It is worth noting that not all gardeners plant garden perennial shrubs in their garden plots. Basically, such summer residents try to plant vegetables and fruit crops. However, among this number there are also those gardeners who are happy to grow such plants. The popularity of perennial flowers is not accidental! Such plants are very easy to care for, and they can bloom all summer long. In this article we have collected for you perennial shrubs that bloom all summer. Here you can find their photo and name.

Perennial shrubs for the garden. Catalog

Before we begin to list the names of shrubs for the garden, it is worth saying that today there are quite a lot of them. However, our article contains the most popular shrubs that can be seen in almost every summer cottage.

More and more gardeners today prefer to plant winter-hardy perennial shrubs. This factor should not be surprising. After all, a rather harsh climate prevails on the territory of Russia. Therefore, it is worth choosing shrubs that will be adapted to these conditions.

Catalog of popular shrubs.

Lilac. Everyone loves this shrub. A lilac tree can grow 3 meters in height. Of course, such a height is useless in a garden plot. And all because the branches of the plant will create unnecessary shadow. Exit from this provision still exists. It is enough to properly trim the branches and then the plant will look neat.

Due to the fact that winters in our country are characterized by their severity, some gardeners do not want to plant this shrub in their dacha. However, if you choose those varieties that are resistant to frost, then in this regard you can be safe. Frost-resistant varieties include:

  • Variety "Alice Harding"
  • Variety "Paul Triton".

But if you are afraid for your lilac bush, then the bushes are covered with covering material in the fall before winter.

Spirea. This shrub transforms during flowering. Its form becomes cascading. This is due to the heaviness of small flowers white. A variety of spirea can be divided into subcultivars. In this quantity there are those trees that can bloom: in spring or summer.

Thanks to this factor, you will be able to admire the flowering of the sperea from the beginning of spring to mid-autumn. In this case, it is recommended to plant a couple of bushes with different flowering periods. The height of such subgrades can be 2.5 meters. But if you don’t want to see a huge shrub, you need to trim its shoots after the perennial blooms.

Russian gardeners plant mainly Japanese varieties:

  • "Golden Princess"
  • "Shirobana."

The two varieties described above are distinguished by their miniature size. Their height can reach 70 cm. However, this will happen if the bush is properly and competently cared for.

Buddleya. This shrub feels good in conditions temperate climate. The plant is classified as heat-loving. However, it can easily tolerate fairly low winter temperatures. However, before the onset of winter, it is necessary to cover the bush with spruce branches and spud it.

Buddleia is also a popular shrub. Large lilac flowers bloom from July to October. But if the autumn turned out to be warm, then the flowering time can be increased. A shrub can always be given an unusual and beautiful shape. You just have to prune it immediately after flowering and the plant will delight you with its appearance.

But if you do not prune the shoots, the height of the bush can reach a height of 3 meters.

Hydrangea. In this article we list for you unpretentious perennial shrubs that bloom all summer. Let's get acquainted with the next interesting shrub. tree plant called hydrangea can please all gardeners with its very large inflorescences. The shrub is distinguished by the fact that it can easily tolerate even the most severe sub-zero temperatures.

The shrub requires mandatory pruning, which should be done a couple of times a year. The first pruning occurs after flowering. In this case, all young shoots that have not acquired a woody form are removed. The next pruning should be done in spring. In this case, it is necessary to trim the tops of the bush, to the very top unbloomed bud of the perennial. The needs of the shrub include regular feeding. In this case, those compositions that have a high content of magnesium and iron are selected.

Above for you we have listed beautiful perennial shrubs that bloom all summer. We were able to name only the most popular ones. These varieties will easily endure even the most difficult winter. But before planting any of them, it is still recommended to get acquainted with useful information.

Shade-tolerant perennial shrubs

For growing in the garden, many summer residents choose shade-tolerant shrubs. These plants require minimal care, and their beauty can make absolutely any garden area beautiful.

On a note! Shade-tolerant shrubs it is recommended to plant along country house or other outbuildings.

Catalog of shade-tolerant perennials.

Wisteria. This shrub can reach a height of 18 meters. This plant used to decorate arches and small presentable buildings. To grow a plant, you need to tighten the threads, which are first wrapped around a branch or bush. Wisteria flowers can bloom from late May to early September.

Weigel. This shrub reaches a height of 70-80 meters. Flowers purple or Pink colour appear already at the end of April. And if you take proper care of the shrub, it will be able to bloom even before late autumn. The plant feels great in a dark place in warm weather. However, with the first frosts, the bush sheds all its inflorescences.

Deytsia. This shrub is small in size and differs beautiful flowering. The plant begins to bloom at the end of spring. The flowers are small and pink or brown in color. This shrub is involved in creating attractive compositions. You can plant several shrubs at once. To ensure that the plant is always neat, branches and shoots are constantly pruned.

All perennial garden shrubs that love shade also tolerate winter well in Russia. But if the plant was planted in a region where a harsh climate prevails, then before the start of winter the bush must be covered with special material.

Fast-growing perennial shrubs

Shrubs that grow quickly are also popular among summer residents. With their help, you can quickly and without problems create hedge.

What shrubs are used to create a hedge.

Dogwood. The berries of this shrub are widely used in folk medicine. The height of the bush can be 5 meters. Thanks to this, this shrub is planted to create a hedge. The flowers of this shrub can be admired from March to May. And in the summer you can pick berries from the bush. This tree has a thick crown. Therefore it is required here regular care in the form of pruning the upper branches.

Barberry. Small varieties are mainly used to create hedges. An unpretentious hedge is achieved due to the fact that the bush has small thorns. The bush needs to be looked after. Care consists of: feeding, watering and pruning.

Turn. If this shrub grows freely, its height can reach 3 meters. But to create a hedge, the shrub must have more miniature view. Therefore, regular pruning will achieve this. It is worth noting that a hedge made of thorns is distinguished by the fact that during flowering a very pleasant aroma emanates from small flowers. And after the first frost has passed, the fruits of this shrub can be eaten.

On a note! All types of shrubs that are listed above belong to fruit trees. Therefore, they carry two functions: fruit and beauty.


From this article you were able to learn a lot of interesting information for yourself. We hope you will be able to choose for your garden exactly those shrubs that can decorate country cottage area and make it attractive.

In conclusion, it is only worth saying that in the garden plots of many people, mainly fruit bushes are planted. Such shrubs include: currants, raspberries, plums and cherries. To save space in the garden, it is recommended to plant several varieties of shrubs. In this case, you will be able to achieve the perfect effect.

From the heart of a peony

The bee slowly crawls out.
Oh, with what reluctance!...

Matsuo Basho


Rhododendron (Rhododendron) is a beautiful flowering shrub and even tree. Depending on the variety, rhododendrons can be evergreen, with overwintering or falling leaves.

Evergreen - retain their foliage for 3-6 years. Those varieties that have overwintering leaves retain them throughout the year, and falling leaves remain on the bushes for one season from spring to autumn.

Rhododendron leaves have different shapes, and the flowers, collected in inflorescences, surprise with the variety of colors, shapes and sizes. Deciduous species are considered the most winter-hardy:

  • Lemon Lights- height and width up to 1.5 m. The bush is decorated with fragrant flowers of bright, lemon-yellow color
  • Northern Hi-Lights- large bouquets of yellow and white flowers against a background of beautiful red and burgundy leaves. Flowering late May - June
  • Mandarin Lights- the flowers are fragrant, narrow, tubular, funnel-shaped, red-orange with dark veins. The leaves are olive green, turning dark burgundy in autumn, almost purple shade. Flowering late May - June

Evergreen winter-hardy rhododendrons:

  • Mauritz
  • Haaga
  • Mikkeii
  • Peter Tigerstedt

Syrian hibiscus

Syrian hibiscus (tree-like) is a beautifully flowering deciduous shrub. Widely distributed in the southern regions, in Ukraine it grows in open ground everywhere. In Russia it is more often grown in southern regions with shelter for the winter.

Looks good both in a single planting against the background of a lawn, and in a group of shrubs or in a hedge. Looks extraordinary standard tree hibiscus.

Syrian hibiscus grows up to 1.5-3 m in height and 1-1.5 m in width. The flowers are large - 12 cm, reminiscent of mallow flowers. Color range from white to purple.

Flowering begins at the end of June and continues until the end of September. Every single flower lives for a day, but you will never notice it, because the bush will be constantly strewn with flowers.

For lush flowering, choose a sunny location with fertile soil for your hibiscus. Since the bush grows quickly and needs to form a crown, in the spring it is cut to 1/3 of the length of the branches.

Budleya David

Buddleja davidii is often called autumn lilac because of its similarity to this plant. Budleya grows quite quickly, reaching 2-3m in height.

At the end of July, long dense brushes consisting of small flowers of white, lilac and violet develop on the young shoots of the current year. Fragrant inflorescences smell like hyacinths and honey, attracting many colorful butterflies to your garden!

Buddleia develops well and blooms profusely in nutritious, moderately moist soil, in a sunny place protected from the winds.

With the onset of autumn, after frost, we cut the shoots of the bush almost to ground level, hill them up and cover them with peat or dry leaves. This way we will preserve the dormant buds, from which new shoots will develop in the spring.

  • Alba, White Cloud, White Profusion- white flowers
  • Fascinating- pink
  • Orchid Beauty- lilac-pink inflorescences
  • Royal Red- deep red flowers
  • Empire Blue- inky color
  • Black Knight- dark purple flowers
  • Harlequin- purple inflorescences

Weigela is one of the most decorative and abundantly flowering shrubs. Weigela blooms in May and pleases with flowers: pink, red, cream, yellow and white bells, almost until mid-July. The decorative nature of weigela is manifested not only in beautiful flowering, but also in leaves of different colors: green, purple, green with a white border.

The place for planting weigela should be sunny and protected from the wind, warm and sunny - prerequisites for its development. The soil for planting must be fertile and loose.

Weigela is a universal plant and will fit into any garden style:

  • Japanese garden - perfect, thanks bright flowers and leaves
  • alpine slide - dwarf varieties will place bright accents
  • flower garden - in combination with perennials, after flowering it will be a wonderful background
  • hedge - great option, if you select varieties that bloom in different time

Pay attention to these varieties of weigela:

Bristol Ruby(Bristol Ruby)
Eva Rathke(Eva Rathke)
Feerie Lemoine(Fieri Lemoine)
Newport Red(Newport Red)
Marc Tellier(Marc Tellier)
Pierre Duchartre(Pierre Duchartre)

Keria japonica

Keria japonica is a wide bush with green, straight, vine-like branches that form a cone-shaped crown. From May to July, keria is covered with beautiful, golden-yellow flowers. double flowers. An adult bush reaches 1-1.5m in height.

To contain rapid growth keria and maintain its neat appearance, the bush must be trimmed regularly.

Keria japonica grows well in both sun and partial shade. In landscape design, this bright bush is used both as single plantings and as a group of plants, often located near high stone walls or fences.

Companions for Keria can be dark green conifers, evergreens, weigela and plants with red foliage (Thunberg barberry "Atropurpurea" or "Rose Glow").

There are several decorative forms of keria:

  • Albomarginata- white-edged
  • Piсta (Variegata)- variegated

However, the most beautiful and most common is "Pleniflora" with densely double flowers on 2-meter branches.

Kolkvitsia is lovely

This spectacular flowering shrub is Kolkwitzia amabilis. Flowering flowers last a month: from mid-May to mid-June. The bright pink, bell-shaped flowers are collected in fluffy inflorescences and have a light, sweet scent that attracts bees, bumblebees and butterflies. An adult bush reaches a height of 2-4 m, and over time it becomes so wide.

Surprisingly, in the fall this plant will not go unnoticed either, because on one bush the foliage can be different colors. Very decorative.

The lovely Colquitia is quite winter-hardy and loves well-lit places, however, even partial shade will not prevent it from blooming luxuriantly. It is unpretentious and grows in any well-treated garden soil. Known varieties:

  • Rosea(Rosea)
  • Pink Cloud(Pink Cloud)

tree peony

The tree peony is a beauty that is worth planting in your garden! During flowering it surprises with huge flowers different shades, simple and semi-double.

Depending on the chosen variety, the flowers can be painted white, pistachio, raspberry, coral, burgundy, purple colors. But its decorativeness does not end there. The tree peony has openwork, carved leaves, which turn red and burgundy in autumn.

Against this background, most flower garden plants look advantageous and brighter.

For full development and regular flowering, peonies require a sunny place with light partial shade, protected from wind and drafts. IN planting pits pour gravel, broken brick, sand as drainage, since stagnation of moisture in the roots can destroy the plant.

  • Green Jade
  • Hatsugarasu
  • Noblewoman
  • Colorful Painting
  • Sing Yu Name
  • Hus Red


Hydrangea looks great as a single plant against the background of a neat lawn, in a free-style flowering hedge and in group plantings. Hydrangea can even be a standard tree!

It's blooming amazing plant from the beginning of June until autumn with huge round caps or clusters of inflorescences. By the way, if you cut them and put them in a vase, they will not wither, but dry out and will decorate your home for a long time.

For good development And abundant flowering For hydrangeas, choose a place to plant in partial shade and provide regular watering. Hydrangea especially loves water, it is not without reason that its second name is Hydrangea (a vessel with water).

The soil for a hydrangea bush should be fertile, loose and acidic (or slightly acidic).

Advice: mulch the root zone of the hydrangea with forest pine litter, pine bark, and cones. This will acidify the soil and protect the soil from drying out during the hot summer.

Hydrangea paniculata:

  • Vanille Fraise
  • Wim's Red
  • Silver Dollar
  • Grandiflora
  • Pinky Winky
  • Lime Light

Hydrangea Macrophylla:

  • Hovaria Mirai
  • Forever and ever


  • Annabelle
  • Bella Anna
  • Pink Annabelle


Spiraea, depending on the variety and variety, look different and bloom at different times. This nuance can and should be used when the device is continuously blooming garden. Spiraea is unpretentious and grows well without special conditions.

Plant in spring flowering varieties Together with summer-flowering ones, from May until the coldest weather you will enjoy the beauty and aroma of spirea. By the way, spirea is a famous honey plant.

Spring flowering spirea:

  • Thunberg
  • oakleaf
  • Arguta
  • gray
  • Van Gutta

Summer flowering spirea:

  • Japanese( Nana, Little Princess, Golden Princess, Dart's Red, Shirobana)
  • white-flowered Macrophylla
  • Boumalda ( Anthony Waterer, Gold Flame)
  • Billard ( Triumphans)

To maintain a beautiful appearance and neatly shaped spirea require pruning. Sanitary pruning is used for spring-flowering varieties, removing old and damaged branches. Mature bushes of summer-flowering varieties are pruned in early spring at a level of 30 cm from the ground. This allows you to maintain the shape of the bush and prevent it from falling apart.

Forsythia (forsythia)

Forsythia is an early flowering shrub that becomes covered with bright yellow bells as early as March and blooms until April. The flowers are located on bare branches and completely cover them.

Actually, during flowering, forsythia resembles a fluffy, golden fountain. In autumn, the leaves of the shrub turn bright colors, even purple. This decoration is a must have in your garden.

Forsythia grows well in fertile, loose soils, sunny areas and partial shade. It is better not to plant it in the shade, as it will bloom and develop much weaker.

The forsythia bush quickly recovers even after drastic pruning, so it is often used to create a hedge. Conifers can be good companions for forsythia.

They mainly grow: ovoid (oval), hanging (F. suspensa) and intermediate (F. intermedia) forsythia, and in the southern regions - European (F. europaea), Giralda (F. giraldiana) and many other varieties.

Published by DecorateMe. Updated 27 Feb 2019.

An integral part beautiful garden are ornamental shrubs. You can use them to create a hedge, decorate the area in front of your house with them, or zone the area in your dacha. It is advisable to select plants so that the flowering of one follows the flowering of another, and flowering bushes coexisted with decorative leaves. It is important to take into account the requirements of each shrub for climatic conditions Bashkiria and choose zoned varieties and species. Such plants will not require care special effort, and they will decorate the garden all season long.

Criteria for selecting shrubs for growing in the garden

Before planting in the garden perennials, you should familiarize yourself with which of them are suitable for growing in Bashkiria.

Basic requirements that shrubs must meet:

  • the ability to winter with minimal losses;
  • drought resistance;
  • wind resistance.

The climate of Bashkiria is distinguished by its stability. The main part of Bashkortostan is located in the southern part of the Urals, where the continental climate prevails. Winter is frosty, without sudden jumps and temperature changes. In winter, thermometer readings are rarely below minus 20–22°C. The snow cover is sufficient to prevent freezing of the roots of perennial frost-resistant plants.

Temperatures below zero are established at the end of October, and their rise begins in the first ten days of April. Return frosts are possible until mid-May; in rare cases they occur until the end of the month. When choosing shrubs, it is better to plant late-blooming varieties so that frost does not spoil the beauty of the plants during flowering.

In summer there is little precipitation, so it is preferable to choose plants that are not demanding on the watering regime. There is almost no heat in the summer. average temperature 20-23°C.

Due to the proximity to the steppes of Kazakhstan and the Orenburg region, there are strong winds in the summer. It is better not to plant shrubs with brittle shoots.

The main criterion when selecting plants is that it is important to base it not only on decorative qualities, but also on adaptability to the climatic conditions of the region. Frost resistance and drought resistance will allow the shrubs to bloom beautifully and decorate the garden with minimal care. Other plants may require winter cover and constant watering.

Beautiful flowering shrubs

Unpretentious flowering shrubs:

  • spirea;
  • lilac;
  • mock orange();
  • viburnum buldenezh;
  • bloodroot;
  • honeysuckle honeysuckle (liana).

These shrubs are winter hardy, easy to propagate and require watering only in hot weather.

Spiraea is unpretentious and hardy. It can withstand frosts down to -30°, and tolerates drought easily. To prevent flowering from being short, it is advisable to water the bushes once every 10 days. If the area is fertile, there is no need to feed the plant. On poor soils, fertilizing every three years is sufficient.

Spiraea has many varieties. It can be short, about 60 cm, and tall, up to 2 meters. Branches can be erect or drooping. It blooms very profusely, the flowering period lasts up to three weeks. The flowers are collected in caps or panicles, the color is white, yellowish, pink or crimson.

Depending on the species, spirea blooms on the shoots of the current or last year. When pruning, this must be taken into account:

  • bushes, blooming in spring on last year's shoots, prune immediately after flowering;
  • If spirea blooms in summer, then the shoots should be pruned in early spring.

If you plant several varieties of spirea at your dacha, the flowering will occur in waves from May to July.

Lilac blossoms begin at the end of May. The plant tolerates frosty winters, cold winds, and during drought it requires watering twice a month.

Lilac produces a lot of shoots, so it is suitable for growing as a hedge. A single plant is formed as a bush or tree:

  • No more than 7 strong shoots are left for the bush, the rest of the shoots are cut out annually;
  • 1-3 shoots are left for the tree. To form a stem, the lower branches are constantly pruned at a height of up to 1 meter.

For annual abundant flowering, the faded tips of the shoots are cut out. This should be done immediately after flowering, before seeds form on the brushes. When pruning late next year there will be no flowering.

Common lilac enjoys success. Its flowers are simple and double, the color is white, lilac, purple, the racemes are erect and drooping.

If space at the dacha allows, then in addition to this, it is recommended to plant Hungarian lilac. It blooms later, after the flowers on ordinary lilacs begin to dry out. Overgrowth hungarian lilac does not give, which makes caring for her easier.

Garden jasmine is known to many as mock orange. The bushes are covered with snow-white flowers in early June. Having planted several different types, you can create a wave of flowering from June to August.

The varieties with simple flowers, which have a delightful aroma, begin to bloom first.

Then they bloom terry species mock orange Small flowers cover the entire plant; green foliage is sometimes invisible because of them. Terry species have almost no aroma.

For abundant flowering, it requires a sunny position, watering during droughts and pruning. Thickening, broken and old branches are pruned at the end of summer.

Fertilize mock orange once every two years. The plant responds well to feeding with mullein infusion, wood ash and complex mineral fertilizer.

Kalina buldenezh will not leave anyone indifferent. For a whole month it is covered with large white balls, each of which consists of many small flowers. The flowering is so abundant that under the weight of the flowers the shoots bend to the ground.

Buldenezh grows in the form of a bush with several trunks. The maximum height can be up to 2.5 meters. To create a beautiful shape, pruning is carried out annually, immediately after the flowers fall off. Later pruning is unacceptable, because then shoots from flower buds and next year there will be no flowering.

To ensure plant stability, the trunks are tied together; sometimes support may be required. Viburnum loves sunny places; partial shade is allowed for several hours. During drought it is necessary to water.

It overwinters well, but sometimes some of the shoots may freeze out. They are cut out. This does not affect the decorativeness of the plant.

Tree hydrangea preserves decorative properties until winter. The flowers are collected in caps; after light frosts the petals become translucent.

Grows best in partial shade. In bright sun, flowers become smaller and are not formed on every shoot.

Prune in early spring, after leaves begin to appear. At this time, it is noticeable whether there are frozen or dried branches.

In dry weather, regular watering is required.

Cinquefoil bush grows up to 1 meter, some specimens can be slightly higher. Its decorative properties are that the crown is dense, in the form of a ball, and forms itself without pruning. The entire bush is strewn with small flowers of yellow or pinkish-orange color.

In a sunny place it blooms for two months, starting at the end of June. It is advisable that in the midday heat the shadow from nearby plants falls on the cinquefoil.

In dry summers, abundant watering is required once a week. Pruning is necessary sanitary. It is carried out in the spring, cutting out broken and dried shoots.

Honeysuckle honeysuckle is a perennial flowering vine. They are used for vertical gardening, a garter and direction of the lashes are required.

Blooms in late spring or early summer. Flowers of unusual shape, white-pink or yellow. Pleasant aroma can be felt several meters away.

Abundant flowering is possible in bright sun; in the shade it forms more leaves than flowers. It can withstand drought for some time.

Winter-hardy, shoots rarely freeze. If this happens, they should be trimmed. In a year, the lashes grow by 1 meter.

Closer to autumn, orange round fruits are formed. They decorate the plant, but are not suitable for food.

Next to beautifully flowering plants in the dacha, decorative ones that differ unusual shape or the color of the foliage.

These shrubs include:

  • derain;
  • barberry;
  • vesicular carp.

Derens - the variety of these shrubs never ceases to amaze. Their decorative properties are expressed not only in foliage of unusual colors, which range from light green to variegated. In winter, shoots of some species stand out against the background of white snow. They can be red, green, bright yellow or salmon in color.

Derain is frost-resistant, the shoots are flexible and do not break from strong winds and the severity of the snow. Tolerates both drought and excessive soil moisture.

To maintain a compact shape, part of the branches is cut out every two years. Remove the oldest or weakest branches.

To create a hedge, edible barberry is planted. The height of the bushes is up to 2.5 meters, and the thorny thorns make the thickets difficult to pass. Its leaves are green. By autumn they turn yellow and do not fall off for a long time. Long clusters of bright red berries decorate the plant all winter. Some of the fruits are eaten by birds in winter.

To decorate the site, decorative leaf species of barberry are planted. Their color can be yellowish, crimson, brown. In many varieties, leaves do not fall off in winter or only some of them fall off. There are plants with erect shoots and arched ones that droop to the ground.

All types of barberry are winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Sanitary pruning is required - to remove dried branches.

This plant is different beautiful color foliage. Popular are bladderwracks with light green and burgundy leaves. Blooms for a short time small flowers collected in balls or hats. Due to the many stamens, the inflorescences appear fluffy.

Drought-resistant, occasionally requires watering in dry weather. Winter-hardy. Only the tops of the shoots can freeze, which quickly recover after pruning.

The bush is grown compact or in the form of a fountain. The compact shape is achieved by pruning all shoots at a height of 40-50 cm. The upper buds quickly begin to grow.

If you cut out part of the weak shoots at the base, the remaining branches will stretch upward, and their upper part will bend into different sides, which will give the bush a beautiful fountain shape.


Variety of species and varieties unpretentious shrubs allows you to design garden plot so that it will be beautiful throughout the season. Properly selected plants make the garden bloom from May to September, and decorative leaves shrubs add brightness and contrast.

It is difficult to imagine a garden or cottage without shrubs. There are a lot of varieties of these representatives of the flora - flowering, evergreen, decorative deciduous, fruit, coniferous. Each subspecies will take its rightful place in the design of different corners of your favorite dacha. This article will discuss flowering shrubs, perennials, photos with names, use, and agricultural technology.

Ornamental shrubs are designed to decorate garden and park areas and recreation areas. They organically combine with each other, with trees, annual and perennial flowers. These plants are divided into groups depending on growth, habit, flowering time, bud color, and winter hardiness. These parameters will definitely be discussed in the article when describing each type.

When creating any composition, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of the plant - lighting, groundwater level, strength and speed of growth, moisture requirement.

Remember! The structure of the neighbor's root system is of great importance; the tree and bush should not compete for food and moisture.

Select varieties with different flowering periods, then the dacha will be decorated throughout the season. Harmoniously fit the selected instance into landscape design Specialists will help you, but you can do it yourself using special computer programs. From a practical point of view, shrubby perennials will help solve the following problems:

  • in the form of a hedge they will protect the area from dust;
  • will help to zone the territory;
  • will cope with camouflaging unsightly corners of the garden, dilapidated fences and buildings;
  • decorate any corner of the dacha - flower bed, lawn, alpine hill;
  • curb along the path;
  • empty piece of land near artificial pond.

The correct choice of planting location will eliminate many problems and provide the bush with optimal conditions for the development and disclosure of the potential inherent in nature itself. We will definitely note some subtleties of growing certain species in the description of plants.

Spring flowering shrubs with photos

Early flowering shrubby perennials are the first to open the season. They give gardeners their delicate bouquets, as if congratulating us on the arrival of spring. By attracting pollinators, they will greatly benefit other garden inhabitants. The most popular representatives of this group are recognized:

  • spirea;
  • action;
  • weigela.


Different types of spirea bloom in spring or summer. This shrub forms a beautiful growth of flexible shoots. During flowering, the branches droop under the weight of paniculate inflorescences, the bush becomes like a fountain. The height of the plant is up to two meters, the inflorescences are 3-7 cm in diameter. The color of the corollas of spring spirea is snow-white, while that of summer spirea is pink. Spring varieties bloom by the end of May, the decorative period is 2-3 weeks. Summer subspecies bloom longer, which, with proper arrangement, allows for continuous budding.

On a note! By autumn, spirea dresses up in yellow and orange tones, giving bright colors to the garden decoration.

Spiraea grows well in sunny areas, is hardy, frost-resistant, and is easily propagated by seed and vegetative methods. Every spring, the bush is subjected to sanitizing pruning and fertilizers are applied. Spring-flowering varieties are pruned after flowering, summer varieties - with the arrival of spring.


Deutzia is in many ways similar to spirea, it forms shoots 0.5-3 m high. The crown can be spreading or erect. Flowering begins early, the bush is densely covered with bunches of bell-shaped flowers. The corollas are painted pink or snow-white, and there is no smell at all. Deutzia is excellent as a soloist, complementing tree and shrub groups.

The shoots freeze out almost to the ground every year, so the crop requires reliable air-dry shelter. Frozen branches are cut to a healthy area, and the crown is periodically thinned. In general, deytsia is very unpretentious, loves sunlight, grows on any soil, drought-resistant.

Know! Deytsia quickly restores frozen shoots; in place of the cut branch, a new one will appear, which may bloom this season.


Weigela is a guest from Asia who has a heat-loving character and a sophisticated appearance. The shoots reach a height of 1.5-2.0 m, the crown span is up to 3.5 m. The culture is characterized by remontancy - the first flowering is observed in mid-May, and again by the end of summer. The decorative period lasts 30 days. Weigela flowers are highly decorative, have bell-shaped corollas of white, cream, red or pink. The autumn attire of the crop is also beautiful; different varieties change the color of the foliage to scarlet and yellow. Variegated weigela hybrids have been developed.

In the middle zone, weigela will need reliable shelter. It grows well in sunny places, protected from gusts of wind. Culture prefers nutritious soil, not prone to waterlogging. The shoots need to be trimmed after flowering; trimming is carried out every 2-3 years.

Long-flowering varieties

Among gardeners, shrubby perennials with a long decorative period are especially valued. They are often planted as soloists or the center of a group composition. Low-growing, long-flowering bushes are appropriate for alpine roller coaster, along fences and curbs

To make your favorite corner of the garden happy for a long time beautiful flowers against a background of greenery, give preference to the following perennials:

  • buddleia;
  • kalmia;
  • bladder


This beautiful perennial is often compared to lilac, although the buds appear towards the end of summer. The bush reaches a height of 2-3 m and grows very quickly. The habit is spreading with branches drooping from the weight of the flower caps. Purple flowers are collected in spike-shaped racemes up to 40 cm long, with a thick honey aroma. The decorative period lasts 30-40 days. Buddleia attracts a lot of pollinators to the garden, but butterflies like it the most. Propagates well by cuttings and seeds. It looks harmonious next to St. John's wort, mock orange, and snow grass.

Advice! The lush vegetation of buddleia will perfectly disguise the unsightly corners of the dacha; the plants look organic in a group of 3-4 individuals.

Buddleia is light-loving and demanding of the nutritional content of the substrate. The culture loves abundant watering and mineral supplements. At the end of the season, a radical haircut is carried out, removing aboveground part to a level of 5 cm. The root collar is covered with dry peat.

Kalmia angustifolia

Kalmiya – amazing evergreen shrub, reaching a height of 1-1.5 m. The leaves are elongated-lanceolate, 5-6 cm long. The shape of the corolla is cup-shaped and funnel-shaped, diameter 10 mm. They are painted in shades of pink, white petals are less common. Flowers are collected in umbrellas. Kalmiya is decorative for a month, from mid-June.

For growing Kalmia, a lightly shaded area is preferable; in winter, direct sunlight is dangerous for evergreen foliage. With the arrival of cold weather, the root collar is mulched with peat. The crop is demanding on soil moisture; drainage is provided during planting. In summer, watering 2 times a month, fertilizing is applied three times a season. Kalmias will delight gardeners with strong immunity.


The name of this shrub comes from the shape of the fruit, which resembles the swim bladder of a fish. A large representative of the flora, up to 4 m tall, has pubescent shoots. The foliage is imparipinnate up to 15 cm long. The flowers are moth-shaped (like peas), up to 2 cm long, yellow, orange or reddish in color. The decorative period is from the beginning of summer until the end of the season. In autumn, the foliage turns yellow and crimson. The bean fruits look very original; the bladderwort is magnificent in combination with white acacias.

On a note! Bubblewort is suitable for forming a beautiful hedge.

The bladderwort has a rapid growth rate; after pruning and freezing, it rapidly grows new shoots. Winter hardiness is not high enough; it requires covering the horse's neck with spruce branches. Cultivation in regions with mild climates is preferable. The culture is photophilous and grows well even on poor soil.

Autumn flowering varieties

Bright leaves of decorative deciduous species mark the imminent end of the season. In autumn we often contemplate the withering of nature, but there are plants that can breathe life into autumn landscape and please with flowering at the end of the season:

  • heather;
  • cletra;
  • Ceanothus.


Decorative varieties of heather form low perennial bushes up to 70 cm in height. The dense crown consists of small scaly foliage. The leaves are triangular, sessile, dark green in color. Heather is an evergreen species and forms one-sided tassels of a pink or lilac hue. The length of the brush is up to 20 cm, a valuable honey plant. Decorative from mid-summer to 60 days. The growth rate is low and is durable.

When planting, drainage is required; heathers love an acidic peat substrate. It requires irrigation on hot days; evening spraying is recommended. The planting site is chosen with openwork partial shade. In the central zone, the root collar will need to be covered with peat for the winter, and the shoots will be covered with spruce branches.

Advice! Buy heather seedlings only in containers; this shrub lives due to symbiosis with a fungus.

Cletra alnifolia

Cletra is a relative of heather, but forms tall growth of two meters in height. The moisture-loving culture is ideal for planting in lowlands and near artificial ponds. Decorative from mid-summer to late September. Small white or pink flowers are collected in lush fragrant clusters, similar to bird cherry inflorescences. A bright yellow autumn dress pleases the eye until the first frost.

Cletra is demanding on soil acidity; it needs acidic soil with pH 4.0-5.5. Pruning is carried out in spring or autumn. Young animals require mandatory shelter for the winter.

Ceanothus (redroot)

The name of the genus comes from the Latin word for “blue.” The plant is named redroot for the natural scarlet dye it contains in its roots. The bush reaches a height of 3 m, the crown is dense. The flowers are large, collected in umbrellas or panicles. The inflorescences are colored blue, white or pink. Most species are heat-loving, so the crop is grown in Ukraine, the Black Earth Region, and Belarus. The decorative period is long - from July to the end of September.

Ceanothus are planted in the warmest and sunniest corner of the garden. It is demanding on the nutritional content of the substrate and needs good drainage. It blooms on the shoots of the current year; severe frost does not prevent the ceanothus from blooming luxuriantly.

Important! Cover the root collar well before the onset of cold weather.

The best flowering species of shrubs for the southern regions of Russia with names and photos

The predominant climate type in Russia is moderate continental, but in the south of the country it becomes milder. Most heat-loving plants winter quietly here without shelter, although some sissies still freeze slightly. In the south of Russia the following species feel great:

  • calicanth;
  • wisteria;
  • hibiscus.


Calicanthus is a large bush up to 3 meters high. It blooms at the end of May with large buds up to 7 centimeters in diameter. The color of the corolla is red-brown; in the middle of the flower there are up to 30 stamens. The fruit of Calicantha looks like rose hips. The plant has fragrant flowers and leaves. Sometimes secondary flowering is observed in mid-September. Based on the original species, many garden forms with variegated foliage have been developed. Calicanthus is shade-tolerant, but its frost resistance is very low.


Wisteria (pictured) is a deciduous vine native to East Asia. This plant can be grown as a tree, bush, or standard form. Widely distributed in the Crimea and the Caucasus, it will winter in Kyiv only with reliable shelter. The liana can reach a length of 15-20 m, the leaves are large, imparipinnate. Small light lilac or white flowers are collected in long loose clusters. Wisteria blooms in the spring, but individual tassels remain throughout the summer.

Wisterias are characterized by a rapid growth rate; the vine can entangle any support. The decorative quality of the crop directly depends on the climate; lack of heat will affect the intensity of flowering. Wisteria requires a sunny area, protected from cold winds. In order for it to form powerful growth, it will require a nutrient substrate with an acidic or neutral environment. To extend the decorative period, abundant watering is required. Cultivation in pots is allowed, which is achieved through formative pruning. In March, the vine is pruned, leaving 2-3 buds on young shoots.


The Syrian variety of hibiscus (ketmia) is used for landscaping in the Crimea, Moldova, the Caucasus, and Kuban. Hibiscus reaches a height of 5-6 m and sheds its leaves in the winter. The leaf blades are ovoid, up to 10 cm long. Single flowers can be funnel-shaped or resemble double rose. The color of the petals is varied; hibiscus can bloom in waves throughout the season.

By pruning, hibiscus can be given the shape of a standard tree or bush. The culture blooms from the end of July until the first frost. Hibiscus is photophilous and needs a lot of heat and moisture.

Important! When applying fertilizing, the formation of more buds.

Winter-hardy perennial shrubs for the Urals - names and photos

In the Ural climate there is no place for sissies, and I really want the yard to be decorated with flowering bushes. Nature itself took care of some representatives of the flora, endowing them with endurance and frost resistance. Such plants, even in harsh climates, do not require shelter for the winter. Ural summer residents grow the following shrubby perennials:

Park rose (shrub) and rosehip

Park roses are highly decorative and frost-resistant, which they inherited from their wild relatives - rose hips. The height of the shoots is up to 2.5 m, the shoots are covered with thorns. Rose hips bloom in early summer, and park roses will delight bright inflorescences throughout the summer. Most rose hips simple flowers of 5 petals, colored pink.

Scrubs have a wide palette of petal colors. The inflorescences differ in size and degree of terry. The crop has a powerful root system; when planting, the hole is equipped with drainage. Plants are photophilous and tolerate light shading. They do not require special care. Formative pruning is carried out every 2 years; in hot weather, the bushes are watered 3-4 times per season.

Remember! To maintain high decorativeness, it is recommended to apply organic fertilizer three times.

Steppe almond (legume)

This compact deciduous shrub forms a spherical crown 1.5 m high. The shoots are erect, red-brown with numerous branches. The foliage is dense, elongated-lanceolate, 4-6 cm long. The flowers are located in the axils of the leaves and consist of five bright pink petals. Almonds bloom at the end of spring, the flowers densely cover the branches. Decorative for 7-10 days.

Almonds do not tolerate even light shading, are winter-hardy, and unpretentious. It has many advantages - drought resistance, easy propagation, winter hardiness, ease of formation. Organic fertilizing is applied in the spring and superphosphate in early autumn. It looks very impressive in a group of 3-5 specimens and harmonizes perfectly with coniferous trees.

Rhododendron Daurian

An evergreen plant 2-4 meters tall. The shoots are erect with light gray bark and slight pubescence. The leaves are small, oval in shape. The length of the plate is 2-3 cm, the surface is leathery. With the arrival of autumn, the dark green color changes to brown-red. The leaves partially overwinter. Large funnel-shaped flowers reach a diameter of 4 cm; they abundantly cover the shoots before the young leaves bloom. The color of the petals is pink-violet, the decorative effect lasts up to 3 weeks. Repeated budding is often observed in the fall.

Advice! Daurian rhododendron prefers slight shade from coniferous trees. In winter, it needs protection from the sun, prefers acidic substrates, and is responsive to fertilizing.

Unpretentious shrubs for the Moscow region

The sharply continental climate of Central Russia negatively affects the health of heat-loving species, so summer residents meticulously prepare them for winter. Some of the species listed above winter well in this climatic zone; the following bushes also deserve attention:

  • mock orange;
  • barberry;
  • Bladderwort viburnum.


The shoots reach a height of two meters, the crown is dense. Leaves are up to 10 cm long, oval in shape. Flower brushes contain 5-9 cream-colored buds. The shape of the corolla is glass-shaped, the aroma is rich jasmine. It blooms in mid-summer, budding lasts 2-3 weeks. Variegated hybrids have been developed, a very popular perennial.

Weak shoots are subject to severe shortening. Mock orange loves sunny areas and nutritious soil with deep groundwater. Organic and mineral fertilizers are applied twice a season.


The variegated forms of barberry are an excellent decoration for a dacha, but this shrub also blooms very beautifully. The bush develops shoots with a diameter and height of up to 3.5 m. The leaves are small and round. Flowering from the end of May, duration 2-3 weeks. The buds are yellow, very fragrant, collected in long clusters. The autumn color of the foliage depends on the variety; bright scarlet inedible fruits add decorative value to barberries.

Know! Barberry is unpretentious, care consists of: spring pruning, fertilizing once every 3-4 years, irrigation if necessary.

Bladderwort viburnum

A lush bush 1.5-2.5 m high, the crown is dense, the foliage is 3-4 cm long. The blade consists of 3-5 oval lobes with a jagged edge. In autumn the leaves turn golden and there are many variegated hybrids. The flowers are collected in lush inflorescences, the color of the petals is pink or white, decorative for 2-3 weeks in July. It does not tolerate waterlogging, does not require special care, and tolerates gas pollution and smoke. Propagated by cuttings and dividing the queen cell.

Tall flowering shrubs

Planning garden composition, some are faced with a small selection of tall shrubby perennials. They are usually planted along fences and buildings to protect the garden from dust and prying eyes. You can plant tall varieties in the background of a massive group composition. The following will help you in implementing your landscape project:

  • lilac;
  • viburnum boule de neige;
  • honeysuckle.


A large shrubby perennial with thick trunks and a lush crown. Height from 2 to 8 m, leaves ovate with a pointed tip, dark green, length up to 10 cm. Color leaf blades persists until leaf fall; in warm regions the foliage overwinters. Small fragrant buds are collected in lush pyramidal inflorescences of paniculate type. Lilac blooms at the end of spring, after 3 weeks the flowers fall off. The color of the petals is violet or lilac, less often white.

Lilac grows well in sunny areas. It is sensitive to waterlogging, so the planting hole is equipped with drainage. Irrigation is carried out as needed, fertilizing is applied annually. Easily amenable to formative pruning.

Remember! It is unacceptable to plant lilacs in lowlands.

Viburnum Boule de neige

Decorative variety of viburnum " Snowball"Has a high decorative effect. It has beautiful leaves that will turn purple in the fall. Lush spherical inflorescences consist of sterile buds. Blooms towards the end of spring, decorative for 2-3 weeks. Magnificent as a standard tree.

The culture is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, endurance and frost resistance. Needs to preventive treatments from insects. Prefers a sunny place, acidic and moist soil. Looks great near an artificial pond, requires frequent watering and fertilization. It reproduces only vegetatively and requires rejuvenation every 5-6 years (pruning to the stump).


Honeysuckle is famous among gardeners healthy berries and high decorative qualities. The spherical bush reaches a height and diameter of 2-4 m, the shoots are reddish, the leaves are elongated-lanceolate. It blooms in early spring and is a valuable honey plant. Small yellowish flowers look like paired bells. Corolla length 10-12 mm. Flowering lasts 10-12 days, by the end of June the blue berries ripen.

On a note! Honeysuckle is a completely winter-hardy shrub. She is unpretentious and needs frequent watering, shade-tolerant.

Blooming yellow bushes

Bushes with yellow flowers attract attention, lift your spirits, and inspire joy. They will become a bright spot among the usual white and pink flowers and will fit harmoniously next to decorative foliage crops.

To create a bright composition you can use:

  1. Forsythia ovata (ovate)- an early flowering shrubby perennial 1.5-2 m tall. Bright yellow bell-shaped corollas with a diameter of 15-20 mm open before the foliage appears, immediately after the snow melts. Flowering ends after 3 weeks, after which a third of each shoot is removed. The care is standard, only the Forsythia ovata species is winter-hardy.
  2. Cinquefoil. Kuril tea easily adapts to any growing conditions. Low bushes (up to 80 cm) with erect or creeping shoots, small plates, consisting of 3-5 pairs of ovoid leaves. The flowers are simple, there are five petals, the corolla color is usually yellow, in varietal varieties it is pink or red. Winter hardiness is high, decorative all season. Formation once every 3 years, the soil must be mulched. Needs shading and good drainage.
  3. Yellow acacia. The height of the bush is 2-3 m, the foliage is openwork, 5-7 cm long. The corolla is moth-shaped, the buds are yellow and large. Fragrant axillary inflorescences contain 2-3 flowers. Decorative from the beginning of June for 2-3 weeks. Acacia is an absolutely unpretentious and completely winter-hardy perennial.


Flowering shrubs are an excellent design tool. personal plot. By arranging the types of perennials, you can create a magnificent ensemble, and photos with names and brief description will definitely help with this.

When arranging a flower garden or personal plot, gardeners try to choose plants that are short in stature, resistant to frost, and also have very beautiful flowering. Today, such cultures are represented in a wide variety. Each plant has its own requirements for cultivation and care, and also has certain varietal characteristics.



If you have ever observed the flowering of this crop, then you were able to notice how beautiful its buds are. The bush is distinguished by voluminous flowers that have a spherical shape. They can be presented in different colors. To get brighter flowering, you need to plant hydrangea in soil with high acidity.


The plant blooms from August to September. You can plant hydrangea even in partial shade, and it is not afraid of frost. But you can’t place the crop in dry and calcareous soil. But how planting and caring for Hydrangea seeds in Siberia occurs is described in great detail in this

Derain white

This bush is famous for its brightly colored red crown. There are several types of turf. Some of them form white flowers, while others are multi-colored. To keep the bark of the crop bright, the bushes must be pruned short every year. The shoots should be just a few centimeters above the soil. If the bush is formed correctly, it forms expanding thickets.

Derain white

Deciduous barberries

This bush is highly resistant to frost and easy to care for. The leaves can turn yellow, green, red and purple. Any soil is suitable for growing barberry, as well as a sunny or shaded place. The bushes are easy to prune, but this is not necessary. It is enough to remove damaged and dried branches in the spring.

Deciduous barberries

The height of the bush can be 60 cm - 2 m. The plant is unpretentious and amazes with the extensive colors of the leaves. Barberries can be used in different ways: for planting on hills, slopes or for creating hedges. The plant can also act as a background and edge.

It will also be interesting to learn about how Budleya is grown from seeds:

It grows well in sun and partial shade. Culture is resistant to winter frosts and does not require shelter. Spiraea can have different sizes, bush shapes and leaf colors. Due to these qualities, you can plant a garden with only spirea.

Cinquefoil shrub

This bush can have several names at once - Kuril tea, cinquefoil bush and five-leaf plant. Due to large quantity Potentilla acquires small flowers attractive appearance. Most often, gardeners purchase a plant with yellow flowers.

Cinquefoil shrub

Flowers can be solitary or collected in racemes. The foliage of the plant is decorative and has a bright green color. When growing cinquefoil, it is necessary to take into account that it does not tolerate dry air well.

The height of the bush reaches 1-1.5 m. When choosing a place for cinquefoil, it is necessary to ensure that it is well lit. The plant is drought-resistant, but watering should still be regular and moderate. Cinquefoil can withstand temperatures of -40 degrees. The plant can be used to create borders or low hedges. For all lovers of beautiful and green plants, it is worth turning your attention to the horizontal juniper Blue Chip, and how planting occurs.

Bladderwort viburnum

This bush is low growing. It is frost-resistant. Leaves may turn golden and purple color. During and after the flowering period, instead of flowers, clusters of red fruits are formed.

Bladderwort viburnum

The height of the bush can reach 1-3 m. The bush begins to bloom in early summer, and flowering lasts 20 days. The culture is unpretentious in care, loves drought and is shade tolerant. But it is better to plant in an area that is illuminated sun rays. This is the only way the leaves can maintain their brightness. The plant can be used to create hedges and single plantings.


Mahonia is a beautiful ornamental bush with glossy leaves and fragrant flowers. The smell during flowering of mahonia is very similar to lilies of the valley, but the resulting berries can be used for food or making wine. Incredible to watch beautiful flowers possible in November-March, and it will persist even during severe frosts.

The crop is planted in the shade of trees. You can combine several bushes. Before they come winter cold, Mahonia must be insulated with pine needles or spruce branches.

Under the influence of the spring sun, the leaves of the plant may become scorched. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to protect the bush from direct sun penetration in the first few weeks.

As you can see, there is a wide variety of low-growing and frost-resistant bushes today. Each of them requires certain conditions for growing and during care. Nevertheless, they all have incredibly beautiful flowering. Of course, they can be any color, so you can use several different cultures to get an original and colorful flower bed.

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