After the installation of the cable network is completed, the routes of the cable lines are plotted on the plan with their coordinates linked to the existing unchanged buildings. If the route cannot be plotted on the plan, then identification marks are applied along it, to which the strip is linked.

The marking of cable lines and the installation of identification symbols and inscriptions along the route are done in agreement as follows: any cable line must have its own number or name. If a cable line consists of several parallel cables, then any of them must have the same number with the addition of the letters A, B, C, etc.

Openly laid cables, as well as all cable terminations, must be equipped with tags with the designation: on the tags of cables and terminations - brand, voltage, cross-section, numbers or names of lines, on the tags couplings— coupling numbers and installation dates. Tags must be resistant to environmental influences.

On cables laid in cable structures, tags must be placed along the length no less frequently than every 50 m. Identification signs must be installed on the route of a cable strip laid in an undeveloped area. The route of a cable strip laid across arable land must be marked with signs installed at least every 500 m, also in places where the direction of the route is configured.

The identification signs indicate the picket number (for example, PK-17) and the voltage symbol in reddish paint, the rest in dark paint.

On cables laid in cable structures, tags must also be installed in places where the route direction is configured, on both sides of passages through interfloor ceilings, walls, partitions, in places where cables enter (exit) trenches and cable structures.

On sheltered cables in pipes or blocks, tags should be installed on the end points at the end couplings, in wells and chambers of block sewerage, and also at each connecting coupling. On sheltered cables laid in trenches, tags are installed at the end points and at each coupling.

Tags should be used in dry rooms - made of plastic, steel or aluminum. IN damp areas, outside buildings and in the ground - made of plastic. Designations on tags for underground cables and cables laid in rooms with a chemically active environment should be made by stamping, punching or burning.

For cables laid in other conditions, markings may be applied with indelible paint. Tags must be attached to the cables with a nylon thread, or zinc-coated metal wire with a diameter of 1 - 2 mm, or plastic tape with a button. The place where the tag is attached to the cable with wire and the wire itself in damp rooms, outside buildings and in the ground must be covered with bitumen to protect against water damage.

To apply markings to plastic, lead and duralumin tags, an ICD mechanical pencil is used.

Its use allows mechanical sawing to produce strong and clear markings on tags. This method significantly increases labor productivity (26 - 30 tags per hour) compared to other marking methods. For cables up to 1 kV it is customary to use a tag rectangular shape, and for cables above 1 kV - round.

Electrician school

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Cable routes are carefully inspected along their entire length and especially in places where the routes intersect ditches, ditches and cable transitions from the ground to walls or supports. These structures are usually inspected by two persons, having first checked with an instrument whether there is gas in these structures.  

Cable routes are marked with identification marks (pickets) installed in the form of concrete columns. Identification marks in the form of inscriptions on the walls of permanent structures are allowed. Picket posts (or inscriptions on the walls) are made every 100 - 150 m of the route at all turns and at the location of the couplings.  

Cable routes are carefully inspected along their entire length and especially in places where the routes intersect ditches, ditches and cable transitions from the ground to walls or supports. These structures are usually inspected by two persons, first checking with a gas analyzer that there is no gas in the structures.  

Cable routes should be located in places with an ambient temperature of no higher than 50 C.  

Cable routes on a simplified plan are depicted as a solid thick line. To know the contents of the routes, sections are given in the drawing with their numbers marked.  

Cable runs should not be located above equipment.  

Cable routes are selected based on the lowest consumption of cable products, ensuring the safety of cables during mechanical influences, providing protection against corrosion, vibration, overheating and damage to cables electric arc during a short circuit on one of the adjacent cables. When laying out cables, you should avoid crossing each other and with different pipelines.  

Cable routes are marked with identification marks (pickets) installed in the form of concrete columns. Identification marks in the form of inscriptions on the walls of permanent structures are allowed. Picket posts (or inscriptions on the walls) are made every 100 - 150 m of the route, at all turns and at the locations of connecting couplings.  

Cable routes are marked with identification marks (pickets) installed in the form of concrete columns. Identification marks in the form of inscriptions on the walls of permanent structures are allowed. Picket posts (or signs on the walls) are installed every 100 - 150 m of the route, at all turns and at the locations of connecting couplings.  

After the installation of the cable network is completed, the routes of the cable lines are plotted on the plan with their coordinates linked to existing permanent buildings. If the route cannot be plotted on the plan, then identification marks are applied to it, to which the line is linked.

Marking of cable lines and installation of identification marks and inscriptions along the route are carried out in accordance with the following: each cable line must have its own number or name. If a cable line consists of several parallel cables, then each of them must have the same number with the addition of the letters A, B, C, etc.

Openly laid cables, as well as all cable couplings, must be equipped with tags with the designation: on the tags of cables and terminations - brand, voltage, cross-section, number or name of lines, on the tags of connecting couplings - the coupling number and installation date. Tags must be resistant to impact environment.

On cables laid in cable structures, tags must be located along the length at least every 50 m. On cables laid in undeveloped areas, identification marks must be installed. Route cable line, laid across arable land, must be marked with signs installed at least every 500 m, as well as in places where the direction of the route changes.

The identification signs indicate the picket number (for example, PK-17) and the voltage sign in red paint, the rest in black.

On cables laid in cable structures, tags must also be installed in places where the direction of the route changes, on both sides of passages through interfloor ceilings, walls, partitions, in places where cables enter (exit) trenches and cable structures.

On hidden cables in pipes or blocks, tags should be installed at the end points at the end couplings, in the wells and chambers of the block sewer system, as well as at each connecting coupling. On hidden cables in trenches, tags are installed at the end points and at each coupling.

Tags should be used in dry rooms - made of plastic, steel or aluminum. In damp rooms, outside buildings and in the ground - made of plastic. Designations on tags for underground cables and cables laid in rooms with a chemically active environment should be made by stamping, punching or burning.

For cables laid in other conditions, markings may be applied with indelible paint. Tags must be attached to the cables with nylon thread or galvanized steel wire with a diameter of 1 - 2 mm, or a plastic tape with a button. The place where the tag is attached to the cable with wire and the wire itself in damp rooms, outside buildings and in the ground must be covered with bitumen to protect it from moisture.

To apply markings to plastic, lead and aluminum tags, an ICD mechanical pencil is used.

Its use allows mechanical sawing to apply durable and clear markings to tags. This method significantly increases labor productivity (26 - 30 tags per hour) compared to other marking methods. For cables up to 1 kV it is customary to use a rectangular tag, and for cables above 1 kV - a round tag.

After the installation of the cable line is completed, the cable routes and cables are marked. Marking the cable route facilitates the operation of cable lines and prevents possible mechanical damage during excavation work in the area of ​​the cable route.

Before filling the trench with earth, permanent landmarks are identified and an as-built drawing (plan) of the route of the laid cable lines is drawn up. The as-built drawing records the location of the cable line in relation to permanent landmarks in the area, their intersections with roads and underground utilities, marks sections of cables laid in pipes, blocks, collectors or at a depth of more than 1 m, as well as the locations of connecting and branch couplings. In the absence of local permanent landmarks, cable routes are marked using identification marks (pickets), which can be made in the form of concrete pillars or from waste profile metal. It is allowed to make identification marks on the walls of permanent structures.

Picket posts are installed every 100-150 m on straight sections of the route, as well as at all turns and at connecting couplings. For cable lines with a voltage of 35 kV and above, in addition, an as-built drawing of the longitudinal profile is drawn up indicating the elevation marks of the locations of couplings, wells, and feeding points.

Marking of laid cables, as well as connecting and termination couplings and terminations is carried out with tags of a certain shape. To mark cables with voltages up to 1,000 V, rectangular tags are used, for cables with voltages above 1,000 V - round, and for control cables - triangular. Tags are made from plastic, steel or aluminum with anti-corrosion coating where required. The tags are secured to the cables with galvanized steel wire with a diameter of 2 mm or nylon or plastic tape. Cable tags and cable sleeves laid in the ground are protected from destruction by a winding of two or three layers of tarred tape.

Tags on openly laid cables, as well as on all couplings and terminations must have the following designations: on cable tags - brand, voltage, number and cross-section of cores, number or name of the cable line; on the tags of the couplings and terminations - the date of installation and the names of the installers performing the work, numbers of the couplings, the final points of cable laying (only on the tags of the terminations).

Each cable line is assigned a number or name. If a cable line consists of several parallel cables, then each of these cables has the same number, but with the addition of the letters A, B, C, etc.
Currently, predominantly used factory-made plastic tags are used, on which the designations are applied with indelible paint.

Tags are installed: every 100 m on straight sections of the route, in places where the direction of the route changes, in cable wells, at each connecting and end coupling, at the points of entry and exit of cables into channels, tunnels, pipes at the entrance to and exit from buildings.

Marking helps to find the cable for repair during its operation. Marking of current-carrying conductors is carried out using plastic ends or pieces of polyvinyl chloride tube with indelible ink inscriptions.

Conductive conductors are marked with letters and numbers, and there can be three marking systems:

  • straight,
  • reverse,
  • direct and reverse.

With direct marking, the tag indicates the number and symbol clamp to which it is connected this vein. When reverse marking, the number and designation of the terminal from which the connected core comes is indicated. Both addresses may appear on the tag as a fraction; This type of marking is called direct AND reverse.

Cable lines up to 35 kV

Appendix No. 1 to the Order of the MKS branch of OJSC "MOESK" dated 09/03/2009 No. 824

General requirements for acceptance of a cable line both for the balance (ownership) of MKS - a branch of OJSC MOESK, and when concluding an operating agreement
Basic documentation presented when transferring a cable line

1.2.1. Cable line project.

The project must include the technical specifications of the MKS, a branch of OJSC MOESK, on ​​the basis of which it was executed, all approvals, including deviations from the project, writs of execution for all engineering structures on the line route - bridges, tunnels, basements, punctures, etc. P.

1.2.2. Inventory list of all line elements.

1.2.3. Executive drawing of the route. Performed on a scale of 1: 500 (or 1:200) indicating the installation locations of all couplings and their types, indicating (linking) all reference points. In the as-built drawing, reference from red lines is not allowed. Attached: a puncture profile using the directional drilling method for all voltages, sections of intersections with other utilities, and at intersections with heating mains, indicating all additional elements thermal insulation.

1.2.4. Factory test reports for cable drums. Factory passport, certificate or other document in accordance with the standard with a factory test report for cable drums. For imported cable, the document must be in Russian, or there must be an attached translation into Russian certified by the cable manufacturer.

1.2.5. An inspection report for the cable on the drum and a protocol for disassembling and examining a cable sample at the ISS - a branch of OJSC MOESK. Cable drum is inspected by a representative of the MKS district - a branch of OJSC MOESK, represented by a foreman, if the cable is installed at the installation site, by a representative of the Overhead and Cable Networks Service (SViKS) at the SMO warehouse. In this case, on the route, the district carries out a second inspection before laying. The protocol on the suitability of the cable for installation is valid for 3 months. It is allowed to use remnants of cable on a drum in other areas of the MKS - branch of OJSC MOESK with the provision of the following documents:

  • a report on the presence of cable residue on the drum, drawn up jointly with the installation organization and representatives of the area where the first installation was carried out,
  • a copy of the cable's manufacturer's passport,
  • a copy of the protocol for disassembling and examining the cable sample,
  • copy of the act external examination drum and cable on it.

1.2.6. The act of breaking out the axes and bottom of the trench. It is signed by the surveyor and foreman of the SMO, and when linking the route to the “red” lines - by the surveyors of Mosgorgeotrest. The act must state that the axes and marks of the trench correspond to the project (No., order number, name of the project, date of issue.).

1.2.7. Acts and drawings for hidden work along the highway. All places of intersection and convergence of cables with all underground communications and roads (including railways and trams) are indicated.

1.2.8. Certificate of readiness (acceptance) of the trench for cable laying. The act indicates the readiness of pipe crossings, channels, blocks, consoles in structures, construction and electrical parts of substations, allowing the laying and installation of cable couplings. The act is drawn up by the general contractor, with the subcontractor, the customer and the participation of technical supervision from MKS, a branch of OJSC MOESK. If necessary, you can involve the author of the project.

1.2.9. Protocol for warming up cables before laying them at subzero ambient temperatures. Temperatures and times for warming up and laying, see SNiP 3.05.06-85 paragraph 3.86-3.91.

1.2.10. Certificate of technical supervision over the laying of cables and installation of couplings. In the report, indicate on what dates the laying and installation of couplings was carried out, and in what weather.

1.2.11. The act of inspecting cables before filling them, and in channels before closing them. In the act, indicate how the cable is protected in the trench (bricks, concrete tiles, tape, 24x48 PZK slabs, etc.).

1.2.12. Journal of cable laying and installation of couplings and terminations. In the log, in addition to the type of couplings, indicate the manufacturer of the cable accessories.

1.2.13. Certificate from the department of underground structures (OPS Mosgorgeotrest). On the delivery and verification of as-built drawings for the laid lines and their application to the geological foundations of the city. The same certificates must be from the owners of engineering structures where part of the route passes (for example, from Moskollector).

1.2.14. Cable line test report increased voltage. After complete installation lines.

1.2.15. Protocol for checking the integrity and phasing of cable cores (cold, by color).

1.2.16. Control and registration certificates for separating locking couplings. Indicating how the “break” of the shell or grounding was made. Filled out only if they are available, for example for the Metropolitan STP.

1.2.17. Warranty for a period of 3 years. Issued by the customer or general contractor (if the customer of the MKS is a branch of OJSC MOESK) stating that all damage to cable lines in operation (if no excavation work was carried out on the route, at the site of damage or no extraneous loads were connected to the line) is eliminated by him within five days from the moment of damage, at your own expense from your materials. In case of more than 3 damages during warranty period at one construction length, the guarantor is obliged to replace this construction length of the cable.

1.2.18. Document on the transfer of the cable line into operation. Either a balance transfer deed, a lease agreement or an operating agreement.

All documents must have names in accordance with those given in this list. All participants in the preparation of the document must be listed with a transcript: the full name of the organizations, their subordination or affiliation, telephone numbers (faxes), positions and surnames, dates, signatures and their transcripts, etc. The object to which the document relates must be named in in accordance with the project and duplicated with the address. All documents must have a signature date.

General requirements for acceptance of cables

2.5.1. The laying, installation and testing of new cable lines with a voltage of 0.4 - 35 kV in the networks of MKS - a branch of OJSC MOESK (hereinafter referred to as MKS) must be carried out by specialized construction and installation organizations (hereinafter referred to as CMO) that have the appropriate licenses and certificates (incl. and subcontracting CMOs).

2.5.2. CMO personnel who install cable lines (electricians, electricians, foremen, foremen) are allowed to work only after undergoing special training and passing commission exams at the MKS training center - a branch of OJSC "MOESK".

2.5.3. After passing the exams, engineers (foremen, foremen, etc.) are issued a “Permit” for the right to lay and install cables with voltage up to 35 kV in the ISS, without specifying the validity period of this “Permit”. Re-certification is carried out if the foreman (master) is deprived of the right to lay and install for gross violations of installation technology.

2.5.4. Electricians for cable networks and electricians for installation of cable lines, after passing the exams, are issued a “Certificate” for the right to install connecting and end couplings in the ISS. Recertification is carried out every three years.

2.5.5. For violation of the technology for laying and installing cable lines, as well as the technology for installing cable fittings, foremen, foremen, electricians and electricians are deprived of the right to carry out work in the ISS networks. The deprivation of the right to work in the ISS networks was submitted to the overhead and cable networks service (SViKS) based on the representation of the districts, UKS and based on the results of inspections with the participation of representatives of the SViKS. Renewal of the right to perform work is possible after retaking exams in the commission at the ISS training center.

2.5.6. Commissioning of cable lines into operation of the ISS is carried out by the organization that carried out the work on laying and installing cable lines. If for some reason the personnel cannot hand over cable lines, then the handing over must be carried out by a representative of the installation department, the head of the technical department, or the chief engineer. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to hand over cable lines to craftsmen and foremen who did not carry out laying and installation, but who must have a certificate to carry out work at the ISS.

2.5.7. Delivery and acceptance is carried out in stages, starting from the approval of the project and other documentation and ending with the execution of documents on the transfer of the cable line for balance, lease or operation of the ISS.

2.5.8. Technical supervision at all stages of the work is carried out by the operational personnel of the areas and the ISS management system.

2.5.9. Persons carrying out technical supervision are required to familiarize themselves with the project and, guided by the regulatory documentation specified in the section “Regulatory documentation for acceptance of cable lines” and the project, carry out acceptance of cable lines.

2.5.10. The operating personnel performing technical supervision and acceptance are obliged to immediately notify the foremen and foremen of installation organizations about all noticed defects and deviations from the design and regulatory documentation and demand their elimination.

2.5.11. If there are disagreements with representatives of installation organizations, persons performing technical supervision must notify the district management and the management department about this. And in case of disagreements between the district leadership and the UKS representatives electrical installation organization must be reported to SViKS for their resolution.

2.5.12. In progress step-by-step preparation for execution or delivery individual species work, representatives of the electrical installation organization report this to the ISS area and, with a mutual agreement on joint work on delivery and acceptance, call a representative of the area by telephone message.

2.5.13. In cases where the ISS district cannot send a representative to carry out technical supervision of the work of the electrical installation organization, representatives of the district must notify the electrical installation organization by fax or telephone message.

2.5.14. The laying and installation of cable lines with a voltage of 0.4-35 kV, constructed by organizations of other departments and transferred for operation to the ISS, must be carried out under the technical supervision of the ISS districts.

2.5.15. When reconstructing substations (RP, TP, SP, RTP), re-cutting of end couplings on existing cable lines is prohibited. It is necessary to insert a section (inserts) of a new cable into the substation and install the connecting and end couplings. Installation of couplings in substation pits is prohibited.

Regulatory documentation upon acceptance of cables

2.5.16. During the installation and acceptance of cable lines, it is necessary to comply with the requirements set out in the following documents of a directive (mandatory) nature:

  • “Rules for electrical installations” as of April 15, 2009, 6th and 7th editions with amendments and additions, KnoRus, 2009,
  • “Instructions for use of power cable lines” Part 1. Cable lines with voltage up to 35 kV. Soyuztechenergo. 1980
  • « Building codes and rules. Electrical devices." . SNiP 3. 05. 06 – 85. USSR State Construction Committee, 1986.
  • "Technical documentation for couplings for power cables with paper and plastic insulation up to 35 kV.” Energoizdat 1982 and Energoservice 2002.
  • “Collection of guidance materials of the Main Technical Directorate of the Ministry of Energy of the USSR” ORGRES 1992.
  • Rules technical operation power stations and networks Russian Federation. 2003
  • Scope and standards for testing electrical equipment. SO 34. 45 - 51. 300 - 97, RD 34. 45 - 51. 300 - 97. 6th ed. with change and additional as of 01.10.2006.
  • “Instructions for laying power cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation for voltages of 10, 20 and 35 kV.” ABB – 06/18/2001
  • Instructions for use of cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation for voltage 10 kV. IE – K10. 1997
  • Specifications. “Power cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation for voltages of 10,20,35 kV. TU 16.K-71 – 335 – 2004.
  • Occupational safety in construction part 1. SNiP 12 – 03 – 99 2000
  • “Inter-industry rules on labor protection during the operation of electrical installations. (safety rules) RD 153–34.0–03.150-00.
  • Instructions for laying and installing cable lines from factories (firms) that manufacture cable products.

2.5.17. In addition to the requirements set out in the documents listed above, you must follow internal documents issued in different years and binding.

Requirements for cables laid in ISS networks

2.5.18. The current addition to information message No. 492 dated May 11, 1999 lists the 1-10–20–35 kV cable brands permitted for installation in ISS networks. Cables with copper conductors can be used in exceptional cases, and only with the permission of the main technical manager enterprises.

2.5.19. Cables with single-wire conductors (OS) are prohibited for installation in ISS networks.

2.5.20. It is allowed to lay cables of foreign manufacture, specified in information message No. 492 dated 05.11.99 and in additions to it, manufactured in accordance with Russian GOSTs or specifications, having a Russian “Certificate of Conformity” and accompanying documentation in Russian.

2.5.21. All 1-35 kV cables are allowed to be laid only if there are factory passports, factory test reports, cable inspection protocols on the reel and a protocol for disassembling and examining a cable sample in SViKS.

2.5.22. Cables accepted for installation are those that have a period of no more than 2 years from the moment they are released by the factory to the inspection of the drum. Inspection of the cable drum is carried out on the route, before installation, by a representative of the ISS region. For large volumes (more than 4 drums), the inspection is carried out by a representative of the SViKS at the SMO warehouse. After inspecting the drum and comparing its data with factory documents, the drum and a piece of sample cable with a length of at least 800 mm with a factory cap are cut out. There should be a factory mouthguard at one end of the sample, a temporary mouthguard must be applied to the other, and the end of the cable on the drum must be sealed with the mouth guard. The sample, equipped with explanatory documentation (brand, drum number, cross-section, length, year of manufacture, name of the organization), an external inspection certificate of the drum with a cable on it and a factory passport is sent within 3 days to SViKS. A positive conclusion from SViKS gives the right to a representative of the ISS district to inspect the cable on the drum immediately before installation and draw up a repeat inspection report.

2.5.23. New brands of cables are permitted for installation only by the ISS technical management. Their installation can only be carried out under the control of SViKS and the cable manufacturing plant or its representative in Russia. During the period of pilot industrial operation, these cables are under the special control of the districts, UKS and SViKS. SViKS collects and summarizes all comments on these cables identified during laying, installation and operation.

Requirements for cable routes

2.5.24. Before performing excavation or construction work Representatives of the installation organization must submit a project to the ISS region to clarify the details of cable laying, since during the period of time from design to installation, changes could occur in the territory through which the cable needs to be laid.

preparedness of the area according to the red planning marks for excavation of a trench to a normal depth. Districts and the ISS UKS are given the right to make proposals for changes in cable routes and put forward Additional requirements

for further changes to the project by representatives of the design organization.

2.5.25. Inspection of the trench is carried out after the presentation of the project and a geodetic report to the surveyor that the route was made strictly according to the geodetic layout in compliance with the vertical marks of the bottom of the trench, with the trench referenced to various landmarks. In this case, you should pay special attention to the planning marks along the entire length of the route.

2.5.26. The depth of the trench from the planning mark must be at least 0.8 m. When crossing streets, areas of at least 1.1 m. It is allowed to reduce the depth to 0.5 m in sections up to 5 m long when introducing cable lines into buildings, as well as at places where they intersect with underground structures, provided that the cables are protected from mechanical damage (for example , laying in pipes).

2.5.27. The width of the trench bottom for cables with impregnated paper insulation for voltage 1-10 kV and cables for voltage 1 kV with XLPE insulation should be:

  • when laying one cable - at least 150mm.
  • when laying two cables - at least 330mm.
  • when laying three cables - at least 500mm.
  • when laying four cables - at least 660mm.
  • when laying five cables - no less than 830mm.
  • when laying six cables - at least 1000mm.

Single-core cables with XLPE insulation for voltages of 10-35 kV are laid only “in a triangle”, and the width of the trench bottom must be:

  • when laying one cable line - at least 200mm.
  • when laying two cable lines - at least 400mm.
  • when laying three cable lines - at least 600mm.
  • when laying four cable lines - at least 800mm
  • when laying five cable lines - at least 1000mm.
  • when laying six cable lines - at least 1200mm.

2.5.28. Immediately before laying cables in the trench, representatives of the district carrying out technical supervision inspect the readiness of the trench:

  • compliance with the project in the plan - confirm with a breakdown act,
  • the depth of the trench along the entire route from the red (planning) marks,
  • the presence of a sand cushion with a thickness of at least 100mm,
  • dusting with sand or fine earth (when protecting from mechanical damage with bricks or tiles, the thickness of the powder must be at least 100 mm; when protecting the cable from mechanical damage with signal tape, the thickness of the powder must be at least 250 mm),
  • laying and fastening (if necessary) pipes,
  • pipe diameter and their compliance with the design cable grade,
  • preparation of sand or fine earth, with solid inclusions with a diameter of no more than 5 mm, along the entire route for subsequent sprinkling of cables throughout the route. In the case of imported sand and soil, they must be provided with a sanitary and epidemiological report, a quality certificate and data on radiation, environmental and agrochemical characteristics,
  • brick preparation concrete tiles or slabs for mechanical protection cables (plug-in protection) along the entire length (or the presence of a signal tape *),
  • lack of water in the trench,
  • act for hidden work,
  • absence of stones and other objects in the trench,
  • radii of trench turning angles, in relation to the grade and outer cable diameter,
  • sealing pipes when entering a building through foundations and walls,
  • linear and corner rollers spaced along the entire length (corner rollers must be secured). The distance between the rollers for cables with impregnated paper insulation is 3-5 meters, and for cables with XLPE insulation no more than 2 meters.

*Limited use, only outside areas of frequent excavation

After all of the above requirements are met, a corresponding act is drawn up and cable laying is permitted.

Requirements for pipes

2.5.35. For laying cables in pipes in ISS networks, it is allowed to use:

  • asbestos-cement pipes with an internal diameter of 100 to 150 mm for laying cables with impregnated paper insulation, as well as for laying cables with XLPE insulation with a pipe length of no more than 8 m.
  • HDPE pipes with a diameter of 160mm. and wall thickness 8-10mm. for laying cables with XLPE insulation, as well as for cables with impregnated paper insulation, if the length of the pipes is from 8 to 25 m.
  • When laying pipes using the HDD method, HDPE pipes with a diameter of 160 mm are used for cables with a cross-section of 120-240 mm 2 and with a diameter of 200-220 mm for cables of 300-500 mm 2.
  • The use of steel pipes for XLPE cable lines is prohibited.

When designing cable lines, a reserve of pipes must be provided **:

  • when laying 1 pipe, a 100% reserve is provided
  • when laying 2 pipes 50% reserve
  • when laying more than 3 pipes, the reserve must be at least 30%

** On difficult routes, the reserve amount can be increased.

2.5.36. When accepting pipes, the following requirements must be met:

  • pipes must be laid on a sand bed and ground,
  • the ends of the pipes should not have sharp edges,
  • between the pipes at the points of their connection, alignment must be maintained in the center of the pipes,
  • pipes must be laid with a slope of at least 2%; for TP, RP and SP, the slope is towards the exit from the structures,
  • pipes must be closed with pipe plugs,
  • when laying pipes for cable lines directly in the ground, the smallest clear distances between pipes and between them and other cables and structures should be taken as for cables laid without pipes ~100mm.
  • it is necessary to maintain a clear distance of 50 mm between the pipes vertically and horizontally (sand or concrete),
  • when entering asbestos cement pipes in RP and TP, the distance between pipes along the axes should be for pipes with an internal diameter = 100 mm - 150 mm, for pipes with an internal diameter = 150 mm - 200 mm,
  • the connection of asbestos-cement pipes must be made using couplings followed by sealing them concrete mortar(concreting with a solution must be carried out over a length of at least 2 outer diameters of the pipes in each direction from the pipe joint), and the connection of HDPE pipes is carried out by welding or using couplings.

2.5.37. When laying pipes in blocks, the lower pipes of the block must be laid to a greater depth in such a way that the upper pipes of the block are located from the planning mark at a depth of 0.7 m (when crossing engineering Communication and entry into buildings and structures up to 0.5 m) bottom row pipes in the block must be longer than the top one.

Requirements for couplings

2.5.63. When accepting couplings, it is necessary to be guided by the current regulations. given time additions to information message No. 492 dated May 11, 1999 and the following requirements:

  • to connect cables with impregnated paper insulation 6 - 10 kV laid in the ground, in MKS networks couplings of type STP - 10 (MKS) must be used *
  • for connecting cables up to 1 kV with impregnated paper and XLPE insulation, couplings of type 4STp - 1 (MKS) are used
  • To connect cables with impregnated paper insulation 6 - 10 kV in cable structures (collectors), fire-resistant couplings of the STP ng (MKS) brand are used
  • for connection single-core cables 10 kV with XLPE insulation with cables with impregnated paper insulation, transition couplings of the SPtP – 10 (MKS), TRAJ (TYCO) brands are used.
  • to connect single-core cables 10 - 35 kV with XLPE insulation, couplings of the type PStO - 10-20 (MKS), POLJ (12 - 42), and PStO ng - 10 (MKS) are used in the collectors,

* The presence of an index (ISS) indicates that the equipment of this type couplings, approved for use in the networks of the MKS branch of OJSC "MOESK". The index (ISS) must be indicated in the installation instructions, the delivery list and on the box label.

2.5.64. The connection of cable cores in all types of connecting and transition couplings must be made only with connectors (sleeves) with shear bolts included in the coupling kit.

2.5.65. The installation technology of couplings such as STP - 10 (MKS), STPng - 10 EM (MKS), SPtP - 10 (MKS), PStO - 10 (MKS) and 4STp - 1 (MKS) must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements " Technical documentation..." and instructions from manufacturers.

2.5.66. Couplings such as STP – 10 (MKS), SPtP – 10 (MKS), STP ng – 10 EM (MKS), STP ng – 10 (MKS) and 4STp – 1 (MKS) are locking.

Requirements for fire protection enclosures.

  • 2.5.67. When accepting cable lines in collectors, tunnels, etc. the following requirement must be met:

To protect couplings installed in cable structures and in cramped conditions, as well as on previously installed and operating cable lines with impregnated paper insulation, KSR steel detachable casings should be used. 2.5.68. KSR casings are a detachable structure with a length of 1250 mm, an internal diameter of at least 150 mm, a wall thickness of at least 5 mm from steel pipe

and with plugs at the end.

2.5.69. In cable structures, the installation of a KSR casing is not required for connecting couplings of the PStO ng brand, mounted on cable lines with XLPE insulation for a voltage of 10-20 kV.

2.5.70. In collectors where the clear distance between the shelves does not allow the installation of standard fire protection covers KSR on the STP and STP ng couplings, non-standard protective covers KSM are installed with a length of the upper part of the casing of 750 mm in accordance with the requirements set out in the information message MKS No. 371/1 dated 02/28/83

Requirements for end couplings

When accepting end couplings, you should be guided by the additions to information message No. 492 dated May 11, 1999 and the following requirements: 2.5.71. In ISS networks, end couplings are used to terminate cables for voltages of 1 – 10 kV indoor installation

  • type:
  • 4KWp (MKS) on cables with impregnated paper insulation and XLPE insulation with voltage up to 1 kV

2.5.72. When installing terminations on cables with impregnated paper insulation for voltages of 1-10 kV, the length of the cores must be such that it is possible to rearrange them to busbars of all phases during operation. Due to their long length, the wires must have a bend. The radius of the internal bending curve of the cores in relation to the core diameter for cables with impregnated paper insulation and XLPE insulation must be at least 10 core diameters. Areas with a bend should be located 100 mm above the glove (coupling body).

2.5.72. To terminate single-core cables with XLPE insulation with a voltage of 10-35 kV, end couplings of the following types should be used: PKVTO 10-20 (MKS), POLT 10-42. Termination of cable cores in all types of terminations should be carried out only with lugs with shear bolts included in the coupling kit.

2.5.73. When choosing brands of end couplings for cells of small-sized equipment used in the ISS, it is necessary to take into account the size of the connection of the end couplings, which is determined by the distance from the middle of the hole in the equipment contact to the cable fastening bracket in the cell compartment. Fastening of end couplings of all types in cells is allowed only by the cable sheath; fastening of the couplings by a glove, cuff or tube is prohibited.

2.5.74. In SM-6, ABB and similar small-sized cells in cable compartments, according to the connection conditions, only POLT brand end couplings should be used. Cable termination should be done using bolted lugs included in the coupling kit (EXRM – 1235). The braided screen conductor wires must be insulated heat-shrinkable tube along the entire length from the bandage on the cable sheath to the tip. The screen conductor must be solid. Extending the screen conductor is prohibited. The place where the screen wires exit from under the coupling body tube must be insulated with a heat-shrinkable cuff of at least 100 mm in length.

2.5.75.When installing end couplings various manufacturers on a single-core cable with XLPE insulation in RM-6 switchgear units, only EXRM 1235 bolted lugs or similar GPH-Progress should be used.

2.5.76. The technology for installing end couplings of all listed types must be carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in the “Technical documentation...” and the manufacturer’s instructions.

2.5.77. To terminate copper conductors of cable screens with XLPE insulation, copper lugs included in the coupling kit must be used: bolted, screwed, for crimping.

2.5.78. The use of the crimping method for terminating copper stranded wires and cables is permitted only in the following cases:

  • when terminating screens of single-core cables with XLPE insulation for voltages up to 35 kV,
  • in the manufacture of flexible grounding jumpers from the internal grounding loop of the transformer substation,
  • in the manufacture of flexible busbars for transformers 0.4 kV, AVR-0.4 kV and LV assemblies in 2BKTP and in the reconstruction of transformer substations using PV3 wires with a cross-section of up to 300 mm 2 or VVG cables with a cross-section of up to 300 mm 2

To terminate conductors using the crimping method, copper lugs in accordance with GOST 7386-80 should be used (with coating and markings indicating the cross-section of the conductor). Crimping should be carried out using the single-tooth pressing method with an NIOM tool (a set of copper crimping tools), the force during crimping should be at least 20 tons (hydraulic press with an external head PG - 20/240). The use of other crimping methods is prohibited. Pressure testing is permitted to installation personnel who have undergone special training and have the appropriate mark in their certificate.

To provide reliable operation contact connections During operation, it is necessary to check the quality of pressure testing in the following volume:

  • absence of tears in places of indentation,
  • measurement of the residual thickness of the material in places of indentation, which is indicated in table 2

Section mm 2 Tip GOST 7386-80 Marking of the matrix and punch NIOM TU 36-2083-77 Residual thickness of the material at the crimping site h ±0.2mm 16 6-6;6-8 16 4.3 25 8-6;8-8 ;8-10 25 5.0 35 10-8;10-10;10-12 35 5.5 50 11-8;11-10;11-12 50 6.5 70 13-10;13-12 70 7 ,3 95 15-10;15-12 95 8.5 120 17-12;17-16 120 11.0 150 19-12;19-16 150 12.0 185 21-12;21-16 185 13.0 240-300 24-16;24-20 240 15.0

Requirements for marking cable lines

2.5.79. When accepting cable lines, marking tags must be installed on all laid cables, as well as not all cables and terminations. On hidden cables, in trenches, tags should be installed at connecting cables and terminations, in wells. On openly laid cables in channels, in production premises, in collectors, tunnels, tags must be installed at the end and connecting couplings, in places where the direction of the route changes, on both sides of passages through interfloor ceilings, walls and partitions, at the points of entry and exit into trenches, channels, tunnels, pipes, blocks and others cable structures, as well as on straight sections every 50 - 70 m. Tags are fixed copper wire or plastic buckle strips.

6 40 10 100 150 ASB-10 ? 4 ?4 3x120x35 120 60 10279 A 10 100 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 ? 4 ?100 8 Fig. 3
Tags pic. 1 and 3 are intended for marking cable lines in RP, TP, SP and are suspended in places where the cable termination is secured.
In tunnels, collectors, wells, tags according to Fig. are used. 3.
Tag – fig. 2 is intended to indicate the number of the 6 - 10 kV cable line in the transformer substation and is fixed on the barrier against the connection of this line. It is possible to use tags on the barrier as shown in Fig. 3. Tags pic. 1 and 2 are made of plastic, white or plywood. Marked inscriptions on them are made in black oil paint
or markers.
Tags pic. 3 are made of white plastic; markings are made with paint or markers of a different color compared to the color of the tag.

In tunnels, collectors, and wells, it is possible to install rectangular tags measuring 100x100 mm, with a thickness of at least 0.8 mm, made of galvanized iron (on ASB brand cables). Deputy Chief Engineer for Repair and Operation of Cable and air lines

A.M. Nikulin

Head of SViKS A.Ya. Tutin

Deputy Head of SViKS V.A. Tracks