Geranium (pelargonium) is an unpretentious indoor flower,
which is grown by many gardeners.
This unique plant with decorative and medicinal
His beautiful flowers bloom in different colors
early spring and bloom until late autumn. Therefore it
loved by many gardeners.
Geranium growing in the house restores
positive energy, and bright and colorful flowers
simply mesmerizing. But, unfortunately, not always
Growing this flower is successful.
Why do geranium leaves turn yellow and what should be done?
in this situation is one of the most common problems,
which is found among flower growers.

Yellowing of geranium leaves - the main reasons

There are several reasons why pelargonium foliage loses its decorative effect:

The pot is too small. This flower likes to grow in a small container. Therefore, many gardeners plant the plant in a pot so small that the plant cannot fully develop. To solve this problem, the geranium needs to be transplanted into a larger container. If the plant is not properly cared for winter time of the year. In geranium, like most indoor flowers, in winter there comes a period of rest. It should not be exposed to drafts and should not be watered frequently. Ideal temperature maintenance in winter – 10-12 degrees. It is not recommended to place the plant next to heating devices, which significantly reduce the air humidity in the room. It's better to put it on glass balcony.

Improper watering and waterlogging. If a flower is planted in a container without drainage and is often watered, then the overflow of such a specimen is guaranteed. Such a plant stops blooming, its leaves turn yellow, then dry from the edge to the center and fall off. An excess of moisture may be indicated by rotten lower leaves on the plant. This situation can be corrected - systemic watering and frequent loosening of the soil will restore oxygen access to the roots. If watering is too poor. Many gardeners, afraid of overwatering the geranium, reduce its watering to a minimum. This causes the edges of the plant's leaves to dry out. Over time, all the foliage dries out and falls off. Pests appear. Geranium is very often affected by a fungus - rust. Its appearance is indicated by reddish or brown spots on the surface of the leaves. In addition, rust causes the leaves of the flower to dry out and fall off. What to do in this situation? Treatment of pelargonium is carried out using Bordeaux mixture. Excess nitrogen fertilizers. Entering any nutritional components must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. IN summer time For geraniums, it is recommended to use preparations containing potassium.

How to save geraniums from wilting?

With all this, geranium is considered unpretentious indoor plant, which very easily takes root in any conditions of detention. You just have to stick to some simple rules to care for her.

With the onset of warm sunny days, geranium can be taken outside, provided that it is protected from direct sunlight. It is worth remembering that lack of light is one of the reasons why geraniums do not bloom. The temperature in the summer is 17-20 degrees. This flower reacts very poorly to drafts. Ideal conditions plant growth - Fresh air with low humidity. In winter, pelargonium is placed in a cool room with a temperature of about 11-13 degrees, with a possible decrease to 9 degrees. At temperatures above 14 degrees, the likelihood that the plant will bloom in summer decreases.

As for watering, it is better to underwater this flower than to overwater it.

IN warm time During the year, geraniums are watered as the top layer of soil dries out; in winter, watering is reduced. In extreme heat, geranium leaves can be carefully washed with water so as not to touch the flowers, which fall off from the water.

Transplanting geraniums

This procedure is carried out every 3 years in the spring. To do this, you need to take a container one size larger than the previous one. Extra space promotes active growth of green mass and root system. True, such a plant will flower no earlier than in 2-3 years. Cover the bottom of the flowerpot with a drainage layer of pieces of broken bricks, small pebbles or charcoal. Place a soil mixture of peat on top, garden soil and sand in equal parts. Soil for planting geraniums can be purchased at any flower shop.

90 days after transplantation, the first feeding of the flower is performed. Liquid ones are best mineral fertilizers or organic based mixtures. To obtain thick green mass, nitrogen-containing preparations are applied once every 10 days. To stimulate flowering, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied.

If this plant is given the right and timely care, it will definitely bloom. Geranium flowering begins in April and lasts until mid-November. In order for pelargonium to bloom as long as possible, it needs to be given attention and proper care. To do this, it is often taken out into the fresh air, fertilized with preparations containing phosphorus every third week, and dried out parts are also removed. flower buds to allow new ones to blossom.

It is no secret that in most cases the reason why the leaves of indoor plants dry out and turn yellow is not proper care. If the situation is not corrected, this may ultimately lead to the complete death of the plant. Therefore, you should study the typical shortcomings in growing geraniums at home.

Mistakes when planting and replanting plants

Sometimes the reason why leaves geraniums become unhealthy yellow and begin to gradually die off, due to an incorrectly selected pot. If its size is too small for the root system (especially in plants whose age is several years old), then pelargonium does not have enough capacity for development. But you shouldn't choose too much big pot : in this case the geranium will begin active growth roots to the detriment of green mass and flowering, which is also undesirable.

When planting a plant, it is important to ensure good drainage. Expanded clay purchased at a flower shop or the hardware department of a supermarket is ideal. If there is not enough drainage, then it will not leave the ground. excess moisture. Proper air circulation will also be impaired. In some cases, the yellow color of the leaves is caused by damage to the roots due to careless transplantation.

Lack of minerals

The supply of minerals found in the soil is a resource that quickly runs out. Yes, and immediately after transplantation to new soil elements in it are not always contained in required quantities. But geranium spends a lot of energy on flowering and growth. Therefore, there is a need for additional and regular application to the soil. mineral complexes by root feeding. The need for them increases during the growing season, when pelargonium is actively growing and blooming. A lack of minerals often causes the leaves to turn yellow. But It is important to remember that an excess of elements will also negatively affect the condition of the plant.

Improper care at home

As already said, geranium is quite unpretentious home flower, feeling good in the room. But to prevent diseases and yellow leaves from appearing, you must try to provide it suitable conditions, in which the plant will feel comfortable.

Pelargonium loves light, but direct Sun rays harmful to its leaves. Can cause great damage appearance plants low and excess air humidity in the room. Her optimal indicator is 50–60%. Geranium dries in cool drafts. In autumn and winter, it is advisable to keep the pot away from heating devices in an apartment - the heat from them will cause the leaves to turn yellow and dry out. It is better to take it out to a cool glazed balcony if the temperature in the loggia remains around 12 °C, reducing watering to once a week.

Another common mistake is related to watering. Its frequency should depend on the time of year: in warm months, geraniums need to be watered more often. You should also pay attention to the quality of the water. If it is too hard, it will lead to excess calcium in the soil. The leaves will react to this and turn yellow. To make water suitable for irrigation, it must be allowed to settle for several days; add a couple of drops lemon juice or a small pinch citric acid.

How to care for geraniums (video)

What to do if geranium leaves turn yellow

The plant can be saved if the necessary measures are taken in time. First of all you should:

  1. Make sure the pot is suitable for geraniums and has good drainage. If necessary, you need to transplant it into a container that meets all the criteria as soon as possible. If the geranium blooms, then all flower stalks must first be carefully cut off.
  2. The pot should be placed on sunny side. If the plant is exposed to direct rays, you will need to create temporary artificial shading. It is important that pelargonium does not stand in a draft.
  3. Avoid exposure of geranium to heating devices.
  4. If possible, maintain an acceptable temperature during the cold season. In other months there are no strict recommendations in this regard.
  5. If the air is too dry, you can place a container of water or moistened expanded clay next to the pot. Florists do not recommend spraying.
  6. Adjust watering and fertilizing of the plant. It must receive sufficient amounts of water and minerals. But overflow and excess of elements are also destructive.

When caring for pelargonium in an apartment, it is best to adhere to the “golden mean” rule. If you correct the mistakes described above in time, the flower will not disappear and will quickly recover, delighting you with carved green leaves and abundant flowering.

Pelargonium: other diseases and care errors

Geranium leaves indicate the health of the entire plant. This is a kind of indicator that can indicate possible diseases pelargonium, wrong diagram watering and fertilizing. There are some specific “symptoms” that can tell you a lot.

The edges of geranium leaves dry out

If the edges of the geranium begin to dry out sheet plates, then there can be two reasons for this condition:

  1. The plant does not receive enough moisture. This drying usually occurs if the pot is in a very hot place. It is better to move the geranium to partial shade.
  2. got hurt root system pelargonium. You can try to replant the plant by treating the roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. But to be on the safe side, it is better to cut and root the cuttings in water or soil so as not to lose the variety.

Leaves curl inward

If the leaves of pelargonium begin to curl inward, this may be evidence of an imbalance of mineral substances. This condition is caused by a lack of nitrogen or excess potassium. Nitrogen in large quantities needed only in stages plant growth, Therefore, the leaves of young plants often curl. To prevent deficiency or oversaturation of elements, it is recommended to use ready-made complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants: in them substances are in the right proportions.

Often the cause of leaves curled at the edges is pests. Most often - spider mites. To detect it, you need to examine the leaf blades of pelargonium from all sides. It is advisable to use a magnifying glass. Ticks can be easily treated with chemicals - insecticides. Several treatments may be required.

Viral infection is much more dangerous. With it, the inflorescences take on a clumsy, ugly shape. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to save the geranium. It should be thrown out of the house to prevent the infection from spreading to other indoor plants.

How to replant geraniums (video)

Pelargonium withers in a pot

If a geranium withers in a pot and slowly dies, then the reason lies in root rot. This disease can easily destroy a plant. Such pelargonium is usually thrown away, cutting off healthy cuttings for further rooting. The instruments must then be disinfected. To avoid root rot, you should try not to overwater the plant and ensure good drainage.

Geranium leaves turn black

Geranium leaves turn black if not cared for properly. Dry spots are associated with insufficient humidity, and “wet”, slippery to the touch - on the contrary, with its excess. Sometimes mealybugs are the cause of black spots. A plant infected with them begins to shed its leaves. In places where scale insects live, sooty fungi form, causing a black coating to appear. This disease is treated with insecticides.

White plaque on the plant

The leaves are getting smaller

Pelargonium leaves inevitably become smaller with age. If the plant is too old, then its freshest shoots should be cut off for further rooting. Other reasons small leaves Pelargonium may have:

Pelargonium leaves turn yellow and dry: preventive measures

It is much easier to prevent yellowing of leaves than to cure an already diseased plant. To avoid having to fight to save your favorite geranium, you should:

  1. Replant the pelargonium in a suitable pot in a timely manner.
  2. Find a place for it, closed from drafts, with enough diffused light.
  3. Water when dry earthen coma.
  4. Add minerals on time complex fertilizers, suitable for flowering plants. The application rates and schedule are indicated in the instructions for the product. During the flowering period it is recommended to do root dressings twice a month. Will be useful and organic fertilizers.
  5. In winter, you need to try to keep the geranium cool.
  6. Regularly inspect the plant for infection by pests, bacteria, fungi and viruses, providing treatment if necessary.

Yellowing of geranium leaves is an alarming sign. It is important to understand in time the cause of such a plant malaise. By carefully examining it and analyzing the conditions under which the pelargonium is kept, you can find what provoked such a reaction. The sooner the errors are corrected, the less damage will be done to the geranium.

Lush blooming geranium on the windowsill has long become a symbol home comfort, the hallmark of a hospitable home. With this unpretentious plant there are many signs associated with each other that promise the owners of the flower love, family happiness And material well-being. Geranium also improves the atmosphere at home, helping to avoid many diseases.

But sometimes even such an unpretentious flower is upset by yellowed leaves, although just yesterday there were no signs of trouble. Why do geranium leaves turn yellow? What to do, how to help the plant and protect it from such a misfortune in the future?

Article outline

Many-faced geranium: general information

Geranium, or pelargonium, is a perennial plant native to South Africa. Therefore, the apparent unpretentious flower in fact, it turns out to be quite “harmful” in northern latitudes.

He does not like large spaces, drafts and excessive dry air, low temperatures and a sudden change of “place of residence.” Geranium is vital:

  1. Lots of light;
  2. Warm;
  3. Feeding during the growing season;
  4. Balanced watering;
  5. Protection from pests and diseases;
  6. Peace during the period of hibernation.

Science knows more than 250 types of geranium, but on our windowsills you can most often find zonal, fragrant and royal. They are pleasing to the eye lush flowering With early spring until late autumn, and when good lighting can bloom in winter.

But what to do if you indoor geranium Do the leaves turn yellow and, what’s even worse for the gardener, dry out? The main thing is not to panic and try to find out the cause of the alarming phenomenon. And then act.

Reasons for the appearance of yellow leaves in geraniums

Why do the leaves of a seemingly healthy geranium, which is carefully cared for, turn yellow? There are several reasons for this phenomenon, and almost every one can be eliminated by returning the flower to a healthy “green” appearance.

But, alas, root disease and natural death of foliage cannot be treated. If the root is affected, the entire plant dies, and there is no cure for this, as well as for aging foliage.

Geranium leaves also turn yellow and dry due to improper plant care, a lack or excess of certain trace elements, or damage by disease or pests. Let's take a closer look at each reason and how to eliminate them.

Natural leaf dieback

Natural leaf death is the most common reason Why do geranium leaves turn yellow? This is especially noticeable in the zonal one, the lower leaves of which regularly turn yellow, dry out and fall off. Basically, you don't need to do anything.

But, since the plant loses attractive appearance, it is recommended to partially trim the stem in the spring, which will speed up the appearance of new leaves.

Improper care is a common cause of yellow leaves in geraniums.

The key to the health of indoor geraniums is proper care. And it begins with choosing a pot and the “place of residence” of the plant. It is very important for her:

  • Watering mode;
  • Soil condition;
  • Feeding;
  • "Winter holidays".

Any, even minor, violation almost immediately makes itself felt by yellowed leaves or yellowed leaf edges.

Geranium does not like either cramped space or space and immediately reports the wrong size of the pot with yellow leaves.

It will become a cozy “home” clay pot with a diameter of 20-25 cm and a height of 12-15 cm (in plastic, the root system often rots due to excess moisture).

But be careful with the transplant. A sudden change of “place of residence” usually ends with yellow leaves.

Change of habitat

Geranium is a “homebody”, and the slightest change in its usual conditions causes stress and violent protest in the form of yellowed leaves. Often geraniums are planted in the spring-autumn period. open ground, where it pleases with lush flowering. But returning the plant to the room ends in stress, which goes away with proper caring care.

No additional actions are needed. And if you need to move the flower to another place, then do it slowly, moving it a couple of centimeters per day. In this case, yellow leaves will not appear.

Violation of irrigation conditions

The well-being of geranium directly depends on proper watering, therefore, a lack of moisture, as well as an excess, lead to its deterioration. Based on the condition of the leaves, it is easy to distinguish underwatering from overwatering. The leaves wither and dry out, which means there is not enough moisture. And if they turn yellow, then the flower is “flooded”.

Therefore, it is important to water abundantly, regularly but infrequently, monitor the weather and regulate the amount of watering.

In the spring-autumn period, it is recommended to water 2-3 times a week, and adjust the volume of water according to the weather outside the window: if it is cool or raining, then reduce the volume, if it is hot, increase it. If the summer is hot and dry, then the flower is watered every other day in the evening. And in winter, the frequency and volume of watering is halved so that the plant can rest.

Quality of soil and water for irrigation

The health of geraniums also depends on the quality of soil and water for irrigation. Good drainage will ensure normal development root system of the plant. You can buy soil at the store or prepare it yourself.

Usually they buy universal soil, add vermiculite, perlite and washed river sand. The main thing is that it is loose and does not form a dense lump.

Soft water is needed for irrigation, because hard water contains excess calcium, which leads to yellowing of the upper leaves of the flower. Therefore, it is advisable to settle the water for irrigation, and you can further soften it by adding lemon juice or acid.

Sometimes geranium leaves appear yellow spots. This is a reaction to watering or spraying cold water. The flower “loves” water at room temperature and has a negative attitude towards liquid getting on the leaves. Therefore, water it carefully, and you can only spray it in hot weather, But not often.

Air temperature

Geranium – heat-loving plant, which calmly survives drought, but from the slightest draft it can become covered with yellow leaves. Best temperature For the comfortable existence of a flower, room temperature is considered to be 20-25°, and in winter – 10-14°.

It is protected from drafts, cold or overdried systems home heating air.

If the winter is warm, then geranium will overwinter wonderfully on a glassed-in loggia or balcony with sufficient lighting.

Top dressing

Geraniums do not like frequent feeding. In winter the plant is not fertilized at all, but in spring and summer it is used potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, since excess nitrogen causes yellowing of leaves.

The lower and middle leaves suffer from a lack of:

  • Potassium nitrogen;
  • Magnesium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Zinc.

Yellowed upper leaves and signal a shortage:

  • Bora;
  • Gland;
  • Calcium;
  • Manganese;
  • Copper;
  • Sulfur.

Pests and diseases

If geranium grows in proper conditions, is properly cared for, and the leaves still turn yellow, then the reason is disease or pest attack. It is enough to examine the flower to identify the “enemy”.

Viral diseases

If geranium growth has slowed down, its branches have become bent, yellow or light green spots or dots have appeared on the leaves, and white stripes have appeared on the flowers, then the plant will have to be destroyed, as it is affected by a viral infection, of which there are a great many.


The white midge that lays eggs on geranium leaves is an evil whitefly butterfly (it especially loves royal geranium). Its larvae suck out all the juices from the leaves of the plant, so they turn yellow. Get rid of the pest using special means.

If yellow spots appear on the leaves of the geranium and the leaves fall off, and the remaining leaves and the stem are entangled in cobwebs, then the plant is infected spider mite. At the initial stage of infection, the flower is treated special solution repeatedly.

But, unfortunately, the tick is very tenacious, infectious and by the time it is detected it has time to multiply. Therefore, the fight against it is long, labor-intensive and, as a rule, ineffective. So, affected plants are often sacrificed to save the rest.


The leaves of the geranium wither, turn yellow and fall off, and white fluff appears on them - these are signs of damage by a mealyworm. If the disease is in its early stages, then it is enough to wipe the leaves with alcohol. A neglected case It will take a long time to treat, treating the plant daily with a special preparation.

Bacterial diseases

If geranium leaves become dry at the edges, brown spots appear on them, and dark veins appear on the inside, then this is a sign bacterial disease. The affected leaves are torn off. Cut off flower stalks. Monitor watering. It is advisable to change the soil, especially if there is a damp smell, and wash the measles in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to stop root rot.

The health of indoor geraniums rests on “three pillars”:

  1. Lighting;
  2. Temperature;
  3. Humidity.

They are interconnected, so an increase or decrease in one of them requires proportionality between the other two.

– beautiful perennial, which can be found in the home collection of almost every gardener or just a flower lover. Blooming geranium not only decorates the room and makes it more comfortable, but also fills the space positive energy and positive. Everyone's favorite crop is losing its roots due to lack of attention or improper care. decorative qualities. Geranium leaves are among the first to suffer, as for some reason they begin to turn yellow. There may be several reasons for such an unpleasant event. It is very important to determine the cause in time and take urgent measures to save the plant.

Incorrectly selected soil or depleted soil in flower pot- the most common cause of yellowing of geranium leaves. If there is a shortage of at least one of the useful nutrients the plant loses its decorative qualities, the leaves change color, then dry out and fall off. To maintain the natural color of leaf blades, sulfur, nitrogen, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, boron and manganese are needed. Negative external changes in the plant will tell you which element it is missing:

  • Gradual yellowing of the entire plant (stems, petioles and leaves) at the same time indicates a lack of sulfur;
  • If yellowness spreads on older leaves (from the edge to the central part), this is a signal of nitrogen deficiency;
  • Yellowing or chlorosis between the veins on older leaves is a magnesium deficiency;
  • Yellowing young leaves with curling edges indicate a lack of zinc;
  • The leaves become yellow-green from the base to the edges - a lack of copper;
  • Yellowing between the veins on the surface of young leaves is a lack of iron;
  • The upper leaves remain green, but the lower ones begin to turn yellow at the edges, and then gradually chlorosis spreads over the entire surface - this is a lack of phosphorus;
  • The appearance of small yellowish spots on the surface of middle-aged leaves indicates a lack of boron;
  • Dotted yellow spots gradually fill the entire surface of the leaf - this is a deficiency of manganese.

Chlorosis can be stopped only at the first signs and only in the earliest stages. To do this, it is recommended to urgently transplant the geranium into a new soil mixture with all the necessary nutritional supplements. Specialized stores offer a wide range soil mixtures, recommended specifically for growing geraniums. After some time, such mixtures also become depleted, so it is necessary to regularly add mineral fertilizers to the soil.

Excessive watering

The watering regime, namely volume and frequency, also play an important role in the full development of indoor geraniums. Often yellowing of the leaf mass begins due to an incorrectly selected regime. Slight drought or untimely watering It won’t do much harm to geraniums, but repeated overwatering is the beginning of acidification of the soil and death of the root part due to rotting. Appeared root rot interferes with supplying the entire plant with sufficient nutrition. Yellowness and wilting appear on the leaves. The flower begins to slowly die.

Helps determine excess moisture in the soil bad smell soil mixture, which appears due to the onset of the rotting process, and the presence of numerous small fleas that jump on the surface of the soil. It will not be possible to save the plant by completely stopping soil moisture. The rotting process will continue. It is urgent to replace the substrate in the pot with geranium, and when replanting, inspect and treat the root part of the flower. It is recommended to remove diseased and damaged roots and treat the remaining parts with a disinfecting solution. If more than half of the root system is already damaged, then you can try to save the geranium with the help of green, healthy shoots. By cutting them into cuttings and rooting, you can get a new healthy plant. IN further care worth your time more attention irrigation regime so as not to repeat mistakes.

Geranium is great for direct sunlight and may be located on outdoors V summer period under the sun's rays. But when such rays hit a flower through window glass leaves sunburn on the leaf blades. First, those leaves that are closest to the glass suffer, and sometimes even pressed against it. Yellow-brown spots appear on them. Such yellowing does not pose a threat to the life of the geranium, but its decorative qualities still suffer. After changing the growing location and pruning damaged shoots, the beauty of the geranium is gradually restored.

cramped potty

A tight flower container in itself cannot cause yellowing of leaves and shoots. It only prevents the root system from reaching the nutrient soil mixture, which means the flower does not receive sufficient nutrition and yellowing begins.

The appearance of pests

Geraniums are not often attacked harmful insects, but there are still cases when pests such as spider mites, whiteflies and mealybug appear in a flower pot with a plant. Yellowing and falling of leaves begins after the plant loses the juice found in the stems and leaves. It is a favorite delicacy and at the same time the main food for these pests. The greatest effectiveness in combating this invasion can be expected only in the early stages of crop damage. You won't be able to do this without special chemicals general or directed action. The most popular and effective flower growers consider Aktara, Fitoverm and Atellik.


Geranium is susceptible to diseases such as chlorosis, root rot and rust. The fungal disease rust is considered the most dangerous and, unfortunately, the most common. The first signs of this disease are many small spots of yellow or light brown throughout the leaf part. Through a short time these stains become dry and, when cracked, crumble into a rust-colored powder. This is what fungal spores look like, which can destroy an entire geranium bush. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, the plant first loses its leaf part and then dies completely.

To save the plant from harmful disease recommended:

  • Trim off all diseased parts of the plant;
  • Handle indoor culture the most suitable fungicide.

Before use chemicals You must read the instructions carefully!

Natural causes

The life cycle exists not only in humans and animals, it is also present in representatives of the flora. Plants also reach a certain age when some parts, namely the leaves, begin to die. Most often these are 1-2 leaves at the bottom of the plant. Yellowing continues gradually until it completely covers the entire surface. After this, the leaf dries out. This natural reason should not bother the grower, because the entire plant is not in danger. After trimming a dried or yellowed leaf, the geranium will remain just as attractive and will continue to grow and develop.

Pelargonium (geranium) - care and reproduction (video)

Geranium, also known as pelargonium, is a common houseplant. Only two varieties are grown at home: royal geranium and fragrant geranium. Caring for a flower is quite simple, but sometimes it gets sick. Its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. If the situation is not corrected, it may ultimately lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, it is important to know the most common mistakes when growing geraniums.

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    There are many reasons why the leaves of royal and scented geranium.They can be divided into several groups:

    • errors during planting or transplantation;
    • lack of minerals;
    • improper care of the plant;
    • diseases and pests.

    Errors during landing and transfer

    The cause of yellowing of the leaves and their gradual death may be an incorrectly selected pot. If its size is too small, then the root system of the flower will not have enough space to develop. In this case, the leaf blade begins to turn yellow, first at the edges, and then becomes completely yellow. After some time, the leaves dry out and fall off.

    When planting a flower, it is very important that there is good drainage. It is best to use expanded clay, which is sold in flower shops. If there is insufficient drainage, it will not leave the soil. excess moisture. Sometimes appearance yellow leaves may be associated with damage to the roots due to careless replanting in the spring or transferring it from the street to the house when acclimatization occurs.

    Lack of minerals

    The supply of mineral substances in the soil quickly depletes, since geranium spends a lot of energy on growth and flowering. Therefore, it is necessary to add to the soil mineral supplements. The need for them increases during the growing season. A lack of minerals usually leads to yellowing of the foliage. But we must remember that an excess of elements also negatively affects the condition of the flower.

    Improper care

    To avoid the appearance of diseases and yellow leaves, you need to create comfortable conditions for indoor geraniums.

    Pelargonium loves light very much, but direct sunlight has a negative effect on the flower. In summer, the upper leaves suffer due to sunburn. First they dry out and then lighten. Last stage characterized by complete wilting of the leaves, and then they fall off.

    Great damage to appearance causes excess or low humidity air in the room. Its optimal indicator is 50–60%.

    In autumn and winter, the container is placed away from heating devices in the apartment, since the heat from them causes the leaves to wither, turn yellow completely or at the edges and dry out. Cold also has a negative effect on the condition of the flower. As a result, the edges of the plates first turn red, then the leaves turn yellow, curl and dry out. Optimal temperature in winter for geranium it is +15…+24 degrees.

    Another common mistake is improper watering. In summer, geraniums are watered as often as possible, paying attention to the quality of the water. Too hard contributes to the accumulation of calcium in the soil. The leaves react to this by turning yellow. To make the water suitable for irrigation, it must be infused for several days. You can add a small pinch of citric acid or a few drops of lemon juice to it.

    Diseases and pests

    If the leaves of a geranium turn yellow, subject to all necessary rules care for it, the cause of this is fungal, bacterial and viral diseases, and insect pests:

    • Pelargonium can be affected by mosaic. This viral infection, manifested by small yellow spots on the leaves that gradually merge. The leaf plate itself begins to shrink and deform. This disease cannot be treated and the diseased plant is destroyed.
    • Rust is dangerous fungal disease. The leaves of a diseased flower first become covered brown spots and then turn yellow. Also, a fluffy coating appears on the damaged areas.
    • Verticillium wilt is another fungal disease of indoor geraniums. First, the lower leaves are affected, turning yellow, and then the disease begins to spread throughout the entire stem.
    • Geraniums can be attacked by spider mites. This small insect feeds on the sap of leaves, which causes discolored areas on them. In addition, small dots or areas covered with a thin web appear on the leaf plate.

    What to do if the leaves turn yellow due to improper care?

    Geranium can be saved if you take the necessary measures:

    • You need to make sure that the pot is the right size for the flower and has good drainage. If necessary, the plant is transplanted into a container that meets all the criteria. If pelargonium blooms, then all flower stalks must be cut off in advance.
    • It is recommended to place the pot on sunny windowsill. If the flower is exposed to direct sunlight, temporary artificial shading is created. He should not stand in a draft.
    • Geraniums should not be placed near heating devices. Also, if there are signs of freezing, it should be taken to a warm place. You need to make sure that the flower does not touch the cold glass.
    • If the air in the room is too dry, place a container with moistened expanded clay or water next to the pot. It is not recommended to spray pelargonium.
    • It is necessary to adjust the feeding and watering of the plant. It should receive in full minerals and water. But an excess of elements and overflow are also destructive.

    When caring for geraniums at home, you should adhere to the “golden mean” rule. If all the mistakes described above are corrected in time, the plant will quickly recover and will continue to delight with green leaves.

    Pest and disease control

    If yellowing of the leaf blades occurs due to a fungal or bacterial infection, all affected areas must be removed and the plant treated with systemic fungicides - Topaz, Fitosporin. Such treatment is carried out only if the main stem is not affected, otherwise the plant cannot be saved. You need to fight spider mites as follows: remove the infected leaves, and treat the geranium with Fufanon, Akarin or Fitoverm.

    To prevent pelargonium leaves from turning yellow and drying out, you need to properly care for it. A neglectful attitude towards it leads to sad consequences.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.