– the material is universal and durable. A house built from it often does not even require decoration - it is already beautiful. For hundreds of years, people have been fascinated by temples, ancient fortresses, castles and other masterpieces created by talented craftsmen from this material. And now it is still relevant, finding application in the construction of original cottages and country houses.

First you need to select the material, remembering a couple of rules:

  • The lower part (foundation and plinth) is made only from solid products with sufficient strength and frost resistance. But it is better to lay out the walls from slotted bricks (preferably thickened ones). This way they will be warmer.
  • If the facade is not intended to be additionally finished (for example, plastered), then the cladding is made only from, and not from ordinary. Moreover, they take products from the same batch so that the color matches.

Facade and walls

There are professionally accepted designations for each side of a brick block. So, the short side is called a poke, the long narrow side is called a spoon, and the long wide side is called a bed. During laying, the material is placed flat (that is, bed down). They also use a spoon version of masonry - on the edge. Splice rows are used for dressing.

  • Before starting masonry, they place rows in the corners and at the intersection points of the walls - special slats with marks on the thickness of the rows. A mooring cord reinforced with a mooring bracket is pulled along them (for each of the rows along the upper edge).
  • During the construction of walls, horizontal rows are laid, requiring mandatory bandaging of the seams, which can be single-row or multi-row type. In the first case, the tie and spoon rows alternate, shifting the seams in the longitudinal rows by half a brick (in adjacent rows by a quarter of a brick).

A simpler and more popular multi-row dressing is separately folded spoon walls, the thickness of which is a quarter of a brick, or twelve centimeters. The bonding row - dressing - is regularly repeated after several rows (five or six, depending on the thickness of the bricks).

A row of masonry has a height, the size of which is made up of the thickness of the seam (no more than 1.2 centimeters) and the height of the products being laid. The thickness of the wall being built is always a multiple of half the brick. It should be remembered that the thickness of the vertical seams is one centimeter.

If the facade is planned to be left in its natural “brick” form, without covering it with anything, then the seams should be given a clear shape. For this purpose, cutting the mortar is used, which allows you to make any textured seams: convex, concave, rectangular.

One-story house made of red ceramic bricks(photo)

Construction technology

The masonry mortar consists of (four parts), (one part) and water. If necessary, plasticizers are added in the form of liquids or powders. A cubic meter of solution can be obtained from eight bags and thirty-two bags of sand. This amount is enough for about three cubic meters of masonry.

  • When laying verst rows, the width of the layer of mortar applied (spread, as masons say) should be from 8 to 10 centimeters.
  • Bonded rows require a mortar strip width of 20 to 25 centimeters (with a distance of 1-1.5 centimeters from the front side).
  • The thickness of the mortar layer required to fill the joints is from 2 to 2.5 centimeters.

There are three methods of laying bricks when building houses:

  • The products are placed pressed together using a solution of increased rigidity. The worker takes the brick in one hand and the trowel in the other. Using a trowel, the mortar is raked to the brick (already laid) and the excess is cut off mortar mixture. This is how they usually operate when facing masonry, when additional finishing is not expected.
  • Laying bricks end to end involves the use of a more liquid mortar (it is applied for three spoons or for five joint products). Taking two bricks in his hands, the worker presses them into the applied mortar, thereby obtaining two seams at once: horizontal and vertical. This is how masonry under plaster is done (empty).
  • Laying products in half-fill is used to create a backfill (the so-called bricks laid between the outer and inner rows). The bricks are kept level, laid one at a time, raking in just a little bit of the mortar mixture with the edge. The resulting vertical joints are not completely filled (they are filled when the next layer of mortar is applied).

This video will tell you about the technology of laying walls made of red ceramic bricks:

Which roof to choose

  • As the experience of many developers shows, the best option is the roof of metal tiles. Not too expensive, beautiful, durable. Moreover, you can choose any color option that you like. This could be, for example, a shade close to red (cherry, burgundy, raspberry, orange). Or, on the contrary, contrasting (green, black or snow-white).
  • However, it all depends on the design of the building. If a roof of a bizarre shape is expected, with big amount stingrays, then you can stop at soft roof, which allows you to easily realize any fantasies. Soft roof often used for houses with flat roofs(single slope).
  • In the case when the amount of money invested does not matter, you can fork out for natural tiles. It will be very beautiful in combination with red brick.
  • Roofs from copper sheet, turning the building into a real palace.

Reviews about a house made of ceramic bricks are very varied. More about them below.

Two-story red brick house (photo)

Advantages and disadvantages of such houses according to reviews from owners

What brick house It will turn out beautiful, no doubt. But how comfortable will it be to live in it? Let's answer this question by comparing the pros and cons of such buildings.

  • High strength and huge (hundreds of years) service life.
  • A variety of types (solid, figured) and finishes (corrugated, embossed, glazed, engobed surface) of bricks. This allows everyone to build their dream home.
  • Good machinability - products are easy to drill and saw.
  • Excellent adhesion to the solution, the ability to perform plastering works without preliminary priming.
  • Environmentally friendly - the material contains only natural ingredients.
  • Red brick resists well high humidity and frost - much better than white silicate. A house built from it will be comfortable both in summer (not hot) and in winter.
  • Facing masonry for jointing requires the obligatory use of products from the same batch, otherwise it will turn out unsightly - color dissonance will be noticeable.
  • White salty discharge on red brick walls is immediately noticeable, but it takes a long time to clean them.
  • Now on the market you can find many low-quality products, buildings from which can quickly begin to collapse. Because of this, some people prefer to buy white sand-lime brick.
  • Red ordinary brick, especially the cheapest, may not have very stable dimensions. This complicates the laying somewhat.
  • Brick walls are not very warm, so they require thermal insulation.

This video will tell you about the reviews and requirements for the construction of red brick houses:

Building projects

Projects of houses made of ceramic red brick can be found on the Internet. But it is better, nevertheless, to order it from a special organization. This is the only way to take into account all the features associated with the location and wishes of the owners.

Red brick house designs

Two-story with attic
With a large living room
Single storey simple
With garage
Single storey with bay window

We will talk about other areas of application of ordinary red ceramic bricks below.

Other areas of application of KKK

Broken brick

Broken red brick has its uses. After building a house, half bricks often remain, as well as broken products. You shouldn't throw them away - they may well be useful for various purposes. For example:

  • On garden plot broken bricks can be used to fill paths and places where puddles occur during rains. And also for framing flower beds, for sealing holes where fence posts will be inserted.
  • It is a good filler for (the fraction should be from 2 to 4 centimeters). This concrete can be used to pour foundations and floors.
  • Brick fragments are an excellent material for filling gabions - fashionable and original item modern garden decor. These are some kind of cells various shapes, made of durable metal mesh. Gabions are used as elements of fencing, supports for tables and benches, and design of original flower beds.

For interior

  • Many design styles (such as country) are welcome brick decoration. This could be one of the walls, lined with decorative ceramic bricks.
  • Or a fireplace area in the living room, an apron on the kitchen wall, a niche in the wall or a completely bricked hallway (but it should be spacious enough and have high ceilings).
  • You can also lay out beautiful arches from brick, create columns, partitions or other decorative items. In general, there are options at every step.

Here, for example, is one of the simple and practical ones: a shelf made of bricks and boards. It will require long durable boards, between which bricks are placed in height (their number is selected according to your taste and the size of things on the future shelf). If the height of the product is small, you can even do without a solution. However, it is better to play it safe and fasten the bricks with it.

ABOUT interior decoration A specialist will tell you how to use red brick at home in this video:

White brick is familiar to everyone, because it is one of the inexpensive and available materials for construction. The walls of houses and other household buildings are erected from it. But this material, like others, has its own technical features and varieties, knowledge of them is extremely important. This will help, on the one hand, to avoid mistakes in construction, and on the other hand, it will make the work easier.

How it differs from its analogues, what advantages and disadvantages it has, we will look at today in this article.

White brick: what is it made from?

White sand-lime brick is cheaper than its analogues, and the reason for its low cost is inexpensive, accessible raw materials and relatively simple technology production.

It is made using sand, lime and a small amount of additives. The manufacturing technology involves heat treatment, after which the sand acquires technical properties similar to glass. And this, in turn, allows it to be produced different shapes, so on sale you can find several varieties of not only ordinary brick, but also decorative brick.

What are the advantages of white sand-lime brick over red?

Technical advantages before red are explained by its contents and properties acquired during the production process.

What is better than white brick?

  • White sand-lime brick has high strength and is approximately twice as strong as red brick. That's why they don't build from the latter. high buildings. But its strength is enough for this.
  • The second point is an indicator of frost resistance, here white brick is also a favorite. It is capable of withstanding more than 2 hundred cycles, but the red one is no more than 100. The whole reason is that white brick higher density and fewer pores, as a result of which slower moisture absorption and freezing occur. Therefore, in the conditions of the far north, building houses from red is not very popular.
  • White has a more neat appearance, the reason being the clearer consistent form of each individual block. In addition, the production technology makes it possible to produce bricks without standard form and colors. It is not only white, it can have any color, depending on the added color.
  • White brick has high resistance to high temperatures, which makes it a non-combustible material.

Why is white brick worse?

Weak sides white brick, many are forced to abandon it in favor of red, because along with the advantages, there are also several significant disadvantages.

At the same time, the main one is related to heat resistance; white sand-lime brick does not retain heat well. It is for this reason that when building their own home, many people prefer to choose red for the construction of walls.

The second disadvantage: white brick, despite its slow absorption of moisture, can become completely wet if it is exposed to constant humidity. Dampness in the house and mold are common problems in houses built from it. Therefore, a white brick house must be provided with a good heating system and high-quality ventilation.

Types of white bricks and sizes

There are quite a few varieties, they can differ in size, appearance, weight, this often determines their purpose.


There are two main varieties - these are decorative brick and worker. The worker only has White color and is often intended for the construction of walls and interior partitions at home. The walls of the house are lined with it, to give more interesting design, need decorative coating. At the same time, many owners of private houses built of white brick often leave their external walls uncoated. After all, even, smooth white rectangles don’t look so bad.

But decorative (cladding), also called “Eurobrick”, has a more interesting appearance. Its dimensions are somewhat smaller, and the colors and shapes are varied.

In addition, there are also special types, speeding up and simplifying the laying of walls are half and quarter bricks. And also types intended for laying out arches - end wedge, rib wedge.

White brick can also be divided into types depending on size and structure.


The size of white bricks for laying walls can vary significantly, there are:

  • Ordinary
  • One and a half
  • Double

The only difference between them is height, standard dimensions 250x125x65 mm . One and a half and double bricks have the same width and length, but the height is 88 and 138 mm. Thanks to these dimensions, laying out walls can take place 1.5 and twice as fast.


The weight of sand-lime brick above red is one solid block standard size weighs 3.7 kg, which is quite a lot, it is for this reason that hollow white is used for the construction of three-story and taller buildings. This significantly reduces the pressure on the foundation, since it has less mass. And all thanks to special holes in the cavity. This not only reduces weight, but also partially compensates for heat loss. It is also divided into types, or rather into classes, depending on the volume of voids. There are three of them: brick with a void volume of 15% of the total mass, with 23-26%, and a class with voids of 29-32%.

White brick happens different quality, remember, the higher quality the brick, the more the walls are reliable Houses! Therefore, when purchasing, you should ask the seller for a specification for the product, it is in it that technical specifications products. It is enough to compare them with those recommended for construction and you can draw conclusions whether it suits you or not. Quality can also be determined by the quantity of combat - the more there is, the correspondingly lower the quality.

In conclusion, we suggest small photo gallery on the topic of the article.

White brick houses photo

Having your own home is the dream of many citizens, and a brick house means reliability, quality and durability. It’s useless to start construction without it, so construction companies and architectural studios offer brick house designs in the widest range. But, even if the developer does not like any standard housing project, you can order individual option, in which specialists will take into account all the wishes of the developer and implement them in paper and electronic form.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a brick house?

A brick house has been a traditional building option since humanity discovered clay, and its advantages over other building materials are obvious:

  1. The extensive range of colors incorporated into the manufacturing process of masonry and facing types of bricks makes it possible to create any exterior brick house;
  2. Wide range of sizes - from single, one-and-a-half and double products to various combinations standard sizes;
  3. Working with brick is easy and is not required for masonry. special tools or construction equipment. Only one worker is needed for masonry;
  4. The strength and durability of brick ensures not only the durability of housing, but also its good heat resistance. Therefore, brick houses are common in all regions of the Russian Federation;
  5. Clay is the main component of the mixture for making bricks, and its environmental friendliness is not in doubt. Additives and impurities in the composition of bricks are also of natural origin;
  6. Brick is an excellent sound absorber. Therefore, this material is used to build quiet and comfortable housing;
  7. When using not the most expensive brands of bricks, construction prices brick houses much more attractive than housing made from modern building materials.

Brick house projects

Disadvantages of brick housing:

  1. In order for a brick house to retain heat well, its walls must be thick enough. IN middle lane In Russia, the thickness of brick walls is at least 40 cm, therefore, for northern climate zones, the walls of a warm brick house should have a thickness of at least 60 cm of masonry, since the main points of heat transfer are the “cold bridges” that appear in the mortar joints. Also, the heat transfer coefficient can be reduced by insulating the facades and other walls of the house;
  2. Standard masonry brick has a fairly wide range of sizes, and to use facing brick for laying walls - expensive;
  3. The moisture resistance of the walls of brick cottages depends on the quality of the brick, and when using low-quality clay, the strength of the brick noticeably decreases with the possibility of further destruction of such products. Therefore, when purchasing a batch of masonry red bricks, you should check everything accompanying documents and certificates, including the brand of cement that is added to the mixture to make bricks. It is also necessary to clarify the presence of inorganic additives and plasticizers in the material, since their excess leads to the appearance of efflorescence on the surface of the walls;
  4. The rules for transporting bricks include: mandatory rule: transverse masonry must be alternated with transverse masonry;
  5. The standard value for water absorption of bricks is 10%, so the number of freezing and thawing cycles during which the brick maintains a given strength decreases over time.

Brick manufacturing technologies differ from each other, so its characteristics may vary depending on the production methods. The heat loss coefficient depends on porosity and ranges from 0.43-0.95 W/mK. The lower this parameter, the warmer the house will be. GOSTs 7025-91 and 530-2012 regulate the water absorption coefficient, which must be maintained within ≤ 8%.

Typical designs of brick houses and their standard functionality

Not only all the technical and operational characteristics of future housing, but also the volume of construction estimate, which means a burden on the family budget. Most often, developers choose standard projects, since they provide all the basic functionality to serve residents. But you can also order an individual development project, where the client’s special wishes will be taken into account. A project is a complex document, and it is better to order it from professionals, but for this it is necessary to study the features of the building site and decide on architectural features the house in which the family will live.

This is the number of rooms and utility rooms, the presence of one or more bathrooms and toilets, a relaxation room and a study, the presence of a veranda, terrace, attic, garage and other outbuildings, as well as the number of storeys of the house.

Typical designs of one-story and two-story houses

How many floors there will be in the house mainly depends on the number of family members, but not necessarily. Financial capabilities and the size of the plot play an important role. Due to existing construction standards, the layout of a house on one floor is considered to be as comfortable as possible, and therefore more in demand. Therefore, it is worth studying the design features of one-story private houses of different sizes.

In project two-story house measuring 10 x 10 meters, everything for living is provided big family. Each room carries its own functional load, and in total the project includes: a large and a small hall, two bathrooms according to the number of floors, two dressing rooms, kitchen-dining room, four bedrooms, a vestibule with an adjacent boiler room, a living room and two staircases - one to the second floor, the second to basement.

Project of a large country one-story house measuring 12 x 12 meters, without a basement or attic. Very comfortable and functionally thought out housing for a large family. The presence of many rooms gives scope for the flight of architectural and design ideas. The house is divided into zones, one of which is traditionally given over to utility rooms- kitchen, bathroom, living room, hallway or hall, room for relaxing or receiving guests. The second zone is for arranging the personal space of all family members.

When preparing any house project, it will be useful to know about some features of the choice:

  1. It is recommended to start planning a house only after purchasing a plot and redistributing it family budget for the construction and improvement of housing;
  2. For a family of 3-4 people, 120–150 m2 of total area is quite enough;
  3. When drawing up a house project, take into account the ergonomic layout - extra corridors are not needed, it is recommended to place the bathroom and toilet nearby, etc.;
  4. It is better to place the combustion room next to the kitchen or dining room, and the kitchen next to the living room;
  5. The project must provide for placement household appliances and furniture.

On small area It is better to build a brick house with two or three floors. Although one-story houses considered cool in summer and warm in winter, V low-rise building with brick walls you can also achieve the same effect by insulating the floors and roof.

Projects two-story houses made of brick

Typical projects of country houses or cottages generally have a standard set of premises and amenities, which can be expanded by ordering design according to individual preferences. The cost of drawing up a project depends on the area of ​​the house, the building materials, the location of the site, and even the availability of access roads to the house. Each developed project must have a passport with data about each room.

The house plan, drawn up according to a well-prepared project, takes into account every little detail, making the future living of the family easier. The project reflects not only the location of rooms and floor plans, but also the distribution of communications. placement of furniture and equipment.

Photos of brick houses

Brick is widely used in individual construction. It has high strength, durability, good sound and heat insulation. Subject to masonry technology and making the right choice material, brick walls will not require additional decorative finishing.

Types of bricks

Basically, red and white (silicate) bricks are used in the construction of a house. Yellow is used for wall cladding. All types of bricks can be hollow or solid, with round or rectangular voids. There are several main types of bricks:

1. Ordinary solid brick. It is predominantly red in color and is used for construction load-bearing walls, pillars, columns and vaults. The brick is frost-resistant and can withstand frequent temperature fluctuations without visible deformation. The porosity of the material should be at least 6-8%, but not more than 20%.

Ordinary brick has a rough, unattractive surface, so walls made from it require plaster.

2. Hollow brick. Can be pale red, dark red, brown and yellow color. Used for construction external walls with increased thermal insulation characteristics. If it is necessary to reduce the mass of walls and the load on the foundation bearing structures can be entirely made of hollow bricks.

Voids can be through or non-through, slot-shaped, oval, round or square. The diameter of the through void is no more than 16 mm, the width of the gap is 12 mm. During laying, they are partially filled with mortar and provide reduced thermal conductivity.
The presence of voids makes it possible to reduce the consumption of raw materials, transportation costs, facilitate the production process and increase frost resistance.

3. Facing brick. The color depends on the raw material and can vary from light yellow to dark red. Used for all types of outdoor work, withstands exposure to water and low temperatures.

Walls made of facing bricks do not require painting and retain their decorative effect for a long time.

4. Curved brick. It has a red-brown color and is highly resistant to moisture and frost. Mainly used in exterior decoration walls Manufacturers offer a wide selection of colors and shapes of bricks with the possibility of manufacturing according to individual sketches.

5. Glazed brick. Available in various colors. Used for cladding internal and external surfaces.

During the production process, various chemical components are added to the clay mass, which, when fired, form a colored glassy layer. At the same time, the decorative layer has good adhesion to the bulk and increased frost resistance.

Glazed brick is very fragile material, which significantly limits its scope of application. Mainly used to create panels and mosaic masonry on building facades and indoors.

6. Ceramic clinker modular brick. Color - white, gray, red and light brown. It has low moisture absorption (0.2%), high frost and heat resistance.

Clinker bricks are fired at a temperature of 1800 degrees and can withstand at least 50 heating-absorption cycles.

Brick is produced in non-standard size(larger than facing bricks) with smooth end walls, which reduces the amount of material required and reduces laying time.

Mortar for laying red bricks

Solutions for brickwork can be simple (with one binder) or complex with several binders.

To prepare the solution, you need to mix cement and sand in proportions 1:4. To get 1 cu. m cement mortar, you will need 8 bags of M400 cement (1 bag of 50 kg) and 32 bags of sand.

Solution consumption: usually per 1 cubic meter. m of masonry consumes 0.3 cubic meters. m of solution.

Special additives - plasticizers - can be added to solutions to increase frost resistance and reduce water absorption. They are available in liquid or powder form and are added strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Red brick laying technology

The masonry is done in horizontal rows, in most cases the brick is laid on the bed (flat). It is possible to lay bricks on a spoon edge (on an edge).

During masonry, the seams are bandaged: vertical, longitudinal and transverse. The ligation of longitudinal seams is carried out in butt rows (rows facing the short side), and transverse seams - in spoon rows (formed from bricks laid with the long side facing the outer surface of the wall).

The height of a masonry row consists of the height of the brick and the thickness of the joint (mortar layer). The average seam thickness is 12 mm. The width of the masonry (wall thickness) is a multiple of 1/2 brick. When determining it, it is necessary to take into account vertical seams with a thickness of 10 mm.

Brick bonding system

The strength of the wall is ensured by bandaging the seams. The dressing system is the order in which the bricks are laid relative to each other. Can be single-row or multi-row.

In a single-row dressing, splice and spoon rows alternate. Transverse seams in adjacent rows are shifted relative to each other by 1/4 of a brick, and longitudinal seams by 1/2 of a brick. All vertical seams bottom row must be covered with bricks from the top row.

Multi-row dressing is much simpler and is the main one for laying walls. It consists of separate walls 1/4 brick thick (12 cm), made of spoons and tied through several rows with a butt row.

The maximum height of the spoon masonry is determined by the size of the brick and is:

  • 6 rows – for single brick 65 mm thick;
  • 5 rows - for bricks 88 mm thick.

The thickness of the seams for any dressing system is 8-10 mm. The horizontalness of the masonry is checked every 2-3 rows and, if necessary, the thickness of the seam is reduced or increased.

Basic rules for laying bricks

The laying of brick walls is carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  • brickwork begins with the installation of rows (slats with divisions corresponding to the thickness of the row) at the corners, at the intersection and junction of walls;
  • after checking the orders, a mooring cord is pulled between them;
  • a mooring cord is installed for each row at the level of the top edge with a distance of 3-4 mm from the vertical plane of the masonry;
  • To strengthen the mooring at lighthouses, a mooring bracket is used, which with its sharp end is inserted into the masonry seam, and with its blunt end rests on the lighthouse brick. The mooring cord is tied to the blunt end of the shackle;
  • for the next row the line is tightened by turning the staple to a new position;
  • after installing the orders, beacons and mooring cord, bricks are laid out on the wall, mortar is spread and the outer mile is laid;
  • when laying a verst row, the mortar is spread out in the form of a bed 80-100 mm wide, for a butcher row 200-220 mm with a distance from the front surface of 10-15 mm. The thickness of the mortar bed should be 20-25 mm. This is enough to create a completely filled seam with a thickness of 10-12 mm;
  • You can start laying the next row only after laying the versts and backfilling the previous row.

Brick laying methods

Laying versts (outermost rows of bricks forming the surface of the masonry) can be carried out in three ways:

  1. press;
  2. end-to-end and end-to-end with cutting of the mortar;
  3. half-sucked (forgotten).

The masonry method is selected based on the plasticity of the mortar, the condition of the brick (wet or dry), the time of work and the requirements for the cleanliness of the masonry on the front side.

To lay out walls using the clamping method you need:

  1. Spread the mortar at a distance of 10-15 mm from the face of the wall and level it with the back of the trowel. The tool is moved from the already laid brick, while the mortar bed is arranged simultaneously for 3 spoon or 5 joint bricks.
  2. Level the mortar bed (the tool is held in right hand) and use the edge of the trowel to rake up part of the mortar and press it against the vertical edge of the previously laid brick. With your left hand you carry a new brick to the place of laying.
  3. The brick is lowered onto the prepared bed and moved with the left hand to the previously laid brick and pressed against the trowel blade.
  4. Using an upward motion, the trowel is removed and the brick is used to press the mortar between the brick being laid and the brick being laid.
  5. With hand pressure, the laid brick settles on the mortar bed. Excess mortar that appears on the face of the masonry is removed with a trowel in one step after laying 3-5 bricks with pokes and 2 bricks with spoons. The mortar is poured onto the mortar bed.

Laying bricks using the end-to-end method is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The mortar bed is laid out.
  2. The brick is held at an angle and part of the mortar is raked in with the butt edge, starting at a distance of 8-12 cm from the previously laid brick.
  3. The brick is moved towards the one already laid with a gradual straightening of the position and pressed against the bed. Part of the mortar fills the vertical transverse seam.
  4. The laid brick is laid down by hand on the mortar bed.
  5. When laying a spoon row, the solution is raked with a spoon edge.

The backfill (bricks between the inner and outer rows) is laid out using the half-fill method. To do this you need:

  1. Spread the mortar between the inner and outer versts and level it.
  2. Holding the brick almost level, at a distance of 6-8 cm from the one already laid, gradually lower it onto the mortar bed. In this case, a small amount of solution is raked in by the rib.
  3. The brick is moved closely to the one laid earlier and pressed into place by hand pressure.
  4. The backfill brick is pressed tightly against the bed to create even masonry at the same level as the milepost rows.

Vertical seams remain partially unfilled. They are filled when spreading the mortar for laying the next highest row.

If it is necessary to create a masonry surface with a clear pattern, then laying the bricks is carried out with trimming the mortar. The seams can be given any shape - rectangular, recessed, concave inward or convex outward.

The seams are unstitched until the mortar sets: first, the surface of the masonry is wiped, the vertical seams are unstitched (3-4 spoons or 6-8 pokes), then the horizontal ones.


In the process of building brick walls, it is necessary to take into account the features and requirements for their installation:

  • used in construction and wall decoration different kinds bricks: ordinary solid, hollow, facing, figured, glazed, clinker;
  • to mix the solution, you need to combine cement and sand in a ratio of 1:4 and fill the mixture with water;
  • to Brick wall had sufficient strength; ligation of sutures, longitudinal, transverse and vertical, is required;
  • the recommended thickness of the vertical joint of the masonry is 10 mm, the longitudinal one is 12 mm;
  • In a single-row dressing, alternation of splice and spoon rows is observed. Transverse seams are shifted by 1/4 brick, longitudinal seams - by 1/2 brick;
  • with multi-row dressing, 5-6 spoons are laid out in a row, which are tied in a row;
  • laying of a brick row is carried out using rows installed at the corners of the walls and a mooring cord stretched between them to control the level of the masonry;
  • masonry can be carried out in three ways: pressed, butted or half-butted. The choice depends on the properties of the mortar, brick and the requirements for the appearance of the front surface.

Finally, a video to better understand the brick laying process.

A white brick house is extremely popular. Designers realize many of their ideas thanks to its combination with other materials. Whether to choose a white brick building or a red brick house depends on the taste of the owner and his wallet. Light building material is cheaper than red, but has high quality and aesthetic characteristics.

What are they made of?

White brick consists of a mixture of purified quartz sand and lime. The density of silicate products is higher than that of red (fired clay), and retains heat indoors longer. It is quite durable and can withstand loads well. Does not tolerate direct contact with moisture (destroys). It is for this reason that one cannot build from it underground garages and other buildings, cesspools, basements, wells, etc. And also white artificial stone is not used even as inserts during construction. chimneys, barbecue, ovens. It is destroyed upon contact with high temperatures. The building material is always separated from the lower part of the house by waterproofing.

Types of white brick

Silicate products differ from each other only in thickness. Deviations from standard parameters possible only for decorative artificial stones. It can also be hollow or solid. There are several categories of white silicate products, which are presented in the table:

Different types of bricks have the following weights:

Solid material may have different weight, which depends on its type.
  • Full bodied:
    • single type - 3.7 kg;
    • one and a half 4.2-5 kg.
  • Working hollow:
    • single - 3.2 kg;
    • one and a half - 3.7 kg;
    • double - 5.7 kg.
  • Facing hollow. Weight indicators are 3.7-5.8 kg.

Types of white silicate brick are divided into facing and ordinary. Facing adds aesthetics to a building or structure. Has good decorative characteristics and protect the surface of the building from mechanical influences and unfavorable weather conditions environment. Surfaces made of relief ordinary stone are very similar to masonry with natural brick or a wall made of wall blocks. Exclusive color solutions give both appearance and interior decoration individuality. The uniformity of the paint hides defects formed during construction, including chips, breaks or scratches.

Advantages and properties

White artificial stone has the following advantages:

  • frost resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high heat and sound insulation;
  • aesthetics;
  • thermal conductivity;
  • durability.

The main advantage of light brick is its appearance, so it is often used in the cladding of buildings, cottages, various buildings or interior decoration.

Stylistic solution of white brick houses

Red brick will be needed to build the basement.

The color of the product depends on the composition. Color palette quite multifaceted. In addition to the traditional red and white product, highlight color scheme from gray brick. To solve stylistic problems, it is better to seek help from a designer. Special attention deserve buildings from . Construct a building completely out of white building material will not succeed - since the base still needs to be built of red brick.

Also, artificial stone looks good in the interior decoration of the house. Even a separate insert in the wall adds sophistication to the entire room. Depending on the given style, one or another color of the product is used. White brick element fits harmoniously into the Scandinavian style, classic style, as well as high tech or . Fake diamond It is easy to paint, so it will not be difficult to give the wall and corners the desired color.

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