The first point in deciding how to wash kitchen towels is to determine the type of stain. It is not always possible to dip the fabric in hot water or bleach, as this can only make the situation worse. Sometimes soaking and boiling help remove stains.

What should you soak kitchen towels in before washing?

For some fabrics, washing in hot water is prohibited, and colored towels can be completely ruined by chlorine-containing bleaches. If washing kitchen towels without boiling, this is exactly the case; you should use pre-soaking:

  1. Traces from tomato paste or coffee, such stains can be removed by pre-soaking in salt water (for each liter there is a tablespoon of salt, the method is good for any type of fabric).
  2. Gel or dishwashing liquid works well against grease.
  3. Use a soak in a suitable bleach in warm water for a couple of hours.
  4. It is easier to wash kitchen towels if you put them in a solution before washing; for light-colored fabrics, it is recommended to add soda to the powder.
  5. Soaking the fabric in water will help refresh it. laundry soap and potassium permanganate, the solution should be slightly pink.

At what temperature should I wash kitchen towels?

Not all fabrics can be washed with high temperatures. This can be said about coloring: even the most durable materials afraid hot water, because the drawing becomes pale. Washing of kitchen towels is indicated on. For colored fabrics, it is not recommended to use temperatures above 60°C; white or plain light fabrics can withstand about 95°C. But even this aggressive method will not guarantee perfect cleanliness.

How to wash very dirty kitchen towels?

Methods for washing kitchen towels with high-quality powders and auxiliary products often solve the problem if used correctly and on time. But this is not always the only way to clean towels. On the kitchen shelves there are budget and effective solutions. Washing kitchen towels can be successful using classic and unexpected means:

  • mustard;
  • sunflower oil;
  • laundry soap and bleach;
  • baking soda and dishwashing liquid.

Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil

A substance that leaves stains on kitchen towels more often than usual has become a salvation from stains. In this matter, it is important to maintain the proportions correctly and not try to increase them. When the task is to refresh kitchen towels, washing with sunflower oil seems like a joke, but, nevertheless, there are several recipes:

  1. A couple of tablespoons of oil are diluted in a five-liter container, and the same amount is sent there mustard powder and vinegar. Water is heated to 60°C and a solution is prepared, towels are dipped into it and left for 12 hours. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly several times.
  2. There is a recipe for how to wash kitchen towels, where they use it in combination with oil. washing powder and dry bleach, adding soda. You will need three tablespoons of each ingredient. All this is diluted in warm water, the towels are kept there all night. Next they are sent to the washing machine.
  3. The third solution includes two tablespoons of bleach and oil, and a glass of washing powder. We will add the ingredients to boiling water. After mixing, bring the water to a boil again and leave the towels in it until it cools completely. All that remains is to rinse the fabric thoroughly.

How to wash kitchen towels in the microwave?

Housewives who do not have time for experiments and soaking use a simple and effective method. They don’t want to collect laundry all week, but turn on the microwave instead of the washing machine. Washing kitchen towels at home is greatly simplified, and requires minimal time:

  1. A dirty towel is dipped in hot water and thoroughly soaped with laundry soap. You can use laundry soap with a whitening effect or to remove stains.
  2. The prepared towel is placed in plastic bag. It is important not to tie the package, but only slightly open it.
  3. Washing involves heating a bag with a soapy towel in the microwave for just one and a half minutes.
  4. All that remains is to rinse and dry the towel.

Washing kitchen towels with mustard

Mustard is another well-known way among housewives to remove stains and grease. Mustard powder is used for colored and white fabrics. There are two options for how to wash kitchen towels using mustard:

  1. For soaking without further boiling, fill the bucket halfway with hot water. Mustard powder is dissolved in it, which was previously mixed with boiling water. 50 g of powder is enough for this amount of water. The towels are soaked for several hours. Next, the textiles need to be rinsed.
  2. Instead of soaking, you can apply a paste of mustard powder directly to the stained area. Next, place the damp towel in the bag and leave overnight. It will be easier to wash in the machine as usual.

Washing kitchen towels with baking soda

Soda is one of the safest and universal remedies from pollution various kinds. Soak towels or apply a creamy mixture to the area with the stain. Experienced housewives have their own recipes for how to remove stains on kitchen towels with soda:

  1. Difficult stains are washed in a machine at high temperatures; a few tablespoons of soda are poured directly into the washing powder compartment.
  2. Soda ash with washing powder will solve the problem of how to wash kitchen towels: leave the towels in the prepared hot solution until the morning, all that remains is to run the machine with kitchen textiles as usual.

How to wash kitchen towels with “White”?

Using bleach has its own nuances. Just pouring it on the stains is not enough, sometimes it only worsens the situation. Before you wash old kitchen towels with bleach, you need to freshen them up. in the usual way V washing machine. Otherwise, the stains will only stick to the fabric.

  1. Whiteness is added to boiling water and cotton towels are dipped into it. This is not a problem for white fabrics, but colored fabrics will be damaged by such cleaning.
  2. It is advisable to boil in white enamel dishes. It is important that there are no chips or rust on it, otherwise the towels will completely deteriorate.

Detergent for washing kitchen towels

There are no special products for washing kitchen towels as such, but there are chemical industry products that actually work. It's about about using familiar tools in new ways. There are radical methods for washing colored kitchen towels if the others simply did not help:

  1. Silicate glue can be used to remove old and stubborn stains. It is dissolved in boiling water along with washing powder. For three liters of boiling water, add a tablespoon of glue and powder, stir well and boil the towels in this mixture for about half an hour. It is important to rinse the fabric thoroughly.
  2. Hair shampoo will deal with fruit stains. The fabric is pre-soaked in hot water. Next, apply shampoo and leave for an hour. Wash as usual. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  3. Housewives even fight difficult stains with the help of “Mole” type powders. This is an extreme and radical measure, but the method works. The powder is diluted in two glasses of hot water and soaked in a towel, then washed in the usual way.

In the previous article, I told you, dear readers, where germs and bacteria live in the kitchen. They do not bypass our kitchen towels, with which we dry our hands, wipe washed dishes, washed vegetables and fruits, and sometimes grab hot pots and pans.

To keep your towels sparkling clean and fresh, you need to wash them properly, and today you will learn 6 effective ways to wash kitchen towels.

There are many ways to wash kitchen towels, which are used depending on the situation.

It is suitable if the towel is not very dirty (this is usually the case if you change the kitchen towel once every two days). A kitchen towel can be washed without soaking in a modern washing machine. The main thing is to install it correctly temperature regime(for white cotton towels 90-95 degrees, for colored ones - no more than 60 degrees) and use a suitable powder (for white or colored linen), this increases the washing efficiency.

Method two - for very dirty towels

To wash a heavily soiled towel, you need to soak it first. Moreover, it is possible various options manual soaking:

  • you can soak for 3-4 hours in washing powder, adding 100 grams of soda (soda will eliminate the unpleasant odor), but this is only possible for white towels, since colored towels can fade and lose their original color when soaked in washing powder;
  • can be soaked in a bleach suitable for the fabric, and to achieve maximum effect Soaking for an hour in universal Domestos works well;
  • can be soaked in cold salty water (one tablespoon of salt per liter of water) for one hour. This is suitable for both white and colored tea towels. This soak will help remove coffee and tomato sauce stains.

Then wash the kitchen towels as usual in the washing machine, as in the first method.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Karacheva

The kitchen is always busy, so textiles have to be washed quite often. Bleaching kitchen towels with vegetable oil- forgotten by many, but quite an effective way to return kitchen towels original appearance and freshness. In this article we will focus on the secrets of deleting different spots on kitchen fabrics.

Removing greasy stains on kitchen towels

There is a very effective way to get rid of greasy stains on kitchen towels without soaking. This method helps even with old stains on very dense fabric. In addition, persistent bad smell, which is also sometimes difficult for housewives to deal with.

You need to grate a piece of laundry soap on a coarse grater. It is best to opt for soap with the maximum percentage of alkali - it is stronger. Now add about 2 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l soda ash and mix everything thoroughly. You can also use bleach. The resulting contents should be transferred to a large enamel container and filled with water about halfway.

The water should be warm, but not hot, since the resulting mixture should completely dissolve and form a homogeneous suspension. To make this happen faster, stir the solution vigorously using a wooden stick.

Now put things into a container and put on fire. The water should boil, then reduce the heat and boil the towels for about 15-20 minutes. During this time, it is recommended to periodically mix the solution with towels. Make sure that all the fabric is in the liquid, otherwise washing will not give the desired effect.

After digestion is complete, wash the napkins in the usual way with bleach powder and rinse thoroughly. This method not quite suitable for brightly colored towels, but considered ideal for waffle kitchen fabrics.

The second recipe has been tested for many generations and can easily replace even expensive store-bought products.

Fill an enamel bucket with water and put it on the fire. When it boils, add about 2 tbsp. l. dry bleach or stain remover (only without chlorine, it is better to use oxygen bleach), 0.5 cups of washing powder and 2-3 tbsp. l. oils (it is better to take light, refined ones). Mix everything well, then put things into the mixture - let the bucket sit on the fire for another 10-15 minutes. Through specified time remove the bucket from the stove and let the solution with towels cool for several hours. You'll see: even complex pollution washable with vegetable oil! All you have to do is wash the wipes with powder and bleach and rinse well.

It’s up to you to decide which composition is best for washing textiles, but the effectiveness of both has been tested by time.

Washing with pre-soak

In addition to boiling, you can wash using vegetable oil and soaking. This type of washing will be no less effective, but it is suitable even for thin items that cannot be boiled.

So, take a large enamel container and add it to equal parts oil, oxygen bleach or stain remover, baking soda and regular laundry detergent. Assume that there should be 3 tbsp of each product. l. for 3 liters of water. Accordingly, if more water, then you also need to take more of the listed components. Pour the mixture hot water and mix everything thoroughly. Now put the products there and leave them to soak overnight. The entire cloth must be wet, otherwise the dirt will not be removed evenly. The next morning, you can wash your towels with bleach by hand or in a machine.

Another solution can be used for soaking kitchen towels. Take about 3 tbsp. l. table non-iodized salt and pour 3 liters of cold water, then mix everything thoroughly. You can use additional bleach. Accordingly, more water - more funds. Soak the textiles in the solution for 8-9 hours (preferably overnight). If the grease stains are too ingrained, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and bleach. In the morning, wash everything in the usual way with powder, but it is preferable to do it in a washing machine.

Machine washable

You can both soak and wash kitchen towels in a machine. This type of washing is more effective than hand washing, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort. But if you want to first soak the items directly in the machine and then wash them, then it is better to use a semi-automatic machine or a unit with vertical loading of laundry. Here are some tips to machine washable using towels with sunflower oil gave maximum results.

  • Before putting towels into the machine, first make a solution and mix everything thoroughly. Adding substances to the water with towels will be useless, since then the bleach will not give the desired effect;
  • Vegetable oil should be added to the tank only after the other auxiliary components have completely dissolved;
  • Always place completely dry towels in the tank. Wet material will repel bleaching agents, while dry material will completely absorb them from the solution;
  • When bleaching in a machine, never add both vinegar and baking soda at the same time. As a result of the reaction between these components, a large number of foam that may flow out of the machine during operation;
  • For thick potholders, choose the normal mode, for thin potholders, select the delicate mode. You can use hot water for this. And if the laundry was previously soaked in the machine, you need to wring it out and replace the solution with a new one;
  • Never machine wash white and colored items at the same time, otherwise you may end up with colored stains on the white fabric, which is almost impossible to deal with.

Secrets of removing various stains

Now let's look directly at specific recipes to combat various types dirt on kitchen towels. You already know how to remove greasy stains, but what if there are other equally complex stains on the canvas?

  • Small stains of grease that have been planted recently can be easily washed off with vegetable sunflower oil or the most common dishwashing degreaser;
  • Mold can be easily removed with table vinegar. Just soak in vinegar problem area for 10-15 minutes, and soon there will be no trace of mold left. By the way, this way you can also overcome the unpleasant smell from dampness;
  • Stains from any fruit can be easily washed off with hair shampoo;
  • If there are signs on white kitchen napkins yellow spots after long storage in the closet or as a result of frequent use and washing, you can try to remove them with laundry soap. Wet the product and rub it with soap. Leave the napkins for 3-4 hours, then wash and rinse them.

These simple methods will help you deal with dirty textiles in the kitchen easily and without much effort.

Ideal for washing at home kitchen textiles– this is not an easy matter, so you need to take the choice of funds seriously. Remember: the more often you change your towels, the less time and effort it will take you to wash.

For every housewife a kitchen - special place, where most of the time is spent preparing various dishes. And, of course, it is unthinkable working space kitchens without towels or oven mitts, which get dirty at an incredible rate.

It would seem that just this morning we hung a washed towel in the kitchen, but before we knew it, coffee stains, traces of berries, or accidental greasy splashes had taken a strong position on it. That is why washing your own kitchen towels is becoming almost the main issue of concern to many women! After all, you really want to surround yourself and your loved ones with purity and freshness.

Basic rules for long service life of kitchen towels

Today the textile market is represented by wide range kitchen towels, so any housewife can choose the fabric that suits her. Most often, the choice involuntarily falls on towels that are soft, pleasant to the touch and promote comfortable use. However, terry products are far from the most perfect option, because it dries quite long time, which contributes to the accumulation and proliferation of germs and bacteria that have no place in the kitchen.

The optimal solution would be waffle or linen towels, the following tips will help extend their service life:

  • Buy 3-4 sets of kitchen towels and change them every two days. This way the fabric will not have time to become heavily soiled and any stains will be washed off without much effort.
  • Kitchen textiles white is not afraid of boiling and bleaching, so if necessary, feel free to resort to their help. Without special need, wash towels with other items that match the color scheme.
  • Mildewed towels can be washed normally, but a small amount of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide must be added to the water when rinsing. At the same time, there is no need to worry about the beauty and color saturation. The remedies listed above will have absolutely no effect on it.
  • Use kitchen towels only for their intended purpose, so you don't have to use strong remedies, helping to remove stains, but at the same time destroying the structure of the fabric. Remember, textiles in the kitchen are not intended for wiping floors and greasy dishes.
  • After washing and drying kitchen towels, they should be ironed, so they will get less dirty.
  • At very heavily polluted utensils, hands or kitchen set It is more advisable to use disposable towels rather than fabric ones; this will save not only time, but also the budget.

Traditional methods for removing stains from kitchen towels

Often the stains left on kitchen utensils are horrifying and it seems that no amount of washing can save them. However, several decades ago our mothers and grandmothers came up with methods that can remove almost any contaminant.

Washing towels with vegetable oil

  1. Pour a bucket of water and put it on fire. Bring the liquid to a boil and add 2 tablespoons of dry bleach, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and ½ cup of laundry detergent. Mix the resulting composition thoroughly and dip dry kitchen textiles into it. Remove the bucket from the stove, wait until the water has cooled completely, after which all that remains is to take out the towels and just rinse them.
  2. Pour into container required amount hot water. Then put it in equal quantities baking soda, washing powder, sunflower oil and bleach at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 3 liters of water. Soak in the mixture kitchen utensils for one night, and in the morning wash them in the washing machine on a quick wash cycle.

Washing kitchen utensils with salt

Take any container convenient for you and fill it cold water. Add enough salt so that the liquid tastes a little salty. For 3 liters of water you will need approximately 3 tablespoons of salt. Depending on the degree of contamination, soak kitchen textiles in the prepared solution for several hours or overnight. Then wash them on any mode convenient for you.

The result will amaze even the most clean and demanding housewives. Kitchen towels will become boiling white, which cannot be compared even with boiled and bleached things.

Wash with laundry soap

Laundry soap is a laundry detergent proven by many years of experience. It can remove not only yellow stains from kitchen utensils, but also particularly greasy stains with an unpleasant odor.

For washing, you will need to purchase soap that contains fatty acids in an amount of at least 72%. Then lather thoroughly economic means soiled towels and place them in plastic bag in such a way that air does not pass into it. Leave the textiles in this form for a day, then simply rinse in warm water.

Wash with abrasive substances

Help give kitchen accessories a pristine look detergents for dishes, which are also called abrasive substances.

Fill the container warm water and dilute a small amount of any detergent for washing cutlery and utensils in it.

Soak kitchen textiles in the prepared solution for about 15 minutes. Then wash it as usual. This method - perfect solution for removing greasy stains. If you have to wash white towels, then use ammonia, then you can avoid not only boiling, but also bleaching.

The main way to combat greasy stains and unpleasant odors

  1. Take laundry soap and grate it on a coarse grater.
  2. Then add 2 tablespoons of soda ash to it.
  3. Transfer the resulting contents into any enamel container and fill with water so that it fills ½ of the container. You need to wait until the mixture is completely dissolved in the liquid, then put kitchen towels into the pan and put it on the fire.
  4. Bring the water solution to a boil, then reduce the heat and leave it in this position for about 15 minutes.
  5. After completing this procedure, do not forget to wash your kitchen utensils in the washing machine.

Now, knowing such simple, but effective ways washing kitchen towels, you can safely manage the kitchen.

Coffee stains, greasy drops, berry stains - these stains are difficult to clean, and you have to use towels impeccable cleanliness. But perhaps you just don’t know all the secrets of washing kitchen items. But they are quite simple!

All methods are good for washing kitchen towels, especially if they are economical and a priori harmless. For example, vegetable oil. That which in itself is a source of pollution can also be a means of salvation.

How to wash a towel with vegetable oil:

  • Water is poured into the bucket and it is placed on the fire. Bring the water to a boil.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of bleach (dry), half a cup of washing powder and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into the water.
  • The composition must be mixed thoroughly. Towels are dropped into it.
  • The bucket is removed from the stove, and as soon as the water has cooled completely, the towels can be taken out. Of course, they need to be rinsed well.

There is another way to wash using sunflower oil. Water (hot) is poured into the basin, washing powder, sunflower oil are added to it in equal proportions, baking soda and bleach. The calculation will be approximately 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Towels are soaked in this mixture overnight and quickly washed in the machine in the morning.

Some housewives prefer to wash towels with salt, and this is also quite effective method. Pour cold water into a basin, add salt so that the water becomes salty. For example, 2 tablespoons of salt per 2 liters of water. Towels can be soaked in this liquid overnight or at least for a few hours. This is followed by regular washing in the washing machine.

Obviously, you won’t boil towels with vegetable oil or soak them in salt water every day, but if you do it once, it will be clear that you can ideally wash several kitchen towels in one go.

Removing old stains from kitchen towels (video):

Fighting greasy stains on towels

The main enemy of textiles in the kitchen is fat. Many housewives think that large greasy stains certainly cannot be washed off. No matter how neat you are, no one is safe from them.

Ways to combat greasy spots on towels:

  • Lubricate the greasy stain with dishwashing detergent (amply), so the towel should sit for about a day, after which it should be washed as usual.
  • Laundry soap can remove old stains fat The stain should be thoroughly rubbed and left for 5-10 hours, and then washed. The main mistake housewives make is that they wash almost immediately, but the towel and soap must be left in for at least five hours.
  • Vinegar is also good at getting rid of greasy stains. Literally a few tablespoons need to be added to the water before the soaking process. By the way, vinegar not only removes stains from fabric, but also eliminates unpleasant odors.

You can, of course, use widely advertised gels that remove stains almost before your eyes. But this is not always reasonable - household chemicals does not guarantee results, and along with the stain, it can remove the color from the towel.

Cleaning kitchen towels using mustard (video):

Other handy tools for washing kitchen towels

Before boiling towels, use gentle products. And, most likely, boiling will not be needed.

For example, potassium permanganate. Its weak solution can cope with a very ingrained odor. IN cold water dissolve potassium permanganate and soak things in it. If you rub them with laundry soap before this, it definitely won’t make things worse.

Hydrogen peroxide in the laundry can also be a good help. Again, a small amount of peroxide is added to the water where the laundry is soaked. Peroxide works great on grease and even mold stains. Well, there’s no need to talk about the fact that peroxide is an excellent disinfectant.

Mustard acts as a natural bleach. You need to make a paste from mustard powder, which is applied to a damp cloth and left for several hours. After this, the item should be rinsed very well and then washed as usual.

How to increase the life of towels

Simple tips will help you with this:

  • Waffle and linen towels – the best choice for kitchen.
  • After washing and drying towels, be sure to iron them thoroughly, so they will become less dirty.
  • If serious contamination is coming, and you can predict it, have disposable towels on hand.
  • Three or four sets of kitchen towels is enough to change them in a timely manner, and not wash them every day.

Knowing at least a couple simple ways fight stains, you don’t have to worry about the long-term use of kitchen towels.

Method for cleaning stains on kitchen towels (video tip):

You don't have to spend money on expensive means, whose chemical composition may be a long list of unfamiliar words, even if they are quite ordinary folk recipes copes well with any contamination. You can wash kitchen towels cheaply, simply and harmlessly using folk remedies.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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