Color scheme in the interior of an apartment or house

The correct selection of color palette in the interior of a home guarantees comfort and coziness, which means excellent well-being and emotional condition residents. However, today's variety of materials is presented in such wide range, what to choose suitable option extremely difficult. Of course, the choice of color depends entirely on the preferences of the home owners. The color palette creates a psychological microclimate in the apartment and allows you to optimally delimit space. To choose the right color combination, you need to take into account some nuances.

Color scheme and furnishings

In order to feel harmony in the interior, it is important that the color of the ceiling and walls be close in tone to the color of the furniture. If the room is not supposed to contain sofas and armchairs with bright colors, then the walls should also not be painted in a bright color. In the photo we see a room decorated in green tones. It is important to consider the combination of patterns on textiles and walls. If the ornament is present on the bedspreads and curtains, then it is better to paint the walls in a single color. In turn, the flooring and furniture upholstery should be combined with the tone of the ceiling and walls.

Important points when choosing a range

A certain color palette can be seen in all finishing materials in the interior of the apartment. Therefore the color stands out the most important aspect, on which the comfort and coziness of the home depends.

It's important to remember that color scheme affects the psyche. For example, red and all its shades are pushed to aggressive behavior. Although in small doses this color awakens strength of character and encourages joyful communication. By the way, oversaturation of any color leads to negative consequences.

A rich blue color is perfect for work offices, as it stimulates thoughts and activates the brain. Warm yellow tone Suitable for children's rooms. We see this option in the photo.

When decorating the interior of an apartment, remember the combination of different colors. Although, if possible, such combinations should be minimized. The fact is that if combined incorrectly, colors can visually reduce space. If you can’t do without using several colors in the interior, then you should use the following rule: Light tones of a given color are always ideally combined with darker tones of the same color.

Stylistics and color design

Each design direction The design in which the house is decorated presupposes the use of a certain color scheme.

  • Classicism is dominated by light shades and pastel colors.
  • Retro style combines bright colors, which are used in contrast. It could be: green with pink, blue with orange.
  • Modern - a combination of creamy, golden and brown shades.
  • Mediterranean style involves the use of emerald, amber and olive tones.
  • In minimalism, they often use a base from a light palette and gray, black tones, emphasizing the correctness and consistency of this direction.
  • Asian style involves the use natural materials, which are often presented in beige and brown colors.

10 Key Principles

  • It is important to decide for yourself what feeling and mood a given room in the house should create. What is planned to be done in this room: decide business matters, gather around a large table, spend time with your family? Based on the goals set, the color scheme and furnishings of the future room are selected.
  • We select color scheme premises. That is, we plan where and what object and what color will be located.
  • There is one rule that all interior designers use: dark colors must be located at the bottom, lighter ones - at eye level, light shades are located at the top, under the ceiling of the room.
  • The ceiling itself is made in neutral colors. This element crowns the entire room, which means it should emphasize the main idea and style that is created in the apartment. The ceiling should not be painted in a bright or dark color.
  • Looks very beautiful and unusual modern solution, which is often used in interior design: one wall of the room is painted in a rich tone, and the others in a darker, muted color. We see this option in the photo.
  • Cold wall facing north side, painted in a range warm colors, and the southern part, on the contrary, is in a colder tone. Moreover, it is important to take into account the main purpose of the room.
  • General rule - warm colors give the apartment a feeling of coziness and comfort, cool colors in the interior declare chic and respectability.
  • When decorating large apartments, one third of the total area should be used in saturated colors, most of it should be painted in a neutral tone, and the remaining meters should be decorated in light colors. In small apartments, preference is given to light colors.
  • For visual expansion area, when finishing you need to use a pattern with small elements, for the opposite effect - an ornament with a large pattern, as shown in the photo.
  • The texture of surfaces, which has a pronounced character, absorbs a large amount of light, so it should be painted light color scheme.
  • In conclusion, I would like to note that when choosing a palette, it is important to take into account all the subtleties of the apartment’s furnishings. The color scheme should emphasize the harmony of the room and adjust the area. Using one color or another, a room can be visually expanded or narrowed.

    Moreover, choosing specific color, the owner of the property, declares individual preference and taste. In other words, the predominant color scheme of the interior determines the character of the owner of the apartment, and the person’s view of the world around him.

    Combination of colors in the interior

    Interior colors are what gives the room its spirit and mood. After all, every style can contain the most various colors, but not every color will “get along” with any style... It’s not clear? Then this article is for you. How to choose the right colors for the interior, how to harmoniously combine them with each other, how to achieve an excellent result - these are the questions that will receive answers.

    Successful combination of colors in the interior

    First you need to understand an important rule that applies in any room:

    decide on the main color, and then start selecting the rest (in accordance with the characteristics of the main one).

    This will help to avoid the global mistake when individual interior elements look good, but do not fit together in one room.

    One more an important condition is to match the style. In modern and high-tech, certain colors are preferred; for country, classic and Provence, others are preferred.

    The first option that comes to mind for almost everyone is white and its shades. The color is universal, as it easily fits into many styles and goes well with most other colors. White kitchen symbolizes purity and order. In addition, the calm color of the environment will not irritate the eyes. This is important for housewives who spend a lot of time in the kitchen. In combination with a small number of bright contrasting details, such a kitchen will always look elegant.

    The optimal solution is to match the white kitchen with interior details in red, black, purple or brown.

    Red color is good for a spacious kitchen. Its properties in such a room include increasing appetite. However, it is worth considering that the bright atmosphere of the kitchen can quickly become boring. To avoid this problem, it is better to choose deep, rich tones of red.

    The most successful color in the kitchen will be combined with metal and glass. If we talk about specific colors that go with red in the kitchen, these are white, black, metallic.

    Orange. Pleasant, cheerful, sunny. An excellent choice if you want your kitchen to always be bright but cozy.

    There are many colors for “cooperation”: green (and its shades), brown, white.

    Blue color good for a hot room as a main one. If the kitchen window(s) are facing north, you should abandon this color scheme; the room will seem uncomfortable and cold even at high temperatures.

    Blue goes well with coral, yellow, orange, and white colors.

    Green. The first strong association with this color is Live nature. Regarding the choice of the main color for the kitchen, we can say - great option. After all, it has long been proven: green color soft shades promotes good digestion.

    Green color It will look good in the kitchen in combination with white, yellow, and blue.

    Yellow in the kitchen. It is worth using it as the main one when the lighting is well thought out. Otherwise, the kitchen will look dull and uninteresting.

    Good combinations for yellow in the kitchen are white, blue, and silver.

    Purple as a staple in the kitchen. This is quite bold decision. It is original and always unusual in the interior. A purple kitchen will always look fresh and fashionable.

    This color goes well with olive or ocher tones.


    The choice of bedroom colors should be taken responsibly. After all, this is a place to rest, relax, and sleep. For many modern people the bedroom is the only refuge for peace after working day. It is worth considering this when planning the color scheme of the room.

    One of the most lucky flowers for the bedroom is beige. It relieves eye fatigue, improves mood, and allows you to relax. As a main color it is very convenient as it can easily be combined with many other colors.

    The most winning combinations are beige+white, beige+black, beige+brown, beige+green.

    A purple bedroom is most often a woman’s choice. For men, this color often evokes an analogy with lilac and pink. The color is independent and bold for the interior.

    To prevent the bedroom from seeming dark or dull, purple should be diluted with white and light brown.

    Lilac color is close to violet. However, it is easier to understand and easier to select partner colors.

    The lilac color in the bedroom looks most successful in combination with beige and white.

    Green color in the bedroom is a symbol of the cheerfulness and love of life of its owner. Good for those who have to get up early for work. Fresh and bright greenery will encourage you to get up quickly and make the morning energetic. There are many combinations with green, it depends on the shade of green itself.

    If it is a bright pure tone, then you should choose white, yellow, light brown, beige. Dark brown, blue, and deep beige are better suited to deep green.

    Bedroom in blue color– an option for romantics and dreamers. After all, it is he who reminds of the sea. The color used as the main color in the bedroom has good properties. Blue helps you quickly relax, drive away heavy thoughts, and relieve stress.

    Blue color in the bedroom goes well with white, light green, red, light brown.

    Brown. For the bedroom, this is one of the classic colors.

    It goes well with green, white, beige, black.

    Black color for the bedroom is an unusual option. If you are not afraid that an interior with a predominant black color will be “overpowering,” feel free to choose it. White and shades of brown will help to dilute the black color in the bedroom.

    An option for bold natures is a combination of black with pink, bright lilac, and purple flowers.

    In a sense, the living room is business card dwellings. This room has several functions:

    • front room for receiving guests
    • family gathering place in the evenings
    • home cinema

    The design of this room is worth paying attention to Special attention. And the choice of colors for decoration plays a dominant role in this case!

    Living room in beige color- a win-win choice. Playing on the contrast of colors would be inappropriate in such an interior; it is better to choose similar color palette shades.

    Beige color will look great with coffee, brown, and gold.

    Grey colour as the main one in the interior design of the living room - a rather infrequent option. The most important thing when choosing it is the shades. Light pearly tones of gray will give the room an atmosphere of strict sophistication, but dark ones threaten to make it boring and dull.

    Gray goes well with orange, pink, black, and some shades of green.

    Green. It can be classified as neutral, and therefore - good options main color in the living room. The green color of deep noble shades will make the interior refined and even “rich”.

    Good combinations for this color are brown, white, yellow.

    A living room in lilac color is always fresh and elegant.

    Pearl, beige, brown, sand will go well with this color.

    Purple color for the living room is a completely acceptable option. Dark tone This color will give the room solemnity, and light color will give lightness.

    In the living room, purple is best combined with white, red, pink, and orange.

    The main color of the interior is red. If you choose it, be careful. As the first color of the interior, it can “crush” and look intrusive. In moderation, red will make the living room stylish and very fashionable.

    Adding to red is brown, beige, white, gold, black, metal color.

    Blue color in living room design is usually chosen by calm, balanced people. This color in the right non-flashy shade can serve as the background of a room for a long time, because it is easy to perceive and unobtrusive.

    Blue goes well with white, pearl, red, and beige colors.

    The conversation about flowers in a children's room is special. After all, it is necessary to take into account many points at once. The child's bedroom should be positive, bright, and light. At the same time, it is better to avoid overly flashy, intrusive colors.

    White color and its shades. When using it as a background for a nursery, you should not overdo it. Otherwise, the room will look not only bright and spacious, but also boring.

    If you decide to choose White color for a child’s bedroom - use it in combination with pink, light green, yellow, blue.

    Yellow. Bright, positive, joyful. Like no other, it is most suitable for a children's room. If yellow is chosen as the main color for the children’s bedroom, and the room itself is zoned, then you can “play” with shades (decorate the sleeping area in muted and calm colors, and make the play area rich yellow).

    This color goes well with white, green, and blue.

    Orange. Color Have a good mood and optimism. Perfect as a main piece in both a boy's and a girl's room.

    Goes well with lilac, white, blue, light blue.

    Red. It should be used with caution as a background color in a nursery. He is good for his active energy, but may be too intrusive for a child. If you still want to use it in the interior, then limit yourself to one wall or several interior parts.

    Red color in a children's bedroom goes well with yellow, blue, and white.

    Room in green color. If you choose the right shade of green, the room will be your child’s favorite place. After all, he is soft in perception, and at the same time positive in energy.

    Successful combinations in a nursery are green and yellow, green and white.

    Blue and its shades in the children's room. It is most often used for boys. Without additional colors it will look boring and dull, so it needs to be supplemented.

    White, orange, yellow, light brown are best suited for this.

    Learning to choose colors

    Everyone can combine colors with each other. If you think that it may not work out the first time, use the “cheat sheets”. After all, the most successful combinations colors and shades.

    The table below shows colors often used in interiors as base colors. Each of them comes with several options for additional colors. Using this tip, you can rest assured that the interior of the room will look impressive and harmonious.

    Choosing colors for interior design

    Some tips based on the conversation about color combinations in the interior.

    • Don’t try to think through the design down to the smallest detail right away. First of all, decide on the main combination (base color + one or two additional ones). Anything that can be an addition may well be “thought of” by the end of the room’s decoration.
    • Don't “reinvent the wheel.” Use expert advice in choosing colors for your home. Magazines, catalogs, color tables will help you make the right choice.
    • Choose as base colors those that are pleasant and familiar to you. It's better to experiment with details. After all, changing the color of the walls or changing furniture is more difficult than replacing small interior details.

    Interior solutions - creative ideas apartment design

    When planning a home renovation, you want to find non-standard, fresh design ideas for housing registration. Interesting interior solutions can be developed by studying basic professional techniques and adding your own creative ideas to them. As a result of a creative approach, the created interior will be absolutely individual and original.

    Interesting solutions in the interior of the apartment

    There is no template or universal standard for creating interior design; an individual approach should be taken in each home. Modern interior design solutions should be carefully thought out, adding the necessary zest to them, and not blindly copying your favorite ideas borrowed from friends or neighbors.

    Interesting and original interior solutions can be observed as a result of combining different styles. By trying to combine the incongruous, you can get an individual style model that is unique to your home. The main task is to harmoniously combine the elements belonging to different styles, among themselves, without being afraid to experiment.

    Interior solutions for small apartments

    Even in small apartments, people are looking for a way to create a cozy and non-standard arrangement of their square meters. Original solutions in the interior is not just a harmonious combination of finishing materials with furniture, it is comfortable and cozy arrangement small space, where all the nuances and needs are taken into account for the comfortable living of people.

    In such premises, the use of modern design methods, non-traditional solutions, bright colors, multifunctional, built-in furniture. For this they can be used mobile partitions, allowing the common territory to be divided into separate zones, apply Newest technologies for controls modern systems, such as lighting and sound equipment for housing, air conditioning.

    Unusual solutions in the living room interior

    Particular attention is paid to the design of the living room, because this room is used for relaxation after working hours, family celebrations, and communication with guests. on her general form The surface finish of the walls, ceiling and floor has the greatest influence. Moving away from the banal methods of design, the usual white ceiling, you can make it two-, three-color, or apply a pattern.

    The choice of material and decorative elements is made depending on the style, important place Color schemes also occupy the interior of the living room; they add sophistication to the room. Showing imagination, the walls are also decorated in an unconventional way, using various, perhaps unexpected and bold decor, such as shells and twigs. By choosing wallpaper with a pattern that imitates unusual materials as an interior solution, you can give the room a unique, inimitable look.

    Interior solutions for the kitchen

    Space design ideas implemented in the kitchen must be thought through especially carefully, because this is a gathering place for the whole family, where everyone must feel warm and cozy. Interior decisions are made taking into account the size of a given room, the style also depends on this, it can be like minimalism. classic and any modern direction. Finishing materials are selected taking into account the specifics of the room, which can be divided into functional zones.

    The color scheme of the living room kitchen interior is often done in a single color, which can different zones differ only in shade, the texture of the walls is chosen to be the same so that the overall appearance of the room forms a complete picture. Good decision there will be a multi-level floor, especially if it is made in work area in the form of a catwalk, it is fashionable, stylish and modern.

    Can also be used various materials, differing in color and texture, so it is psychologically easier to divide the territory into zones with different purposes. Everything should be chosen harmoniously, decorative elements, combined in color, are designed to combine, with a common stylistic orientation, the zoned space into a single, complete whole.

    Interior solutions for the corridor

    The room that first greets guests and creates the initial impression of the entire apartment is the hallway. The corridor does not always have the correct rectangular shape, is often found non-standard, so the task of its design becomes more complicated. Interior solution the hallway directly depends on the size, this also determines it functional purpose. On small square meters It is reasonable to limit yourself to only storing a minimum amount of street clothes, but if it is a spacious hall, then its organization can be carried out more solidly, using built-in furniture, banquettes, and chests of drawers.

    Interior solutions for the bathroom

    The decoration of this room is very important, because it is designed to promote good rest and relaxation of a person during water procedures. If we're talking about about a private house and a large room, then it would be rational to use stone, granite - these are materials that will give status, while their qualities are suitable for areas with high humidity. In a city apartment, it is often chosen tile or such unusual interior design solutions as the use of wood, Venetian plaster, glass.

    Bedroom interior design

    The bedroom, being an intimate space, can have an unusual design solution. Non-standard solutions in the interior of this room can begin with decorating the wall at the head of the bed or the opposite one, on which the main emphasis will be placed, highlighting it in a contrasting color or vice versa, making it white. Can be used finishing materials, not entirely typical for a given room: wood, glass, artificial panels.

    Often in the bedroom small apartment a kind of workplace is set up; for this purpose, functional pieces of furniture are used in the interior, such as transforming tables, small pull-out bedside tables, and shelves for books and documents are installed, often located behind the headboard or blocking half the room.

    Interior solution for children's room

    The children's room should be fully equipped and convenient for the child's development. The basic design principles for it are the following rules:

    • choosing bright, colorful, but not irritating to the child’s psyche colors;
    • the convenience and functionality of the furniture, its safety, like all other structures;
    • good illumination during the day and evening;
    • separation play area, places for study and relaxation.

    Interesting interior solutions lie in the manifestation of imagination, which can turn a child's room into fairy world for baby and comfortable room for a teenager. To do this, you should take into account their interests and preferences and use their favorite themes, toys or objects in organizing the interior. In this matter, special attention should be paid to the gender and age of the child, and to the number of children living in one room.

    Color solutions in the interior

    A harmonious combination of colors in interior design is key point in the design of living space. The coloristic solution of the interior can both emphasize the taste of the owner and show his shortcomings. When choosing a color, you also need to know that some of them have a calming effect, they are good in the living room, children's room, bedroom - you can use a color like red, which gives a person strength and passion.

    An ordinary apartment can become an object of envy and admiration, thanks to the desire of the people living in it to radically change the design, using new accents in interior solutions, embodying their own ideas and plans, without being afraid to experiment with styles and materials. Any apartment or Vacation home can be converted into modern, comfortable housing, characterized by functionality, comfort, elegance and beauty.

    It is believed that for a small apartment you need to use the lightest neutral colors possible, and preferably one color. In this case, white is considered the best color. But this is just one of them. There is some truth here, but this position greatly limits design possibilities and makes the interior boring, colorless, and inexpressive. Well, if one color is used, it even visually reduces the space. So, it will not live up to expectations: it will remain a small white room.

    For decoration you need to use two or three colors. One color will visually reduce, and larger number

    colors are only suitable for large spaces. The choice of two or three colors depends on your preferences. At the same time, two colors are more academic, strict; two-color combinations gravitate more towards. Three colors are a more fantasy combination, this is typical for more. The basic principle of selection is this: in general, the color of the apartment should be light, without sharp contrasts, but at the same time with bright details. One color should be the base color (there will be more of it). These could be walls, large ones architectural elements

    , part of the furniture. So it should be very light, including white. But the second color may already be muted bright, and you need to choose pure colors. For example, if you want to use yellow, then it should be a basic yellow color (dandelion color), and not lemon or carrot-tinged.

    The second color gives the room depth. Large furniture, a wall detail or an entire wall can be presented in this color. It should be noted here that the second additional color can be a shade of the base color, but it must differ significantly in saturation (for example, very light beige and oak color). Then the base and secondary colors will not be perceived as one color. The third color can be very bright, or even dark (including black ones). The third color gives the room expressiveness and mood. Typically this is, decorative accessories furniture, rugs, trinkets.

    The colors should be combined in the proportion: 60: 30: 10. Here 60 percent is the base light color, 30 is extra moderately bright, and 10 is the most bright accents. This proportion is the most optimal for a small apartment.

    You need to arrange the colors like this: darker and brighter colors in the back of the room, light ones in the foreground. The brightest accents can be placed throughout the volume, but the larger ones are still in the background. For example, a bright orange chair, of course, should be placed further from the entrance. But orange vases can stand anywhere. In general, it is better to avoid overall variegation and use color to highlight individual zones.

    And if it’s well lit, it’s cold. This also applies additional color, and accessories.

    In order not only to visually increase the size of the apartment, but also to “raise” the ceiling, you can use the base color of the walls in an unusual way: use not one, but several shades of the same color on the walls, so to speak, with a “stretch”, from darker at the bottom to lighter upstairs.

    The best color combinations for a small apartment these are:
    Various shades of white (white is not a single color, it has many shades!) with any muted bright colors (light yellow, light pink, peach, gray, light green, light blue, bluish-greenish, muted orange , light lilac). Bright accessories With a basic white color, they can be of any color.

    Cream - beige. Accessories: yellow, red or orange.

    Light beige - chocolate. Accessories: red, orange, white.

    Light beige - terracotta. Accessories: pink, crimson, yellow.

    Cream - muted orange. Accessories: bright orange, green, terracotta, chocolate.

    The color of unbleached wool is light yellow. Accessories: white, green, reddish brown.

    Very pale blue - light green. Accessories: white, mother-of-pearl, blue, emerald, bright green.

    Pale yellow - turquoise. Accessories: dark brown, green, orange.

    Color Ivory- muted cherry. Accessories: lilac, yellow, wood color.

    Pearl gray - yellow. Accessories: dark blue, white, black.

    Very pale pink - light lilac. Accessories: fuchsia, purple, blue.

    The color of unbleached wool is blue. Accessories: white, blue, gray, light terracotta.

    Light peach is the color of wood. Accessories: black-brown, gold, cream.

    Champagne is a dark wood color. Accessories: red, white, ivory.

    Don't forget that you can use different shades one color. For example, light beige and dark beige or different shades of green, etc. Accordingly, accessories should be of a different color, but must be combined with this range.

    When decorating a small apartment, you should avoid combinations such as red - green, yellow - blue, and orange - purple. By themselves this is very harmonious combinations, they are even called contrasting harmonies (on the color wheel), but they are only suitable for large spaces. It is also advisable not to use a combination of black and white colors - this is too sharp a contrast for a small apartment.

    12.04.2018 Read it in 2 minutes.

    Correctly using colors for interior design is a whole science. An experienced designer will select any palette based on the client’s preferences, and will also be able to surprise with seemingly incompatible shades.

    It is quite difficult to achieve harmony of colors in the interior, but there are several principles that are important to know. There is a classification based on the combination of shades:

    • Monochrome - a combination of one color with its darker or lighter tones.
    • Achromatic - white, black, the whole palette of gray.
    • Chromatic (contrasting) – multi-colored.

    Create harmonious interior– get a feeling of comfort, coziness, inner balance. Therefore, when starting an apartment renovation, you should decide on the design of the room. Choose shades and their combinations for each room and home as a whole.

    To prevent your own design decisions from doing a disservice, you should know a few rules:

    • It is recommended to combine 2-3 main colors in the palette used for decorating rooms. The ratio usually looks like this: 60% is the main tone, 30% is the additional tone and 10% is the accent tone. Too much color will create a chaos effect.
    • The intensity of the colors should be selected based on the purpose of the room. Achromatic solution would be better suited for bath, toilet. When designing other rooms, you will need to add colored decorative elements, remove monotony, and use calmer tones.
    • The color scheme affects the visualization of the room. Light shades increase space, dark ones reduce it. It is worth recalling the patterns and texture: vertical ones increase the height, horizontal ones increase the width. It is undesirable to use a large pattern in rooms with a small area; it will also visually reduce the space.
    • It should be remembered that the achromatic palette is very easily soiled. How suitable it is for the interior is decided in each specific case.
    • In terms of brightness, a color transition from bottom to top is recommended. More dark bottom, light, bright top.
    • For created effect The texture of the material also plays a role. For example, glossy surfaces visually increase the volume of the room.
    • There are warm and cold shades. Their combinations can add harmony to the interior.
    • It is advisable to decorate all housing in the same style. Combination different directions design in a house or apartment is not welcome.

    White color in interior design

    The first association that arises is cleanliness. Designers use this tool to visual magnification spaces of small rooms. In dark spaces it adds a lighting effect. This property is based on the laws of physics. This color is used in various ways. The only negative is that it is very easily soiled.

    Black color in the interior

    Quite gloomy, and based on its properties, it can only be recommended in rooms with good lighting. It should also be diluted with some bright spots.

    Gray color in the interior

    By itself it causes a feeling of dullness, but if you choose the right shade and add accentuating details, you can achieve unexpected results. beautiful design.

    Red color in the interior

    The color is aggressive for use as a base. It is not recommended to use it in children's bedrooms. You can decorate a living room, corridor, bath, kitchen, but it is better to combine it with other colors. In some design solutions can create a feeling of luxury of wealth.

    Yellow color in the interior

    It is very successful in rooms with poor lighting. These colors will add a lighting effect, solar heat. Very often they decorate children's rooms. It stimulates cognitive processes.

    Orange color in the interior

    It is an aggressive color, like red. It is better to use it as an additional element to calmer ones.

    Brown color in the interior

    More often in decoration there are more light types. A rich tone is added to the interior due to flooring, doors, furniture.

    Blue color in the interior

    The itself is cold and dark. In the design of living rooms, bathrooms, bedrooms, its lightened and warm options. Rich shades can be added as an accent or as a second color.

    Purple color in the interior

    It is better to use light colors as the main color. Bright shades will look good as an accent of details.

    The easiest way is to pay attention to your wardrobe. By giving preference to a certain color in clothes, we try to emphasize our advantages and show our character. We subconsciously choose colors that improve our mood. Therefore, you can try to include your favorite colors in the interior. The second option is to choose a dozen interiors from the Internet that you like and use their palette as a basis.

    2. How many colors should there be in the interior?

    There is no clear rule in this regard: in interior magazines you can see how designers masterfully combine in one space. But this is a dangerous move, and it is better to take advantage simple recommendation- “rule of three”. Choose three shades and repeat them in different design elements.

    3. Won't it be too boring?

    An interior with only three colors can really look bland. To avoid this without creating color chaos, add lighter or darker shades of the same three colors to your palette.

    The main stage when deciding on interior color design is the two-color rule.

    Two absolutely any colors cannot, by themselves or in their combination, create overall harmony. Only by adding other shades to them can you achieve harmonious unity of the entire composition as a whole. To create true harmony in the design of a room, the presence of several colors is not enough.

    But at the very beginning of designing and building a functional space, you need to highlight and choose two primary colors, one of which will be dominant, the other secondary, complementing the main one. Accordingly, the first will be less bright and flashy than the second.

    Only after the main two colors have been chosen, you can select and add accents to them that form a contrast in perception from the overall design. One example of a color combination in interior design is the following: dominant gray, complementary brown, orange accents or other bright shades.

    The combination of colors in interior design, the rule of the color wheel.

    To create the right combination of colors in interior design, a technique called the color wheel has long been helpful. We can describe it as a kind of guide to the combination of the most good shades and flowers. According to this technique (rule), the harmony of unity is between colors that are in the same sector.

    And also opposite to each other, and which are at the vertices of the triangle. Which, mentally rotating, can show the most correct color combinations in interior design.

    Individual approach in, for harmonious and correct use color combinations in interior design, furniture and materials are a necessary condition! You should always strive to create exactly according to your requirements and existing preferences, and you should be guided by your wishes and the purpose of the room (premises), and not by the interiors you like from magazines or TVs. Which are intended to serve as nothing more than examples of interior design, a kind of guidelines for choosing certain directions and forming clarity of ideas.

    The combination of colors in interior design, the rule of repetition in decoration.

    Repeating the primary shades used in existing spaces creates a cohesive effect. overall composition and a sense of harmony. This is more applicable where there is a design in different styles. Universal color connecting general design, is white, which can be used in most cases. It matches any colors used and makes the space visually lighter, more spacious and freer.

    Features of lighting in the interior and its arrangement.

    It is necessary to know and understand that the created lighting can change the effect of color perception. An incandescent lamp enhances color clarity and intensity of warm tones and minimizes the perception of cool tones. Incandescent lamps act in the opposite way fluorescent lamps daylight. Most Popular Today energy-saving lamps help achieve a neutral effect in the perception of colors.

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