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French windows: how to combine aesthetics with warmth and functionality

What kind of window is called French? What functions do they perform? French windows in the interior of a house or apartment? What frame material is best? What should the fittings and double-glazed windows be like? In my article I will try to answer all these questions from the perspective of my own experience.

What it is

First, let’s talk about what French windows are.

These are just floor-to-ceiling windows. Often the same name is transferred to panoramic windows on a low parapet or window sill, which, strictly speaking, is not entirely correct.


The advantages of the solution are obvious:

  • Solid glazing sizes increase illumination housing. Natural lighting is less tiring for the eyes compared to artificial light;
  • The large window allows enjoy the views the surrounding area (unless, of course, it faces the wall of a neighboring house or a garbage dump);
  • French windows are also attractive because they visually expand the premises. The dimensions of the rooms are the main weak point of typical city apartments.

In houses classified as architectural monuments, it is basically impossible to obtain permission to remodel the facade.

  • The radiator installed under the window will also have to be moved (as a rule, from the cabinet to the wall adjacent to it). Like any other configuration change utility networks buildings, this again requires agreement with the housing owners;
  • The price of a French window will be noticeably higher than that of a window standard size-simply because of the much larger area;
  • IN general case panoramic window means increase in heat loss, which will cause increased heating costs (of course, if there are heat meters);

By choosing the right glass unit, heat losses can be reduced to a level comparable to losses through the wall section corresponding to its area. I'll tell you how to do this later.

  • French windows without a thermal curtain created in front of them will constantly covered with condensation. It will not only worsen your view, but will also collect in puddles on the floor, which is unlikely to benefit the parquet or laminate flooring. The problem is solved, but at a cost significantly higher than the cost of a standard size heating radiator;
  • In summer, a large glass area will mean heat in the room. It will become an overheated greenhouse, the cooling problem of which will have to be heroically solved with the help of air conditioning, blackout curtains and protective films;
  • The room on the ground floor will turn into an aquarium accessible to anyone passing by. To protect yourself from prying glances, you will have to keep the curtains drawn around the clock, which deprives the installation of panoramic windows of any meaning.

Didn't you scare me?


Frames modern windows made from three materials:

  1. Laminated wood. Unlike an array, its dimensions are constant regardless of humidity fluctuations;
  2. PVC. It is plastic windows that occupy the largest sector of the relevant market;
  3. Aluminum.

As a rule, panoramic glazing of a cold balcony is supplied with aluminum frames. For warm rooms it is unsuitable due to its high thermal conductivity: each section of the frame will represent a cold bridge.

The main disadvantage of laminated wood is its high cost: a French window to a balcony made of relatively cheap pine will cost the buyer at least 45 - 50 thousand rubles. The use of noble species (oak, ash, beech) can at least double costs.

Frame material: natural oak.

Soft woods scratch easily. Fortunately, they are also highly repairable: the surface can be easily restored by puttying and polishing.

The bottom line is frames made of polyvinyl chloride. At a relatively low cost they:

  • They have a service life of several decades;
  • They tolerate temperature fluctuations well in the range from -60 to +80 degrees;
  • If necessary, they can be convincingly stylized as wood with decorative film.

Help in choosing

What to look for when ordering French windows?


Both the service life of the windows and the ease of their use depend on its quality and wear resistance. I preferred fittings made by the German company Siegenia; exclusively good feedback I heard about the products of Maco, Roto and Winkhaus.

What's wrong with inexpensive fittings from little-known manufacturers?

First of all, the quality of the metal. As a rule, the handles begin to turn first: their square cut turns first into a square with smoothed corners, and then into an almost perfect circle. Often, wear on the pressure rollers leads to the window no longer closing tightly.

What, besides the manufacturer’s name, should you pay attention to when choosing accessories?

  • For the presence of the notorious pressure rollers at the bottom and top of the opening sash. If the sash is secured only by the central locking tongue, its edges will inevitably move away from the insulation, leaving gaps and increasing heat loss. Drafts in winter cold I don’t think there’s any need for the homeowner either;
  • It is possible to open the sash in transom mode by tilting its top towards the room. This will allow you to ventilate the room in rainy or snowy weather without fear of puddles appearing on the floor;
  • For the presence of microventilation - fixing the sash in a position slightly open by a few millimeters. It allows for air flow.

The fact is that Soviet-built apartments were designed for wooden frames: the gaps in them provided an influx fresh air into the rooms, while exhaust ventilation was carried out through ventilation duct grilles in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Plastic window It closes hermetically, so the inflow has to be ensured artificially.


The instructions for choosing a profile are similar: it is worth giving preference to famous manufacturers. The fact is that Rehau and KBE do not skimp on the thickness of the metal liners, which makes the profiles more rigid. French windows have large area and experience significant wind loads, so the rigidity of the box and frame is important.

For panoramic windows in my attic, I preferred the cheaper Chinese Hautec profile. Windows with a total area of ​​26 square meters well tolerated strong winds, characteristic of Sevastopol winters, however, when there are gusts of wind, the frames vibrate noticeably.

Double-glazed windows

The most common are single-chamber (with two glasses) and double-chamber (with three glasses) double-glazed windows. The former are actively used in warm regions countries, the latter are in demand in areas with temperate and cold climates.

In addition, a double-glazed window can be:

  • Energy saving. In this case, one of the glasses (the so-called i-glass) is equipped with a cathode-applied multilayer coating of silver and titanium oxide. Spraying has limited permeability for infrared radiation and significantly reduces heat loss due to radiant heat, and also reduces heating of the room in sunny weather;

Along with i-glasses produced since the 90s of the last century, there are also i-glasses on the market manufactured using more old technology k-glass. Their coating is hard and applied to hot glass. It is inferior to soft sprayed i-glass in terms of translucency (70% versus 90) and reflectivity in the IR spectrum.

  • Noise-proof. Soundproofing is ensured by installing glass of different thicknesses and different clearances between them. Noise-proof double-glazed windows appropriate in windows facing busy streets;
  • Light-protective. Glass with limited permeability to light in the visible part of the spectrum will reduce the insolation of the room to a comfortable level and reduce its heating.

I will give some interesting facts related to energy-saving glass:

  1. Maximum thermal efficiency is ensured by a double-glazed window with two energy-saving glasses. In terms of resistance to heat transfer, it is approximately equal brickwork 70 centimeters thick;
  2. Double-glazed window with one energy saving glass lags behind him by only 2 - 3 percent;
  3. A single-chamber double-glazed window with one energy-saving glass is 25% more efficient than a double-chamber double-glazed window with ordinary glasses(at the same time, it is also one and a half times lighter, which means less load on the profile and fittings). It is 45% superior to a conventional single-chamber double-glazed window.

For installation in a private house located in sunny and warm Crimea, I preferred a compromise between cost and efficiency - single-chamber double-glazed windows with one energy-saving glass.

On the right is the leader among double-glazed windows in terms of thermal efficiency, on the right is its a budget option for warm regions.

Here are impressions from their three-year operation:

  • At the peak of winter cold (for a moment, for two days there was a rare cold for Sevastopol of -20 degrees), a comfortable +20 in the attic with an area of ​​60 square meters was maintained by one inverter air conditioner with a thermal power of 4.1 kW;
  • In cooling mode, its power is 3.6 kW. The air conditioner copes with cooling the attic at +35 on the street and the sun, illuminating the glazed pediment at an angle close to direct;
  • Heating the floor in an area illuminated through energy-saving double glazing, noticeably less than the heating of the same area illuminated through an open balcony door. This indicates effective filtration of thermal radiation.


Is it difficult to install French windows in a house or apartment with your own hands?

Their installation is no fundamentally different from the installation of any other plastic window.

  1. The lower edge of the opening is leveled as much as possible;
  2. Holes for fasteners are drilled in the box in increments of no more than a meter;
  3. The box with the double-glazed windows removed is leveled on supports;
  4. Holes for fasteners are drilled into the walls and floor directly through the box;
  1. Then the window is fixed with long screws with plastic dowels and foamed around the perimeter. If necessary, the ebb is mounted outside under the frame.

Polyurethane foam must be puttied. Polyurethane foam is not resistant to ultraviolet radiation and begins to crumble in the light after just a few weeks.

Sun protection

The problem of protection from excess light and overheating has already been mentioned by me. How can this be solved if the glass unit does not contain solar control glass?

  • Sticking solar control film on windows. It is better to glue the film onto a glass unit that has been removed from the frame and cleanly washed. Before sticking, both the glass and the film are generously moistened with soapy water, after which it is expelled from the center of the glass unit to the edges. This will avoid the formation of air bubbles;
  • An excellent solution for rectangular windows is blinds and fabric roller blinds. Blinds (especially aluminum) provide full protection from the sun. Fabric roller blinds allow you to maintain natural light in the room, but reliably protect you from immodest glances from the outside;
  • For windows of any shape, sun-protection curtains are suitable. As a curtain material, I preferred blackout - a dense fabric with minimal light transmission.

Thermal curtain

How to create thermal curtain in front of a French window?

For this purpose the following are used:

  • Low (200-350 mm) radiators floor installation. Due to the low heat transfer per section, they have to be made multi-sectional. In order for the battery to warm up along its entire length, no side connection, and the scheme is “bottom-down”;

This scheme will make the liner hidden in the floor for most of its length. In addition, the radiator connected from bottom to bottom does not need to be flushed: the sludge is removed from the lower collector by the water flow.

  • In-floor convectors and fan coil units (the so-called convectors with forced airflow, which increases heat transfer). The convector can be installed between the floor joists or embedded in the screed;
  • Often mounted along the window warm baseboard— compact convector with decorative screen. It can be water and electric. The second option means higher operating costs, but does not require installation of supply pipes in the floor;

The flow of air heated by the air conditioner eliminates the appearance of condensation on the windows.


I hope that I was able to satisfy the curiosity of the dear reader. The video in this article will help you learn more about what French windows look like and how they are installed. Feel free to share in the comments own experience. Good luck, comrades!

September 20, 2016

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Beauty and luxurious look which French windows add to the room clearly indicate the wealth and good taste of the homeowner. With the help of French windows, it is quite easy to turn a dark, dull room into a room filled with light and joy, especially if the window is corner, panoramic, or designed as a bay window. Of course, a French window is not just a glazed part of the wall, it is quite complex architectural element from a technical, design and legal point of view, therefore its installation should be taken very seriously, having understood the intricacies and nuances of its installation.

Origin of French Windows

Naturally, such windows were invented by the French; they initially appeared in the province of Provence, and soon spread throughout the nearby regions: Gascony, Auvergne, Languedoc, Guienne, Dauphine, Franche-Comté and Burgundy. In the central areas, it was customary to equip rooms with such windows facing the courtyard, i.e. they were reliably protected from prying eyes. In densely populated areas with developed industry and agriculture The French rarely resorted to installing large windows.

In principle, this is not surprising - observing the beauty of plateaus and valleys, foothills of the Alps or intricate bends of rivers is much more interesting than the dull pictures of workers' villages. For residents of the Massif Central, the region where the above provinces were located, amazing scenes of nature were available for observation throughout the year.

What are the types of French windows?

French windows are divided into several types:

  • the material from which the profile is made,
  • glass unit design,
  • and most importantly - the opening system, modern solutions which allows you to turn a large, weighty structure into a functional interior element, distinguished by elegance and functionality.

The design of a French window requires the presence of opening or tilting sashes. It also contains fragments oriented to a fixed position; it is also possible to open them according to the transom principle. A significant disadvantage may be difficulty moving around open window or too much space that the doors occupy in open form.

Windows that open according to the zigzag principle are quite convenient to use, i.e. folding. Book windows are practical and allow full opening opening, the frames are folded against the wall like an accordion. Technical specifications window systems allow a combination of 7 sashes (or less). But it is recommended to use such windows if they open onto an insulated balcony or loggia.

The installation of lift-and-slide or sliding windows. The most popular among consumers are portal windows, which are a door-window. Such models can consist of several canvases that move along permanently installed sashes; in the extended position of the sashes, a passage of sufficient width is obtained. At the same time, it is rational to install structures with a lower guide hidden in the floor.

Lifting sliding French windows take up virtually no space in open position- after moving, the shutter hides in the second one, becoming invisible. The advantage of the portal model is the ability to:

  • large area glazing,
  • high-quality ventilation,
  • the opportunity to enjoy the full contemplation of the surrounding landscape throughout the year.

What factors should you pay attention to?

The desire to be closer to nature, the opportunity to admire its beauty, to receive maximum light from it - these are the main motives that lead to the idea of ​​​​the need to install French windows. But before you decide on such an expensive modernization of your home, you should find out whether it makes sense to install windows in this place.

It is not rational to plan the installation of panoramic windows in apartments located on the first floors of city houses; you should also pay attention to other factors.

In addition to the above, the decision to install panoramic windows may be influenced by
external factor.

Namely, the landscape that opens from the window. If this is a view of a park, forest, lake or river, then a positive decision will be determined only by the state of the home owner’s wallet.

If the attractiveness of the landscape observed from the window does not cause much delight, then you should inquire about the plans for the development of the region and find out in detail what changes this area can expect.

If the prospects are attractive, then you can still decide to build a house with French windows. It should also be taken into account that the cost of installing a French window is directly proportional to the attractiveness of the landscape behind it - a simple, unsightly landscape will allow you to negotiate a reduction in the cost of the work.

Why is rendering needed?

Before you decide to install a panoramic window, you should contact a specialist. Creating an object in 3D graphics format will allow you to analyze the result that will be obtained after the installation of the panoramic window is completed. Rendering will allow you to determine how the light will fall and what effect the panoramic window will produce as a whole. If for clarity an ordinary window can be compared to a lampshade, then the French window is a radiating plane. It is this factor that can have both a positive and negative impact on the light pattern of the room. That is why it is difficult to overestimate the importance of linking the decoration and design of the room to light.

Some companies involved in 3D graphics development offer a service for creating a view of a room in different time years, at different weather conditions, while using measurements taken on site. Based on the results, room design options optimized for light are proposed. Although such services are not cheap, it is simply not possible to do such work on your own; moreover, it cannot be done by a designer who does not have special equipment to measure the necessary parameters.

French windows are a redevelopment of the room

The installation of a French window is definitely a redevelopment of the room, and therefore requires coordination, drawing up and approval of the project. Before you start filling out the necessary papers, it is best to clarify whether it will be possible to install panoramic windows in a given apartment at all, this will prevent unnecessary waste of time, nerves and money.

In order for French windows in the interior to please your eyes, you can resort to installing them on the balcony. In particular, if it is combined with a room. Of course, most often such a balcony is turned into a bedroom, but since the amount of usable space will increase, the issue with the bedroom can be resolved somehow differently. Obtaining permission to combine a room and a balcony is much easier than obtaining permission to install a French window separately. The advantage of this option is to violate the integrity load-bearing walls not required.

This will allow:

  • get by with lower costs for obtaining documentation and performing installation work,
  • By glazing all three sides of the balcony you can get a wonderful panoramic view,
  • get savings by abandoning rendering - the balcony opening will act as a diaphragm, with a general increase in illumination, the need to link the design to light will become much less,
  • create the design of a combined room to your liking.

Even more attractive appearance can be obtained by installing a French window on the loggia connected to the room. Loggia parapet load-bearing structures does not apply, but its durable concrete box will serve as an excellent support for glazing, which in general should be solid, taking into account our rather cool climate, much more severe than in Provence. Obtaining permission to modernize the loggia does not raise any special objections from the relevant authorities.

The easiest way to install French windows is in a private house, a little more difficult, but quite possible - in a modern one, built ten years ago, more precisely, after 1998. If the house is old or of historical value, then you will have to apply for permission to local organizations for the protection of artistic and cultural monuments; in this case it is very difficult to hope for a positive response. In addition, serious technical difficulties may arise - an expensive analysis of the materials from which the house is built and determination of the strength of the floors will be required.

Only specialists, whose services are not cheap, can undertake such work. It will be much easier to exchange or sell an apartment and purchase housing in an area of ​​new buildings with a ready-made French window.

Design work and installation technology

If permission for installation has been received, you can begin installation work. Experts do not approve of the option of dividing the window into small squares in wide frames with additional power structures, this will in no way contribute to increasing strength and reliability - the window design must be solid, heavy, and expensive. Homemade projects cannot be used: installation of fragments weighing about 200 kg at height can only be carried out by qualified specialists. It should be noted that installation work will constitute only a small percentage of the total reconstruction costs.

In order for the project to be successfully implemented, it would be a good idea to use the following recommendations:

  1. Best to use Window panels made of modified wood or PVC with metal inserts. Modified wood is more expensive, but looks nicer and has more high reliability and low thermal conductivity.
  2. The frames must be reinforced and designed for use in harsh climates.
  3. It is better to use three-chamber double-glazed windows; glass with a window height of up to 2.8 m should have a thickness of at least 6 mm, with higher altitude- minimum 8 mm, they must be hardened.
  4. The anchor plates must have a thickness of 4 mm, the material of manufacture is high-quality steel.
  5. It is mandatory to additionally secure the windows around the perimeter using anchor bolts every 50 cm.
  6. For upper floors For folding or swinging sections, a fence made of rods should be made to a height of at least 1 m.
  7. Foaming should be done with a gun, layer by layer, from the outside and from the inside.


Window large sizes create certain inconveniences in terms of their insufficient thermal insulation - in summer they let too much heat into the room, in winter - on the contrary, they contribute to its active outflow to the street. Therefore, it is advisable to resolve the issue of heating and air conditioning of the premises at the design stage. The problem can be partially solved by installing windows with Japanese panels, provided they are used in temperate climate sufficient heat saving can be ensured by using three-chamber packages with 8 mm glass and “arctic” frames. For colder climates, you will need to install a heated floor or install an autonomous heating system with increased power. In any case, the matter will be troublesome and require financial costs.

A more rational option is to use glass with a heat-saving coating that can reflect thermal radiation. These will not contribute to the penetration of heat into the room in summer, and will not release it outside in winter frosts. A significant drawback of the coating is its service life is about 5-7 years; after its expiration, the double-glazed windows will have to be replaced.

What is more profitable - constantly spending a lot of money on heating or periodically spending money on replacing double-glazed windows - is up to the owners to decide. But if we take into account that heating tariffs are constantly increasing, and the technology for manufacturing warm glass is improving, then the second option will be more profitable.


Since the interior of the room, which is exceptionally beautiful in the daytime, will cause some discomfort at night - the inhabitants of the apartment will be in full view of people passing by, the question arises which curtains are best to use for a French window. Especially it concerns living rooms. It should be noted right away that not all curtains are suitable for such windows. The least expensive and quite attractive option is organza curtains, which:

  • sufficiently hide the situation and people in the room,
  • are hygienic,
  • have an attractive appearance, light and airy.

More convenient option It will turn out to be the use of sliding Japanese shoji screens. They are easy to make with your own hands; if you wish, you can decorate them yourself with appliqués or embroidery.

Designing and installing French windows is not a simple matter, requiring knowledge of lighting technology, possession good taste, ability to overcome serious administrative obstacles. It will be very difficult for a person without special training to cope with such tasks. A more rational option would be to turn to professionals, preferably to a company that carries out orders for the installation of French windows on a turnkey basis.

Found it in standard one-room apartment additional features for arranging storage areas for clothes and dishes and filled it with details reminiscent of life outside the city.

The client in this project was the daughter of the future owner. When she realized that her mother was so old that her family and friends should always be nearby, she bought an apartment for her in the next building and tried to make it beautiful and comfortable.

Initially, it was decided to make the maximum number of wardrobes, display cases for books and dishes in the apartment. Firstly, my mother was moving from a private house and she had a lot of things, and secondly, older people have a hard time parting with what they have become accustomed to.

The layout of the room excludes zoning, therefore, as sleeping place We decided to use a pull-out sofa. So that mom and guests can invite her and lie down during the day if she needs rest.

They wanted to move the doorway so that another display case for dishes would fit behind the door, but it was not possible to agree on this option, so the redevelopment was limited to combining the bathroom and toilet. And the room was just dismantled window sill blocks to install a large French window.

We chose paint to decorate the walls in the hallway and kitchen, and cozy wallpaper for the room. Parador laminate was installed on the floor, in the loggias and in the bathroom - carpet tiles Spanish company Equipe. The kitchen was decorated with an apron lined with Mainzu tiles.

At the end of the room there is a built-in wardrobe with display cases for books. The structure stretched three meters in length, but it included not only all the personal belongings of the owner, but also the complete collection of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia. In the opposite part of the room, in the center of the wall, there was a display case for dishes. There was a chest of drawers with a TV next to it.

The list of storage spaces arranged in a small one-room apartment does not end there. The loggia was insulated around the perimeter, double-glazed windows were installed, a heated floor system was installed, and two spacious utility closets were built at the ends.

A wardrobe was built in the hallway opposite the bathroom. outerwear. It occupies the entire space from floor to ceiling, so it does not clutter the corridor. In the bathroom, the closet was placed at the end of the shower stall: hidden below washing machine, there is still space on top for shelves with household chemicals.

The kitchen was turned along the window, so there was space for storage and work surface there was more than enough here. Low display cases for tea sets were placed above the table.

The lighting has been thoughtfully designed and varied. The bathroom has overhead light and independent sconces above the mirror. In the kitchen there is overhead light and work surface lighting. The room has a central chandelier, sconces over the sofa for reading and small Spotlights near the cabinet and display case.

To let the apartment in as much sun as possible, the designer chose a classic honey shade for the floor and bright hues paint and wallpaper. Balcony painted in yellow, even on a cloudy day it will look sunny. Effect sunlight enhance the mirrors located above the sofa opposite balcony door.

The interior style is calm classic. Lots of classic details ceiling cornice, cabinet doors with light paneling, painted White color doors, mirrors. Curtains and sofa cushions made of fabric with a floral print - with them city ​​apartment looks like a country cottage.


French window - This is a type of window that covers almost the entire wall. It gives the owner of the apartment a panoramic view, and therefore it is also called panoramic .

If it is installed instead of the entrance to the balcony, then the balcony itself does not exist. You can only place your foot on the ledge. Fortunately, railings are always installed on it.

It would seem, who would rent such a balcony? It's impractical! Neither make a pantry, nor go out to smoke. Or, unnoticed by those behind you, give a sign to Romeo waiting below - if you are Juliet... But this is so beautiful window! A direct window to Europe. And one more thing: French glazing of your home in our last years has become firmly in fashion. So it makes sense to learn more about it.

Rules for installing French glazing

Before ordering a window and choosing a contractor for this, ask yourself: what will happen to your house (especially for high-rise buildings) if part of its wall is dismantled? After all, this is exactly what you will have to do to install the panoramic window of your dreams there.

If French glazing is installed after the construction of the house, it must be approved

Know that openings for French windows are usually planned during the construction of a house. If you have them in your home, you are in luck. More often than not this is not the case. Therefore, you need to determine which wall will have to be “injured”? If it’s not, then it’s prohibited, and goodbye to dreams! If not, then be concerned about the age of your home. If it has a wear rate of more than 80 percent, find out by calling your management company, – then it’s better to abandon this idea.

Then you need to think about coordination. Very important(residents of high-rise buildings, this especially concerns you!) obtain legal permission for this type of work. It's almost the same as with . So get ready to knock up doors or pay special offices for it (the latter, in general, will save your health).

And if all else fails, it makes sense to think about installing other types of windows.

French window design options

Why is our demand for French windows growing? Someone will answer: “Because of them great view" Sure, but that's only one reason. Secondly, the design of such windows is so diverse that you can easily choose a French window that suits your home.

Let's dream. For example, your room is filled with mahogany furniture. Order a panoramic window with a profile made of the same material - it’s real. Should the balcony have wrought iron railings? Please! French glazing can give you this opportunity - as they say, any whim for your money. Well, or almost anyone.

A mandatory attribute for the safety of French windows is railings

The designer will help you choose the shape of the window, various additional and fashionable details. For example, a pattern on the railings that are installed outside the window. Or he will offer you to install a carved arch above the window, the pattern of which you will choose yourself. By the way, arches are especially fashionable now.

There are also limitations, which you need to know about so as not to get into trouble. The size of such a window structure is usually no more than 10% of the total wall area. The window can be of any shape, be it a triangle, a circle, a cylinder or a square. But the width of a French balcony, as a rule, should be at least half the width of the room. This is the only way your window will look decent and bear the proud name “French”.

The doors that are installed on the balcony are also different. For example, a portal balcony has movable doors. Sometimes they are folded in the form of an accordion or book. This allows you to open almost the entire opening and enjoy the “living” landscape. Of course, you can also install traditional inward opening doors if that is more convenient for you.

Types of French windows

There are several ways to install French glazing. Depending on this, they distinguish different kinds"Windows to Europe"

Traditional window facing the street

Traditional window

Mounted directly into the wall and facing the street. These windows are the most difficult to install.

But if you prefer it, you can safely tell your friends and acquaintances that you have “a window like in Europe.”

French window to the balcony

installed instead of a balcony door. It is easier to install than in the previous case. However, the balcony outside the window will prevent you from enjoying the panoramic view of the street so unrestrainedly - the railings block part of the view.

Balcony with French glazing

it is nothing more than a fully glazed balcony.

Advantages and disadvantages of a French balcony

Any phenomenon has its pros and cons. French windows are no exception. When installing, remember them.

French windows lose a lot of heat, but let in a lot of light


  1. French windows lose more heat. Even insulated PVC profile windows do not always protect against drafts.
  2. You will spend much more time and nerves installing panoramic windows than installing traditional windows.
  3. And, of course, prices! A French balcony will not please you with its cheapness. In Moscow it costs from 30 to 50 thousand rubles - depending on the quality of materials and the size of the window.

However, such prices are easy to explain. After all, whatever one may say, French windows have more advantages.


  1. From the inside French balconies look more solid regular windows or balconies.
  2. This balcony also decorates the outside of the building.
  3. There is more light in the apartment, which means you pay less for electricity.
  4. French windows visually enlarge the room.
  5. The barriers between the apartment and the outside world are more invisible, but at the same time you are protected from street noise.
  6. Psychologists say that living in an apartment with French glazing is more pleasant. Immunity does not fall, optimism grows, and personal self-esteem increases. So perhaps a French window really is a window to a better world?

Windows "French" - common interior solution for apartments or private houses. This method of glazing first appeared in France several centuries ago; in Russia it was popular among owners of mansions and villas.

Now glass partitions It’s not just the rich who install from ceiling to floor, although this solution is far from cheap. In order to install such windows, it is recommended to weigh all their pros and cons.

Design Features

French windows mean large partitions from ceiling to floor without window sills. Sometimes structures with low window sills are also called this, but this is incorrect.

The doors can open outwards like swing doors or inwards, have sliding structure. Or they can be stationary, without the ability to open or close them. Sometimes an entire corner of the house or a wall is equipped with such windows.

  • for panoramic glazing country houses or cottages on different floors;
  • to create an interior for open terrace;
  • for equipping balconies or loggias in the apartment.

In a private house, such glazing on the ground floor can be used as an additional exit. But the French windows in the apartment only play decorative function, decorating balconies.

Types of window systems

French type windows have a large number of configurations. Each of them depends on design features, functions and materials of production.

For example, according to their design they are:

They differ in their design and frame. They can be equipped with an impost or be stud-mounted.

An impost is a lintel against which the sashes are leaning, placed vertically. The impost gives strength to the structure and allows you to open one or two doors, or put it “for ventilation”.

And the shutter doors, when open, provide an excellent panoramic view, since they do not have a lintel. But such doors only exist rotating view, they do not have a tilt-and-turn option. This type is classic version French windows.

In terms of functionality, windows can be portal or in the form of a “book” (“accordion”). The portal system means that the doors can open and act as doors. It is usually installed instead of balcony blocks or at the exit point.

And the “accordion” also serves as a door; the difference from a portal lies in the method of opening. It expands and folds according to the “accordion” principle, providing the widest possible passage. This option is suitable for large rooms.

By opening method window systems are also different:

  • hinged - resemble ordinary doors and are suitable for narrow openings where it is impossible to install a full sliding system. Window-doors open outward or inward using a regular handle;
  • sliding - such a system is considered the most functional and reliable. The sashes at the windows are sliding and slide away on the sides parallel to the frame. The doors open and are held open with the help of latches and bolts;
  • “book” - the doors open as fully as possible.

Materials for production

Frames for French windows are made on the basis different materials. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

The following materials are used for the production of frames:

When installing French windows are used and different types glass Among them:

  • float glass;
  • tempered glass;
  • smart system;
  • triplex - consists of two parts, between which there is a film. Such glass is safe, resistant to various types of loads, and when broken, does not break into small fragments, but crumbles into fragments.

There is another classification of French windows according to the type of layout. Under decorative layout refers to a plastic or aluminum grille that is inserted into the window. It visually expands large glass into blocks. The layouts are:

French windows are good because they have a large number of views. You can pick up best option for your house or apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Undoubtedly window designs French type have a very attractive appearance and allow you to completely transform an ordinary apartment or home. However, they have both pros and cons.

Among the advantages:

It may seem that panoramic windows are suitable for everyone. But they also have disadvantages that should also be taken into account:

As you can see, there are also many disadvantages of this solution. You need to choose and install such systems only taking into account both their positive and negative qualities.

How to decorate windows

Window systems in french style- are excellent in themselves design solution. But if desired, they can be further decorated. Among the ways to design them are:

  • tinting;
  • stained glass decoration;
  • installation of pleated blinds;
  • roller or simple curtains.

And if you want to protect your home from prying eyes, it is recommended to install sliding screens. When designing structures, you must successfully emphasize them with one element or another.

Cost of structures

It has already been mentioned that French windows have different types. Naturally, the cost of one or another option will be different.

The full price of the structure depends on the following factors:

The most common material for production is plastic. Installing turnkey plastic windows with a height of 2700 mm will cost an average of 60 to 70 thousand rubles.

French-type windows are very popular among those who build private houses. Also, such systems are often installed in city apartments after renovation; they look especially great if the windows overlook an attractive landscape. There are a large number of varieties of such designs, and you can choose suitable option for both large and small spaces.

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