Hello everyone who is reading this article! It will touch upon the topic of choosing gas boilers from Korean or European manufacturers. From my work experience, I know that buyers often have the question: “Which gas boiler is better to buy? Korean (cheaper) or European more expensive, but made under a well-known brand.” Let's figure this out together. For the sake of brevity, we will limit ourselves to wall-mounted gas boilers. If any of the readers are interested, then follow the link to the corresponding article on my blog! Let's start with the main difference - the price!

Why is a Korean boiler cheaper than a European one?

Actually this is not always the case. I have come across expensive Korean boilers, the prices of which were even higher than the top European models. I will not disclose the name of the manufacturer so as not to give him free advertising.

However, in general korean boilers cost less than their European counterparts and this is due to two factors:

Cheaper labor does not mean that Korean pots are assembled by illiterate peasants for a cup of rice a day. It’s just that people in Korea earn less, but still have the necessary qualifications (at least from large firms). But with the quality of components the issue is more complicated. It's no secret that quality materials They are expensive, and if you want to save money, you have to look for a replacement. For example, expensive copper heat exchangers are being replaced by cheaper ones made of stainless steel ( we're talking about about plate heat exchangers). The same applies to brass parts, which are replaced by polymer ones. I myself saw a Korean boiler in which the heat exchanger is connected to the circulation pump using a rubber hose, and the hose itself is tightened onto the pipe with a regular car clamp. All this raises questions about the reliability of the equipment.

Another interesting point - all (that I saw) Korean boilers were double-circuit.

Now let's move on to considering individual components on Korean and European boilers.

Heat exchangers for Korean and European boilers.

As mentioned above, many Korean manufacturers use cheaper plate heat exchangers made of stainless steel. Such heat exchangers have thinner walls than their copper counterparts. Thin walls shorten the life of this expensive unit. I know of cases where Korean heat exchangers failed even before the end of the warranty period, and this was due to the use of “” based on ethylene glycol or propylene glycol as a coolant. The fact is that such liquids dissipate heat worse than ordinary water. Therefore, the walls of the heat exchanger begin to overheat and eventually burn out faster. In addition, there were cases when, due to overheating of such a coolant, precipitation fell inside the heat exchanger, which also led to its failure. Because of all these troubles, warranty centers strictly prohibit the use of such coolant in their boilers.

As for the “Europeans,” they are more tolerant of the use of such liquids, but they give strict instructions regarding chemical composition and coolant concentrations. In case the user violates their recommendations. They refuse to do warranty repairs

Stainless steel heat exchanger
Copper heat exchanger with a special protective coating.

Hydraulic group and circulation pump.

Now let's talk about such an important boiler unit as the hydraulic group. A hydraulic group consists of two units (input and output), between which a jumper (bypass) is installed, which is necessary to ensure circulation in the heating system. A three-way valve can be installed at the outlet node to connect an external indirect heating boiler.

The hydraulic group can be made of brass or polymer materials. In the latter case, its cost is significantly reduced due to simpler manufacturing technology. But the question of the reliability of such materials remains open. My personal opinion is that brass is a more reliable and proven material for such important components as a hydraulic group.

As for Korean or European boilers, they have both brass and polymer groups. It all depends on the price category of the boiler. More expensive models have brass, while cheaper ones have plastic.

As for circulation pumps, European boilers use pumps from well-known companies, while for Korean boilers the pumps are made either in Korea itself or in China. This may not affect the quality in any way. Here everything again depends on the price category of the equipment.

The difference in chimneys between “Koreans” and “Europeans”.

Korean and European boilers have significant differences in chimneys. If most European boilers have standard chimneys - coaxial 60/100 millimeters (separate chimneys with a diameter of 80 millimeters can be used), then Korean manufacturers make chimneys with separate connections to the boiler and a transition to coaxial pipe. The diameters of chimney pipes can be different:

  • 75/100 millimeters.
  • 80/110 millimeters.

There is no significant difference here. Both chimneys work well. However, in my opinion, a European chimney is more aesthetically pleasing and easier to install. The Koreans also noticed this and began producing boilers for this type of chimney. Read more in my earlier article.

The difference in electronics between “Koreans” and “Europeans”.

Today, the choice of boiler is made not only by power, but also by the functionality that can be provided by this boiler. So, for example, all the Korean wall-mounted boilers that I saw were equipped with a remote control. But in European boilers, only top models have this option. Remote control not only controls the boiler, but also works like one, which is very convenient and allows you to save on equipment. Otherwise, the functionality of the boilers is similar. All have modes for adjusting the temperature of the coolant and hot water, summer mode work, defrost protection and so on. The top models of the “Koreans” have weather-sensitive automation and control via Wi-Fi or GSM.

Budget “Europeans” in this regard are no different from “Koreans”, and top models have various bonuses. For example, built-in three-way valves for connecting a boiler. There is no particular difference in the quality of electronics (the famous manufacturers). It lasts a long time (if there is a voltage stabilizer) and does not require maintenance.

Summary of the article.

When choosing between a Korean or European gas boiler, you need to focus on the needs of your heating system. If you have a small one-story a private house with two points of water collection, then a Korean double-circuit boiler of the middle price category is quite suitable for you. And if you have a large cottage and you plan to install an indirect heating boiler, then the best choice would be a top-end European boiler with a built-in three-way valve. That's all, write your questions in the comments!

South Korea is one of the countries in the world with developed industry, producing household appliances, which practically does not differ in quality from goods produced by the most famous European companies. So gas boilers Korean manufacturers supply heating products to the market at a reasonable price, but they are distinguished by high quality, versatility and safety, because this is the only way to sell their products on a market that is filled to capacity.

Korean gas boilers are in demand in our country. They are distinguished by excellent endurance and the ability to adapt to difficult operating conditions.

Korean-made gas boilers have the following consumer qualities:

Disadvantages of Korean-made gas boilers

Korean companies producing gas equipment are striving to develop the market and compete with the products of well-known and long-established European companies. Therefore, special attention is paid to quality. Not considered a disadvantage a large number of service centers and a certain difficulty in purchasing spare parts. When purchasing a domestic gas boiler for home heating and domestic hot water supply, you should clarify the terms of warranty and post-warranty service.

The most famous brands of boilers made in South Korea

Gas boilers produced by leading Korean companies and firms have appeared on the Russian market. The list is quite impressive - DAEWOO, CELTIC, KITURAMI, KOREASTAR, NAVIEN. All models of Korean gas heating boilers offered by these companies have lower prices than their Western counterparts, with comparable quality and reliability. It is important that all models of Korean-made gas boilers are certified. They combine excellent functionality with a fairly reasonable price, which contributes to their popularity.

Gas boilers from DAEWOO

Household appliances of the South Korean company DAEWOO are known all over the world, so consumers in Russia choose a Daewoo gas boiler as a result of trust in the company.

The Daewoo double-circuit boiler is available in a wall-mounted version. It has an expanded list of protections, several programmable operating modes, small sizes and a reasonable price. The manufacturer has developed an operating manual for the Daewoo Gasboiler gas boiler, which describes in great detail the principles of operation, methods for testing and installing equipment, as well as checking operation after installation is completed.

In the “Functional part” section there are provided circuit diagrams various models and diagnostic points indicated printed circuit boards for repair. The operating principle of the electronics and its possible malfunctions are described in detail. DGB models are in demand on the Russian market - 130/160/200, in which the number 130 or 160, for example, indicates the size of the heated area.

Heating boilers from DAESUNG CELTIC

The Celtic double-circuit gas boiler produced by a South Korean company is adapted for Russian conditions - unstable electrical network and pressure drops in gas lines.

With the help of DAESUNG CELTIC boilers you can heat an individual house with an area of ​​120 to 350 square meters. m.

CELTIC DS gas boilers are equipped with electronics that allow remote control using a GSM/GPRS modem.

Gas boilers from KITURAMI

Boilers of the largest South Korean gas equipment– the standard of the highest quality and reliability. KITURAMI products have been known for over 50 years. It produces high-tech equipment, which is ensured by the presence of a powerful research and production base.

The Kiturami double-circuit gas boiler has international certificates and is adapted for Russian latitudes. For reliable operation electronics, special measures have been taken to minimize the impact of voltage surges on the operation of the equipment. The boiler is equipped with a unique automatic system to prevent water from freezing in pipelines. Each kiturami gas boiler is completed and assembled at Japanese and Korean enterprises by experienced specialists, which ensures excellent quality of the products.

Controlling the operation of the boiler is extremely simple, you only need to set the desired temperature level, everything else will be done automatically. The owners who purchased and installed a Kiturami gas boiler leave different reviews that were found online. Convenient and simple control; many people like the system for supplying hot water to their home (DHW). Some users note the efficiency of the boiler.

It should be noted that KITURAMI produces wall-mounted and floor-standing gas boilers. The model range includes several dozen modifications. Naturally, Kiturami gas boilers have different prices, depending on the power and model, but their cost is always lower than similar European models. They are especially popular wall models— mounted kiturami world plus boiler, kiturami world 5000 boiler and condensing boilers Kiturami ECO Condensing, On forums on the Internet, Kiturami gas boilers are actively discussed, reviews from owners confirm them high quality, convenient operation and reliability.

Gas boilers from KOREASTAR

In the production of gas boilers, the company uses not only Korean and Japanese components, but also equipment from well-known European companies. For example, Korea Star gas boilers are supplied circulation pumps Wilo with a wet rotor, which ensures silent operation. The most popular gas boiler is Korea Star, known as Koreastar Premium.

Koreastar Premium gas boiler - classic design with two heat exchangers, Wilo and closed chamber combustion. The device is adapted for Russian operating conditions and reliably heats an area of ​​up to 240 m2.

The Koreastar ACE boiler is equipped with a double-circuit copper heat exchanger (pipe in pipe) with anti-corrosion coating, which is resistant to temperature changes. The combustion chamber is closed with an inflatable modulating burner. The boiler has an anti-freeze system, anti-blocking of the pump and gas valve and protection against water hammer. Power up to 32 kW.

The popularity of Corestar equipment can be judged by the exchange of information on Internet forums. Reviews of Korea Star gas boilers indicate that they are productive and reliable equipment, and the disadvantages are almost the same for any devices with closed combustion chambers.

Koreastar boilers have a display and self-diagnosis system.

The instructions for the gas boiler Korea Star classify, describe and suggest measures to eliminate them, which appear on the display in the form of a specific code.

Boilers of the Korean concern NAVIEN

The NAVIEN company, one of the leading South Korean companies producing gas equipment, sells atmospheric, turbocharged and condensing wall-mounted gas boilers on the Russian market.

The first series represents a boiler with open camera combustion Navien Atmo. It is fully adapted to the difficult operating conditions in Russia. The series includes 4 models with powers of 13, 16, 20, 24 kW. All models have DHW system. On these Korean gas Navien boilers the reviews were quite bad at first, but the company took certain measures and improved the quality of the devices.

The second line – three series of models:

  1. Deluxe - consists of 7 models with power from 13 - 40 kW;
  2. Prime - includes 6 models with powers from 13 - 35 kW;
  3. Smart TOK - presented in 6 models from 13 - 35 kW.

The most expensive Korean ones, the price of which, due to the highest efficiency and more complex device, is higher than that of other models, are condensing ones. They are represented by the NCN series of 4 models with powers from 21 - 40 kW and NCB, which are implemented in four models, their power 24 - 40 kW.

Today, gas heating equipment is presented on the market with a wide variety of boiler models from manufacturers. different countries. Wall-mounted double-circuit gas systems, which are equipped not only with a burner, heat exchanger and control device, but also with an expanded tank, circular pumps, a thermometer, and a pressure gauge.

Lately everything more consumers attract boilers from Korean manufacturers. Such systems are distinguished by their versatility, extended basic equipment and reasonable price.

Korean heating systems - pros and cons

Korean technology is improving more and more and is no longer much different from its European counterparts. At the same time she has good quality and fairly reasonable prices, which attracts more and more buyers.

Advantages gas boilers made in Korea:

Some samples of gas devices are equipped with a corrosion-resistant and durable heat exchanger.

TO shortcomings Korean systems heating can be attributed to the difficulty of selecting spare parts that may be needed after a breakdown of the structure. In European-made boilers, parts can be replaced with components from other manufacturers. When repairing Korean devices, you will need to look for spare parts only made in Korea. Therefore, before purchasing such a boiler, it is recommended to find out whether there are service centers in the city for servicing this type of heating device.

Review of Korean gas double-circuit boilers

The most famous on the Russian market are Korean hanging systems heating systems like Kiturami, Navien, Daewoo, Olympia, Korea Star.

Model range of Kiturami gas boilers

The heating systems of this Korean company can easily compete with well-known European brands. with their own functionality they can easily compete with Italian and French manufacturers, and reliability and quality - Czech and German.

The line of wall-mounted dual-circuit equipment includes the following models:

The main rule of the manufacturer of gas boilers in this line is strict consideration of build quality and ensuring easy installation of the system and its simple operation.

Navien - leading Korean manufacturers of power equipment

Gas heating devices Navien use in great demand for consumers in need of heating country houses. The equipment is reliable in conditions of voltage drop in the electrical network and low gas and water pressure.

Navien Ace.

Gas units of this line have many advantages over European models:

  1. Steel heat exchangers with anti-corrosion coating make the boilers quite cheap and at the same time durable.
  2. The device has a control system for the operation of a gas burner, with the help of which a device with a power of 13 kW is capable of heating the same volume of water as a unit with a power of 24 kW.
  3. Heating systems from Navien are equipped with a liquid crystal display and remote control with a remote sensor.

Enough buyers are attracted low price equipment, its functionality and long service life.

Navien NCN.

These are energy-intensive, economical and environmentally friendly double-circuit condensing heating systems wall structures, created using advanced Korean and Japanese technologies.

Advantages of Navien boilers NCN:

With the help of efficient and safe to operate Navien NCN gas units, you can significantly reduce utility bills.

Daewoo – compact gas equipment

Double-circuit wall-mounted boilers from this manufacturer are distinguished by their reasonable price, compactness, programmable operating mode and an expanded list of built-in protections. In addition to these advantages, Daewoo gas boilers have many other advantages:

  1. They can be used for heating rooms with an area of ​​up to 400 square meters. m.
  2. The boilers can be connected to a powerful heating system.
  3. The devices are small in size, so they easily fit in almost any room.
  4. The units have simple controls that even a child can handle.
  5. Using a gas supply modulator and electronic timer, with which a double-circuit boiler is equipped, you can significantly reduce fuel consumption and increase efficiency.
  6. Wall-mounted appliances can operate on natural and liquefied gas.
  7. Using the company's patented ball-switch technology, the devices uninterruptedly supply coolant to the hot water supply and heating systems.
  8. Daewoo structures are equipped pulse block power supply, which effectively protects the system from breakdowns in the event of sudden voltage changes.

If necessary, the equipment can be equipped with a remote control remote control. With its help, you can control the operation of the device at a distance of up to fifty meters.

Olympia – wall-mounted boilers with built-in flow-through heat exchanger

Technical solutions and innovative technologies These wall-mounted dual-circuit devices are distinguished by their safety and reliability. Gas structures Olympia is equipped with:

Olympia gas wall-mounted radiators are equipped with safety devices that protect the system from damage caused by lack of draft chimney, overheating of water, gas leakage, sharp drop in temperature.

When installing equipment it is possible installation of coaxial (dual) flues. This will help to significantly reduce the cost of purchasing and manufacturing a chimney.

A wide range of capacities of Olympia units allows you to choose a model that will be suitable for a specific room.

Model range of wall-mounted loop gas equipment Korean manufacturers allows you to choose a heating system with premium functions and the cost of standard equipment from European manufacturers.

Presented on the Russian market korean gas boilers They have a wide variety of brands and models. Among them are many Korean gas boilers made under Japanese licenses, and appliances from world-famous multi-industry brands South Korea, such as Daewoo or Hyundai, and products of Korean companies specializing in the development and production of gas boilers.

Wall-mounted Korean heating boilers manufactured using Japanese technology

Gas Korean heating boilers products produced under Japanese brands are not inferior in quality and technical level to goods manufactured in Japan. Products are manufactured in South Korea using original technologies and under the careful supervision of brand owners.

Among the Korean heating boilers produced using Japanese technologies, the most famous are the boilers produced under the Rinnai brand. Korean wall-mounted boilers of this brand are equipped with the latest technology, but their price, unlike gas boilers produced in Japan itself, is relatively low, therefore they are able to successfully compete with the best European models of heating boilers not only in quality, but also in cost .

Korean boilers of our own design

Gas Korean boilers own developments are not much inferior to prestigious Japanese and European models. Most of these are wall-mounted double-circuit boilers designed for both heating and hot water supply to an apartment or country house. The focus on this type of gas boilers is due to the fact that in countries with high population density, such as South Korea, the issue of optimal use of living space is very relevant.

In addition, Korean gas boilers are very economical. Korea does not produce its own gas; it has to be imported, and imported gas is not cheap. Therefore, a thermal boiler that uses fuel most economically and efficiently will have a large competitive advantage in this country.

If you want to buy a good wall-mounted boiler at a relatively low price, choosing a Korean boiler will be one of the best.

Gas boiler, Korea, Daewoo and Hyundai brands

Wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler from Korea, sold under such famous brands, like Daewoo or Hyundai, is well equipped with electronics and automation. These companies produce not only cars and refrigerators, but also audio and video equipment, consumer and industrial electronics. Therefore, equipping products manufactured in Korea under these brands, including gas boilers, with modern and reliable electronics is a matter of not only capabilities, but also the prestige of the manufacturers.

Gas heating boilers of Korean brands Navien, Kiturami, Master Gas

In addition to multidisciplinary companies in South Korea, there are companies that specialize in the production of heating boilers. Korean gas boilers Navien, Kiturami, Master Gas are not so equipped with a variety of electronics that create additional amenities to the consumer, but directly the gas equipment in the products of these heating boiler manufacturers is usually more high level strength, durability and reliability. These boiler companies produce not only appliances for household use, but also industrial gas equipment, the requirements for which are much more stringent.

For example, Master Gas wall-mounted heating boilers are simple, reliable, compact and inexpensive Korean double-circuit gas boilers with a closed combustion chamber and turbocharging with a power of 11 to 35 kW. They are capable of heating a house up to 350 m² and providing it with hot water.

Korean gas heating boilers - advantages and disadvantages

Like any appliance, Korean gas heating boilers have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of gas Korean heating boilers include the following:

  • high level of technical equipment;
  • quality and reliability;
  • compactness and efficiency;
  • relatively low prices.

The disadvantage of gas boilers made in Korea is essentially one - the relative difficulty of finding spare parts and components if they need to be replaced during repairs. This is especially true for brands that are poorly represented on the Russian market and do not have their own service centers. Therefore, it is better to buy Korean gas boilers from official dealers and companies that directly cooperate with their manufacturers. In this case, you should pay attention not only to the price, but also to warranty periods and terms of warranty service.

Where to buy Korean gas boilers and at what prices?

Buy Korean gas boilers at the most favorable prices in Russia and the CIS countries you can in our online store. Our range of Korean-made gas boilers is constantly updated.

Korean ones are not cheap boilers, but their prices are significantly lower than the prices for European models of a similar level. You can see the current prices for Korean heating boilers in the catalog on our website.

Korean gas boilers in their own way quality correspond to Italian and French brands. At the same time, consumers are also bribed reasonable prices.

Several well-promoted companies are engaged in production in South Korea heating systems for the population. These are concerns Daewoo("Daewoo") Kiturami World(“Kiturami”), Koreastar("Korea Star") Navien(“Navien”), Olympia("Olympia") Rinnai(“Rinnai”).

Advantages of gas boilers from South Korea

Gas boilers made in Korea, gaining popularity among Russian homeowners. The devices are distinguished by their budget cost, durability and ability to adapt to difficult conditions operation.

Except main advantage - reasonable price, gas boilers from South Korea have the following advantages:

  • Boilers function flawlessly even with pressure changes gas in the network.
  • The units have high values Efficiency(fuel burns in in full).
  • Presented wide range of models(mounted and floor-mounted, double-circuit and with coaxial chimney).
  • Boilers look modern, occupy small volume in room.

From useful functions consumers note:

  • Built-in fuses. This ensures good safety in critical situations and in case of malfunctions of gas equipment.
  • Boilers are working on two types of fuel: natural and liquefied gas (nozzles are included with the equipment).
  • The ability to use not only for heating, but also organize hot water supply in the house (DHW).
  • Comfortable displays, the ability to select operating modes and set the desired temperature.

Photo 1. LCD display gas boiler Daewoo DGB - 160 MSC, which shows all the main characteristics of the device.


Korean marketers are making a lot of efforts to conquer the Russian market, so to quality gas boilers there are practically no complaints.

Problems may arise With warranty service and repairs models. There are few service centers and stores selling components in Russia. Therefore, there is only one piece of advice to buyers - when going to the store, find the addresses service departments nearby and check with the seller for warranty conditions.

Review of popular brands

Gas production heating equipment is engaged a large number of Korean companies. The following brands are aimed at the Russian consumer.

Kiturami World

KITURAMI products are known more than 50 years. The concern produces only condensation gas boilers. The design of the units allows the waste steam to be converted into condensate in a special heat exchanger.

IN regular models unexhausted steam smokes the atmosphere. That's why Efficiency some boilers from Kiturami is not even 100%, but 108-109%.

The second important advantage of Kiturami World gas appliances is their efficiency (from 15 to 20% less fuel consumption). The design of high-tech burners ensures mixing of the gas-air mixture in optimal proportions (with constant control of the gas-air ratio). Therefore, the possibility of incomplete combustion of fuel is eliminated.

Advice. Profitable to purchase models with plastic chimney. In this case, installation of the boiler is easier and the cost of work is lower.

Wall-mounted gas double-circuit structures Kiturami Eco Condensing look beautiful, on front panel there is an “Eco-friendly” logo, which translates as ecologically pure. Power is selected according to consumer needs, the model range includes options from 18 to 35 kW.

For reference. For quick installation and ease of use are additionally purchased connection kit boiler, expansion tank, condensate neutralizers and neutralization agents, safety devices, exhaust gas removal systems.

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Manufacturing company Koreastar (“Korean Star”) tightly cooperates with the European company Wilo(“Vilo”). Gas boilers from KOREASTAR are supplied circulation pumps Wilo brand with a wet rotor, which guarantees silent operation equipment.

Most Popular considered a series of class products Koreastar Premium. These are standard designs that combine closed chamber combustion, two heat exchangers and a pump into one system.

Gas boilers are fully adapted to Russian realities and heat areas up to 250 m2.

Gas double-circuit structures (pipe in pipe) include model Koreastar ACE. The combustion chamber is equipped inflatable modulating burner. The copper heat exchanger with an anti-corrosion layer is resistant to temperature changes. Of the useful options, manufacturers offer anti-freeze system, pump anti-blocking, water hammer protection.

Important! All Koreastar brand boilers have LCD displays and built-in self-diagnosis system. Malfunctions are displayed on the screen in the form of an alphanumeric code. The instructions provide a classification that allows you to identify the problem and how to fix it.


Models of gas equipment under the Rinnai brand differ functionality, reliability, original design, simple and intuitive control system. In the event of a power failure or low gas pressure, the sensors receive a warning and automatically switch the system to an economical mode. In this way, malfunctions can be avoided.

In total, the catalogs present four episodes equipment:

  • EMF- economical wall-mounted gas boilers. Easily installed in heating and hot water supply systems. The design includes a modulating burner with a fan and automatic function gas supply proportional to pressure. Saves up to 20% fuel, Efficiency boilers - 96% . The line includes models with power from 11.6 to 42 kW.
  • RMF- a more modern version of wall-mounted gas double-circuit boilers. Functionality in models expanded, there is less noise from them. The control panel has a color display; a mode has been added for advanced users voice control. For achievement optimal temperature water, a control unit is installed that periodically heats the water. Therefore, into the taps hot water arrives instantly.

Photo 2. Gas wall-mounted boiler with display from Rinnai from the RMF (Standart) series, model RB-207 RMF 23 kw.

  • GMF- gas boilers with coaxial chimney. They operate on liquefied or main gas (when replacing injectors). Useful option - three-level automation unit. Users note the convenience of the fact that error codes are displayed on the screen in numeric and text modes. The manufacturer points out that adjusting the fan operation protects the boilers from a lack of air for purging.
  • SMF— gas boilers for industrial and public buildings. Able heat areas up to 400 m2. Equipped two heat exchangers: copper and stainless steel. Turbocharged burner. The boilers are environmentally friendly; a minimum of toxic substances are released into the atmosphere, which proves the absence of soot and scale. Power models in the line begins from 18 kW and ends 42 kW.


All wall-mounted gas boilers "Daewoo" belong to double-circuit models. They are distinguished by:

  • a large number of protection levels;
  • ability to select the operating mode;
  • compact dimensions;
  • budget price.

Gas boilers from the Daewoo Gasboiler line conveniently labeled. The number next to the model abbreviation means the size of the heated area(For example, DGB-90).

Important! The company's specialists have developed detailed instructions for gas boilers of the Daewoo Gasboiler series. The Russian language describes the operating features of the equipment, methods for checking the goods upon receipt, boiler installation options and testing during the first start-up.


The Olympia company produces boiler equipment on the Russian market since 1995.

Developers' priorities are maximum automation combustion processes and mixing possible malfunctions to a minimum. High-quality assembly line assembly and gas-burner, which is the company's know-how.

All double-circuit boilers from the Olympia OLB line are designed V floor version . If necessary, a separate unit is supplied that allows you to control and control the system remotely.

Another nice option - automatic ignition flame. Infrared sensors monitor the presence of flames. When attenuation occurs, a command is received to stop the fuel supply. Then the fire is automatically ignited.


The Navien company offers Russian customers two rulers double-circuit gas boilers: turbocharged(with forced draft) and atmospheric. All models are conveniently marked.

The number indicates power boiler, the letter next to it carries additional information:

  • A- atmospheric;
  • E— “Euro”, European chimney;
  • K— Korean version of the chimney;
  • Turbo— turbocharged;
  • Coaxial- coaxial.

The designers took care of consumers living in conditions unstable voltage. These boilers are often installed in cottage villages and dacha cooperatives, where there are problems with gas and water pressure, the voltage in the electrical networks jumps. The company produces all design elements at its factories, which provides an additional guarantee of product quality.

Useful video

Watch the video that shows detailed instructions By correct operation gas boiler Daewoo DGB MSC.

Multifunctionality of Korean boilers

In addition to the low price, advantages for boiler equipment from South Korea quite a bit of. The devices are reliable and safe to use. Most models, even basic configuration are equipped special protection sensors And remote control capabilities. The installation of gas equipment must be trusted to licensed specialists. They will install the heating and hot water system according to the standards, after which it will be easy to control the operation of the boiler.

When choosing a manufacturer and model, five worth considering important parameters :

  • declared power— the calculations include the heated area and a number of additional factors: ceiling height, climatic conditions, hot water heating;

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