Residents of private houses connected to a gas pipeline often prefer to use gas not only for heating their homes, but also for heating water. This decision is more than justified, because gas is a fairly cheap fuel. Thus, hot water supply provided with gas equipment turns out to be very beneficial for the family budget.

If you decide to heat water in a similar way, then you have two possible options– gas boiler or geyser. The first device is a storage type water heater, and the second is a flow-through type. Today we will talk about storage gas water heaters: their main characteristics, types and operating features.

Design and principle of operation

Storage water heaters, unlike instantaneous water heaters, heat the water in advance. Heating occurs in a metal tank, which is the main part of the design of any boiler. The size of the tank depends on the volume of water it is designed for. Domestic boilers with a capacity of 50 to 300 liters are available for sale.

The water in the tank is heated by a heat exchanger. Most often it is a steel or brass coil. It is located at the bottom of the tank or distributed over almost the entire surface of the device. The coil receives heat from a gas burner, which is located at the base of the water heater in a special combustion chamber equipped with a flame pipe.

In addition to all of the above, in the design gas boiler there are heat-insulating elements, pipes for supplying and discharging water, as well as various sensors.

The tank is replenished with water automatically. When a fresh portion of water enters the tank, the gas burner is turned on, the heat from which exits through the flame tube and heats the tank. As soon as the water in the tank heats up to the desired temperature, the sensor is triggered and the gas supply stops.

You can get even more information about gas boilers from the following video.


There are several types of storage gas water heaters.

Such devices are classified according to the following criteria:

  • combustion chamber type: open/closed;
  • ignition type: piezo ignition/electric ignition;
  • installation method: floor/wall.

Below we will take a closer look at each type of device of this type.

With open combustion chamber

Open draft gas boilers are equipped with an open combustion chamber. They work on the following principle: the air required for combustion comes directly from the room in which the water heater is installed. Combustion products are discharged through a separate pipe - a chimney, which should be equipped in advance.

This type of gas boilers is cheaper, but installation ventilation system is quite expensive, so from this point of view the following type of water heaters is more economical.

With a closed combustion chamber

If you do not have the opportunity to equip a chimney in your house, the only possible solution is to buy a forced draft boiler. Such devices have a closed combustion chamber equipped with a system for removing combustion products. For this, a special pump is used that draws out the smoke.

For boilers of this type, it is not necessary to purchase additional ventilation, since they do not take oxygen from the room. That is why owners of private houses usually give preference to them.

With piezo ignition

To ignite modern gas equipment there is no need to use matches or a lighter. Even the most simple models gas boilers begin heating after a simple press of a button. Water heaters that are not equipped with an automatic heating function belong to the class of devices with piezo ignition. Many consider such devices to be outdated, but they are losing their popularity due to their low cost.

With electric ignition

More modern models Storage gas water heaters are equipped with an automatic ignition system, which starts independently when the water tap is turned on. Such models are more convenient to use, and they are also more fuel efficient. The electric ignition system runs on electricity or batteries.


Floor-standing gas water heaters have a large volume - from 100 to 300 liters, so they are distinguished by rather large dimensions. This must be taken into account when purchasing, since finding a place to install such a large device can be quite difficult. Since this type of boiler has a large capacity, they are usually purchased by owners of private houses where there is no hot water supply all year round.

Wall mounted

Wall-mounted storage water heaters are more compact. They are usually placed directly above plumbing fixtures. This is very convenient, as it allows you to use space more efficiently. Devices of this kind are designed for a small volume of water, so most often they are purchased for installation in city apartments - as a temporary solution to the problem of lack of hot water during seasonal shutdowns.

Popular volumes

Volume of the tank - most important factor when choosing a storage gas water heater. Many significant and not so significant nuances depend on this parameter, ranging from the time of heating the water to the dimensions of the device. Manufacturers produce boilers with a capacity from several tens to several hundred liters.

When choosing the required volume of a water tank, you need to take into account the number of household members and the daily water consumption for each of them. For example, for families with small children, it is more advisable to buy more spacious models, and for single people or married couples who are rarely at home, very small water heaters with a volume of 10 to 50 liters are suitable.

150 liters

If we're talking about on the purchase of a storage water heater for country house, in which the family lives permanently, you need to consider devices with a tank volume of at least 150 liters. This is exactly the amount of hot water in the tank that is necessary so that a family consisting of several people does not have problems with carrying out hygiene procedures.

200 liters

It is estimated that taking a bath requires 150 to 200 liters of water, taking a shower requires 50 to 90 liters, and washing dishes requires 20-30 liters of water per day. Add to this another 10-15 liters, which are spent on washing and washing hands, then multiply the resulting number by the number of household members. The result of the calculations may unpleasantly surprise you. That is why water heaters with a large tank volume (from 200 liters) are considered optimal solution for a family, especially if they live in a private house without hot water supply.

Connection diagram and installation

The storage water heater should be installed in strict accordance with the installation instructions, which you will definitely find in the user manual.

  • The boiler should be installed against a wall; at the same time, make sure that the pipes for hot and cold water are strictly parallel to it. There should be a small distance between the water heater and the wall, allowing for preventive inspection and Maintenance node connections.
  • It is recommended to use a ¾-inch diameter pipe to connect to the water supply. Stand facing the appliance: the hot water pipe should be located on your left hand, and the cold water pipe should be on your right hand.
  • Usage safety valve for storage water heaters will help to avoid overheating of the device and associated unpleasant consequences.
  • Before you start connecting the boiler to the water pipes, open the tap with cold water. Make sure it is clean enough to be free of sand, rust particles and other small debris. If necessary, cut a special water filter into the pipe (in the section of the network before the water heater).
  • It is also recommended to check the pressure in the water pipes. Its level should not be higher than 8 bar. If this figure is exceeded, a pressure reducer should be installed.
  • Drops of water falling from a hydraulic valve are a sign normal operation devices and water supply network. But it is necessary to ensure that water from the valve does not fall on the body of the water heater. To do this, you need to attach a special drain funnel to the valve with an outlet into the sewer.
  • If the boiler is installed in country house, in which there is no constant heating, you need to make sure that there is no water left in the tank when the outside temperature drops below zero. Therefore, when leaving the house in the cold season, always drain the remaining liquid from the tank, otherwise the device may fail.


Storage gas water heaters that take air from the room in which they are installed should be placed only in rooms that meet several important requirements:

  • air intake is carried out from the street or from an adjacent room;
  • the room has a ventilation hole with an area of ​​at least 1 m2 (the area of ​​the hole is calculated depending on the power of the device - 6 cm2 for each kW);
  • the ventilation hole should be covered with a grille that does not impede the movement of air, and the hole should not be obstructed by anything.

It is impossible to give unambiguous advice on which water heater is better: gas or electric, instantaneous or storage. Each of the varieties has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Thus, gas boilers are more economical, but they are considered less safe than electric ones. Storage water heaters provide uniform heating of water, but flow models carry out heating faster and in larger volumes. Therefore, each buyer must decide for himself which characteristics of water heaters are more important to him. In addition, technical connection possibilities should also be taken into account, such as the presence of a gas pipeline or water supply with normal pressure in system.

The problem of obtaining hot water is relevant among residents of the private sector. Quite often, homeowners use storage-type gas water heaters. Although this version of the heater is more expensive, it pays for itself faster during operation: gas is many times cheaper than electricity.

Heating occurs in quite spacious tank, which is the main part of the entire structure. Its size ranges from 50 to 300 liters. Heating occurs using heat exchanger, combustion products are removed from the product using an outlet pipe. There are also special sensors whose responsibilities include monitoring various parameters, heat-insulating elements, an ignition system, cold water supply and heated water outlet pipes.

The boiler fills with water automatically. When cold water enters the tank, the gas supply to the burner is turned on, and the resulting heat flow leaves the product through a specially designed pipe (with a turbulator), heating the volume of water along the way. Upon reaching the set target temperature sensor turns off the gas and heating stops.

What is the difference between such a water heater and a gas water heater? The storage boiler gradually heats the volume of water poured into it, and only when the temperature set by the consumer has been reached can it be used. The gas water heater heats the water immediately, as it works on the principle flow heater

. What both devices have in common is that they use gas as a heat source.

You can get visual information about the design of a gas boiler from this video:

Types of boilers Such Appliances

  1. Experts classify according to several criteria:
  2. Combustion chamber type - open or closed.
  3. The ignition system is from a piezoelectric element or an electrical home network.

According to the installation method - on the floor or wall option. Gas water heater with draft open type equipped with a similar combustion chamber. They work according to the following principle: oxygen, so necessary for stable operation, comes directly from the room where the boiler is located. All combustion products are removed through chimney

The cost of this type of water heater is cheaper, but installing a chimney system will cost a pretty penny, which does not appeal to users.

With a closed combustion chamber

A boiler using forced draft is considered by experts to be more economical option for placement in your home: its closed chamber has a special system for removing combustion products using powerful pump. This type does not require a separate ventilation system because they do not use air from the room for sustainable combustion - this fact becomes decisive when homeowners choose private buildings.

With piezo element

To start a modern gas water heater, you no longer need matches or a lighter - each product has special button, when pressed, the unit starts working. Products of this class are equipped with a piezoelectric element, which ignites the gas. Many users consider this an atavism, an outdated option, but these boilers do not lose their popularity due to their low price.

Some homeowners are keen to purchase the latest model of gas boiler with the latest system automatic start , which works independently - you just need to open the tap. Similar models are much more convenient to use and consume blue fuel very economically, and the piezoelectric element can be powered by electrical supply or Mars type batteries.

Floor option

Installation of a gas water heater on the floor is carried out due to its rather large dimensions and weight: the product tank can hold 100-300 liters of water. Before purchasing such a massive device, you need to arrange a place for it - perfect option in a separate room, where gas can be easily supplied. Owners of private houses buy such boilers to provide for the whole family. hot water all year round, in a city apartment multi-storey building placing such a giant would be problematic.

Wall placement

As a rule, with this option, water heaters have a more compact appearance: they are placed in the bathroom above the sink or toilet, which allows users to save space and use it more efficiently. These water heaters are designed for a small volume, so they can be installed in a city apartment of any size - the product will provide you with hot water without taking up much space.

What volume to choose

To choose a gas storage water heater that is ideal for your family, you need to know the hot water consumption per person. Experts assure that this figure is in the range of 50-70 liters. daily consumption. Manufacturers of similar equipment produce various options with a volume of up to 300 liters, so choosing the required option will not be so difficult.

When a water heater is purchased for a family living in own home outside the city, then we need to consider options no lower than 150 liters - this is the volume that can satisfy the personal hygiene needs of all household members. For those who doubt the validity of this statement, let's do some calculations:

  • take a bath - at least 150;
  • shower - 50-100;
  • morning hygiene - 15 liters;
  • for washing dishes - no more than 30 liters.

Now multiply all this by family members - the result is unlikely to please you.

Boiler volumes of 200 liters or more are considered the best option for big family with small children.

Additional device selection options

When choosing a storage gas boiler, you should pay attention to the following important parameters.

Rated power

This indicator for gas products starts from 4-6 kW: in a boiler with a tank volume of at least 150 liters, 7 kW burners are installed - it only takes about an hour to heat the entire volume. An electric boiler with similar parameters takes from 2 to 4 hours to heat up. The decisive factor here is that gas is much cheaper, and in operation there are other nuances in favor of the gas option.

Material of manufacture

Tank modern products made from simple steel grade coated with special compounds or made from very expensive of stainless steel. Each option has its pros and cons.

The first option is much cheaper than the second, but when choosing, the user must also take into account the fact that the first tank has thinner walls, which is of primary importance when frequent water hammers occur in the water supply system. Stainless steel is more resistant to corrosion, and the special enamel coating can crack over time - the container quickly rusts and becomes unsuitable for use.

When to use different sprayings from titanium to glass porcelain, then the service life of the container has different time values, but the composition of the coating has a strong influence on the final cost of the product. There is another nuance here: frequent temperature changes cause microcracks to appear over time; to prevent their appearance, the user must set the temperature not exceeding 60 0 C. Sometimes, to prevent the development of various bacteria, it is necessary to heat the water almost to a boil.

Today, boilers with stainless steel tanks are considered the most reliable. Their warranty is 7-10 years, while tanks coated with porcelain glass only have a warranty of no more than 12 months.

Magnesium anode

All boilers are equipped with such a device, technical name it is electrochemical protection with a sacrificial anode, which is made mainly of magnesium, sometimes of zinc. The anode gradually dissolves due to oxidation, providing reliable protection inner surface tank from corrosion. Replacement also depends on the structure of the water: it is changed at least once a year for sprayed tanks, and when a stainless steel tank is installed, there is almost no need to change the anode. When purchasing, always inquire about the presence of a magnesium device inside the product or find similar information in the instruction manual.

Insertion diagram and installation

Installation gas equipment is strictly regulated, so you cannot do without a specialist with the appropriate permit - otherwise you can count on warranty service you won't have to later.

Connection diagram for storage gas water heater

  1. The boiler is installed in such a way that there is a gap between the product and the wall necessary for inspection and maintenance of all components.
  2. A pipe of at least ¾ inch is used for connection, and there is important feature: The hot water drain pipe is connected on the left, and the cold water supply on the right.
  3. To avoid overheating of the water heater, it is necessary to use safety valve.
  4. Before connecting the device to the water supply system, turn on the water and check its quality for foreign impurities. Or better yet, install it on the supply pipe special filter, protecting expensive equipment.
  5. Few users know that the pressure should not exceed eight bar, otherwise a reduction reducer must be installed.
  6. Water will constantly drip from the hydraulic valve - this is normal, but you need to install a drainage pipe into the sewer so that it does not get on the boiler body.
  7. If in winter you do not permanently live in a country house, then drain the water every time you leave, otherwise the equipment will become unusable.

As you can see, there are many nuances when installing a gas water heater, but if you do everything that is required, the product will work properly for a long time.

Security measures

Often many users have doubts about safe use equipment using open flame, but the manufacturers assure that they have taken all necessary safety measures. Such systems include:

  • traction sensor, which is triggered in case of any malfunction of the chimney - it immediately turns off the gas supply;
  • hydraulic valve- it instantly reacts to the lack of water, the gas supply is immediately blocked to prevent overheating of the equipment;
  • flame controller- this is an ordinary thermocouple, sometimes it is supplemented with an ionized corrector; if the flame goes out for some reason, the gas supply is blocked, thereby preventing its unwanted leakage.

The exhaust hood, which any product of this class has, prevents the possibility of combustion products from flowing back into the room where the boiler is installed. Therefore, the user does not have to worry - that's all harmful substances are reliably removed and the inhabitants of a country house are not in danger in the morning headache due to the use of a gas water heater.

Boilers differ from water heaters in their larger dimensions and lower gas consumption. Gas storage water heater may have natural or forced draft (depending on the type of combustion chamber), as well as different capacity from 50 liters and above. The time spent heating 100 liters of water is higher than that of a gas water heater, but in terms of efficiency, water heaters are significantly superior.

Easy to use and install devices with a combustion chamber closed type, since they do not require a constant flow of air to function properly. They are more expensive to purchase, but their price is fully compensated by their cost-effective operation and ease of installation. The capacity of boilers can exceed 150 liters.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gas boilers can be of two types: flow-through and storage. The first water heaters are often not enough to provide hot water supply large buildings, they have low power and low heat exchanger efficiency. Gas (storage) cylinder water heaters have high performance, which is achieved through a powerful gas burner and heat exchanger. The advantages include a wide range of models and a variety of tanks. You can buy a household water heater with a capacity from 50 to 500 liters. Variability model range allows you to select the most efficient equipment corresponding to the number of residents and the area of ​​the residential building.

The disadvantages include their large dimensions. Often for installation similar unit a separate room is required (boiler room, basement, attic), therefore, if you need to switch the device to another operating mode or adjust the heating process, you will need to go to the technical room, which is not always convenient.

Gas storage water heater diagram

Main structural elements storage boiler operating on gas are:

  • hot water drain pipe;
  • gas-burner;
  • a pipe designed to admit cold liquid into the device;
  • chimney;
  • regulating automation;
  • control mechanism.

The tank itself can be stainless or enameled. Polyurethane foam is used as a thermal insulation layer, since it creates uniform and complete insulation without the formation of cold bridges and is resistant to high temperatures.

Review of boilers from leading brands

High-quality heaters are presented on the domestic market by companies such as Ariston and Baxi.

1. Baxi SAG2 100.

The water heater of the Italian company Baxi has a capacity of 100 liters, the average water heating time is 58 minutes. The boiler has a built-in thermometer, which allows you to control the temperature (from 40 to 97 ° C); the device is completely energy independent of electricity, has an open combustion chamber and a pilot burner. The product can be installed both on the floor and on the wall, its body is made of enameled steel, and anti-corrosion protection achieved due to the presence of a magnesium anode. The water heater can operate on liquefied gas, and its parameters are absolutely not affected by pressure and flow. The equipment has stable performance even at low pressure. Automatic control systems help adjust the water temperature and control the flame.

2. Baxi SAG2 200 T.

The capacity is 200 liters and the heating time is 70 minutes. The economical, energy-independent Italian unit is equipped with piezo ignition. The weight of the product is 68 kg, allowing it to be mounted on the wall and floor. The body is made of enameled steel, and a magnesium anode is used as additional protection against corrosion. Basic structural elements made of stainless steel, and adjustment is carried out using automation.

SGA Ariston gas boilers have a body made of enameled steel, and ignition is carried out using a piezoelectric element. The flame combustion is controlled by a thermocouple, the tank capacity is 150 liters. The temperature is regulated automatically, and the process itself takes 60 minutes. The heater is installed to provide water supply to both civil and industrial buildings. The performance of the product is absolutely independent of pressure and connection to the power grid.

Water consumption is not a determining factor affecting heating; hot liquid can be used even when opening many taps. All Ariston water heaters are equipped with leakage monitoring sensors and can operate on natural and liquefied gas.

Cost of a gas boiler with closed camera significantly higher, depends on capacity, power and manufacturer. average price products is equal to 30,000 rubles.

When choosing between gas and electric water heaters preference should be given to the former, as they create an electrically independent hot water supply design. Their performance does not change due to the pressure and fluid flow in the system; heating is carried out even with fluctuations in gas pressure. When choosing a device, pay attention to the capacity, since the power depends on it. The number of people living in one house must be taken into account. Based on the calculation of the average hot water consumption per person, the size of the tank is determined.

Which water heater is better: instantaneous or storage? The former are convenient if it is necessary to heat a small volume of liquid, the final temperature of which depends on the power and total flow rate. Cumulative ones provide a stable water temperature, although it takes more time to heat up. Consequently, storage devices can serve several points of consumption.

What opinions will users have?

“Reviews about the operation of gas storage water heaters are ambiguous; some prefer storage water heaters, others prefer instantaneous ones. From personal experience I want to say that the power of the second version of the water heater is not enough to provide full hot water supply to a private home. We have a flow device. When my wife is in the kitchen washing dishes, I can’t take a shower because the water doesn’t have time to heat up to the required temperature.”

Nikolay Sokolov, Moscow.

“I want to say that to install the equipment you must have a separate Utility room, which is not always possible to implement in a private home. We have running water and we are happy with everything, of course, it’s not possible to take a shower and wash dishes at the same time, since the consumption increases, but if you carry out these procedures one by one, then no problems with hot water will arise.”

Hot water in the house is necessary for the comfortable existence of every family. Due to supply instability, many are forced to use different water heaters. Electric boiler characterized by excessive energy consumption, so a gas water heater with a closed combustion chamber would be an excellent alternative.

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    Features of chimneyless speakers

    The design of the device is a flow-through water heating column powered by the combustion energy of natural or bottled gas. Cold water enters the unit from the pipeline, is heated using a burner, after which hot water comes out of the tap. It is known that an ordinary gas appliance is equipped with a rather high chimney. Combustion products are removed using natural draft through the open lower opening.

    A coaxial water heater functions differently. It has a different principle for eliminating combustion waste. The device is characterized by a sealed combustion chamber, and to eliminate gases, a coaxial chimney is used, which goes outside through a hole in the wall. A two-layer pipe is distinguished by the following: exhaust gases are eliminated from the inside to the outside, and fresh street air necessary for combustion enters the column through an external channel.

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    A chimneyless flow device is equipped with a fan that directs combustion products into coaxial chimney. This type is called a turbocharged column. Using a turbine or built-in fan, smoke is forced out of the firebox.

    The convenience of using such a device lies in the fact that oxygen is not burned in the apartment; it also does not require the use additional influx air for combustion. If there is no need for a separate vertical chimney, it becomes possible to save money on the purchase of materials and installation work.

    Principle of operation

    The functioning of a flow-through device with turbocharging is the same as that of a conventional gas water heater, only with a more advanced device that has high level automation. When you open a hot water tap, a certain flow rate occurs, according to which the main burner and fan turn on, and after closing the tap, they turn off.

    The modulation burner device of the column with a pressure operating principle differs from combustion in open cell conventional appliances where air enters in unlimited quantities, which reduces the efficiency of fuel combustion. In a turbine unit, air is supplied in doses depending on the needs of the burner. This causes more high efficiency heater - up to 90−94%.

    After opening the tap, the water unit supplies gas to the igniter, and the sensor contacts close. Next, a spark is formed, igniting the wick. The fuel then enters the burner and is ignited by the pilot light, which immediately goes out. The device will function and heat water, until the tap closes or some emergency occurs:

    • the traction sensor will work;
    • the pressure in the pipeline will decrease;
    • the main burner goes out;
    • the device responsible for overheating will work;
    • gas pressure will drop;
    • the power will go out.

    The turbocharged column is equipped with modulation gas burner. It can automatically influence the intensity of the flame based on changes in water pressure.

    Positive and negative characteristics

    Flueless gas water heaters are applicable in any premises, even in those where the design does not provide for a chimney: a country house or cottage, an apartment in multi-storey building. There are some other advantages:

    • the room temperature does not increase, this is noticeable especially in hot weather;
    • high efficiency due to turbocharged exhaust air exhaust when standard device it happens spontaneously;
    • absence of odors inherent in gas waste with complete isolation of the sealed combustion chamber.

    Geysers Tornado.

    Gas water heater with coaxial chimney - effective solution hot water supply issue. Its main advantage is the quick preparation and supply of heated water. However, using such a device has certain negative aspects:

    During fan operation and movement of air masses with high speed You can hear noise both in the apartment and on the street. Neighbors above may be dissatisfied with the noise and smell of waste combustion products.

    Ways to control a coaxial device

    Geysers with a coaxial chimney have two different parameters - the control system and the type of ignition. The control method depends on the use of different types of burners - these are variables with automatic regulation power, as well as constant power, the power of which is adjusted by the owner of the gas water heater:

    Which gas to choose? Bosch speaker, what is the difference? there are answers!

    A flow-through chimneyless column can have three types of ignition. She provides safe work equipment and increases the comfort of its use:

    If you choose a chimneyless heating column, you should familiarize yourself with some of the device’s parameters. This determines how comfortable the device will be to use, safe and efficient in the use of energy resources.

    Geyser! Save gas!

    Parameter indicators

    The power of a speaker is an indicator of its performance and important parameter, characterizing the possibility of heating water per unit of time. You should not save money by choosing a low-power unit that is not able to fully heat cold water with good pressure.

    You can determine the power of the device that is required for use. To do this, the parameter specified in technical passport, should be divided in half. The resulting number is the consumption of water heated to 30 degrees per unit of time. For example, a device with a power of 20 kW can heat up to 10 l/min. To estimate this volume, you need to know the hot water consumption.

    Productivity is characterized by the volume of heated water. It is produced flow unit for one minute of your work. For example, the documentation for the device states that the column will heat 10 liters of water to 25 degrees. This does not mean that the water will not heat above 25. To the number you need to add the temperature of the water from the tap, for example, 15, therefore the water is heated to 40 with a flow rate of 10 l/min.

    It is believed that in each of the plumbing units: washbasin, shower or kitchen sink about 5.5 l/min is used. hot water. The use of a gas water heater without a chimney would be advisable, especially in a country house or country house. You should weigh the pros and cons when choosing and installing such a unit.

    Safety of turbocharged units

    Many users are confident in the safety of chimneyless speakers, but this is a false belief. Any appliances that use gas require compliance with safety rules and caution. If one of the modules of the water heating system fails or the temperature of the liquid increases, the column is turned off automatically. This indicates increased safety of the device, provided it is installed correctly. But if a turbocharged dispenser is installed in an apartment in a multi-story building, carbon monoxide, rising, will harm the health of residents.

    Before purchasing an expensive gas appliance you need to consider its advantages and disadvantages. In addition, it is necessary to determine best option its location. If any doubts or difficulties arise, it is better to choose another type of unit.

    Compliance of the device with the interior of the apartment

    A column without a chimney fits well into the interior of the apartment. It can be installed in the bathroom or kitchen, the main thing is that one of the walls of the room communicates with the street, since you will need to make a hole for installation coaxial pipe. If such a possibility exists, the installation can be carried out without problems. The advantage of the device is the absence of an unsightly chimney pipe, which is unlikely to decorate the walls.

    The speaker should be in harmony with the interior. A wall-mounted water heater looks neat and does not spoil, and sometimes even complements the decor in the room. For example, the compact gas water heater Neva 4510-M combines a lot of advantages, the main one of which is an affordable price. Device characteristics:

    There are also disadvantages in the characteristics of a gas water heater with a closed combustion chamber. It is not equipped with a smooth modulation device, which does not allow the device to operate at two water points. And also a small dispenser power of 17.9 kW, allowing it to produce only 9 l/min.

Unstable hot water supply (hot water supply) is gradually becoming a thing of the past, and in its place are new models of water heaters operating on natural gas. An acceptable option for both apartments and private houses with no chimney duct is a gas water heater with a closed combustion chamber. This modern device It is also called turbocharged or chimneyless flow-through, since it does not need a chimney to eliminate exhaust gases.

An important design feature of the device is a closed chamber into which air from the street is supplied using a fan (turbine). Conventional water heating devices use room air during burner operation through an opening located at the bottom of the column.

Any device that runs on gas emits toxic substances that must be removed outside. The turbo column is no exception, only here, instead of a conventional chimney, it is used horizontal pipe(coaxial), through a hole in the wall, brought to the street. Gas water heater with a closed combustion chamber has several more features:

  • for complete combustion of gas, the turbine delivers street air using a coaxial double-walled (double-circuit) chimney, through which toxic gases are discharged outside;
  • the device is equipped with multi-stage and modulating burners that can change the power and intensity of heating;
  • there is no constantly burning pilot light, piezo ignition button or regular batteries to start the water heating process;
  • the turbocharged dispenser operates fully automatically from the moment it is ignited until it is turned off;
  • an electronic unit (controller) regulates the flow of air and gas in an optimal ratio with the corresponding heating mode;
  • chimneyless devices operate from the electrical network.

Typically forced-air gas water heaters with a coaxial chimney are equipped with an electric ignition system with electrodes to produce a spark. But some types of columns use a mechanical hydrogenerator that generates energy from a moving water stream. Based on the features of the devices, it is clear that they are equipped with many functions that increase the comfort and safety of operation.

All gas flow structures operate on the same principle: when the hot water valve in the apparatus is opened, the burner ignites under flow pressure and begins to heat the liquid circulating through the heat exchanger. In a flueless appliance The process happens a little differently:

  1. While in standby mode, the device is connected to the mains. There is no combustion process in the chamber, since there is no igniter.
  2. When you open the mixer tap, the flow sensor and membranes of the water unit are turned on. Under its action, a valve is activated, allowing gas access to the burner mechanism.
  3. The controller sends a command to the electrodes located next to the burner, a spark appears that ignites the gas. The sensor reacts to the flame and signals the control unit, the formation of a spark stops, and at the same time the turbine is turned on, pumping air.
  4. With the tap closed DHW supply gas stops, the burner goes out, therefore the water heating process is completed.

Thanks to the improved design, the efficiency of a turbocharged unit reaches 88-90%, while that of a conventional atmospheric unit reaches 84%. Efficiency is determined by the following functions:

  • precise dosing of incoming gas and air necessary for the combustion process;
  • maintaining the required temperature regime - a function that allows you to save gas, since the consumption of excessive heating is eliminated;
  • preheating of outdoor air flow coaxial chimney.

This function is the most effective, allowing you to compensate for the heat that is carried away with gas toxins. Cold air, entering through the same pipe, only in a different plane, takes heat from the oncoming smoke waste through the steel wall of the inner pipe.

The geyser with a coaxial chimney is equipped with protective equipment security. They work in the following situations:

  • reduced water consumption;
  • controller function failure.

  • lack of draft in the chimney due to the cessation of operation of the turbine, which stopped during a power outage;
  • the burner went out spontaneously;
  • reduced water consumption;
  • controller function failure.

It works every time gas valve, blocking the fuel. It also reacts to power outages, burner extinguishing and pressure surges in the gas pipeline, without controller intervention.

There is no geyser without a chimney, and in devices with a pressurization function its design has been simplified. Now you can use turbocharged devices not only in private homes, but also in apartments. You just need to make a hole in the wall that communicates with the street and through it, bring the chimney out horizontally along the shortest path.

If necessary, a coaxial chimney can be installed vertically on the roof of a private building, having previously prepared a shaft for it from non-combustible material. There are other advantages of a column with a coaxial chimney:

  1. It is characterized by high efficiency and cost-effectiveness when compared with conventional water heating devices.
  2. The closed combustion chamber eliminates hazardous emissions flue gases And bad smell in room.
  3. Easy installation supply and exhaust ventilation, because you can’t do without it.
  4. Availability high degree Automation of the coaxial machine brings convenience to the operation of the equipment.
  5. The function of energy carrier can be performed not only by natural gas, but also by liquefied gas. But this requires the use of a special hood located closer to the floor (propane is heavier than air).

In addition to sensors that ensure safety and temperature regime water, turbocharged units have a heat exchanger antifreeze system. The operating principle is as follows: at a negative temperature in the room, the heating element, powered by electricity, automatically turns on, which heats the heat exchanger and prevents the water from freezing.

The anti-freeze function in the coaxial column will be useful in case emergency shutdown heating system in winter. It will prevent defrosting of expensive equipment and its failure.

Disadvantages when using the device

The disadvantage of a coaxial geyser is its energy dependence. If there is a power outage, there will be no hot water. You will need to use an electric generator or a reliable uninterruptible power supply. Other negative aspects of these devices:

  1. Coaxial gas unit almost twice as expensive as atmospheric. But when comparing the purchase and installation in a complex, a coaxial chimney will cost much less than making it out of brick or installing an insulated sandwich.
  2. Fan noise is heard on some speaker models.
  3. It is better to entrust cleaning of the device to a specialist. Modern equipment has a complex device, so trying to find the problem and fix it yourself is not recommended.

To install this type of unit, permission from the organization supplying natural gas is required. You should also notify neighbors that a chimney exhaust will be installed on the facade of the house.

This is the view gas devices, which is a reservoir in which water is heated and then distributed through pipe lines to water distribution points. The water in the tank is constantly hot, and not at the moment the hot water tap is opened, as when using a flow-through heat generator. The flueless column works on the following principle: when the temperature in the tank drops, the temperature sensor sends a signal to the burner device to turn on. During burner operation hot air enters the flame tube, surrounded by water, and transfers heat to it. As soon as the water heats up to the set mode, the burner turns off.

The container of the device is equipped with thermal insulation, so, like a thermos, it can maintain temperature for a long time. You can always use hot water instantly and in the required volume. The capacity of the storage device tank is different for all models, ranging from 10 to 500 liters. The body is made of steel, covered with enamel or porcelain glass. The main advantage of the boiler is the use large volume hot water even when the water supply is completely turned off.

But, like any technological design, a turbocharged water heater has a drawback - hot water remains in the gap between the DHW valve and the tank, which then cools down. Therefore, the user, having opened the tap, has to wait until the cold water comes out.

This problem is solved by using a circulation unit consisting of a small pump that is connected by a small diameter pipe to a system of pipes leading to the end points. Using a pump, the remaining unused water is pumped back into the tank, thereby preventing it from cooling down.

It is impossible to give any definite advice regarding the place of purchase of a gas appliance. You need to focus on stores known for quality of service, a varied assortment, and the presence of decent models.

In specialized stores of plumbing and heating equipment it is presented big choice products whose characteristics can be seen and evaluated appearance columns. Purchasing through an online store also has its advantages - the ability to exchange and return goods within two weeks without specifying the reason, a huge selection, ordering a rare model, reading reviews from other customers.

The Neva gas water heater with a closed combustion chamber is popular. This equipment is characterized flow heating water, use liquefied gas, the ability to connect to bottled gas. Based on operating practice, it is known that using this device you can obtain 6 liters of hot water per minute. Flow column equipped with sensors and timers responsible for the high-quality functioning of the device. Has a power of 9 kW.

When purchasing a gas water heater, first of all, you should make sure that there is a decent security system for comfortable use of the equipment. It must be equipped with sensors that monitor flame, overheating and reverse thrust chimney You can choose any ignition option based on your preferences and wishes.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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