Petiolate or creeping hydrangea is a very an extraordinary plant. Its aroma is reminiscent of honey, and in length it reaches from 10 to 20 m, being a real decoration of any garden.

The plant has several names, the most common of which is Hydrangea petiolaris. When planning cultivation, you need to choose not only the most suitable variety, but also know the rules for planting and caring for the plant.

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    Varieties and varieties

    This plant is one of the subspecies of garden hydrangea. Not only on various photographs, but also in life it looks like a real vine, capable of entwining trees and other garden objects. Thanks to it, you can safely decorate a fence or wall of the house. The main assistants in this matter are aerial roots, as well as special suction cups on the plant, thanks to which it can freely cling to flat surfaces.

    One of its distinguishing features is its high winter hardiness. Adults perennial shrubs able to withstand short but severe frosts of 30 degrees. Hydrangea leaves are quite dense, thanks to which they perfectly shade the windows of the house, keeping out the summer heat.

    The most common types of petiole hydrangea are:

    1. 1. Miranda. This plant has a wonderful, somewhat sweet aroma. The leaves are dark in color with a hint of light green and have white veins. The leaf shape is wide and somewhat pointed at the end.
    2. 2. Climbing vine. The plant is inherent interesting feature: With the help of various colored dyes, white flowers can be easily given any shade.
    3. 3. Cordifolia. Its inflorescences look like small panicles, smelling sweetly of honey.
    4. 4. Petiolaris. The most common type for landscape design. The plant is the longest, and can sometimes reach more than 25 m. This shrub can not only entwine trees and walls, but also weaves beautifully along the ground.


    All varieties of petiole hydrangea can be propagated using seeds or cuttings. If you propagate shrubs using seeds, then in this case you need to take a special container with ready-made fertile soil. Once shoots begin to appear, next spring they will need to be dropped off at open ground to a temporary place.

    If it is preferable vegetative method reproduction, then in this case it will be necessary to prepare special green cuttings that have one internode, the length of which is at least 8 cm. After this, the cuttings are planted in the soil for rooting. You need to water several times a day. Moreover, future plants should be carefully protected from direct sunlight. Basically, the survival rate of shrubs grown in this way reaches 100%.

    Landing rules

    Climbing hydrangea is planted in the ground in a permanent place only in April or May. Planting material must be at least 2-3 years old. The required distance of 1 meter must be maintained between each bush.

    The size of the hole in which the plant will be planted should be 40x40 cm. The depth is at least 0.5 m. If the soil on the site is heavy, the size of the hole increases. If the soil is light, the size can be reduced somewhat. It is necessary to place drainage made of gravel or broken bricks at the bottom. The thickness of the drainage layer should not be less than 10 cm. Fill 10-15 cm of fertile soil on top.

    After this, the rhizomes of the future shrub are straightened, the root collar is located according to the soil level, after which the hole with the plant can be safely filled up. After the bush is planted, it must be watered thoroughly. Using sawdust, pine needles or peat, you will need to mulch the existing tree trunk circle. The thing is that mulch helps retain moisture, and also prevents weeds from clogging the plant and protects its root system as much as possible, which is important for a young seedling.

    Plant care

    In order for the plant to please the owner and his guests, it must be properly cared for, which includes careful watering and numerous feedings.

    As for watering, it should be plentiful. One plant will need at least 20 liters of water 1-2 times every 7 days. If the summer is rainy, then the plant does not need such a large amount of water; it is enough to perform the procedure once a month. If the summer is dry, in addition to watering, it is necessary to carry out additional spraying of the bush.

    At the end of spring or early summer, the plant needs to be fed with slurry in a ratio of 1:10, after which a full range of necessary mineral and organic fertilizers is placed on the soil. Over the entire summer, you need to carry out 3-4 more procedures. IN autumn period Over time, the soil under the plant is additionally fertilized with wood ash. For 1 sq. m you need to add about 100 g of ash.

    If the shrub is used as vertical gardening, then regular pruning of the vine is necessary, since this helps to form the crown. After the procedure, the inflorescences become larger, and the vine itself will cover the entire area that the owner needs.

    Pruning should be carried out in early spring, and only 2-5 buds are left on some of the branches during the procedure. It is important to carry out planned sanitary pruning, which includes the destruction of dry branches and shoots, damaged and diseased branches. The stems should be tied up from time to time to direct the plant in the right direction.

    Plant diseases and pests

    If you notice that the leaves are becoming lighter, then you should be wary. Perhaps the plant is affected by such an unpleasant disease as chlorosis. The disease can overcome hydrangea when the soil contains large number humus. An equally common cause of this disease is a lack of lime in the soil. The thing is that the bush is very sensitive to the presence of this component.

    There are cases that the plant is exposed to diseases such as powdery mildew or gray rot. In order to prevent such troubles from occurring, you should not overuse nitrogen fertilizers and excessive watering. This is especially true during the rainy season. To combat ailments, you can use Bordeaux mixture.

    Hydrangea is no less susceptible to damage by insects, including aphids, spider mites and thrips. As for aphids, they more often overcome those plants that are located in closed ground. In order to get rid of nasty insects, you need to use insecticides. Each season you need to do two treatments, the interval between which is one week. By following all the recommendations for care and cultivation, you can get a beautiful and healthy shrub that will become a wonderful decoration.

    How to deal with pests and insects?

    Certain flower diseases appear under conditions of high air humidity. This can cause downy mildew to develop, causing spots to form on the leaves. yellow, which after a certain period of time darken significantly. The presence of plaque can be observed on the bottom of the leaf. Dripping moisture only enhances the development of the disease. As soon as the first signs of the disease begin to appear, the plant must be treated with fungicides. In order to fight spider mites, it is necessary to use acaricides or insectoacaricides.

    To significantly reduce the number of pests, you need to get rid of weeds that grow next to the bush, since they are a reserve for insects. If aphids have settled on the plant in large numbers, then it is necessary to use insecticides.

    During the period when the humidity of the air and soil in which the plant grows is greatly increased and the temperature is moderate, slugs appear on the plant. They occur in dense germination areas. These are polyphagous pests that gnaw off all the foliage. To combat them, it is necessary to use special drugs, so-called molluscicides. The products are produced in granules, which should be scattered over the entire surface of the soil near the plantings.

    IN summer period Over time, strange brown spots may form on the shoots, which are covered with a gray and rather fluffy coating. This indicates that the plant has suffered from gray rot disease. Subsequently, the infection changes location and ends up on the leaves and flowers of hydrangea. This disease can actively develop when high humidity air. No less favorable for the development of the disease is thickened planting. To prevent the occurrence of the disease, you need to use all precautions. If it was not possible to protect the hydrangea from the pest and it succumbed to infection, then the shrub is treated with fungicides. If the plant has been severely affected, the infected parts should be removed and completely destroyed.

    The development and spread of any viral disease of hydrangea is directly related to the fact that among pests there are numerous carriers of diseases. Basically, numerous spots appear on shrubs that have different shapes buildings. If ring-shaped spots appear on the leaves, this indicates that the plant has been infected by the ringspot virus.

    Hortense Miranda

    This is the most common type of plant that lives on Sakhalin and Japan. This representative reaches a height of 25 meters. The shrub is very wind-resistant, and if the atmosphere is heavily polluted, it can easily tolerate it. In autumn, Miranda's foliage takes on a soft yellow hue.

    Planting a plant in open ground must meet all norms and rules. Place for landing vertical gardening must be chosen correctly and have some support, be it a wall, arch or tree trunk. The plant must receive enough light. It is not advisable to plant shrubs next to big trees or other bushes, since there will be an active struggle between them for soil moisture.

    The soil for planting Miranda should be very light, fertile, with sufficient drainage. To do this, you can safely use a peat mixture with humus and garden soil, or mix sand, peat, humus and soil in proportions 1:1:2:2. It is better to place the shrub in open ground early spring or in the fall. The best option for planting are seedlings aged from 2 to 3 years. During group planting, the distance between plants is recommended to be at least 1 m.

    When watering, it is important that the water is soft. Rainwater is perfect for this. If water from a tap or well is used, it must be settled and heated to the required temperature. Sometimes vinegar or lemon juice should be added to such water. During dry periods, the plant simply needs abundant watering. Every day you should pour at least two buckets of water onto each plant.

    Miranda propagates by seeds, cuttings and layering. As for seeds, this method of propagation is chosen quite rarely, since the germination period of the seeds is quite short, and therefore the percentage of germination of the shrub is negligible. If you choose this method, it is recommended to sow in the fall.

    If you propagate using layering, then the procedure should be carried out in the month of May or August. To do this, you need to take one branch and press it as much as possible to the ground, cutting it a little and fixing it well. After this, the plant needs to be buried a little and buried. The upper part of the branch will need to be tied to a specially prepared support. This should be done so that the plant grows vertically. By next spring it will have become stronger, the necessary root system will have formed, and only at this moment a completely new shrub can be separated from the mother one.

    If we talk about propagation using cuttings, you need to choose the summer months; June is perfect. You need to take cuttings of at least 15 cm in size, which should be cut from lignified shoots. The sections below should be processed a special stimulant for root formation. After this, the cuttings are planted in nutrient soil at an angle. Rooting the shrub takes a little less than one month.

    Any plant must be carefully looked after and monitored to ensure that certain pests do not appear. If you cannot prevent their occurrence, you need to do everything to get rid of them.

Chest hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris) in natural conditions grows in China, Korea, Japan, in Russia - on the Kuril Islands and in the southern part of Sakhalin. A beautifully flowering vine that does not have a hard trunk is very popular landscape designers, since it is very decorative and can take the shape of any support that it braids. Thanks to this property, petiole hydrangea is used for vertical landscaping of walls and front entrances of buildings, to create green arches, corridors and pergolas (canopies).

In garden or personal plots using climbing plant you can not only beautifully decorate the surrounding space, but also decorate nondescript outbuildings. Like any other crop, petiole hydrangea requires proper care, which is what will be discussed in this article.

Characteristic features of petiolate, climbing hydrangea

Petiolate garden hydrangea is a perennial deciduous plant, which is a vine with large (20-25 cm in diameter) fragrant corymbose inflorescences. The flowers (up to 2 cm in diameter), smelling of honey, are painted mainly white, sometimes light lilac, bluish or pink. The leaves are wide and shiny, have long petioles, ovate shape and dark green color. Depending on the climate, flowering begins in mid-June or early July and lasts about 1.5-2 months.
The plant climbs along the support, clinging to it with aerial roots and suckers. The length of the vine depends on the variety and climate of the region. If in southern latitudes it can reach 15-20 meters, then in middle lane Russia – 5-6. Petiole hydrangea can also be grown as a ground cover plant, which small areas impractical, or in the form of a bush 2-3 meters high. Despite decorative look and fairly good frost resistance, petiole hydrangea is rarely found in Russian gardens.

Varieties of petiole hydrangea

The most common varieties are Miranda, Cordifolia, Petiolaris, differing in color, shape of flowers and leaves, length of shoots, duration of flowering, etc.


The Miranda variety has light green glossy foliage with yellow edges. In autumn it acquires a beautiful golden yellow color. The white flowers are quite small, fragrant, collected in large inflorescences, delighting with their beauty until the end of July. The liana can reach 10 meters in height. Loves slight shading, as young leaves burn in bright sun. In dense shade the plant develops well, but does not bloom.


An unpretentious dwarf variety, not exceeding 1.5 m, prefers to grow in partial shade. It has good disease resistance and is rarely affected by pests. Has beautiful rounded jagged leaves, upper part which are dark green, the lower one is lighter. The color of the flowers is usually cream. Miranda's flowering begins in June and lasts a little more than a month.


Most high grade, at favorable conditions reaching a height of 20-25 m, but in the middle zone the length of the vine does not exceed 6-8 m. It can grow up to 50 cm annually, which is why landscape designers love to use Petiolaris in their compositions. The leaves of the plant are wide, dark green in color, which remains that way for a long time even in autumn. The inflorescences are white and have a shield-like shape. Petiolaris grows well in sunny or partial shade areas with little wind.

Take and Chance

A distinctive feature of the variety is the white, uneven edging along the edges of the rounded leaves. Sometimes leaf blades fully acquire light shade. Fragrant flowers– white or cream, collected in beautiful brushes. The plant blooms in June-July. It can reach 4-6 m in height (depending on growing conditions and climate). The variety is resistant to pests and diseases.

Winter Surprise

New frost-resistant variety petiole hydrangea. Winter Surprise is not tall, grows no more than two meters, and begins to bloom early - in late spring or early summer. The petals of the flowers are snow-white, the upper side of the leaves is dark green, the lower side is red. In autumn, the foliage turns completely vibrant purple or burgundy. In garden design or personal plot can be used as a ground cover plant.

Silver Lining

Silver Lining, like the previous variety, appeared recently. The length of the vine reaches 5 meters. Decorative leaves They have a beautiful silvery coating and a milky pattern along jagged edges. In June-July, the plant is covered with fragrant white inflorescences, which bees love. It can grow in sunny and shaded areas and tolerates frosts down to -25 degrees. In the first years of life it grows slowly.

Selecting a location and preparing the soil for planting petiole hydrangea

For the plant, choose a place protected from wind and direct sun rays. In dense shade, the vine grows worse and does not bloom. The soil on the site should be loose, well permeable to moisture and air. The most important condition is the level of soil acidity (pH), the most suitable indicator is no more than 5.5. If necessary, add solutions to the soil food acids: lemon, apple, oxalic, vinegar (1 tsp per 10 liters of water). Fertilizers are also used to acidify the soil: ammonium and potassium sulfates, iron sulfate or Kemira preparations, Acid Plus, as well as sulfuric acid (5 ml per 10 liters of water). The procedure is carried out immediately before planting the plants in a permanent place.

Soil that has a beneficial effect on the proper development of petiole hydrangea is a mixture equal parts turf soil, black soil, humus, river sand with the addition of superphosphate (60-80 g) and potassium (40-45 g). It must be prepared in advance, allowing it to “settle” for about a week. Therefore, holes for planting (0.5x 0.5x 0.5) are dug several days before planting, laying a ten-centimeter drainage layer at the bottom to prevent rotting of the roots (broken brick, expanded clay, gravel, pebbles).

Planting hydrangea

Best time for planting petiole hydrangea - spring, when the soil warms up and the threat of night frosts goes away. Please note that the holes for plants transplanted from containers must be twice the size of the containers.
The vine is placed very carefully in a planting hole, partially filled with a pre-prepared substrate, the roots are straightened in all directions and covered with soil. The root collar is buried no more than 2 cm to avoid poor growth hydrangeas. The soil around the plants is carefully compacted so that voids do not form near the roots, due to which the seedlings may lack moisture. Then the bushes are watered abundantly, spending about 20 liters of water per plant. To retain moisture in the soil, its surface is covered with mulching materials: sawdust, peat, pine needles, grass, etc., which also prevent the spread of weeds.

Caring for petiole hydrangea

Caring for a flower is not too difficult thanks to high stability To unfavorable conditions. With the right agricultural technology it will look beautiful, delighting with magnificent and constant flowering. In addition, the white flowers of petiole hydrangea can be made bluish by adding special substances to the soil, such as aluminum sulfate.


Watering is one of the most important care activities. It is especially important in the first year of plant life, and in the absence or scarcity of natural precipitation, it should be carried out every 12-15 days (20 l warm water per plant). Otherwise, the vine will grow poorly and lose its decorative effect. On especially hot days, it is advisable to spray the hydrangea: manually or using a garden water sprayer.


To give a climbing hydrangea a well-groomed appearance, it is regularly pruned. This can be done throughout the season. Since the vine grows slowly, especially in the first years of life, the procedure is carried out starting from the third or fourth summer season. Inflorescences form best on young shoots, so old and partially damaged branches are cut off, leaving 5-6 buds on them. The exception is dry branches, which are removed completely. Climbing hydrangea is not afraid of pruning and grows new shoots well. But still, you shouldn’t get too carried away with the procedure, so as not to spoil appearance creepers. If petiole hydrangea is used as a ground cover plant (for example, to decorate a slope), it is not necessary to trim the branches (except for dry ones).
Perhaps not all gardeners know that all parts of hydrangea are poisonous, so it is recommended to wear gloves when removing unnecessary shoots. For cutting, it is best to use trellis shears. To obtain even and smooth cuts, the tools are lubricated with machine oil.

Fertilizer application

For full development and lush flowering The vine needs fertilizing with organic, mineral fertilizers or complex compounds designed specifically for hydrangeas. In the first two seasons, this does not need to be done if a sufficient amount of useful substances was added to the soil during planting.

They usually start feeding the vine in the third or fourth year of life. The first application of fertilizers is done in the spring during active growth using solutions of bird droppings (1: 20) or urea (20 g per 10 liters of water). It is good to add 30 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfur to carbamide (urea). In the second half of summer, it is not recommended to add nitrogen to the soil. Another feeding is carried out during budding, preparing a solution of 60 g of superphosphate and 40 g of potassium sulfate (per 10 liters of water). Then during the season the plants are fed twice a month, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers. As the latter, you can use horse manure (dilution 1: 10), bird droppings (1: 20), mullein (3 kg per 10-15 liters of water), liquid vermicompost (1 glass per 10 liters of water), and nettle infusions. Watering the plant once a month with a solution of potassium permanganate (2 g per 10 liters of water) helps to strengthen hydrangea tissue.

At the end of summer, the final stage of fertilizer use begins. Humus (compost), peat, or rotted manure is laid out on the surface of the earth in the area where the roots are located at the rate of 15-20 kg per plant. Organic matter They will not only nourish the root system, but also protect it from the cold in winter.

Preparing hydrangea for winter

Petiole hydrangea is quite winter-hardy and can withstand short frosts down to -30 degrees. Young plants are most vulnerable and can suffer from cold, but with age their ability to withstand low temperatures increases. In some sources you can find information that petiole hydrangea needs to be removed from its support and covered for the winter. But the fact is that in practice this is almost impossible to do, since the vine is almost tightly attached to walls, gratings, trees, pillars, fences, and special decorative structures. The exception is low-growing varieties, for example, Cordifolia or Winter Surprise, which can be formed into bushes with the help of special supports. They are covered for the winter if necessary. non-woven material draped over a wooden or metal frame, built above the plant.

Methods for propagating petiole hydrangea

Petiole hydrangea is propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings and layering.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This method of propagation is quite traumatic for the plant, but it is the fastest and has good shoot survival. It is best to carry out the procedure in the spring. New seedlings are obtained by separating young shoots along with roots from the main bush. The branches are shortened, leaving 2-3 buds on them, the roots are trimmed a little and treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Then they are planted in a permanent place, watered abundantly and cared for, following agricultural practices.

Propagation by cuttings

It is recommended to propagate hydrangea by cuttings at the beginning of summer, using lignified shoots 10-15 cm long, having two nodes (sections of the stem on which lateral organs are formed: leaves, branches, adventitious roots). The lower leaves are removed and the cuttings are immersed in a solution of a growth stimulator, for example Epin (1 ml per 1 liter of water) or HB101 (1-2 drops per 1 liter of water). In the first case, the branches are kept in the preparation for 10-12 hours, in the second - 30 minutes. Then the cuttings are placed in a box filled with a mixture of peat and sand (1:1), watered and covered with film. The substrate should not dry out, so its moisture must be carefully monitored. The greenhouse is periodically ventilated, when the plant gets stronger and takes root, it is removed. After this, the cuttings are planted in the designated place and cared for, observing agrotechnical rules.

Reproduction by layering

The best time for propagation by layering is May or early June. To do this, young lower shoots are carefully bent and attached to the surface of the earth (in a hole 10-15 cm deep) using brackets, hooks, pins made of wood, metal or plastic. The end of the branch is lifted and tied to a peg. On the underside of the buried shoot (at the point of contact with the ground) a small oblique cut is made, where root formation will subsequently occur. The hole with the pinned layer is sprinkled with soil mixed with peat, watered, and the surface is mulched. After rooting, preferably the next season, the young hydrangea can be transplanted to a permanent place.

Petiolate hydrangea.

For hydrangea lovers, I hasten to tell you about the climbing petiolate hydrangea - the queen of shady places.

As always, everything that smells exotic comes to us from afar, and so the homeland of petiole hydrangea is East Asia. IN natural environment it grows on the edge of the forest, entwining tall trees and spreading a floral aroma. The red-brown shoots of hydrangea are equipped with tenacious aerial roots, with the help of which it climbs not only tree trunks, but also walls, pergolas and other surfaces. However, aerial roots do not form immediately, so for the first time the petiole hydrangea needs supports. In spring, hydrangea shoots are covered with heart-shaped lamellar leaves. Young spring foliage is light green and shiny, summer foliage is darker and matte. The edges of the leaves are covered with small teeth. In autumn, before falling, the leaves turn bright yellow. In June, large umbrella inflorescences, almost the size of a plate, are formed, composed of countless small fertile internal and large white sterile marginal flowers. Over the course of several weeks, they spread a scent that attracts hordes of insects.

No other climbing plant blooms in shady places as abundantly as petiole hydrangea. Thanks to this quality, it is very popular. In addition, it is very undemanding to soil conditions: it is enough for the soil to be moist and saturated nutrients. However, hydrangea is afraid of cold wind. If you want to grow hydrangea as a climbing plant, plant it with north side houses or walls. Petiole hydrangea beautifully twines around pergolas, balustrades, rocks and stones. In the garden she climbs deciduous and coniferous trees just like in the natural environment. A ground cover plant - petiole hydrangea copes excellently with this function, quickly covering large surfaces with an openwork cover, decorated with large umbrella inflorescences. Decorative inflorescences of petiole hydrangea are especially beautiful against the background of dark evergreen trees and shrubs. Tall coniferous trees, such as pine, spruce and hemlock, enclosed in the tenacious embrace of petiole hydrangea look great. Petiolate hydrangea is suitable for planting in rock gardens, where it provides beneficial shade low growing shrubs, for example, mountain pine and rhododendron. Petiolate hydrangea looks harmonious next to other shade-loving vines, which include ivy and clematis. Preference should be given to fast-growing and small-flowered species of clematis, which bloom no less luxuriantly than large-flowered ones, but unlike them, are content with a small amount of sunlight.

In autumn or spring we buy strong hydrangea seedlings with numerous shoots. Seedlings grown in containers take root better. There is no need to buy petiole hydrangea seedlings with weak shoots or, on the contrary, excessively branched, choose something in between. Hydrangea blooms even in a heavily shaded place. Hydrangea growing in a sunny place needs frequent watering. Therefore, we choose shade or partial shade. The soil must be permeable and fertile. This species grows even on calcareous (carbonate) soils. At the beginning of autumn, hydrangea can be propagated by arcuate layering: to do this, we split sections of annual shoots along the diameter and fix them in the soil. Petiolate hydrangea is a good ground cover plant that forms spreading, rounded thickets. Petiole hydrangeas growing in a sunny place can be damaged by spider mites in dry weather. Their presence can be judged by yellow spots on the leaves. For preventative purposes, we water the plants and mulch the soil.

The most optimal planting time is October or March-April. We dig a hole, use a pitchfork to mix the soil with half a bucket of compost. We take the seedling out of the pot. We separate plants that are too dense and tangled with our hands. We place the plant in a hole at the depth of the root ball, cover it with soil and form a watering circle. Water the seedling generously. The ground for better preservation mulch moisture with bark, leaf humus, compost or straw. In summer, during drought, we regularly water, since drying out the soil has a bad effect on the health of the plants. If you decide to decorate smooth walls with petiole hydrangea, then the young plants are secured using wire support; naturally, the mesh must first be secured to the wall and only then the hydrangea seedlings should be planted. I really like this vine, so I boldly advise you to try planting it in your garden, especially in shady places. Good luck to you.

Hydrangea petiolate (Hydrangea petiolaris). Quite a beautiful, woody, deciduous vine, capable of climbing a support to a height of 25 meters. Natural habitat: China, Kareya, Japan, Sakhalin, Kuril Islands, where it can be found on the ocean coast, on mountain slopes, as well as in deciduous and coniferous forests.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea): one of the most popular plants among gardeners around the world. The genus includes about 35 species, most often these are a variety of decorative, abundant flowering shrubs, but there are also small trees.

Hydrangea petiolate One of the few species of the entire genus, these plants are a woody vine; it is also called “climbing hydrangea.” Other types of woody vines, the hydrangea genus, are not found here, as they are more thermophilic.

Hydrangea petiolate decorating the walls of a building.

In gardening and park farming it is used in vertical gardening, for decorating walls, fences, gazebos, pillars, and old trees. It can also do without support and be used as ground cover plant, for strengthening and decorating slopes and banks of reservoirs. It is fixed quite well on the soil with the help of the formed adventitious roots.

Description of the species.

The shoots are red-brown, bare, covered with suckers and aerial roots, with the help of which the vine is attached to a support (trees, stones, or garden pergolas).

The leaves are shiny, smooth, dark green, with a finely toothed edge, broadly ovate or broadly elliptic, up to 10 cm long, pointed at the apex or elongated-pointed. The base is round or heart-shaped, the petioles are long up to 8 cm. C reverse side The leaf has warts at the corners of the main veins. In autumn, the leaves turn an intense yellow color; leaf fall begins at the end of October.

Hydrangea petiolate - leaf.

Petiole hydrangea is an autumn plant.

Petiole hydrangea is an insect-pollinated plant - a honey plant. Blooms in the first half of summer (June - July). The flowers are not large, fragrant, pale pink or white in corymbose rather loose inflorescences up to 25 cm in diameter. Fruiting flowers are small, have rapidly falling petals, fused at the apex, barren flowers are larger, about 3 cm in diameter, but are few in number. The fruits are small, inconspicuous, ripening in September–October.

Petiolate hydrangea - inflorescence.

A fairly winter-hardy plant, it can withstand the climate of middle and even northern regions without significant damage. In young plants harsh winters the tips of the shoots may freeze, so they need light shelter for the winter.

Young seedlings grow slowly during the first 2 - 3 years, only after time and gaining strength do they become powerful plants capable of covering large areas on walls, gazebos and various garden supports.

Petiolate hydrangea.

The most original variety of petiole hydrangea.

Hydrangea petiolate "MIRANDA" ( Hydrangea petiolaris "MIRANDA").

One of the new varieties of petiolate hydrangea, which became very popular with its appearance, differs from the main form in more decorative foliage with an uneven yellow-cream or yellow-green border along the edge of the leaf. Fewer species of hydrangea bloom, white blooms occur in the second half of summer. Climbing along the support, it reaches a height of 8 - 10 m, the annual growth is approximately 0.5 m.

Petiole hydrangea "MIRANDA" (Hydrangea petiolaris "MIRANDA").

Hydrangea petiolate "MIRANDA" feels best in light partial shade, on fertile soil. In the sun, young leaves of this vine can burn. In dense shade the plant develops normally, but with more small leaves and without flowering.

Just like the main species, it can be used in ground cover form and in vertical gardening.

Planting and care.

Soil: this liana is demanding on soil fertility and drainage, grows well on acidic, light, humus-rich soils, thrives on loams, brown soils with the required lime content, red earth and alluvial soils. It does not tolerate poor sandy soils well, but it does not tolerate calcareous soils.

Petiole hydrangea - fence.

Planting: hydrangea is planted in the ground in a permanent place, in early spring or autumn, with 2-3-year-old seedlings, with a distance of 1 meter between plants. Magnitude landing pit(40x40x50 cm), but it should vary depending on the soil: on light cultivated soils the dimensions may be smaller, but heavy clay soils require larger sizes.

To plant hydrangeas, it is better to use a soil mixture: humus, fertile land, peat, sand (2:2:1:1). Since the plant is demanding on drainage, the bottom of the pit is lined with gravel or broken brick with a layer of 10 cm. Prepared soil mixture 10-15 cm thick is poured on top.

The roots of the seedling are straightened at the bottom of the hole, the root collar is placed at soil level, and after planting they are watered abundantly (about 20 liters of water for each plant). Tree trunk circles mulch, add mulch after digging. In dry times, in addition to watering, seedlings require spraying 3-4 times a week. At the end of May, at the beginning of June, the plants are fertilized with a solution of slurry in a ratio of 1:10 and a full range of mineral fertilizers.

Petiole hydrangea - hedge,

Caring for petiole hydrangea at further cultivation mainly consists of providing the plant with moisture and rich nutrition. These vines are moisture-loving; in dry times they require at least 20 liters of water for each plant once a week; when there is precipitation, once a month is enough.

Responds well to all fertilizing, which is required 3 - 4 times during the growing season (full mineral fertilizers- nitrophos, amonitrophos, superphosphate, garden mixture, etc.)

In autumn, wood ash is added to the soil at the rate of 100-200 g per 1 m2. Given the tendency of hydrangea to affect soil fertility, application should be avoided. large quantity nitrogen fertilizers.

To artificially transform hydrangea flowers from white to blue, there are two methods: 1 - aluminum sulfate is poured around the roots; 2 - water with a special bluing substance (available for sale in gardening stores).

Artificially transformed hydrangea flower from white to blue.


Petiole hydrangea can be propagated by seeds, which are sown in autumn in boxes and lightly covered with soil. But, as with all woody vines, the vegetative method of propagation is more acceptable for this plant: - by rooting green and woody cuttings, and at home without special labor can be propagated by layering and suckers.

Petiole hydrangea - pruning.

Pruning is done to ensure balanced vertical and lateral growth for plants used in vertical gardening. This is usually achieved by intensive pruning. To ensure maximum coverage of the support (wall, fence, gazebo or arch), pruning of vigorous growth is necessary.

Petiolate hydrangea - young, fast-growing shoots.

In order to cover the wall area as much as possible and obtain larger inflorescences, the vine is heavily pruned in early spring, leaving some branches with only 2-6 buds. In this case, it is necessary to tie up the stems and cut off the shoots growing from them; this stimulates the formation of side shoots, which in turn makes the crown thicker. Also, during the growing season, sanitary pruning is required (removal of dry and diseased branches and shoots).

When using this vine as a ground cover, pruning is usually not performed, with the exception of sanitary pruning.

Basically that's all I wanted to tell you To you about this beautiful and interesting plant. If you liked the article, leave your comments.

Petiolate hydrangea in nature.

Petiole hydrangea attracts with its large inflorescences and pleasant honey smell. If planted correctly and given the recommended care, it can grow up to 10 m in height. This plant is a cross between vines and ordinary ones. garden hydrangeas, has lush fragrant inflorescences, the flowers of which look like butterflies. She can weave any object that is “offered” to her - be it garden figures or hedge. This type often chosen for landscape design.

Climbing hydrangea has an interesting feature - its white flowers can be given any color using various dyes. And what’s also special is that the plant blooms throughout almost the entire summer season.

This plant is called climbing because it really looks like a vine, entwining hedges, other trees, and located along the walls of a house. Hydrangea succeeds in this due to its aerial roots and peculiar “sucker hooks”. Climbing petiolate hydrangea is a frost-resistant plant, large perennial bushes can withstand temperatures down to -30 degrees.

Wild hydrangea can be found in China, Korea, Japan, as well as in the Primorsky Territory, but very rarely. Usually it is grown specially.
The species Hydrangea petiolate climbing is present in the Red Book.

Proper planting of hydrangeas

The best time to plant hydrangea cuttings is spring. The place where the bush will grow must be protected from direct sunlight and gusty winds. But the shadow will not work either, because for abundant flowering requires a bright place.

The soil should be moist, loose, and can be slightly acidified beforehand. Optimal composition For planting hydrangeas, you can consider a mixture of peat, soil and sand.

The planting hole should be 2 times larger than the size of the container with the hydrangea seedling. It is recommended to unfold the folded roots in different sides so that they are not tangled and compressed. When planting, the root collar can be placed in the ground to a depth not exceeding three centimeters, otherwise the plant may not take root and development will be very slow.

After the roots are placed in the hole, the soil around it should be carefully pressed and compacted, making sure that there are no empty spaces or gaps, then the root system of the climbing hydrangea will not dry out prematurely and lack moisture.
As soon as the plant is planted, it is recommended to water the soil generously - hydrangea loves moisture and damp earth, therefore in in this case There is no need to skimp on water.
It will also be useful to sprinkle the soil on top with bark and peat; the layer thickness should be about ten centimeters. Mulch with peat and bark late spring and with stable frosts - in late autumn.

The most important thing in caring for hydrangea is regular, abundant watering every ten days. This is especially true for the first year after planting, because the roots of the plant have not yet become stronger and cannot take required quantity moisture from the ground. IN warm time years of hydrangea required more water and oxygen, in this case you can install either a humidifier or a sprayer next to the planted plant so that the air around the hydrangea is always moist.
If the hydrangea grows beautifully, evenly, as if from a painting, then it is not necessary to cut it. You just need to cut out dead areas, dry branches and the like from time to time.

But if the growth of hydrangea is directed upward, then the shoots should be periodically cut off, independently directing their growth in the required direction; do not forget about supports for the shoots. Trimming the bushes will promote the appearance of new side branches. There is no need to be afraid of cutting off excess; hydrangea tolerates pruning well.
Petiole climbing hydrangea is usually considered frost-resistant; it is grown even in the Siberian climate, but it is still better to cover young seedlings in the first 3 years after planting in frosty winter times. With the onset of frost, the shoots should be covered either with fallen leaves left over from the fall, or with thick spruce branches and leave it like that until spring.

How to fertilize and feed petiole climbing hydrangea?

In order for hydrangea to delight with its lush inflorescences and strong green leaves, it must be fertilized with organic and mineral solutions. Ready-made fertilizer for hydrangea can be bought in a store or mixed in the right proportions yourself. Thanks to fertilizing, the plant develops faster, blooms more, and the foliage has bright colors. green. It is imperative to fertilize the soil before planting the seedling, and fertilizer is also applied during the period of active development of the plant.
The first watering with fertilizer should be planned for May-June. The following recipe can be used as fertilizer: dilute part of the chicken manure in ten parts of water. Then you need to pour in another mineral solution, which consists of two parts of superphosphate, part of nitrate and one part of urea. You need to fertilize twice a month.

Plant propagation

Petiolate hydrangea can be propagated in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • division;
  • reproduction by layering.

If the bush has a lot of new shoots, then excellent seedlings can be cut from them, shortening them to a small number of buds, and the root should be cut off a little and then treated with a manganese solution. Then new shoots should be planted in pre-dug holes; in the first two months, abundant watering is required. The best time for planting new shoots, as mentioned earlier, is spring and early summer.

When choosing the method of propagation by cuttings, you need to select shoots with a maximum length of 15 cm; they must be woody, that is, they must have some kind of bark and be strong. It is advisable to choose shoots that have two nodes. The top is cut off and lower leaves. The cutting must be treated with a growth stimulator; after treatment, it must be placed in a container with a mixture of sand and peat. It is recommended to regularly check the soil moisture, and it is also better to cover the box with film. It can be removed when the hydrangea takes root and gets stronger.

If you choose the method of propagation by layering, you should carefully attach it to a moist and loose soil the lowest branch. Where it touches the ground, you need to make a cut and mulch with peat. Optimal planting time: either early May or August, when the sun is not the most active.
But it has been proven that propagation by cuttings is 100% successful, that is, in all cases of planting a cutting in the ground, the hydrangea will take root.
Often gardeners who decide to plant hydrangea are unhappy that ten-centimeter shoots purchased in a store or at a fair die in the first frost. There are several explanations for this.

  • Firstly, most likely, the hydrangea was planted at the wrong time, that is, not in the spring, as it should be, but in the fall; it did not have time to form its own strong root system that would nourish it.
  • Secondly, a young, fragile shoot is practically not resistant to temperature changes and frost, unlike an adult plant. The older the hydrangea, the higher its frost resistance - this is a fact.

Therefore, in order to avoid the death of a young plant in any case, especially when planting out of season, you should buy a strong, formed shoot of petiole hydrangea, and in the first frosts, wrap it with a piece of “non-fabric”.

Possible pests and diseases

  1. Chlorosis. Manifests itself in the discoloration of hydrangea leaves. The disease occurs due to the fact that the soil contains too high a percentage of humus. Excess lime in the soil can also lead to chlorosis in hydrangeas. Most likely, the hydrangea will have to be transplanted into a more favorable environment for it.
  2. Hydrangea is also very sensitive to powdery mildew(gray rot). To prevent the plant from getting this disease, you need to try not to overdo it with fertilizers and excessive watering, especially during the rainy season. In the fight against these diseases, it would be appropriate to use Bordeaux mixture.
  3. Insects love to attack petiole hydrangea: thrips, aphids, mites. Insecticides will rid the plant of pests. During the season, two treatments should be carried out with an interval of 10 days between each.

Where to buy, approximate cost of petiole hydrangea

You can buy this beautiful plant in urban flower shops or order online, especially since various delivery services are working well now.
The approximate price of petiole hydrangea in Russia is from 300 to 3,000 rubles.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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