For as many years as microwave ovens have existed, articles have appeared in the press about the terrible dangers of microwave ovens. At the same time, the reader is bombarded with a whole sea of ​​frightening terms like “molecular rot”, “rupture of molecules” and other pseudoscientific horror stories, which in fact do not exist and cannot exist.

Of course, many of us have forgotten even the information about physics that was obtained from a school textbook, not to mention deeper knowledge.

It is easy to manipulate the consciousness in conditions of insufficient awareness of the audience, while referring to certain studies conducted unknown where or by whom, and declare that a microwave causes great and undeniable harm, that its use is unacceptable for human health and that food cooked in it is not very good. useful. Solid "no".

No, talk about complete and absolute safety microwave oven It's also not possible. But the word “harm” is inappropriate here, otherwise no one would cook in it. Everything in life has both positive and negative qualities, the microwave oven is no exception. A reasonable person finds the most rational path, taking into account real facts and without thinking that household appliances(in particular a microwave oven) can cause irreparable harm to his health.

Unfortunately, in reality, microwave research into whether there is any benefit or harm from microwave ovens has been few and far between. But one thing is clear: cooking with a microwave oven is neither harmful nor dangerous.

Let's look at how real the harm of a microwave oven is to human health and whether it exists at all, whether there is any benefit from this device, and whether it is possible to cook in the oven. To do this, you will have to remember something from physics.

How does a microwave oven work?

A magnetron is built into the microwave body, emitting electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency. Certain, because electromagnetic radiation with a different wavelength is used in many industries, and some devices should not interfere with the operation of others. In particular, mobile phones, radars, etc.

The world is permeated with electromagnetic radiation, and yet there is still no evidence that anyone has suffered from it.

This means that the harm is not so significant, and food heated in a microwave does not become poison (it is just as harmful as food cooked in kitchen stove). Research aimed at clarifying the influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans is being carried out, but their results rarely become sensations.

Since the wavelength produced by the magnetron of a microwave oven is sufficiently long, the radiation does not penetrate outward through the insulated walls of the device and does not cause harm. Food is prepared beautifully in such conditions. Of course, if the insulating layer of the microwave oven is not damaged (otherwise there may be harm to human health, but it is not the device as such that is to blame, but the fact that the oven’s service life has expired).

When cooking in modern models, perfectly protected, you can even bury your nose in the glass of the door during the process, and no harm will be done. But it’s time to get rid of old stoves, and not only because they are morally outdated.

In older models, the protection was not so perfect, as stated in the instructions for each of them: it was not recommended to be near a working microwave oven at a distance closer than 1.5 meters when food was being prepared there. There was harm to health, and the manufacturers did not hide it.

Regarding horror stories about whether the microwave is harmful as a method of processing food, the following can be said. When you cook food on an electric stove or over a fire, the process goes like this:

  • First, the bottom and walls of the dish heat up, and then the temperature of the food in the dish also rises (the food begins to cook). When heated, water molecules begin to move more actively; the higher the temperature, the more faster movement. The movement is chaotic.
  • If food is heated too much, vitamins are destroyed and proteins are denatured. This is not harmful - protein denaturation is the purpose of heat treatment. There is no point in arguing about how great the benefits of thermally processed foods are, or whether everyone should switch to a raw food diet. Everyone is free to decide for themselves what to eat and how to cook.

If you use a microwave oven, the above process will differ in two ways:

  • Heating does not occur from the walls of the cookware, but in the product itself. Microwaves affect the water molecules contained in any product, causing them to rotate with high speed. The rotation of molecules creates molecular friction, due to which heating occurs. Faster spinning water molecules closer to the surface transfer energy to molecules located deeper. Thus, the food is heated throughout the entire volume, and not just at the walls of the dish. The same movement of molecules occurs, only it is more ordered.
  • Heating extremely rarely exceeds 100°C, since only water is heated. That's why without additional function Grilling the surface of the product in the microwave will not produce a crispy crust. But due to the fact that the products are heated throughout the entire volume at once, significantly less time is spent on cooking. This is an undoubted benefit: much more vitamins are retained in an easily digestible form.

However, you can’t do without the negative: short-term exposure to temperature does not kill all bacteria. For example, studies have shown that salmonella easily survives after food is processed in the microwave.

Is it possible to consider that because of this microwave oven is harmful to health? No. On a regular stove, you can cook food just as poorly and become infected with salmonella or other pathogenic bacteria. The benefits and harms of microwave ovens in this case are determined not by the way the products are processed, but by the correctness of the culinary process.

Myths and reality

In articles that roam the network from resource to resource, the results of one or another study in different countries. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, it is impossible to find the original results, as well as information about those who conducted these studies.

All articles that use scientific terms and describe impossible processes raise doubts. For example, science does not know the process called “molecular rot” in horror stories. Namely, this very mysterious rot is cited as an argument in disputes about whether a microwave oven is harmful to health.

Some mysterious “scientists” report that as a result of exposure to microwaves, “water molecules are torn apart.” This is, to put it mildly, sheer nonsense. When a water molecule breaks down, it breaks down into two elements: oxygen and hydrogen, and not into some molecular fragments. It is hardly necessary to remind that both of these gases are constantly present in the atmosphere and do not cause harm. Destroying a water molecule is not as easy as it is presented in articles.

Studies are mentioned that when processed in a microwave oven, the structure of water is disrupted. And as evidence, reports are given that water after a microwave becomes “dead”, in contrast to natural, “living” water. And “dead” water, of course, causes harm, destroying fine structures throughout the body.

But readers would do well to remember that the water in their cup of tea right now may be exposed to electromagnetic radiation from a nearby mobile phone or Wi-Fi. Should you be afraid of a microwave if you are not going to give up either wireless Internet or mobile communications? If there is harm from electromagnetic radiation, then it also comes from these devices.

But there are also very real recommendations that can reduce the harm caused to health when using a microwave oven. This applies to utensils used for cooking. Research has shown that it is better not to put it in the oven. plastic containers. Even those that have a symbol indicating that they are acceptable for use in a microwave oven. It's best to avoid any plastic. Under the influence of temperature, many of them are released into environment substances that can cause actual rather than hypothetical harm.

But glass is practically safe, just like high quality ceramics. Use high-quality glass and ceramics for your microwave, and the health hazards will be reduced.

Whether you use the microwave or throw it in the trash is up to you. Perhaps for impressionable people who react vividly to scary stories from the press, a microwave oven can actually be harmful to health, solely due to self-hypnosis, since there is no significant harm! But then it is worth abandoning other inventions that use electromagnetic waves to work in order to be consistent. No means no! Without any exceptions. And even such medical procedures as UHF, for example, will have to be forgotten.

Compactness, practicality and ease of use - all this has contributed to the fact that the microwave oven has become a common kitchen item along with the refrigerator or oven. In addition, people have become so accustomed to it that in the absence of it, for example, at the dacha, the question often arises of how exactly to defrost food or prepare a dish without using oil. And that's not to mention just reheating food. However, there is an opinion that this kitchen item does not benefit the body. Is there harm? Is it a myth or reality? This is exactly what will be discussed in this review.

Benefit or harm?

At first glance, the benefits of using a microwave are quite great. This is a convenient device with great functionality. With its help, you can greatly simplify the daily life of any person who does not have enough time to prepare food. However, scientists are constantly arguing. And the topic of their discussions concerns the harm of microwave ovens to human health. The main reason for the controversy is the operating principles of the equipment and the effect that the emitted waves have on the body. You should try to figure out what underlies the operation of a microwave oven. It is also necessary to discuss the rules that should be followed when using the equipment.

The benefits have already been mentioned above. Those people who constantly use this unit say that it is convenient and saves a lot of time. As an example, consider simply reheating food. On the stove it will take several times longer. In addition, without oil in such a situation it will not be possible to heat it up. But it is precisely this that, after heat treatment, turns into a source of carcinogens, which causes enormous harm to the body of any person.

What happens to food in the microwave?

In addition, having spent less time heating food, at first glance, preserving all the beneficial substances and vitamins is not so difficult. However, is it possible to talk about the benefits of that food, the molecular structure of which has completely changed, turning into an unknown compound? Could this be related to the harmful effects of microwave ovens on human health? It should be noted that the moment food is transformed into an unnatural form, it loses all useful elements. Accordingly, the body simply stops absorbing it. What is this connected with? The operating principle of a microwave oven can help answer this question.

How the device works

The operation of the device is based on the action of a fairly powerful magnetron. It provides the ability to convert conventional electricity into electric field high power. It will be characterized by an ultra-high frequency of 2450 MHz. It is due to this that the product heats up quickly enough. During reflection from internal covering body made of metal, the emitted waves evenly begin to affect the food. Their speed can be comparable to the speed of light. The frequency of the charge in such a situation is changed directly by the magnetron. This prerequisite for contact of microparticles with water molecules found in food.

Colliding with these molecules, microwaves begin to rotate them at a fairly high frequency. About a million times per second. In this case, molecular friction is formed. At the same time, enormous damage is caused to the molecules of the product. They become deformed and torn. In other words, ultra-high frequency (microwave) waves transform the structure of food at the molecular level. And that is why many are discussing the dangers of microwave ovens for human health, which is already weakened due to the influence of negative external factors.

What are the reasons for the arguments about the dangers of the device?

Radiation should also be considered dangerous because powerful waves can affect a person who is near the operating device. The danger increases if there is a malfunction in the device or the housing is damaged. Naturally, the developers say that microwave ovens are absolutely harmless. According to them, a sealed housing with a door equipped with a special mesh protects from microwave rays.

Russian scientists, after conducting several studies, have confirmed the harm of microwave ovens to human health. It can be caused by prolonged exposure to a working device. Possible problems include:

  1. Deformation of the composition of blood and lymph.
  2. Disturbances that occur in nerve impulses in the cerebral cortex.
  3. Disorders affecting the internal potential of cell membranes.
  4. Destruction of nerve endings, as well as disruption nervous system generally.
  5. The risk of malignant tumors.

What can changes at the molecular level lead to in a product?

What else can be said about the health risks of microwave ovens? Almost all products that were exposed to microwave rays contained carcinogens. Has been reduced nutritional value food by about 60%. What can happen if you consume an irradiated product?

  1. Disorders may occur digestive system, as well as metabolic disorders.
  2. May be weakened This occurs due to changes in the lymph glands and in the blood serum.
  3. Are formed free radicals, which provoke the development of cancer cells and disrupt the functions of the body.

How to reduce the degree of harm?

Is it possible to reduce the health hazards of microwave ovens? Regardless of large quantity arguments from scientists and opponents of this device, many people still use this invention. They trust him not only with the cooking process, but also with their health. It is useless to prove that it is harmful. And if you decide to continue using the microwave, then you should listen to some recommendations. With their help you can reduce the harm of microwave ovens for children and adults.

  1. The device must be installed on a level horizontal surface, which will be approximately 90 cm above the floor. The distance between the equipment and the wall should not be less than 15 cm. From the edge of the surface to the device should be more than 10 cm.
  2. Ventilation openings must not be blocked.
  3. If there is no food inside, you cannot press the power button. If the weight of food is less than 200 g, then you should not put it in the oven.
  4. It can also be harmful to human health because some people have a desire to cook eggs in their shells in the device. Accordingly, the product explodes. For this reason, the door may come off. In the event that the egg still does not explode in the device, then this can happen in the hands.
  5. An explosion can also occur if it was decided to heat a simple metal can.
  6. should be made of thick glass or heat-resistant plastic.


It's only simple measures, which will reduce the harm of the microwave oven. Photos, videos, other recommendations and discussions about the operation of the device - all this is on modern stage quite popular among people. But not everyone is able to give up the microwave. And this is largely due to the time savings that it gives.

You can often hear the question, is a microwave oven harmful to health? To which you will always get a different answer. Let's talk about each point of view separately.

Operating principle

Whether it is a myth or not that food from a microwave oven is harmful can only be clarified after considering the operating principle of the device.

A household appliance heats food using microwaves. Under their influence, the molecules begin to vibrate and the food begins to heat up. In this case, vibrations occur in the elements of water, which is contained in all food products. Thanks to such actions, heating occurs. The frequency of microwave radio waves is 2540 MHz.

The radiation in the device can penetrate products to a depth of no more than three centimeters. Next, the heating procedure proceeds gradually inward. Food with a large number moisture heats up in the device much faster than “dry”.

Evidence of harm from microwaves

“Microwave oven: benefit or harm?” – people have been arguing for a long time. Supporters of the idea that the device is harmful and nothing more put forward several pieces of evidence:

1. Research by scientists.

USSR researchers once said that the stove was directly harmful to the human body.

In 1976, based on their findings, the government even banned the production and use of microwave devices. For them, the harm of a microwave was clear. It wasn't until 1990 that the microwave permit came into force.

Scientists of that time provided the following series of evidence:

  • under microwave influence the structure of food disintegrates;
  • when heated, carcinogenic substances appear that are dangerous;
  • the changed composition causes digestive disorders;
  • after consumption microwave food cancer cells begin to manifest themselves (growth progresses);
  • microwaves provoke tumors in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • promote the decomposition of the digestive and excretory systems;
  • under their influence, the body loses the ability to absorb minerals, lipotropics, vitamins;
  • it is unsafe to be near a household microwave appliance;
  • chemical processes in food under the influence of electromagnetic waves do not proceed correctly. Eating such food leads to malignant tumors, disruptions in the lymph system and a decrease in the functions of protection against the occurrence of serious pathologies.

In those years, scientists put an end to the question: is microwave food harmful or healthy?

2. The harm of a microwave oven to human health is due to radiation from the device. They say it can come out.

Electromagnetic waves penetrate walls microwave device and have a negative impact on humans.

3. When heated in the device, food loses its beneficial properties for the body.

Is it harmful for children to heat food in the oven? Harmful and dangerous. If you give me something to drink infant milk from the device, his nervous system will be damaged. Amino acids in milk and infant formula turn into isomers under the influence of microwave radiation. These substances are very toxic. They cause disturbances in proper operation nervous system. Also, isomers become especially dangerous for the kidneys. If children receive milk from artificial formulas, then after microwave radiation it will certainly become toxic.

4. The microwave is radioactive.

5. Metal objects inside can cause an explosion., which will injure the user of the device. It turns out that the device can cause physical harm to humans.

Scientific evidence of harm

1992 - the beginning of research in the USA on the topic of cooking in an “enemy” oven. Scientists tried to find out whether the device was harmful or beneficial. The researchers' findings suggested that oven microwaves may cause more harm than good. Food “comes out” of the device containing microwave energy. This unnecessary energy remains in the molecules. It is absent in products subject to normal thermal heating. As a result, the conclusion was reached: in people who ate food from the microwave, cholesterol jumped up and hemoglobin dropped. Microwaves have been proven to be harmful.

A little earlier in 1989, Swiss scientists tried to find out whether microwave ovens are harmful to the body and how, in general, it affects humans. There was no money to conduct large-scale exercises and the researchers decided to take on a person who would be subjected to an experiment that was important for people. The essence of it was the sequence of eating.

The test subject had to take the emitted food one time at a time: first cooked thermally on the stove, then in the microwave. After each stage, scientists carried out necessary tests. As a result, they came to the conclusion: microwave food is harmful. After such food, the test subject experienced negative changes in the blood, which could lead to cancer.

Then their opinion was refuted by the WHO (World Health Organization), which stated that microwave radiation cannot have an effect on humans and food. But WHO noted that pacemakers implanted in humans can react to microwaves. Such people should give up not only microwaves household stoves, but also from phones cellular communications.

Microwave is not harmful! Destroying myths

Let's try to prove that microwave ovens are not harmful to human health. Let's refute the above myths. A microwave device has a use or benefit of use.

Microwave food is harmful to children

The reality is different. Famous pediatrician O.E. Komarovsky confirms this in his program. The doctor claims that the microwave is absolutely safe for children. Below you can watch a video on the topic:

According to the doctor, a microwave oven can harm a child only in one case: the baby can get burned due to food that is too hot and unevenly heated. To prevent this from happening, adults should warm up the food. If, nevertheless, the child heats food himself, then he must know the rules for using the device and be careful.

Microwave heating causes loss of vitamins And needed by a person substances.

The second myth was not substantiated either. Disclaimer: Heating as a process will definitely lead to loss of value of the products. Therefore, the harm from the microwave in this case is absolutely equal to the harm from the stove and oven.

Formation of carcinogens under the influence of microwave radiation.

This is also a fiction. The reality is that carcinogens and trans fats appear in food after heating it in oil. Rapid heating, on the contrary, kills various microorganisms (for example, E. coli), because they cannot tolerate such high-speed heating. Food after household appliance receives a sterilization effect.

We continue the conversation on the topic “microwave oven: benefit or harm.”

Product structure falls apart

Science has confirmed that microwave energy is simply not capable of causing molecular disintegration of molecules. For this reason, there cannot be any harm from a microwave oven.

It is not safe to be near a microwave oven due to radiation.

Not true! The fraction of radiation from the device is negligible. Its size is equal to the radiation from cell phones and medical devices. It can do no harm. The devices are equipped with good protective screens. There is no danger if the appliance is not used with the door open.

Explosion due to metal objects

This is a false opinion. Because the cause of any explosion is the rapid expansion of gas. In our case, metal objects in a microwave oven will only produce sparks. And the resulting sparks will damage the main element of the magnetron device. By the way, heating food in metal objects is not recommended.

The device causes various diseases

To date, there is no evidence of this fact. Not a single person has died due to the fault of a microwave oven.

The benefits and harms of microwaves are a controversial issue. It is impossible to answer unequivocally whether to use it or not.

But if you use it, then follow these recommendations:

  1. Comply with all requirements for correct installation.
  2. Do not block ventilation openings.
  3. Do not turn on the device idle.
  4. Try to heat at least 200 grams of food.
  5. Do not put foods that could explode (eg eggs) inside.
  6. Do not place metal utensils inside.
  7. Choose the right container for heating: heat-resistant plastic or thick glass.
  8. If there is another heating method (stovetop, toaster), use them. Make the presence of a microwave oven in everyday life minimal.
  9. Do not use the microwave if it is faulty.

As we found out, the device cannot cause harm or negative impact. What can it do? A microwave can provide benefits that include:

  • You can cook food without fats and oils;
  • it takes much less time to prepare food;
  • You can quickly defrost and reheat food.

Let's summarize. What is characteristic of a microwave oven: benefit or harm? Let everyone decide for themselves.

Nowadays, it’s hard to imagine a kitchen that doesn’t have a microwave. And of course, there are many people who speak out in favor of this device, but there are also those who are against it. Therefore, let's figure out whether microwave ovens are harmful - is it a myth or reality, and is there any scientific evidence for them? negative influence on the human body? Should we use such an assistant in the kitchen, or should we not?

Throughout its existence, humanity has been wary of all new home appliances that appeared thanks to the useful inventions of scientists. This was the case when the first refrigerators, telephones, washing machines. First of all, this was negatively perceived by the clergy, who attributed these innovations to infernal machines.

But over time, they all became necessary helpers in everyday life. The same myth has become harmful to microwaves, and to debunk it, you need to look at its operating principle.

Harm or benefit?

If you look at the item from the point of view of the housewife in the kitchen, then a microwave is a necessary household appliance, since with its help food is heated in a matter of minutes, and at the same time it warms up evenly. Thanks to this, a person’s time spent on cooking is reduced.

But at the same time, scientists are engaged in heated debate about whether microwave ovens are harmful to health. The reason for their dispute is what effect microwaves have on the human body during operation. of this device. In order to understand the dangers of the device, you need to consider how exactly it works.

Many people have already long time use this household item and are completely satisfied with its performance. It not only reheats food perfectly, but also significantly reduces the time it takes to prepare breakfast or dinner. Even if you just heat up food on the stove, it takes twice as long, because in this case, first of all, the dishes in which the food is heated are heated, and then the food itself.

In addition, it is also necessary to use oil, without which the food will burn. While in the microwave, food is heated evenly and does not require the addition of fat. So, after all, what is more from a microwave - benefit or harm?


Many people, hearing the word “wave”, begin to picture radiation and cancer in their imagination. There are even several myths about this. Let's try to figure it out: is the harm of microwaves a myth or reality?

  1. The first myth is that microwave waves are radioactive. But this is a big misconception of people. This device emits non-ionizing waves that do not in any way affect food or human body.
  2. The second myth is that a microwave, under the influence of waves, changes the structure of the prepared food. That food becomes carcinogenic after heating. But even here there is no scientific confirmation, since such changes can only occur after exposure to radioactive waves on the product. In addition, a carcinogen can be obtained by overcooking food in an ordinary frying pan, but not by exposure to microwaves. The benefit of the microwave is that you don’t need to use fat to heat food. In addition, food can be cooked very short time and at the same time does not lose its properties, unlike when it is heated for a long time.
  3. Myth three: microwave radiation is very dangerous for humans. Although in fact these waves cause exactly the same harm to the body as Wi-Fi or TV. The only difference is that during cooking the waves are more active. But you need to remember that these waves are only inside the furnace. It should also be noted that such waves do not tend to accumulate in objects; they both arise and decay.

From a scientific point of view

So is a microwave oven harmful to human health? And what does science say about this? Many people claim that when food is heated in this oven, the food loses all its beneficial substances. But they forget that all these processes also take place during other types of heat treatment of products. For change useful properties product affects:

  • Processing products at high temperatures.
  • The time at which food is processed.
  • When cooking food, many vitamins and other useful substances are absorbed by water.

And when scientific experiments It has been proven that when cooking food in a microwave, much less nutrients are lost than with other types of cooking.

  1. Firstly, this happens because it does not require the use of water.
  2. Secondly, food is cooked several times faster, which allows many substances not to lose their properties.
  3. Thirdly, food is cooked at a temperature no higher than one hundred degrees, which is much lower than when cooking on a conventional stove.

In this case, the products practically do not lose their properties, but you need to remember that in the microwave the substances that are necessary in the treatment of cancer tumors disappear. For example, garlic loses useful qualities, so it is not recommended to add it to dishes when cooking. It's better to do this after.

Furnace structure

In order to debunk the myth that a person is harmed by a microwave oven and also receives microwave radiation, let’s look at how the oven itself works.

First of all, let's look at the furnace body itself. It is equipped with a magnetron, which emits electromagnetic waves. The waves themselves are regulated by a certain frequency. At the same time, everything is arranged so as not to interrupt the operation of other devices.

It should be noted that modern world completely saturated with electromagnetic waves and radiation, but, nevertheless, not a single victim has yet been found from them. Having examined all these factors, the question arises: is a microwave oven harmful or not?

Hence the conclusion is that not all radiation is dangerous, and besides, food cooked in a microwave oven is not at all dangerous to the human body.

The waves used for cooking do not penetrate beyond the oven and therefore cannot cause any harm to humans. It is not hidden that the old models of microwave ovens were imperfect in their design, and this was stipulated in the instructions for use. But more modern products have much more advanced protection, and allow you to be in sufficient proximity to the stove.

To compare which food is more healthy, prepared in the traditional way or in the microwave, let’s look at how the cooking process occurs.

When cooking on a traditional stove, the dishes are heated first, and only then does the food begin to be cooked. And when the products reach high temperature, they begin to destroy vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. And this process is quite normal, because some foods cannot be eaten raw.

When cooking food in a microwave, the following processes occur. Under the influence of microwaves, food begins to warm up from the middle. Thanks to chemical process, which takes place in food products that are affected by waves, the food is heated immediately throughout its entire volume. The temperature at which food is heated barely reaches one hundred degrees.

This is the reason why everyone’s favorite crispy crust does not appear on products. And, in addition, because the product is heated throughout its entire volume at once, the time for its preparation is significantly reduced, which allows you to preserve a significant amount of vitamins and nutrients.

But, as with everything else, using microwave ovens also has its downsides. When cooking food in such a short time, the products do not lose their properties, but some bacteria do not die. Salmonella is one of those bacteria that survives in such conditions.

Are microwaves harmful to health? Definitely not. But with regular cooking, you can make it much better than in the microwave. And if you cook food on something other than a regular stove, there is every chance of contracting salmonellosis. In this case, the benefits and harms of a microwave are determined only by the skill of the cook, on which the quality of the prepared food depends.

What could be the consequences?

However, with constant exposure to microwaves on the human body, microwaves are still harmful to health. As a result of these radiations, the following symptoms occur:

  • A person experiences insomnia and excessive sweating during sleep.
  • The person begins to have a headache and feel very dizzy.
  • The lymph nodes increase in volume, and the immune system is greatly weakened.
  • Cognitive functions are impaired.
  • The person suffers from depression and is constantly in an irritable state.
  • Nausea occurs and appetite is lost.
  • Vision problems arise.
  • A person is tormented by constant thirst, and, of course, frequent urination.

Such symptoms occur in most cases in those people who are constantly exposed to microwaves. They receive this exposure from nearby cellular antennas or other similar generators.

Let's look at what else is dangerous about a microwave oven, as well as the radiation from a microwave oven. If there are any malfunctions in it, then there is a danger to the health of people who are close to the device. But, despite the manufacturers’ assurances that the housing is sealed, which ensures protection from microwaves, the danger of a microwave oven is as follows:

  1. In a person who is exposed to microwave rays for a long time, the composition of the blood is deformed.
  2. Disturbances occur in the cerebral cortex.
  3. Nervous system disorders occur.
  4. There is a high risk of cancer.

Video: How harmful are microwave ovens?

The microwave is also harmful because it can cause problems in the digestive system and weaken the immune system. And in order to reduce the harm of microwave ovens, you need to follow following rules:

  • Install the microwave oven in the correct position horizontal position. The surface on which the microwave is installed should be one meter from the floor.
  • Under no circumstances should the ventilation be closed.
  • You should never cook eggs in their shells in the microwave. They can explode and cause harm not only to humans, but also to the device itself.
  • The same explosion occurs from the use of metal utensils.
  • Dishes for use in the microwave should be made of thick glass or special plastic.

In order to correctly determine the harm and benefits of a microwave oven, you need to listen to the recommendations of specialists. Namely:

  1. Follow the rules for using the device specified in the instructions.
  2. Never turn on an empty oven.
  3. The food that needs to be heated must be at least 200 grams.
  4. Do not place objects inside the oven that could cause an explosion.
  5. Do not use metal utensils.
  6. Don't heat all your food in the microwave. Some foods need to be reheated or cooked on a traditional stovetop.
  7. You cannot use a microwave that is faulty.

The benefit of using a microwave is that you don’t need to use any fat or water to heat it up. Food cooks much faster than on a traditional stove or oven. And another plus is that this device It also allows you to quickly defrost food.

As a result of all of the above, it is up to the user to decide whether a microwave oven is harmful or beneficial.

Is a microwave oven harmful? I want to find out this question once and for all. Perhaps the facts from “experts” are just as much a myth as many others. The controversy over the question: is it harmful or not? began immediately after the appearance of the first microwave ovens. Manufacturers claim that there is no harm (they didn’t expect anything else from them), the population is sure that there is (on the Internet you can even find the “fact” that microwaves have been used to “shoot down planes”). We decided to figure it out for ourselves: is the food from the microwave, which we often use, harmful?

Users, fascinated by the advantages of this device, in response to attacks by opponents of the use of stoves, give the following arguments:

  1. Modern microwaves quickly heat food, which is important for people who are short on time.
  2. In the device it is difficult to bring food to the point where it runs away. The presence of ready-made programs allows you to select optimal mode processing for each type of food.
  3. Even a child can heat food in the microwave. This is safer for him than using a gas or electric stove for this purpose.
  4. You can heat food without oil, which, according to American researchers, eliminates the cause of cancer.
  5. According to research, using a microwave to process food preserves the maximum amount of vitamin C.

Myths that have not been confirmed

Let's try to look at most of the myths about microwaves - how harmful they are to us:

Myth No. 1: When heated in a microwave oven, food loses most of its vitamins and nutrients. Refutation: with any heating of food, be it on the stove or in the oven, in any case, the amount of vitamins and microelements is lost. Cooked or fried food loses more vitamins than food heated in a microwave oven. After all, heating time in a microwave oven is always less than on the stove and in the oven. Consequently, less vitamins are lost.

Myth No. 2: under the influence microwave radiation carcinogens are formed, food cooked in the microwave is supposedly dangerous to human health. Refutation: the fact is that carcinogens and trans fats are formed in food after frying it in oil. Rapid heating, on the contrary, kills microorganisms harmful to humans (for example, E. coli), since these microorganisms die with such a strong impact. Food after being microwaved receives a sterilization effect.

Myth No. 3: Microwaves cause changes in food at the molecular level. Food becomes deformed. Refutation: It has long been confirmed that microwave energy cannot cause molecular disintegration of molecules.

Microwave chicken is healthier than fried chicken. Since during the cooking process a very small number of heterocyclic amines are formed. It turns out that much more of them are formed in the frying pan.

Myth No. 4: It is dangerous to be near a microwave oven, as you can catch a large dose of radiation. This is not the case if you use a microwave with closed door(and with the door open it will not work itself), then the radiation dose is the same as from a cell phone.

Myth #5: Microwaves cause gastrointestinal diseases and cancer. Refutation: at present there is not a single fact that a person died because he used a microwave oven. According to the WHO (World Health Organization), this technique does not have a harmful effect on human health.
There is only one condition that applies to people with artificial pacemakers: they should not be near ovens, since microwaves can disrupt the functioning of the heart stimulator. But this applies to both the phone and the LCD monitor.

There are several simple rules how to use a microwave oven correctly. Follow them, and you won’t have to worry about your health and won’t have to think about whether microwave food is harmful.

  • You can cook or heat food in a microwave only in a glass or special dishes. The use of metal containers and heating food in foil is strictly prohibited. How food can be placed in the chamber is indicated in the instructions for each oven. Plates with metal rims release lead when heated and will also spark.
  • Do not heat food in sealed packaging. These include unpeeled eggs, sausages wrapped in film, some kind of soup in a bag, food in foil, etc.
  • It is better to avoid semi-finished products sold in stores. It is preferable to prepare them yourself from safe products without using dyes, preservatives, or flavorings.
  • Cellophane and polyethylene bags, as well as plastic dishes, are not allowed. These materials, when heated, can not only melt, but also saturate the food with toxins. It is better to heat baby food and mother's milk in a warmer baby food, working on the principle of a water bath or in a jar with hot water. In the oven chamber, the heating of the volume occurs unevenly, as it heats the water contained in the products.
  • Heated food should be covered with a special lid so that the dish is heated evenly. This will ensure that the entire product is heated to 100°C, at which pathogenic microbes are destroyed in the food. In addition, the lid will not allow heated dishes to splash on the walls of the chamber and allow bacteria to get on them.
  • The oven chamber must be wiped after each use.
  • Once a month you should treat the walls of the chamber with vinegar.
  • All plastic packaging and bags from products must be removed.

You cannot heat or cook food in foil, as you will simply start sparking, and then the oven will simply burn out. There is special foil paper with holes, but it’s better not to experiment.

Follow these rules, know how to properly heat food in the microwave - you need to be able to use any equipment.

On the video - harm or benefit to human health:

“Facts” that gullible people believe

For decades now, we have been hearing how harmful it is to heat food in the microwave, but Europe, America, and many other countries cannot imagine their lives without a microwave oven. I can’t believe that in Europe they are so careless about health.

So, what we are used to hearing:

  1. Under over high frequency radiation The polarity of food molecules changes, accompanied by their deformation. As a result, the structure of amino acids changes, which causes the formation of toxins that are harmful to health.
  2. In Switzerland, a study was conducted on two groups of volunteers to find out whether food could be heated in microwave ovens. The subjects of the first group ate food that was cooked and heated traditional ways. Members of another consumed microwaved food. After some time, a blood test of the participants showed that the experimental subjects who ate food that had passed through the oven had a decrease in hemoglobin, an increase in cholesterol, and an increase in the number of lymphocytes.
  3. After studying the composition of food processed in the microwave, scientists discovered that it contained foreign components (considered dangerous) that were not present in the original products.

Russian scientists also decided to find out why microwaves are so harmful, and after conducting research they found:

  • the nutritional value of foods processed in a microwave oven is halved;
  • short-term exposure to microwaves is sufficient for the formation of carcinogens in vegetables and fruits, created from the alkaloids contained in these products;
  • the carcinogen nitrosodimethylamine is formed in meat after treatment with electromagnetic radiation;
  • When defrosting, galactosides and glycosides appear in products;
  • microwave processing of dairy and grain products is accompanied by the conversion of amino acids into carcinogens;
  • Despite the fact that the conclusions of these studies have not been confirmed by official science, they have not been refuted. Therefore, it should be taken into account (God protects the careful) that consumption of products containing carcinogens leads to severe health problems. The functioning of the lymphatic and digestive systems is disrupted, and cancer cells form in the blood. Radicals generated during the processing of products with electromagnetic radiation increase the risk of developing cancer. Doctors suggest that the microwave oven has become a provoking factor in the increase in the number of diseases of diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart and blood vessels.

I don't know about you, but we weren't impressed. And above we wrote and debunked many myths about this technique.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):