So, first of all, we need to find out which flowers are best to choose for planting in the spring season. In March you can already work with crocuses, snowdrops, hyacinths and scillas. If you want your plants to delight you with their flowering from the very beginning of the season, you can first plant them at home in containers and then simply transplant them into a flowerbed. The main thing is that there should be a stable warm weather– no frosts at night, which will destroy the seedlings.

Among the annuals, verbena, dahlias, pansies and cloves. Experienced gardeners advise paying attention to petunias, which are distinguished by their color variety and long flowering throughout the season. With proper care, they will be able to please you until the first frost. In addition, you can plant plants in pots or cache-pots, which can decorate any gazebo or attic. Begonias, fuchsias and hydrangeas, as well as climbing plants, are ideal for planting.

To make your site more well-groomed, you can decorate borders, for which it is better to use daisies, primroses, purslane - many of them will bloom at the beginning of the season and “live” until the first frost.

To get healthy and strong plants, you need to take complete seeds. Before planting, it is advisable to treat them with a solution of potassium permanganate for several minutes, especially when it comes to petunias and asters. And all because these flowers more often than others suffer from a disease such as black leg. After work, be sure to dry the seeds. Seeds should be sown in advance by preparing bowls or boxes, and the soil should be properly “worked with.”

To do this, we make a special substrate from humus, soil and sand. To plant seeds, we create small grooves along the entire perimeter of the box at a distance of 2 cm, after which we sow the seeds in each hole. Next, water the soil and sprinkle with a small layer of soil (up to 1 cm). To maintain moisture, cover the box with film or a piece of glass, and place the container itself in a warm and dark place. In order for the seeds to germinate, they also require air, a temperature around +20 ° C, and remove the film every few days to allow the plants to “breathe.” When the sprouts sprout, we place the box on the windowsill, where it is light, while removing the glass. Once a stable temperature has established at night, you can begin planting seedlings in the garden.

The larger the plant bulb, the stronger the flower itself will be in the future, and therefore you should carefully read the instructions, which are always present on the packaging with the seedling. Despite this, plants can still be susceptible to diseases and fungus, and therefore each bulb must be treated with a solution Fundazola or potassium permanganate for half an hour. It is also important to use fertilizers that will help make the flowers healthier.

Suitable for the spring season complex fertilizers, which can be bought at any store for summer residents. Wherein nutrients It is advisable to use it in liquid form, since this way they will penetrate “inside” the plant. It is important not to overdo it with feeding, because high level salt concentrations in the soil will lead to rotting and death of the bulb. Although many people believe that autumn is the ideal time for planting, spring is excellent for this.

The main thing is to make sure that the first green sprout appears from the bulb! Temperature is also important - it must not drop below +10 °C at night, otherwise the bulb will simply freeze. It is necessary to carefully prepare the soil so that the planting of bulbous flowers in the spring goes well. Thus, plants do not like excess moisture, and the ideal soil for them is considered medium-heavy and moisture-permeable. If your garden is dominated by sandy soil, you will need to add compost to it. If the soil is too dense and does not allow water to pass through well, be sure to make a small drainage layer of crushed stone and sand at the bottom of each hole.

Advice: when working with bulbous plants, never use fresh manure, which can cause fungus. When planting plants, make sure that the bulb is directed straight down, and that the roots of the plants do not bend and are laid evenly. If all work is carried out with love and with full responsibility, you will get an excellent one that will become the pride of the garden.

If you choose the right flowers for flower beds and front gardens, you can enjoy their bloom from spring until the first frost. Among these you can use perennials, annuals and bulbous plants. Very often flower growers do mixed flower beds, where flowers bloom in stages.

All the benefits of annual flowering plants

With the onset of the new season, many summer residents are interested in what flowers to plant in their dacha so that they bloom all summer long; they would also be interested in seeing photos of flower beds. Today we will talk about this in detail, and let's start with the benefits of annual flowers.

This type of flowering plants is preferred by gardeners who like to create flowerbeds with different designs every year. You can do this in the spring new flower bed or place flowerpots where they will appear this season bright colors colors. If you choose the right flowers according to flowering time, height and color range you can get a plot blooming with all the colors of summer with an extraordinary fragrance of flowers.

  • Long flowering periods;
  • The ability to create flower beds that will bloom this season;
  • Large selection of annual plants;
  • Annual flowers are practically not damaged by pests;
  • In the fall, you won’t have to worry about sheltering for the winter;
  • Possibility to change the type of summer cottage annually.

The most beautiful and abundantly blooming annual flowers for the garden

Photo blooming flowers for the dacha and their description will help you decide which of them to plant on your site.


These flowers grown by seedlings can bloom from the end of May until the first frost. Among them there are tall views from 80 to 120 cm, these include varieties “Hawaii”, “Eskimo”; medium-growing ones from 50-65 cm are “Gold Ball”, “Fighter”; the shortest plants are from 25 cm “Lemon Jam”, “Mimimix” and other varieties. In addition to their bright colors and beautiful lacy foliage, marigolds emit a scent essential oils which repels pests.



These are probably the most long-blooming, beautiful and unpretentious flowers for the garden. Every year, breeders develop new varieties and hybrids of these plants. Petunias can be used to decorate borders, low-growing flower beds, and flowerpots. For example, the multi-flowered species of these plants are not afraid of frequent rains and winds are not picky about the soil. The flowers of the plant are double, simple, semi-double, with fringed edges, single-color or two-color. Flower color can be white, hot pink, velvet black, red, yellow, purple.



The plant begins to bloom in June and ends when frost sets in, despite this it reproduces well by self-sowing. There are always a lot of flowers on the Eschscholzia bush, which makes the plant very colorful. The plant blooms in yellow, orange, pink and red shades. But the most popular variety is Peach Ice Cream, which has beautiful creamy, full flowers.



This flower is an unconditional worker that blooms all summer. Flowering begins two months after germination, so to get flowering in June, dimorphotheca is sown seedling method in early April. The bushes of the plant look spherical, reaching a height of 30-40 cm. Graceful flowers, white, orange, yellow color with a black center. Dimorphotheca can become a decoration for any flower garden; it is used in individual and joint plantings with other flowers, but it is necessary to take into account that the plant is drought-resistant and does not tolerate excess moisture.



It's low ground cover plants, which bloom all summer. Lobelia feels good both in the sun and in partial shade; it is planted as seedlings in early May. The flower can be used in flowerpots, small pots placed on the veranda, flower beds and garden beds. Flowers are colored blue, blue, purple, white pink tint. These flowers at the dacha, blooming all summer, certainly attract the admiring glances of guests at the dacha.


The benefits of perennial flowering plants

Perennial flowers that bloom all summer can grow in one flower bed for more than two years. Most species of these plants do not require special care and the first inflorescences begin to bloom before the annuals.

  • Plants do not need constant replanting;
  • They tolerate winters well;
  • Do not require additional care;
  • For summer months give beauty;
  • They are a good platform for creating a flower garden;
  • They reproduce well by division.

Perennial flowers are most often planted using bulbs or roots, less often with seeds.

Catalog of flowers for gardening perennial varieties

Phlox paniculata

These plants tolerate frost well and can grow in open and shaded areas. Phlox bloom profusely, forming lush caps of inflorescences. These plants form bushes in height from 60 to 100 cm. The shade of phlox flowers can be cornflower blue, purple, white, pink, red, orange. There are varieties that have two or three shades.

Phlox paniculata


These plants are easy to care for, and the variety of 25 species will allow you to create the most beautiful compositions. Daylilies can grow in one place for more than 10 years. The height of the bushes of these plants varies from 30 to 90 cm. The flowers are simple and double in various colors.



This plant begins to bloom in early June and ends late autumn when frosts begin. Yarrow is planted by seeds or rhizomes. The flowers are collected in small baskets, which together form racemose inflorescences. The flowers are colored yellow, pink, red, and White color, can be single-colored or double-colored. The plant grows quickly low-growing varieties can be used for planting as a lawn.



The Carpathian, Flax-leaved, and Spoon-leaved species bloom throughout the summer. Perennial bluebells can grow in one place for about 6-8 years. These plants overwinter well without special shelter. Spoonbellflower naturally grows in rocky, calcareous terrain, so it thrives in calcium-enriched areas in our gardens. Other species can be planted in neutral or slightly alkaline soils.


Armeria seaside

These flowers bloom all summer in the country, their height does not exceed 15 cm. These plants are used with great success to decorate rocky gardens, flower beds and as decoration for front gardens. Armeria tolerates winters well and grows in one place for five years. The flowers are painted in pink, lilac, and red shades.

Armeria seaside

Flowers that require minimal care

Not all summer residents manage to spend the whole summer on their plot, so I want to plant plants that would delight them with flowering and do not require frequent care. And so let’s look at the most unpretentious flowers for giving, photos and names.



Bright orange flowers, which will delight you all summer. Having planted them in one place, every year you will see strong shoots in the spring that have sprouted by self-sowing.
In addition to a bright flower bed, you will receive a medicinal plant.



Beautiful flowers give the area a real country style. Cornflower flowers are colored blue, light blue, purple, white and pink.



This flower can be used as hanging plant. It blooms with large yellow, orange and burgundy flowers. The leaves of this plant look no less decorative than the flowers.




There are many varieties and hybrids of this plant; large fragrant flowers will decorate any summer cottage.


Many people plant their flower beds with just about anything. Later, they are faced with problems such as the growth of bushes and flowers, the wrong color combination, the lack of a lawn, the need for additional garden space, and the occupancy of garden space. But it’s a shame to throw away flowers. And often there is no one to give it to. What remains? There is only one way out - to plan the design of the future flower garden in advance.

Gradually mastering floriculture in the country, beginners should know before planning:

  • varieties of flower plants;
  • location of the future flower garden;
  • necessary tools and devices that may be needed during the work process;
  • methods of grouping plants.

It is very important that the flower bed looks natural and represents one single whole, and not a collection of individual flower beds.

Ten basic rules of floriculture in the country for beginners

  1. Never over-water.
    Roots need not only water, but also air. promotes soil moisture. Keep in mind that intensive watering is death for some types of plants.
  2. Maintain winter rest.
    In winter, plants need rest. During this period they do not need watering or feeding.
  3. Don't be sad about the death of some plants.
    Flowers such as peonies, daffodils, tulips, chrysanthemums, roses are dug in for the winter, covered with fallen leaves and sawdust, providing conditions for a favorable winter. But there are cases when severe frosts do not save plants from the cold; their roots freeze, leading to the death of some species. Don't be sad about the loss of plants. It's not your fault. Literally all types of these plants (if they are healthy, of course) are frost-resistant and must adapt to adverse weather conditions.
  4. Maintain a humid atmosphere.
    Monitor air humidity. On hot days, water the plants deeply in the early morning and evening. Plant flowers taking into account the characteristics of their content. Heat-loving plants Plant in the sun, shade-loving ones in the shade. You can increase the humidity of plants that do not like water very much by spraying or fertilizing with wet water.
  5. Take the necessary measures in a timely manner.
    Troubles happen to both experienced plant growers and beginners. Small pests are easy to destroy as soon as they appear. Otherwise it will be much more difficult to deal with them. Learn to notice signs of plant disease in time.
  6. Plant plants in groups.
    Always plant plants in groups. This way, they will not only look better, but also require the same conditions of care, which will greatly simplify their care.
  7. Master transplantation technology.
    Typically, within one to two years after planting, many plants become less attractive. In such cases, it is enough to transplant them, feed them, or simply seat them.
  8. Select plants based on their conditions.
    Each plant develops in conditions suitable to it. Flower growers provide them with these conditions. Sometimes there are cases when beginners are unable to grow a shade-loving plant in the sun.
  9. Buy necessary equipment.
    According to floriculture at the dacha for beginners, a beginning florist should always have: fertilizers, pots for replanting plants, a watering can, a sprayer, supports and ropes, means to protect plants from pests, a spatula, old spoons and forks, a soft sponge, sand, pebbles.
  10. Learn to properly care for various plants.
    Proper care provides excellent conditions for the development of plants, stimulating their growth.

What plants are suitable for garden gardening?

With the arrival of spring, all flower growers, without exception, are concerned about the same question: “Which plants to choose for planting in the country?

Beginning gardeners sometimes get lost among the abundance of different packets of flower seeds on store shelves. Questions often come to their minds: “Which plants to choose for planting in a country flower bed?”, “How to care for them?”, “How to create favorable conditions for the development of flowers?

Annual plants are good because they bloom abundantly and are planted annually, which means that if the plant is not to your liking, next year you don't have to plant it.

With perennials it's different. They take root quickly, you can’t just throw them away, they are frost-resistant and not painful. When choosing which flowers to plant, consider the composition and quality of the soil summer cottage, as well as illumination land plot. For example, if the soil at the dacha is sandy, clarkia and dimorphotheca will take root well there; if it is very moist, choose mignonette, marigolds, morning glory, and marigolds (calendula). On alkaline soil, nasturtium, gillyflower, tobacco, poppy, etc. will delight you. These plants are perfect for planting near.

If a plant does not live more than two or three years, do not be sad. So it doesn't suit you. Don't plant it anymore. It’s better to choose some other varieties that will be more comfortable on your site.

How to plan a flower bed for a beginning gardener?

When planning a flower bed on a summer cottage, it is important to consider the following points:

  • Absolutely all plants turn their flowers towards the sun. To avoid “turned away” flowers, you should arrange the flowerbed on the south side.
  • When placing a flower bed nearby, keep in mind that the plants will be visible not only to you, but also to passers-by.
  • When sowing flowers in a flower bed, leave space between groups of plants. It’s better to let the flowerbed look free than for spreading flowers to cover their fellows.
  • When planning a flower bed, always take into account the type of plants, their height and care conditions. In addition, maintain a distance between flowers of the same type. Flower shoots that are too dense after sowing can be carefully dug up and transplanted to another place. Always consider the tendency of plants to transplant and choose the most favorable period for this.
  • If you come up with the idea of ​​collecting seeds of certain varieties of flowers, do it in advance, without putting it in a long box, because... next weekend the plant may bloom and disperse seeds, or merge with its brothers in the flower garden.
  • In order for plants (both perennial and perennial) to delight with their flowering for a long time, faded buds, fruits and ovaries should be periodically trimmed. This helps accelerate flower growth and stimulates re-blooming most plants. For example, lupine, delphinium, and Turkish carnation are best cut after all faded flowers have faded. After pruning, the plants will delight you with repeated flowering.
  • Do not sow an entire flowerbed with plants of the same type. When the flowers fade, the area will be empty and will look unsightly.
  • There are plants that close in cloudy and rainy weather. Take this detail into account when planning the landscaping of your summer cottage.
  • Make it a rule to plant bulbs next to perennials with vigorously growing foliage. In the spring, before the perennials have spread their foliage, the bulbous ones will show themselves in all their glory, then the perennials will cover the drying, faded plants with foliage, thereby preserving the beauty and design of the flowerbed.
  • Starting this summer, think about it for next year. Perhaps you liked your neighbors' flowers and want to grow the same ones next spring. Find out the varieties, care conditions, cost of flowers. Perhaps your neighbors will be happy to exchange some types of plants with you.

How to create a flowerbed of continuous flowering?

Effect continuous flowering can be achieved by planting annual and perennial flowers at the same time. In this case, flowering will be ensured from April-May until the first frost.

Perennial plants have a number of benefits. This is a one-time landing, easy care, easy transplantation, adaptation to living conditions, frost resistance.

Among perennial plants, irises and lupines take root well in the flowerbed; they are not picky Turkish cloves, lychnis, foxglove, eschscholzia, dahlias, gladioli, lilies, echinacea, cornflower, crocuses, hyacinths, astilbe, gaillardia, tulips, muscari, hazel grouse, bergenia, pushkinia, hellebores, iris, daylily, heuchera, daffodils, scillas, chionodox, nickname , hosta, peony. Remember that gladioli and dahlias should be dug up for the winter, because... they are afraid severe frosts. The remaining plants do not require replanting.

27 unpretentious flowers for floriculture in the country

To make it beautiful garden plot, beginning flower growers invest a lot of effort, money and time into creating original flower beds. Decorate your summer cottage unpretentious species Most people dream of plants that are not demanding on watering, care, and climate, but not everyone succeeds the first time. You can choose the right flowers by studying floriculture at your dacha, taking into account the location of the site and the seasonal decorativeness of the desired flower garden.

Among bulbous plants most loved by flower growers:

  • Iridodictiums;
  • muscari;
  • daffodils;
  • botanical tulips;
  • Chionodoxa;
  • Colchicum;
  • crocuses;
  • Pushkinia

More experienced flower growers they advise planting country flower beds beautiful flowering perennials, including:

  • aquilegia;
  • astilbe.

Having selected flowers of various colors that have different periods flowering and texture, from the astilbes themselves you can create an original flower garden. You can learn more about the nuances of planting and caring for astilbes by reading articles on the topic “Floriculture in the country for beginners.”

  • loosestrife;
  • periwinkle;
  • evening primrose;
  • perennial cornflower;
  • swimsuit;
  • geranium;
  • small petal;
  • doronicum;
  • Brunner;
  • purchased;
  • spurge;
  • lupine;
  • lungwort;
  • goldenrod;
  • catnip

Very loved by gardeners for their unpretentiousness, simplicity and care in growing such annual and biennial flowers as:

  • forget-me-nots;
  • calendula;
  • viola;
  • phacelia;
  • marigold;
  • cornflowers;
  • Turkish cloves;
  • daisies;
  • nasturtium.

As you can see, plants intended to create beautiful flower beds there are quite a lot of them in summer cottages. The list of plants can be supplemented with more and more new types of flowers. The whole difficulty lies only in the desire to create something beautiful and unique, the effort and time put in.

Floriculture for beginners (video)

A well-maintained flower garden is an excellent decoration for a summer cottage. Having planted unpretentious, and most importantly - beautiful flowering plants and shrubs, you can “refresh” even the most shabby dacha, allowing it to smell fragrant from June to October. So, all that remains is to choose which flowers to plant in your dacha, learn how to combine them correctly in flower beds and care for them.

Criteria for choosing flowers for a summer cottage

First of all, it is worth deciding on the flowering time and life expectancy of ornamental plants:

  • annual flowers;
  • biennial plants;
  • perennials.

The next one is quite a lot important criterionclimatic conditions. If some flowers grow well only in direct sunlight, then others need shady place, and still others generally love damp, dark lowlands.

  • Annual and biennial flowers and shrubs prefer sunny areas. If there are a lot of trees at the dacha that create shade, you can plant perennials along them: bergenia, hosta, dicentra, broadleaf bell,.
  • Damp lowlands not suitable for most decorative flowers, will be a fertile place for planting unpretentious ferns, swimsuits, peonies, anemones, .
  • If the soil at your summer cottage is dried out, you can plant, young, flax, spurge, alyssum. These plants tolerate a lack of water well, which is very useful if the owner does not intend to pay due attention to watering the flower beds at the dacha.
  • Astilbe and lilies of the valley will take root well in clay soil.

An equally important criterion for choosing ornamental plants is their height.

  • Low ornamental plants: alyssum, astilbe, dianthus, hosta, carnation, periwinkle, saxifrage, young, fescue.
  • Flowers medium height: dicentra, marigold, yarrow, peony, physalis, lupine, daylily.
  • Tall flowers: delphinium high grades, Siberian iris, Belgian aster, echinacea.

It is better to plant low plants along the path, near the border. Tall and medium-height flowers and shrubs will be a beautiful background for low ones - such simplest scheme planting gives surprisingly effective compositions. By planting them against a wall or, you can hide various kinds defects: peeling walls, dilapidated wood - and if the yard is in perfect condition, then, on the contrary, emphasize its beauty.

A good placement scheme is multi-tiered color compositions: tall flowers on background, then the middle ones, and finally the carpet from low plants in the foreground.

What to choose: annual or perennial flowers?

Annual flowers begin to bloom within a month after planting. If the main goal is to decorate the area quickly and for a long time, annuals are perfect, because their flowering is almost continuous, from the beginning of June until the first cold weather.

Perennials, on the contrary, have short term flowering: from a couple of weeks to a couple of months.

Ideally, flower beds and paths should be decorated with plants with different terms flowering: so, as soon as some bloom, others will bloom, and the flower garden will be updated with new colors and become more and more beautiful.

The main disadvantage of annuals is obvious - they have a short lifespan, so they will have to be planted annually. The only advantage in this situation can be considered the fact that every year the flowerbed will be renewed, full of new colors. You should not count on the ability of some annuals to sow on their own: the seeds will be randomly scattered along and across the flowerbed, which will disrupt its outline. To keep your garden in order, you will have to approach planting flowers with all responsibility.

Perennials, on the contrary, have a number of advantages.

  • Frost resistance: the plant does not need to be hidden from the cold, it is unpretentious and reacts normally to moderate frosts, and overwinters well.
  • Perennials do not need to be replanted every year, which will reduce labor costs.
  • Since perennial plants reproduce by division, when transplanting they can be divided and thereby increase their number, which will reduce financial expenses for expanding and updating the flower garden.
  • Caring for perennials is simple and does not require high costs time.
  • Perennials are the basis of a flower garden. If desired, you can plant along it annual plants, filling them with flowering during those time intervals when perennials fade.

Varieties of plants for the garden

As already mentioned, perennials are those flowers that can grow and bloom in the same place without transplantation for more than two years.

Perennials differ in their method of reproduction and type of root system:

  • bulbous perennial flowers (tulips, lilies, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses, decorative onions);
  • species that reproduce by seeds;
  • corm species;
  • rhizomatous;
  • tuberous.

Bulbous flowers are the most unpretentious. They are able to survive the winter even in Siberian frosts. To further strengthen them and improve their health, gardeners cut off the flowers after flowering, so that all the nutritious juices of the plant go into the bulbs. After the leaves have dried, the bulbs can be dug up, dried, and 2-3 months later, in mid-autumn, planted back.

The first flowers to appear from under the snow are chiodonox, snowdrops, spring flowers, and white flowers.

Already from the end of April, daffodils are actively blooming. Special attention they deserve them terry varieties, like White Lion, White Petri, Bridal Crown, Orangerie, Replit.

Next come various varieties tulips: double, lily-flowered, parrot and others, multi-colored hyacinths and lilies.

The most beautiful summer flowers peony and rose are rightfully considered. Their active flowering begins at the end of May - June. Most often in the garden you can find park and hybrid tea varieties of roses.

Landing rules

Before buying seeds or flower bulbs, you should decide where to plant them.

  • On north side the plot will take root well, quince,.
  • Growing in the south Chinese rose, .
  • In the west you can plant nightshade, magnolia, and passionflower.
  • For the eastern part of the garden you can buy capuchin, quince, nasturtium, petunia and begonia.

After this, you need to decide on the planting date. It is best to work with seedlings from the end of April to the end of May (in June, most flowers are already in the active flowering phase) and from mid-August to early September.

An hour or two before planting, the soil should be watered, pouring plenty of water into the holes themselves. The planting scheme is as follows: the plant is installed in the prepared hole, buried along the hole with earth and compacted. Container flowers should be additionally treated with Kornevin.

To give the plant additional support, a low wooden or plastic peg is installed in the hole along with the sprout. If you install it on an already developed plant, you can damage the root system.

Acidic soil should be treated with lime 3-4 days before planting.

Caring for a country flower garden

Growing flowers in a summer cottage includes the following care activities:

  • watering;
  • replenishment with minerals and other fertilizers;
  • loosening the earth.

Growing annual flowers is much more difficult than growing perennials because they require a lot of attention and care.

Considering that the rhizomes of perennial flowers are close to the soil surface, you should not loosen the soil around the flowers. At the same time, the soil around the flowers should be mulched.

Plants need to be watered regularly, as often as possible during the period of budding, flowering and during severe drought, which can occur as early as June. Must be used exclusively warm water. Strong jets of water should not be directed at the plants, as they can damage the delicate parts of the flower. During the flowering period, it is worth using a sprayer (very convenient when watering flowers growing near paths, so as not to fill them with too much water).

To enhance the absorption of nutrients, plants can be fertilized directly during watering.

It is correct to fertilize perennial plants for the first time immediately after the snow melts. in early spring. Fertilizing perennials includes several stages.

  1. Feeding 2 weeks after planting.
  2. Replenishment with minerals during the periods of budding and blossoming of buds.
  3. Fertilize plants immediately after flowering.

In spring, flowers should be properly nourished with a variety of organic mixtures, and during the period of budding and blossoming of buds - mineral fertilizers. It is worth stopping scheduled feeding of flowers starting from the second third of September.

Thus, there are countless magnificent flowers that you can plant in your garden. Listed above are only the most popular and unpretentious examples of flora, the cultivation of which will give you a minimum of hassle and maximum aesthetic pleasure.

Caring for these flowers is simple, it is only important to do it correctly and regularly according to the scheme developed by many generations of flower growers. So, plants need timely watering, fertilizing with nutrients, weeding from weeds and loosening the soil in order to grow healthy and delight you abundant flowering. All that remains is to choose which flowers to plant in the flowerbed of your dreams.

Every owner of a personal plot wants not only to grow fruits and vegetables on it, but also to create beauty. And what could be more beautiful than flowers, especially if they are planted independently and with love? Experienced gardeners know a lot about plants and grow magnificent flower beds that delight the eye not only of the owners, but also of everyone who is lucky enough to see it. However, beginners and amateurs also don’t mind creating a beautiful garden. Those who do not yet have experience in such matters should start small and follow some tips.

It is best to start the difficult path to creating beautiful flower beds by planting some varieties in the spring, blooming in summer. Today, any supermarket or store selling gardening equipment offers great amount bulbs beautiful flowers, the planting of which is simple, and the result will delight you for several months. Choose a couple of types different color and the riot of colors in the flowerbed will give you truly unforgettable joy and satisfaction with your work.

Planting flowers can be done in two ways:

  • using bulbs or tubers;
  • using seeds.

It’s okay if you don’t understand the names of colors at all; you can now easily find information about any of them on the Internet. In addition, bulbs and tubers are sold in special packaging, on which there must be a photograph of the flower itself, as well as its flowering period and features. Walk into the store and you will be amazed at the huge selection. From the image you can easily create in advance interesting bouquet, which will later grow in your spring flower bed.

Fans who have not yet encountered this issue may be surprised by the unsightly appearance bulbs, but don’t let him deceive you - they will grow up to be real handsome men, delighting with their flowering all summer, and some even in the fall. Tubers and bulbs can be planted both in the garden and in flower pot– it all depends only on your desire.

Of course, flowers can also be grown from seeds, but this requires more patience and work. The bulbs already contain ready-made rudiments of future flowers, plus the nutrients necessary for the plant. Therefore, for beginner gardeners, this will be a better and easier option to get a beautiful end result if you want to plant in the spring. The first shoots will appear quite quickly, so you can see the results of your work with your own eyes.

Planting flowers

First of all, do not forget that flowers love the sun, they are drawn to it. Those who like to watch plants have probably noticed that the flower bud constantly turns towards the sun in order to receive and absorb its warmth as much as possible. Therefore, for a flower bed you need to choose the warmest and brightest place - this especially applies to plants that bloom in summer.

Planting a bulb in the spring is not difficult - make a hole in the soil with a diameter twice the size of the tuber and the same depth. If you are in doubt about something, you can always look at the instructions on the package, there should be detailed description landing method.

The shape of a flower bulb somewhat resembles a drop of water; plant it in the soil with its wide side facing the ground and its tail up - it is from this that the sprouts of the future flower will subsequently appear. After this, fill the hole with soil on top and water it. If the weather is fairly dry in the spring, don't forget to water the plant regularly, otherwise it will dry out and you won’t see flowers this year. If it rains, nature will do everything itself and additional care not required here.

It is also worth remembering that the timing of planting bulbs or tubers is possible only after the threat of spring frosts has passed. It is difficult to name the exact period; it depends on the climate in your latitude. Usually this is the end of April or the beginning of May, but you can plant until mid-June.

Flowerbed or whole garden

Deciding how many flowers to plant in the spring is up to you. If you are afraid, to begin with you can limit yourself to a small flowerbed, but the more you plant, the more beautiful the garden will be in summer. Again, there is a possibility unfavorable conditions, in which some flowers may not sprout.

Huge selection spring flowers gives you the opportunity to express your inner designer and decorator. Even if you don’t yet understand the variety of species, the packaging always shows an image of a particular flower, describes what size it grows and what color it is. Therefore, already in the purchasing process, you can imagine what your future garden will be like.

By planting flowers not randomly, but according to a pre-conceived design, in the summer you will amaze your friends and neighbors with beautiful colorful flower beds. Flowers can be planted in rows, circles, even figures of eight. You've probably noticed more than once how landscape designers in the city plant entire paintings and themed flower beds with flowers. Of course, few people decide to take on a serious project right away, but no one forbids you to start small. Try and experiment, everyone will probably like the result, even if it doesn’t grow exactly what you had in mind.

The advantage of bulbous plants is that they can be planted almost anywhere, most importantly, provide enough light and warmth. It is not necessary to plant them in one place - diversify your garden, plant flowers between other plants, it will be original!

Since planting flowers is not a difficult task, involve your children in this process - introduce them to nature and work. And when they see the result of their work, there will be no limit to their joy. And among other things, spring flowers will give you an unforgettable fragrance, which will attract fluttering butterflies to them, and this is a double aesthetic pleasure. Garden with flowers - beautiful place rest and relaxation, which there is little that can replace.

Planting flowers on the terrace

If you love flowers, but your personal plot only in dreams - don’t be upset! Flowers that are planted from bulbs and tubers in the spring also do well in pots. Usually, in such conditions, low-growing plants are chosen, for example, begonia or dahlias (special short varieties).

The process of planting flowers from bulbs in pots in the spring is also quite simple. You will need:

  • pot;
  • drainage;
  • soil mixture;
  • the flower bulbs themselves.

Choose a pot depending on the plant you purchased - if it’s too small, the flower will be cramped and it will begin to wither. Be sure to place drainage at the bottom of the pot, it is needed for withdrawal excess water from the soil, since excessive moisture can cause the plant to rot. However, this does not mean that it is better not to water the flower - it needs to drink, otherwise it will dry out. Today in every store you can easily buy drainage (it comes in several types) and soil mixture, suitable specifically for this flower and already containing useful fertilizers.

Pour soil onto the drainage, deepen the bulb according to the same principle as in the garden bed and water it. After this, all you have to do is place the pot in a place with maximum access to light and heat and wait for the results, not forgetting to periodically water the plant if the soil around it becomes dry.

Flowers in a pot also look great and will delight you all summer, and maybe even fall.

Perennial flowers: planting in spring

If you experienced gardener, then you probably prefer planting perennial plants that grow for several years in a row in the same place and grow into a large beautiful bush. It can be divided into several individual parts and plant the flower for further growth. If this is not done, the plant ages, weakens, stops developing and blooming, because the soil around it eventually loses all its beneficial features. Therefore, such a division is simply necessary for him, transplantation into new ground will give life and rejuvenate the plant.

However, not all perennials are the same; there are also those that do not tolerate division well, so It is advisable not to touch them for as long as possible. These include roses, peonies, poppies and others. Each flower in your garden requires an individual approach, so before you do anything, find out the details, in this case it is better to be safe.

Division, as well as planting, is carried out in the spring and they try to complete the process early, preferably before the second half of May. Decide how many parts to divide the bush based on how it has grown. The separated part should have at least 3–5 buds, plus part of the rhizome and root lobe, in this case the plant can begin to bloom in the first year.

For dividing, be sure to use the sharpest knife. The bush can be dug up completely or the soil can be removed from the rhizome at the site of the intended cutting and a section can be cut off. Be sure to sprinkle the cut area with ash or crushed coal so that bacteria and infections do not get into the wound, which can cause the bush to get sick and even die.

The separated plants are planted in the soil and watered abundantly with water, and covered with dry soil or humus on top (depending on the fertility of your soil). It is best to prepare the place for planting the cuttings in advance in the fall. To do this, the area is dug up and fertilized with humus and minerals. If, for some reason, this did not happen, do not worry. You can prepare the site in the same way just some time before planting.

Perennial flowers, like bulbous ones, love light and warmth, so choose the right place to plant them. An area in the shade that is too wet will not work, your plants will simply die.

Spring flower beds - how best to plant

Planting and creating flower beds is a very entertaining process. Everyone can awaken within themselves landscape designer and come up with something original. Both perennials and annual flowers are planted in spring flower beds. Flowers are planted in flower beds from April to May. You can decide on a permanent location for the flowerbed or change it every spring, therefore, in principle, flowerbeds are usually divided into:

  • permanent;
  • variable (single-season).

It is worth remembering that planting perennial plants in a “floating” flowerbed is not very good idea, because permanent transplant may have a negative impact on them. Better pick them a few permanent places, but you can play with annual flowers for your own pleasure.

It is best to plant a spring flowerbed near recreational areas, then the flowers from it will always delight your eyes, bringing peace and good mood. You can pour gravel, sand or plant on the edges lawn grass. Then, even before the flowers sprout, you will know exactly where they were planted.

In the design of a flower bed, everything is limited only by your capabilities and imagination. You can plant a round flower bed, square or rectangular. The last option will look great as an accompaniment along the path from the house to the gate, while the rest can be placed near the house, gazebo, under a window or near a fence to the delight of those passing by.

The best early flowers to plant in spring

In fact, flowers to plant on spring flower beds a huge number of both annuals and those that will delight you for a long time. They also have different terms flowering, so many people prefer to plant those plants that bloom faster, because we are so looking forward to this in the spring. I would like to highlight a few early popular colors that will be the first to greet you with a riot of colors:

  1. Snowdrop.
  2. Crocus.
  3. Muscari.
  4. Iridodictius.
  5. Vesennik.
  6. Scilla.
  7. Hellebore.
  8. Primrose.
  9. Periwinkle.

Snowdrop has a second name, less known - Galanthus. This is one of the earliest flowers. It fully lives up to its name, tolerates cold well and begins to bloom as soon as the first snow melts. For this reason, many people plant snowdrops in their flower beds in the fall and then, already in March, they will delight with their delicate white flowers. Snowdrops can reproduce on their own, thanks to the fact that ants move their seeds underground. And initially it is planted with bulbs.

Crocus also one of the most early flowers, especially him botanical species(imperata, ankira, golden-flowered). Crocus can begin to bloom as early as February. But not all types of this flower are so early - hybrid or Dutch crocuses bloom much later and their flowers are larger and brighter. Crocuses look great and gardeners love to plant them almost everywhere - in flower beds, lawns, flower beds and even under bushes and trees. These plants are also called the harbingers of spring. The plant is quite unpretentious, it loves light and warmth, but an area with a little shade from trees or bushes is also suitable for it. This perennial, which does not need to be dug up for the winter, only if division is required.

Iris reticulum or Iridodictium - very graceful and tender plant, reminiscent of irises. They are small in size, but they look just great in a flowerbed, the main thing is to plant them in front so that they don’t get lost. It is worth remembering that these flowers love the sun very much and will die in the shade.

Scilla also called Scylla. Very unpretentious plant, can grow both in the sun and in the shade, requires virtually no care, the main condition is enough water without stagnation. It is worth remembering that the blueberry grows very quickly and this needs to be controlled.

Such different flowers...

Mouse hyacinth or muscari, the plant is quite unpretentious. It has a huge number of varieties and varieties, grows quickly and looks great. Even the most inexperienced gardener can handle it, which is why it is quite popular. The first flowers bloom already in April. It is advisable to plant muscari on permanent flower bed, since it grows strongly, and then the shoots are quite difficult to find until next spring, until it blooms again. Another option is to plant this plant in special baskets (you can make it yourself - do it in plastic bottle holes) so that it does not grow. Mouse hyacinth goes well with other plants that bloom in spring.

Vesennik has a second name Erantis. Flowers of sunny golden color will delight their owners with the first bright drops in the garden. The flowers are small and look great on their own or with others early plants– reticulated iris, snowdrops and crocuses. Vesennik is a very persistent flower, can withstand late snowfalls and feels great in a little shade.

Hellebore- a gorgeous evergreen plant. This is a perennial that does not require special care and very resistant to various diseases. It often begins to bloom during the Easter holidays, for which it is nicknamed “Rose of Christ” in Europe. It has a large number of varieties with bright, saturated most different shades from white to bright purple.

Primrose one of the most diverse plants, numbering approximately 550 species, but only a few are used in cultivation. This is a perennial plant that tolerates transplanting and division well. They bloom for quite a long time and profusely, and feel great in pots.

Periwinkle also applies to evergreens with tender blue flowers, but other shades are also possible different varieties. Unlike other spring flowers, it does not like straight sun rays and prefers moist areas with partial shade and shade. The plant grows and reproduces quickly and does not require special care.

Of course, this list can be continued for a long time, the main thing is your desire to create your own, the most beautiful and interesting flower bed, which will delight everyone in the area and, first of all, you.

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