Visitors to our Atelier Sauna store can choose from us infrared sauna cabin from a large assortment presented on the site. We also offer separately infrared emitters and other various accessories for booths. Infrared saunas Today they are increasingly in demand and their popularity is growing. But not everyone is yet informed about their features and how they differ from the Finnish saunas we are used to. Many people are interested in the question: which sauna is healthier, Finnish or infrared? We decided to compare them for our clients.

What is a Finnish sauna?

At one time, it became an alternative to the Russian bathhouse. Unlike the wet steam that lovers of the traditional domestic bathhouse are accustomed to, here they used dry heat emanating from a wood-burning, gas or electric stove-stove. There is no water pouring on the stones here like in a bathhouse. Dry air heats the steam room as it rises. People first lie down on the lower shelves, then move to the upper ones so that the body warms up gradually. At the same time, the pores of the skin open, sweat is released, which is then washed off. The skin is deeply cleansed.

What is an infrared sauna?

Here, a person's sweating rate is even higher. However, this is achieved not by heating the room using a stove. There are no stoves here at all. And the sauna itself is a small but comfortable wooden cabin, which can be installed not only in public place(sports club, hotel, spa), but also in a private house and even in an apartment! Instead of a heater, infrared ceramic emitters are installed here, aimed at certain areas of the human body. The time for one “sweating” procedure is approximately half an hour.

List of main differences between the two types of saunas

  • as mentioned above, fundamentally different heat sources are used to heat them: a heater in a Finnish sauna, which spends its energy on heating the entire room, which is not very rational; and special emitters in an infrared sauna, the heat of which is directed directly to the human body;
  • the heating temperature in the infrared cabin reaches 50 degrees Celsius, while in the Finnish sauna it is much higher - approximately 100 degrees Celsius;
  • When exposed to infrared radiation, a better effect of cleansing the skin and healing the body is achieved than in a Finnish sauna. Sweating in an infrared sauna is higher, and this is at a lower heating temperature and the same heat exposure time.

As for the effects of infrared radiation on the human body, its undoubted health benefits have long been proven. Without going into medical details, let's just say that health authorities around the world have approved the installation infrared heaters even in children's institutions - kindergartens, schools, hospitals. The IR sauna has almost no medical contraindications in contrast to Finnish, where when high temperature a person experiences stress. If the rules of vaping are violated, they can lead to health problems. An infrared sauna has a very gentle, gentle effect on the body, being more effective and in a useful way cleansing and healing.

A couple of bones don't break - it's popular expression known to all lovers of baths and saunas. However, in Lately no wonder you get confused in everyone fashion news. For example, along with the usual Finnish sauna, an infrared variety has appeared. What could it be? What is the difference? More beneficial or harmful? We analyzed the issue to dispel all doubts and give a clear picture of what is happening. So, let's go to the sauna!


Finnish sauna- at one time it was the main competitor of the Russian bathhouse. Distinctive feature- the use of dry heat, when the air is heated from a specially constructed stove-stove, which can be wood-burning or electric. The human body heats up gradually as it moves from the bottom shelf to the top, where the heat is strongest, which only the most resistant people can withstand.

Finnish sauna

Infrared sauna- this exotic phenomenon has recently gained recognition among those who like to take a steam bath. Its principle is based on the ability of infrared radiation to heat human body. It is a thermal effect in nature, similar to that produced by a hot stove. It is believed that such an effect on the body is absolutely safe, since it is not x-ray or ultraviolet exposure. By device infrared sauna- this is a booth small size, made from natural wood. Inside there are corner, rear and foot emitters. They are made from special ceramics. One “sweating” session usually takes about half an hour at 40-50 degrees, while sweating is much higher compared to Finnish steam room.

Infrared sauna


The temperature in a Finnish sauna can reach 100 degrees and even higher, while in an infrared sauna it is only 40-50 Celsius.

A Finnish sauna uses a wood-burning or electric stove, and in infrared there are special emitters that guarantee a targeted effect on the body.

Sweating in a Finnish sauna is worse than in an infrared sauna. The fact is that infrared radiation is aimed precisely at the person, and in a conventional steam room only part of the heat “transfers” to the body, the rest goes to warming the environment. Hence, the temperature of exposure is lower, and the effect of sweating and waste removal from the body is higher!

As for the harm, in a Finnish sauna a person is exposed to real extreme stress, which can provoke various health problems if taken carelessly. An infrared sauna uses a softer effect and therefore reduces the risk of negative situations.

Conclusions website

  1. The Finnish sauna uses a stove to heat the air, and in the infrared sauna the body is heated by appropriate radiation.
  2. A Finnish sauna can heat up to 100 degrees or more, and an infrared sauna can heat up to 40-50.
  3. Sweating in a Finnish sauna at similar temperatures is comparatively worse than in an infrared sauna.
  4. When heating the air in a Finnish sauna, a significant part of the heat is given off environment, and infrared acts on a person purposefully.
  5. The Finnish sauna is quite harsh on a person, while the infrared sauna is much gentler.

Skin problems, lethargy, drowsiness, depression - all this may indicate an excess of toxins in your body. How to deal with this? There are several methods, and the most effective of them is the removal of toxins by increasing sweating. And an infrared sauna will help achieve this effect.

What is an infrared sauna

An infrared sauna is a small cabin, the walls of which are made of environmentally friendly pure material, most often - wood. Emitters made of ceramic are installed in the walls and under the seats. Accommodates from one to five people, depending on the size of the cabin.

What is the mechanism of action

The work of an infrared sauna is aimed at warming up the body of the person in it. Considering that human body itself emits the same infrared rays in the range of six to twenty micrometers (µm), the sauna itself should also create radiation within these numbers. Only in this case the effect will be positive.

Under the influence of infrared radiation, the human body begins to warm up, as a result of which the usual temperature of 36.6 degrees grows into 38 degrees. During the recommended 20–30 minutes that a person should spend in the booth, the body actively gets rid of moisture and toxins due to maximally opened pores and profuse sweating.

An infrared sauna compares favorably with the equally popular Finnish sauna by a number of factors:

  • Efficiency. Thanks to the influence of infrared radiation, toxins are removed from the human body along with liquid, while the amount of solids can reach up to 20% of the total volume removed. But under conditions of exposure to steam, toxins are removed in the amount of only 5%, and the rest is water. In addition, in an infrared sauna, the body is heated to a depth of up to 4 cm, while a bath allows warming up only a few millimeters.
  • Small size. A cabin for one person occupies an area of ​​approximately one meter per meter, which allows you to install it even at home.
  • Possibility of connection to a regular outlet.
  • Lower costs for heating the air. If in a bathhouse about 80% of energy consumption is spent on heating the air, in an infrared sauna this takes only about 20%.

Compared to a conventional sauna, an infrared sauna has a more rational heat distribution

What effect should you expect?

Of course, the main effect of infrared radiation is getting rid of waste and toxins. The main one, but not the only one. A session in such a sauna will also help in the fight against certain diseases. For example, several visits to an infrared sauna will allow you to:

  • Stabilize blood pressure;
  • Reduce cholesterol levels;
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • Normalize blood pressure;
  • Eliminate insomnia;
  • Improve the condition of the nervous system;
  • Get rid of muscle pain;
  • Get rid of a runny nose, headache and other unpleasant symptoms of a cold;
  • Accelerate healing processes in the body;
  • Strengthen the immune system and thereby prevent colds.

Infrared sauna before and after exercise

Those who play amateur sports, and even more so at professional level, you’ve probably heard about the positive effects of sessions in an infrared sauna.

A pre-workout sauna allows you to speed up blood circulation and warm up your muscles for exercise without prior exercise.

The athlete has more energy left, and he can spend it on performing strength exercises aimed at building muscle tissue. Thanks to this approach, you can achieve more significant results than with the usual warm-up. But after intense workout infrared radiation will be useful because will remove the formed lactic acid from the body . It is this that leads to the appearance of painful sensations in the muscles after physical activity

. By visiting the sauna, you will relax faster, get rid of pain, and next time it will be easier to start a new workout.

A warming procedure under the influence of infrared radiation is possible before and after training.

Benefits for weight loss Infrared radiation also helps in the fight against overweight , which is well known to professional athletes. It is a session in the sauna that allows you to quickly and without harm to your health get rid of unwanted kilograms

. During one such radiation heating, you can “burn” 800 kcal, which are spent by the body on the process of sweating. In addition, with regular visits to the sauna, you can notice the disappearance of cellulite.

An infrared sauna can be installed even in an apartment

Cosmetic effect And finally, one cannot fail to note the beneficial effect that visiting such a sauna has on appearance skin. Thanks to the increased sweat production with which everyone goes out harmful substances

and toxins, the skin seems to be renewed, becomes smooth, elastic, beautiful and rested. A visit to the infrared sauna is especially recommended if you have skin diseases such as dermatitis, acne, acne, dandruff and psoriasis.

After several sessions, these problems will become less of a concern to you, if not disappear altogether. How to visit correctly What to get from visiting an infrared sauna

  1. maximum effect
  2. , you should pay attention to the following points:
  3. During the session, sweating is increased, and in order not to harm the body, do not be lazy to drink a glass of water before the procedure. In addition, you can also replenish lost moisture during the session. Give preference to plain water rather than sugary carbonated drinks.
  4. If you are visiting an infrared sauna for the first time, try to spend no more than 25 minutes in the cabin at a temperature no higher than 45 degrees.
  5. Before starting your session, take a hot shower to steam your body and open your pores. After this, wipe your skin dry, as the infrared sauna should be completely dry.
  6. During the session, wipe your body with a dry towel to remove any sweat.
  7. Do not apply various creams, oils, etc. to the skin before the session.
  8. Place your feet closer to the heater.
  9. After your session, shower to wash away sweat and toxins from your body.
  10. Visit the sauna regularly, but not more often than every other day.

Features of visiting during pregnancy

There is no strict ban on visiting an infrared sauna for pregnant women, but it is impossible to predict the body’s reaction to such exposure. A pregnant woman can visit the sauna with the permission of a gynecologist and in the absence of the following contraindications:

  • Duration up to 12 weeks;
  • Skin rashes associated with neurological diseases;
  • Hypotension;
  • Infectious diseases of the reproductive system;
  • Bloody brown discharge in the third trimester;
  • Low water;
  • Low placentation or complete chorionic presentation.

In the absence of these contraindications, visiting a sauna with a low heating temperature and low humidity will not only not harm, but will also be beneficial for the pregnant woman.

The installation of an infrared sauna is simple and convenient

Harm and contraindications

However, contraindications exist not only for pregnant women. You will also have to refuse to visit the infrared sauna if:

  • you don't tolerate it well thermal loads or are susceptible to heat stroke.
  • Are you taking any medications, the combination of which with infrared radiation can lead to unpleasant and even dangerous side effects. In this case, consult a specialist.
  • You have a benign or malignant tumor. Even if you suspect its presence, it is better to refuse a session in the sauna.
  • You are on your menstrual period. As the body heats up, bleeding may increase.
  • You elevated temperature body caused by a cold. Heating the body can lead to complications.
  • You recently had surgery. In this case, visiting the sauna is possible only with the permission of a doctor.
  • You are hypertensive.

In all other cases, you should just listen to your body’s reaction. It is he who will tell you whether such procedures harm him or benefit him.

The infrared sauna is one of the most available types couples holiday, so its popularity is growing. Today, anyone can install a small infrared cabin, even in their small apartment.

You can make a cabin with your own hands, or you can. But before taking infrared procedures, you need to analyze your own condition, since this type of relaxation can both bring great benefits to the body and cause irreparable harm. Against the backdrop of the fact that the infrared sauna is presented as effective remedy To lose weight, you should consider the situation as closely as possible.

Exposure to infrared radiation

To make it clear what we mean we're talking about A few words should be said about how infrared radiation acts on the human body. The cabin of an infrared sauna is somewhat different from the steam room in a simple Russian bath or Finnish sauna. This room also contains a bench that can seat from one to several people, and interior decoration the cabin is also made of wooden elements. This is where the similarities end.

Along the walls of the cabin there are infrared emitters that operate from electrical supply. The IR cabin has nothing to do with water. A person simply sits on a bench and is exposed to radiation, and heavy sweating occurs. To enhance this, many take a towel with them; if you constantly wipe the sweat from the skin, the effect of radiation will increase.

Cleansing the body

Infrared radiation has a much stronger effect on the human body than a steam room in a bathhouse. IR waves do not heat the room like steam in a steam room; in this case, all the energy is concentrated on the human body. The waves effectively warm the body, starting from the soft tissues. Such heating increases the speed of cell movement, that is, it accelerates the metabolic process, thereby activating the potential of organs and systems. Vessels throughout the body dilate and blood circulation improves significantly.

An infrared sauna is especially effective on the body of a person who has just undergone good workout in gym. As a result of force load, lactic acid accumulates in a person’s muscles, which leads to unpleasant sensations and even pain. But if you visit the IR cabin after training, the lactic acid will come out along with sweat and the person will feel much lighter. This is confirmed by

Weight loss and metabolism

The metabolism in the body, that same metabolism, is significantly accelerated as a result of infrared procedures, which can lead to some weight loss. In addition, increased sweating leads to withdrawal excess liquid from the body and skin. It is thanks to these facts that some can be achieved. But it is worth noting that if a person does not comply with the following measures, then his weight will return in a few hours:

  • monitor your diet
  • load the body with physical activity
  • drink enough liquid.

Therefore, procedures in an infrared cabin can only be a pleasant and effective addition to the overall set of weight loss measures, and not as a non-core component.

How to prepare for the procedure

Since a person can lose up to 120 kilocalories in 20-30 minutes in an infrared cabin, you should have a snack before visiting the cabin. Optimal time There will be approximately forty minutes for a light snack before the procedure. This will maintain balance in the body and prevent blood sugar levels from plummeting. in addition, during the procedure the person, as already mentioned, sweats a lot.

To increase sweating and still feel normal before the procedure, it is advisable to drink a couple of glasses of mineral water. You should drink mineral water, because plain water It is eliminated from the body very quickly, and mineral water retains beneficial substances in the cells. You should also take a hot shower before using the infrared sauna to prepare skin to the procedure.

In addition, it should be noted that you cannot use any masks, creams or oils during the procedure under any circumstances. The skin of a person going into the cabin must be completely clean and dry. Decorative cosmetics must also be washed off before visiting the cabin, and the face must also be perfectly clean.


Treatments in the infrared sauna are very helpful for radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Smooth heating of the systems allows you to relieve residual inflammation and restore the joints to their former flexibility. The only condition for such procedures is the absence of acute inflammation in the joints. That is, during severe attacks of radiculitis or osteochondrosis, when cartilage tissue If the joint becomes inflamed, visiting the sauna is strictly prohibited.


A sauna is also effective when colds. If a person feels unwell or has become hypothermic under some circumstances, then the procedure in the cabin can prevent the development of the disease. But if a person is already sick, has a fever and inflammation has begun in the throat and nose, then the cabin will no longer help, but will only worsen the situation. At the first sign of a cold, you should sit on a bench in the cabin so that your feet are closer to the emitter.

Sexual activity

For some reason, there is not a lot of information on this topic, but it should be said that improving blood circulation in the body significantly increases sexual activity person. Often married couples who do not have children, after regularly taking procedures in an infrared sauna, give birth to a long-awaited baby. Infrared radiation fills systems and organs with blood and oxygen, and this is often enough for a woman to become pregnant.

In addition, accelerating metabolism increases sexual activity and the attraction of sexual partners to each other. Therefore, couples who have problems in this area can be recommended to visit the IR cabin more often. Only here we must remember that pelvic diseases in women and pelvic diseases in men can lead to a lack of sexual desire and sexual activity. Therefore, before starting active procedures, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist and urologist.


Patients with nervous diseases, various neuroses, psychoses and even nervous tics can also feel a noticeable calming effect from visiting the infrared cabin. But these are very serious diseases, so nervous patients should not be prescribed such procedures on their own. Before visiting an infrared sauna, a nervous patient must obtain the consent of a doctor.

Useful properties of the cabin

After analyzing the information provided, we can draw the following conclusions about the benefits of an infrared sauna:

  • The IR cabin effectively accelerates metabolism, which in many situations gives very positive results.
  • Procedures in this sauna dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation, which allows you to effectively saturate the cells with nutrition.
  • Lactic acid is removed from the muscles during the procedure, which helps reduce painful sensations after training in the gym.
  • At the first signs of a cold, the IR cabin helps prevent the development of an acute disease.
  • For joint pain in patients with radiculitis and osteochondrosis, the IR cabin allows you to return activity to the joints.
  • When carrying out complex procedures aimed at losing weight, an infrared sauna shows effective results, as it allows you to remove excess water from the body.
  • Since blood circulation in the infrared cabin is greatly enhanced, the work of the heart muscle is significantly improved.
  • Also, active blood circulation allows you to fill organs and systems with oxygen and nutrition.

Harmful effects of infrared sauna

Despite such a large list of positive indicators, there are also contraindications. It is impossible to say that a sauna is harmful; this is an incorrect formulation. In this case, we can say that any item, if used incorrectly, can cause irreparable harm to the body. But it is imperative to know what the incorrect use of an infrared sauna can lead to.

To avoid big troubles, you need to understand that infrared radiation has a strong effect on the body and leads to active processes. From this it becomes clear that such active processes can harm a person if he is in an unhealthy state. It is also worth noting that the abuse of infrared procedures is very harmful; it is optimal to visit the cabin approximately 3-4 times a week. In this case, the duration of the procedure should be about 30-40 minutes, and the first time only 15-20 minutes. All these recommendations are suitable only for healthy people who have no contraindications to the procedures.

In what cases is a sauna contraindicated?

It is necessary to list and describe situations in which visiting an infrared sauna is completely contraindicated:

If a person has metal prostheses, artificial joints, rods and shunts, as well as any other types of implants in his body, he cannot visit the sauna. The fact is that infrared radiation is reflected from the metal and does not heat up evenly, the place where the prosthesis is installed. In this case, a person may experience very unpleasant sensations and even pain. But silicone prostheses are not a contraindication.

Women during their menstrual cycle are not recommended to visit the sauna, as heating the pelvis and lower back will certainly increase bleeding. Therefore, you should either significantly reduce the time of procedures during this period or completely abandon them.

Pregnant women are not recommended to visit an infrared sauna, and if the desire to receive procedures does not give rest, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

If a person has malignant tumor diseases that have already been diagnosed or are only suspected, visiting the sauna is strictly prohibited. Under no circumstances should such patients receive infrared treatments.

Any purulent acute processes are also a categorical contraindication to visit the cabin. In this condition, a person may experience a breakthrough of purulent inflammation; if it is internal, then it can end in peritonitis.

People suffering from diabetes should also visit the cabin with great caution, since diabetes is usually accompanied by other concomitant diseases. Before visiting an infrared sauna, such a patient should definitely consult with his doctor.

People suffering from alcoholism should also not visit an infrared sauna, since the condition of their body may be far from ideal.

Systemic blood diseases are also a categorical contraindication for visiting an infrared sauna. Regardless of the stage of the systemic disease and its condition, visiting the cabin is absolutely contraindicated.

If a person has any chronic diseases, ranging from sinusitis to stomach ulcers, and they are in the acute stage, then visiting the cabin is prohibited.

If a person suffers from arthritis or arthrosis, he should also not visit the infrared cabin, since these diseases can progress after warming up.

Also, the following diseases are an absolute contraindication for visiting an infrared sauna:

  • hormone-dependent tumors
  • uterine fibroids
  • prostate adenoma
  • mastopathy
  • liver and kidney dysfunction
  • diseases that can cause bleeding
  • heart failure
  • increased thyroid function
  • cachexia
  • angina pectoris.

Also, people with acute fungal diseases internal or external, then an infrared sauna can aggravate the situation.

It is believed that an infrared sauna is more likely to be useful for people suffering from extremes blood pressure. This opinion is due to the fact that the vessels dilate during the procedure and blood circulation improves. But it should be said that each such case is strictly individual and people suffering from hypertension or hypotension should definitely consult a doctor before proceeding with the procedures.

People with tuberculosis should also be very careful about infrared procedures. Before going to such a sauna, you should always consult a doctor.

Having studied this list, it becomes clear that an infrared sauna does not cause any harm as such. But if a person has a diagnosed disease or suspected serious illness, then it is better not to take risks. That is, before going to an infrared sauna, you should consult a doctor. Also, if a person takes any strong drugs medications, you should consult your pharmacist or doctor to see if their use is compatible with procedures in the infrared cabin.

Short wave emitters, namely the infrared emitter, have a fairly deep penetration into the human body. Many people believe that this indicator only brings benefits, but this is not so. The penetration of infrared waves reaches about 2 cm, and this figure is quite acceptable for the body. But no one says that the radiation penetrates and reaches the cerebral cortex to the same depth. Such exposure to infrared radiation cannot pass without consequences, and how it will affect the functioning of the brain is unknown. If you rely on this information, it becomes clear that a person must protect his head during the procedure, if not with a soldier’s helmet, then at least with a bathing cap. Japanese scientists recommend leaving the IR cabin when the emitters are in active working condition.


In conclusion, it should be said that infrared radiation affects the human body quite strongly, so you need to be very careful with it. IN limited quantities and under the strict supervision of specialists. This is especially true for people suffering from any diseases.

The question of buying a sauna has been in the air for a long time, almost since we bought our house a year ago. True, this thought was somehow vague, and buying a sauna was not on the list of most necessary things. We worked with gusto repairs and re-equipping the house, arguing until they were hoarse about what color to paint the walls, buying new plumbing and furniture. The question of the sauna faded into the background. The repairs were difficult for us and did not happen right away, every weekend there was some urgent work, money flowed like a river, and they forgot about the sauna for a while.

The winter was difficult in terms of the piled-up work; both my husband and I worked long hours and often without days off. From time to time, our backs would seize up from heavy exertion, and we would go to my parents’ sauna to steam. Actually, the presence of a sauna was the starting point in our decision to buy a sauna for ourselves. Firstly, it is good for health (they say), and secondly, all guests will always be very pleased to visit us.

A difficult winter was followed by an equally difficult spring. I sat for 7-8 hours a day at the piano and by the evening I simply collapsed from fatigue and back pain. My husband began to have terrible stress at work, and he began to come home completely exhausted. Fatigue and nervous tension, accumulated during the day, we filmed late at night in front of the TV with the help of food and alcohol.

By the summer, the problems at work had subsided, I began to work much less, and my daughter went to kindergarten. We breathed more freely, we had time to relax, communicate with friends and just with each other. There’s just one nuance: my husband and I couldn’t fit into summer clothes! Six months of stress relief with alcohol and food paid off. Since the day we moved, our scales have been lying somewhere in the garage, and neither I nor my husband raised the hand to bring them into the house to weigh ourselves. As for me, I wasn’t very worried. Everyone around me said that I felt so good, because before that I was very thin. But there’s no need to gain any more weight; with my height of 160, it would already be too much. My husband also seemed pleased with my updated figure, he said that now I have something to hold on to, but he also agreed with everyone that I can no longer gain weight. As for the husband himself, further weight gain could lead to health problems. On family council we decided to fight late dinners. We are for it healthy image life! Swimming pool during the day, kefir or fruit at night. But I still had to buy new summer clothes for both me and my husband.

I must say that all this time I was conducting some kind of spontaneous and sluggish search for a sauna on the Internet. The prices were very impressive; assembling the sauna from “planks” into a finished cabin seemed labor-intensive and time-consuming. In addition, the choice was small, since Finnish saunas are somehow not very popular here. We still didn't dare to buy. And all because my husband and I didn’t really like steaming at all. For example, I mentally understood the benefits of a sauna, but I just couldn’t understand, what exactly is the buzz? Why do people like this process so much? Personally, my heart pounded in the sauna, it was difficult for me to breathe, and most importantly, I did not sweat at all, even if I drank a lot of water. After the sauna, I felt exhausted and squeezed out like a lemon; I didn’t want to go to the pool even in summer; a shower, even a cool one, barely brought me back to my senses. No one had such a reaction. Everyone sweated normally, everyone liked the high temperature (up to 100 degrees), everyone dived into the pool with joyful cries after this, no one had heart problems. Everyone was delighted, and only I felt like the heroine of the saying that every family has its black sheep.

My husband preferred the Russian version of the sauna, that is, the wet one, when some liquid was poured onto the hot stones, which instantly turned into steam. At least this makes you sweat easily. I couldn’t stand strong humidity at all, so we couldn’t steam together.

But I continued to scour the Internet with manic persistence in search of the best prices for saunas. In the process of searching, I often came across other saunas - infrared ones. I didn’t know what it was, but for some reason I was convinced that I didn’t need it. But one fine day my eye just caught a page with a description of an infrared sauna, and I couldn’t tear myself away. This was exactly what I needed! The main points that caught my attention boiled down to approximately the following:

  1. Infrared heaters do not heat the air, but the body itself, raising its temperature and causing blood to circulate faster. At the same time, the air temperature remains relatively low, 40-50 degrees, that is, at this temperature you do not suffocate, and the load on the heart remains minimal.
  2. This type of therapy deeply cleanses the skin and helps fight skin diseases and even promotes the healing of wounds and burns. Sweat is secreted very actively and is eliminated from the body with it. large quantity heavy metals than in regular sauna. Infrared heat breaks down cellulite, burns some crazy amounts of calories, and, as a result, greatly promotes weight loss.
  3. Infrared heat is safe for humans; there are no age restrictions for taking procedures and almost no restrictions due to illness. Moreover, such a sauna cures many diseases or at least has a preventive effect.
  4. The sauna is easy to assemble, consumes very little electricity and connects to any of our outlets without an adapter or extra wires.
  5. In addition, the inside of the sauna is equipped with a radio with CD, and if desired, you can connect both DVD and MP3 players.

I will not rewrite here everything that I managed to find about this sauna. I especially liked this site, there is a lot of useful information there, and not just one continuous advertisement:

I liked everything I read that day so much that in the evening I unleashed an avalanche of new information on my husband, focusing on the fact that you can easily and effortlessly lose weight. My husband was very interested. Still would! There is hope that you can lose weight without dieting and physical exercise. I really wanted to believe this! In addition, staying in such a cool sauna could simply be a pleasant procedure. But I, a skeptic in life, could not immediately and unconditionally believe all these articles, especially since they were published on sites selling these saunas. I needed to look for information of a different kind, and I got stuck on the Internet searching forums where I wanted to find opinions ordinary people. Search first general information took probably a week, and all this time my husband and I discussed the advantages of an infrared sauna over a traditional sauna. We even came across comparison tables on the Internet, where the main differences between these two saunas were highlighted.

I am a very meticulous person, especially when I need to personally choose an expensive item for long-term use. Several years ago, when I was looking for an espresso machine, I scoured the entire Internet, and by the time I bought it I knew a lot - and different companies who make these cars, and why some are cheaper and others are more expensive. I began to understand technical specifications and knew exactly what indicators I needed. I realized what you shouldn’t overpay for, and what, on the contrary, is very important. Along the way, I learned to understand types of coffee and roasting methods. coffee beans, degree of grinding, etc. And of course, having decided on the company and model of the machine, I found best price in the Internet. As a result, I bought a coffee maker, which for several years now I have considered one of my most successful expensive purchases.

So now, I wanted to learn as much as possible about infrared saunas. I started looking for information on both Russian and American sites at the same time. I read everything I could get my hands on. There were advertising articles, and forums where people shared their personal feelings, and the opinions of doctors, which was especially interesting. We managed to collect quite a lot of information, despite the fact that infrared saunas appeared on the markets of Europe and America relatively recently.

Infrared emitters were first developed in 1965 by Dr. Tadashi Ishikawa of medical center Fuji Medical.s R&D department. Only after 14 years of research was this technology released for public use.

Now such saunas are installed in fitness centers and beauty salons, but they can also be installed in ordinary apartment, there would be a place. Feedback from people who have tried the infrared sauna has been very good. Articles written by doctors were also positive. Doctors, unlike sauna sellers, did not promise instant weight loss or a cure for all diseases, but they did not deny this possibility either. In short, the essence boiled down to the following: infrared saunas are certainly useful, they can really give all the effects that are so colorfully written about in advertising. That is, the mechanism of influence infrared heat on a person is really such that it can help the body fight various diseases or being overweight. There are no clear statistics on this yet. Using a sauna for a while can really help you lose weight. overweight, get rid of eczema, restore nervous system, improve sleep, cure arthritis, etc. But there are no guarantees that this will be the case. What pleased us was the absence of any negative reviews or articles. In any case, we did not find them, although we tried very hard. That is, an infrared sauna at a minimum cannot cause any harm. Well, as for everything else, this is our own experiment.


Having re-read it again comparative characteristics traditional and infrared sauna, we decided - we are buying an infrared sauna! After all, the family already has a traditional sauna. Do you want to take a steam bath in Finnish sauna- please, my parents live fifteen minutes away from us.

And I began a thorough search for an infrared sauna on the Internet. I wanted to choose the best, but at a reasonable price. There was a lot of choice, and I had to determine for myself exactly what kind of sauna I wanted to find. There were only three main differences: the wood from which the sauna is made, the heaters (their quality and quantity) and the size (that is, how many people the model is designed for).

We decided on the size quite quickly, deciding not to save money and buy a spacious sauna. We decided to install it outside near the pool, sacrificing one flowerbed. By measuring the flowerbed with a tape measure, we obtained the maximum allowable size of the sauna.

What happened next was more difficult. It was necessary to choose heaters. To be honest, I didn’t remember physics well from school, so I just had to read the basic operating principle of infrared heaters and take it on faith. But still, I definitely needed to understand which heaters were better, since they could be different, and ultimately I had to make a choice between ceramic and carbon ones. Simple logic dictated that, apparently, those that were more expensive were better. Many years of experience He has convinced me more than once: what you pay is what you get. My husband and I began to try to get to the bottom of the issue. As a result, we came to the conclusion that we would look for a sauna with carbon heaters, they seem to be the most advanced.

The last point was the choice of wood from which the cabin would be made from the outside and inside. There was more choice here than in the case of heaters, so I had to study this issue more deeply. The tree could be very different; there were both deciduous and coniferous species. After reading a little about deciduous trees, suitable for a sauna, I swept them aside, especially since you practically won’t find saunas made of linden or, say, alder here. These trees do not emit resin, which is good for a sauna, but they also do not emit aroma, which is bad for me personally. I didn't just want beautiful view wood, but also the smell. The search was narrowed down to coniferous species. The most popular were hemlock, spruce and Canadian cedar. I've never heard of such a tree as hemlock. I became curious what it was. The first thing I found through Yahoo search was: "Poisonous Hemlock." The grass is tall, weed-like, with white inflorescences. Something wrong. On one of the Russian sites I found a hemlock tree. So, okay, it’s still a tree. I read: "Hemlock (Canadian hemlock)." Well, it didn’t get any clearer. I read further: “analogue of Siberian fir”. Now fine. (I had to find out along the way that hemlock is conifer tree pine family). Hemlock wood is light, almost without resin. It's clear.

I was very familiar with the names of the two remaining trees. Now a choice had to be made. There were a lot of saunas made from hemlock or spruce. From cedar - much less. As always, the first thing I looked at was the prices. Saunas made from Canadian cedar were the most expensive. Later I read that this wood is indeed the most expensive. I didn’t know what dried and heated spruce or pine smelled like, but I really loved the smell of cedar. My parents have a sauna made of Canadian cedar, and the smell in the sauna was always absolutely amazing. I looked for something about cedar. I really liked the information I received.

Cedar wood has a natural strong aroma and a warm reddish color. Thanks to the high content essential oil The wood is very resistant to rotting and damage by insects, has natural durability, and is light in weight. When building a sauna, it is also important that cedar does not emit resin. The peculiarity of cedar is its healing properties, therefore the smell of cedar lining has a beneficial effect on human health. It calms, relieves tension and fatigue, and folk medicine cedar is considered an energy store and a great healer. Cedar is also a good antiseptic.

I made my choice. I want red cedar and only that!

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