All designs have a body made of of stainless steel and has compact dimensions.

As you know, 1 kW of current power turns into 1 kW of heating power. For heating larger area you need a boiler with a power of more than 17 kW. Depending on the power, the boilers can be powered from a single-phase or three-phase system. Single-phase boilers used for heating private houses or cottages up to 100 m2. The single-phase design requires power from a regular 220 V outlet. A three-phase boiler is used for heating an area of ​​more than 100 m2, and requires power from a separate 380 V line.

Operating principle of a double-circuit generator

Like any electric boiler, it works on the principle of converting electricity into heat. Passing through the heating unit, the liquid, under the natural or forced action of a circulating pump, passes through the system.

All control operations are carried out through the control unit. If the temperature drops, the regulator signals and the pump with the heating system turns on. The same actions occur in the second circuit when turned on hot water in the tap. In this case, the regulator is affected not by the decreasing temperature, but by the flow pressure of the water. Similar standard diagram can be seen in the presented figure, where the red lines show the return, and the blue lines show the return.

When the pressure in the heating system increases, it triggers safety valve. Overheating is excluded due to the built-in thermal switch.

Installation features

The main thing during installation double-circuit boiler This is to make the heating system safe and uninterrupted. To do this you need to provide:

  1. Grounding.
  2. Shutdown protection.
  3. Voltage regulator.

Piping a double-circuit boiler

When installing a double-circuit electric generator, the main thing is to correctly calculate the circuit (we already talked about this HERE) and perform the wiring. Correctly executed piping will not create large temperature differences at the inlet and outlet. The liquid, heating up, initially circulates in a small circuit; the liquid, reaching the required temperature, enters the pipes and radiators larger contour. This means it is important to provide two circuits in the circuit.

The piping includes the following elements of the chain: Distribution valve, balancing valve, circulating pump, pressure gauge, radiators, flow filter, pipes, tees, valves (return, air, safety), adapters, fasteners. All this must be calculated according to the diagram and purchased before installation.

Double-circuit heat generators can be installed according to the following circuit options:

  1. Natural circulation.
  2. Forced circulation.
  3. Classic.
  4. Using primary and secondary rings.

As an example, we present a diagram with forced circulation liquids in the system. The diagram shows the following elements: 1 - room temperature regulator, 2 - safety unit (pressure gauge, safety valve), 3 - batteries, 4 - electric double-circuit heat generator, 5 - expansion tank (closed), 6 - circulating pump, 7 - system water filling tap, 8 — anti-condensation pump, 9 — return valve, 10 — minimum temperature sensor.

The peculiarity of installing a double-circuit generator is that it is necessary to perform direct and mixing at the same time.

Pros and cons of a dual-circuit generator

The main advantages of electric double-circuit heat spreaders include:

  1. Compactness. Makes it possible to install the boiler even in small rooms.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Does not produce harmful emissions and does not absorb oxygen.
  3. There is no need to additionally install a chimney pipe.
  4. Silence. Only the circulation pump makes sounds. Can be installed even in bedrooms.
  5. Fireproof. Since open fire is not used, this the best option for a wooden private house.
  6. You can do installation and maintenance yourself.
  7. No additional permits are required to install a hot water dispenser.

But user reviews also talk about disadvantages:

  1. Scale that forms inside the system can quickly damage the boiler.
  2. It is not profitable to use for installation in large rooms.
  3. A separate power line is required. And these are additional costs.
  4. It is not uncommon to read reviews that a boiler is ineffective for heating a larger area.
  5. If you install incorrectly and select power that does not match the network line, short circuit, which will cut off power to the entire street.

Despite negative reviews double-circuit electric boiler - one of optimal solutions in a private house with no gas supply.

How to choose a model

A light weight, small sizes and a wide range of models make it possible to choose a boiler for any private home. When choosing, you need to start from the requirements that the boiler must meet for a particular system.

If the use of an electric double-circuit boiler is meant to be the main one, then power and efficiency should come first. These indicators are on par with Italian and German heat generators.

If the processor is planned as backup or additional equipment, then you can purchase an inexpensive boiler. But you still shouldn’t forget about power. These models include Russian-made boilers. Reviews about them as additional equipment are not bad.

For garden or country house You can use the lowest power ones, so the energy consumption will be minimal.

A double-circuit electric boiler is perfect solution for simple deployment of heating and hot water supply in places where it is not provided centrally. Also like this option will do for areas where this energy carrier is considered the only available one. Sometimes some people place such installations in their apartment as a backup option.

Positive and negative sides

Before buying a double-circuit electric boiler for hot water supply and heating, it is important to determine the capabilities technical characteristics and future costs associated with installation and use in general.

It’s worth starting with the fact that in most cases, double-circuit electric boilers are installed in country houses. It is in such premises that they have the best efficiency indicators.

One of the main advantages over other types of installations is minimal dimensions. For installation you only need a small vertical surface, to which pipes and electricity can be easily connected.

Such equipment for a private home can provide a constant supply of water at the required temperature in places where gas mains cannot reach.

It should be noted that such heating boilers are environmentally friendly when used. They do not emit any substances that can harm humans or the atmosphere. They don’t even need air, which is the basis in other systems.

Another obvious positive side it is considered to be located almost anywhere - there is no need to specially create a separate room.

In addition, you do not need to think about installing a chimney and ventilation. At the same time, you should not create an individual documentary project.

Such units are durable and long lasting. They operate without noise or vibration, since there is no open source of fire. This also allows repair work to be carried out quickly and efficiently.

But there are also negative sides. And the main one can be called electricity consumption. For heating 10 square meters you will need about 1 kW. Not to mention parallel use along with water supply for household needs. So you can calculate how much it would cost to use such a system. Of course, some manufacturers claim that their units are also energy-saving. Therefore, their use can save about 30% of energy. This result can be achieved not only thanks to the structure, but also to the correct connection.

Many experts agree that, regardless of the structure of the installation, efficiency can only vary within 95-98%.

In addition, electric double-circuit or even single-circuit boilers directly depend on the operation of the electrical network. In the event of power surges, problems may also arise with the equipment. Therefore, it is better to use special additional accessories, allowing you to remove the negative effect.

Principle of operation

Such units have two independent circuits that are not tied to each other’s operation. One creates hot water for the needs of residents, and the second is used for heating a private house or apartment.

This equipment is additionally equipped with several important components:

  • thermostat (usually two);
  • expansion tank;
  • safety valve;
  • an air vent that helps remove it from the heating system);
  • pump;
  • automation.

The operation of the device is based on the conversion of electricity into heat using tubular heaters. The latter are installed in the heat exchanger. They allow you to heat the liquid, which is circulated by the pump.

A double-circuit (or single-circuit) electric boiler is controlled using automation. When the sensor detects a drop in temperature in the building, a signal is given to turn on active work the unit itself and the pump. When the heating is required, a phased shutdown of individual units starts.

Dual-circuit electric boilers, which are offered by many companies today, have high-quality safety systems. They monitor different heating parameters. And in case of obvious deviation from the norm, the equipment is turned off. This allows you to keep all elements intact. So you can then determine the cause of the problem, fix it, and immediately start working again.

Be sure to check out: .

What does the cost depend on?

Prices for electric boilers, whether they are double-circuit or not, directly depend on several main factors. Of course, the first thing that influences is the brand. The more famous it is, the more expensive the unit will cost. If we talk about foreign companies whose electric heating boilers are used all over the world, they offer equipment from 500 to 1000 euros. Such prices can be called considerable, but at the same time tolerable, when compared with gas installations.

Choosing floor or wall electrical unit, you first need to find out the main points for yourself:

  • power;
  • one or two circuits;
  • installation option;
  • equipment.

If the buyer has limited financial capabilities, he can choose a cheap foreign electric double-circuit boiler or a domestic one. Manufacturers of the latter often claim that they use only high-quality imported components in their production.

This allows them to offer well-built equipment for relatively little money. Thus, there are models on the market today whose cost starts from 150 euros. It is worth agreeing that such a price tag is more acceptable. But before purchasing, you should still check the complete set of internal components, because you still need to understand what kind of device you are purchasing.

An electric double-circuit floor or wall-mounted boiler is perfect for installation in private homes that do not have a gas main. Such units allow a short time not only heat water for household needs, but also heat the room. In this case, all control is carried out using automation. The main thing that needs to be assessed is the cost of operating expenses during the heating season.

Sometimes electricity is the only affordable way do own house warm. Due to the remoteness of gas mains or the reluctance/impossibility to use solid fuel, double-circuit electric heating boiler – great alternative provide the residential property with comfort and hot water.

The operating principle and “filling” of a double-circuit electric boiler

The work is based on the conversion of electrical energy into thermal energy. The media passes through the heating unit in a natural or forced way and then enters the piping of the entire house.

In addition to supplying heat, a dual-circuit unit is used to generate hot water for domestic needs. The system consists of the following components:

The boilers are equipped with air ducts and devices different types for heating water - induction coils, IR heaters, heating elements and electrodes. The choice depends on the ability to quickly heat the mass of the carrier and at the same time be economical.

Advantages and disadvantages of a double-circuit boiler

The main disadvantage of any electrical system the cost of the energy received becomes high. In addition, the more tasks the unit performs, the greater the bills to pay. However, there are many advantages:

  • You can install a double-circuit electric boiler for your home without allocating a separate room for the unit. There are still requirements for the installation location, but they are doable.
  • The boiler does not absorb oxygen, does not emit harmful products combustion, does not require installation of ventilation ducts or chimneys, does not make noise.
  • The device is relatively safe because open flame No. But at the same time, it is imperative to install a special unit that signals the owners about an emergency situation.
  • It is certainly possible to perform independent installation, however, subject to strict adherence to the rules and requirements.

In addition to the cost of electricity, there are other disadvantages:

Only the owner himself can decide whether or not to have a unit that runs on electricity. The following describes the process of calculating the cost of electricity - this is a decisive factor for purchasing the installation.

How much does it cost to heat a house with electricity?

There is a rule - to heat 10 m² of area you need to spend 1 kW of electricity. That is, the formula for calculating the boiler power is simple and primitive - the total area is divided by 10 and multiplied by 1 kW. But the calculations are far from ideal. First you need to calculate the heat loss of the house. For this, the following points are taken into account:

  1. Construction material. Stone and brick will give maximum values. Frame house with a styrene layer will be the most economical in terms of heat consumption.
  2. Next, the thickness of the walls is taken into account - masonry of three bricks or timber of 200 mm can retain heat better than average parameters.
  3. You need to measure the doors and double-glazed windows - a large amount of heat escapes through them, which naturally affects the total number.

When the amount of heat loss is known, 20% of the total is added to it in case severe frosts and the necessary production of hot water. Now you can choose an electric double-circuit boiler for heating your home, which can make up for these heat losses.

A power reserve is needed if the owners are often away from home and they have to turn off the installation and then heat up the room in emergency mode. In all other cases, a power value slightly lower than the required one will help keep the temperature inside at the optimal level constantly, without sudden changes.

Readers will want to see a specific cost. Using the example of a two-story brick house with a total area of ​​50 m², we will describe the calculation process:

  1. We calculate the area of ​​the walls if standard height ceilings are 2.5 m - for two floors we get 140 m². Of course, you should subtract the number of windows and doors - approximately 8 m². Total – 132 m².
  2. The thickness of the walls takes into account not only construction material, but also the insulation used. Its thickness is 50 mm when it comes to styrene derivatives.
  3. Floors and ceilings must also be insulated. Its area is 300 m².
  4. Now you need to find the heat loss for the walls and floor using the formula Q = S (pl.) x (tw - tn), where S is the area of ​​the walls or floor, and the temperature difference from +18 to -25 shows comfortable and external values. So, for walls this value will be 5676 W, or 5.7 kW. For the floor - 12900 W or 12.9 kW. Let’s sum it up and we get 18.6 kW/hour - required to replenish heat loss.
  5. Now it’s easy to calculate the cost of electricity - 18.6 * 8 hours of work * 30 days per month * 3.5 rubles at the 2015 tariff, we end up with 15 thousand 624 rubles / month.

It is, of course, expensive. Therefore, before thinking about purchasing an electric boiler for heating, it is worth considering other options, albeit using electrical networks– for example, IR systems have greater efficiency and a different principle of operation, therefore, reducing the load in the control unit will create comfortable temperature at home without much expense.

Types of double-circuit boilers

In order to choose the right double-circuit electric boiler for heating a private house, you should know what types they come in. So:

By type of heating element:

If sellers claim that any of the systems is indecently economical, this is nothing more than a marketing ploy. Everyone knows that the amount of heat produced is equal to the current consumed.

At installation location:

  1. Wall. Allows you to save money usable space. Installed mainly in kitchens. Electric double-circuit wall-mounted boiler allows servicing residential premises up to 100 m².
  2. Floor. Assumes heating large quantity living space. Requires a separate room and base, as the weight is considerable.

New generation models allow you not to spoil the interior country house, but, on the contrary, give it style.

According to the principle of heating water:

  1. Flow-through. Only good for small houses and 1-2 water withdrawal points - if there are more, the boiler simply will not have time to warm up the water.
  2. Cumulative. The boiler will require a separate room for installation, but is capable of supplying hot water in unlimited quantities.

When choosing energy-saving double-circuit electric heating boilers, you should carefully consider your own needs and the possibility of maintaining them.

Cost of electric boilers from well-known manufacturers

Models heating systems may have different costs, which, first of all, depend on the capabilities of the boiler described above and, most importantly, on its power. The configuration and manufacturer matter.

For example, a double-circuit electric boiler, the price of which is high, is most likely foreign-made, since domestic models they cannot compete with them yet. How are boilers classified by cost:

  1. Economy The price varies from 7 thousand rubles. There may be models that cost 2 thousand rubles, but they are not suitable for all the needs of a country house.
  2. Standard. The cost starts from 16 thousand rubles.
  3. Luxury Designed for heating and generating hot water in large volumes - from 35 thousand rubles.

Any model is equipped with an automation system that reacts to an emergency situation and turns off the unit in time.

Heating and hot water supply using an electric boiler is difficult decision, since the price of electricity is quite high. However, in addition to the price for power consumption, which can be a serious disadvantage when deciding to purchase such a device, double-circuit electric boiler, perhaps, can only boast of benefits.

Electric heating boilers are environmentally friendly, safe, very compact, often attractive in design, and do not require a specially designated room. Wall-mounted electric boilers practically do not take up space at all, which is important when limited area. In addition, they operate quietly, have up to 100% efficiency, and are easy to install and maintain.

Usually, the decision to buy a double-circuit electric heating boiler is made due to the inconsistent nature of the heating of the room, for example, residents are in the room occasionally, or because it is impossible to connect another type of heating: a very small area, lack of communications. Electric boilers do not count economical option and created as an alternative heating device for cases when otherwise is not possible.

Electrical double-circuit boilers heating – great option for a summer residence, for installation in an apartment as a safety net, for heating it when the centralized heating is already turned off, as well as for a private house whose residents want to have the most comfortable option for heating and hot water supply.

How are they built?

A single-phase (220 V) or three-phase (380 V) network is used to power the electric boiler. Device power from 2 to 60 kW and above. Boilers with a power of 12 kW or more require only a three-phase network.

Double-circuit electric boilers have a simple device:

  • heat exchanger with thermal heaters;
  • safety valve;
  • air vent;
  • Control block;
  • pump.

The pump is needed to allow heat to spread faster through the pipes, without requiring additional electricity consumption, but it is not mandatory element electric boiler An electric double-circuit heating boiler operates with two circuits that operate independently of each other: one is responsible for heating, the second is for providing hot water.

Principle of operation

In thermal heaters, these are often heating elements built into the heat exchanger, Electric Energy turns into heat and is transferred to the coolant, the movement of which is ensured circulation pump. Safety system provides for control of coolant pressure, if it is exceeded, in order to avoid overheating of the heating block, a switch is activated that responds to the temperature level.

Types of electric boilers

Electric boilers can be floor-mounted or wall-mounted. Usually they are all equipped with a pump, expansion tank, programmer. Such boilers are easy to control and practically invisible during operation. According to the principle of operation, there are also combined boilers that operate simultaneously on electricity and solid fuel or electric-gas boilers.

Installation of electric boilers

For installation, only one thing is required: connection to a constant power supply, as well as water supply, if provided dual circuit heating. Electric boilers usually serve a long time and reliably. However, network surges have the potential to harm such equipment. For those who decide to buy an electric boiler for heating, before installation it will be useful to make sure that there is an uninterrupted and uniform supply of electricity, strengthen the wiring and ensure grounding.

If the issue of power outages has not been resolved, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the device’s readiness to withstand such fluctuations, and perhaps choose a more expensive imported model.

For example, many who purchased a ZOTA electric boiler Russian production, faced the failure of some elements precisely due to network outages. The domestic electric boiler ZOTA is equipped with an overheating sensor, but if operational requirements, if the network voltage rises above 240 V, the boiler may overheat above the established norm.

Costs associated with electric boilers

The cost of electric boilers is relatively low, which allows you to purchase equipment as a backup heating source. The consumption of electricity and boiler power is quite simple: when average height premises up to 3 m for every 10 square meters. electricity consumption is 1 kW. However, for full calculations it is necessary to know the volume of water in the system and the average consumption of kW per hour, the temperature outside and the desired temperature in the room.

On average, to achieve a temperature of +22 - +24 at typical winters for heating 10 sq.m. electric boiler 8 kW will be required per day, and about 200 kW per month. Thus, an apartment of 50 sq.m. will require about 1000 kW for its heating.
However, this figure is very arbitrary.

The automation that comes with any electric boiler controls the achievement of the desired temperature, switching the boiler to support mode.

Thus, the boiler does not operate constantly; accordingly, the boiler turns on for heating when the air cools. Taking this into account, energy costs directly depend primarily on heat loss. If the boiler power needs to be calculated in order to purchase a device capable of providing heating at maximum heat loss and frost at famous square, then energy costs can be adjusted already during operation through proper use of the device and a set of measures in order to save.

Owners of double-circuit boilers should not forget that in addition to electrical costs for heating, additional costs will also be needed for heating and water supply. Reviews from those who have already purchased are generally positive, including reviews of heating costs. Some owners of electric boilers, admitting that they are not cheap, note that they are still cheaper than paying the housing office for heating.

Considering that the prices for double-circuit electric wall-mounted boilers are reasonable, and they are a pleasure to use, perhaps ease of use compensates for the considerable waste of electricity and draws users’ attention to ways to save money when operating electric boilers. This is evidenced by the reviews of their owners.

For example, those who bought Rusnit electric boilers are quite satisfied with the boiler’s ability to heat large rooms even in 30-degree frosts, however, they regret that these boilers are not equipped with a chronothermostat, as is the case in other electric boilers. Chronothermostats, or programmers, installed on electric boilers, allow you to set a weekly energy-saving program, which allows you to save on heating.

How to save money with an electric boiler

Since the main disadvantage of electric boilers is the price of electricity, and in other characteristics, this is perhaps the most attractive option for heating and hot water supply, the issue of saving energy for these types of boilers is especially acute. Despite the widespread opinion of it as prohibitively expensive, with an economical approach you can achieve quite affordable costs with quite significant advantages.

There are a number of ways to reduce electricity costs when using such boilers:

We should not forget about the savings from choosing an electric boiler. There are a number of factors that can be attributed to different types savings when using electric heating:

Electric boilers have many advantages; with the right approach, they are not as expensive as they might seem, and in any case they have the right to be a worthy alternative for equalizing the temperature when using other types of heating systems and as a backup option.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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