- September, 29th 2011

Persimmon (which we used to buy), wild date, date plum - deciduous tree genus Diospyros (translated from Latin as “food of the gods”) with large orange beautiful fruits.

There are more than 200 types of persimmons in the world. One of the most popular varieties persimmon in the territory of the former Soviet Union is the “Korolek” variety. According to many statements, the birthplace of persimmon is China.

The oldest persimmon tree is about 500 years old. Persimmons grow in Italy, Spain, Israel and the Caucasus; in some countries, persimmons were grown purposefully.

In autumn, when the leaves fall, the persimmon fruits remain on the tree. That’s when you need to admire persimmons! Gray branches hung with bright orange balloons. It seems that someone deliberately tied them with strings.

Persimmon fruits have a round or oval shape, the weight of the fruit reaches 500 grams. The persimmon's peel is smooth and shiny, the color of the peel is from yellow to orange-red, while the flesh of the persimmon fruit has a lighter color. The high content of beta-carotene in persimmon makes its fruit a very valuable food product. The astringent taste of unripe fruits is due to the high tannin content; it is this that binds the tongue, but to the delight of gourmets, the tannin content seriously weakens during the ripening process of the fruit. The energy value of persimmon is 70 kcal per 100 grams. Persimmon fruits contain twice as much useful microelements than apples. Little advice To get rid of the astringent taste, you can freeze persimmons for a short time; after the fruit has thawed, there will be no astringent taste.

Most often, persimmons are eaten as a self-sufficient fruit. However, persimmon pulp can be used in salads, desserts (with ice cream or yogurt), baked goods, and jams. Dried persimmons are popular in some cuisines around the world, and sometimes cider, beer and even wine are made from persimmons. It is impossible not to mention that persimmon is dietary product, due to the presence of pectin, it is indicated for digestive disorders. But despite beneficial features persimmon, it should not be consumed if you have diabetes.

Persimmon fruits have a tonic property, persimmon soothes nervous system, increases the body's performance. At the same time, persimmon has a bactericidal effect against E. coli and subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus. Magnesium contained in persimmon fruits reduces the likelihood of kidney stones, and vitamin A contained in persimmons protects the body from cancer...

Persimmon is a regular guest on any table in the autumn. This one is sweet and undoubtedly healthy fruit grows on an evergreen subtropical shrub or not big tree. Out of two hundred existing varieties There are both edible and inedible persimmons.

Persimmons usually come to our stores from the Caucasus. And he owes the name of this berry. The word “persimmon” has Persian roots: it comes from the word “khormalyu” - a combination of the words “date” and “plum”. The dried persimmon, beloved by the Persian people, tastes very much like a date, which is why it is called by its name.

The deciduous persimmon plant is long-lived - the most ancient tree has a venerable age - 500 years. When wondering in which countries you can enjoy persimmons, you realize the planetary love for this berry. Yes, yes, persimmon fruits are large fleshy berries with the number of seeds from 1 to 10.

Persimmon grows in Italy and Israel, Spain and China, and the Caucasus. Most popular in countries former USSR The variety of persimmon is “Korolek”. Residents of East Asia value this variety as a medicine when consumed unripe. The fruits help in cases of high blood pressure and fever. Everyone has probably tried this particular variety of persimmon, because it also has the names “Black Apple” and “Chocolate Pudding”. The berries finally ripen by October, growing on small, cherry-like trees.

To witness how a persimmon grows, you should not look at photos and videos on the Internet. Better in autumn go to the places where it grows. The trees lose their leaves but continue to bear bright orange fruit. “Korolek” is the fruit high degree soft and juicy, ranging in color from yellow-orange to brown. Distinctive features varieties are also spherical in shape and have a creamy pulp structure.

You can watch the ripening, admire the brightness of the gardens and enjoy fresh fruits by going to where the “Korolek” persimmon grows: in the Crimea and the Caucasus, in Japan or Korea, China or the USA, South Africa or Central Asia.

Like other tropical fruits and berries, persimmons can be grown at home.

Growing persimmons

Having figured out how persimmons grow in natural conditions, you can do it self-cultivation. First of all, it is worth determining the purpose - the tree is needed for decorative purposes or for fruiting. The latter involves purchasing a tree from a nursery and directly planting it.

The persimmon tree requires the following conditions:

  • constant sunlight;
  • constant humidity;
  • absence of frosts until the leaves finally fall;
  • avoiding excessive heat.

When choosing to grow from seeds, pay attention to the fact that this method Fruits that ripen on the tree are suitable. The appropriate season is late autumn or early winter. If fruits are bought at the market or in a store, you should choose the most ripe ones. The extracted seeds are discarded from the pulp. The seeds are stored in layers in sand for 2-3 months, then planted in small pots. During this period, the soil should always be warm and moist. Ideal temperature– 22 degrees Celsius.

It is allowed to plant several seeds at once and further choice in favor of the strongest. Planting persimmons in open ground conditions is carried out next spring. During the first year, regular watering is required. The further life of the tree does not require such conditions, because its roots will be able to draw water from the depths of the soil.

Strong and deep root system will not make it possible to grow an adult tree in a pot. Therefore, if the issue of room space arises, opt for varieties such as “Gosho” and “Izu”. These trees are smaller in size.

Italian Persimmon (Cachi)

How persimmon grows, where it comes from, what it is like, whether it can grow in our gardens - let's look at it in order, let's look at the photos. Sweet juicy, bright yellow or orange fruits are the harbingers of the New Year, because they appear on store shelves shortly before the onset of the winter holidays.

What is persimmon, its features

It is also called persimon - this synonym comes from English-speaking countries. Persimmon is remarkable because it is absolutely unique, unlike any other fruit. The size, shape, color, taste of the fruits vary - it depends on the variety. It can be yellow, orange, red, brown, even green with completely black sweet pulp.

The tree on which persimmon grows can reach 25-30 meters in height; there are also low, dwarf varieties. The taste of the fruit varies from astringent tart to rich sweet. Well-ripened pulp can be eaten with a spoon, but there are some that remain hard even after ripening. There are about 300 species.

Quite often on forums you can come across the question - what is the name of the tree on which persimmon grows? The answer is expected and prosaic - persimmon! Both the tree and the fruit are called by the same word.

Persimon belongs to the Ebony family; the wood of any variety is dense and dark in color. It is used to make parquet, furniture, billiard parts, sports accessories, musical instruments, dishes. The leaves are used to make teas, such as Kamipchha or Nokchawon.

People often ask the question - what is a persimmon, is it a fruit or a berry? Opinions are often divided because the large size of the fruit, as well as the size of the tree, hint at a fruit origin. However, juiciness and the presence of multiple large seeds tell us that this is a berry.

Fruits on a tree, photo:

According to the botanical definition, persimmon is still considered a berry, however, many people call it a fruit. This is not such a serious misconception; after all, fruits grow on a large tree, so both definitions have a right to exist. These sweet fruits and berries are eaten fresh or dried. They are used to make jam, sauces, confectionery, compotes, marmalades, and even alcoholic drinks.

How persimmon blooms

This is a dioecious crop; its flowers can be male or female. There are both self-fertile and parthenocarpic varieties that do not require pollination. The flowers are quite inconspicuous, often have a yellowish-green tint, and are hidden in the axils of the leaves.

How persimmon blooms, photo:


In nature, there are both edible and inedible varieties. It is quite unpretentious and frost-resistant, despite the fact that it comes from countries with a warm climate. It is worth noting that some varieties can easily tolerate temperature drops to -20ºC and below. If we compare this crop with other fruit representatives, then it begins to bloom later than all the others and only with the arrival of late autumn bears fruit.

It is not only tasty, but healthy, containing vitamins, proteins, glucose, fructose, carotene, and iron. Persimon is low in calories, making it an excellent dietary product.

Many of us have asked the question at least once: why do persimmons make our mouths stick? The cell sap of this fruit contains a large number of tannins - tannins, which are characterized by a pronounced astringent taste. By the way, it is unripe or unripe fruits that contain tannin; well-ripened fruits do not have this taste. Some varieties, such as kinglet, contain virtually no tannins. If you come across an astringent fruit, place it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator for a couple of days - it will taste qualities will improve significantly, the characteristic aftertaste will go away.

Where does persimmon grow, in which countries?

Persimon grows mainly in warm regions - India, Italy, Spain, Georgia, Tajikistan, China, France, Turkey, Africa, and other countries. It is cultivated in Brazil, Algeria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Australia, Israel, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and the USA.

The birthplace of this sunny fruit China is considered to be. But he won the hearts of our compatriots. In the territory of the former post-Soviet space, persimmon is also grown and cultivated. Today, we most often sell those fruits that were brought from Abkhazia, North Ossetia, Crimea, Georgia, and the Caucasus.

Where do persimmons grow in Russia? It grows mainly in Krasnodar region, Volgograd region, North Ossetia, Crimea, southern part of Dagestan.

Despite the fact that on Black Sea coast Cold weather also occurs, this only improves the taste of the fruit. In our country, mainly frost-resistant varieties are grown. They can withstand very low temperatures(-25..-30 °C), naturally, if these cold spells are short-lived.

The taste characteristics of persimmon depend not only on the variety, but also on the place of growth, soil type, humidity level and, of course, temperature indicators in the region.

Photo - how persimmon grows:

The very first frost-resistant variety was bred by scientists from the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Nikitsky Botanical Garden). Breeders crossed two varieties (Eastern with Virginia), thereby creating a productive, frost-resistant variety, which they called “Rossiyanka”.

The second brainchild was the Nikitsky variety, which was also resistant to cold weather and produced juicy, sweet fruits of a bright burgundy hue.

Persimmon varieties

They differ not only in shades of taste, but also in appearance: round, elongated, flattened like a pumpkin, heart-shaped, and some of them are so miniature that they resemble cherries in size. The fruits can be bright yellow, orange, brown, red, brown, even green.

Eastern persimmon

It is also called: kaki, Japanese persimmon, Chinese persimmon - this is the most common type; it is most often sold on store shelves and markets. This specimen is a decorative deciduous tree that can reach ten meters in height. The fruits are picked at the coloring stage in yellow, at room temperature they can reach a state of full maturity. The weight of the fruit is approximately 50-100 g. Oriental variety Persimon can be frozen and also stored for quite some time. for a long time(approximately 6-7 months).

Eastern persimmon, photo:


An oriental delicacy, dried persimmon is most often made from this variety. The bark, foliage, and fruits can be used in medicinal purposes. This is a frost-resistant crop that can easily survive temperature drops to -17°C, but dies at -23..-25°C. It is not picky about the soil, it loves moisture (but not waterlogging, for example, swampy soils). The tree blooms around May or early summer, bears fruit in the fall - by September-November.

Velvet persimmon

It is called the velvet apple or mabolo. The fruits look very attractive and unusual - their skin is covered with velvety fibers. At the initial stage of ripening, the color of the fruit is brown, and then becomes bright red. The flesh is pink, juicy, sweet, but the taste itself is a little specific, with a cheesy tint. The weight of the fruit varies from 80 to 500 g. Unpleasant smell can be removed by removing the velvety skin and then placing the fruit in freezer(for 3-5 hours). This variety is often used for preparing sauces, salads, stewing with various types meat. The tree can reach 20 meters in height and is very productive in terms of fruiting. It is also often used as a landscape decoration element.

Velvet variety, photo:

Velvet (Mabolo)

Mabolo is grown in industrial scale, its homeland is the Philippines; it is widely cultivated in Taiwan and Malaysia.

Virginia persimmon

Wild representatives of this species grow in North America. The tree is similar in size oriental variety, but the fruit is a little smaller (30-50 g), but twice as sweet. The taste is sweet, juicy, characterized by a piquant rum tint. In its native lands, this variety can withstand short-term temperature drops down to -27..-30°C. Persimmon virginia cuttings are often used as rootstock.

Virgin variety, photo:


This species is considered the most frost-resistant.

Caucasian persimmon

This is the smallest persimmon, its fruits are the size of grapes or cherries. Grows on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Crimea, and Central Asia. It blooms by May, and by the end of September-beginning of October it already bears fruit. Small berries repeat their Eastern counterpart in everything; the difference is only in size, but it is significant. The fruit contains many seeds and tastes somewhat like a date (at the stage of full ripening).

Caucasian variety, photo:


It is often used as a rootstock of Eastern persimmon, after which the trees become hardy and more durable.

Persimmon Russian

This is a hybrid variety - the brainchild of Nikitsky botanical garden, very frost-resistant. An adult representative can withstand temperature drops to -27..-32 °C. In our open spaces, the tree grows up to 4 meters in height, produces fairly large yellow-orange fruits (100-140 g), and begins to bear fruit in the third year of life. This is a hardy, “hardened” variety, resistant to many diseases. A special feature is the ability to bear fruit without pollination, since the flowers of the Russian woman are exclusively female. Wood loves moisture and needs frequent watering, produces a harvest around the end of November.

Variety Rossianka, photo:


The fruits are picked hard, their ripening occurs during further storage, then the fruits become especially sweet. This variety has three varieties - the first has no seeds, and the flesh is light in color. The second subspecies has rather small grains, the third grows in the Crimea, it has no seeds, and the peel has a reddish tint. The Russian woman took it best qualities from their ancestors, becoming one of the most popular and leading representatives of modern selection.

Persimmon King

This cute name unites several varieties of persimmon, which are similar to each other. She has a soft sweet taste, there is practically no astringent effect. Fruits with a brownish color of skin and pulp are called “chocolate kings”, but there is a yellow variety – the Honey King. The fruits ripen by October, their shape can be round, slightly flattened or heart-shaped.

Persimmon variety Korolek in the photo:


Until the fruit is ripe, it contains a lot of tannin, but as it ripens, this feature disappears. The kinglet is very tasty and is used to prepare various sweets, as well as alcoholic drinks. Dried, finely ground beans successfully replace coffee, which has a piquant taste and is also healthy.

Korolek Chocolate - chocolate-colored variety

This is the Chocolate King, with a pronounced dark brown pulp, it is noteworthy that the darker the shade, the sweeter its taste. According to the majority, this variety is considered the sweetest of all. existing species. This persimmon has many seeds, the skin is thin, orange color, you can see the dark flesh through it. The fruits grow to the size of a large apple, their weight can reach 600-800 g. Feature lies in the color of the fruit itself - if it has been pollinated, then the fruits will be distinguished by their sweetness and the presence of seeds. If pollination has not occurred, then the persimon will have more light shade, some viscosity in taste, it will not have seeds. Such different specimens can easily coexist on one tree.

Kaki chocolate color, photo:

Chocolate Wren

The harvest ripens by October or early November. This variety is grown in warm regions Ukraine, Russia, Crimea, Caucasus.

Black Persimmon or Black Sapota

We are used to calling the brown Kinglet a chocolate variety, but in nature there is another species that is worthy of attention. This exotic look More than any other, it deserves the name “chocolate”. We are talking about the Black Sapote variety, which in the Russian version is called Black Persimmon, Black Apple, Black Sapota. It is also called chocolate pudding because its pulp actually tastes very much like this dessert.

Black Sapota, photo:

Black Sapoto

It comes from Mexico and is cultivated there. Today it is grown in the Philippines, Hawaii, Antilles (Antilles), Mauritius. The skin of the fruit has a rich green color, and the flesh is completely black.

This or that variety species is, as it were, business card countries where persimmons grow. Thus, Russians can be proud of the Rossianka and Nikitskaya varieties, Ukrainians can be proud of the Roman Kosh and Mider varieties, and Filipinos can be proud of Mabola (or Velvet).

If you set out to plant persimmon at home, then it is better to opt for frost-resistant varieties. If you know how persimmon grows, what care it requires, how it needs to be covered during winter, then the likelihood of growing sweet sunny fruits becomes quite real.

The homeland of persimmon is China. In this country you can find persimmon trees that are more than several hundred years old. Now persimmon grows almost everywhere.

In Europe, persimmon is used as cultivated plant appeared in the sixteenth century, becoming widespread and becoming one of the favorite delicacies for many. Main factor successful cultivation persimmons have a warm climate, so in Russia this crop is cultivated only in the territory Krasnodar region.

How do persimmons grow?

A persimmon tree can reach a height of fifteen meters, it all depends on the specific variety. The height of the shortest representatives of this plant is only 3-4 meters. Persimmon blooms most often in May. The fruits and berries reach ripeness only towards the end, so harvesting occurs in the first half of December. An interesting thing is that by the time the fruit is harvested, the persimmon has completely lost its leaf cover, and the berries ripen when completely bare.
Persimmon fruits on bare branches, somewhat reminiscent fireballs, in Asian countries symbolize strength, joy and prosperity.

Persimmon is a very productive crop; even one tree of the most ordinary variety produces about eighty kilograms of fruit. There are also breeding, very productive varieties persimmon, one plant can give its owner up to 300 kilograms of berries.

Today there are more than five hundred varieties of persimmon. However, no more than ten varieties of these wonderful berries are available to the Russian consumer.

Where does the Korolek variety grow?

The most favorite variety for many was “Korolek”; the second name for this persimmon is “chocolate”. These are incredibly tasty fruits with dark pulp, the berry shape is slightly flattened, and the skin is bright orange. What is especially pleasant is that ripe “Korolek” does not leave an astringent aftertaste in the mouth.

The Korolek persimmon variety has been cultivated for more than two thousand years. Dried persimmon beans can be used to make an excellent coffee substitute.

The countries in which Korolek is grown on an industrial scale are Japan, China, Mediterranean countries, South Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus and Crimea. This variety was first brought to the territory of Crimea from France in the early years of the twentieth century.

Persimmon on the windowsill

This wonderful tree can grow right at home, in an ordinary flower garden. To do this, you only need seeds from ripe persimmon berries. Please note that the plant takes quite a long time to germinate; to speed up this process, you can slightly file the seeds using a regular nail file.

More and more gardeners in last years are faced with the question of how to grow persimmon so that it produces not only viable green shoots and foliage, but also bears fruit. This can be done both at home and in the garden. But to achieve fruiting of the tree, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of gardeners.

Persimmon is an exotic evergreen or deciduous shrub that belongs to the genus of tropical and subtropical trees from the Ebony family. These crops proper care can live up to 500 years, producing edible large fruits and delighting throughout the year beautiful crown leaves.

Persimmon represents small tree or a shrub with simple and alternate leaves of a rich green hue. The fruits are produced in the fall; they are fleshy berries that contain up to 10 seeds. They have a tart, astringent taste that can be removed by freezing.

Many gardeners are faced with the question, where do persimmons grow? In nature, trees of this genus are distributed in the northern and southern tropical zones and mainly grow in the Indomalayan region. Cultivated forms of persimmon are also grown in China, and fruiting crops grow in various Eurasian countries, as well as in Australia and America.

persimmon tree

Such a wide distribution suggests that persimmons are grown mainly in regions with warm climatic conditions. Therefore, if a gardener is interested in planting this fruit tree, then he must create for him suitable conditions, which will simulate a tropical climate. Otherwise, the tree will not bear fruit.

It has now been withdrawn great amount There are more than 200 varieties of persimmon, including both traditional and exotic. The most common in our southern regions relate:

  1. Russian.
  2. Mid.
  3. Caucasian.
  4. Virginskaya.
  5. Eastern.
  6. Nikitskaya Bardovaya.
  7. Persimmon king.

1. Russian

2. Mid

3. Caucasian

4. Virginskaya

5. Eastern

6. Nikitskaya Bardovaya

7. Wren

All of them differ from each other not only in the method of cultivation, but also in the shape, taste and color of the fruit. For example, Russian persimmon has good frost resistance, so it is recommended for planting in middle lane. This variety tolerates temperatures down to minus 30 degrees, so it can produce viable fruits even in open ground in the country.

But how do persimmons grow? This fruiting shrub grows well in moist soils. Flowering occurs in early summer, around June, but this occurs only 4-5 years after planting. Some persimmon varieties are monoecious, while others are dioecious, so this is important to consider when purchasing planting material.

Persimmon produces a harvest if all the rules of care and sufficient temperature are observed.

Persimmon blossom

The denser the fruits grow, the smaller they will be.

The fruits should be located on the shoots at a distance of about 10 cm from each other. Only in this case will they take on a beautiful marketable appearance. appearance. When branches are overloaded, they become small, less tasty, and the tree quickly becomes depleted.

Many summer residents are faced with the question of how to grow persimmons. There are several ways to propagate this crop; they differ in complexity and technology. The most common ones include:

  1. Seed propagation. The seeds quickly lose their viability, so they need to be planted immediately after being separated from the pulp. This method is much more difficult to implement, since it is important to choose varieties that do not require pollination. For planting, use pots filled with moistened turf soil mixed with sand. Germination lasts about three months, during which time the pots should be kept in a cool, dark place. When sprouts appear, they are placed in a warm place (15-20 degrees). After growing several leaves on the shoots, the seedling can be planted on permanent place growth.
  2. Vaccination. For this method of propagation, cuttings should be prepared in advance before the juice is released and stored at a low temperature until grafting begins. Anyone can be vaccinated traditional way- behind the bark, into a split or side cut. Afterwards, you should tie the cutting tightly, and break it off when growth appears. When the cutting grows with the scion, the binding is removed. In spring or autumn, the seedling in the garden is transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Propagation by seeds

But planting material of frost-resistant varieties (for example, Rossiyanka, Virginskaya, Vostochnaya) can be selected in the nursery. They take root better in open ground, as they are acclimatized to growing conditions. This method of planting is easier to implement.

You should approach the process of selecting seedlings especially carefully; for this you need to contact only the manufacturers. In this case, you can be sure that the crop matches the selected variety. If you buy the wrong planting material, which is less frost-resistant, the plant may die.

Propagation by cuttings

Seedlings with an open root system should be purchased in the fall. It is important to pay attention to the roots; they should be well branched and thin. They are very sensitive to drying and sunlight, as well as to strong soil moisture. If there are dead fibrous roots, but healthy taproots, the seedlings will be suitable for planting.

Growing fruit-bearing shrubs in the country requires the right choice places of its constant growth:

  1. The best soil for all varieties (including Rossiyanka, Virginskaya, Vostochnaya) is sandy loam and loamy soil. They should be quite fertile, and the depth of groundwater should be about 1 meter, since the root system of the tree is located at a distance of 50 cm.
  2. Place where it will be held further cultivation, must be protected from strong winter winds.
  3. The plant is light-loving, so it is best to grow it in warm and sunny areas. In the shade, the leaves of the plant become deformed, the fruits fall off the shoots, and the branches acquire symptoms of etiolation.

Fruiting persimmon will grow well in northern latitudes if it is grown in a wall formation. To do this, she needs to be planted on south side heated house. But the wall itself should not be warm, as this has an adverse effect on the seedlings.

The seedling should be planted on the south side of the house

In regions with a warm climate, seedlings can be planted until early November, but in early autumn the root system of the planting material takes root better. In northern regions, it is important to do this as early as possible; in cold climates, the procedure should be postponed until spring.

You should first prepare landing hole, inside which you need to install a support stake. When planting a seedling, you should carefully straighten its roots and then press it firmly with fertile soil. Additionally, compact the soil; immediately after transplanting the seedling, its trunk must be hilled.

You need to drive a stake into the planting hole

Growing on next year will be successful, and the seedling will survive the winter if, when frost sets in, it is covered with a special box and insulating material.

In subsequent years, it will be necessary to insulate the trunk and skeletal shoots, and cover the plant with a reflective box.

In the southern regions, to prepare for winter, it is enough to whitewash the trunk with lime, and trunk circle mulch the land with any material available at the dacha. If all the rules of care are followed, the tree begins to bear fruit only for 3-4 years. At the same time, a variety such as Nikitskaya Burgundy is particularly early in fruiting.

Care and protection from diseases

Almost all varieties of persimmon (including Rossiyanka, Virginskaya, Vostochnaya) have good resistance to diseases and pests, but proper competent care is important to achieve success:

  1. 30-45 days before the end of the growing season, watering of the plant stops to prepare for winter. This must be done in order for the shoots to ripen. To ripen wood, you can add fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium to the soil, which should be applied in the second half of summer.
  2. To prepare for winter, the crops in the garden should be treated with cryoprotectors.
  3. Even frost-resistant varieties, for example, Rossiyanka, in growing conditions with cold winter winds, the crown of the tree must be treated with latex solutions and compositions based on PVA glue after leaf fall.

Persimmon – exotic plant, distributed mainly in tropical climates. But frost-resistant varieties can be grown and produce good harvest subject to basic care rules and proper preparation plants to frost.

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