The stained glass window can be made in a personal style, a priority for the owner of the house, or in the spirit of some historical era. And if personal style reflects a subjective vision of the plot, form and color for a particular person, then the design for a specific historical era must adhere to certain canons and requirements.

Many decades ago it was believed thatStained glass is in perfect harmony only with the classical style, since the manufacturing technique limited the choice of subject and material. However, times are changing, new technologies for making stained glass have appeared, thanks to which it is possible to create not only consistent and calm scenes of classic stained glass, but also luxuriously fantasy designs in bright colors and unusual shapes. Therefore, modern stained glass can be safely called a universal decorative element that will elegantly complement any interior. Moreover, it can not only be part of it, but also become the leading note of the entire design, which attracts the eye, subordinates other decorative elements to its style and connects individual rooms into a common artistic context.

Modern stained glass amazes us with its diversity. Today you can completely freely find both stained glass windows that imitate ancient Gothic temple windows, and canvases with fashionable abstract designs that open up wide opportunities for the viewer to fly with imagination and imagination. This variety allows you to choose the right theme for any interior style.

Even if you have each room in its own own style, then modern stained glass windows allow you to experiment with style and choose a plot that will tie together the design of the entire house, creating a feeling of integrity of the surroundings. That is, guests moving from room to room will not feel a dissonance of perception, but will be able to appreciate the style of each room, which smoothly flows from one room to another.

When thinking about the style of the interior and stained glass, you should not forget that beautiful stained glass can not only decorate a room with its design, but create a special light-air environment that amazes with the variability and unpredictability of the play of color. Therefore, it is very important to think about the illumination of stained glass, which is unthinkable without light, which will allow you to create unusual and effective color solutions in the interior.

Choosing a style for stained glass

Existing styles have many subtypes, and sometimes it is difficult to clearly classify a design according to its affiliation with one or another artistic movement. However, there are certain characteristics through which you can determine the dominant features of the image. For example, the Gothic style involves the use of cobalt and purple glass, which will fill the room with the mystery of the Middle Ages. At the same time, the main theme of Gothic stained glass windows is religious. This style is usually chosen by lovers of romantic stories about knights and collectors of knightly armor and swords. Other historical styles, such as antique, baroque, renaissance, etc., are no less interesting.

If we talk about the stylistic direction of art, then the requirements for stained glass windows are softer and not as categorical as in stylization for a historical era. For example, the Art Nouveau style, which carries harmony and comfort, is characterized by smooth lines, sophistication and sophistication. That is, the plot can be absolutely anything (as well as color), but there must be spirituality and variability of forms.

Modern stained glass can be undemanding to the interior and harmoniously combine with almost any setting (the only exception may be stylized interiors that do not deviate from the established canons). For example, abstraction, which balances between design and painting. It is based on a charge of emotions, a dance of colors and light. Abstract stained glass will never get boring, never get boring and will always cause an explosion of emotions.

The most popular styles in stained glass art

Styles of stained glass designs

History of style Since abstract art is a combination of several movements, abstract stained glass images can belong to different directions. The emergence of abstract art dates back to 1910, when watercolors in this style were first exhibited. Gradually, this artistic technique became in demand in the design and manufacture of interior items, including the production of stained glass.
Features of the drawing Stained glass in an abstract style is characterized by a balance of pattern and color, which is based on a complex of visual concepts and possible combinations. Bright colors and geometric shapes are not combined chaotically, but in a clearly defined sequence, which allows you to achieve harmony in the image.
  • fusing;
  • photo printing;
  • painting.
History of style The embodiment of the ancient style is art and architecture Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Originating on the islands of the Aegean Sea, it was so harmonious that over time its elements were borrowed by later movements.
Features of the drawing Stained glass windows in the antique style are characterized by many details, and sometimes they include fragments of ceramics, mica or metal. Images often resemble a mosaic, and color harmony is achieved by careful selection of each shade. At the same time, stained glass windows of early antiquity are less impressive, because they are characterized by simple lines.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • Tiffany;
  • film;
  • faceted.
History of style The origins of Art Deco began in the 20s of the last century, but until the 60s it was not considered an independent movement. Art Deco, which arose on the basis of Art Nouveau, continued its traditions, but with some modifications. Gradually, the opposition of floral decoration to linear geometric patterns ended and by the end of the 30s, strict utilitarian forms and simplicity of lines became fashionable, and by the middle of the century its ascetic aesthetics transformed into luxury, embodied in expensive materials and modern technologies.
Features of the drawing The distinctive features of Art Deco are ethnic geometric patterns, strict regularity in the choice of colors and images, the use valuable species wood and expensive materials. This style embodies a combination of bright colors and patterns. rectangular shape, elements of antiquity and modern design, practicality and sophistication.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • Tiffany;
  • classical;
  • sandblasting.
History of style East style stained glass embodies a combination of elements from Asian, Oriental, African and North African countries. Depending on ethnicity, traditions and methods of decorating glass paintings change. The most spectacular stained glass windows are in the Arabic style, decorating the palaces of rulers.
Features of the drawing The luxury of the East will be emphasized by the intricate design of the ornament and the use of bright, rich shades of red, blue, green and gold. The ascetic African stained glass window is designed in sandy tones, diluted with dark shades.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • shebeke;
  • painting;
  • photo printing.
History of style The Gothic style dominated Western Europe in the Middle Ages, from approximately the 12th to the 14th-15th centuries. The features of feudal-church influence are especially pronounced in it. Gradually, with the development of technology, images became more complex, and the combination of different shades became richer. By the end of the 15th century, in addition to images of religious content, mythical animals and other symbols of this era began to appear on stained glass windows.
Features of the drawing Gothic-style stained glass windows immerse you in the Middle Ages: images of saints, knights, kings and mythological animals recreate the mysterious atmosphere of that time, and the use of purple, burgundy, green and violet in combination with gold and the patina of the frames will emphasize the originality of the interior.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • classical;
  • painting;
  • combined.
History of style The “children’s” style of stained glass appeared due to the growing popularity of this type of design for children’s rooms. If previously there was no clear division by age category, today plots from children's books and films are increasingly being used to make stained glass windows in this style.
Features of the drawing This style is characterized by juicy and bright colors, rich colors, and the drawings can be both the embodiment of real images and fairy-tale characters or plots of children's books. Characters from your favorite cartoons or stylized rock paintings - the choice depends on the age of the child, his wishes and hobbies.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • fusing;
  • photo printing;
  • colored sandblasting.
History of style The history of the Egyptian style began in the 4th millennium BC in Ancient Egypt, and after Napoleon's campaign in 1798 it became fashionable in Europe. Over the centuries it has changed little. As before, its main features are simple geometric shapes, proportionality of lines and rich decoration.
Features of the drawing Stained glass windows in the Egyptian style are distinguished by their rich colors. They are characterized by the use of glass in a desert color palette and ancient Egyptian motifs as a design. In this case, pure colors are used, without mixing: yellow, cream, coral, red, carmine, all shades of sand and khaki, which emphasized the unusualness of the images. Scenes from the life of Egyptian gods and pharaohs, hieroglyphs or ornaments can be used as drawings.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • matting;
  • sandblasting
  • aspic.
History of style Painting embodies a mixture of different directions and its individual manifestations are found at the very beginning of the emergence of stained glass. Today this is one of the popular styles that allows you to recreate beautiful stained glass windows with any image: still life, landscape, portrait or reproduction of a famous painting.
Features of the drawing Since painting belongs to a mixed style, it is characterized by repetition of the lines and colors of the prototype or the use of stylized images. In this case, the colors can be chosen in accordance with the intention of the artist sketching the stained glass window.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • painting;
  • combined;
  • Tiffany.
History of style History of stained glass Indian style began in the Middle Ages, when they decorated the windows of the houses of the nobility. The palaces of the rajas are especially striking in their appearance, where entire ensembles are made of colored glass. Afterwards, the development of stained glass art was influenced by Europeans, bringing classical images from Catholic churches. The stained glass windows of Indo-Saracenic architectural monuments combine elements of Hinduism, Gothic and Oriental styles.
Features of the drawing An expression of the Indian stained glass style is the use of a vibrant palette to create images. Bright green, red-orange or all shades of yellow will emphasize the refined lines and originality of the national ornament. The abundance of gold and rich colors, images of ancient Indian epics or stylized geometric designs, as well as lush landscapes - all this is the embodiment of stained glass in the Indian style.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • shebeke;
  • Tiffany;
  • photo printing.
History of style Interior decoration, which gave its name to the country style, took shape in England at the beginning of the last century, and in fact this direction is a reflection of the traditional way of life in each country. Elements that have absorbed the flavor of national attributes are embodied in country style stained glass windows.
Features of the drawing Depending on the country, country style can be embodied in deliberately rough decor or exquisite designs. Natural stained glass is used natural colors: ocher, terracotta, blue and green tones, earth colors. If red is used, it is in a muted pastel version: soft pink or ruby. Images of country style stained glass windows are distinguished by a harmonious combination of colors and lines.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • Tiffany;
  • sandblasting;
  • film.
History of style The Chinese style of stained glass arose relatively recently, embodying elements inherent in design similar interior. It is distinguished by a harmonious combination of colors and shapes and includes national ethnic motifs.
Features of the drawing For stained glass windows chinese style characterized by the use of smooth graceful lines, hieroglyphs or mythical dragons. The main colors that are used to create glass paintings are red, milky, beige, and shades of brown.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • painting;
  • film;
  • photo printing.
History of style The traditions of the classical style of stained glass, which originated in the Age of Enlightenment, were continued by the masters of the Renaissance. Based on elements borrowed from ancient culture, it was formed by the 18th century as classicism and embodied bright decor, monumentality and compositional harmony.
Features of the drawing The main distinguishing feature of stained glass in the classical style is strict symmetry. Clear lines, the use of floral motifs or geometric patterns emphasize. When choosing color scheme Classic stained glass windows most often adhere to the use of pastel colors or dark shades.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • classical;
  • film;
  • combined.
History of style Art Nouveau dates back to the 1900s with the Paris Art Exhibition. This style proclaimed the thesis according to which in art form has become more important than content and any most prosaic element can be expressed in a highly artistic embodiment. Art Nouveau gradually developed and became more and more popular, and in the mid-20s it became the basis for the emergence of the Art Deco style.
Features of the drawing For stained glass in the Art Nouveau style, muted shades of blue-green colors, patterns in pastel colors in combination with dark glass and smooth lines of complex configurations are used. The elaborate contours of various metal grilles emphasize the sophistication and sophistication of the products.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • Tiffany;
  • faceted;
  • aspic.
History of style Landscape refers to a design direction that can be done in a variety of styles. It originally emerged as a genre visual arts, embodying wild or human-transformed nature in drawings. Gradually, with the development of stained glass technology, it became possible to create the most complex images of landscapes.
Features of the drawing Stained glass in the landscape style is characterized by patterns and lines that repeat various objects of the natural landscape. At the same time, decorative images can be either natural shades or made in a stylized form, using brighter color combinations. The styles of stained glass windows depicting landscapes can be chosen in a variety of ways, depending on the artist’s ideas and the client’s wishes.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • painting;
  • photo printing;
  • Tiffany.
History of style The fusion style, which emerged in America in the early 90s of the last century, embodies the fusion of technologies and cultures, styles and worldviews. It represents a harmonious combination of objects self made And modern elements interiors made using advanced technologies.
Features of the drawing It is characterized by a bright, rich palette. Red and green, dark blue and turquoise, fuchsia and gold - sometimes fusion combines completely different colors, but at the same time the image looks complete and harmonious.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • fusing;
  • combined;
  • photo printing.
History of style High-tech arose in the 60s of the last century and was initially positioned as room decoration industrial purposes. Over time, it began to be used for finishing apartments and houses. One of the key events that played a significant role in the development of high-tech was the construction of the Pompidou Center in Paris, the architecture of which was completely consistent in this style. Today, modern stained glass windows in high-tech style are a reflection of fashionable high-tech trends, and symbolize the design of a stylish interior.
Features of the drawing A special feature of stained glass in this style is pure colors without halftones or blurred boundaries. Clear, clear lines, a combination of metal, glass and wood in products, thoughtful simplicity and expressiveness of forms, as well as the absence of pretentious decor will fit perfectly into a high-tech room.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • fusing;
  • 3D sandblasting;
  • photo printing.
History of style The traditional Japanese style developed in the 16th and 17th centuries, and then gradually penetrated to Europe. Over time, it was somewhat stylized and in many ways had something in common with minimalism, where artistic expressiveness is achieved with a minimal set of techniques. The Japanese style of stained glass is a subtle taste and harmony of design, which is achieved by thoughtful depiction of each line.
Features of the drawing Characteristics Japanese-style stained glass windows are an impeccable combination of colors and laconic forms. Delicate and light tones of beige, cream, milky and white flowers are emphasized by dark shades, and graphic geometric shapes exquisite script of hieroglyphs.
Optimal stained glass techniques
  • painting;
  • Tiffany;
  • film.

Stained glass is one of the most spectacular elements of the interior, allowing you to make its design complete and harmonious. Therefore, it is important to choose the right not only its palette, but also its style, and at the same time you need to take into account the taste preferences of the owners of the premises being decorated. The variety of stained glass designs by the artists and designers of our workshop can satisfy the tastes of the most demanding client, and the use of different manufacturing techniques allows us to turn the most fantastic ideas and drawings of any complexity into reality.

Cost of stained glass in different styles

Of course, style does not affect the cost of stained glass, because it is just a creative product of an individual vision of beauty. But other points directly related to the implementation of a particular style in stained glass can determine the price of stained glass:

  • detailing of the drawing;
  • type of stained glass technology;
  • labor intensity of work;
  • color scheme and grade of materials;
  • stained glass area;
  • shape, presence of volume.

Important factors when setting prices include: And.

We don’t take the first plot we come across and don’t try to convince our customers that we know better which picture will suit them. Our specialists carefully and thoughtfully discuss all the nuances of stained glass with the customer, trying together with him to choose the most suitable plot that meets all his requirements. If a customer comes to us with his photos of beautiful stained glass windows, then we are happy to develop a sketch based on his photo, or make changes at his request. And in each specific case we focus according to the capabilities and wishes of our clients.

Beautiful stained glass from our studio

Beautiful stained glass windows can decorate any interior style. Thanks to the experience and talent of our craftsmen, we are ready to create for you a stained glass window of any size and complexity that will fully correspond to the style you have chosen, or a combination of several styles in one stained glass product. If you are still dreaming of ordering a stained glass window, then our studio will be happy to create for you a stained glass window that will be the most beautiful for you personally, since it will reflect your individuality, passions and hobbies. And these are not big words, but the truth, which is confirmed by many years of experience in working with stained glass and the talent of our craftsmen.

All our work is based exclusively on an individual approach to each customer, flexible pricing policy and constant pursuit of excellence. We are not ashamed of the fact that we are constantly learning and trying to achieve even greater results. Each of us is proud to work in a close-knit team of like-minded people, whose main goal is to fill the home of each customer with the imperishable beauty of stained glass art.

The sunlight pouring through the colorful stained glass window is, you see, a stunning sight. Stained glass windows are associated with pomp and even monumentality, since stained glass windows most often decorate the buildings of museums and churches. Therefore, many people are sure that stained glass windows have no place in the interior of a residential building. In addition, it is generally accepted that stained glass is very expensive and clearly not designed for the average interior.

However, both of these are not entirely true. It's worth saying that stained glass in the interior residential buildings were used back in the 19th century, when the Art Nouveau style came into fashion. As for the cost of stained glass, then modern technologies made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of their production, which, of course, affected the price. Stained glass is not such a luxury these days as one might think. Moreover, there are pseudo-stained glass windows available to everyone.

Types of stained glass depending on manufacturing technique

Transparent pieces of glass, cut according to a pattern, are held together with a metal broach (partition). At the joints the broach is soldered. The result is a single structure made of glass and metal, and the metal not only serves as a frame, but also forms the outline of the lines of the design. This technique has changed little since the Middle Ages.

Stained glass windows made using the Tiffany technique are also called classic. The peculiarity of this technology is that copper foil is used to hold the glass together. The stained glass pattern is lighter, more elegant, and the outline is thinner. The Tiffany technique allows you to use smaller glass, so stained glass windows turn out to be openwork.

The surface of the glass, whole (pseudo-stained glass) or assembled from fragments, is painted with transparent paints.

The surface of the glass is covered with special colored films with an adhesive base.

The stained glass window consists of a group of glasses that have been sandblasted.

This stained glass window usually has a geometric structure. It is assembled from modules of almost identical size, which can be pre-processed using one of the techniques.

This stained glass window is created by baking multi-colored glass fragments or by incorporating foreign elements into the glass (for example, “baking” wire into the glass).

Transparent glass is taken, a pattern is drawn on it, and colored glass fragments are laid out in several layers. The composition is then placed in an oven heated to a certain temperature. In the oven, all layers are sintered and become one.

The basis is the ability of hydrofluoric acid to destroy glass. Using special stencils that protect glass from destruction, craftsmen create deep contours of designs of any complexity.

And that’s not all the techniques for creating modern stained glass! There are other interesting and original techniques. Thus, all stained glass windows are very different, and their prices can vary significantly.

It is interesting that stained glass, originally invented by man to fill window openings, today is increasingly less likely to fulfill its main function. Various decorative elements from stained glass windows in the interior are much more popular. First of all, these are various accessories made using stained glass: for example, boxes, lamp shades, screens, etc.

Becoming increasingly popular doors with stained glass. In general, today it is very common to sell interior doors with a variety of glass inserts. Various glass processing techniques transform ordinary interior doors into a real work of art and an elegant interior decoration.

Stained glass for doors is maximally protected (for example, thanks to the triplex technology), and although they look very fragile, in fact there is no need to worry about their reliability.

Interior doors with stained glass windows create stunning effects associated with the play of light. In addition, they set the tone for the entire interior, making it gloomy on one side and ceremonial on the other.

In those interiors where stained glass windows are used, especially interior ones (whether doors or partitions), a certain mystery reigns. Still, associations with Gothic churches and ancient museums make themselves felt.

Stained glass partitions, stained glass walls and screens in the interior

Stained glass partitions are less common than interior doors with stained glass, but this design technique is also arousing more and more interest.

Like any glass wall, it is light, even airy. This is especially important when the goal is not to isolate one space from another, but only to separate them. Firstly, thanks to the transparency of the partition, the rooms seem to flow into one another. Secondly, the “two-sidedness” of such partitions introduces a common element into both spaces.

Stained glass partitions look great in spacious rooms filled with light - both natural and artificial. Stained glass partitions allow soft colored light to pass through during the day, and in the evening, when the lamps are lit, the partition itself becomes a kind of “lighting device”, pouring light into a darker space.

Beautiful and so unusual pieces of furniture with stained glass. For example, stained glass glass can be a display case for a living room or inserts into facades kitchen furniture. You can and even need to support the stained glass theme with stained glass accessories: lamps, decorative items (for example, vases), a chandelier, etc. Glass doors of sliding wardrobes can also be made stained glass. You can also order mirrored pseudo-stained glass windows for the wardrobe.

Stained glass in the interior for wall decoration

Stained glass picture or stained glass panel

These elements do not carry any practical functions, but they become bright interior decoration. Stained glass paintings are suitable for spacious hallways, living rooms, and formal dining rooms. Stained glass paintings and panels, as a rule, are made to order for a specific interior, so they fit perfectly into its theme, making the room festive and elegant.

Stained glass for niches and other complex structures

Various niches and projections are still relevant. However, volumetric wall structures from plasterboard, plywood, etc. have become so widespread that it is difficult to surprise anyone with their design.

The shapes are repeated, but the use of unusual materials allows you to create something extraordinary. Stained glass windows will also help with this. Internal walls The niches can be covered with a stained glass screen behind which there is lighting. A stained glass niche through which light pours can make an impression.

If a niche is mounted to create a false window, stained glass will come in handy here too. But in any case, backlighting is needed - the false window will then sparkle and become the most realistic.

Stained glass in the interior: ceiling

A few centuries ago, stained glass ceiling lamps were popular in Europe, which decorated not only the premises of theaters, museums and expensive restaurants, but also residential buildings. True, only rich people could afford such luxury.

Today this pleasure is also not the cheapest, but quite affordable, especially if we are not talking about Tiffany stained glass windows. There are reliable ceiling structures (frames) that allow you to hold sheets of almost any material on the ceiling: metal, wood, mirrors and, of course, glass.

Film or painted multilayer pseudo-stained glass windows are most often used for production. Essentially, these are just glass suspended ceilings with paintings, but what an effect! Of course, a completely stained-glass ceiling in an apartment will not always fit into the interior, but small ceiling structures with stained-glass windows look very original. Of course, it is very advisable to install lighting between the base ceiling and the suspended structure so that the stained glass window reveals itself in all its glory.

Color and style of stained glass in the interior: how to choose

You can choose any ornament and any theme. Some people prefer narrative stained glass windows in the interior on a household or even religious theme. Of course, such stained glass windows are appropriate only in luxurious interiors in the Art Nouveau, Neo-Gothic style, etc.

For niches and false windows Landscape themes with realistic mountains, ocean beaches, and rainbow skies are often chosen.

Floral-themed stained glass windows are especially popular for residential interiors., repeating motifs from old projects of the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the Art Nouveau style. Such floral stained glass windows will look great in interiors in the art nouveau, art deco, neoclassical, and avant-garde styles.

It is also successful to use them in themed interiors- floral, English, Scottish, etc.

Classic stained glass windows in the Tiffany style suitable for interiors in almost any style, with the exception of ultra-modern, minimalist, technical ones.

In modern interiors you can use stained glass windows made using one of the latest technologies, with geometric patterns and plot painting on a suitable theme (for example, an urban plot).

When choosing stained glass for your interior, you need to take into account not only the style of the room, but also the prevailing colors. It is worth turning to those colors that are present in furniture, decor, textiles, so that the stained glass window does not stand out too much from the overall picture.

Stained glass in the interior: in what rooms is it appropriate?

Almost all of them.

- it's fashionable today. The shelves and doors of bathroom furniture are made of stained glass. You can also find stained glass and pseudo-stained glass bathroom accessories in stores. If there is a window in the bathroom, it is often made of stained glass. Well, if there is no window, then they create a stained glass false window with lighting. According to many, they are the most appropriate. Here you can make a stained glass half-partition, install a showcase with a stained glass door, or order a stained glass screen for the fireplace. The stained glass painting will become the dominant decorative item. Of course, you shouldn't use too much in one room, two or three matching items will be quite enough.

Can be used: these, as already mentioned, are stained glass inserts in kitchen facades, stained glass chandelier or sconce, ceiling structure with pseudo stained glass (for example, above work area or over the island).

Small stained glass panels can be made from small colored glass. You need to make a pattern out of the pieces of glass, then solder them with tin, using lead wire for the “frame,” that is, to connect the pieces of glass.

Easiest way to do it at home pseudo stained glass, using dark nitro paint for the contours of the picture, and special stained glass paints to fill the contours and the rest of the space. It is better to take textured glass for stained glass.

You can use special paints for painting on glass to paint windows and mirrors. To do this you will need stencils, brushes, paints and a little patience. The glass must be removed and placed on a flat horizontal surface - only in this case can a neat painting be obtained.

If you want to make a painting on already installed windows, it is better to use special self-adhesive films for stained glass ( English technology). Translucent color stickers are available, so you don’t even have to cut out the ornament yourself.

Well, for activities with children there are creativity kits - plastic stencils for stained glass with clear depressed or convex contours, which are filled with safe stained glass paints. By choosing suitable stencils, you can make a stained glass (pseudo-stained glass) window in the nursery.

Real stained glass for large surfaces, which make up the interior design elements, of course, should be ordered from professionals, fortunately in our country there are now many stained glass workshops that use the most different techniques: from the classic Tiffany technique and fusing to painting on solid glass.

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

The use of stained glass in the interior design of modern housing ensures the achievement of visual and spatial effects. The premises visually look more spacious and lighter, filled with special internal light. Also, the visual perception of their geometric proportions changes.

Today, stained glass windows are used in interiors by many designers. They are actively used in filling openings of windows and doors, as decorations for various pieces of furniture, decoration of lamps, vases, photo frames, etc.

Popular types of stained glass

  • Classic stained glass windows, created using glass mosaic components held together by a metal profile.
  • Tiffany stained glass windows are made by joining elements using foil.
  • Fusing stained glass, the production of which involves joining a mosaic of glass using baking and melting techniques at a very high temperature.
  • Painted stained glass windows created by applying special silicate paints to glass.
  • False stained glass (stained glass films) are considered the most inexpensive and simple options decorating glass and mirror surfaces.
  • Sandblasting stained glass windows are made by applying designs to glass using abrasive materials under the influence of strong air currents.

Stained glass windows as interior elements of premises

The use of stained glass in modern interiors of apartments and houses gives the latter a stylish and effective look. appearance. Such decorative elements can transform any room. Stained glass with a well-chosen pattern, texture, and color will help in decorating the original interior of a living room, bedroom, nursery, bathroom, kitchen in an apartment or house. The photos on our website show options for using stained glass in modern interior solutions.

Living room

If there is a large window or balcony door in the living room, homeowners should consider replacing ordinary glass with stained glass with patterns in sunny, bright colors. color scheme. This will give the room additional light and warmth. If the living room has French windows, then decorating them with stained glass will transform not only the internal appearance of the room itself, but will also give the facade of the building a spectacular “zest”.

Using stained glass ceilings in the living room, homeowners will be able to create a very cozy and, at the same time, solemn atmosphere in such a room. Among other things, the classic interior of the living room allows you to decorate the walls of the room with the help of stained glass. Also popular are stained glass canvases the width of the entire wall or separate elements that look like wall paintings.


When decorating the interior of a bedroom, residents of a house or apartment can use original stained glass paintings, inserted into frames or even glued to the surface of the walls. If the dressing room is combined with the bedroom, the homeowners will not go wrong if they choose the option of separating the rooms using stained glass sliding doors. Installed on dressing table or bedside table stained glass lamp, emitting soft flowing light, the owners of the bedroom will enjoy a romantic atmosphere, conducive to relaxation and sleep.


The bathroom will be given a special style by original false windows with stained glass, visually expanding the space. If there are small windows in the bathroom facing the street, homeowners can transform them with the help of bright colored stained glass elements. Thanks to this, even in the most inclement weather, such a room will have a cozy and pleasant atmosphere. If the bathroom has a shower stall with stained glass inserts, the interior of the room will become complete when complemented with mirrors decorated with drawings of a similar theme.

Children's room

You can give the walls of a nursery an elegant and festive look by decorating them with paintings with cheerful stained glass mosaics. Also, parents of children can install furniture in the children's room with decor from pasted stained glass drawings in the form of flowers, berries, animals, fairy tale and cartoon characters.

Stained glass design selection

It is at the stage of choosing a stained glass window project that the foundation of the future work is laid, its style and direction, the idea and its implementation are brought into one whole professional designers our studio.

If the customer clearly understands what he wants to see by the time work on the stained glass window is completed, this somewhat simplifies the design development process, reduces the time for correction and possible improvements.

In cases where the idea of ​​the final appearance of the stained glass window has not yet taken shape, the customer has the opportunity to choose the option he likes from a collection of ready-made sketches. He will also be offered to look finished works authors of the design studio.

Our specialists are always ready:

  • take everything into account customer wishes,
  • give competent recommendations regarding suitable performance techniques,
  • help you choose exactly the stained glass design that will best fit into a specific interior and give the right mood to the entire room,
  • recommend design options and place the accents necessary for best perception finished work.
  • Having decided to order stained glass, the first and main thing you need to do is decide on the place where your stained glass will be located. Will it be stained glass in window opening or in a niche? Or maybe you want to decorate a door or a closet with it? Or will it be a stained glass ceiling or a partition in the room?

Do not forget that the stained glass window must fit harmoniously into the decor and emphasize and set off the overall interior style and color scheme of the room. Individual production of stained glass allows you to take into account all these subtleties at the design stage. To do this, when going to a stained glass workshop, the customer is often advised to take photographs of his interior with him.

In addition, the glass is quite brittle material, therefore, when choosing a place for stained glass, make sure that it meets safety requirements. After all, a picture embodied in glass can not only harm the health of the inhabitants of the room, but can also be damaged due to negligence.

  • Next important question, – in what technique should the stained glass window be made? There are currently several different : soldered, imitation stained glass and pseudo stained glass.

Each of them has its own characteristics, its own specific application and further use. A professional and competent master can always tell you which one is right for your case.

  • With the help of stained glass you can visually “lighten” a room by using sunny, light colors when creating it. Or you can darken it using dark color combinations.
  • It’s good when the idea of ​​​​creating custom stained glass appears directly in the process of repairing or remodeling a room, since at this stage you can immediately think through and make necessary preparations for attaching stained glass to a selected surface.

Popular style trends for stained glass design

As mentioned earlier, the design of a stained glass window cannot go against the style of the interior of the room. The stained glass window should be in harmony with the surrounding space. Only then will he fit into big picture and will become an integral part of it.

Stained glass design is characterized by many of the same style directions, which are often used for interior design.

We list the most popular of them:

  • Stained glass in the Art Nouveau style is distinguished by smooth lines and a slightly darkened color scheme. The plot, as a rule, is dominated by plant themes, sea waves, and chiseled silhouettes of girls.
  • Japanese style is characterized by clear, finished forms and an unusual combination of colors. The subject of such compositions is a fan, sakura, bamboo stems and leaves, hieroglyphs, dragons; landscapes with the participation of the listed elements are also often found.
  • Arabic style with its mysterious geometry, exquisitely combined with floral ornament, brings to mind a magical oriental fairy tale.
  • The high-tech style in stained glass design, as in interior design, combines many compositional solutions and techniques using modern materials and technologies. Various metal elements, pieces of plastic, and mirrors are often used.
  • The classic style is characterized by clear shapes and straight lines, a combination of warm pastel colors with dark ones, and a strictly symmetrical repeating pattern. They look great in door and window openings and in the design of wardrobes.
  • The Gothic style fills the space around with medieval mystery. Purple glass and gilding are used. This mosaic of bright multi-colored glass is universal and will easily fit into any interior.
  • Chinese style stained glass windows Lately quite popular. Most often, traditional images are used - Chinese characters, dragons, landscapes.
  • Country style is also used as a basis for creating unusual stained glass products. The composition of such stained glass windows includes elements that can “age”, carrying the spirit of antiquity. As a rule, these are wooden inserts.
  • Stained glass in the “abstraction” style most accurately conveys mood, feelings, and emotions. There is no specific design here, it is rather an idea embodied in glass. Such stained glass windows have been popular for ten years and do not go out of fashion.
  • Children's style. This is a reflection of a child's dream, magic, joy, loved ones fairy-tale heroes. Bright, easily recognizable images, rich colors are the basis of this style.
  • Fusion style (from English - synthesis, fusion) combines elements of several styles: classic, hi-tech, minimalism. Ethnic motifs can also be organically woven into such stained glass. The palette of colors used is bright and rich.
  • The Art Deco style includes elements of Art Nouveau combined with Cubism and Expressionism. The plot is represented mainly by a geometric mosaic pattern, characterized by wide curved lines and zigzags.
  • A special feature of stained glass in the Egyptian style is its discreet color scheme, consisting mainly of sand-colored shades. It is precisely because of their dimness that they have not become particularly popular. The plot is scenes from Egyptian myths, variations of ornament.
  • In addition, Indian-style stained glass windows, landscapes and glass paintings are often in demand.

Stained glass design cost

Our designers are ready to implement your unique project at any time convenient for you, taking into account all the customer’s wishes. The cost of our services depends, first of all, on the complexity of the order and on the amount of time required to develop a specific project:

  • Development of simple projects with a pencil sketch: from RUB 1,500.
  • A project of medium complexity, including the selection of glass textures: from RUB 3,000.
  • Complex projects, which involve both selecting the texture of the glass and “trying on” a photo of the customer’s interior: from 5,000 rubles.

Stained glass design from our studio

Our studio team, made up of highly qualified, experienced specialists, has been manufacturing and selling stained glass for more than 10 years.

We offer the creation of not only serial, but also custom stained glass windows with an original design. We will develop a unique stained glass window, taking into account the customer’s design wishes. Bringing your wildest ideas and fantasies to life is the goal and main goal of our studio. We use only high-quality and safe materials and high-tech modern equipment in our work. Therefore, when ordering the development of stained glass design and its production from us, you entrust the work to professional and responsible performers.

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