The hallway is the first room that all guests see, so it is a kind of “face” of the apartment, indicating the neatness and neatness of the owners. Anyone who values ​​their status should definitely think through in detail the design for the apartment hallway panel house.

On the other hand, this room, being non-residential, must have a certain functionality: have a shoe rack, a hanger, mirrors, etc. Due to these features, the design of the hallway seems to be a particularly difficult task.

Interior renovation

It often happens that the gray standard layout of mass panel buildings, where the division between residential areas is very conditional, makes many owners think about restructuring. Most often, the hallway is a long and narrow corridor, and very small in size.

There can be a great variety of options for transforming the interior of a corridor in a panel house apartment. The whole set of them can be divided into two large groups:

  • a small, “cosmetic” improvement - adding arches, decorating with stained glass, building one or more partitions (and it is not necessary to maintain symmetry), skillfully integrating large furniture into the interior while maintaining compatibility in color and visual design,
  • serious redevelopment, which may even include the destruction of blank walls (it is even possible to completely transform the room into another purpose, for example, into a wardrobe or storage room).


If installed correctly, furniture can perfectly decorate the interior of the hallway in a panel house apartment and become an organic part of the corridor. The main thing you need to focus on is the area of ​​the room. If it is small, then it is hardly worth placing something larger than a shoe stand there. The same goes for premises non-standard shape: an individual order may be the solution.

You can talk about furniture only if the corridor is at least medium in size. Moreover, most often apartment owners panel houses opt for cabinets, as this allows you to free up significant space in living spaces.

In order for the cabinet to fit successfully into the interior, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. The cabinet should not be too wide (it will not allow passage in a small room) nor too narrow (then the structure will be very unstable and will have to be attached to the wall). Typically, a width of a little more than half a meter is considered ideal.
  2. For corridors, it is better not to buy furniture made from expensive natural wood, which will very quickly lose its presentation here. On the other hand, you should not install a headset made of cheap plastic.
  3. Furniture should be chosen in light shades or with an original combination of several colors.
  4. Wardrobes with sliding doors (“compartments”) can seriously save space.
  5. Large mirrors built into furniture can also add a unique ambiance.

The choice of color greatly depends on the size of the room and its layout. The correctly chosen color scheme when developing the design of a corridor in an apartment in a panel house gives the first and most serious visual impression.

At the same time, you should not lose sight of a number of points:

  1. Room size. It is widely known that dark colors visually make a room smaller, so it is highly not recommended to use it for already cramped panel houses (except in cases where there are windows, which is extremely rare in domestic planning practice). There is an unspoken rule in the design community not to use more than three colors in a design, and only one of them will be the main one, and the other two play only a supporting role. Most often used smart combination cream, orange, blue and other light colors.
  2. Form. You can correct the shortcoming of a low ceiling by simply painting it with brown paint. A similar play of color can be used to create the effect of lengthening or shortening an unusually shaped room.
  3. General style of the apartment. Interior separate room should not stand out from the integral design of the home, otherwise it will be perceived as extremely vulgar.
  4. Individual idea of ​​the designer. The use of a specific author's concept allows for sufficient freedom in choosing materials and colors in order to embody any sophisticated idea. For example, decoration in the Baroque style presupposes a predominance of golden, as well as white and pink shades.

Wall decoration

When choosing options for finishing the hallway of a panel house, several considerations must be taken into account:

  1. This is a room where a person spends much less time than in any other, so the cheapest materials are usually used for its decoration.
  2. The hallway is the place where dirt from shoes and dust from the entrance constantly settle. Therefore, the materials should not only be cheap, but also easy to clean.
  3. Durability. The walls and ceiling are also influenced by temperature changes due to the constant opening of the door, so condensation settles on them.

However, most often they decide to decorate the interior of the corridor in the apartment with wallpaper:

  1. Wallpaper for subsequent painting. The main advantage of this solution is the ability to paint the old surface again, giving it “new life”. Since dirt will inevitably stain the lower part of the wall, it is better to keep it in darker colors than the upper one.
  2. Photo wallpaper is only suitable for those hallways whose walls are not completely filled with wardrobes and hangers. A high-quality drawing should please the eye in full growth.
  3. The so-called liquid wallpaper has become especially popular recently.

Sometimes the interior of the hallway is decorated with PVC panels, tiles, and stone. The latest fashion is to design the corridor in vertical black and white horizontal stripes (art deco style).


For small and low rooms Floor lighting with a stream of light directed at the ceiling is perfect. With skillful lighting design, the size of a small hallway in a panel house apartment will optically appear larger. With the right choice of lighting in the hallway, its size will appear larger.

Concerning wall lighting, then it is ideal for almost any type of hallway. The shape of the lamps can be chosen specifically to match the theme of the room design. The main thing is that the light does not blind, for which sometimes the lamps are placed at a height of more than two meters. If the corridor is very narrow, then you can place a sconce on the wall at the end.

If a mirror is installed in the room, then for the best optical effect the light should be soft, otherwise the reflection will be blurry and will cast shadows.

It is better not to place an impressive chandelier on the ceiling of the hallway - it will visually reduce the interior. The best solution There will be an installation of “portholes” built into the plane of the ceiling in two rows along its entire length. This will create a unique comfort and mysterious atmosphere.


Design options for corridors in apartments

Repairs in the corridor are done last, i.e. after all rooms and other premises in the house. Most often, after remodeling the entire apartment, the owners have no imagination left for the design of this room. But you shouldn’t approach this issue carelessly. Designers give the following recommendations for modern and practical design of the corridor:

Video on the topic: Hallway design in panel house photo

  • you can make a suspended or suspended ceiling of an intricate shape,
  • use a spot light to highlight the desired areas,
  • find tiles, parquet or linoleum of interesting unusual colors,
  • install several mirrors in beautiful frames,
  • make partial inserts from stone, porcelain stoneware, decorative plaster, etc.,
  • hang several handmade lamps,
  • if you need niches or shelves, then make them with colored lighting,
  • hang pictures or family photos.

An arch in the hallway will look great even in a one-room apartment. This structure has many advantages:

  • visually the room will look more spacious,
  • free space is saved,
  • there is an opportunity to combine the premises,
  • looks simple and elegant.

Arches can be rectangular, semicircular, with various bends, etc. If you make it with spot lighting, you can significantly save on main lighting.

Video on the topic: CORRIDOR DESIGN: 15 IDEAS
In Khrushchev and panel houses, the corridors are usually long and narrow. Many people consider this a punishment. But even from such a room you can make a masterpiece. To do this, designers give several secrets:

  • walls and floors should be decorated in different light shades, but it is better to avoid white,
  • a wardrobe with mirrors will visually make the hallway wider; for the same purpose, you can use a model with partially open shelves,
  • such a long room must be well lit.

Making a small square corridor beautiful is not as difficult as it seems. It is better to lay tiles on the floor, but not ribbed ones - this makes it more difficult to care for. The ceiling can be made suspended, and it is not necessary to stop at classical forms and invoices. It is better to glue wallpaper with a discreet pattern or use light, plain ones. Also, cutting out all the thresholds will visually enlarge the corridor, and in their place you can lay flooring.

Over the years, the design of corridors decorated with stone has not lost its popularity. It's easy to make this design come true. Can be used in the hallway a natural stone, decorative or simply wallpaper with a brick or stone pattern. With the help of decorative stone you can achieve the effect of antiquity, and thanks to wallpaper with a brick image - the naturalness of the room.

A large corridor gives free rein to imagination, but also requires compliance simple rules registration By selecting horizontal stripe, the hallway will seem wider, and if you choose a vertical one, it will appear taller. By eliminating sharp corners, you will achieve sophistication in the room. By adding handmade elements, the room will be more comfortable. Don’t be shy to imagine - this will make your home unique and beautiful.


Hallways for a small corridor: design secrets

If the theater begins with a coat rack, then our home begins with the hallway. The hallway is a kind of “calling card” of your home, setting a certain tone for the entire room. What to do if the footage leaves much to be desired? Usually this question is asked by the happy owners of panel houses or Khrushchev houses, who got a measly 3-4 sq.m. reserved for the hallway.

Design of a narrow corridor in an apartment

Often we don’t even think about developing a full-fledged design project for the hallway. “I’ll put up some light-colored wallpaper, and that’s fine” - this is the solution that suits many.

It is then that frantic attempts begin to somehow fold the shoes so that they do not take up much space, the search for some kind of poster that would hide the stains that appeared from outer clothing and a bunch of curses that rain down on the heads of household members who have once again burst into the house in dirty shoes. To solve all these problems, you will have to think through every little detail.

First, let's define the terms. The hallway is the part of the room near front door. Corridor is a space, a passage between rooms. But in small apartments these two concepts are combined.

Therefore, when talking about a narrow corridor in a small apartment, we will mean exactly that elongated and narrow space, which serves as both an entrance hall and a corridor itself. Create bright design interior design can be done even in a small hallway.

A small hallway can be decorated using such a technique as combining wallpaper. This technique will help you visually increase the space of the hallway and make its design unique.
Now we need to isolate the main functions of our corridor-hallway:

  1. A place to store clothes and shoes.
  2. A place to store important little things, like umbrellas, bags, key holders, leashes and more.
  3. A mirror to once again make sure of your irresistibility before going out.
  4. Aesthetic component (remember the role of a “business card” for the whole house).
  5. I would like cleaning in the hallway to be kept to a minimum, and the freshness of the finish and cleanliness to be maintained for a long time.

Here are some tricks experienced designers use:

  1. Get rid of all unnecessary doors. In Khrushchev buildings, the hallway is a place where several doors open at once. Some of them are better removed. You can’t remove the front door anywhere, that’s understandable.

The door to the bathroom also remains: it’s not very pleasant when a wonderful panorama of the bathroom opens from the threshold. But it is better to demolish the door to the kitchen or living room, replacing them with arched openings.

Arches will give a small hallway more space and remove the excessive “elongation” of a narrow corridor.

  • If possible, then long wall It’s better to “break it” by creating a niche in it. And if you also equip the niche with lighting and install a mirror instead of the back panel, then this technique will give more space. In addition, such niches - great place for storing various small items.
  • Be careful with mirrors. If the corridor wall is too long, then it is better to choose several mirrors arranged in one line rather than one large canvas.

Selecting materials

It is customary to save on finishing materials for the hallway. This is fundamentally wrong, since this room in the apartment experiences heavy loads. All the dirt from the street settles here, and the surfaces quickly wear off due to frequent contact with shoes and clothes. If you don't want to buy a whole hallway, consider the option with modular designs. They can be easily disassembled into sections that can be installed wherever it is convenient for you.

It is advisable that there is a place for sitting in the hallway (especially if there are elderly people in the family). A pouf will do this role perfectly. In addition, the pouf can store a variety of small items, such as cream and shoe cleaning brushes. Small hallways do not tolerate bulky items. It is important that all furniture is as compact as possible.

Now on the market you can choose hallways up to 40 cm wide: it’s convenient to store things and doesn’t take up much space. On the other hand, an abundance of little things is unacceptable. It is better to keep the number of decorative elements to a minimum. Protruding handles, embossed consoles and other tinsel are undesirable on furniture. The furniture in the hallway should be combined with the design of the front door. If the door was installed earlier, then the furniture should be chosen in the appropriate style.


A small room is not a reason to abandon decorative elements. Important conditions: there should not be many of them, and they should not be massive. One painting on the wall, 1-2 bright vases on open shelves or in a niche, a rubber mat in front of the entrance is enough. Bright accessories will add vibrant colors to the overall light palette and make the design attractive.


Ideas for designing a narrow corridor in an apartment

Coming home is much more pleasant when you find yourself in a cozy corridor, even if it is long and narrow. We can say that the narrow hallway acts as a unique business card the entire apartment, this is not necessarily a minus, the main thing is to know how to present everything correctly.

That is why you should not neglect the design and various tricks that can be made from small corridor the apartment has a comfortable room, small area in which it is possible to create many functional areas.

However, be careful, it is better not to choose white wallpaper and paint, because in the corridor, where outdoor shoes and outerwear are constantly located, coatings of this color will quickly get dirty and lose their whiteness. A good option for a long corridor in an apartment would be light tiles - they will visually add volume to the hallway, and are easy to clean.

The disadvantage of a long and narrow corridor is the inability to place a large closet in the room. But he is not needed. It is extremely undesirable to try to squeeze a structure in there, which will immediately spoil the entire appearance of your Khrushchev-era building. Instead, you can really make do with hangers, hooks and a wardrobe.

A good option is a wardrobe with partially open shelves. So, in its closed part you can store things, and open shelves will be intended for small items and decorative items.

If the layout of the Khrushchev house is made in such a way that the corridor area is not typical, then you can easily order a cabinet for a long and narrow corridor of a certain size in any design. It is better to build the design concept of a narrow corridor in an apartment on minimalism. Therefore, after installing a wardrobe in the hallway, you should not clutter it too much with furniture.

It would be appropriate to place a small shelf for shoes near the entrance. Even if the closet is not equipped with a mirror, it is still worth hanging it - such a design will visually expand the passage better than any other means.

You can also make a shelf under the mirror where keys, umbrellas and gloves will be stored. Common sense suggests that the doors that open into the corridor will be uncomfortable, so it is better to change them to sliding ones.

And the door to the kitchen or living room can be removed altogether; this design will allow light from the room to penetrate into the narrow corridor. Such a reception will not spoil general view, on the contrary, will look appropriate.

It is extremely important to choose the right lighting, because in very rare cases there are windows in the corridors. A good option would be to remove the doors to some rooms (kitchen or even living room), but even this move, alas, will not be enough with just one lamp in the hallway.

Therefore, the best option is to make additional lamps on the walls. The only point: they must be installed so that the light is directed to the ceiling, which will make the walls in the apartment visually higher.

Often they choose sliding wardrobes with “shark eyes” - lamps built into the upper part of the cabinet. They not only add another light source, but also make it easy to find things and necessary items of clothing at any time.

If there is a really narrow corridor in a Khrushchev-era building, it is better to use more coat hooks nailed to the wall. This, firstly, will allow you not to constantly hide clothes in the closet, and, secondly, save space in the hallway. If you think that such structures will not fit into the design, then this is not at all true.

Today there is a huge variety of hooks, including those that are very resistant to stress and weight, forged or, on the contrary, almost transparent. But what to do with the floor design in the hallway of a small apartment? Not only tiles are suitable here, but also various moisture-repellent materials: laminate, parquet, varnished boards.

But what you definitely need to give up is carpeting. The only fabric or wool allowed here is the doormat. Otherwise, you will have to wash or take the covers to the dry cleaner every week.

As for the ceiling in a Khrushchev-era building, options with built-in lamps would be ideal, since in many narrow corridors the ceiling is so low that a hanging chandelier would simply be an impractical option.

The main requirement for the design of any ceiling in an apartment, if you need to visually enlarge the space, is to choose a tone that is lighter than the tone of the walls. Try not to make complex patterns, cascades, or drawings on the ceiling - they overload the space and make the corridor smaller.

Video on the topic: Hallway and wardrobe in a typical house


Stylish design for a narrow hallway in an apartment

To decorate walls in narrow corridors, thin materials are chosen that do not steal precious centimeters of space, for example, wallpaper or decorative stone. Moreover, these should be light shades with a vertical pattern.

In the design of a narrow hallway, it is recommended to use neutral tones such as light green, blue, coffee with milk and light lilac. It is better not to use completely plain wallpaper, as this can make the interior dull. A good option is light wallpaper on the long sides and bright wallpaper with a pattern on the ends or half-columns.

It is no secret that walls in hallways quickly become dirty, and therefore wall coverings should be chosen that are washable. Narrow corridors allow this design solution when the bottom of the walls, which is most susceptible to contamination, is done in darker colors.

If in an apartment low ceilings, then it is advisable to design them lighter. than the walls. This will make them visually taller. Accordingly, high ceilings should be darker than the main background of the hallway.

The long narrow room can be divided into two: a vestibule and a vestibule. In entrance area furniture for clothes and shoes is placed, and something like a relaxation room is arranged in the lobby. For example, put coffee table and a chair, or a sports children's corner is installed. The choice of sports corners is quite large and you can choose the desired design.

This zoning is done using arches, different finishes walls (for example, by hanging family photos) and floors, as well as multi-level ceilings. In the entrance area it is advisable to install heated floors with ceramic tiles. And it’s more pleasant to change shoes on such floors, and you can dry your shoes. Wherein ceramic tile very easy to clean. In the lobby, laminate, carpet, and linoleum are recommended.

If you lay tiles of different colors on the floor. If there is a light palette in the center and a dark one at the edges, then this option will allow you to expand the walls. When thinking about floor design, you need to avoid longitudinal stripes. This pattern will visually narrow and lengthen an already small room.

Furniture for narrow hallways should be chosen shallow so that there is more room in the center free space. It will be enough to put a shoe stand and hang a hanger board on the wall. It is advisable that it be equipped with a shelf for hats.

A narrow wardrobe with sliding doors or curtains is also suitable. This cabinet is very practical and functional, it can be made according to custom sizes. Built-in furniture with sliding doors is very spacious and fits perfectly into the design of a narrow space.

If the corridor is long, then a good decision there will be a long shelf for shoes and a small square pouf for changing shoes, which will enliven the interior. Mezzanines will fit perfectly into the design of a long narrow hallway. Add volume will help mirrors .

An extraordinary design is obtained by placing two large mirrors opposite each other. If possible, it is advisable to build functional niches of various shapes with shelves and lamps in the walls. This will add piquancy to the hallway interior.

It is not recommended to use bulky hanging chandeliers. The best option would be several lamps. the angle of light direction in which you can change. It is desirable that the lighting in long narrow hallways be located along the entire length, like on the ceiling. and on the walls. Lamps are also installed in the floor, on the side or on top of mirrors and in furniture.

The design of a narrow hallway should include convenient location switches. At a minimum, you should design two switches. one at the entrance to turn on the lights when you enter, and the other at the end of the hallway to turn off the lights.

Comfortable for long narrow corridors are “smart” lamps with sound and heat sensors. They operate on batteries, do not require major installation and light up when a person approaches, and then turn off themselves. Interesting option for a narrow hallway - painting lamps. This accessory will add brightness to the interior and volume to the walls.

Traditionally, narrow corridors are a sort of transfer point to other rooms in the apartment. Therefore, a large number of doors are traditionally located here. It’s good if the doors do not open towards the corridor.

If installation is not possible swing doors opening towards rooms, you need to think about sliding systems. Door models are chosen transparent with glass or mirror inserts. Openings to the kitchen and living room can be designed without door panels at all.

You should not clutter narrow hallways, just like the rest of the rooms in the apartment; a lot of unnecessary things will not add volume to the corridor. For small items, special pockets, shelves, additional hooks and containers for small items should be provided.


Apartment design in a panel house: how to make it interesting and comfortable

Those who are lucky enough to get an apartment in a typical high-rise building, or those who recently became the owner of a two-room, three-room or one-room panel apartment, are definitely thinking about renovations. And the question arises, what design of an apartment in a panel house to come up with or choose. Fantasy, of course, is in full swing: how to make an apartment cozy, beautiful and functional.

In a brick house, everything is simpler: the wall can be moved or part of it can be dismantled, combining the kitchen and living room. In a panel house, this option is associated with certain difficulties. The wall is almost monolithic. However, don't despair.

Modern technologies in construction and finishing works, a variety of finishing materials, furniture, decorative items, curtains and lamps allow us to create real miracles. Let's see what can be done with apartments in panel houses.

  1. Style. For apartments in panel houses, minimalist style interiors are most suitable. light ethnic style, country The rooms should have a lot of light and space.
  2. Declutter your apartment. If you have a dacha or a garage, put all your extra things there. If you have nowhere to put it, and the things are good, but completely unnecessary, give them to charity.
  3. Hallway. Use compact furniture: ottoman-cabinet, wardrobe, dressing table + shoe cabinet (overshoe). You will see how much space will be freed up!
  4. Corridor. Even if the corridor is long and narrow, it can also be used functionally. Low and shallow cabinets along the wall will become storage for various small things: from umbrellas to fishing rods. A wardrobe with mirrored doors or an open bookcase will not make the space any heavier.
  5. Bathroom. Combining the toilet and bathroom. you can turn an ordinary cramped bathroom into a luxurious and spacious hygiene room. This will accommodate a corner bathtub, sink, textile cabinet and household chemicals And washing machine. It is advisable to decorate the room in light colors, then the space will visually appear larger - light floors, glossy tiles, suspended glossy ceilings, mirrors.
  6. Color range for small rooms it is better to choose a light one: for the south side there are cold shades, for north side warm. Visually expand the space and raise the ceilings glossy surfaces- tiles, suspended ceilings, mirrors, glass.
  7. Balcony, loggia- engage them. These premises are not a warehouse for unnecessary things, but full-fledged rooms. You can make an office or a winter garden on the balcony, and turn the loggia into a bedroom.

Design of a one-room apartment in a panel house

This design is probably one of the most difficult tasks. After all, one room should also serve as a living room. and an office, and a bedroom, and a dining room. That’s why you need to use every meter of the apartment’s area.

Let's start with the kitchen. The kitchen in a panel house, and especially in a one-room apartment, is tiny. It's hard to fit the cooking and working surface, sink and small dinette. The refrigerator has to be taken out into the corridor, which is already cramped without it.

To increase the comfort of the kitchen, it can be combined with the living room, dining area take it into the room or place it on the border of a wall that once stood. This frees up space in the kitchen for the refrigerator. The wall can be completely demolished or partially cut out, but only if it is not load-bearing.

As an option, you can make a small opening in which you can put a table on wheels. In this case, you can have lunch or dinner both in the kitchen and in the room by rolling the table. A small kitchen will benefit from using the height of the walls. The cabinets can be shallow, but up to the ceiling. Each housewife will decide for herself what to hide in the upper cabinets.

Let's go into the room. The design of a one-room apartment in a panel house is a test of professionalism and the ability to withstand a critical situation. After all, there is so much that needs to be placed in one room. If the area of ​​the room allows, you can install a plaster partition, thus separating the sleeping area or office from the guest area.

And so that the wall is not empty - hang it on it flat panel TV. You can also highlight your office with a large aquarium - very interesting solution. You can zone a room in a less radical way: multi-level lighting, a combination of different types, colors, textures of wallpaper, paint, carpets, textiles.

In order not to clutter the room, prefer roller blinds or Roman blinds to ordinary curtains, and to an ordinary sofa - corner sofa or a soft corner made of individual poufs. As an additional seat use a bean bag chair - it’s comfortable and unusual.

Design of a two- and three-room apartment in a panel house

When choosing the design of an apartment in a panel house, consider how many people are in the family, which side the apartment windows face, and what you ultimately want to get.

An apartment with two or more rooms is a pleasure to plan and re-plan. If a family consists of two people, the design of a two-room apartment in a panel house is tailored to their needs. One room is usually allocated as a bedroom. It can be finished in any style: from classic to African. The second room can simultaneously serve as a living room, dining room and office. By applying known principles, you can completely separate the office or just visually draw a boundary.

The first impression of a house is formed almost instantly. What the guest sees as soon as he crosses the threshold sets him up for the mood of this home and communicates the hospitality of the hosts. Therefore, the corridor is not just a place where you take off your shoes and let go of heavy bags from your hands. Its design needs to be given special attention. What is the modern hallway design of 2017?

Stages of creating a hallway interior design:

The design of the corridor must be carefully thought out. Why? Because you need to skillfully combine several planes.

  1. Egronomic. More often we're talking about about the design of small areas where you need to fit everything. Especially if you plan to create the interior of the hallway in an apartment dating back to Soviet times. You need to be sophisticated in order to visually expand, brighten the space, and make it convenient for cleaning with the help of decor. Carefully designed storage systems will save a lot of valuable space. They will not allow clutter to be created or small items to get lost.
  2. Lighting. Correct placement lamps will compensate for the lack of natural light.
  3. Materials. To keep the repair fresh for many years, you need to use the right materials. They should be moisture resistant, easy to clean, and not easily soiled. Particular attention should be paid to the lower part of the walls, flooring, and convex corners.

Modern hallway design ideas are kept within the framework of minimalism. Although any other style can be successfully implemented. It is desirable that the design be in the same style. It is better not to mix directions. For this you need a place, but there is none. But this does not limit the imagination of designers. They manage to create stylish, practical projects. Here are some examples.

Hallway design projects

The hallway design project is developed taking into account the shape of the room, its size, and the number of doors. The right design will even out the proportions and give the room a feeling of lightness.

Narrow, long corridor. A favorite planning technique for many apartments with more than two rooms. This apartment is designed for big family, which means a lot of space is required so that all household members can leave home together and return together. The right interior The corridor will allow you to organize storage areas so that no one crowds. A competent finishing will relieve the feeling that the walls are about to close in.

Passage corridor. In small-sized apartments, the front door is positioned so that the person entering finds himself in a place where people even walk barefoot. Competent design is designed to visually zone the space, provide comfortable places for storing outerwear and shoes. This makes it easier to keep clean.

The large corridor is a real gift. The main thing is to use it correctly square meters. Capacious storage systems and seating areas can be equipped.

In order to carefully manage space, you need a design project. Experienced designers approach design in a comprehensive manner. Everything is thought through to the smallest detail. From the drawings you can see the necessary furniture parameters and other important nuances. Development of a design project includes the following stages:

  1. Creation of a drawing based on measurements;
  2. Creating the actual project;
  3. Dismantling plan;
  4. Installation plan;
  5. Records management;
  6. Layout plan for finishing materials;
  7. Calculation of communications: alarm system, intercom, lighting, electric meter, etc.;
  8. Furniture and lighting arrangement plan;
  9. Certification of finishing materials.

Hallway interior

The best solution to create a hallway interior in 2017 is to choose a modern style. It is ideal for small, functional spaces. The fundamentals of this style are practicality, cleanliness, minimalism, and elegance.

The interior of the corridor should echo the design of other rooms and connect all parts of the house together. Harmony is achieved with the help of accent items and finishing materials. It is better to have one designer design all the rooms. General handwriting is also part of the style.

The design is based on the shape and size of the room. Proper use finishing materials, furniture, even textures, significantly affect the lightness of the interior.

A wardrobe with mirrored doors will fit perfectly into the design of a small hallway. It is roomy, uses the space along the entire height of the wall, and solves the problem of installing a mirror. The feeling of purity and freedom is maintained. Furniture should be installed so that the proportions of the corridor are close to square.

The smallest corridors are about 3 sq.m. There is no room for a large closet. It can be replaced with a chest of drawers with a shallow depth. Shoe care products, accessories, hats, scarves, and possibly shoes will fit.

There is a mirror above the chest of drawers. The second mirror can be placed on the interior door. Careful selection of decor and wall shades will make even such a space pleasant and warm. A floor circular hanger will become a place for outerwear and dry umbrellas.

For those who like space, a seat with a chest of drawers for shoes underneath will be enough. This is another technique that will make the interior light. Even if there are hooks on the walls for outerwear, a shelf for small items. Well, a mirror. This is a required attribute. It's nice that there is always enough space for it.

In order for the design of a narrow hallway to bring it closer to the shape of a square, they use a game with color and arrangement.

The ceiling and floor are decorated in the same color scheme. It is desirable that the surface be glossy. This technique visually “pushes” the walls. The same effect is created by transverse stripes or patterns on the floor and mirrors. They visually expand the space. Just don’t hang them strictly opposite each other. Otherwise, this “expansion” can become slightly annoying.

Now the walls. They will seem lighter if they are white or light in color: silver, beige, light green, blue. Active, though light colors, will have the opposite effect. Bright yellow, scarlet, deep blue are good only as accent decor. Replacing the interior door with an arch or curtain will brighten up the closedness of the tunnel and the lack of windows.

Distributed lighting will break up the crowded space. Spotlights can be on the ceiling, walls, near shelves. It is better to refuse the only source of light in the form of a volumetric chandelier. A small room requires a scrupulous approach to lighting. This is the key to the right atmosphere when entering the house. Warm white shades work best.

Furniture without embossed fittings and open shelves will modestly perform their function without capturing all the attention. As decoration, you can hang several horizontal photographs, paintings, and rare posters.

The resident of the apartment passes through the entrance, goes up to the floor, and only then enters the apartment. The hallway in the apartment is protected from a large amount of dirt that accumulates on shoes. This feature affects the design of the hallway in the apartment.

The flooring of the corridor must be moisture-resistant and durable. Carpeting is not practical. But a small rug near the door will take its toll rightful place, will allow you to get rid of any remaining dirt. Zoning of an apartment corridor has its own characteristics. It is necessary to separate an area for seasonal items and for those that are not currently in use. Directly next to the door there is a seat and a shoe rack. A little further is an area with a mirror. It is better to place cabinets or hangers away from the door.

The peculiarity of the apartment corridor is its proximity to the living rooms. Therefore, they try to make the layout as less “dirty” as possible. That is, so that a person can take off his shoes as close to the door as possible.

The hallway in a private house has fundamental differences from the hallway in an apartment. Usually it is more spacious and has at least one window. Creating the interior of such a room is a pleasure. It is easier to allocate areas for clothes, shoes, and storage. However, more dirt from shoes comes from the street. For this reason, the place where we leave our shoes should be quite spacious.

To make the design of the hallway in a private house cozy and neat, it can be supplemented with living plants. Sources of natural light make the corridor more “livable”. Light colors are used for decoration. But the furniture along one wall can contrast with what is along the other.

If there is a staircase in the corridor, the scope for the designer’s imagination increases. A spacious storage area can be located under the stairs. New possibilities also open up for decoration. If the floor covering at the entrance should be practical and moisture-resistant, then the stairs can be decorated with a carpet. Or choose flooring of a different color. An original solution is to arrange storage areas inside the steps.

Houses are built according to an individual project. Their layout is not as predictable as in Soviet-style apartment housing stock. Therefore, non-standard layouts may require custom-made furniture. Then she will fit perfectly into the space allotted to her.

The temperature in the corridor may differ from room temperature. Especially if the front door does not go into the entrance, but onto the street. It is better not to install double doors - metal ones, and wooden ones behind them. Metal adds coldness, wood can become deformed under the influence of temperature changes. But the metal parts of the furniture in the hallway will be practical. They look beautiful and elegant.

After preparatory work, planning comes time for finishing. The choice of finishing materials must be approached comprehensively. Take into account the color, texture, and most importantly, the wear resistance of materials for walls and floors. This is important because a place where a lot of people pass by gets dirty easily.

It may seem that it is enough just to behave carefully, then the wallpaper will be like new. In fact, the walls can be damaged by bags and packages. If there is a wall hanger, the jackets will wear off the finish over time. Dust, moisture from an umbrella - all this threatens the beauty of the renovation. How to choose a reliable and at the same time beautiful wall decoration?

Almost everything is suitable for walls Decoration Materials. The exception is textile wallpaper. They will be impractical: they absorb dust and wear out quickly. It is better to give preference to vinyl wallpaper, which is more resistant to mechanical damage.

If the walls are topped with complex “architecture,” liquid wallpaper will do. They are carefully applied to the most difficult areas. Liquid wallpaper and decorative plasters create a beautiful surface. At the same time, it is easy to restore. And you can do it yourself. This natural materials, allowing air to pass through. Combined finishing the walls look elegant. It is even a characteristic technique for some styles (for example, Provence). The surface is divided horizontally. The lower part is decorated with panels. Top part- wallpaper. The bottom part should be darker than the top.

Decorative plaster will add a touch of sophistication to any wall. Its textures look voluminous. Especially under spot lighting close to the wall. Opened with varnish, patina or mother-of-pearl, they look different from every angle. Their shade is not bright, but rich in undertones.

Wall panels come in the form of rectangular blocks, vertical strips, curly lines and many different options. The texture of wood or other natural materials can be repeated. Even, one might say, the elements. This is an important attribute of modern style.


It would be a mistake to choose nondescript, very modest wallpaper just because it is often used for a small room. But it is important that they are not dark. Vinyl wallpapers come in a wide variety of colors. They are not afraid of attacks from pets because they are made of synthetic materials. Therefore, it is easy to wash them.

The advantage of cork wallpaper is that it is environmentally friendly. They do not require special care, are easy to maintain, and add their modest plus to the soundproofing karma. The disadvantages include the high cost. But for a small room it’s easier to allow yourself a little luxury. A cramped corridor also has its advantages.

Bamboo wallpaper can be used on the entire wall or as the bottom part of a combined wall covering. Paintable wallpaper will allow you to change color frequently. So you can conduct an experiment to see which shade is the most advantageous. On one section of the wall, you can create a stencil design directly on the wallpaper.

Decorating a wall with photo wallpaper is bold, but... good idea. If they are light, cool shades, they will add space. Bright, warm colors, on the contrary, will hide it. You can safely hang a mirror opposite such a wall. A poster with large format printing can be with abstraction, geometric patterns, or stylized images.

It is convenient to use this design for a long, narrow corridor. The walls cannot be filled with cabinets or used as useful space. And unobtrusive photo wallpaper, without large, aggressive details, is a good design option.

The main criterion for coating is strength. There are no equals to porcelain tiles. It is resistant to abrasion, any mechanical damage, moisture, dirt, and will not be damaged by pets. For small corridor large, smooth tiles will do. However, it is important that it is not slippery. The variety of models is multifaceted. Imitation stone looks especially stylish. Finishing the floor of the hallway of a private house with such tiles will create the right mood of closeness with nature.


Chic flooring, warm, homey shades, natural wood inside the house. Parquet, especially oak, - good coverage for interior in classic style. It is nice to complement it with a small rug. However, its cost is very high. If the budget does not accommodate such costs, you can turn to an alternative - laminate.


Laminate has a wide selection of colors and textures. It is somewhat cheaper and does its job well. For the floor near the front door, we chose a laminate of such a category that it could withstand constant mechanical loads. Cheaper models are best left for rooms. Otherwise, every time you cross the threshold of the house, you will have to pay attention to the swollen laminate, frayed at the joints. High-quality models are not inferior in strength to parquet.


A rug makes any room feel warmer. Where entrance doors are constantly slammed, there will be small bridges of cold. Especially in a private house. Carpet sits at the intersection of warmth and practicality. It is the only one of all carpets designed for corridors. You need to choose a high-quality fabric with dense, fine pile. It can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, detergents and a brush. It lasts a long time and does not wear out.

To achieve greater ease of cleaning, you can leave 1 meter from the front door without carpet, and cover the rest of the floor along with the stairs. Installation does not require special skills and is possible on any surface.

Hallway design styles

The corridor is usually decorated in the same style as the whole house. There are fortunate exceptions. But it’s better to stick to one general design line. Modern style, Scandinavian, modern, country best decorate a small room. Classic style, hi-tech and others can also advantageously present the house to guests.

Country style in the hallway

Eco-friendly, authentic, good-natured style. It looks especially natural in private homes and dachas. Its main feature is natural materials. Wood with a rough texture, textiles, clay, plaster, and stone are used.

The walls are sheathed wood panels. They can stretch to the ceiling or half the wall. The upper half is finished with wallpaper and plaster. In contrast to light walls fits in stylishly simple furniture dark shades. If wooden floor beams are visible on the ceiling, under no circumstances should they be hidden. All lovers of antiquity will be pleased to place a chest of drawers or a hanger with a stamp of time.

If everything natural is used, the colors should also be close to natural. Furniture is chosen in beige and olive shades. The floor, preferably wooden, is decorated with small rugs or paths. Appropriate decor includes ceramics, wicker items, even everyday items. Also preferably antique.

Wallpaper, curtains, and furniture upholstery are chosen with simple, unpretentious patterns. The country style implies a clear system for arranging furniture in the hallway. It doesn't have to fit perfectly into place. Roughly speaking, it stands as it was installed. That's the charm of country music. Another touch - textile details can be patchwork.

This style is also close to nature. Natural, but more expensive materials are used. Wood, marble, stone. An Art Nouveau style hallway has sharp corners and a clearly symmetrical arrangement of furniture. Lamps and stained glass are used as decoration. This is a characteristic feature of modernity. The wardrobe and interior doors with glass are decorated with stained glass. They often depict plant motifs. But even these paintings do not have sharp lines or many small details.

The main accent is created by the furniture. It is simple, not massive, elegant. You can often find benches or chests of drawers with high curly legs. This allows you to make the space more spacious. Tile is a good choice for flooring. Ornate lines, forged elements complement big picture.

Light, pure colors act as a background. Stained glass windows, lamps, forging can be of bolder colors. But the entire color palette is maintained in pastel, noble colors: beige, olive, burgundy, brown, black. This style requires you to have some extra space. Therefore, it is better to use it with a large quadrature.

The Scandinavian style hallway always has white walls. They will be complemented by plank floors made of bleached or traditional wood colors. A rug or runner with a simple pattern will add color and comfort. Minimum furniture laconic design give a feeling of lightness. Instead of a bench with soft upholstery put up a chair. Instead of a massive chest of drawers there is a small shelf and hooks.

This style is special. It combines the aesthetics of small details with a high degree of practicality. This is usually how small apartments are decorated. Therefore, space is used as rationally as possible. If in any other case much attention is paid to the choice of cabinet, its color, shape, size, then here the same amount of attention is paid to the hook.

As a result, the house is filled with stylish, comfortable decorative elements that do not burden their owner. This is not even a style, but a philosophy of life.

Maintaining minimalism in a hallway, especially a small one, is not easy. A thoughtful layout will help solve this issue. For all things, even the smallest ones, there is a place. And the person who chooses this style most likely does not like to have a lot of things. This is the key to order. But against the background of white walls there is a lot of decor. Photographs, paintings, posters. As a result, the interior of the corridor looks vibrant and colorful.

Choosing furniture for the hallway

The choice of furniture is a separate issue. Its type and quantity completely depend on the available footage. If space allows, you can place a chest of drawers. It will probably never go out of fashion. It is roomy and at the same time serves as a shelf on which you can put your bag. This piece of furniture can successfully contrast with the color of the finish. If the walls are light, feel free to choose dark shades of the chest of drawers. If you need to save space, you can sacrifice the depth of the chest of drawers.

A chair or armchair will help you put on your shoes comfortably or wait for someone who is delaying leaving the house. The seating area is chosen with style in mind. Modern allows for a real luxurious chair. If the footage allows, of course. But this is not the chair we choose for a place in front of the fireplace. But rather from the luxurious waiting room. More simple options- an ottoman, a shoe rack with a soft seat, an ordinary plastic or metal chair, a bench.

A hanger is a must-have attribute. It allows for compact hanging outerwear. If the hallway furniture is arranged correctly, all small things will have their place. This is the key to being organized before heading out. It’s so important not to forget your umbrella, to have a permanent place for your keys and notebook. The hanger can be wall or floor.

A mirror can become the main accent decoration. If it is large, you need to position it so that you can step back and see yourself in full growth. The frame cannot be neglected. Beautiful design completely changes the appearance of the mirror. You can even make such a frame with your own hands. This will be a good activity for the whole family, and the results will delight you for a long time.

If you wish, you don’t have to select each item separately. Ready-made sets are sold, which contain a wardrobe, a mirror, a seat and a shelf in one compact set. And the dimensions are calculated taking into account standard layouts apartments The downside is the predictability of the interior. For design design This option is not suitable for apartments.


The sliding wardrobe can be built-in or cabinet. Its task is to fit a lot of things without losing much space. Even the doors do not open, but slide away, which saves space. This option is good for big family.

Hallway lamps

Lighting where there are no windows needs to be thought out especially carefully, taking into account the design of the project. General lighting instead of sunlight. It is located on the ceiling or high on the wall. Task lighting illuminates the area near the mirror. This is convenient if you comb your hair and apply makeup in front of the mirror. Some spotlights may be where things are stored, inside deep closet. Decorative lighting- This LED lights, sconces, “tablets”, floor lamps. This light plays with space and highlights the texture of the walls.

The choice of the appearance of the lamp depends on the style and size of the corridor. Chandeliers for the hallway are acceptable if it is not crowded. The latest trend of 2017 is linear LED lamps. They provide uniform light and can visually lengthen or narrow the space. If the place is narrow or long, they need to be placed horizontally, randomly diagonally, or the “sectors” of the corridor should be separated so that it does not seem so endlessly long.

It is almost impossible to correctly calculate the number and power of lamps by eye. This is what designers do when developing a design project. Even the color of the furniture and decoration is taken into account. If you do the lighting yourself, you may encounter insufficient illumination or the wrong shade of light. Well, trial and error can fix this.

Corridor design is an important stage in creating a home. He is responsible for the first impression of guests of the space. And it gives you a feeling of comfort when you cross the threshold of the house after a long day.

The corridor is a kind of calling card of the house, because this is where guests first find themselves. Therefore, it is very important to try to make the corridor beautiful, functional and cozy.

Corridors come in various shapes: spacious square, narrow, etc. It often happens that due to the inconvenient configuration of the hallway, it becomes very difficult to design a truly beautiful and comfortable interior.

Before planning the design of this room, it is worth paying attention to what function the corridor performs. Most often, a hallway is needed in order to: change clothes, putting on street clothes and shoes, or taking them off after visiting the street; also in the hallway you can store street clothes, shoes, as well as various necessary accessories(umbrellas, bags, gloves, scarves, keys, hats, etc.). Therefore, it is necessary to plan this room, first of all, based on its functional purpose.

Corridor interior: walls and floor

First, pay attention to the walls and floor of the corridor. Since, often, the typical shape of a corridor is narrow small room, with the help of proper wall design, it is possible to visually expand it. To do this, you need to paint or wallpaper the walls in a light color or shade. You can make the corridor visually wider using a horizontal elongated pattern. If you like the dark color of the walls, when decorating a narrow corridor you need to choose the right lighting.

You should choose your floor covering especially carefully. It should be moisture resistant and easy enough to wash, because people enter the corridor in street shoes. The most suitable option there will be tiles that match the tone of the walls.

Corridor interior: furniture

After decorating the walls and floor, then you need to correctly choose furniture. An excellent interior solution for a hallway would be a wardrobe, which will ideally help hide from strangers the various clothes and accessories that are constantly in the hallway, because the fewer things in sight, the better. In addition, the wardrobe can be made according to individual order, taking into account the exact dimensions of the walls, so you don’t have to worry that it won’t fit into your corridor. In order to further visually expand the space of the hallway, you can order a wardrobe with a mirrored door to make it visually more spacious.

Corridor interior: lighting

Properly selected and designed lighting plays a big role in the interior of the corridor. It is strictly not recommended to use lamps with fluorescent lamps (fluorescent lamps) in the design of this room. Such lamps can distort colors and color rendition. Therefore, makeup and clothing color are very different in daylight and in light fluorescent lamp. The best option for lighting the corridor would be halogen lamps, which in their color spectrum most closely match natural light, or incandescent lamps.

For effective corridor design you can use multi-level lighting. Mirror lighting, spot ceiling lamps will come in handy.

Corridor interior: armchair, chair or pouf

For convenience (to make it comfortable to take off your shoes), you can place chair or armchair. Also, near the front door you need to hang a shelf on which you can put keys, small accessories, hang a bag, etc. In the same direction, you should place a closet where outerwear will be located, as well as a shelf with casual shoes. Since it is not recommended to immediately put damp or wet clothes in the closet, it is necessary to provide a location for an open hanger, and there may also be a place to store an umbrella. So that wet things cannot be spoiled appearance It is advisable to use moisture-resistant wall coverings.

Corridor interior: photo

The interior design of the hallway should be combined with the design of the rest of the rooms and correspond general style apartments. At the same time, it must fully fulfill its functional purpose, be tastefully decorated, and at the same time not remain faceless.

Usually the interior of the corridor in an apartment becomes a real problem for the owner. After all, its area and layout are small, which means you have to choose original techniques to make the customer’s dreams come true. However, experienced designers are happy to talk about how they managed to transform a boring interior.

It is best to try to move away from all standards in advance so that you can enjoy the beauty later. For this reason, it is necessary to consider the basic principles that can please customers.

Professional designers create amazing designs that are reflected on the Internet. They tell people what they can do to add something interesting to the room.

Users are surprised to see original techniques based on the latest finishing materials and technologies for their use. Of course, when contacting specialists, you should tell your own wishes so that the designers can make any dreams come true. Even if in some cases it is not so easy to complete the work, the result exceeds all expectations.

How to visually enlarge the corridor, watch this video:

Finishing materials for the interior of the corridor

When choosing finishing materials for the floor in a corridor or hallway, you have to go beyond aesthetic considerations alone. And saving here is also unnecessary. Despite the fact that the premises belong to the technical zone, they require increased attention.

The hallway is like an airlock on a space station, where spacesuits are left to prevent alien life from getting inside the ship. People come into the hallway wearing dusty, dirty shoes. Here they take off wet, snow-covered clothes.

Even if minimalism is alien, you should turn to it, since expanding the space becomes impossible. Moreover, the situation suggests that not a single standard furniture design will suit the apartment owner. The only salvation is ordering a personal project.

It is much easier to choose furniture than many people think. Now it’s worth ordering a small hallway that will complement the corridor with functionality. Guests will be able to leave their outerwear and shoes there.

Today, two-room apartments are the most popular. The fact is that their area is suitable even for a large family, and the cost is affordable for the population. When creating an interior design project for a corridor in such an apartment, it also requires special attention to some features.

First you need to abandon standard interior design styles. Unfortunately, none of them will fully fulfill all the wishes of people. Of course, area will also play a role, but two-room apartment Usually planning allows you to move away from these issues.

The main thing is to focus on the doors to the rooms. To do this, the easiest way is to use a special finish that will help highlight the entrances against the general background. Such a simple method is available even to owners who work independently.

Corridor in a small apartment

Truly professionals will have to work hard when working with the interior of a small apartment. In this case, the area of ​​the corridor turns out to be so small that furniture is not always placed in it. However, even in this case, you can achieve interesting results if you approach the lighting correctly.

The fact is that professionals suggest that you need to illuminate the room as much as possible. Additionally apply bright hues in decoration, in order to transform a boring environment into a true masterpiece. To do this, just hang a chandelier with a couple of light bulbs, which will dazzle with its brightness.

This solution may seem too simple, however, it should be used to continue to optimize the interior of the corridor in the apartment. After all, next you will have to create an extensive mirror surface.

Some designers suggest filling an entire wall with mirrors so that the surrounding space is reflected in them. What will a person get? With this technique, you can visually expand the room in the blink of an eye.

Interior of a long corridor

Another difficult option is the interior of the corridor in the apartment, when it turns into a real tunnel. Similar layout and the area complicates human life. He has to order furniture and hang several chandeliers. However, professionals will force a departure from these outdated standards.


We should also say a few words about lighting. You cannot use a single chandelier, as it will leave shadows in distant areas. Naturally, they will generate disappointment for the entire family. Small lamps mounted on walls or ceilings are ideal.

They provide even light throughout the entire corridor without unnecessary shadows and dark places. In addition to them, decor is used, for example, paintings or other flat elements. The fact is that lighting is best done using ceiling or wall lamps. In this case, costs will be significantly reduced, and the room will be filled with bright light.

What furniture to choose

The hallway is not just the “facade” of the apartment. The room is quite functional. Here they put on outerwear, put on their shoes, and examine themselves before going out. A wardrobe and shoes are stored in the hallway. Since space is often limited, some difficulties may arise when selecting furniture for the hallway.

The following are considered mandatory hallway furnishings:

  • wardrobe for storing outerwear;
  • shoe styling;
  • a bedside table for cleaning accessories;
  • a chest of drawers where hats and gloves are stored;
  • place for putting on shoes;
  • mirror;
  • bedside table for keys, notepad, etc.;
  • In addition, a shoe dryer may be a necessary accessory.

, read the designer.

According to the designers, the best option For small hallways can become furniture with multiple functions. In this case, preference is given to the wardrobe. When selected appropriately, it fits harmoniously into the overall picture, and thanks to the sliding doors it does not take up free space.

In most cases, wardrobe doors are mirrored, which makes it possible to avoid placing a separate mirror. The volume of this piece of furniture allows you to solve problems with storing everything that is usually left in the hallway.

If the room is very small, you can limit yourself to a chest of drawers, which serves as a place for changing shoes. There is a mirror above the chest of drawers. An even simpler option is a wall hanger with a seat and a shelf for hats.

The correct arrangement of furniture in the hallway will not only not reduce the free space, but will also visually increase the free space.

Thus, the interior of a corridor in an apartment is a difficult, but not impossible task.
Experienced designers quickly select the optimal techniques, materials and methods of their use to fill the house with beauty and comfort. Moreover, they always remember the wishes of their clients.

The owner of the apartment must independently evaluate his own wishes, since experienced designer will definitely implement them in the interior. Due to this, you will be able to please yourself and make your family happy. The decor will probably turn out to be much simpler than many people think. For example, you can put a small figurine in the corner or indoor plant, which will immediately create home comfort.

For this reason, they are now presented on the Internet the most complex projects, some of which have long become a true dream of compatriots who are ready to forget about all traditions and plunge into the wonderful world of modern design.

The interior of the apartment is arranged in a suitable design. The corridor is an integral part of this process. Its dimensions imply a special approach. The design of a small corridor has its own arrangement rules. You need to use space correctly:

  • Choose suitable materials for finishing walls, ceilings, floors, furniture;
  • Install unremarkable lighting;
  • Apply light colors and associate shades;
  • Consider the amount of furniture and decorative items.

The corridor is a room without windows. It is located at the entrance to the bathroom and toilet, or between rooms. Small footage is not a reason to refuse to arrange it. It is advisable to choose a design that describes the style of the apartment. You need to use a minimum amount of furniture. Decide only on shelves for shoes, a hanger, a bench, a built-in miniature wardrobe. The walls are finished with wallpaper. This method is practical. The result of the work done depends on knowledge of the features of small corridors.

Corridor shapes

The apartment happens different layouts. Rooms and corridors have several shapes. When making a design, you need to take this factor into account. There are two types of small corridor:

  • Narrow. The walls are close together, creating a narrow passage. There is little room to move. It is almost impossible to place furniture. A hanger needs to be installed. A small chest of drawers or shelving should be placed along this wall. Wallpaper is needed with a small pattern, or plain, light shades. The ceiling is painted white to make it appear high. You can make suspended ceilings with built-in lighting. Thus, two jobs are performed at once. The flooring is finished with parquet, laminate, linoleum.
  • Rectangular. A narrow wardrobe, chest of drawers, and bench will fit here. Clothes, shoes, and accessories must be left in the closet, so you should pay attention to its capacity. Wallpaper is needed with medium-sized patterns, or combined ones. The interior design involves the use of light shades. A milky, cream, light pink stretch ceiling will fit perfectly.

Corridor connecting rooms

Thinking through the interior design of a small corridor of this type has its own subtleties. It is designed for transition between rooms. You need to select furniture so that it does not interfere with the opening of the doors. Free movement on it is the main issue. If the doors are no longer needed, they must be removed. It is advisable to close the opening with nice arches. Thus, the absence of windows will become invisible. Daylight comes from the rooms. The interior of the apartment will become a single whole. It is necessary to decorate the corridor in the same style as the rooms. It must be supplemented with the following details:

  • Dim lighting. Small lamps or light bulbs are installed on the ceiling, walls;
  • Wallpaper with small patterns, or combined;
  • Roomy, but small furniture. You need a closet, shelves for accessories, a chest of drawers;
  • Stretch ceiling. It is in demand due to its practicality, beauty, and quality.

The walls of the corridor can be decorated with paintings and portraits. It is advisable to choose several small ones.

Corridor with entrance to the bathroom and toilet

The interior of a small corridor at the entrance to the bathroom and toilet is described by its simplicity in design. There are some features:

  • The doors of the toilet and bathroom, which open inward, do not interfere with the passage. Therefore, a dressing table and shelves on the opposite wall will come in handy;
  • Steam, humidity, and water often come out of the bathroom and toilet. This may lead to dampness. Therefore, the floor must be finished with materials that are resistant to these troubles. Tiles and linoleum are suitable for this. Dark colors hide stains, dirt, dust;
  • Ceiling decoration requires similar protection. Painting it is the right decision;
  • It is advisable to paint the walls with antibacterial paint or glue them with moisture-resistant wallpaper;
  • Suitable colors are considered beige, light yellow, cream.
  • Coming out of the bathroom toilet room, you need to be free. This means that there should be nothing opposite the doors except pictures on the wall;
  • The entrance needs space. Placing a narrow, oversized chest of drawers is a smart decision.

Very small corridor in the apartment

In apartments there is a problem of decorating a corridor, a very small area. In its design, simplicity, ordinariness of style, and ease of execution are needed. To make it convenient to enter and move around, you need to place a minimum amount of furniture. It is impossible to install a closet, so having a small bedside table will come in handy. You can add a hanger nearby.

For the interior of a very small corridor, you need to choose one or two pieces of furniture: a chest of drawers, shelves, a rack, a bench. The choice is up to the owner. The built-in mirror visually increases the space. Undistinguished fixtures will sparkle, adding light. The choice of wallpaper should be made in favor of plain, light shades. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of contamination, so it is better to use washable types.

The design of a small corridor near the bath and toilet provides for the absence of the necessary furniture. Shelves, a hanger, and a mirror must be placed so as not to interfere with the entrance and exit.

It is advisable to make the doors of the bathroom, toilet, and rooms opening inward so that they do not take up extra space.


The choice of wallpaper will significantly describe the interior of the entire apartment. They have different quality and view. Wallpaper design can reduce, enlarge, brighten, or depress space. Therefore, you need to know about existing types and their purpose. The small area of ​​the corridor depends on their choice. Types of wallpaper:

  • Liquid;
  • Fabric;
  • Vinyl;
  • Paper;
  • Non-woven;
  • Cork.

For the corridor with bathroom and toilet doors, fabric, vinyl, and cork wallpaper are used. They are waterproof and moisture resistant. Easy to clean using special products. For narrow options, it is advisable to choose vinyl. Cork and fabric wallpapers can narrow the space thanks to their voluminous texture.

The design of the corridor with the transition to the apartment rooms provides a choice of paper, non-woven, liquid wallpaper. They are breathable, allowing the walls to breathe. All are suitable for the design of a narrow and rectangular corridor.

Wallpaper designs with large patterns are used only in combination with plain ones.

Design colors

The corridor in the interior accumulates the most dirt and dust than other rooms in the apartment. This fact suggests the idea of ​​decorating the design with dark colors. It is necessary to take into account the footage of the corridor. In our case, dark colors help narrow the space, which is undesirable. The finishing materials used make it possible to wash and care for them, regardless of color.

The absence of windows requires the use of yellow, orange, White color for wallpaper, paint. They give a feeling of sunshine. The floor is brown, beige, walnut color combined with a white ceiling. Cream stretch ceiling, light yellow, peach, would be a suitable option.

You need to choose furniture in light colors. Walnut, beige, light brown colors are perfect.

If the apartment has a single design style, then the hallway design can be given shades of the same color palette. Thus, the territory will become one whole.

Corridor in different apartments

The design of a small corridor in an apartment depends on the number of rooms. Its features will help you properly decorate your interior.

One-room Two-room Three-room apartment
Peculiarities compressed space,

Minimum free space

Insufficient amount of furniture,

Small and narrow shape.

Rectangular shape,

Capacity for only the most necessary furniture,

Narrow passage.

elongated shape,

Possibility of placing a large number of paintings,

Possibility of placing the necessary furniture.

Color, shades White, cream, light pink, beige.Beige, white, walnut, yellow, orange.Light pink, white, beige, cream, yellow.
Wallpaper Paper, vinyl, liquid, plain.Paper, liquid, vinyl, non-woven.Fabric, cork, vinyl, non-woven, liquid.
Furniture Shelves, hanger, chest of drawers.Dressing table, narrow wardrobe, chest of drawers, shelves.Small wardrobe, rack, chest of drawers, hanger, bench.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.