If you not only like to maintain beauty in your home, but are also prone to perfectionism, then sometimes the simplest questions can baffle you. For example, which one to choose for a new indoor plant. Buying the first thing you come across seems like an incredibly frivolous decision, but finding clear instructions decorators are not so easy!

We studied the interiors of several dozen beautiful apartments and are ready to tell you which flowerpots are most often found in them, which means they are most likely suitable for your interior.

1. Black

The most common round matte black flowerpots are the absolute favorites of designers when we're talking about O Scandinavian interiors. For those issued exclusively in light colors They won’t be suitable for apartments, but they don’t happen that often. As a rule, decorators strive for contrasts, and black flower pots are used as a contrast to white walls.

Ferns and other plants with dark leaves look best in such a pot, but nothing prevents you from putting a delicate palm tree in it. If the interior of the room is generally light, it is worth supporting the color of the pots with monochrome paintings in black frames or any other dark details.

2. Golden

Designers like to use gold, copper and brass flowerpots in dark interiors. The point is again in contrast: golden metal shines especially expressively against the background of a dark matte wall. However, they can also be placed in a light interior: copper, for example, rhymes perfectly with color genuine leather and looks good next to complex, dusty natural shades.

Metal decor makes the interior look more expensive and interesting. The strength of this effect can be adjusted by leaving the flowerpot as the only accent or adding more details from the same metal.

4. White

Of course, this selection would not be complete without white flowerpots. They stay best choice for non-contrast bright interiors, where they serve as just another white thing that has almost no effect on the image of the room. Their main task in such interiors is not to interfere with what expressive, accentuated things say.

However, white planters are not so neutral. It is worth paying attention to their texture and shade. Glossy, geometric flowerpots will fit well into a glamorous, “feminine” room, where they will coexist with gold things. Flowerpots self made with a slightly uneven glaze would be appropriate in a calmer and cozy interior and will become good companions for textiles made from natural fibers.

5. Baskets

A basket planter is a common choice for palm trees. Firstly, simply because these are things from the same story. Secondly, palm trees grow quickly, buying new beautiful pots for them is expensive, but a basket helps you save on this. In any case, this combination adds ethnic notes to the interior, and they can either be enhanced by appropriate decor, or almost drowned out by placing the basket in a neutral environment.

Wicker or fabric baskets and bags can be used as flower pots and for small plants if you want to make the interior softer. Be careful: in this case the emphasis easily changes from “ethno” to “eco”. The greens in such bags will touchingly resemble either seedlings or purchases brought from the farmers market.

If you decide to start breeding indoor plants, then in addition to choosing a plant, you will immediately be faced with the choice of a flower pot and, possibly, a flowerpot. How to choose the right one flower pots in size, why pots are needed will be discussed in this article.

Immediately after purchasing a new plant, you will need to transplant the plant into a new flower pot. The containers in which plants are sold are just containers for transportation.

Yes, and the soil needs to be changed, because instead of the necessary this plant The soil in the container is most likely high peat. It dries out very quickly, becomes corky and does not retain water. You can often hear: there was a flower in the store, so beautiful, but for some reason it disappeared at home. Therefore, in order not to start right away with mistakes, buy a flower pot for your pet.

Almost all indoor plants feel great in small flower pots. Before you go to the store for a flower pot, decide on the choice of indoor plant.

If the plant is old enough and tall, for example, like an indoor maple, clerodendrum, or it has large massive leaves, like monstera, some types of ficus, then you will need large flower pots. And indoor plants such as peperomia, saintpaulia, pelargonium, gloxinia and many, many other small plants with lush foliage feel much better in small flower pots.

When choosing a flower pot, you need to pay attention to its height and diameter. If you choose a flower pot according to the height of the plant. It is this parameter that you need to pay attention to when choosing a pot for alocasia or zamioculcas. Your choice will be correct if the height of the flower pot is one third or a quarter of the height of the plant. If the plant is tall, about 1 meter, then the height of the pot for it should be at least one third of the height of the plant.

If when choosing a flower pot you focus on the diameter, then you should know that the wider the crown of a houseplant, the wider its pot should be. For example, a pot with a diameter of about 20 cm is suitable for plants with a height of 30 cm to one meter. The ideal flower pot maintains its proportion: the diameter of the pot is 2/3 of its height, this must be remembered when choosing a pot for Elwoodi cypress. When choosing a pot for tall plant with a wide spreading crown, for example, an adult common myrtle, pay attention to the diameter of the base: it should be at least one third of the height of the plant.

What material should flower pots be made of?

Probably the most environmentally friendly are clay and ceramic flower pots. Plants feel very comfortable in them, especially home roses. However, they are quite fragile; with one careless movement, the pot will fall and break. Also, when reuse a clay or ceramic flower pot needs disinfection, or better yet, soaking for a day - two per disinfectant solution containing chlorine.

If the plant is very large and stands on the floor, then you should not buy a ceramic pot for it, but rather use a plastic one. After all, it is much lighter than ceramic, and therefore it will be easier for you to move it.

Except decorative function flowerpots can also perform others: for example, if the air temperature in the room is +25 o C or higher, excess water from the flowerpots can evaporate on their own, increasing air humidity and thereby preserving decorative look plants. Therefore, flowerpots can be used to increase air humidity in winter. It is good to put moss between the walls of the pot and the flowerpot. It will immediately absorb excess water after watering, and then gradually evaporate the moisture. If you are using a pot to increase humidity, then the diameter of the pot should be 3-4 cm wider than the diameter of the pot.

If the plant is tall, with a spreading crown, then you need to choose a pot that is large enough and stable, with a wide base. For additional stability of high or climbing plants a decorative support can be installed in the space between the walls of the pot and the flowerpot, root system the plants are not harmed at all.

A flowerpot can completely transform the interior of a room, set a certain tone, and also collect all indoor plants into a single ensemble.

How to choose a flowerpot?

- classic strict flowerpots in neutral or pastel colors, which can not only highlight the beauty of plants, but also make you forget about all the tricks that we resort to for successful growth and flowering.

- bright original flower pots, are able to relegate plants to the background. However, when creating compositions from decorative flowering plants bright flowerpots can dilute the solid green mass.

- plain flowerpots will be brought into your interior certain style, will help avoid cacophony of color. But you also need to remember that strictly selecting flowerpots based on one color can be monotonous and boring.

Many people imagine that a flowerpot is suspended structure For flower pots. This is not correct. They exist large number. Purpose: to hide a container for flowers. Therefore, the look must be original, individual and memorable.

Choosing a flower pot to match the interior and design of the room will not be difficult if you use a little imagination. Decorative flowerpots in the Decorator store will be offered to suit every taste, for different types plants in various colors

Why use pots

The question often arises: why bother preparing pots when you can buy beautiful pot for flowers of any kind and shape. In stores you can be offered plastic, ceramic, wicker and birch bark containers for planting and growing flowers for every taste.

  1. The pots can be easily replaced and the appearance of the pot will change much faster than when transplanting into another container.
  2. Ceramic types accumulate over time white coating, it is also easy to hide under any flowerpot, which will only benefit the pot appearance.
  3. Trays that are placed under a flower can overflow water; the accumulation of liquid is not always conducive to plant growth. No matter how much you care for the pallet, the time comes when it doesn’t look aesthetically pleasing.
  4. IN winter time a flowerpot will provide an opportunity to increase humidity in the air near the plant. In order for this to happen, it must be three centimeters larger in diameter than the flower container. Fill the empty space between the walls of the pot and the flowerpot with expanded clay or decorative moss. By watering the intermediate drainage once a month, you will create a favorable microclimate in a warm room. Your green pets won't dry out.

How to use pots correctly

Decide where you will hang or place the flower pot in the planter. If you have a hanging model, many are accustomed to hanging flowers on windows and balconies. If the plant is shade-loving, you can beautifully arrange several types on the wall. Do not attach a large amount - the wall will not look aesthetically pleasing.

Flowerpots can be bright, as well as classic and strict. What you choose depends on your interior. Appearance always comes first. If the plant is blooming, try to choose a model that matches the color of the flower. Remember, the brighter the planter and pot, the more faded your houseplant will look.

Hanging options can be mounted not only on walls or windows; if you live outside the city, attach them to ceiling beams, or cornices. If in architectural design There are columns in the rooms, decorate them, and you will immediately see how the interior will change.

Stylish choice

Flowers in the house are not only about choosing that green microorganism that will please the eye. But also the choice of a new style for your interior, which will emphasize or form a flower pot. It is important to choose a home for flower roots not only based on beauty, but also understanding their practical use.

Flowerpots: a designer's dream

Main difference flowerpot from ordinary pots - lack drainage holes. Thanks to this, watering the flower will not be the last minute of the life of your wallpaper and furniture. But this advantage adds a hassle. About 10 minutes after watering you will need to drain the pot excess water.

If this procedure is neglected, the roots of the plants may begin to rot from excess moisture. Such a disastrous effect will not happen only if the temperature in the room at the time of watering is more than 23 degrees above zero.

Thoughtful and experienced gardeners buy flowerpot larger in size than a pot. And between the walls they put wet moss or expanded clay. This helps to save optimal humidity plants even in winter. Pots are also a way to keep the plant in balance. Do not push the support directly into the soil.

By the way, pot This format can be made of any material. Antique jars, tea and coffee boxes Soviet made- will fit perfectly. Modern banks coffee pods will also not spoil the appearance of the room. Although, it is better to decorate them with glued-on parts of your interior.

The simplicity of familiar things

The appearance and internal state of the plant directly depends on what your flower “sits” in. It is important, correctly in all respects, to decide on even the simplest flower pot.

First of all, think about what material will be ideal for your plant. To choose from: pots made of ceramics, plastic and wood. Ceramic - perfect solution if you have an unpretentious interior and there is essentially nowhere for the pot to fall. Plastic pots are more practical. They are good for replanting plants. A plastic pot is lightweight, costs a penny and, with minimal DIY decor, fits perfectly into any interior. Wooden pots also look good. However, compared to plastic ones they require special care, are expensive and quickly deteriorate.

Whatever the pot is made of, its size is important. It’s not worth buying a huge one for a small seedling that won’t change much over the years. pot. The flower's home must correspond to its inhabitant.

In addition to the size, it is worth paying attention to the shape of the pot. It is no coincidence that the familiar cone is always at the peak of popularity. It provides ideal air exchange and moisture absorption. Less beneficial for plants round pots. The soil in them can turn sour. Square and rectangular pots can have the same consequences. However, they will also add problems with transplanting seedlings.

By the way, pay attention to the design, even if it seems luxury to you. Remember, this is not true. It is important that pot did not overshadow the beauty of the flower. Monochrome pots are suitable for variegated seedlings. And boring compositions get bright and positive details.

Flowerpots or flower pot They will help you choose flowers and floristry in the salon." Sakura branch" at: st. Oktyabrskaya(opposite the International Exhibition and Business Center "Siberia")

A flower pot or flowerpot will help highlight the beauty and sophistication of a flower. These two types of containers provide living conditions for the plant, an aesthetic and functional component for the owner.

The word cache-pot is of French origin and means “hidden pot.”

A flowerpot is a decorative container for placing indoor plants in a transport or main pot. A flower pot will help out when a decorative container is not suitable for growing a flower, but you really like it. You can place one plant or a group of small flowers in pots in the container.

When using a flowerpot, you no longer need a tray. It is important to ensure that water does not accumulate in it. And if you put a little moss on the bottom, you will be able to maintain constant humidity.

In addition to the usual ceramics and plastic, the materials for making flowerpots are metal, wood, wire, rope, wicker, household dishes, buckets, boxes, household items and other most unexpected things. It is only important to ensure the strength and waterproofness of the bottom and walls.

Flowerpot and pot. What's the difference

Two types of containers for house plants, pots and flowerpots, differ from each other in purpose. The pot ensures the growth and development of the plant, drainage for water. And the flowerpot is used for beauty. When a flower is already growing in its pot and you need to decorate it in accordance with the new design.

The pot is simply installed in the flowerpot larger size and the appearance of the plant immediately changes.

In terms of decorativeness, flower pots and flowerpots are no different. You need to pay attention to the bottom. The pot has one or more holes for draining excess water and comes with a tray. The flower pot is made of one piece of pottery and there is no additional tray for it.

Selection criteria

When choosing a flowerpot for indoor flowers guided by functionality, visual appeal, taking into account the shape and type of plant.

Pot size

Size refers to the capacity of the pot, its diameter and height. The size and capacity of the flowerpot is selected based on the parameters of the main pot and the type of flower.

A plant with developed green mass requires big pot. Young plants small sizes in adulthood, a small container is sufficient.

When choosing a “home” for your favorite plant, the rule is: the height of the pot is 1/3 or 1/4 of the height of the flower.

Flower pots or plant pots for indoor plants should not be purchased with a reserve in volume. Most often, plants do not like extra space. A small flower will simply get lost and will not look beautiful.

There must be a flowerpot more pot in diameter and height by 2-3 cm, so that the container with the plant can be easily removed and an air gap remains. The diameter of the flowerpot should ensure the stability of the flower. The rule should be taken into account that the crown of a flower cannot exceed the width of the flowerpot by more than 3-5 times.

Succulent plants accustomed to dry air are left with more volume. internal space. To prevent a container with a large plant from tipping over, the gap between the walls is filled with stones. For moisture-loving plants, the gap is filled with wet peat or sphagnum moss.

Special pebbles, colored pebbles and other items from a florist store will help make your home flowers more decorative. Hanging models must have a strong suspension. For relief in hanging planters use a light peat mixture.

Container shape

The shape of the flowerpot is not limited to the usual round one. Flowerpots can be square, triangular, faceted. Made in the form of a smooth cylinder or with an extension.

Among the designer models are flowerpots in the form of barrels, buckets, podiums, shoes, figurines of forest dwellers and fairy-tale characters. Flowerpots are combined with interior items, for example, clocks and figurines.

The choice of flowerpot shape largely depends on personal preferences and the design style of the room for future installation. The shape and height of both the pot and flowerpot for indoor flowers depend on the age of the plant and the type of root system. The roots can be developed in length and go deep into the container (palm trees, citrus fruits, aloe, cacti) or they are fibrous and located near the surface (geranium, begonia, violet).

For normal development Flowers with long roots require a tall and narrow pot. Plants with shallow root systems will do better in a shallow container. large diameter. Flowers in low pots can also be placed in tall pots if free space fill with stones or expanded clay.


The pots can be purchased, that is, factory-made or made with your own hands. The choice of material for pots is limited only by imagination.

Manufacturers use ceramics, plastic, glass and metal. Designer flowerpots use stone, wicker, wood, textiles, wire and cord weaving, household dishes and various household items.
Practical and popular are plastic products for flowers. They are especially good for hanging because they are light and durable.

Ceramic flowerpots made from natural material - clay, fired special technology, belong to the classics. They may be natural color in brown or white tone. More artistic options are covered with colored glaze and color painting.

Flower pots from natural stone installed on the floor in spacious hallways and foyers. They are perfect for large, spreading plants such as palms and small shrubs. Wooden flower pots for flowers (pictured) will decorate the kitchen, terrace country house, interior in eco style. Natural material radiates warmth and is attractive.

Metal buckets and bowls are characterized by high practicality and design. When installed on sunny windowsill or balcony you need to take care of thermal insulation so that the plant does not dry out.

Glass and plastic pots for indoor flowers made of transparent and colored materials add special sophistication and style. They are durable and practical. Orchids are placed in such pots. When using transparent and translucent models, you should take care of the appearance of the lower pot.

The flowerpot should not distract attention from the plant, but rather emphasize its beauty. This is possible when the decorative base and flower are combined in shape, color and texture.

Florists divide flowerpots into two categories:

  1. Classic flowerpots of strict lines in neutral and pastel colors, emphasizing all the advantages of the flower
  2. Flowerpots that are original in shape and color with a bright pattern, coming to the fore in the composition

Indoor flowers with ordinary, not flashy foliage (fern, ivy, chlorophytum, ficus) will look advantageous in a decorated, bright flowerpot.

Stylized, original flowerpots like a cart, a boot, a figurine of a gnome are suitable for medium-sized, creeping plants with small leaves such as ivy, godson, tradescantia, deciduous begonia, and crassula. Indoor plants in pots with a cascading crown, such as aspidistras, aucubes, stromanthus, arrowroots and bulbous species, are suitable for restrained forms and strict lines.

If installed in a spacious room administrative building, hall or large hall use metal containers cylindrical or multifaceted. Wicker flower pots (pictured) in the form of baskets or vases will complement the interior small room living space, veranda or kitchen.

Containers in a neutral tone or slightly darker or lighter than the main color in the room will harmonize with the Art Nouveau style. When planting plants in groups, use pots of the same shape, but contrasting in color. IN white and blue interior containers of white, cream, silver, yellow, blue and blue flowers, as well as metallic.

A picturesque group of several indoor plants in pots on a counter or stand will decorate any room. A special charm is the “team” of simultaneously flowering plants of one or different colors, arranged in tiers.

Indoor flowers in pots near a painting or artistic masterpiece are placed in pots made of metal or ceramics with patination, in antique boxes or packaging for tea or sweets, containers with decoupage or antique painting.

A good addition for flowering indoor plants would be a monochromatic flowerpot matching the color of the buds and harmonizing in color.

White violets will be favorably set off by a blue or light blue flowerpot, red guzmania is best placed in a red flowerpot, and a green flowerpot will go well with a yellow one.

For one room, pots of the same shape are selected that are identical or slightly different in tone. The variety of colors and shapes creates excessive diversity and irritates. Especially in small rooms.

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