and legality of the transfer

Visualization of the kitchen-living room in a 3D program will allow you to more better perception future interior.

Before you begin the actual project of moving the kitchen into the room, you need to familiarize yourself with the terms of the legislation. To do this, you must obtain appropriate permission from the authorities or organization responsible for the layout of the house and apartments. The documents governing the transfer conditions contain a number of rules according to which it will be impossible to carry out the transfer.

  1. The comfort of living conditions is disturbed. There are a number of regulations that state that violation of living conditions is a prohibited factor for moving or combining rooms. However, they do not say which ones living conditions may be violated, so this clause may be revised in favor of the apartment tenant.
  2. Violation of technological design utility networks. If installing a kitchen in another room involves changes to electrical and plumbing, then most likely the project will not be approved, so it will be necessary to think through the project in such a way that these changes are not included in the relocation plan.
  3. Moving the kitchen to a room combined with a balcony. This paragraph assumes that combining rooms with a balcony is anti-normative due to the fact that rooms with different average temperatures will be combined. However, if it is possible to prove that the average temperature on the balcony does not differ from average temperature in other rooms, that is, there is a high probability that the project can be easily approved.
  4. You cannot move the kitchen into the living room, which is located above the living area of ​​the neighbors below. This point is justified by the fact that rooms such as the toilet, kitchen and bathroom are rooms with increased danger water breakthrough. Therefore, in the event of a water leak or leak, the living area of ​​the neighbors below can be severely damaged.

However, there are some exceptions to the rules:

  • if the apartment is on the 1st floor;
  • if the apartment is located above the non-residential area below, that is, the room located below is not residential.

Taking into account all the above factors, we can conclude that moving kitchen rooms to other rooms is possible if:

  1. The apartment is located on the 1st floor (that is, it does not interfere with the neighbors below, since they simply are not there).
  2. Multi-level apartments. If the owners of the apartment also own the apartment below, then they are allowed to do any redevelopment, since the living space below is also their property.
  3. Installation of a kitchen on the territory of a non-residential premises (balcony, storage room, corridor). These rooms are not residential and, accordingly, do not interfere with the layout of the apartments above.

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Other factors influencing the possibility of redevelopment

    1. Apartment floor. As mentioned earlier, unimpeded redevelopment of the apartment is only possible if it is on the first floor. However, there are a number of other circumstances in which moving the kitchen to another room will be possible. One of them is the case when under this apartment there is an office, parking lot or any other non-residential premises. In this case, redevelopment is possible.
    2. Type kitchen stove. Any authority or organization responsible for the redevelopment of premises will never give its consent if a gas stove is used when moving the kitchen. In order to obtain permission, it is necessary to change the gas stove to an electric one, since a gas stove becomes extremely dangerous when an additional gas pipeline is installed.
    3. Appliances. Plays a big role when moving a kitchen Appliances. There are a number of circumstances that do not allow moving the kitchen into any living room. These circumstances are the sink, sink, washing machine etc. In a word, everything related to plumbing. Due to the possibility of leakage, no authority will allow the presence of water communications in anything other than the kitchen or bathroom.
    4. In addition, as mentioned earlier, it is prohibited to place a gas stove in living rooms, since the wiring gas pipes prohibited in residential areas.

Let's talk about ventilation separately. There are several conditions related to room ventilation that must be observed when moving:

      1. The air ventilation of the new kitchen must be connected to the old ventilation shaft. This means that you will have to extend the ventilation pipe from the kitchen to the new room;
      2. Air from the new ventilation must not reach neighbors. This is the so-called addition to condition 1. These problems can be solved with the help of suspended or suspended ceilings, since otherwise the pipe will be visible around the perimeter of the entire apartment.

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A few more conditions

      1. Water supply and sewer outlets. When obtaining permission to extend the water supply, you need to plan in advance where the communications will go, where the new sink will be located, etc. To solve this problem, a suspended ceiling is perfect, under which all the necessary utilities can be installed.
      2. An important fact here is that the pipes must be laid under a certain slope of 20-30 mm per 1 m of length. This condition is necessary so that the pressure pressure is sufficient for a constant flow of water in the new sink. As sewer drain You can use a water pump that will be connected to the old sewer system.
      3. New lighting. It is necessary to think through a lighting plan in advance. A necessary condition here is the presence of a source of natural light. This means that the room that is planned for a new kitchen must have at least one window. In all other cases, there are 2 types of solutions to the lighting problem: using glass in the wall as a window opening or having electric lighting, that is, new wiring.

Once all the conditions for moving the kitchen to a new room have been met and all the comments on the redevelopment for each room have been taken into account, you can begin directly selecting a new space and methods for moving all the necessary pieces of furniture and communications.

Moving the kitchen into the room is a fairly common occurrence, which is dictated by the need for optimal use of small living space and fashion trends modern apartment designs. However, regardless of the reasons, such redevelopment of an apartment is a troublesome and expensive task, and before starting such a big undertaking, you need to think everything through carefully.

To separate the kitchen from the other part of the room, you can use a bar counter.

Legally, moving the kitchen space into the room is completely permissible, but has a lot of conditions and restrictions. The technical side also causes quite a lot of difficulties. At the same time, there are no unsolvable problems, and if you have a great desire to carry out reconstruction, you can do everything, even with your own hands.

Validity of reconstruction

The main advantage of moving the kitchen to another room in the apartment is freeing up the room and expanding the space. Such an event is advisable if there is little-used space in the hall, corridor, loggia, etc. which makes it possible to create a food preparation area in them, and convert the freed-up area for another purpose. It is legally prohibited to create a living room from the kitchen (bedroom), but there are no restrictions on equipping an office or workshop.

Removing the kitchen from a small isolated room to open area, for example, in the hall, allows several people to participate in culinary creativity; the housewife is not isolated from other family members for long time, which is important when you have kids. Therefore, there are many positive aspects to such a transfer.

However, plans to change the location of the kitchen also have serious drawbacks: the difficulty of obtaining permits for redevelopment, the labor intensity of installation of new communications and ventilation systems, the complete abandonment of gas stove, complicating cleanliness control, especially in the presence of upholstered furniture.

Regulatory Requirements

Moving the kitchen to another room is considered a redevelopment of the apartment complex and requires permitting documentation for such an event, which includes those having this moment force regulatory requirements, caused by the fact that the kitchen is a dangerous place due to water and gas, and also a source of unpleasant aromas.

According to existing rules and regulations, it is prohibited to move the kitchen into a room located above the living room or bedroom of neighbors, which is justified by the risk of flooding. Such an action will only be permitted if waterproofing is done in strict accordance with established standards, which is difficult and expensive to provide. The ban does not apply to residents of the first floor, or if the apartment is located above a non-residential premises.

Technical rules for the use of gas in residential complex prohibit changing the lines, which makes it impossible to move the gas stove. There are restrictions on temperature balance - a significant difference between the average temperature values ​​inside and outside the room is not allowed, that is, you should not plan the kitchen space along outer wall or take it out onto the balcony.

Special requirements are imposed on the ventilation device in the food preparation area, and it cannot be combined with ventilation system bathrooms. All changes to new water supply and sewer lines. An important regulated condition is the mandatory presence of a window with natural light in the kitchen area.

Features of the work

The most important activities for relocating a kitchen are the following:

  1. Installation of a water supply network with installation of a sink.
  2. Sewage connection for water drainage.
  3. Supply electrical network for stoves, electrical appliances and lighting with the installation of switches and sockets.
  4. Zoning the kitchen space - changing the floor covering, redesigning the ceiling and walls, forming partitions; accommodation kitchen furniture and equipment.

It should be noted that new kitchen must have its own lighting.

Installation of communications

The first step of reconstruction is the creation and connection of electrical wiring. Electricity consumption in the room where the kitchen equipment is moved will increase sharply, so a new power supply from the main panel is required. It is necessary to use a wire with copper conductors with a cross-section of at least 2.5 sq. mm, and we must not forget about the grounding wire.

It is better to make a hidden gasket, i.e. in grooves (it is advisable to use additional protection in the form of a corrugation or casing. Kitchen electrical wiring should be connected in the input panel through a mechanism protective shutdown. Sockets and a switch are installed in the kitchen area. To install electrical wiring you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • bit;
  • pliers;
  • perforator;
  • construction knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • test screwdriver.

The second stage is laying the water supply system, i.e. installation water pipes from the riser that previously provided kitchen water supply. When moving the sink, the length of the pipes can increase significantly. For wiring you can use metal pipes, but metal-plastic pipes are most widespread.

For laying a new water supply it is better to use polypropylene pipes and fittings.

The water supply to the sink is supplied under the finished floor, and its vertical section from the floor to the mixer is best mounted in a channel made in the wall, but it can also be laid along the surface of the wall. In the latter case, the pipes are masked with a plastic casing. To do the work yourself you will need the following:

  • gas and adjustable wrench;
  • perforator;
  • grinder;
  • chisel/hammer;
  • file.

The arrangement of the sewer drain must ensure gravity of water, and for this purpose the pipe is installed with a slope of 20 to 30 mm of decline for each meter of length. If the length of the drain is short, the pipe is placed under the floor covering, but as it increases, the existing thickness of the floor is not enough, and the sewer is masked using a box or decorative casing on the wall surface or covered with furniture. If gravity flow cannot be ensured, then a low-power pump is installed, which has its own power supply and turns on as needed. For sewerage, experts recommend using plastic pipes on which a plastic siphon is attached under the sink.

Ventilation system

A mandatory element of the kitchen is reliable ventilation of the room, the exit of which is provided into existing communications old kitchen or directly to the street (exit through bathrooms is prohibited). When ventilation is diverted to the street, it should not interfere with neighbors, which requires increasing the length of external ducts. To connect to an existing outlet, it is usually necessary to install a special ventilation box, which in the case of suspended or tensile structures on the ceiling does not cause problems, and is covered with ceiling tiles. If suspension systems no, then the box is mounted along the wall near the ceiling and decorated with plastic plates. Air is removed from the room by a suction fan. For the ventilation device you will need:

  • hammer/drill;
  • construction knife;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer.

Arrangement of the premises

After installation of communications, the premises are arranged, which includes repairs to the floor, walls and ceiling. First of all, it is restored flooring damaged during pipe laying. The next step is plastering and puttying the walls and ceiling to mask the electrical wiring grooves; Damages in places where pipes and ventilation ducts are laid through the wall are repaired. Installed suspended ceiling with the simultaneous installation of spotlights.

Room zoning

After the move, the kitchen should stand out from other areas and at the same time blend harmoniously with the interior. From a psychological point of view, it is better when the kitchen is visually highlighted, i.e. zoned.

An effective way of zoning is a bar counter: it creates the illusion of a boundary between the living room and the kitchen.

Zoning can be achieved with floors of different heights: usually, in the kitchen area the floor rises slightly compared to the living room floor - a kind of podium is formed. Something similar can be created with suspended ceiling with two levels. The demarcation with an openwork partition looks quite aesthetically pleasing, especially with climbing flowers or an elongated aquarium.

Whether panel, brick or monolithic houses There is one significant drawback - the kitchen is small. Accordingly, many owners have a desire to expand or move it to another room in the apartment (living room, corridor, utility room etc.), either to increase the area, or to allocate one additional room in place of the kitchen.

This article will discuss the features of moving a kitchen in a two or more room apartment. (One-room apartments will not be discussed in this article, in general everything is very similar, but there are some nuances that are worthy of description in a separate article on our website).

As with any move, moving a kitchen involves a number of features that must be taken into account.

Let us summarize the factors that matter when moving a kitchen in a two- or more-room apartment.

  • Number of floors of the house
  • Apartment floor
  • Type of stove (gas/electric) installed in the kitchen.
  • Area of ​​the corridor (or other non-residential premises), if the kitchen is moved to a corridor or, say, a pantry.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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