Repairs are rarely completed without puttying and priming the surface of the walls. This type of work is carried out on final stage for smooth and flat surface. In addition to a smooth surface, plastered walls have a number of advantages, including a neat appearance and lightening further work. When doing the work yourself, it is important to know how to putty walls to obtain a flat and smooth surface for painting or wallpapering. Puttying walls with your own hands is a fairly simple type of work; the main thing is to understand what needs to be done, follow the procedure and be able to handle the tool.

Wall finishing work can be divided into three main stages. The first stage is surface preparation. It consists of removing old coating, cracked putty and plaster. At the second stage we carry out rough finishing wall surfaces. This includes reinforcement, leveling and puttying. The final third stage comes down to wallpapering, painting or another method of finishing the walls. Many are accustomed to performing only the first and last stages, completely losing sight of the rough finishing. This small omission will have a negative impact on appearance walls and general impression from repairs. The need to perform work such as leveling walls, puttingtying walls for wallpaper or puttingtying walls for painting becomes obvious only at the final stage of work, when nothing can be changed.

Video: puttying walls under wallpaper

Obvious advantages wall putties provide a smooth surface, smoothing out plaster sagging, small depressions and cracks. In addition, plastered walls have a uniform surface on which any finishing materials will fit perfectly.

As for leveling the surface, with this type of work everything is somewhat more complicated. The fact is that leveling has an aesthetic load, while putty has a technical one. And the answer to the question of whether to do leveling depends on financial capabilities and the desire to see symmetrical corners of the premises.

Methods of puttying walls

For quality repairs it is necessary to perform a puttying procedure on surfaces before final finishing. To know how to properly putty walls, you should first understand the methods of puttying. There are the following methods: starting putty, lighthouse putty, finishing putty and putty for cracks. Each of these methods is done various types putty and is used for certain purposes. Before you putty the walls for painting or wallpaper, you should do the starting putty and level the walls.

Starting surface putty

Starting puttying of the wall is an important stage, the quality of which determines the amount of subsequent work.

For starting putty, putty-plasters based on gypsum mixed with various additives are used. Starting putty is carried out to level the walls, seal grooves and holes. The layer thickness can reach up to 15 mm. If the thickness is large, putty-plaster should be applied in alternating layers. Every new layer applied with pauses for the previous one to dry. For high-quality application of starting putty-plaster, a painting mesh is used. With its help, the material has better adhesion to the surface, the possibility of cracks practically disappears, and the surface itself is more even.

Important! To make the surface as smooth and even as possible, use a coarse painting mesh.

Method using beacons

Light wall putty allows you to simultaneously eliminate surface defects

Performing this puttying method requires the same materials as the starting putty. Used for leveling walls, sealing grooves and holes. Before plastering the walls with lighthouse putty, beacons are installed, which are made of wooden, plaster or metal slats. The lighthouse is set in a vertical and horizontal plane to a level and filled with putty-plaster. Thanks to this, the surface is perfectly flat and vertical.

Important! Mayachnaya putty is an order of magnitude more expensive than putty using a painting mesh, but is visually no different.

Surface finishing

This puttying method is also called “sandless”. Putty is applied to the beacon or starting surface to give the surface a perfectly smooth and even appearance. The result is a surface without pores or cracks. Finishing putty is applied in a thin layer and completely repeats the plane of the previously applied starting putty.

Important! Finishing putty is designed to make the surface smooth. It cannot be used for leveling, since the layer of finishing putty is no more than 1.5 mm.

Demonstrating how to properly putty walls, the video clarifies the technology for applying finishing putty.

Putty on walls with cracks

This method is used when it is necessary to locally “patch up” the wall surface. You can putty cracks with a simple spatula. Gypsum and alabaster mixtures can be used as materials, but the best material for this type of putty is satengypsum. Before you start filling cracks, you should increase the width and depth of the crack itself. This is done for better adhesion of the putty. To do this, run a sharp corner of a spatula or a knife along the crack itself. Next, apply a deep penetration primer and let it dry. Now apply the putty itself using a spatula and let it dry.

Important! Working with alabaster and plaster is more difficult because they do not have sufficient elasticity. The advantage of these materials is their drying speed - about 10-15 minutes. Satengips is more elastic, but has longer time drying.

Selection of materials and tools

To perform the work you will need the following tool:

- small spatula 10-15 cm;

- large spatula 25-30 cm;

- corner spatula;

— drill and insert mixer;

- sandpaper;

- brush and roller;

- clean container for 15-25 liters.

Wall Sanding Tool Set

With materials the situation is somewhat more complicated. The market for putties offers a huge selection, ranging from simple and cheap drying oil-based putties to expensive, pre-prepared putties. For those who have a limited budget or want to save money, you can opt for dry putties.

They are cheaper and of fairly good quality. To apply the starting layer, use coarse putty; for the last layer, use finishing putty. There are a number of universal putties, but for the quality of work and savings it is worth choosing according to the method of their application.

Important! A serious drawback of dry putties is their poor resistance to moisture. At high humidity they become soft again. To be safe from this phenomenon, it is better to immediately choose moisture-resistant putties.

To ensure that putty and other finishing materials adhere well, the surface is primed. The applied layer of primer will fix and protect the surface from minor damage. In addition, the primer promotes better absorption (absorption) and adhesion to base surface plaster, paint, wallpaper glue and putty. When choosing a primer, you should pay attention to the type of surface on which the primer will be applied. Primers with a high degree of penetration are applied to highly porous and loose surfaces, universal primers are applied to medium-porous surfaces. We apply a primer with high adhesive properties to a low-porosity, dense surface. For high-quality coupling finishing materials You should use specialized primers for a specific type of surface.

It is more convenient and faster to prime the surface using a roller

Important! For priming surfaces in rooms with high humidity special waterproofing primers should be used. These primers are applied in two layers.

How to putty walls: stages of work

1. Treat the surface with a primer. To do this we use a roller. Prime hard-to-reach places, corners and joints with a brush. We wait for it to dry completely.

2. If necessary, level the walls using plaster or starting putty. After drying, prime again.

3. If we use dry putty, we will have to prepare it. To do this, pour a small amount of water into the container and add putty. First, mix with a spatula, and then use a drill with a mixer. Add water gradually.

Mixing solutions is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of the material manufacturer

Important! The readiness of the putty is determined by its consistency. In the video demonstrating how to putty walls, you can see how it should be: elastic and slightly stick to the surface of the spatula. If the putty runs off, then it is too runny and you should add a dry mixture. If it’s lumpy, then on the contrary, it’s dry.

4. Apply starting putty. To do this, use a large spatula. Apply the putty in medium portions and distribute evenly over the surface of the wall. We hold the spatula at an angle of 25-30 degrees and apply the putty in one diagonal movement. To avoid bumps and transitions, we apply each subsequent layer with an overlap.

Important! When applying the starting layer, the putty should be mixed in small portions for quick development. This is done to ensure that dry particles do not appear in the mixed mixture, which could affect the quality of work. Do not be afraid of the appearance of stripes from the spatula; they will be smoothed out with finishing putty.

5. For even corners, use a special corner spatula. First, using a small spatula, apply a small layer of putty to the entire height of the corner or slope, and then level it with a corner spatula. Let it dry well overnight.

Puttying corners and slopes with a special corner spatula guarantees the formation of perfectly even corners

6. After the starting putty has completely dried, you can proceed to the finishing putty. Apply the putty in small portions onto a large spatula using a small one. Then apply evenly to the surface. The thickness of the finishing putty layer should be from 1.5 to 2 mm.

7. Before you putty the walls for wallpaper or painting, you should wait until the starting putty and the first layer of finishing have completely dried. After 12 hours, the first layer of finishing putty will dry, and the surface can be prepared for final stage puttying. To do this, apply the finishing layer and wait for it to dry. Now it can be sanded using a special holder and sandpaper.

Important! Before applying each new layer of putty, it is advisable to treat the previous one with a primer.

Puttying walls for painting differs from puttying walls for wallpaper in the quality of the final sanding of the surface. For wallpaper, a perfectly smooth surface is not so important. The wallpaper itself will partially hide the roughness. But for paint this is critical, especially if you use enamel. Therefore, for sanding walls under wallpaper will do sandpaper with a grain from P80 to P120, and before painting the wall you should sand it with sandpaper with a grain from P120 to P150.

Puttying walls is not so much a complicated process as it is a labor-intensive process that requires a lot of time. All work requires special attention, but the result will delight you with its grace and perfection.

In this article we will look at how to putty walls with your own hands. This simple but scrupulous work can be done independently without the involvement of specialists. The most important thing in the process is to follow the order of work and correct use tool.

Let's figure out what tools you will need to perform puttying.

  • Kneading container;
  • Mixer: for mixing dry mixtures and obtaining a homogeneous mass;
  • Spatulas: you need to have a large assortment of both large and small spatulas;
  • Rollers, brushes: will be needed during priming;
  • Rule: for leveling walls;
  • Different levels;
  • Hand grout block and sandpaper.

Tools you need to putty walls with your own hands

How to choose putty for walls

On trade counters There is a huge assortment on which it is difficult for an ordinary buyer to make a choice, so let’s look at the main types of their advantages and disadvantages.

Polymer putties- this is the most expensive and most quality look. Its disadvantage is the high price, otherwise there are only advantages.

Cement— when dry, they shrink greatly and are resistant to moisture.

Plaster- the most affordable product, not resistant to humid environments, used only for dry and indoor areas.

Also, putties are divided into starter, decorative and universal. There are ready-made putties on sale that you don’t have to mix with a mixer, there will be no dust, but they shrink and have a short shelf life.

Types of putty for walls

Preparing walls for putty

When preparing the surface, we will take into account a number of factors that mandatory need to pay attention. The walls must be cleaned of any dirt, dust, ash, they must also be intact, not crumble, not frozen, dry, and only then it is necessary to cover the surface with a deep penetration primer, this will ensure good adhesion of the wall and the putty.

The following types of putty exist: starting, lighthouse, finishing. Let's look at the properties and areas of application below.

Starting wall putty

It is not necessary to prime the wall surface between homogeneous layers if not much time has passed between the application of layers.

Video - puttying walls - master class

Lighthouse type of putty

If your surface has large unevenness, it is necessary to perform light putty. It differs from the starting one only in the installation of beacons and this process takes some time.

Here we need a vertical level and a rule. Lighthouses are displayed on gypsum mixture, since it does not harden so quickly and makes it possible correct installation. The distance between the putty on which the beacon will be placed should not exceed 150mm (approximately), otherwise it may sag.

Alignment occurs both vertically and horizontally. After complete drying, approximately 1 - 3 days depending on the layer, check the surface with a level and make sure there are no large gaps.

The disadvantage of this method is the high cost, but the advantage is the quality of the work performed in the future.

Finishing putty

After the starting or beacon layer has dried, we proceed to the finishing putty. If necessary, the previous layer can be smoothed over with coarse sandpaper or with a spatula.

The finishing putty is applied in a very small layer (possibly several layers). This layer gives the surface perfect smoothness. Your task is to eliminate all scratches and pores. Nothing should be leveled with this layer, as cracks are possible in the future. You must understand that poor performance of the previous stages can lead to big troubles in the future, such as cracks, peeling putty and a sloppy appearance.

The finishing putty should be done in good lighting at an angle, this will allow you to see the smallest irregularities

Repairing cracks in walls

After cracks form, it is necessary to understand the cause of its occurrence. But if there are already cracks, then they must be eliminated in any case. Here it is necessary to open the crack - this means that it is necessary to expand it in depth and width, remove dust from it and treat it with a primer. If necessary, you can apply a painting mesh with an overlap.

Repairing cracks for putty

There are special mixtures on sale for sealing joints - fugenfuller, or you can use a gypsum mixture - satengypsum.

How to properly mix the dry mixture?

This is very important question which must be considered when using dry putty. The quality of your work will depend on this.

  • Pour a small amount of water into the container;
  • Add putty;
  • Stir the mixture with a simple spatula;
  • Mix with a mixer to form a homogeneous mixture (add water if necessary)

You should not pour a lot of putty at once, as it absorbs water and then you will have to add water, which the manufacturer does not recommend doing.

Let it sit for 3-5 minutes, then stir again.

Do not mix a lot of putty, you should expect that the prepared mixture will last approximately 30 minutes for intensive work in one go, after the specified time it begins to harden very quickly.

It is not recommended to add water or stir during the process. this procedure significantly reduces the elastic properties of the solution. Also, after adding water, lumps may appear; this mixture will have to be thrown away.

Now the mixture is ready.

Applying starting putty

  1. In this process, it is better to use a large spatula, with which we apply the putty in medium portions to the walls at approximately an angle of 30 degrees.
  2. It is better to putty corners using a corner spatula; you need to apply putty to the corner and move it along the entire corner with a spatula in one motion, the angle should be 90 degrees.
  3. Let the corners dry. After drying, putty should be started from the corners.

Corner spatula for puttying wall corners

Applying finishing putty

  1. We proceed to the finishing putty, which is applied with large, medium and small spatulas.
  2. The layer should not exceed 1.5 - 2 mm.
  3. Between all layers you need to wait until completely dry.
  4. Next we proceed to sanding with fine sandpaper.

How to properly putty walls with your own hands for wallpaper and painting

Puttying walls before painting is a more scrupulous job, since the paint does not hide defects, but rather highlights them. Therefore, in such cases, acrylic putty is used; it will hide all defects and make the surface smooth; before applying this layer, it is recommended to treat the walls with a primer.

You need to apply a minimal layer and do not forget about the strong shrinkage of this type. You need to putty with acrylic at least 2 times, then re-treat with a primer and check again.

Putty and methods of working with it

Putty is the final part of the work of preparing walls for decorative finishing: applying paint or decorating with wallpaper. Applying a layer of putty - important stage, without which it is impossible to start working with decorative finishing. A thin layer of putty fills small cracks in the wall and eliminates minor defects, if any. How to putty the walls under the wallpaper? Putty is divided into several categories.

Based on consistency, putty mixtures are divided into two groups - dry (need to be further diluted before application) and ready-made, which can be found in stores in sealed buckets; such mixtures do not require any additional actions, you can work with them immediately.

For achievement best result It is recommended to use two types during construction work - starting and finishing. The first contains small pebbles and a cement mixture, which, as a result, makes the surface very durable and stable. The second is created on the basis of gypsum and effectively levels the surface to a state suitable for decorative finishing. There is a mixture with universal properties that combines the qualities of the two previous types and allows you to prepare the surface for subsequent work.

When purchasing putty, be sure to look at its expiration date. Expired material cannot be used. If the putty was stored in the cold or in a building with a high degree of humidity, most likely it can no longer be used, since stones will appear in it if the conditions are not met. It is advisable to buy starting and finishing putty from the same manufacturer; such materials will be better combined and will provide a higher quality coating.

Surface preparation

How to putty walls with your own hands? You won't be able to start the process right away. Before applying the putty mixture, you need to prepare the surface. The wall should not have pronounced defects or irregularities; all layers, remaining debris and construction dust must also be removed.

You can level the wall using lighthouse plaster. If there are holes in the wall, then cement mixture will help to fill them. On a wall covered with plasterboard, you will need to seal the joints using a paint mesh and carefully putty. The locations of the screws also need to be processed. Before applying the putty, you will need to additionally treat the surface with a special antibacterial deep penetration emulsion. This will ensure better adhesion of the material to the wall surface. You can use a sprayer while working so that the emulsion is consumed less.

What you need to have to carry out puttying work:

  • Finish and start putty mixture.
  • Ground emulsion with a bath underneath.
  • Roller or brush.
  • Large (about 50 cm) and small (about 15 cm) spatula.
  • Rule.
  • Drill with a “mixer” attachment.
  • Plastic bucket.
  • Mesh for grouting putty. You can also use a grinder.

Preparation of putty

If you purchase a dry mixture, it must first be prepared before application. To do this, you need to pour water into a bucket and pour the mixture into it. Usually detailed instructions instructions for preparation are on the packaging with the material. To stir the mixture, you will need a drill with an attachment. The result should be a homogeneous substance, not too thick, but not liquid either. There is no need to make a lot of the mixture at once, since it hardens quite quickly and becomes unsuitable for further use; it would be better to dilute several portions as needed. After all work is completed, you will need to wash the container and tools. The remains of the dry mixture can be stored, wrapped in film; you need to choose a cool, dry place for storage. If you bought a ready-made mixture in a bucket, you can leave it for storage by filling it with water.

Working with the starting layer

When the surface is prepared for applying putty, it’s time to move on to the main work. How to putty walls for painting? Take a large spatula and use it to apply putty. A small spatula is also useful - with its help, the putty is carefully and evenly distributed over the large tool so that it is applied in an even layer to the surface. You need to perform the work with precise movements, without application special effort- Don't put too much pressure on the instrument. You need to hold it at an angle of 45 degrees, which will help to avoid uneven marks from the edges of the tool in the future. The order of applying the mixture is from bottom to top, starting from the corner - overlapping. To check how smooth the surface is, you can take a rule. If there are bulges, they need to be leveled over the entire surface, and if there are holes, apply another, new layer of the mixture. Evenness must be checked while the putty layer is still wet. It is worth paying attention to the corners - these are usually the most problem areas, in which cracks may occur. If you don’t get an even layer right away, it’s okay; it’s rare that you can apply the putty perfectly the first time.

When the layer on the wall is dry, you need to use a grout mesh or sandpaper and go over the entire layer. This is done to get rid of the stones that are part of the starting mixture. In addition, by rubbing, you can remove spatula marks and transitions. After this, you need to check again with the rule that the resulting layer is even. In the recesses, if any, you need to apply another layer of the mixture.

Working with the finishing layer

When all work with the starting layer is completed, you can begin further application of the finishing layer to the surface. The finishing putty is essentially applied in exactly the same way as the starting putty, from bottom to top and from the corner. The same tools are used, a large spatula for application and a small one for leveling the mixture. The layer should be thin, no more than 2 mm. Irregularities and any traces of a spatula must be carefully smoothed over the surface. It is important not to forget to check the evenness of the layer. The finishing mixture is applied according to the rules in two layers, while the initial layer must first be completely dry.

When the second layer of the mixture has dried, you will need to treat the entire surface with a grout mesh or sandpaper, but always with fine grain - coarse grain will leave scratches that will remain visible even after painting. If there are still scratches, cracks or holes on the wall, they need to be further treated with the mixture. You need to pay attention to hard-to-reach problem areas- corners or space behind pipes - this is where defects most often occur. When the layer is completely dry and processed, you need to apply a primer emulsion on top.

Also, a lot depends on how exactly the decorative finishing will be done. If you plan to paint the walls, then the surface must be perfect, without a single scratch, crack or other defects, since a layer of paint makes all imperfections more noticeable. But if the walls are covered with wallpaper, then this, on the contrary, will hide any minor flaws.

When all work with putty is completed, you must remember to thoroughly wash and dry the tools so that they can be used again in repair work in the future.

In order for the result of the work to be of high quality, it is advisable to observe some nuances during the work.

  1. All work with putty must be done in good lighting, so that defects and irregularities are immediately noticeable and there is no need to redo much.
  2. No need to apply starting mixture a layer thicker than 5 mm, otherwise it is fraught with cracks.
  3. The previous layer of the mixture must be completely dry, and only then can the next one be applied. The drying time depends on the room temperature, humidity level and the thickness of the layer itself.
  4. You cannot use any artificial methods to make the putty dry faster. For example, you should not create a draft in the room or turn on the heater.
  5. The process of rubbing the surface must also be carried out with good lighting so that everything can be seen as accurately as possible.
  6. If someone has never done work of this kind before, then you should not immediately take a spatula that is too large for the work, since it will be difficult to stretch the layer evenly if you are not used to it. If it is not entirely clear how to properly putty walls, videos from various construction sites can help you understand this issue.
  7. It is important not to forget to check the evenness of the surface at each stage of work.
  8. To putty corners, there is special tool- an angled spatula, which allows you to make these problem areas smooth without much effort.

Security measures

During work, you need to protect your skin and head from putty. To do this, you will need clothing that covers your body and a scarf or cap on your head. During mashing, care must be taken to ensure that dust does not get into the eyes, nose and mouth. Special respirators are sold to help protect the respiratory system. You can purchase goggles to protect your eyes. All this can be found in construction stores. If work is carried out at height, then care must be taken to securely secure the scaffolding and structures.

If the mixture gets on the skin, it should be washed off with water and then treated with cream. If dust from the putty gets into your eyes or Airways you need to see a doctor.

Puttying work is a rather labor-intensive process that requires some experience, but if you do everything competently and carefully, the result will be of high quality, and you can be proud of the repairs you have completed yourself.

Video on how to properly putty walls with your own hands

Whatever you decide to cover the walls with, paint or wallpaper, your walls should be perfectly smooth. This result will give you correct putty walls This process is not very complicated, but still requires some knowledge and skills.

We will need:

  • putty (start and finish);
  • primer;
  • paint brush (primer brush);
  • spatulas sizes 600 mm, 450 mm, 300 mm, small overhead 80-100 mm;
  • water;
  • container for preparing putty;
  • construction mixer (drill with a special attachment, in extreme cases a stick);
  • skin
First of all, we need to prepare the surface that we will putty. To do this, sand the pre-plastered walls using sandpaper. Then treat with an impregnating primer and wait until it dries completely. Now we prepare the putty. Although they now produce ready-made ones, it is better to take dry ones and prepare the solution yourself, since you adjust the consistency to suit yourself: for some it is more convenient to work with a thicker one, and for others with a thinner one. remember, that ready solution

The putty must be used at one time, then it dries out and will be unusable. The time it takes to use it is indicated on the packaging. Therefore, it is better to prepare the solution in portions. To prepare, take a container (bucket), pour dry putty powder into it and, stirring continuously, fill it with water at room temperature. Bring it to the consistency of thick sour cream, making sure there are no lumps. The first layer is the starting putty; when it dries, the work is completed with the finishing putty. Before you begin the puttying process, decide whether the wall will be painted or covered with wallpaper. If you are gluing wallpaper, then the putty is applied in two layers, start and finish, and primed. If the wall is to be painted or it is planned to apply liquid wallpaper, then first a reinforcing mesh is attached to the wall, on top of which putty is applied in two layers. The mesh is also used if there are large cracks and potholes on the wall. If the wall is relatively flat and does not require leveling, then the first layer of putty is applied approximately 2-4 mm thick. To do this, use a small spatula to apply a small amount of mortar onto a wide spatula (600-500 mm), distributing it evenly along the edge. Now we stretch the putty along the wall, holding a wide spatula at an angle of about 30-40 degrees. It is advisable to make strokes diagonally, this way it is easier to achieve alignment of the wall both diagonally and vertically. After the first portion of putty is applied, its remnants are removed from a large spatula with a small one and thrown to

If the wall needs to be leveled, then each layer of plaster is overlapped. This will make it possible to avoid the formation of bumps and transitions. Applying one layer of plaster will not even out all the unevenness. This is easier to achieve in several stages. Please note that each subsequent layer of plaster is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. Usually 2-3 layers of putty are required. The finishing putty is applied in a layer of 1-2 mm. Very uneven walls It’s better to level it with plasterboard, or install guides, and putty along them. To create even wall angles and ceiling corners it is very convenient to use a special painting tool corner profile. To begin with, it is fixed to the corner using a putty compound, and when it dries a little, they begin to putty.

The dried surface must be sanded using sandpaper. The most suitable for this is the 150th. For better quality work, each applied layer is usually cleaned. Upon completion of the work, a primer is applied. Wallpaper should not be glued to fresh putty; it is advisable to let it settle for 2-3 days, while maintaining constant temperature and protecting from moisture.

If you prepared the walls for wallpaper, then small scratches and blemishes will be hidden, but if you prepared them for painting, then you need to create a perfectly smooth surface! For beginners, this process is quite labor-intensive, since the main thing here is skill and skill that comes with practice.

Puttying walls is a difficult and time-consuming process, but very important. Is it possible to putty it yourself? You will learn how to putty correctly and how to level the walls with putty from this article.

Before you start any construction work in an apartment, a house, or in a country house with your own hands, you should think through everything well and find out in detail about all the subtleties and features of the process. After all, every incorrectly performed construction manipulation can ruin the entire repair and also entail additional financial expenses.


Comfort and beauty in an apartment begins with renovation. Wall putty is a small part of a big deal. Previously cosmetic repairs The apartment rooms need to be properly prepared. The main preparation is leveling the surfaces with further application of paints and wallpaper. Sometimes it is necessary to putty the walls in order to level the base and increase its strength and reliability. Properly preparing the surface means removing all contaminants and performing a complete cleaning.

The process of puttying walls has a lot of features. This includes the type of material that will be used in the process, the type of putty, the surface that will be subject to the puttying process, and much, much more.


Putty is a building material in the form of paste or powder. Its composition can be quite diverse. It contains laundry soap, flour, carpentry, animal glue, sifted gypsum, various varnishes, drying oils, talc, chalk, barite, zinc white, ocher, soot, kaolin, asbestos and red lead.

Depending on the type of putty and its main filler, the composition may also include auxiliary components in the form of driers, natural drying oil, esters, acrylic acid, salt, plasticizers, calcium carbonate.

Based on the presence of film-forming components in it, it is divided into three groups:

  1. Plaster;
  2. Cement;
  3. Polymer.

Gypsum putty consists of gypsum. It is plastic and resistant to high humidity. If speak about physical properties material, it appears to be a white powder with a density of 2.4. The tensile strength ranges from 3 to 15. When it hardens, the gypsum begins to expand and its volume increases by 1%. The strength of the material is ensured through the use low pressure and saturated steam.

Scope of application of gypsum putty:

  • large cracks;
  • seams on the concrete surface;
  • gypsum boards;
  • bricks.

Cement putty, unlike gypsum putty, hardens more slowly. Therefore, it is done in large volumes and surface processing occurs at an accelerated pace. But it is worth remembering that it tends to shrink, so the application layer must be thick.

The polymer mixture does not shrink and does not allow moisture to pass through. This type is the most expensive of the three listed. Its basis is an adhesive polymer binder.

Putty can be prepared at home.

Below are several recipes for making the solution yourself:

  • Oil putty. To make it, you need to take one kilogram of drying oil, one hundred grams of drier (NF-1) and two kilograms of chalk.
  • Adhesive putty. To make it, you need to mix 1 kg of 10% glue solution with 25 g of drying oil and add to this 2 kg of sifted chalk. Add drying oil to the heated glue and stir thoroughly, then add chalk.

Putty is also divided into water-soluble and water-insoluble.

But no matter what the ideal composition of the putty is, it should under no circumstances be applied to walls painted with water-based paint.

The result of such a big mistake will be wasted time, since the putty will not stick to it and will fall off. The possibility of applying it to fiberglass also depends on the components of the putty.


When the time comes to choose a putty, the consumer is lost and does not understand what exactly needs to be bought and what to pay attention to. After all, puttying walls during repair work is a very important stage, so before purchasing anything, you should study in detail all types of putties.

Wall putty is divided into two categories:

  • dry;
  • ready for use.

Dry mixtures for leveling walls are given greater preference. They are sold in bags and packages.

The advantages of this type include:

  • Easy to prepare.
  • Possibility of producing a solution of the required viscosity.
  • Easy storage, easy transportation.
  • Affordable price.
  • Long term long-term storage.
  • Not afraid of temperature changes.

Each building material has its pros and cons.

The disadvantages of dry mixtures include:

  • Waste of time preparing a solution for puttying.
  • During the cooking process, you must strictly follow the instructions.
  • The shelf life of the finished working mixture is very limited, so you often have to prepare a fresh portion of the solution.

Ready-to-use putties are sold in plastic buckets or jars.

This building material has its positive aspects:

  • There is no time frame for using the solution.
  • No time is wasted on preparing the working mixture.

Among the ready-made putties for walls can be found on the shelves construction stores the following varieties:

  • Cement.
  • Plaster.
  • Polymer.

Basic basis cement putty is cement. This type of mixture has been familiar to builders since Soviet times. It has a gray color and several brands. For finishing facades, more reliable brands are used that have increased strength.

Their scope of application is the walls of building facades and interior walls of rooms with high humidity. Microcracks are allowed to occur. They are frost-resistant because they contain antifreeze. The only significant drawback of cement putty is the high degree of shrinkage.

Gypsum mortar It has White color, in any case, the mixtures of foreign producers are snow-white. Domestic mixtures may have a yellowish tint, since gypsum from local deposits is used in production, and it is not pure white tone. The place of use is the walls on which wallpaper will be glued or which will be painted. Not for use in bathrooms, toilets and swimming pools. It does not tolerate cold temperatures, so it is only suitable for indoor use. Exemplary example gypsum putty ASB is considered to be made in Turkey and is a product of the world-famous Knauf concern.

Gypsum mortar is an ideal building material for use in premises where people live, since it is environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful substances and has a unique function of maintaining an ideal microclimate in the house.

The polymer type of putty belongs to innovative materials that recently appeared on the market building materials.

Polymer putty has two varieties:

  • acrylic;
  • latex

The acrylic mixture is easy to use. It is used for both facade works, and for internal ones. It is called a universal mixture and is used as a roughing, leveling and finishing. Its basis is acrylic, and it, as you know, belongs to the class of synthetic substances, which means that acrylic putty there are a number of advantages over gypsum and cement mixture. For example, acrylic reacts well with the components that make up cement mortar, and this gives finished material strength and smoothness. This mixture is absolutely resistant to frost.

If the putty is slightly dry, you can freshen and dilute it a little with plain water.

Latex putty is used exclusively for interior work. It does not shrink and is very elastic, so it can be applied in a very thin layer. It is used on any surface, including metal, which cannot be said about other types of similar materials. Polymer putty is a costly item for materials, but the result lives up to expectations. When purchasing it, you need to be careful, since there are many fakes of this type of mixture on the market.

Among the disadvantages, one can highlight one - latex putty does not breathe. However, it contains antiseptics, antifungal substances and anti-corrosion agents.

According to purpose, putty material is divided into the following types:

  1. Leveling;
  2. Finishers;
  3. Specialized;
  4. Universal.

The leveling mixture is used to level surfaces. It has excellent adhesion to the base, so it applies evenly and smoothly. Has increased strength.

The finishing mixture serves as preparatory basis for decorative wall decoration.

Specialized mixtures perform specific tasks - eliminating panel joints, urgent repair work.

Universal mixtures perform all the functions of previous types of putty and are used at all stages of work and on almost any wall surface.

But buyers choose mixtures, as a rule, based on the cost of the material.

The most familiar classification of putties for buyers is their division into:

  • starting;
  • finishing

Their main distinguishing feature from a technical point of view is the size of the filling fraction. In other words, the starting composition contains grains of quartz sand that fill irregularities and cracks. They are much larger than those contained in the finishing putty. Accordingly, the starting mixture is applied in a thicker layer. The only problem that arises is with the grouting of the applied starting mixture. This is usually done using grinding devices. You shouldn’t expect a perfectly flat and smooth surface from the starting putty, but finishing mixture gives this effect.

In practice, these two types of building mixture are used in tandem. First, the starting mixture is applied, and then, after it has completely dried, the finishing putty.

In addition to all the above types of putty, there are some more:

  • Glue.
  • Oily.
  • Oil-glue.
  • Shakril.

These types are highly specialized and are used mainly only by professionals.

Types of surfaces

For each surface it is necessary to select a certain type of putty.

OSB boards

OSB board- This is a wood, chip, multi-layer surface that has noticeable roughness. To level them, it is necessary to putty the surface.

The ideal option for this would be a leveling putty designed to work on wooden surfaces. It is prohibited to use material intended for leveling brick or concrete surfaces. This will be wasted work - the putty will simply disappear.

Suitable for this:

  • Mixtures with oil-adhesive components. They contain oil varnishes, natural drying oil and auxiliary fillers that are similar to the wood structure. Such mixtures include LSh-1 and LSh-2. If wallpaper will be glued to the putty in the future, you can replace the putty mixture with glypthal varnish (M-175) or paints with fillers.
  • Mixtures with adhesive composition. The basis of such mixtures is oil, adhesive solution and plasticizer. Such mixtures are similar to putties that can be made at home.
  • Nitro putty. This is a mixture that dries very quickly. They contain cellulose ether, resin, plasticizer, and solvent. The most popular types of nitro putty are ASh-32 and MBSh.

But in addition to the special modification, Putty for OSB boards must have a number of special characteristics:

  • Excellent adhesion, this has already been mentioned.
  • Homogeneous consistency. The composition should not contain large particles.
  • Low shrinkage. This significantly reduces repair time.
  • Increased hardness and grindability.
  • Possibility of applying dyes and wallpapering.


In order for the slopes to turn out to be of high quality and look aesthetically pleasing, they need to be puttied correctly, and for this you need a suitable putty mixture.

So, if the slopes are indoors, where temperature regime is normal and there are no significant differences, then you need to choose a putty with a fine fraction, which will make the coating perfectly smooth and even.

For slopes on the outside, where there are temperature changes, you need to use putty with a coarse fraction. It must be resistant to high humidity and frost-resistant. Ideal choice- cement mixture.

Foam blocks

Puttying a foam block surface is a responsible and difficult job, since this surface has significant unevenness.

In order for the putty to be of high quality, you need to buy a mixture with the following characteristics:

  • cement base;
  • mineral fillers;
  • functional auxiliary components;
  • increased plasticity;
  • frost resistance;
  • moisture resistance.


Questions regarding puttying polystyrene foam are of interest to many people, since insulating houses outside and inside with this material is a relatively inexpensive procedure. To protect the foam from external factors(sun, moisture, frost, mechanical impact), it must be puttied.

For puttying foam plastic, use:

  • universal mixtures;
  • special mixtures with polystyrene components.

This type of putty must have the following characteristics:

  • Increased adhesion. The presence of glue in the putty.
  • Intended for internal/external work.
  • Resistance to temperature changes.
  • High moisture resistance.

The most popular putty mixtures on the building materials market are Master, Polimin, Ceresit. The ideal choice is a cement-based putty.

Concrete surfaces

Repairs in the apartment in general depend on the quality of puttying of the walls, because wallpaper or paint will be applied to the puttied walls in the future. There is no need for puttying only if ceramic tiles are laid on concrete walls.

Putty concrete walls needed for two main reasons:

  • For alignment.
  • To reduce the absorption of concrete.

You need to choose a dry putty mixture based on how uneven the walls are. For the procedure, you need to buy both a starting mixture and a finishing mixture. The starting putty should be coarse-grained, and the finishing putty should be fine-grained. The most popular mixtures for concrete surfaces are Knauf, Ceresit, Caparol.

The main characteristics that putty for concrete surfaces should have:

  • instant setting;
  • high strength;
  • presence of waterproofing function;
  • frost resistance;
  • high elasticity;
  • no shrinkage;
  • thixotropy – the ability to increase viscosity;
  • waterproof.

Quick setting is necessary, since the putty is applied in a thick layer (3-5 cm). Elasticity will help the solution penetrate into all the cracks.

The mixture should be based on cement, but mixing it with other substances is strictly prohibited, since all the basic properties will be lost.

Plastic surfaces

The hardest thing to putty on plastic surfaces is the opinion of many people who have encountered this process. IN in this case putty performs repair functions, eliminating defects and irregularities before painting.

Putty for plastic surfaces must have:

So, this mixture is a fine-grained composition of several components, including a resin and a hardener. It is forbidden to use putty on thermoplastic, nitrocellulose, acrylic coatings.

Among the varieties of putties for plastic there are:

  • liquid;
  • carbon;
  • with fiberglass.


To properly putty walls indoors, you need not only a good putty mixture, but also the right tools.

During the process you will need:

  • Drill or industrial mixer. If you purchase putty in dry form, you will have to prepare a solution from it yourself. To obtain a homogeneous consistency, you need a special mixer or drill with an attachment.
  • The solution is applied to the walls using a spatula. Usually you buy a set that includes many various shapes spatulas - on a flat surface you need one type, but in hard to reach places ah, another form of spatula is more convenient.
  • Rollers and brushes necessary for priming. It is not recommended to exclude this procedure, since it performs a protective function.
  • Level. It is necessary to determine how smooth the walls are.
  • Sandpaper. If any inaccuracies or irregularities are detected on the treated surface, they are eliminated. For this you need sandpaper. If the amount of work is large enough, it is recommended to use a manual skinner. When using starting putty, coarse sandpaper will be more convenient, and if finishing putty is used, then it is more convenient to use fine fine paper.
  • Container for mixing the solution. Since the portion of the finished putty mixed is small due to its rapid drying, you can buy a small container.

Before you choose and buy a spatula, you need to try to use it. It turns out that it is not so simple, especially for beginners. Some people find it more convenient to use a regular roller. But according to builders with extensive experience, it is not very convenient for them to putty walls, since it is difficult to achieve perfectly smooth surfaces.

As for choosing a spatula, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • the façade roller has a considerable width and blade size, while the paint roller is smaller with a narrow blade;
  • the handle of the spatula must be strong so that after the first use it does not remain in the hands of the master;
  • Tools with rubberized handles are considered the most convenient;
  • painting spatulas quickly fail;
  • the ideal spatula width is 50 cm; for hard-to-reach places it is necessary to use spatulas up to 15 cm wide;
  • A lamp or small lamp is needed, with the help of which all irregularities and flaws are determined after puttying. It is better to use a halogen lamp for these purposes;
  • should be at hand construction knife and a stapler.

If we talk about sets, then it would be correct to opt for a set that includes tools of sizes 5, 15, 40 and 60 cm. To install even corners, it is possible to purchase an angle spatula, but only a specialist can use it for its intended purpose.

Preparation of the solution

We know what you can buy ready mixture or a ready-made putty solution, or you can make it yourself.

To make gypsum putty at home you will need 2-3 kg of chalk, a kilogram of gypsum, a 5% solution wood glue. Mix chalk with plaster, then gradually pour this mixture into the glue previously poured into a bucket and stir thoroughly so that the result is a homogeneous mass. This solution becomes solid very quickly, so it is better to prepare it in small quantities. It is used on concrete surfaces, to mask plasterboard joints, but only in rooms where humidity is not high.

You can also make your own oil putty. To do this, you will need a kilogram of drying oil, 100 g of drying agent (to speed up the hardening process) and two kilograms of chalk powder. Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous consistency. This solution is not afraid of temperature changes and high humidity. It is used on wood surfaces, as well as on walls that will be painted with oil paints.

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