Probably every owner country house, I want to make sure that his dacha has efficient and inexpensive heating. On modern market you can find many solutions - from stoves long burning that work for almost everyone household waste, and to super-technological electric boilers. However, such devices have certain disadvantages.

What to do if, for example, the owners are rarely at the dacha?

  1. Heat the house in their absence using electric boiler– (to put it mildly) unprofitable, and who will monitor security? After all, a short circuit can happen, and for example, water leakage from radiators. And if you turn off such a boiler in winter, the water in the system will freeze and “break” the radiators and possibly the pipes. As a result, upon arrival at the dacha, the owner will not have a vacation, but a major overhaul.

  1. Long burning stoves? This may be an option, but it turns out that you always need to either carry fuel with you or keep a supply of it in the house. Agree that this is not very convenient.
  2. However, interesting and practical solution after all, there are – these are ceiling infrared heaters for country house.

Let's look at the features and capabilities of these devices.

Ceiling IR heaters - pros and cons

Essentially this type heaters are ideal for rooms where heating needs to be turned on only from time to time. According to the type of power supply, they can be not only electric, but also gas, but since not all have gas supply country houses, then as clear example We will consider electrical appliances specifically.

Advantages of infrared ceiling heaters

The nice thing is that ceiling infrared heaters really have advantages, which actually consist of the following points:

  • appliances heat up the room very quickly. Depending on what power they have, the time during which you will feel the heat ranges from 20-50 seconds;
  • if in your house bad windows and have small gaps, there is no need to be afraid of drafts. Because the peculiarity of IR heaters is that they heat objects, their surface, and not the air (the device spends a maximum of 10% of energy on heating the air). So your warmth “will not go away” anywhere from you in such a situation;

  • infrared ceiling heaters do not emit any odors during heating;
  • devices do not burn oxygen and do not dry out the air in the room, and accordingly they will not cause any headaches;
  • installation of infrared heating panels requires a minimum of space;
  • IR heaters have very high level efficiency and due to this it is possible to reduce energy costs. In addition, if you connect a thermostat to the system, the budget required for heating the dacha will decrease even more due to the fact that the device will turn on only when the room temperature drops below the programmed level;

  • silent;

Please note that during heating the device may make a slight crackling noise due to the expansion of the heating element - this is normal and there is no need to worry about this.
The cracking, as a rule, stops after 15 minutes of operation of the device.

  • This type of heaters can be used not only indoors, but also as additional heating of open areas. This, for example, could be gazebos, verandas, etc.

As you can see, an infrared heater for a summer house is a really worthwhile thing! Both warm and economical. However, do such devices have any disadvantages? Let's consider this too...

Disadvantages of devices

In fact, it is difficult to identify any shortcomings in the design and, in principle, operation of a ceiling heater. However, you can often hear unflattering reviews from the owners of such devices - they say that it remains as cold as it was. What's the matter?

And most often it’s not the quality of the heaters at all!

The problem is that the walls of the building are poorly insulated, have many cracks, or are very thin. In addition, the doors can be constantly open (for example, this can often be seen in garages or sheds), and in such a situation, if it is 30 degrees below zero outside, no heaters will save you, even infrared ones.

Of course, as already mentioned, there are objects, not air, but still, if they are used as the main heating, then the house must have at least a minimum level of thermal insulation.

Otherwise, what is the use of objects being warm? The air is icy due to drafts and thin walls, which means it’s simply not possible to fully warm up in such a room.

It turns out that such infrared heaters for summer cottages, in general, have no disadvantages. And negative reviews are most often a simple silence about the specifics of the situation, that is, the context that makes the device ineffective.

And it’s probably worth understanding the design and operating principle of the device.

How do ceiling IR heaters work?

In fact, a standard IR heater consists of a housing, insulation, heating element, reflective screen and radiating plate.

A heating element is fixed in the body, under which there is a reflective screen made of durable foil and a layer of dense mineral wool. And the heating element is anodized aluminum profile, which emits heat waves. Cotton wool and foil are needed so that all the energy from the heating element goes into the plate, and not up to the ceiling.

And the more powerful the heater, the more heating elements there are in the body (there may be 2,3,4 or even more).

Please note that the thicker the heating element or the greater their number, the greater the total weight of the device.
Accordingly, the load on a certain section of the ceiling will be considerable...
Therefore, if you want to purchase such an infrared device for your dacha ceiling heater, A load-bearing capacity ceilings are in doubt, then perhaps it makes sense to install not one large heater, but several small ones.

How to buy a truly high-quality product when choosing an IR ceiling panel

There is one interesting point - sometimes more foil is installed under the radiating profile narrow width than required. Because of this, small gaps remain along the perimeter of the foil between it and the body. This will not affect the quality of heating in any way, but dust and fragments may fall from the mineral wool onto the floor fine glass. Therefore, you need to carefully check that there are no gaps between the foil and the body of the device.

It is worth paying attention to the performance of the indicators that are built into the heater. Sometimes during assembly, craftsmen may not notice that any sensors are not working, and then you will have to think and guess whether the device is turned on or not.

Next, inspect the heater body - there should be no dents or signs of repair on its surface. If there are such traces, then most likely you have a device that has already been in use, and someone for some reason returned it to the seller. Unfortunately, not all stores are conscientious about their work and may well put up a defective device for re-sale.

Well, the last moment. Make sure that all fasteners required to install the heater are included in the kit. So that later you don’t waste time going to the store for the necessary dowels and hangers.

And a few words about the installation features...

Installation of devices

In principle it is not difficult. To do this, just drill holes in the ceiling for fastening and hang the device. After this, you can connect the heater to the network.

Advice: it is important to understand whether the electrical wiring will withstand such a load.
Because if the wiring and the meter are old, then there may be short circuits and shutdowns of the machines.
Therefore, before purchasing a heater, you should definitely consult an electrician.

By the way, you also need to be able to choose the hanging point correctly. For example, you should not place the heater directly above the beds or chairs - it is better to hang them a little to the side so that your head or face does not get hot.

And, probably, there is no need to try to calculate the location of heaters on your own - it is better to consult specialists. Moreover, the manufacturer usually provides such a service for free.


It turns out that ceiling infrared heaters are really good and effective devices for the garden. But whether it’s worth buying them in any particular case depends only on the specifics of the situation and the characteristics of the room.

And in order not to make a mistake in your choice, use the help of professionals from the device manufacturer. They will help you choose a model, and required power calculate, and advise on how to place IR panels on the ceiling so that the house is definitely warm!

Being in a comfortable environment as often as possible is important. And for this it is necessary that the room has a comfortable temperature. And this is what all owners dream of. country houses. But in the houses there is not always stove heating. The latest developments will come to the rescue. Infrared heaters with a thermostat for the dacha they will create warm atmosphere at any time of the year. To understand how the heater works, in today’s review we will analyze all the features of the device, technical parameters, and installation options.

The heating problem is one of the most basic for all owners. country houses. In the case of permanent residence outside the city, this can be solved by installing boiler equipment or gas heaters. The option of building a stove is possible. But if living in country houses is periodic or seasonal, installing expensive equipment is not practical. In addition to the devices, you will also need to replace the wiring, which may simply not withstand powerful equipment. During the absence of the owners, the boiler may simply defrost in the winter, and this, you see, is a rather unpleasant event.

Gas installations require approval from the relevant organizations. This extra hassle dacha owners. The use of infrared heaters will completely eliminate the problems of heating country houses; with their help, a comfortable environment will be created for good rest both children and adults.

How does the device work?

Let's compare the principle of heating using conventional and infrared equipment.

In the first case, heating occurs by convection of warm air flow. Such devices have a significant drawback - the low performance of the device does not always allow heating large areas.

Convection units are driven under pressure warm air. The room is heated unevenly, and the air becomes too dry. The devices operate quite noisily, also raising dust. This is not at all conducive to comfortable rest. In addition, they cannot heat large rooms, maximum area does not exceed 15 sq.m.

Now let's look at the action of an infrared heater. The operating principle of the device is based on the movement of electromagnetic waves, which, similar to the natural flow sunlight, heat objects. Invisible rays transfer heat to objects in the room, which in turn transfer this heat to the surrounding air. The thermal effect is similar to that of the sun.

How does a heater work?

All devices are designed according to the same principle and consist of the following elements:

  • reflector, which must be selected with a foil layer thickness of 130 microns or more. Such a device will work with sufficient efficiency;
  • body made of heat-resistant metal or aluminum;
  • an insulator that retains heat. An insulator made of basalt is considered to be the most functional;
  • a heater is a structure with a metal thread installed inside it. When heated, it maintains the temperature, and the panel emits electromagnetic fluxes;
  • emitter or incandescent lamp. They are either halogen or carbon.

Positive qualities of the device

  • device in short terms creates comfortable temperature, heating both the room and the objects in it;
  • very high functionality;
  • with a thermostat, significant energy savings occur;
  • the temperature is distributed by warming up the lower part of the room more, gradually decreasing towards the ceiling;
  • low cost infrared heater. Installation in the country is available to all owners of country houses;
  • warranty period of operation, manufacturer installed, is 20 years;
  • the devices are suitable for use in the off-season or as additional heating of the room;
  • support moderate humidity while preventing the formation of mold on walls and other surfaces;
  • the product is certified for environmental safety;
  • stylish design allows you to fit it into any interior;
  • absolutely silent operation.

Some features of the use of infrared devices

For premises, it is necessary to select a product according to the area of ​​the room and the performance of the device. Otherwise, heating will occur unevenly.

  • individual intolerance to electromagnetic radiation occurs;
  • You should not look at the lamps for a long time, this can damage the structure of the eyes.

When connecting the heater, you must make sure that the electrical wiring is in good condition.. If the country house was built a long time ago and the cables are many years old, you need to consult with specialists to see if the device can be used.

This is important! Scientists have been conducting research in the field of electromagnetic radiation for a long time. As a result of analyzing the functioning of the devices, we can talk about some features of their use. Infrared heaters are harmful to health only if you stay close to them for a long time. This may result in skin burns.

Classification of infrared heaters by power source

To choose the optimal infrared heater for your dacha, you need to understand possible options devices.

For use in a country house, it is recommended to use electric or gas device this type. In the first case, electromagnetic radiation comes from the heating element and reflectors made in a spiral or spherical shape. They can be steel or aluminum.

A gas infrared device, in addition to connecting to the network, also requires a supply liquefied gas. Of course, high performance and efficiency are the advantages of a gas heater, but the equipment has one significant drawback - a high fire hazard. Installation gas appliance It is recommended to perform in a well-ventilated area. Otherwise, poisoning by combustion products is possible.

Let's take a closer look at the operating principle of each device.

Electric infrared heaters

Manufacturers produce devices with a maximum power of up to 1.5 kW, which is quite enough to heat a country house. Various options executions allow them to harmoniously fit into any interior. For example, electric heaters for dachas are similar in appearance to lamps, which allows their installation without compromising the design of the room.

In addition, the thermostat installed in the electric infrared wall heaters for a summer residence, allows you to save energy consumption.

According to the type of heating element design, heaters are divided:

  • Ceramic - the heating element is made in the form of ceramic plates, the heating of which occurs evenly;
  • quartz heating element – ​​made of tungsten filament, which is placed in a quartz tube;
  • A heating element with a container filled with inert gas or a halogen heating element;
  • Heating element with a source in the form of carbon fiber. This is the most economical radiation source with high functionality. In addition, carbon heaters stimulate blood circulation, warming the human body deeply. With the help of such devices, medical procedures in medical institutions.

Before purchasing a device, you must familiarize yourself with the manufacturers and technical characteristics of the equipment. It is important to know about the warranty and post-warranty maintenance of an infrared electric heater. Customer reviews on the Internet will help you make your choice.

Using a gas heater for a summer cottage with a cylinder

The use of a gas heater has received enough wide application on the territory of Russia. The excellent functionality of the infrared ceramic gas heater is complemented by excellent technical characteristics.

The device consists of gas burner, which heats a special ceramic unit. As the temperature rises, it occurs infrared radiation, which heats objects in streams. The temperature increases due to the combustion of gas, which provides fairly rapid heating of the room.

Infrared gas heaters for the dacha they work with high power, which allows you to spend time comfortably even in winter period. The use of ceramic gas infrared heaters is not possible would be better suited for country houses. The mobile device can be easily transported in any car, even in a luggage bag. No electrical network is required for operation. In addition, it is possible to install it in or on the porch.

It is extremely important to follow safety rules when working with a cylinder. In addition, the room must have a ventilation system, since the combustion of oxygen produces carbon monoxide.

It is necessary to purchase only a gas heater for your dacha from trusted manufacturers. You should buy and charge cylinders for it only at places where equipment is officially filled with gas.

Related article:

In the article we will look at the types of devices, advantages and disadvantages, review current offers, secrets the right choice and operation. After reading this article, you can easily solve the problem of maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home.

Classification of infrared devices according to placement method

Infrared heaters for summer cottages are offered in several options for placement in the room.

The device of a wall-mounted infrared heater with a thermostat

good performance make possible the affordable and comfortable use of a wall-mounted infrared heater. Consumer reviews confirm the high efficiency and beautiful appearance of the device.

  • It is mounted on a vertical wall surface and resembles a heating radiator. Such installation does not take up useful space, heating occurs evenly;
  • The product is often installed or in recreational areas. Manufacturers offer the production of infrared film wall heaters with imitation paintings. Of course, such a heater will cost a little more, but it will harmoniously fit into the design of the room.

Manufacturers offer a wide variety of film coatings for infrared wall-mounted heaters with thermostats, the price of which will depend on the complexity of the design. individual option.

Infrared floor-standing devices

The floor-standing device is mobile, it can be moved anywhere different rooms. Appearance similar to a heating device. Installation is simple - it is installed on the floor and connected to the electrical network.

Wide model range, different price ranges allow you to buy an infrared floor heater with any required parameters. The main advantage of such heaters is mobility, with which you can quickly create a cozy microclimate in the room.

Floor heaters can be supplemented with components that allow them to operate on gas. The equipment is characterized by high (up to 99%) efficiency. In addition, they are equipped with automatic shutdown in case of accidental fall. Adding a thermostat to the device will significantly save energy, creating comfortable environment in a country house.

So, all that remains is to choose the type of floor infrared heater with a thermostat, the price of which will vary depending on the design and content of the device.

Ceiling products

The ceiling infrared heater with thermostat is mounted using hooks or chains. However, there are some nuances. If the height of the room is higher than average, it is recommended to purchase a more powerful device. This also applies to low structures, for which a device with increased power should not be used.

The main advantage of the ceiling device is uniform heating. However, at low or high ceiling structures it is better to make a choice in favor of a different installation method.

When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the type of housing material. A steel device is somewhat cheaper, however, and weighs a little more. This makes it impossible to mount the infrared heater on plastic ceilings. User reviews recommend such ceiling surfaces installation of an aluminum housing.

Why is a thermostat needed in an infrared heating system?

It is the thermostat for the infrared heater that helps maintain the set temperature. In addition, this will allow owners to save energy. The device heats up to the set temperature, after which it automatically turns off. When the temperature drops, the thermostat will turn on the heating again. In this rhythm, it will constantly maintain the given mode.

If the heater is not equipped with a thermostat, owners will have to manually turn the device on and off, which is some inconvenience.

The thermostat does not affect the operation of the device in any way; the infrared heater heats the rooms equally without it.

Advantages of a heater with a thermostat

  • efficiency. You can make simple calculations. Using a thermostat, the device turns off when the set temperature is reached. Switching on will occur only after a significant reduction temperature norm. Thus, the general working hours reduced to 13 hours a day, which reduces energy consumption by 2 times;
  • comfortable operation. You only need to set the temperature parameters once, the heater will do the rest automatically. You can even leave the dacha and leave the device in operating mode. Upon return, the microclimate will be comfortable and cozy;
  • a heater with a thermostat is absolutely safe, there is no overheating, the sensor automatically turns off the equipment;
  • The infrared heater operates completely silently. The moments when the device is turned off and on are not audible to others.

Manufacturers offer devices with different temperatures heating For summer cottages, it is recommended to use low-temperature heaters with maximum temperature up to 60°C.

Which thermostat is the most functional?

The thermostat is classified into the following types based on the control principle.

  • stepped– the infrared heater is connected through the thermostat in series. All heating elements are turned on one by one. It depends temperature regime rooms. The most inexpensive device, it does not have the function automatic shutdown upon reaching the specified heating temperature;

  • mechanical control– it is possible to regulate temperature indicators and automatically turn off. However, a mechanical thermostat cannot maintain the temperature;

  • electronic control– the thermostat in combination with a thermostat maintains automatically set temperature values. Manufacturers offer mobile nodes, which can be easily removed from the heater. The connection diagram of thermostats to electronically controlled infrared heaters is supplemented with the function of automatic standby, turning off and turning on the device, and support for temperature indicators. In addition, it is possible to install an electronic display, on which all set values ​​of the equipment are displayed. This is a very convenient and safe option for a country house;

  • remote control. Specifications no different from electronic control. Modern model offers control from a distance. You can connect the device to a common automatic control Houses. The remote control will independently determine the need to turn the heater on and off. The choice of such management remains with the owner of the country house;
  • smart thermostat. The control is displayed on mobile equipment in the form of an application for a phone or tablet. The cost of such equipment is significantly higher than a simple device.

Depending on the type of installation, thermostats can be external or internal. For the internal one, no additional electrical wiring is required; everything is arranged in the heater housing. However, there is a possibility of early operation of the shutdown mode, since the thermostat does not always objectively assess the temperature conditions of the room, taking the temperature near the device as the main one.

To install an external thermostat, you must have some knowledge of electrical engineering. Only when correct installation maintaining the temperature regime will be uniform throughout.

What heaters are best for a summer house?

So after reviewing everyone technical parameters, filling options can be approached when choosing infrared equipment for heating a country house.

Electric is the safest and most efficient infrared heater with a thermostat. For a summer residence, it is necessary to choose long-wave radiation with parameters of 50-1000 microns, which will not cause any harm to the body.

The device must fit harmoniously into the interior. If the area is small, it is better to choose a ceiling or wall structure.

Modern heaters marked IP24 are equipped additional function protection from high humidity and the formation of condensates on the surface. This is important for unheated country houses.


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Wall-mounted ones are mounted in the usual places for the battery - under the window, on the outer walls of the rooms. They are in no way inferior to standard radiators in terms of the amount of heat generated. And taking into account the principle of operation, they also surpass them. Similar options heavier than floor-mounted ones, as they are mounted on the wall. Wall-mounted ones for dachas have a thermostat; we’ll explain why this is so important later.

The design options for such heaters can be very different, as well as their price. For example, regular painted panels will be several times cheaper than finished ones natural stone or with a relief pattern applied.

Ceiling infrared heaters also have a thermostat, but are rarely used for private homes, including summer cottages. First of all, because they are difficult to fit into the interior of the room. Secondly, to install them you need high ceilings, since they cannot be placed less than 1 meter from the human head. At standard height 2.5 meter ceilings are impossible.


Energy source

The source can be electrical network or gas cylinder. The first type is the most common, that is, the heater has a wire with which it is connected to the electrical network. Gas IR heaters for summer cottages are universal solution, since if they have a filled gas cylinder they can work even at outdoors, in the gazebo.

I would like to say something specifically about gas IR heaters. They are mobile and can be carried with them if necessary, subject to availability. vehicle. But when transporting them, you need to be very careful, because the nozzle that supplies the gas may be damaged, and this will disable the entire device.

Why do you need a thermostat?

A thermostat in an IR heater, if you use it at the dacha, is a necessary thing, to say the least necessary. In a simplified form, this is a thermometer that measures the temperature itself and brings it to the required values. For example, if you are in a house, you can set the temperature to 20-22 degrees, and it will be maintained at this level automatically. If you are going somewhere, then it is rational to lower the limit value, down to +5 degrees, so that the house does not freeze. Upon returning, raising the temperature to a comfortable level will not be difficult, since the room did not freeze.

Such a rational setting of the temperature regime will not only allow you to save on energy costs (gas or electricity), but also create an optimal microclimate in a room with irregular occupancy.

Advantages of an IR heater

A modern solution for summer residents who keep pace with the development of progress is IR heaters, and their undeniable advantages are:

  • Almost instant results. You get a device with low inertia, which means that you don’t have to wait until it gets warmer in the whole room, first it will heat you, all the objects around you, and they, in turn, will give off heat to the air;
  • With their help you can create local heating without spending

A stationary heating system radically solves the issue of heating rooms when permanent residence. During a seasonal stay on the site during vacation or on weekends, you have to use other sources of thermal energy - efficient, safe and fast - such as infrared heaters with a thermostat for the garden. Our catalog includes floor, wall and ceiling models with an average heating area of ​​20-25 sq.m.

Equipment of infrared heaters with thermostat

We offer to buy IR electric heaters in Moscow famous manufacturers at a price of 4,000 rubles. - inexpensive devices for sale in a beautiful metal or plastic case in several colors. As an additional option we offer:

  • Thermostat;
  • Wi-Fi module;
  • LED display;
  • Remote control;
  • Programmable thermostat;
  • Timer;
  • Floor-mounted infrared heaters with a thermostat for a summer residence have a height-adjustable stand.

Attention: next to some items in the catalog there is a “gift +” icon. This means that payment is made only for the device itself, and the thermostat is provided free of charge as a bonus.

Some infrared heaters with a thermostat for summer cottages in a durable metal casing are designed for indoor and outdoor use.

Thermostat function

This is the name given to an electronic or mechanical device designed to independently regulate the air temperature in a room. Essentially, this is a thermometer whose operation can be controlled. It is enough to set a comfortable temperature around 20 degrees so that the system itself controls the heating level, preventing it from exceeding the set parameter.

When leaving the house for a while, you can lower the temperature limit to 10 degrees. An infrared heater with a thermostat will operate in a gentle mode, saving energy. If the room is not frozen, it will be easier and faster to warm it up immediately after the announcement.

We deliver equipment throughout Moscow and the region. You can pay for your purchase in any way, choosing the most convenient one. Manufacturer's warranties are provided for up to 10 years (the specific period depends on the model).

Model range of heating equipment unheated premises has a huge selection. But among the existing models, infrared heaters for summer cottages have gained great popularity among consumers. Thanks to their mobility, high efficiency and absolutely harmless radiation, devices of this type are becoming indispensable for country houses.

Operating principle of an infrared heater

The operation of most popular heating devices is based on convective heat transfer. But the principle of operation of infrared heaters for summer cottages can be compared with the action sun rays, penetrating the air without heating it.

Unlike sunlight, this type of rays does not have an ultraviolet spectrum that provides tanning. Infrared heaters produce only thermal radiation, heating those objects at which the rays of the device are directed. And already from them thermal energy extends to the surrounding space.

The internal design of the heating device is not particularly complicated. In a metal case coated with a resistant powder paint there is an aluminum reflector. The main heating element is attached to it - heating element, which can be halogen, carbon, ceramic, tubular. To ensure uninterrupted operation and long service life, each infrared heater is equipped with a temperature thermostat and a sensor that turns off the device in case of overheating.

Rules for choosing an infrared heater

Today, infrared heaters have only the best reviews. They are considered the most effective, safe and durable options infrared heating. But among the huge variety, it is necessary to choose exactly the option that best suits the given conditions.

Therefore, specialists created special rules choosing an infrared heater:

  1. First of all, the power required to heat the room is calculated. In this case, it is necessary to consider how the heater will be used - as an additional or main source of heating;
  2. what energy source is supposed to be used. Typically, electricity is used for a country house, since gas-powered infrared heaters are designed for large rooms;
  3. choice heating element;
  4. place of installation of devices.

Selecting a heating element

Manufacturers have not used coils for heating for a long time, as they have a high fire hazard.

Therefore, it was decided to replace it with safer heating elements:

  • Quartz tube.
  • Heat radiating ceramic plate.
  • Halogen lamp.

The heating element, made in the form of a quartz tube, is a closed cavity, inside of which a carbon or carbon spiral is installed. The advantages of this element are fast heating and high efficiency. However, due to the short service life of the heating element, this type of heater is usually used as an additional heating source.

The heat-emitting ceramic plate has reliable protection, which allows it not to glow and be completely safe. Despite the fact that the cost of such a device is slightly higher than the previous type, reviews of infrared heaters with ceramic heating elements are usually positive. This is due to both their efficiency (power consumption from 50 - 2000 watts) and long term operation (more than 3 years).

A halogen heating element is essentially a halogen lamp that operates in the infrared range. Inside it there is a filament made of tungsten or carbon fiber. When heated, infrared radiation is released, which has a golden light.

Selection of heaters depending on installation location

Also selection options heating device will depend on the method of its installation. Infrared heaters for dachas are ceiling, wall and floor. Therefore, when installing them, you must adhere to certain rules.

Ceiling infrared heaters for dachas are considered more convenient, since they do not take up extra space and the range of influence is very wide. They can be mounted in either suspended ceiling, and attached to the ceiling on special hangers.

Wall-mounted infrared heaters for dachas must be installed at some distance from the floor, especially if the family has small child. If such a model needs to be installed under a window, then you can choose a model with a plinth design.

Regarding floor type, then they are not distinguished by high power and efficiency, since the rays encounter many obstacles when emitting. If it is not possible to install a ceiling or wall model, then it is better to give preference to heaters with carbon or tubular heating elements.

When installing a ceiling or wall-mounted infrared heater for a summer residence, it is necessary to maintain the required distance from exposure of a person to the rays:

  • heater with a power of about 700-800 - 0.7 m;
  • heater with a power of more than 1.5 kW - at least 1 m.

Review of infrared heaters for summer cottages

The manufacturer also plays an important role when choosing equipment. Brief overview manufacturers of infrared heaters for summer cottages will help the consumer quickly navigate and understand which brand to give preference to:

  • UFO. Used as open areas, so they are also suitable for indoor spaces. They do not burn oxygen and eliminate excess moisture.
  • Sunny. Suitable for indoor spaces. It is lightweight, compact and silent in operation.
  • Peony. Ceiling model with ceramic heating element. Thanks to the rounded body, the room is heated with maximum efficiency.

Adhering to the above rules for choosing an infrared heater, you can always choose successful model for a country house.

Video: rules for choosing infrared heaters for country houses

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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