The Greek style bedroom is one of the most popular. The fact is that this interior design option combines modesty, turning into asceticism, with convenience and comfort.

As a result, the owner of the premises manages to combine elements of modernity and antiquity, which creates a unique atmosphere Ancient Greece V modern bedroom, located in the same standard panel high-rise. At the same time, the room becomes a real center of attraction not only for guests of the house, but also for all family members, which contributes to its unity.

Historians of fashion and design believe that the Greek style originated in the 8th-6th centuries BC. Our contemporaries have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of ancient architects by studying the examples that have come down to us architectural creativity inhabitants of Hellas. In addition, many ancient design elements have found their way into modern Greek homes, especially in rural areas.

Unlike Ancient Rome, the interiors of Ancient Greece are distinguished by simplicity and minimalism. Excessive luxury is alien to them, and therefore if you want to have something flashy and expensive in the bedroom, the Greek style is not for you. But for lovers of antiquity and practicality, it will undoubtedly suit, “in the Greek style” you can furnish almost any home, be it a dacha or an apartment, country house or a mansion.

The described interior design style is characterized by the following common features:

  • the presence of high ceilings;
  • the use of natural and pseudo-columns with stucco;
  • the use of so-called meander patterns;
  • painting frescoes on the walls;

  • absence of gilding with the simultaneous use of colors exclusively from natural shades to decorate the room;
  • refusal to use wallpaper in favor of using only plaster.

On a note! A Greek-style bedroom is finished exclusively using such natural materials like marble, granite and ceramic tile.

All artificial materials are strictly prohibited here. Furniture should also be made of natural wood manually. In this case, all details of the room must have straight lines and a vertical orientation.

As for decorative items, the use of various items and accessories in antique style– amphoras, vases, figurines, sculptures. They should be exposed and placed on special shelves or stands. The windows here should be open as much as possible, and the fabric on them should be used as little as possible.

Before you start decorating the room, you need to make sure that it is suitable for this. So, for example, if it is not possible to install or install columns in a room, as well as vertically oriented architectural elements, such a room will not correspond to the idea of ​​the Greek style.

To prevent this from happening, it makes sense to consult in advance with an experienced designer who will tell you whether or not your bedroom is suitable for decoration in an antique style.

Greek bedroom interior

If you like a Greek-style bedroom, you should select a photo of it in advance in order to make arranging the bedroom in your home as easy as possible. This style is characterized by the design of walls, floors and ceilings in color scheme, characteristic of the nature of Greece. Due to this circumstance, the dominant color here will be white with various shades. In addition, various shades of blue, green and yellow are additionally used. Since the Greek style, unlike the Roman one, does not welcome gilding and bright colors, all tones should be slightly muted.

As for finishing materials, then except natural stone, wood and mosaics, the described interior design style also allows the use of glass. At the same time, in Greek bedroom there must be columns. If the room is small, you can install two of them, but in a large room it is worth placing an entire colonnade.

In cases where it is not possible to decorate a room with columns, they can be replaced with pilasters.

Another characteristic element of the style is the presence of niches arched shape. They are usually created from plasterboard boards, but such a design move “eats up” the usable space in the room. In this case, niches and columns should be combined according to appearance with wall decoration. In the Greek style, wallpaper is fundamentally not used, which is replaced by rough decorative plaster.

A wide variety of ornaments are applied to such plaster. It can be a “wave”, a meander, or just double lines. In order to emphasize specific features Greek style, the walls in the bedroom are sometimes decorated with wooden carriage in order to give them a sun-bleached look.

As for the expensive looking wall decoration, then these are frescoes that can become the center of your bedroom. If you do not have the opportunity to order them, it makes sense to purchase photo wallpaper that imitates the surface of a plastered wall with a fresco.

The floors are also designed in an original way using pebbles, stone, marble and granite. In this case, carpets are not used, so only the floors themselves can please the eye with patterns and designs. This is worth keeping in mind when starting to plan your Greek style bedroom interior.

On a note! As for the ceiling, it is considered the final chord in the design of the entire bedroom.

Moreover, its design can be absolutely any, for example, plasterboard or suspended tension. The ceiling can also be painted with paintings or their imitation using photo wallpaper. Experienced designers I do not advise combining ceiling painting with wall painting, as this can cause disharmony. It’s worth illuminating the ceiling with LED lamps or sconce.

A Greek-style bedroom requires space, so there should be a minimum amount of furniture in it. In this case, the bed should have calm colors and curved legs. At the same time, designers advise avoiding velvet, leather and corduroy upholstery of both the bed and the entire upholstered furniture. All couches, sofas and armchairs in the Greek style go perfectly with wicker furniture, which for this reason would be quite appropriate to place indoors.

From alternative options equipping the bedroom with furniture, you can call it combined options, for example, the same table having stone legs and wooden table top. To store things in a Greek bedroom, designers advise using aged, rough wooden cabinets and chests of drawers. At the same time, they should not have unnecessary decorations, but can be finished with wooden or forged overlays.

As for bedroom decor, the Greek style usually does not use textiles for interior decoration. All fabrics here are used for their intended purpose - to protect the room from the rays of the sun, and not for the purpose of decorating it.

Important! Curtains for windows must be selected so that they have natural shades and are made from natural materials: cotton, bleached linen, jute.

If the side is sunny and it is not possible to install shutters, they can be replaced with curtains and blinds.

Accessories and small decorative elements in the Greek style must fully comply with the spirit of antiquity, so in the bedroom it makes sense to place:

  • amphoras from small to large;
  • various figurines and busts made of marble and plaster;
  • old, cloudy mirrors;
  • floor and tabletop Greek vases.

In addition, you can use lamps that imitate torches, as well as a hanging chandelier.

Subtleties of the Greek style

If you were able to cope basic principles decorating a bedroom in a Greek style, it is worth paying attention to some of the nuances of this process. For example, in any bedroom the bed is considered the center. In a Greek bedroom, it should be done with a canopy, since in the homeland this technique helps protect the owners of the room from the sweltering heat. IN temperate climate the canopy creates coziness and comfort during sleep.

In no case should you overuse mirrors when creating an interior. This is especially true when it comes to the ceiling. It is better to decorate it with painting or leave it pure white than to place a mirror on it. If the presence of a mirror is mandatory, you should age it a little or take a ready-made one that is somewhat cloudy.

There is no room for modern electronics and equipment in a Greek bedroom, so all equipment will need to be hidden in closets. The more the spirit of antiquity and antiquity, the more your bedroom will benefit in terms of design. If you do not want to give up the achievements of civilization, place the same hair dryer or tape recorder in a separate niche, decorating it with a linen curtain.

The more antique the interior of your bedroom gives, the better. At the same time, it is worth furnishing other rooms accordingly. So, for example, if your living room is designed in classic style, it will be necessary to remove various elements of luxury from it. This way you will bring it closer to the Greek style, and the contrast between the two rooms will not be so noticeable.

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Ancient Greek culture left man an invaluable heritage. And it’s not just about philosophy, myths or fragments of ancient amphorae. Its recognizable symbolism is successfully used today in many areas of human life. In particular, thanks to specialists in the world of design, the Greek style in the interior has again become extremely popular. Colonnades, sculptures, wall paintings - all this served as support for the creation modern design rooms in an antique style. Also, a source of inspiration for the implementation original ideas became the color scheme of the seven seas washing Greece. And the symbiosis of white and blue now serves business card style.

Periods of development of ancient architecture

In the process of development of the Greek ethnos and formation great power Epochs changed, and with them various milestones of architecture. Hardworking historians were able to identify several periods that directly affected architecture:

  • The archaic, unfortunately, did not leave any elements of construction as a souvenir. However, the traditions of King Solomon can shed light on the rather crude buildings of that time;
  • The Early Classical period was marked by a fusion of architectural traditions highly developed civilization ancient Egypt and the emerging Greek culture;
  • Classic laid the foundations for public urban planning and instilled in the Greeks a taste for noble materials. The use of natural stone, such as marble, has become one of the sources of further success of national design. The heirs of Pythagoras began to build not just sustainable, stone houses, but laying the foundations for truly beautiful buildings. The architects sought from wild stone perfect shape to emphasize that wealthy house owners belong to a high family, their respected status. The golden mean was also observed when decorating interiors and finishing facades;

  • The Hellenic period became a symbol idealistic ideas about man: when demigods with perfect athletic physiques and feminine faces were popular. At the same time, pompous theaters for performances and temples were built under the influence of culture from the East and opened philosophical schools. Perhaps no other culture has given the world as many minds as Greece did at that time;
  • Greco-Roman certainly enriched both countries, since the pathos of Roman greatness was harmoniously reunited with discreet design Greek buildings. Ostentatious splendor acquired features of practicality, and what could previously be classified as decorative excesses became simply bright accent in the general ensemble of buildings. The style has adequately stood the test of luxury.

Main features

All these periods of history were invariably united by the theme of the struggle of man with fate, ancient Greek heroes and gods. This is reflected in the sculptural modeling of temples, the arrangement of spectator amphitheaters and other elements of high architecture. When modern researchers began to study the features inherent in the interior of the Greek style, they identified the following features.

Predominance of white color, framed by natural shades of the area

An original Hellenic interior is unthinkable without the presence of white. Moreover, sometimes all surfaces are made in its color scheme and only decorative elements can stand out with a different color palette. Also, marine motifs are often used in the interior of the kitchen, since the glory of this people is strongly associated with shipbuilding and the campaigns of heroes. These can be straight blue lines, as on the national flag of Greece, or smooth lines of blue-black waves. However, preference is given to colors that have faded in the bright sun: beige sand, sky blue, olive green. These colors coexist harmoniously side by side.

Rough wall finishing

The deliberately rough whitewash is decorated with stucco or mythical frescoes. Also, use uneven masonry to highlight the contrast with ideal columns or arches. If the room allows, it will provide space for fountains with antique statues. Greek style in the interior it involves the use of exclusively pastel colors to emphasize architectural elements. For example, such as carved columns or arches in milky shades with an antique effect. Also, wallpaper on the walls can decorate natural stone or decorate the fireplace with natural materials.

High ceilings

The high vaults were intended for the celestial inhabitants of Olympus and were decorated accordingly. The rich ornamentation depicted the patrons of the titans, emphasizing their power with pronounced relief. An indispensable condition was the height of the ceilings, the monotony of its white color, harmoniously combined with the same walls. The absolute perfection of the style lies in a simple whitewash of the surface without any obtrusive decoration. Visually enlarging the space, it is only occasionally covered with hand-painted or patterned stucco. Also, if the space of the room allows, it can be decorated with wooden partitions in the manner of shipbuilding.

Pronounced floor texture

There are no frills here; the flooring material must match the wall decoration. If the partition or beam is made of wood, then flooring use parquet. And if the walls are covered rough plaster, then it is recommended to use light-colored tiles with textured surface. Often with a mosaic pattern, since this is also a recognizable image of the Greek style.
The floor should not be fundamentally different from the cladding of the same walls. However, preference is given to natural materials - rough ship boards, sea ​​pebbles. Ceramic tiles in the kitchen or wooden parquet cope with these tasks quite well.

Use of natural textiles

Plain fabrics made of cotton or linen practically decorate spacious rooms of buildings. The restraint of the material is explained by the simple cut, as well as the absence of unnecessary drapery. Often decorated with a blue abstract wave pattern. Bedspreads for sofas or armchairs, milky curtains on the windows, runners made of coarse knitted fabric on the floor - everything should emphasize the naturalness and authenticity of the design. The Greek-style design in the kitchen interior also includes a snow-white tablecloth with a marine pattern.

Lighting rooms without focusing on lighting fixtures

Whether it is a chandelier or an ordinary lamp, it should not attract attention to itself. As a rule, its geometric shape is simple, without elaborate details. The use of natural materials is encouraged. But, despite the fact that lighting was not an important component general design for the ancient Hellenes, modern designers, to their own taste, enrich the interior of the premises with discreet lamps or bronze/brass candlesticks in the kitchen. It is important that the simplicity of the forms should not contrast with the rest of the design.

Decor with antique elements

This is where designers can “break away”, so when finishing with decor: here you can use everything that we know about the ancient culture of the famous Greeks. Amphorae, sculptures, ships, mythical artifacts. The list goes on and on. This is an opportunity for people of art to show their imagination, to become imbued with the understanding of beauty that the ancient Greeks had. Large ones would be appropriate here floor vases with flowers, fountains with plaster deities and other various architectural elements - columns, pilasters, arched vaults.

To decorate surfaces, typical patterns are applied to them:

  1. Zigzag waves - often depicted on curtains, curtains, snow-white tablecloths;
  2. Ornament of native plants, shrubs, palm branches;
  3. A circle inscribed in a square as a sign of the ideal achieved by the great thinkers of that time.

The basic rule: perfection can only be achieved by maintaining a balance of modest simplicity and recognizable design elements. Without achieving asceticism of forms, balanced minimalism in decoration, a universally recognized style cannot be achieved. Because this is an indicator the right taste, the owner's sense of proportion.

First, it’s worth finding out what the Mediterranean style in Greece might be.

The Greek style in the interior is usually called “Cycladic” because it appeared on the Cyclades Islands. There are several legends about why it is customary to paint the walls of houses with white and blue colors on these islands. In 1936, Greek Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas ordered that the walls be painted in these colors as a symbol blue sky and the white foam of the Aegean Sea. Also, you can consider white and blue as a reflection of the Greek flag.

But let's not go deep into history, let's talk about flowers. In addition to white and blue, the interior also contains pink, yellow, beige, and emerald. Despite this variety, colors can create successful combinations, complement each other.

This cozy home V Mediterranean style, will definitely attract your attention. The heart of every home is the kitchen, so let’s start the description with it. The bright emerald color of the refrigerator and stove immediately attracts attention - this is the highlight of the kitchen. The kitchen is compact and roomy. Multi-colored dishes on the shelves add variety to the interior.

Now about the living room. Here you can observe one of the features of the Greek style - the use of natural materials for decoration. The ceiling, like in the kitchen, consists of wooden beams, white walls visually increase the space.

The dining room is separated from the living room by a semicircular arch, which adds light to such a small room. The table and chairs made of natural wood fit into the theme of the “Cycladic” style.

The bed in the bedroom is literally in the wall. The walls are made of stone, which will provide coolness on a warm summer day.

There are no sharp corners in the house. Semicircular arches seem to smooth out the space and make it more pleasing to the eye.

Rich blue color - main character bathroom. The decoration itself is laconic, with just a couple of accessories: a mirror in an ornate bronze frame and a sconce decorated with glass.

Last but not least is the spacious terrace. The walls are painted in White color so that they do not get so hot in the sun during the day. In the evening you can relax on the terrace large sofas, with soft pillows.

Holidays in Greece - always good idea! To fully experience the spirit of the country, it is not enough to swim in the sea and eat Greek salad; you should live here for a while. A Mediterranean style home is made for this. Come and see for yourself!

Alexandra Larina |

01/18/2015 | 1454

Do you want comfort to reign in your home? Arrange the room in Greek style - and you will always feel rested.

The Greek style is usually associated with relaxation and pleasant pastime in the shade of cypress and olive trees, as well as the picturesque places of Santorini. By furnishing your home in this style, you will bring a feeling of warmth, comfort and brightness.

Greek style colors and motifs

The main Greek style colors that you need to use in your home design:

  • white(symbol of purity) – mainly used on building facades and walls;
  • blue, or rather all its shades (from pale blue and turquoise to indigo) - symbolizes water and is used in the design of windows and doors;
  • ocher color(pale yellow with a brown tint) is a symbol of the earth, therefore used in floor design.

The room should have small stairs, arches, mezzanines, asymmetrical bay windows and furniture made from natural materials: wood, linen, stone.

Greek style floor

Tile the floor on the terrace, balcony or bathroom with a Greek mosaic pattern in black and white and place large terracotta amphorae and potted flowers - oleander, pelargonium (geranium) or prickly pear cactus.

On the walls of the bathroom, place tiles with Greek patterns in warm colors. Attach the washbasin to a leg shaped like a Greek column.

Greek style in the room

In the bedroom, place furniture of regular geometric shapes made of dark wood. Decorate the walls in white colors. This way you will get an unusual contrast.

In wall design you can use both and regular wallpaper or even paint. It all depends on your preferences. Windows and interior doors(or only some of their elements) format in turquoise tone or sea green.

When choosing curtain material, give preference to natural fabrics of blue color. A room decorated in white and blue tones will help you feel closer to nature.

For a better effect, you can hang a canopy made of light fabric above the bed. blue color. Or put it on sleeping place several small ones decorative pillows and cotton blankets.

Place figurines throughout the house that reflect the antique theme. They can be bought in souvenir shops.

If you have a narrow window sill, “extend” it. Then place pillows on it so you can sit and admire it beautiful view from the window.

Line a small fragment of the wall with stones to create the feeling that the room is located in the rock.

You can smooth out sharp corners of walls and ceilings with plaster. This will make your room more original.

Greek style kitchen design

In the kitchen, decorate the walls with “false ladders” that act as shelves for various containers, bowls and cutlery. Place a large one in the center wooden table and cover it with a white tablecloth with embroidered patterns. Chairs should also be voluminous and wooden.

Place ocher colored tiles on the floor.

Decorate the walls in white and hang blue blinds on the windows.

Enjoy warm and mysterious Greece every day!

Based on materials from the website

Greece is the sea, olives, ancient Olympian gods, magnificent architecture and a constant atmosphere of comfort and relaxation. Greek style in the interior is a unique symbiosis of ancient and modern Greece. It combines everything we love about this country. By recreating this style at home, you will get a surprisingly comfortable home that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Characteristic features of the style

In order for the interior you created to fully correspond to the Greek style, it must meet the following characteristics:

  1. In the room where the style is implemented, the ceilings should be high enough.
  2. Columns with stucco molding are a mandatory attribute of the style. You can always use in design decorative option such columns.
  3. Patterns, characteristic style– meander.
  4. Frescoes can be used on ceilings and walls.
  5. The entire color scheme is designed only in natural, restrained tones. Bright colors completely absent. Gilding can be used as an accent, but only in a minimal amount.
  6. “Favorite” style materials are granite, marble and ceramic tiles.
  7. You also need to pay attention to ensuring that all interior details are directed vertically.
  8. All decorative items must be originally Greek. All kinds of amphorae, vases, sculptures and figurines are suitable for these purposes.
  9. Window decor is minimal. Curtains should only be used when absolutely necessary.

Floor, walls, ceiling

The peculiarity of the interior in the Greek style is the semantic emphasis on the ceiling. The special decoration of the ceiling makes the view of the visitor to the room slide from bottom to top, thereby visually making the rooms higher and airier. Modern construction market allows us to choose any ceiling design - multi-tiered, plasterboard, tension, coffered. All of them are suitable for the Greek style, the main thing is to pay attention to details. Firstly, the ceiling should be exclusively matte (no gloss). Secondly, there may be some kind of original image. The larger and more spacious the room, the larger the picture can be. Thirdly, the ceiling composition is crowned by a huge elegant chandelier, which hangs on chains and is framed by beautiful stucco molding.

When decorating walls, a difficult task arises. The point is that ordinary paper wallpaper will strongly contradict the Greek style, so you should abandon them and look for other finishing options. The optimal option in terms of price, complexity of work and durability is high-quality textured plaster. It should only be selected in pastel colors. The walls can be decorated with a simple geometric or floral pattern, or a small fresco can be painted on them. If you want to draw attention to such a fresco, create a small recess for it from plasterboard in the wall. However, remember, it is very important not to overdo it with wall decor.

Ceramic tiles are best suited for the floor, however, too strict rules, regarding gender, no. The only thing worth paying attention to is in this case– Greek style does not welcome the use of carpets on floors. A simple meander pattern on the floor or an intricate mosaic will look very good.

Furniture selection

All Greek style furniture is very simple. Most often it is made from natural wood. Expensive, elaborate upholstery, such as leather or velvet, is not applicable to the Greek style. All upholstery of upholstered furniture should be simple, but good quality. Interesting feature, which is characteristic of Greek furniture, the legs of tables and chairs are always curved exclusively outward.

The living room is characterized by a low sofa in light upholstery. For the bedroom - a bed with a beautiful carved headboard and canopy. You can also add all sorts of antique wooden shelves and chests of drawers to both the living room and the bedroom. They need to be decorated with elegant forged elements.

Greek style kitchen

Greek style in the kitchen interior involves following the following rules:

  1. Greek cuisine will not “take root” in every apartment. Many cuisines modern houses differ in very miniature parameters. In such rooms it will not be possible to implement this style. Greek kitchen is always very spacious, it high ceilings and large windows.
  2. The entire interior of such a kitchen should look as natural as possible. It is dominated by natural tones and natural materials.
  3. In the kitchen it is imperative to use an abundance of natural fabrics; linen is especially suitable for these purposes. Light linen curtains, tablecloths, napkins and towels will make the design very simple and stylish.
  4. Another mandatory requirement is that a Greek kitchen must have an abundance of living plants in pots and tubs.
  5. There should not be too much furniture in the kitchen. Choose only the most necessary elements. It is advisable that all furniture in the interior be made exclusively from light wood.
  6. Be sure to use wicker baskets to store fruits, vegetables and other things. Such baskets are a functional and stylish addition to the design.
  7. The finishing touch to the interior of a Greek kitchen will be a door draped in fabric with traditional Greek patterns.

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