Corrugated sheets are considered an excellent choice for creating roof coverings for any building. It has good strength and reliability, and also has for a long time services. The material is considered universal and in demand on the market. Due to the ease of installation, its installation is often carried out by the direct owners of the structures. Due to the multi-layer coating, the sheets have good resistance to corrosion. Another important parameter is the excellent load-bearing capacity of the corrugated sheet, so it can easily withstand even severe and constant loads.

Why is load-bearing capacity important?

Important! It is represented by a significant parameter roofing material, since it shows what maximum load can be applied to the coating or individual sheets without the elements being deformed or destroyed.

When calculating this indicator for roofing materials, the calculation is carried out in kg/1 sq. m.

During calculations, certain difficulties arise. The fact is that determining the load on a wall is quite simple, but assessing this indicator in relation to the roofing covering is much more difficult, since the covering is located on top of the house. Therefore, the calculations take into account some factors affecting the roof:

  • the own weight of the coating, for which you need to study the accompanying documentation for the corrugated sheet, after which the weight of one sheet is multiplied by the number of elements used on the roof;
  • the weight of debris that usually accumulates on the surface in the fall;
  • the maximum amount of water that can be held on the roof is taken into account, and the impact of even the heaviest rainfall is calculated;
  • it is assumed how much snow may be on the surface, as well as what weight it will have;
  • the influence of wind is additionally taken into account, and it depends on the climatic conditions the house itself was built.

Important! All of the above impacts are taken into account at the stage of forming the design of the future roof and roof covering.

If the load-bearing capacity of the roof is incorrectly calculated, this will lead to the fact that the coating may collapse. If you choose materials for the roof that are not too durable, which include roofing felt or tiles, then they are laid exclusively on a solid sheathing made of durable wood.

Load bearing capacity corrugated sheeting is considered quite high, but even with the significant strength of the steel material, it is important to correctly calculate this indicator in advance, which will allow you to choose correct sizes and sheathing parameters.

Rules for calculating the load on a roof made of corrugated sheets

Correct design of any home involves the formation sloping roof, which prevents water or debris from settling on it. Therefore, when calculating the load-bearing capacity of a profiled sheet, only the effect of wind, the direct weight of the material and the possible amount of snow are taken into account.

For the calculation, some features are taken into account:

  • depends on him specific gravity per 1 sq. m. This information contained in the documentation for the purchased material, and you can also read GOST or a reference book. During the calculation, it is imperative to take into account that there is an overlap.
  • The load from wind and snow depends on the slope of the roof itself, as well as in what region the house construction procedure is carried out. Using the angle of the slope, you can find out what correction factors should be used to determine how the weight of the snow is distributed over the entire available surface. Additionally, it is decided what aerodynamic resistance to wind the roof has.
  • The above three loads are added together. Based on the obtained indicator, as well as taking into account the arrangement of corrugated sheets, having the necessary indicator bearing capacity.

Important! The load-bearing capacity of the corrugated sheet should be slightly greater than the value obtained in the calculations, so that if the load increases for any reason, the coating can still easily cope with the tasks.

Except independent calculations You can use standard indicators that are averaged. They are calculated for standard roofs with one, two, three or four spans. But if the roof on the house has any specific dimensions or parameters, then you will still have to carry out own calculations. The support diagram looks like this.

Based on the support pattern of the profiled sheet, the load per 1 m2 is determined. These indicators are shown in the table below.

After carrying out the calculations, a load-bearing corrugated sheet with the required parameters is selected. Property owners are often faced with the inability to purchase suitable material, and in this case the only one the right decision There will be a change in the design of the sheathing on which the material is laid.

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What load-bearing capacity do different types of corrugated sheets have?

Profiled sheet is considered a much more durable material compared to sheets with smooth surfaces. This is due to the presence of numerous waves, the height of which varies significantly in different regions. These waves are formed due to specific mechanical processing of a standard steel sheet.

The load-bearing capacity of the profiled sheet will vary depending on different brands this material. They additionally differ in strength and other parameters, so all characteristics are preliminarily assessed:

  • The most durable sheets are considered to be those with the designation H, which additionally have a high load-bearing capacity, so they cope well with even the most severe and constant loads;
  • the average indicator is for products that are intended to form wall structures or floorings, therefore they have the designation NS;
  • sheets used exclusively for wall coverings and having the designation C, have the lowest load-bearing capacity, since their waves also differ in insignificant height.

Important! The shape of the sheet, its dimensions and required amount elements for a specific base.

The smaller the distance between the waves of a sheet, the more durable and reliable it is. The waves must be high and complex in shape, and only in this case can we say that such load-bearing corrugated sheeting is perfect for creating a reliable and durable coating on any roof.

In what areas is this material used?

Corrugated sheeting, which has an excellent load-bearing capacity, is considered the most popular among all varieties. This is ensured by the presence of not only numerous positive parameters and high strength, but also versatility, since it can really be used in different areas construction.

Important! A high-quality load-bearing profiled sheet not only has good strength, but also does not weigh too much, so it can be used in different directions.

Most often this material is used for:

  • formation of a roofing covering, and if you have the skills, you can use it even on the most complex and curved roof shapes, and the sheathing pitch can reach three or more meters;
  • installation of permanent formwork, and a high-quality corrugated sheet designed for creating floors can easily withstand weight from concrete composition or frame, and is also used as sheet reinforcement;
  • the formation of composite floors between floors, as well as the organization of rigidity diaphragms for structures with a load-bearing metal frame;
  • creating wall enclosures for various buildings, and they can be insulated or cold, and the buildings themselves can be intended for a variety of purposes;
  • installation of a metal fence, and it looks great both on a private plot and next to an industrial facility;
  • effective application in industrial construction.

Important! The use of high-quality metal profiled sheets, characterized by excellent load-bearing capacity, makes it possible to carry out all the work in a short period of time and not spend too much money on this process.

Due to good qualities material, it is often used to create floors between floors for which really high and constant operational loads are planned. Another undeniable advantage of the material is its reasonable price.

Thus, a profiled sheet may have different load-bearing capacity depending on the brand, wave shape and height, as well as other parameters. It is considered light and durable, affordable and attractive, and also resistant to various external factors. A profiled sheet with a high load-bearing capacity is considered universal, as it can be used in different areas.

One of the most important qualities profiled sheets are rightfully their load-bearing characteristics. It is the load-bearing capacity of profiled sheets that determines what kind of load they can withstand without deformation and destruction.

This characteristic is no less important when constructing various structures from profiled sheets. More recently, an increase load-bearing characteristics metal was achieved solely by increasing their thickness. However, over time, it has been proven that increasing the load-bearing characteristics of metal sheets is possible without increasing their material consumption.

Modern profiled sheets are able to withstand fairly intense mechanical loads without compromising their integrity.

This material is formed from sheet or roll by processing it on machines specially designed for this. During manufacturing process flat metal surface takes on a characteristic wavy or corrugated shape.

Load-bearing capacity of corrugated sheet

To be honest, the load-bearing characteristic of corrugated sheeting is much higher than the same parameter of sheet material of the same thickness. Moreover, as the height of the corrugation or wave increases, the load-bearing characteristics of the material also increase in direct proportion.

For example, the maximum permissible load per 1 m² of wall corrugated sheet C10-1200-0.6, which is laid on supports installed in 1 m increments, is 86 kg. The load-bearing capacity of the NS44-1000-0.7 profiled sheet, laid on supports, the distance between the elements of which is 3.5 m, already reaches 182 kg per 1 m². Agree that these are quite impressive figures.

The unique combination of lightweight sheets with high degree reliability, strength and durability allow the use of corrugated sheets to perform a variety of tasks.

Today, load-bearing corrugated sheeting is indispensable in solving many construction problems, from the manufacture of formwork to the construction of various types of structures.

Scope of application of profiled sheets

    • It is used as roofing in private and industrial construction. Such roofs have excellent characteristics, presentable appearance and long period operation reaching more than 50 years.

    • Load-bearing corrugated sheeting is also indispensable when forming permanent formwork, since it is capable of withstanding extreme loads in the form of the weight of concrete mortar without compromising its integrity.
    • Due to its high load-bearing capacity, corrugated sheeting is widely used for floors installed in buildings for various purposes.
    • Profiled sheets are used for arranging interfloor ceilings and stiffening diaphragms for various buildings.

  • It is indispensable in the formation of wall enclosing structures for buildings of various types.
  • Load-bearing corrugated sheeting is used for arranging fencing structures in both private and industrial construction.

Nowadays unique characteristics corrugated sheeting is actively used in all sectors of human life, since its use allows not only to reduce the period of construction of various objects, but also to reduce material costs for their construction without compromising its reliability and strength.

As mentioned earlier, the load-bearing capacity of corrugated sheeting is characterized by the load that it can withstand without damaging its elements. When calculating the strength of a profiled sheet, four sheet support schemes are used: single-span, two-span, three-span and four-span.

It is also necessary to take into account that the width of the supporting structure in the area of ​​contact with the surface of the corrugated sheet must be at least 40 mm.

Calculation of the load-bearing capacity of corrugated sheets

There is a special table that indicates the maximum permissible uniformly distributed loads for certain brands of wall and load-bearing profiled sheets.

There is also special technique calculating the required load-bearing strength of the material, on which the choice of grade of profiled sheet is based.

Only an accurate calculation of the load-bearing characteristics will allow you to select this material correctly.
For example, if our building is equipped gable roof with an inclination angle of roof slopes of 35 degrees, then in this case the projection of its slope onto horizontal surface will be equal to 6 m.

Let's start with the fact that the total load that the corrugated sheeting will experience consists of the intensity of wind and snow loads and the dead weight of the roofing.

You can find out if the total area of ​​the roof is known, with the obligatory consideration of the size of the overlaps, based on the fact that 8.6 kg of covering per 1 m².

And it is carried out on the basis of determining the location of construction. If a house is being built in Moscow or its suburbs, then it must be remembered that this area belongs to snow region III, in which snow loads are equal to 180 kg per 1 m².

Taking into account the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, the intensity of the snow load can be calculated as follows: 180 x (60–35)/(60–25). As a result, we get 128 kg per 1 m², while the accepted angle of inclination of the cattle is 35 degrees.
After this, we move on to calculating wind loads.

If we take into account that Moscow and its suburbs are included in wind region I, in which this parameter reaches 32 kg per 1 m², then when taking into account the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, the aerodynamic drag coefficient of the sheets should be approximately 0.3. From this it follows that wind loads can be found if 32 x 0.3. As a result, we get 9.6 kg per 1 m².

After receiving this data, taking into account the length of the roof slope and the size of the step between the sheathing elements, we can begin to select the load-bearing capacity of corrugated sheets according to the table. Based on the obtained dimensions of the load on roof covering and the data indicated in the table, C21-100-0.6 is ideal for the structure we are erecting, the maximum permissible load for which is 195 kg per 1 m².

As you can see, choosing the required brand of material is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Also, with the help of simple calculations, you can easily find out which corrugated sheeting should be used for floors.

This is also interesting:

Nowadays, corrugated sheets (or corrugated sheets) are widely used in roof construction. It is made from steel with zinc and polymer coating. The load-bearing capacity of corrugated sheeting is determined by the permissible loads that it can withstand without various deformations. To determine the load, there are four layouts of corrugated sheets on supports (support width is at least 40 mm):

Layers of corrugated sheets. Profiled slabs can be used when installing flat and pitched roofs.

  • single-span (two supports);
  • two-span (three supports);
  • three-span (four supports);
  • four-span (five supports).

The distance of supports is 1-6 m. For decks with a rib height of more than 100 mm and at a distance of 6 m, one- and two-span schemes are accepted, since the length of the profiles is no more than 12.0 m.

If the thickness of the profile increases, then the permissible load increases in proportion to it. Let me give you a couple of examples:

  1. Grade C10-1200-0.6 (steel 0.5 mm) with a support distance of 1 m and the first scheme, single-span laying - the permissible load is 86 kg/m².
  2. Grade NS44-1000-0.7 (steel 0.7 mm) with a distance between supports of 3.5 m and a two-span design, load - 182 kg/m².

When choosing a profiled sheet, the buyer should consider what the purpose of its use is and, based on this, choose the required variety.

  • H is “flooring”, used for roofing and interfloor slabs;
  • C is “wall”, intended for vertical structures;
  • HC - universal, used for both roofing works, and for vertical structures.

Each of these floorings has its own characteristics. For example, for “H” (roofing) the rib thickness must be no less than 20 mm in order to withstand the weight of snow in winter or loads such as walking on the roof.

Selection based on characteristics

Profiled sheet is a lightweight material, which is why it can be used in almost any structure. But it wouldn’t hurt to take the weight into account when buying a metal profile. Its weight ranges from 4.5 kg/m² to 24 kg/m². These structures must withstand both their weight and precipitation.

When you choose a profiled sheet, pay attention to ensure that the height of its stiffeners meets your requirements. The stiffer the profile, the greater the load it can withstand. So, corrugated board with big amount ribs and high profile well used in load-bearing structures. There are also so-called “Europrofiles”.

Brief characteristics of the profiled sheet, table

Areas of application of corrugated sheets depending on markings.

Metal profiles have a lot of advantages, one of which is durability (over 50 years). In addition, the ease of installation does not require complex rafter installation.Versatility and accessibility for everyone have ensured the popularity of profiled sheets. Another advantage is environmental friendliness. But there are also some disadvantages:

  1. Since it contains steel, corrugated sheeting accumulates static electricity. It requires additional installation lightning rod.
  2. It does not protect against noise during rain or hail, but on the contrary, enhances it.
  3. It has increased thermal conductivity, so it’s worth considering an additional layer of thermal insulation.

Types of coating for profiled decking

The procedure for laying corrugated sheets. Sheets are always mounted overlapping.

When choosing a metal profile, the buyer should pay attention to the coating. There are 7 types:

  • zinc;
  • plastisol;
  • PVDF (application of polyvinyl difluoride acrylic paint);
  • polyester (polymer);
  • aluzinc;
  • matte polyester paint coating;
  • pural.

When purchasing corrugated sheets, you should inquire not only about the brand of the manufacturer, but also about the manufacturer of the raw materials. After all, raw materials are responsible for the service life of profiled sheets.

A good manufacturer will carefully select raw material suppliers. Any manufacturer of corrugated sheets constantly updates equipment and improves its technologies. If necessary, he will explain the technical side of the issue to the buyer.

Load bearing capacity is very important characteristic materials used for the construction of various buildings and structures. This characteristic determines how much load a particular structure can withstand without deformation or destruction.

This fully applies to various metal structures. At the beginning of the last century, increasing their strength and load-bearing capacity was achieved solely by increasing the wall thickness metal profiles. But, with the development of the building materials industry, everything more attention began to focus on reducing the material consumption of structures without compromising their strength and reliability.

The result of such developments was the emergence of new modern materials, one of which was a metal profiled sheet.

This material is obtained by processing rolled or sheet cold-rolled steel on special roll forming mills. As a result, the flat surface of the metal acquires a corrugated or wavy surface. Each protrusion on the surface of the metal acts as a stiffening rib, significantly increasing the strength of the metal.

Areas of application of load-bearing corrugated sheets

The load-bearing capacity of a corrugated sheet is an order of magnitude higher than the load-bearing capacity of a flat sheet metal sheet the same thickness. At the same time, than more height trapezoidal corrugation or wave of corrugated sheeting, the higher its load-bearing capacity. For example, the permissible load per 1 m2 of wall corrugated sheet C10-1200-0.6 laid on supports in increments of 1 m is 86 kg. At the same time, the load-bearing capacity of the NS44-1000-0.7 profiled sheet with a distance between supports of 3.5 m is already 182 kg/m2.

Load-bearing corrugated sheet N57 with standard sizes

Exclusively good combination low dead weight with high strength and durability allow the use of metal profiled sheets in a wide variety of construction areas. It is used for:

  1. Installation of roofing coverings of any configuration and complexity with sheathing pitches of up to three or even more meters.
  2. Installation of permanent formwork, while the load-bearing corrugated flooring not only withstands the weight without any deformation concrete mixture and her internal frame, but also additionally performs the function of sheet reinforcement.
  3. Construction of interfloor composite floors and stiffening diaphragms for buildings with a metal load-bearing frame.
  4. Construction of insulated and non-insulated external wall enclosures of buildings and structures for various purposes;

Installation metal fences both industrial and civil, as well as individual residential buildings.

Unique qualities Corrugated sheets have long been used in industrial construction. The use of metal profiled sheets allows not only to reduce the construction time of objects, but also to significantly reduce the costs of their construction.

Installation of a flat seam roof, as a supporting element - load-bearing corrugated sheet H75

In particular, the load-bearing capacity of N75 corrugated sheets allows you to increase the distance between roofing purlins to 5.0-7.0 m, depending on the roof slope. At the same time, the strength of this profiled sheet is sufficient to withstand almost any snow load, even with such a significant distance between the supports.

It is worth noting that the load-bearing capacity of N75 corrugated sheeting allows it to be used not only for covering large-span buildings. It is also successfully used as permanent formwork when concreting floors designed for very high operational loads. IN last years load-bearing corrugated sheeting is widely used in individual construction.

The load-bearing profiled sheet, the price of which is lower than that of metal tiles, has excellent performance characteristics. It is light, durable, resistant to various external influences. The corrugated sheet also has an elegant appearance thanks to wealth color range modern protective and decorative coatings. In addition, its installation does not require special skills and can be done on our own without the involvement of professionals.

Bearing capacity of corrugated sheeting - maximum permissible loads

As mentioned above, the load-bearing capacity of a profiled sheet is determined by the load that it can withstand without deformation or destruction. To calculate the strength of corrugated sheets, four corrugated sheet support schemes are used: single-span, two-span, three-span and four-span. It is assumed that the width of the supporting structure at the point of contact with the corrugated sheet is not less than 40 mm.

The table below shows the maximum permissible uniformly distributed loads for some types of corrugated sheets, both load-bearing and wall.

Load-bearing capacity of corrugated sheets, load table
corrugated sheets
Support pitch,
Load limit
at different schemes support,
Scheme 1 Scheme 2 Scheme 3 Scheme 4
S10-1000-0.6 1,2 50 83 68 64
S18-1000-0.6 1,8 56 140 115 109
S21-1000-0.6 1,8 101 253 208 195
С44-1000-0.55 1,5 512 235 267 256
3,0 64 118 134 128
S44-1000-0.6 1,5 556 307 349 335
3,0 69 154 175 167
S44-1000-0.7 1,5 658 474 540 518
3,0 82 211 264 245
S44-1000-0.8 1,5 747 650 741 711
3,0 93 240 300 280
N60-845-0.7 3,0 323 230 269 257
4,0 - - 184 -
N60-845-0.8 3,0 388 324 378 360
4,0 - 203 254 -
N60-845-0.9 3,0 439 427 504 482
4,0 - 240 300 -
N75-750-0.9 3,0 645 617 771 720
4,0 293 247 434 -
Н114-750-0.8 4,0 588 588 735 -
6,0 193 261 - -
H114-750-0.9 4,0 659 659 824 -
6,0 218 293 - -
N114-750-1.0 4,0 733 733 916 -
6,0 244 325 - -

The table shows the permissible loads for profiles with the most commonly used steel thickness of the original workpiece. With increasing steel thickness, the permissible loads increase in direct proportion. Therefore, in order to determine the values ​​of the maximum permissible loads for corrugated sheets with a different steel thickness, it is necessary to multiply the table value by the ratio of the steel thickness of the profile shown in the table to the steel thickness of the profiled sheet in question.

Methodology for calculating the strength of roofing and choosing the brand of supporting profiled sheet

Calculation of the bearing capacity of corrugated sheets is necessary for the right choice profiled sheet. It is relatively simple and allows you to select a profile with the optimal ratio of load-bearing capacity and price of the material.

Let's consider an example of calculating the load on a profiled roofing sheet and select the corrugated sheet taking into account the data obtained as a result of the calculation.

To begin with, we take the following initial data for the calculation: the building has a gable roof with an inclination angle of 35°, the projection of the slope onto the horizontal plane is 6.0 m, the construction is located in the Moscow region.

The total load on a profiled roofing sheet is obtained by adding the snow and wind loads, as well as the own weight of the corrugated sheet.

The weight of the corrugated sheet is determined by the area of ​​the roofing, the size of the required installation overlaps and is equal to 8.6 kg/m2.

Calculated snow load determined by the location of the construction. The Moscow region belongs to the III snow region, for which the snow load is 180 kg/m2. Taking into account the roof slope, the snow load for our building is 180x(60°-35°)/(60°-25°)=128.6 kg/m2, where 35° is the accepted roof slope angle.

A private house with classical gable roof covered with corrugated sheets

According to the wind load map, we find that the Moscow region belongs to wind region I, for which the wind load is 32 kg/m2. Taking into account the roof slope, the coefficient of aerodynamic resistance of the corrugated sheet covering will be approximately 0.3, respectively, the wind load will be 32x0.3 = 9.6 kg/m2.

Therefore, the total load on the corrugated roofing in our case will be 8.6 + 128.6 + 9.6 = 146.8 kg/m2.

Taking into account the length of the roof slope and the selected pitch of the sheathing, the load-bearing capacity of the corrugated sheet is selected (the table of permissible loads is given above). Based on the obtained load on the roofing and tabular data, corrugated sheet C21-1000-0.6 is suitable for our building with maximum permissible load 195 kg/m2.

The cost of a profiled sheet depends on the height of the profile, the thickness of the metal and the quality of its protective and decorative coating. Below is a table showing the cost of the most popular brand load-bearing corrugated sheet— H75, made of galvanized steel with an amount of zinc in the coating of 140 g/m2.

Despite the fact that most often you can get by with cheaper options, most developers prefer to use corrugated sheets with a large margin of safety relative to the design characteristics. This is especially true for areas in which cases of abnormal conditions have been recorded over the past 20 years. high level precipitation that fell in a short period.

The load-bearing capacity of a profiled sheet is much more important than all its other properties, and it is this that determined the versatility and great demand for this building material. Its attractive appearance, ease of installation, corrosion resistance and other advantages are only a useful addition. If the profiled sheet had a lower load-bearing capacity than it does, it would not have found such wide application.


Load-bearing capacity – very important parameter materials used for construction. This characteristic quantitatively reflects what maximum load able to withstand this or that structure as a whole and each of its elements separately without destruction and/or deformation. For roofing materials, it is usually calculated in weight per unit area (kg/m2).

What loads, for example, the wall of a building will experience is clear to everyone. In any case, even a child can name the main one. This is the weight of all structures resting on the wall. But what loads can the roof experience, since it is on top?

Roof made of corrugated sheets

However, the roof also experiences stress: from its own weight and the weight of accumulated debris, water, snow, and wind.

All these impacts must be taken into account when designing the roof and the roof itself. When choosing obviously fragile or small-sized materials (roofing felt, tiles, etc.), the issue is resolved by installing frequent or continuous sheathing. True, it must be made of building materials with required strength. You cannot rely on the fact that it is steel and choose this material, as well as make lathing for it at random.


To avoid the accumulation of debris and water, roofs are made sloping. Therefore, when calculating the load on a profiled sheet, only its own weight and the weight of snow per 1 m 2 are taken into account, as well as the force of the wind per unit area. The mass of a profiled sheet is taken as its specific weight (1 m2) (can be found in GOST for this material or reference books) taking into account overlaps during installation.

Snow and wind loads are calculated taking into account the angle of inclination of the roof and the region where the building is located. The angle of the roof slope will determine the correction factors for the distribution of snow weight over the roof surface and the aerodynamic resistance of the profiled sheet installed at an angle to the wind.

All three calculated loads are summed up. Based on the obtained value and the expected support pattern for the roofing material, a corrugated sheet with a load-bearing capacity exceeding the calculated total force on it is selected.

The most commonly used corrugated sheet support schemes

The load-bearing capacity of profiled sheets shown in the table below and used in design and other engineering calculations has been calculated for standard circuits supports: one-, two-, three- and four-span. In addition, it was accepted that, depending on the layout, the width of the supports should be:

  • for single-span – not less than 40 mm;
  • for other methods - internal supports of at least 70 mm, and external supports of at least 40 mm.

If it is not possible to find or purchase a profiled sheet with the load-bearing capacity required for the existing or proposed support scheme, then it is necessary to change the design of the sheathing. That is, it is necessary to bring it into line with the load-bearing capacity of the roofing material.

3 Load-bearing capacity of various types of corrugated sheets

Profiled sheet is much stronger than a regular flat sheet precisely due to its waves of a certain profile. They are obtained by mechanical processing of the same ordinary flat sheet.

From professional sheets different types unequal strength and load-bearing capacity. These indicators are highest for material intended for laying coverings (denoted H), average for products for wall fencing and flooring (NS), and lowest for sheets for walls (C). And this is also due to the profile of their waves. The shape, size and quantity of the latter differ depending on the type of profiled sheet. How stronger material, the closer its neighboring waves are located, they themselves are higher and they have more complex form, which provides additional rigidity to the product.

Table. Limit loads(evenly distributed) on a profiled sheet

Profile type

Span, m

Load at design scheme support No., kg/m 2

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