For many owners, the garden is not only a source useful harvest, but also an additional decoration for the house. Cute slate beds look great in any garden. Anyone can create these simple and easy-to-use products. Neat stripes will not allow the soil to crumble and will remain in place for a long time.

What are the benefits of slate fencing?

Designed to form garden paths, are good for their high strength, water and fire resistance, and the ability to protect plants from rodents. Products are quickly replaced and easily transported. The boards rot within a few seasons, but slate fencing for garden beds is very durable. Wavy sheets give the area a well-groomed appearance. You can buy them at various construction stores.

Place the beds in the most different places depending on landscape design. The owner decides what form they will take. land plot. They can be square, rectangular, trapezoidal or polygonal. To create beautiful flower bed You can use colored materials or apply unusual designs to the slate. Nice flowerpots or pots with flowers are suitable as decoration; decoration with smooth stones is also allowed, which can be repainted in a color that is in harmony with the design of the site. This is how an original garden style is created.

How to make beds from wavy slate?

When creating flower beds, you can use them with waves. The corrugation is located along or across it. The process of making a slate bed with your own hands is very simple.

  1. Cut plates of the required size across or along the waves (at the discretion of the garden owner).
  2. Mark the boundaries of the future bed by digging a trench (depth - slightly less than half the height of the product).
  3. Place the workpieces in the dug holes.
  4. Cover them with soil and compact them for stability.
  5. Reinforce the sheets with metal pegs.

When deciding how best to install corrugated asbestos cement sheets (along or across the soil), you should consider certain subtleties. If some representatives of the flora are fenced off with slate with horizontal waves, then shoots can grow along the recesses. When digging up the earth, there is a risk of miscalculating the force and breaking the fence. Vertical stripes do not have such disadvantages, but are a little more difficult to trim.

Creating beds from flat plates

You can cut the required number of fences from corrugated sheets with virtually no waste, but you can make beds from flat slate not so simple. Preference should be given to slate measuring 1.75 m. The operation algorithm is simple.

  1. Divide the workpiece into two parts: 1 meter and 75 cm.
  2. Make a hole in the ground (about 20 cm).
  3. Place the sheets in the prepared holes.
  4. Cover the products with soil and compact them thoroughly.
  5. Slice
  6. Drill holes in the slate for the bolts.
  7. Connect metal plates with asbestos-cement sheets.
  8. To prevent corrosion, paint or prime the corners.
  9. When everything is dry, fall asleep organic fertilizer: brushwood, wood particles, compost and soil.

It should be remembered that when installing a slate bed, you cannot drive the fence into the ground, otherwise it will break.

Features of work

A grinder is most suitable for making strips from the material in question. It cuts everything: iron, stones, bricks, pipes and slate. It must be used so that the wind blows the dust to the side. Since asbestos-cement dust is harmful to health, it is imperative to wear safety glasses and a cotton-gauze bandage. Under no circumstances should you use a saw on wood, otherwise you may cause serious injury to your hands.

Advantages of slate fencing

The material in question is remarkable in that it can be used for very long beds. It is not difficult to place the sides at the same height, since the depth can be controlled by the force of pressing into the soil. Asbestos cement plates have other advantages:

  • easily heat up in the sun and increase the soil temperature by several degrees, which speeds up the process of the plant receiving nutrients;
  • the material is durable and reliable;
  • the products are convenient and practical to use;
  • low cost;
  • asbestos cement strips are very durable;
  • The beds surrounded by slate look harmonious in any garden.

Slate bed strips can be painted in any color, which will further enhance the owner’s garden.

Disadvantages of slate beds

Except listed benefits, asbestos-cement products have disadvantages:

  • in extreme heat, the material overheats on both sides, which causes moisture to evaporate faster from the soil;
  • It is necessary to frequently adjust the slate, as rain washes away the soil and causes the slates to tilt.

Many people who want to make slate beds with their own hands ask the question of how this material affects human health. In fact, only asbestos-cement dust causes harm. Since slate is a ready-made pressed product, it is completely harmless.

Features of the formation of beds

Those who want to understand how to make beds from slate must follow a few simple rules.

  1. Plantations must be located from east to west.
  2. When enclosing high ground platforms, the slate is lowered to a depth equal to slightly more than half the height of the sheet.
  3. Compost should be placed at the bottom of the future bed, and a layer of soil should be poured on top of it.
  4. For compaction, many people use sawdust, strictly observing the proportions.
  5. In between the plantations you can plant a lawn; it will look great in the garden.

These simple principles will help gardeners create a beautiful flower bed.

Features of raised beds

Gardeners can make slate beds ranging from 50 to 70 cm in height. They are ideal for areas with infertile soil, as they create perfectly balanced soil for plants. Cultivated crops are practically disease-free and do not require treatment chemicals. like this positive side raised beds should not be missed, because environmentally friendly products are the key to health.

Slate does not need to be dug up often; it is enough to loosen the soil in a timely manner. You should be careful with watering, because if you moisten too often, the water may stagnate. Such structures are much easier to weed because you don’t have to bend down low. They are ideal option for cultivation annual plants, and many-year-olds will feel uncomfortable in them.

Raised beds made of slate provide double or triple the yield of regular beds. They protect plants from sudden frosts. To prevent the bed from becoming disorganized and the structure from breaking, it is necessary to make a screed. To do this, holes are made in the middle on the opposite walls through which the wire is pulled and fixed. Additional fastening done in several places depending on the length of the product. For the stability of high beds, it is recommended to dig metal pipes(2/3 of the height should be in the ground). They will become additional support.

By following all these simple principles, you can make any beds from slate yourself and receive a worthy reward for your work in the form of a harvest.

Traditional cultivation of the land requires a lot of time and physical strength, and the harvest does not always correspond to what was expected. That is why more and more gardeners are setting up high beds on their plots, allowing them to special effort receive annually excellent harvest vegetables Anyone can make raised beds with their own hands, because this does not require special skills or special equipment.

Compared to conventional beds, bulk beds have many more advantages:

  • a vegetable garden can be planted even in an area completely unsuitable for farming;
  • Digging and weeding of the garden are replaced by light loosening of the soil;
  • in a limited space it is easier to remove weeds;
  • the high bed is easy to install and just as easy to disassemble;
  • You can lay out paths between the beds and walk along them in any weather;
  • plants ripen faster, which is especially important for cold regions;
  • when arranging a high bed, good drainage is ensured;
  • crops in the beds can be easily protected from frost by covering them with tarpaulin or agrofibre.

In addition, the vegetable garden bulk beds can be very decorative, so you can set it up next to the house.

Fencing materials

A high bed is a frame of certain dimensions, interior space which is filled with soil, compost and fertilizers. Most often the frame is made rectangular shape, and it is assembled from boards, slate, branches, plastic and other materials.

Wood is the most affordable, easy to install and environmentally friendly material. To assemble the beds, boards, timber, and small logs are used. Disadvantages: wood requires protective treatment, quickly darkens and loses attractiveness, short-lived.

Vine and twigs - inexpensive and original solution. Wicker walls look very attractive; you can give the bed any shape. Disadvantages: weaving vines requires skills; the service life of such a frame is very short.

Stone and brick are an option for areas with classical architecture. Very reliable and durable material, gives the beds decorative look. Disadvantages: high cost, it will take more time to create a bed, difficult to dismantle.

Plastic is an excellent alternative to wood. Sheet plastic is easy to assemble and disassemble, it is quite durable, has attractive appearance, very durable and relatively inexpensive. Flaws: individual species plastics contain harmful substances, so they are not suitable for the garden. Ecologically safe material has a corresponding certificate, which must be presented upon purchase.

Metal is a convenient and durable material, ideal for shaped beds. If necessary, moving the metal frame will not be difficult, as will dismantling it. Appearance The metal walls are neat, they can be painted in any color or decorated with ornaments. Disadvantages: welding skills are required to assemble a metal border, price sheet metal is quite high; high-quality surface treatment is required to protect against corrosion.

Concrete – great solution For multi-tiered beds or arranging a vegetable garden on a slope. The walls can be made monolithic or assembled from individual concrete blocks. The concrete surface is easy to decorate, it is extremely strong, durable, and has a neat appearance. Disadvantages: lengthy installation process, high cost of materials, additional requirements to the installation of a drainage system.

Decorating beds with slate is a completely budget-friendly and simple option. The walls can be installed very quickly, this material lasts a long time, and for decorative purposes the slate can be painted in any color. The main disadvantage is the fragility of the material, so it should be handled with care during installation.

Each gardener selects the size and shape of the bulk bed at his own discretion. And yet, there are optimal parameters, at which the bed will be most effective:

  • height from the ground 15-50 cm;
  • width 90-120 cm;

If the bed is poured on fertile soil, it is made 15-20 cm high. This is quite enough for good harvest. If the soil on the site is not suitable for farming, the bed is raised to 30 cm. Compost beds are made even higher - up to 0.5 m. Sometimes the walls are raised very high, which allows you to avoid bending over while cultivating the soil and planting plants, but this increases material consumption and requires more time to arrange a garden. In addition, with a large frame width, it is inconvenient to cultivate the soil at such a height.

The width of the bed should be sufficient for two rows of plants. With this planting, all plants will receive the same volume of air and sunlight, which has a very positive effect on productivity. More rows leads to the fact that the average plants receive less air, are shaded, stretched upward, and the yield decreases. Cultivate the bed standard width is also much easier than being too wide.

The length of the bulk bed does not play a special role, therefore it is limited only by the size of the plot. The most common option is beds with a length of 1.5 to 3 m; They are compact and look neat in the garden.

Proper arrangement of high beds

For example, a bed with a fence made of boards is taken; This option is the most convenient and inexpensive.

During the work you will need:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • roulette;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • circular saw or jigsaw;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • boards 50x200 mm;
  • timber 50x50 mm;
  • primer;
  • construction mesh.

Step 1. Wood processing

The boards are cut to the size of the frame, after which they are coated on all sides with antiseptic impregnation. You can use used oil for these purposes, and to prevent harmful substances from penetrating into the soil, after treatment it is recommended to cover the tree with film on one side. The lower edges of the boards, which will be in contact with the ground, are treated especially carefully. The timber is sawn into pieces 50 cm long and also impregnated protective agent. After this, the building material is laid out to dry.

Step 2. Site preparation

The area for the garden bed should be illuminated by the sun for at least 5 hours a day. Mark the boundaries of the bed, remove stones and branches, dig perennials. If desired, you can dig up the soil together with fine grass - this will increase the permeability of the soil. If the soil is very dense and trampled, it is enough to remove the layer of turf around the perimeter of the marking to a small depth to make it easier to position the frame.

Step 3. Assembling the frame for the bed

The dried boards are knocked down in pairs into panels and connected to each other using bars. The height of the shields is equal to the height of the bed, the long sides of the frame are additionally reinforced with transverse bars in the center. Since the length of the bars is greater than the height of the walls, they should protrude 10 cm above the frame. These will be the legs of the frame. To improve the appearance of the structure, boards laid flat, the edges of which are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, are placed around the perimeter of the frame. Finally, the frame can be painted with outside.

Step 4. Installation of the structure

The finished frame is transferred to the installation site; align the structure according to the markings, make recesses for the legs, check the location of the bed using a building level. If necessary, place pegs or, conversely, remove excess soil. The structure should be as level as possible, with all corners at the same level. Finally, add soil around the perimeter of the walls and compact it so that there are no gaps left.

Step 5. Filling the bed

First, the bottom is covered with a construction mesh and nailed along the edges to the walls of the frame. The mesh will protect the structure from the penetration of moles and mice. Then geotextiles are laid, which will not allow weeds to grow. Next, the beds are filled in layers:

  • small branches, bark, large shavings, leaves;
  • bird droppings, rotted manure or compost;
  • fallen leaves, branches, bark, grass;
  • mineral fertilizer;
  • fertile land.

The thickness of each layer is 10 cm. There is no need to mix the layers, but it is necessary to level and compact well. If the soil on the site is not very good good quality, it is better to use purchased soil. After filling, the bed is well watered and left for a couple of days. During this time, the layers will settle a little and become denser. It is recommended to cover the frame with black agrofibre, which provides better soil heating and prevents weeds from germinating.

It is recommended to make high beds in the fall or at the end of summer, so that the layers are well rotted and the plant roots receive the maximum of useful substances. If the beds are installed in the spring, it is necessary to fill them at least a month before planting and pour plenty of water several times to compact them. It is easy to turn such a structure into a greenhouse: to do this, plastic or metal arcs are installed above the frame, the ends of which are secured to the walls with bolts. They are attached to the arches on top plastic film or special agrofibre.

Construction of beds made of slate

To create bulk beds, you can use both flat and wavy slate. The technology for installing beds using this method is very simple and anyone can do it.

Table. Wave slate

To work you will need:

  • slate sheets;
  • Bulgarian;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • a piece of chalk or pencil;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • rubber hammer;
  • drill;
  • wooden pegs or metal rods.

Step 1. Marking

In the selected area, the boundaries of the beds are marked and beacons are installed. Narrow grooves are dug along the perimeter to the depth of a bayonet. If the soil is good, then remove the entire fertile layer inside the marking, pouring it near the future beds.

Step 2. Preparing the material

Slate sheets are laid on flat surface, measure the required length and draw a chalk line across the waves. After this, the slate is cut along the lines using a grinder. The pegs are soaked bitumen mastic or waste oil, and if scraps of metal rods are used as racks, they are treated with anti-corrosion compounds.

Step 3. Installing the frame

The first sheet of slate is installed vertically in the groove from the corner of the marking. Next they put next sheet with an overlap in one wave, leveled, tapped from above rubber mallet so that both sheets are at the same height. Check the location of the upper edge of the slate with a building level; if necessary, add or remove soil from below. The walls are reinforced with metal rods or pegs, which are driven in on both sides to a depth of 0.5 m. So, all the sheets of the frame are placed one by one, the trench is filled up and the horizontal level is checked again. After this, the soil near the walls is compacted and the excess is removed.

Step 4. Filling the bed

At the very bottom you can put old newspapers, cardboard, pieces of wallpaper, the next layer is chopped brushwood, tree bark, sawdust. After this, small shavings are poured in, plant waste, peat or compost are laid. And all this is sprinkled on top with the soil that was taken out at the very beginning. Water the bed generously to wet all layers and leave for several days. When the bed is compacted, you can begin planting.

Garden bed care

When the plants sprout, the plantings should be well watered and mulched. Weeds that break through the mulch layer are immediately removed. After harvesting, the surface is loosened and sown with green manure. Before the onset of cold weather, all vegetation is mowed down, leveled on the bed, covered with a layer of earth on top and covered with black film for the winter. Periodically it is necessary to inspect the walls of the frame, replace or repair individual sections.

The soil between the beds is most often covered with small crushed stone, gravel, straw, and sometimes seeded lawn grass. In such conditions, the garden always remains well-groomed, weeds do not grow, and dirt does not stick to shoes. If desired, you can lay out paths of tiles and bricks, or pour concrete ones.

Video - DIY raised beds

Video - Raised beds made of slate

Neat beds make working on the plot more pleasant and allow you to grow abundant harvests.

Once you have established permanent beds, you can use them from season to season.

The durability of the structure is determined by the strength of the materials, their resistance to constant moisture, expansion under the influence of moisture, and growing plant roots.

Slate purchased specifically or left over after construction - reliable material for device stationary beds and flower beds.

Advantages of construction slate for making beds:

  • affordable price;
  • geometric stability;
  • chemical neutrality;
  • ease of use;
  • protection from pests that damage plant roots (mole crickets);
  • durability.

The disadvantage of slate fencing is its ability to get very hot on hot days, but this is compensated for by regular watering.

Device Rules

In order for plants planted in beds to develop well and grow quickly, they are placed in a certain order:

  • location from east to west for effective absorption of sunlight throughout the day;
  • deepening the enclosing material by 10 - 20 cm;
  • There are no restrictions on the length of the ridge, the width is more than important parameter; It is most convenient to work on two adjacent rows of plants, which require a width of 20 - 120 cm.

Tools and materials you will need:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • grinder for sheets;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • crushed stone;
  • priming;
  • mulch.

When the direction of location is chosen, use a tape measure to measure the required distance in length and width.

It is convenient to mark using pegs and twine.

How to cut slate

Slate sheets are cut into strips according to height using a circular saw with a circle for working “on stone”.

The standard sheet length is 1 m 75 cm.

It is divided across the waves into as many equal parts, as much as is necessary for good deepening of the sides of the bed, the cutting lines are marked with chalk.

During cutting, a lot of dust is generated, you need to work on outdoors or wearing a respirator.

If the work is carried out in an area where there is no electricity, you can cut the slate with an old saw that you don’t mind getting dull.

Experts advise moistening the cutting area with water.

To make the work easier and faster, you can punch holes along the marked cutting line with a nail, calculating the impact force so that chips do not form.

Along the perimeter of the bed, a narrow trench is dug and abundantly watered, into which prepared sheets of slate are installed; for stability, they are fixed on both sides with posts made of reinforcement.

The slate sheets are not placed end-to-end, with an overlap of approximately one wave.

You can put it on the top edge of the slate wooden block and press gently.

The material fits well into pre-watered soil.

The height of the walls is checked using a level lengthwise and diagonally.

If necessary, remove some of the soil in high places.

The trench is covered with earth, compacted, securing strips of slate.

Wavy slate fits perfectly at right angles, the ends are made in the same way as the longitudinal walls.

Construction of flat slate beds

Flat slate sheets are also easy to use.

They are easily cut with a circular saw and fixed in the ground.

In the corner and slate sheets holes are made, the slate is bolted.

To protect against corrosion, the corner with the holes already made is painted.

The success of the work depends on careful handling of the slate; the level of the bed cannot be leveled by driving the sheets into the ground.


Row spacing

The soil between the rows is compacted tightly.

The free space can be concreted, filled with gravel or sown with lawn grass.

In the latter case, the row spacing should be wide enough for the trimmer to work comfortably.

Raised beds made of slate

The advantages of any raised bed over a regular one:

  • the ability to completely control the composition of the soil, adding substances necessary for plant growth;
  • good drainage will not allow water to stagnate, regardless of whether the planting site is located in a lowland or on a hill;
  • raised beds with good layer compost has a soil temperature higher than the surrounding soil; this allows plants in cold areas to feel more comfortable and produce faster bountiful harvest; seedlings can be planted in heated soil earlier;
  • the high level of the bed prevents walking on it, the ground remains very loose for optimal air exchange;
  • climbing plants do not need to be tied up; when planted along the edge of the bed, they hang down freely;
  • raised beds are easier to maintain - you can loosen, mulch, and plant seedlings without bending down to ground level.

The approximate length of an average bed is 10-11 meters, a comfortable width is 130 cm, and a height is 15-30 centimeters.

The height depends on the quality of the soil: in areas where it is fertile, you don’t have to raise the structure high.

The height of warm compost beds is at least 50 centimeters.

By digging a trench under a high bed, the fertile layer of soil is removed and compactly dumped nearby.


  1. To protect against rodents, a metal mesh is placed on the bottom.
  2. Wood waste is laid as the bottom drainage layer: chopped branches, bark.
  3. The next layer is paper waste, which makes it difficult for weeds to germinate.
  4. A peat mixture with soil or unripe compost is placed in the middle.
  5. The top layer is soil removed before constructing the trench with the addition of organic fertilizers.

Each layer, except the last, is sequentially shed with water and compacted.

When the filler level reaches 25-30 centimeters, the structure is tightened around the entire perimeter with strong wire so that in the future it can easily withstand soil pressure from the inside.

Holes are made in opposite places on the walls and wire is pulled into them for secure fixation.

Several regular or raised slate beds turn the site into a compact enterprise for the production of vegetables or berries.

Video about installing flat slate beds.

In order to summer cottage plot always pleased you with well-groomed, neat plantings, you need high-quality fencing, an example of which, rightfully, can be beds made of slate.

Example of assembled flat slate beds

The main important advantages of such structures

fencing beds wavy slate

  • High reliability;
  • Guaranteed durability;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Durability;
  • Inexpensive manufacturing process;
  • Neat appearance;
  • Easy to use;
  • The ability to keep water out;
  • Lack of predisposition to combustion;
  • Excellent protection against small rodents and other garden pests;
  • The ease of construction of this type of fencing.

Preparing for work

If you have recently replaced the roof on your country house, look into the shed: you will probably find enough material there, from which it is very easy to make a solid and high-quality fence for your garden.

An example of a raised bed made of corrugated slate

To make beds from slate you will need:

  • Wooden pegs;
  • Regular rope;
  • Lime;
  • Hammer;
  • Shovel;
  • Paper for lining the beds;
  • Dry leaves;
  • Running water;
  • Fertile soil;
  • Priming.

External arrangement of a fence for a vegetable garden

First, the slate sheets prepared for work must be carefully cut. At the next stage, we begin to build the fence itself. To do this, let’s take a closer look at how this can be done.

Scheme for installing slate beds

  1. First, you need to clearly mark the location of your proposed construction on the territory of the kindergarten. To do this, you will need to drive four blocks into the corners, between which an ordinary clothesline is stretched, and a trench for the vegetable garden is already dug along it.
  2. Slate sheets are usually selected in the same size. Each sheet is placed in a separate trench. After this, it is lightly driven into the ground with a hammer or other hard object to strengthen the structure when used in the future.
  3. On the outside of the sheets for their additional strengthening, it is necessary to mandatory hammer in a few metal pegs.
  4. At the next stage, the bed on both sides is treated with a viscous solution of pre-diluted lime. Placed on the bottom plain paper or a layer of newspapers and dry leaves. A layer of prepared material is already placed directly on them. fertile soil. At the end, the ridge is watered abundantly running water from a hose and pour soil on top.

An example of assembling a slate bed in a greenhouse

It should be clarified that slate sheets come in two specific shapes. Let's look at how to make a fence from each of them separately.

Wave form of material

It won’t be that difficult to build a fence from corrugated sheets. In order to make, you just need:

  • Saw large sheets on separate plates;
  • Make neat trenches for them;
  • Install all the plates you prepared in the trench;
  • Sprinkle them with earth and compact each plate thoroughly;
  • Drive in several pegs on both sides to strengthen the entire structure.

To avoid unwanted damage to the main building material, it cannot be driven hard into the soil without first digging special shallow trenches for it. Otherwise, small pebbles that appear here and there in the ground can cause serious damage to the structure being manufactured and even break it.

A wonderful structure - a high ridge

We should pay tribute to the fact that such structures look very aesthetically pleasing against the backdrop of the landscape of any garden. The geometric shapes of these small vegetable gardens can be very different, including triangular. It depends on your personal taste preferences and suburban sizes personal plot.

Construction of a “fence” for a vegetable garden

  1. Fertile soil is poured into a separate pile in order to later form it into top layer your ridge.
  2. After the trench has been dug for the slate, all the strips of your corrugated building material should be carefully installed into it.
  3. The next step will be to completely fill the trench with earth, compact it well, and then you can drive in pegs to strengthen the walls of your vegetable garden.

And if, for example, you have a desire to build, say, a flower bed from the same material, and at the same time, so that it has an unusual original shape. For this purpose, you can use the usual metal pegs, which can be given the required shape. In addition, they, among other things, will be responsible for the strength of the structure in the future.

Once the walls of your garden are firmly and securely arranged, you can begin adding valuable organic filler to it. This must be done strictly in the following sequence:

  • brushwood;
  • compost;
  • black soil

Moreover, after each new layer, the previous one needs to be compacted a little and then watered abundantly with running water.
After the soil level in the ridge is approximately 30 cm higher than the main ground level, small holes need to be made on opposite slate strips.

Very high bed slate for greenhouse

A wire should be passed through them in order to tighten such a structure so that it does not fall apart in the future. In this case, the wire is pulled until it is “to the limit.” The main thing is not to overtighten, so as not to break the fence itself.

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