Umbrella, reaching 1-2 meters in height. Even in ancient Rome, it was used as a seasoning and medicine against many diseases. Fennel has a bright aroma and a pleasant sweet taste.

In appearance, fennel, a photo of which is presented in the article, resembles dill: it has a straight stem, with whitish coating pinnate leaves with thread-like lobes. The flower is a complex umbrella of bright yellow color. The fruit is a two-seed with a sweet taste. The root is fleshy, spindle-shaped. Flowering begins in mid-summer and continues until September.

The fennel herb (from cultivated species) is divided into ordinary (Voloshsky dill) and vegetable (Italian) fennel, with a more fleshy, powerful stem. Both of them are well known to Russian gardeners.

This medicinal plant, which was used in their healing practices by Avicenna and Hippocrates. IN modern medicine it also has its uses. An infusion of this herb is an excellent expectorant and is used for coughs. Essential oil helps improve intestinal motility and activates the excretory system of the kidneys. Fennel tea is an excellent diuretic that complements medications during therapy urolithiasis, and also helps in lactating women. Water prepared from the seeds of the plant is used to treat flatulence in infants. The roots are used as a laxative. Decoctions are used in the treatment of colds. In addition, the flavonoids and vitamins contained in the plant will help cope with the blues and ward off the danger of the onset associated with a lack of heat and sunlight.

Vegetable fennel is a herb that is successfully used in cooking. All parts of the plant can be eaten. Its seeds and leaves are used as flavorings when preparing for the winter. They serve wonderful decoration in salads, first and second courses, as well as in the preparation of lemonades and infusions. Baked or stewed onions are a great light side dish for meat dishes. But the most advantageous combination of the taste of fennel is with fish: cod, flounder, halibut, haddock. If you use it with ginger when stewing, they will further emphasize the taste of your dishes.

It should be remembered that every day the aroma of the collected herb loses its brightness, so fennel bulbs, like its greens, should be used in the first 3-5 days after cutting. If this is not possible, the greens can be wrapped cling film and store in the refrigerator. When purchasing on the market, you should pay attention to the quality and freshness of the herb. Young, freshly cut bulbs are dense, light, with an anise aroma.

Fennel is a real natural pantry. The plant contains such important microelements for the human body as iron, zinc, chromium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, and copper.

  • Landing: sowing seeds in open ground - before winter (in October) or in early spring(in April), in warm regions dry fennel seeds are sown in the ground in July or August.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: light sandy loam or loamy.
  • Watering: on average once every five days with a consumption of 10-15 liters of water per m² of area. When growing a plant on light soils, as well as in hot and dry weather, the area will have to be watered more often.
  • Feeding: Most of all, the plant loves solutions of mullein (one part of cow manure is diluted in 10 parts of water) and chicken droppings (1:20, respectively), as well as herbal infusion. During the season, 2 feedings are carried out: after thinning and at the beginning of the formation of peduncles.
  • Hilling: Hill up 2-3 times per season to a height of 3-7 cm only vegetable varieties.
  • Reproduction: seeds and dividing the rhizome (most often).
  • Pests: wireworms, larvae chafer, cutworm caterpillars and meadow moths.
  • Diseases: cercospora blight, root and stem rot or rust.
  • Properties: This spicy plant has a mild antispasmodic, disinfectant and weak diuretic effect.

Read more about growing fennel below.

Fennel plant - description

Fennel can be grown in annual, biennial and perennial culture. Fleshy, wrinkled and spindle-shaped, the fennel root is highly branched in the upper part. All terrestrial organs of the plant are green with a bluish tinge. The straight, rounded and highly branched stem reaches a height of 90 to 200 cm. The alternate pinnate leaves are dissected three and four times: the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile on a narrow-oblong sheath 3-5 cm long, widened towards the apex. Flowers with yellow petals are collected in double umbrellas with a diameter of 3 to 15 cm. Flowering lasts from July to August. The fennel fruit is a naked, oblong, greenish-brown and sweet-tasting fruit, 5-10 mm long and 2-3 mm wide, splitting into two parts - ripens in September.

Growing fennel from seeds

Planting fennel in the ground.

Fennel is propagated by dividing the rhizome and by seeds, which remain viable for 2-3 years. Fennel seeds can be sown before winter or early spring. In areas with warm climates long-term cultivation dry fennel seeds are sown in July or August. At the time of buying seed material Please note that two varieties of seeds are offered: the first variety is intended for growing greens, and the second, vegetable, will give you, in addition to greens, delicious heads of cabbage.

It is best to sow fennel where there has been snow accumulation during the winter. Keep in mind that the plant is heat-loving and will not grow in the shade. Fennel prefers light sandy or loamy soils. The best predecessors for the plant are annual grasses, as well as winter and row crops. Do not plant fennel in the same area as plants such as tomatoes, spinach, beans, peppers, cumin and beans, as it inhibits the growth of these crops. The best neighbor fennel is good for cucumbers and cabbage because its smell repels aphids from them.

the ground under spring sowing fennel is prepared in the fall: the acidic soil is limed, and no earlier than two weeks after that, one bucket of humus or compost, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate and a two-liter jar of old sawdust are added per 1 m² of soil for deep digging. In the spring, before sowing, the surface needs to be loosened and leveled.

Pre-winter sowing of fennel is best done where the soil was fertilized for the previous crop. There is no need to specifically fertilize fennel, so as not to doom it to ripen too slowly.

When sowing, seeds are buried 2 cm deep, and the distance between rows should be at least 60 cm.

If sowing is carried out in the spring, in the first ten days of April, then after sowing the seeds and watering, the area is covered with film until seedlings appear. On the 10th day after the seedlings appear, fennel from seeds is thinned out so that plants of green varieties are in a row at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other, and vegetable varieties - 20-30 cm.

In areas with harsh climates it is better to use seedling method propagation of culture. Read about how fennel seedlings are grown in the article already posted on the site.

Caring for fennel in the ground.

Growing fennel in open ground it won't bother you. How to grow fennel? You will have to loosen the soil between the rows three times a season, pull out weeds as they appear, water, feed and protect the plants from diseases and pests. Vegetable varieties of fennel also require hilling to a height of 3-7 cm 2-3 times during the growing season. This is necessary for bleaching the heads of cabbage. In addition, thanks to hilling, they become juicier and meatier.

Watering fennel.

Fennel loves water very much. The optimal frequency of watering in a normal summer is once every five days with a consumption of 10-15 liters of water per 1 m² of land. Fennel growing in light soils will need to be moistened more often. Keep in mind that from a lack of moisture, vegetable varieties of plants will either go into the stem or produce heads of low quality. In addition, if fennel does not have enough water, it sends its roots into neighboring areas. After watering or rain, the soil around the plant must be loosened. You can make your work easier by mulching the area.

Feeding fennel.

The ideal fertilizer for the crop is a mullein solution, for the preparation of which one part of cow manure is diluted in 10 parts of water. You can replace mullein with chicken droppings, but in this case the proportions are different: one part of organic matter requires 20 parts of water. Fennel also responds well to fertilizing herbal infusion. In total, the plant requires two feedings per season: the first - immediately after thinning, and the second - at the beginning of the formation of flower arrows in garden fennel or a month after the first feeding of cabbage varieties of the plant.

Harvesting fennel.

Edible greens are harvested when the bushes reach a height of 30 cm - at this time fennel greens have the brightest aroma. Cut greens early in the morning during dew or after sunset. The heads of cabbage will be ready for harvesting when they reach a diameter of 10 cm. The heads of cabbage are cut off at the root, but petioles with leaves up to 20 cm long are left on them. After cutting, the heads of cabbage should lie on fresh air in the shade, after which only one petiole 10 cm long is left on them, and the heads of cabbage are sent for storage.

Store fennel heads in a cool place, immersed in sand, since they can last no more than two weeks in the refrigerator.

How and when to collect fennel seeds.

Fennel usually blooms only two years after sowing, therefore, it will be possible to collect seeds from it only after flowering. The seeds will be ready for collection when the inflorescences turn from greenish to yellow-brown. You need to carefully cut the umbrellas and hang them to dry in a cool, dry room with good ventilation, spreading a newspaper under them. When the inflorescences are dry, shake the seeds out onto newspaper. Clean the seed from dry plant residues and place in paper bags. Store seeds in a dry, dark place.

Fennel pests and diseases

Fennel diseases.

Fennel gets sick very rarely, but sometimes it can be affected by cercospora blight, root and stem rot, or rust.

When fennel is infected with cercospora blight, small angular lesions appear on all its green organs. yellow spots. As the disease progresses, the spots darken, merge with each other, and the affected plant tissues turn yellow and die. For preventive purposes, plantings should not be too dense, and to destroy the infection, fennel is treated with one percent Bordeaux mixture, Cuprosan or Captan.

Root rot causes the death of the plant. First, the fennel leaves droop, then wither, turn brown and die. If you dig up the soil to a depth of 15 cm, you will find that the roots have turned black. Dead plant will have to be removed along with the soil adjacent to the roots. If you managed to diagnose the disease at the very beginning, immediately stop watering the fennel and treat it with a fungicide solution.

Stem rot affects the stems and shoots of plants. First, part of the shoot or stem rots, then dies. Sometimes the infection also affects the leaves of the plant. Typically, rotting occurs at the soil surface level and above, and the first sign of disease is white coating, after which small ones appear on the stem brown spots. As soon as you notice symptoms of stem rot, stop watering the fennel, wipe off the plaque and lubricate the damaged areas with a strong solution of potassium permanganate, then dust them with wood ash.

Rustfungal disease, which is expressed in the formation of orange-brown tubercles and pustules on the above-ground parts of the plant, which cause increased moisture evaporation, and in case of severe damage, leaf fall. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to remove diseased leaves and shoots, after which the plants are treated with a fungicide solution.

Fennel pests.

The uncooperative nature of fennel repels not only plants, but also insects. Fleas, aphids, woodlice and snails do not like it, so fennel can be grown near vegetables that suffer from these pests. Of course, if the plants themselves get along with their savior. Enemies of fennel include wireworms, chafer larvae, cutworm caterpillars and meadow moths.

meadow moth is a polyphagous pest that can cause serious damage to your garden. This is a butterfly about 1 cm long with a wingspan of up to 20 cm in males and up to 26 cm in females. The fore wings of moths are gray-brown with dark spots and a yellow stripe at the outer edge, the hind wings gray with two stripes. The moth caterpillar is black-headed, greenish-gray with a dark stripe along the back. The insect is very fertile and therefore dangerous. The caterpillars eat everything in their path, leaving only veins and petioles of the leaves. But butterflies feed on nectar, and during years of mass flight of meadow moths, the amount of honey produced in a given area can be significantly reduced. This happens once every 8 or 10 years, and then gardeners have a hard time.

Destroy moths different ways. If there are few of them, then they are collected by hand, and it has been noticed that the fewer weeds in the area, the fewer moths and caterpillars. But if there is a massive accumulation of pests, you will have to resort to chemicals, the most effective of which are Fufanon, Metaphos, Phosfamide, Decis and Karbofos.

Winter cutworms They are also polyphagous pests, widespread everywhere. Front fenders fall armyworm dark gray, almost black, with three even darker stripes and a thin black border. The hind wings of the male are white, those of the female are brownish. Armyworm caterpillars are earthy gray and at a late stage of development they have a dark stripe on their backs. Both butterflies and extremely voracious cutworm caterpillars are dangerous for fennel. To protect crops from these pests, it is necessary to comply with the conditions of agricultural technology and regularly destroy weeds. At mass destruction fennel scoops, you need to treat the area with one of the insecticides that were listed above.

We have described in detail how to deal with wireworms and beetles in articles already posted on our website.

There are not so many varieties of fennel. The oilseed variety of fennel is represented by the following varieties:

  • Chernovitsky 3– a fennel variety that ripens in 135-150 days;
  • Crimean- a smaller, compact variety that ripens two weeks earlier than the Chernovitsky 3 variety. Its umbrellas are located at the same height, which greatly facilitates harvesting.

In addition to those described, fragrant medicinal fruits and greens with a high content of essential oils are produced by the varieties Zephyr, Oksamit Crimea, and Martisor. The Pepper variety has a pungent taste.

Varieties of vegetable fennel are mainly represented by the achievements of Russian and Italian breeders. From Russian varieties the most famous are Corvette, Luzhnikovsky Semko, Soprano, Rondo, Aromat, Casanova - varieties 50-60 cm high, ripening in 60-70 days and producing heads weighing about 250 g, as well as late-ripening tall varieties with a delicate aroma and bluish leaves - Leader and Autumn Beauty, reaching a height of 180 cm. Early hybrid variety A daring plant that forms a dense whitish head of cabbage weighing from 100 to 350 g and a diameter of 10-18 cm in 40-55 days.

Of the Italian varieties of fennel, the most famous are Sicilian, Zelma, Carmo, Florentine, Italian round, Bologna - fennel up to 60 cm high and heads up to 15 cm in diameter. Unfortunately, in conditions middle zone These varieties tend to bolt. The varieties Zeta Fino, Cantino, Romanesco and the Dutch hybrid Rudi are more adapted to our climate and more resistant to flowering.

The most commonly grown table varieties of fennel are Grebnevoy and Ogorodny.

Properties of fennel - harm and benefit

Useful properties of fennel.

Fennel has been used as a medicine since ancient times. In this regard, the fruits of the plant in powder form or essential oil are valuable, while the seeds, leaves and heads of fennel are used in cooking.

Fennel contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9, calcium, sodium, selenium, magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium, iron, chromium and aluminum, ash and dietary fiber. The fatty oils that make up fennel contain valuable acids: linoleic, petroselinic, palmitic and oleic.

Thanks to the substances contained in fennel, the plant and preparations made from it have a mild antispasmodic, disinfectant and weak diuretic effect. The fennel plant is used for newborns for intestinal spasms in the first months of life, but the dosage prescribed by the doctor must be strictly observed. The famous dill water is made from fennel fruits.

Fennel essential oil removes toxins and waste from the body, so it is recommended to take it after heavy meals and fatty foods. Fennel powder is included in cough tablets because the plant has an expectorant effect. The use of fennel is indicated for diseases such as pneumonia, tonsillitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, ARVI, laryngotracheitis.

Consumption of fennel and preparations made from it restores appetite lost during illness and improves digestion. These properties of fennel make it possible to use it for many diseases. gastrointestinal tract, including constipation. Fennel preparations help pregnant women relieve attacks of toxicosis, and those who have given birth help restore the digestive process. In addition, fennel stimulates lactation in nursing mothers.

Fennel is also used in perfumery and cosmetology.

To summarize, we can say that fennel is used:

  • – as an antibacterial agent;
  • – as a means for healing wounds and increasing immunity;
  • – for the purpose of cancer prevention;
  • – to relieve inflammatory processes;
  • – to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • – for normalization metabolic processes;
  • – to stimulate lactation;
  • – to maintain and stabilize heart function.

Fennel - contraindications.

Actually, there are no contraindications for fennel, but presumably some people may have an individual intolerance to this product. As a precaution, it should be noted that fennel is recommended for use in small doses by pregnant women, patients with epilepsy and those suffering from diarrhea. Besides, it's too a large number of fennel may cause bleeding in people with poor health.

Fennel - beneficial properties and contraindications - our topic for today.

Common fennel is a common plant with a wide range of medicinal and culinary uses.

Fennel and dill - what's the difference?

Fennel is popularly called pharmaceutical dill, but, although it looks similar to the widely known one, it is completely different plants. Fennel has a more pronounced spicy aroma, somewhat reminiscent of tarragon. And the solid rhizome found in fennel will help distinguish this plant from dill.

Fennel differs from dill in taste; it has a sweetish taste, and the seeds are more elongated than dill, by the way, the taste is more reminiscent.

Most people use it to prepare food that is flavorful and healthy. This plant was familiar to the ancient Greeks, however, they used it to combat evil spirits and raising fighting zeal.

Fennel is not only delicious, it has medicinal properties. Many generations of people have used fennel herb to combat various diseases, most medieval recipes based on fennel have survived to this day. But you need to understand that the plant has a number of contraindications.

What makes fennel so beneficial?

Useful properties of fennel

And in the grass, and in the roots, and even in the seeds of the plant contains big number beneficial microelements, vitamins and fatty acids. All this beauty in its most concentrated form is contained in fennel seeds, therefore, they are most often used in folk medicine.

The predominant component is anethole, which has an anti-inflammatory function. Only an overdose of this substance in the body can lead to seizures.

  • Taken in the correct dosages, pharmaceutical dill can relieve colds and digestive problems (colic, etc.), even in infants. Of course, the dose for the smallest is calculated taking into account the minimal presence of anethole in the medicine.
  • Fennel-based medicines are also used for cholelithiasis and urolithiasis.
  • Has a rejuvenating effect.
  • Excellent against fungal infections.
  • It can also be used as aromatherapy, calming and relaxing the body.

The use of this plant is very wide, even in oncology it has found its place.

  • In addition, fennel perfectly fights insomnia and plays an important role in healthy metabolism.
  • For women, fennel is simply a godsend - not only is it almost calorie-free, it can dull the feeling of hunger, relieve irritation and anxiety.

It has long been noticed in cosmetology miraculous properties fennel, because oil based on it is almost universal: it corrects body contours, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates wrinkles, has a beneficial effect on skin rashes, and promotes collagen production.

Fennel contraindications, harm

Naturally, fennel, like any plant with medicinal properties It is not suitable for everyone; a person may have an elementary intolerance to this product.

It manifests itself in nausea, dizziness, allergies and digestive tract upset. If you feel unfavorable as a result of using fennel, you should stop taking it immediately!

The plant should be used with caution by nursing or pregnant mothers, as well as people suffering from epileptic seizures.

How to use fennel correctly

In order to use the plant in the future, you need to know how to harvest it. When collecting seeds, it is worth remembering that they ripen unevenly, so collection is selective. Ripe umbrellas of pharmaceutical dill are gray in color with brown seeds.

The grass itself is cut at least 25 cm from the surface of the earth, after which it is dried in a dark and dry place and pounded, stored in a closed container, the shelf life is about three years.

The grass can be harvested completely all summer long. If root vegetables are needed, then when harvesting they are cleared of soil and put into the cellar with other vegetables.

Fennel - use in the form of tea, oil, decoction and tincture, how to take

Fennel tea

To prepare tea, the fruits of dill are crushed, a full teaspoon is poured into a cup and boiling water is poured for 10 minutes. If you drink half a mug of this tea three times a day, you can cure colds, eliminate digestive problems, and simply help your immune system fight viruses.

This tincture should be ready for use within a month of fermentation in a dark place.

For therapeutic effect It will be enough to take two or three glasses daily.

Fennel essential oil

Fennel essential oil is also used; it can be purchased at the pharmacy. If you add other oils to it (for example, olive), then this mixture can be used for massage. To enhance the rejuvenating effect, the oil must be mixed with cream.

And for cold infections, the oil is used in aroma lamps. But the oil can also be taken internally!

For digestive problems - a couple of drops of oil in a glass of water with honey. Also oil, a little more per glass of water, can be used as an inhaler.

Of course, all these methods do not tell the full extent of the use of fennel treatment. traditional medicine, but they give the necessary directions.

Fennel in cooking - application

It is impossible not to mention the role of fennel in the culinary present. Everything is used in preparation: roots, stems, leaves, inflorescences and seeds. It can be added to literally any dish - soups, side dishes, salads, meat and fish dishes, even cookies and puddings.

Dill is used both raw, boiled, or stewed. In Italy and India, the plant is usually pickled. In Europe, fennel is added to canned foods and sausages. Ground root vegetables are used in baked goods.

A few simple and healthy recipes on a note

Roasted fennel

To prepare baked fennel, we will need:
- plant tubers in the amount of 4 pieces,
- a couple of onions,
medium carrot,
- onion,
— ,
- butter, 50 grams,
- a glass of meat broth (can be replaced with vegetable broth).

Wash the fennel tubers and remove upper leaves, cut in small pieces and cook in water for about 10 minutes. Place the tubers in a saucepan immediately in boiling water. In a frying pan, fry the onions and carrots until butter, add boiled fennel, pour in broth, don’t forget to pepper and salt to taste. After all, the dish is stewed for at least 40 minutes. The resulting result can be enjoyed either as a separate dish or as a side dish for meat or fish.

Fennel salad

But a vitamin salad with fennel will be a good helper with weak immunity. To prepare, cut the plant tuber into strips, add salt and sprinkle lightly lemon juice. Add orange slices, first removing the white film. Mix the salad ingredients and add olive oil. For beauty and benefit, decorate with rings of sweet pepper and. It turned out to be an excellent vitamin mix, healthy and tasty.

- (PHARMACEUTICAL DILL) Fennel has a strong spicy aroma and a rather pungent taste, goes well with fish and vegetable dishes, and is a good spice for sauces and marinades. (Culinary Dictionary. Zdanovich L.I. 2001) * * * genus... ... Culinary dictionary

Genus one, two and perennial herbs family Umbelliferae. 5 species, mainly in Europe and Africa. Common fennel is a spicy (green leaves), essential oil (seed oil) and medicinal (oil, seeds) crop in Eurasia, northeastern... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Foeniculum), a genus of plants of the family. umbrella Biennial or perennial herbs with leaves repeatedly pinnately dissected into filamentous segments. The flowers are yellow, in complex umbels. 5 species, in Europe and the Mediterranean. In the USSR there is 1 species of F. vulgaris (F.... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

Dill Dictionary of Russian synonyms. fennel noun, number of synonyms: 3 star anise (6) plant... Synonym dictionary

FENNEL- English Fennel German Fenchel French Fenouil amer Lat Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Umbelliferae) see 6 ... Phytopathological dictionary-reference book

FENNEL- Cuisine: Cuisine of the Maghreb countries Type of dish: Main courses Products: As a spice, fennel is used in the preparation of liqueurs, confectionery, fish dishes, mayonnaise, sauces, soups. He gives pleasant taste sauerkraut,… … Encyclopedia of culinary recipes

I; m. [German] Fenchel from Lat. feniculum dill] Essential oil plant of the family. Umbelliferae, the oil of which is used in the food and perfume industries, as well as in medicine. F. grows in Ukraine and in Krasnodar region. * * * fennel is one genus,… … encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Foeniculum) a genus of herbaceous two and perennial plants family Umbelliferae. The stem is round, branched; leaves are multipinnate, divided into long thread-like lobes with multi-rayed (up to 20) umbels of yellow flowers and fruits... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Genus of one, two and perennial herbs fam. umbrella 5 types, mainly in Europe and Africa. F. vulgaris spicy ( green leaves), essential oil (seed oil) and medicines. (oil, seeds) culture in Eurasia, Northern. East Africa, USA, Ukraine,... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

- (German fenchel) Voloshsky dill is a genus of umbelliferous plants, from the fruits of which essential oil used in medicine is extracted. New dictionary foreign words. by EdwART, 2009. fennel [German] Fenchel] – Voloshsky dill; essential oil and... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language


  • Fennel. Stronger than ginger and ginseng, Tatyana Zaitseva. Fennel is a plant that has helped people cope with diseases for thousands of years. In many sources coming from Ancient Greece, are already described healing powers this... eBook
  • Fennel. Treatment and prevention of diseases, Viktor Zaitsev. Among the many medicinal plants in the “green pharmacy” that nature has prepared for us, fennel stands out. About it wonderful plant All young mothers know, because fennel...

The plant called Fennel belongs to the Apiaceae family. In our country, the plant is also called Voloshsky or pharmaceutical dill. Fennel has been valued since ancient times as a medicinal plant and spice.

Other names for this herbaceous perennial:

  • Foeniculum vulgare (lat.),
  • Fennel (English)
  • Fenouil, Aneth doux (French),
  • Sußfenchel, Gewürzfenchel, Brotwürzkörner, Brotanis (German).

Fennel is widely used in both medicine and cooking.


Fennel is noted to be very similar to dill, although the taste and aroma of this plant is spicier, slightly pungent and sweetish.

  • The stem of fennel is straight and hollow, bluish-green in color, growing up to 250 cm in height. Longitudinal stripes can be seen on the stems of old plants.
  • Fennel leaves resemble dill leaves, but are thinner and have an anise-like flavor.
  • Flowers are presented in umbels up to 15 cm wide, consisting of tiny yellow flowers with short stalks (up to fifty in each section). The plant begins to bloom in early summer.
  • The fruits, represented by long gray ribbed two-seeded seeds, are produced in September.

Fennel leaves are clearly similar to dill, but their taste is aniseed, and to some it resembles a mixture of mint and tarragon

Tiny fennel flowers are represented by umbrellas and have yellow

Fennel produces fruits in the form of seeds, gray in color.


Nowadays, there are about ten varieties of the plant, but only two of them are used for food:

  • ordinary;
  • vegetable (its other names are Italian, Sicilian or French).

Fennel began to be used as a vegetable only recently – about 10 years ago. The plant is mainly used as greenery.

In vegetable fennel, the bases of the leaves are inflated, due to which a bulbous structure is formed. This cultivated fennel has a sweeter and more aromatic flavor (reminiscent of anise), and the plant is smaller in size.

Vegetable fennel is distinguished by inflated leaves that form a large bulb

Where does it grow

Fennel is native to Asia Minor and southern Europe. Now it is grown throughout Europe, India, Japan, South America, New Zealand and other parts of the planet. The plant can be seen next to houses, roads, on mountain slopes, in ditches, among other herbs. Wild fennel grows in the Caucasus and on the Mediterranean coast. The plant is cultivated in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Fennel is cultivated all over the world and grows wild in the Caucasus.

Method of making spices

Used as a spice:

  • aerial part (leaves),
  • root;
  • fruits (seeds).

Leaves are harvested in summer period. They are laid out to dry in a thin layer in a shaded place on clean paper. The raw materials are periodically turned over.

Dried herbs should be placed in a canvas bag or cardboard packaging and sealed tightly.

Also, to harvest fennel herb, the dry salting method is used, which is used to prepare dill, parsley and other herbs.

Dried fennel leaves are used in winter period, in this form they do not lose their aroma


  • Fennel is valuable for its aromatic edible leaves and fruits.
  • The plant is used in cosmetology, cooking, and also in medicine.
  • Fennel fruits contain essential oil.
  • Appearance and the use of fennel make the plant look like dill.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Chemical composition

  • Vitamins A, C, PP, group B.
  • Magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sodium.
  • Copper, iron, manganese, zinc.
  • Essential oils - up to 0.5 percent in leaves and up to 6.5 percent in fruits.

Beneficial features

  • The plant has antispasmodic and slight diuretic effects.
  • Fennel has disinfectant properties.
  • The aroma oil from this plant helps eliminate toxins.
  • Fennel powder is included in cough medicines as a good expectorant.
  • The plant helps restore appetite during the recovery period and improves digestion.
  • An infusion of fennel fruit used externally helps with fungal diseases.
  • The plant has a calming effect.
  • Fennel can stimulate lactation.

Fennel effectively helps the digestive system, removes toxins, relieves spasms and is even used as a sedative.


  • Seeds and other parts of the plant can have harmful effects in case of individual intolerance or excess consumption.
  • The plant is not recommended for pregnant women and patients with epilepsy.
  • When breastfeeding, fennel should be used with caution.
  • Abuse of the plant causes allergic reactions and indigestion.


Fennel aroma oil is obtained by steam distillation of its seeds. Fennel essential oil contains fenchol, limonene, anethole, camphene, phellandrene, and pinene. The oil has a spicy, sweet smell, vaguely similar to anise.

Beneficial features Fennel EO:

  • comprehensively cleanses the body, helps remove toxins;
  • has a mild laxative and diuretic effect;
  • activates digestion;
  • helps with bloating and constipation;
  • stimulates work in women endocrine system and estrogen production, which alleviates PMS, painful periods and menopausal difficulties;
  • increases lactation;
  • increases sexual desire;
  • reduces inflammation and facilitates sputum separation;
  • improves heart function;
  • helps cope with hiccups and colic;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • helps fight acne.

Fennel essential oil is effective for women's diseases, for the heart, for digestive system and for problem skin

Fennel oil is added to cosmetic preparations (gel, mask, tonic, cream and others), used for massage, for compresses, baths, inhalations, and also added to an aroma lamp to sanitize the air. It is also in demand in production household chemicals(as a fragrance) and Food Industry(as a flavoring agent).

Essential oil fennel is added to various cosmetic preparations as an anti-aging component

Fruits (seeds)

Fennel fruits are usually not very correctly called seeds.

The yellow flowers form decaying fruits.


  • Shape - from oval to cylindrical, slightly curved.
  • The aroma is spicy-sweet anise.
  • The color of the fruit is greenish or yellow-green, length is 3-8 mm.

Ripe fruits are harvested in autumn.

More large seeds are of the highest quality.

Fennel fruits are greenish or yellow-green in color, their length does not exceed 8 mm.

Use in cooking in different countries

  • In Central Europe they are most often used to season bread;
  • In Europe, for example, Italy - lentils, sausages, various fillings. This is a common seasoning for suckling pig (porchetta).
  • In Asia, India and China, curries, rice dishes and vegetables are flavored along with other spices.


In cooking

  • Fennel is in demand as a spice in Chinese, Indian and European cooking.
  • Fennel leaves serve as a seasoning added to salads, potatoes, vegetables, meat, poultry, and fish.
  • The plant is used to add flavor to gravy, sauce or soup.
  • Dried fennel is either mashed or lightly toasted before use.
  • Fennel is added to tea, baked goods, and drinks.
  • This spice is included in well-known mixtures - curry, Provencal, Chinese (5 spices), European for fish.
  • Fennel umbrellas are used in canning and pickling.
  • As a vegetable, the plant is boiled, stewed, pickled or baked.
  • Fennel goes well with olive oil, pepper, lemon juice, apples.
  • Fennel seeds rolled in sugar are served as a dessert in Indian restaurants.

Fennel bulbs go well with fruit and vegetable salads

Fennel seeds add a spicy aroma to soups

Fennel bulbs are baked as a separate dish

Watch the following video from the TV show "1000 and 1 Spice of Scheherazade". From it you will learn everything about the fennel plant.

In medicine

Fennel is called one of the most ancient medicines. His beneficial effect people discovered it before our era.

Medicinal raw materials fennel is served by its ripe fruits.

The medicinal raw material of fennel is its seeds.

The plant is valued for the following medicinal properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • expectorant;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • vasodilator;
  • diuretic;
  • sedative;
  • bronchodilator;
  • enveloping;

In addition, the following effects of fennel on the body are noted:

  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • wound healing;
  • anthelmintic;
  • painkiller;
  • antioxidant;
  • choleretic;
  • disinfectant;
  • laxative;
  • lactogonic.

A decoction of fennel seeds has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

A decoction of the seeds is used to wash the skin against pustular lesions, as well as wash the eyes for conjunctivitis. They drink it to get rid of flatulence and insomnia. Since the plant improves vision, its extracts are included in eye tonic preparations.

In cosmetology

Fennel is actively used by cosmetologists because the plant restores moisture well. skin, promotes rejuvenation and tones the skin.

Essential oils obtained from fennel leaves and seeds are used as:

  • component of tonic lotions and body creams;
  • massage product, combining them with a base oil (almond, olive or other);
  • ingredient in anti-aging creams.

Fennel is widely used in cosmetology; it perfectly restores and rejuvenates the skin.

When losing weight

Those who are on a diet should pay close attention to fennel. Active substances The plant contains the ability to dull the feeling of hunger. In addition, the plant contains vitamins and microelements that support the body on a diet.

Features of using fennel for weight loss:

  • The plant can be eaten raw and made into tea.
  • Fennel essential oil is added to baths and used for massage.
  • For tea, take chamomile flowers, fennel seeds, linden flowers and mint leaves (a teaspoon of each plant). Pour boiling water and leave for one hour. Consume hot or cold once daily. Do not drink this tea for more than one week.

At home

The plant is grown as an indoor plant to add a fresh, sweetish smell to the room.

  • Fennel essential oil is used in the perfume industry.
  • Fennel fatty oil, obtained during the distillation of aroma oil, is used in technology. After receiving the waste, it is fed to livestock.
  • The plant is sometimes used to flavor toothpaste.


Growing fennel in the garden is very easy. The plant grows well in open fertile areas with a sufficient level of moisture and the amount of lime in the soil. Fennel does not grow well in acidic, waterlogged or clay soil.

Fennel is easy to grow in the garden, just fertilize the soil before sowing and water it well during growth

The plant is propagated by seeds, sowing them dry both in autumn (late October) and spring (early May). The seedlings must be thinned out, the soil is regularly loosened, watered and weeded in a timely manner. If the plant grows too densely and receives little moisture, it will begin to bolt faster, which will reduce the yield of greens. You can harvest fennel as the greenery grows.

Fennel can be grown from seeds and on the windowsill at home

To get your fennel seeds to plant, you need to let them ripen. Having collected them in September in umbrellas, the raw materials are tied into sheaves and dried in the shade. Then the umbrellas are threshed, the seeds are dried a little and stored in a closed container.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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