Kobeya is a perennial plant native to the tropics. South America. The genus includes 9 species, but only one of them is adapted to the temperate climate of Russia - the climbing kobei. This beautifully flowering vine is capable of growing in a short time and, clinging with tendrils, entwining vertical supports, walls of buildings and fences. Its flowering begins with the arrival of summer and lasts until frost. Gardeners and landscape designers appreciated the unpretentious plant and successfully use it for vertical gardening.

Description of the plant

Kobeya is rightfully considered a fast-growing vine, because its flexible shoots quickly reach a length of 5-6 m, and sometimes grow up to 8-9 m. Compound-pinnate leaves are arranged in a sequential order along the stems. Weaving around a fence, pergola, gazebo or barn walls, they form a continuous green carpet, on which opening flowers appear over time.

The buds of the flowering vine have the shape of large bells of deep purple or milky white color. The wavy edges, curved outwards, and long stamens peeking out from the “gramophone” give the corollas a special grace. Unopened kobe flowers are always yellowish-green, but over time they acquire the plant's characteristic hue. U white variety Wedding bells this difference is not so noticeable. But on the bushes of the Kalando variety, multi-colored corollas look very unusual. In addition, the flowers of the vine change color depending on the characteristics of the soil on which it is planted: on acidic soils the corollas turn red, on alkaline soils they become deep blue.

Variety Wedding bells

The branched root system of the kobei with many fibrous processes grows to impressive sizes to supply the green mass of the vine nutrients and ensure full flowering. Thanks to its powerful roots, the plant is able to survive short-term drought without losing its attractive appearance. However, the kobei rhizome cannot withstand mild frosts even with good shelter, so Russian gardeners grow the vine as an annual plant.

Variety Cathedral bells

Seedling growing method

By growing from seeds you can get early flowering plant and fully enjoy the spectacular buds. When breeding kobei by direct sowing in open ground the first flowers will appear only towards the end of the summer season, since the plant is thermophilic and at a young age does not tolerate night frosts. Therefore, it is better to grow it at home seedling method, and when established it is stable warm weather transplant the seedlings into the garden bed.

In order for the kobeya to bloom in early summer, the seeds must be sown in late February or early March. Planting vines step by step:

  • Violate the integrity of the dense seed shell, which delays their germination, that is, scarify. To do this, rub the seeds with sandpaper or a file or make incisions with a sharp scalpel.
  • Soak the seeds by wrapping them in wet cotton cloth or toilet paper and placing them in an airtight container. plastic bag. In this case, the seeds should not come into contact with each other. Place the package on a windowsill or other well-lit place where the air temperature is +20 °C or higher.
  • Every day, open the bag and inspect the seeds, and if mucus appears on them, rinse with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and gradually remove parts of the swollen crusts.
  • If mold appears, which often happens at low germination temperatures, wash the seeds with potassium permanganate and change the material in which they are located. To avoid re-formation of fungus, move the bag closer to the heat source. As soon as the seeds “hook” (after 10-20 days depending on the quality seed material), proceed to planting.
  • Prepare cups or pots with a diameter of 8-10 cm: purchase disposable ones or make them yourself from food foil, thick paper or other available material.
  • Pour loose soil mixture into cups - universal or for growing flower seedlings. Make sure that the packaging with the substrate indicates neutral acidity (pH 6.0-7.0).
  • Distribute the seeds into separate cups, placing the flat side on the ground, and sprinkle with a 1-1.5 cm layer of soil. Immediately insert a ladder or stake into each pot, along which the young seedlings can climb as they grow. If you do this when the seedlings are growing, you can damage the roots.
  • Water the kobeya and cover with glass to create a greenhouse effect. When growing several specimens at the same time, it is convenient to place the cups in a large plastic container closed with a transparent lid.
  • Place the greenhouse in a well-lit place, ventilate daily for 20-30 minutes and wipe off condensation from the glass or lid. Moisten the potting soil as needed to keep it slightly moist at all times.
  • When 1-2 true leaves appear, transplant the seedlings into larger pots or containers. For normal development The root system needs containers with a volume of 2.5-3 liters.

Young seedlings develop quite quickly. When they grow to 20 cm, the top should be pinched. This will stop the growth of the central shoot and stimulate the formation of lateral shoots, due to which it will subsequently form lush bush. But it is not advisable to feed the seedlings at the initial stage, otherwise they will grow to such a size that it will be difficult to transplant them to the site.

For successful seed germination experienced gardeners pre-soak them for 48 hours in the Epin solution, and then lay them out in cups. Although there are those who sow kobeya in pots without soaking and after a while get strong and healthy seedlings.

Planting in open ground

The right time to transplant kobeya into the garden is when the air temperature at night stops falling below +5 °C. In the central regions this happens at the end of May, in Siberia - at the beginning of June. In areas where return frosts are observed, tender seedlings will have to be covered in case of cold weather. But if the shoots are caught in frost, the damaged areas can be pruned: this measure will save the seedling and stimulate the growth of lateral vines. Adult vines are able to tolerate temperatures as low as -4 °C, so they no longer require shelter.

If planting a vine in open ground is planned for the end of May, then in the first ten days of this month you need to start hardening the seedlings. They should be taken out during the daytime open air– balcony or veranda. Every day, the time spent under the sun should be increased until the kobeya can stay outside for the whole day.

It is necessary to plant kobeya in brightly lit open areas with a lot of sun rays. It is advisable that the landing site be protected from drafts and gusty winds. To create decorative composition landscape designers advise using several seedlings at the same time, placing them along a fence or building wall. Planting holes must be dug so that the kobei bushes are at a distance of at least 70-80 cm from each other.

The size of each hole should be 40 x 40 x 40 cm. Peat, humus and wood ash to improve soil characteristics. Remove the seedlings from the pots and transplant them into holes, water them and sprinkle them with soil. In this case, it is necessary to control that the plants remain at the same level as they were previously in the pots. During the first time after transplanting to the site, the kobe shoots must be corrected in the right direction. In the future, they themselves will cling to the support and entwine it.

Rules of care

Caring for the vine will not cause any special problems and will not take much time:

Agrotechnical event Process
WateringOn hot days without rain, water abundantly, when comfortable. warm temperature- moderately
MulchingMulch the plantings with peat, humus or sawdust to retain moisture in the soil
LooseningPeriodically carefully loosen the soil, trying not to damage the roots located in upper layers soil
Top dressingFertilize every 2 weeks with complex mineral composition. During the flowering period, use preparations with a high content of potassium and phosphorus, which promote the formation of buds
TrimmingIn open ground, no pruning is required. When grown on a balcony, it is needed to adjust the size of the vine. You should also periodically remove yellowed leaves from the bushes that disrupt garden harmony.
Pest ControlWhen aphids or spider mites appear on the bushes, spray with insecticidal preparations (Aktara, Biotlin, Fitoverm). After a break of 10-14 days, repeat the treatment

To grow climbing kobe, you don’t need to have summer cottage plot. You can plant flowers on a balcony or loggia with east, west or south orientation. But then you need to place the plants in bulk containers - deep boxes or tubs. If you plant the vine in small pots, the root system will not be able to develop normally, and the bushes will be weak and inconspicuous.

Vertical gardening with climbing kobea

How to preserve kobeya in winter?

  • before the onset of cold weather, cut off the leaves from the vine;
  • carefully dig up the bush, without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball and trying not to damage the roots;
  • place the vine in a large container or box and place it in dark room with air temperature +8+12 °C (basement or cellar);
  • water sparingly once every 2-3 weeks to prevent the soil ball from completely drying out;
  • at the beginning of spring, transfer the kobeya to a light and warm place and increase watering;
  • When it gets warmer and the threat of return frosts has passed, transplant the bush to its original place in the garden.

Young shoots can be cut from an overwintered bush, choosing the strongest ones, and rooted in wet sand. To quickly form the root system, you need to cover the cuttings with glass or plastic jars, and after well-developed roots appear, transplant them into pots with good soil.

Among the numerous order of liana-like plants there are very attractive, beautifully flowering representatives, which include kobeya. This crop is considered perennial, but in the middle zone it is grown as an annual.

It is not difficult to grow, this is confirmed by the fact that among our gardeners there are many fans of this vine. Its attractive large bell-shaped flowers can decorate a seating area and become an attractive accent anywhere in the garden.

From experience we can safely say that it is more advisable to grow kobeya in seedlings, then already in the middle of summer it becomes a dense and decorative climbing subshrub and blooms successfully.

Kobeya belongs to the Sinyukhov family, in the subtropical forests where it comes from, this plant grows as a perennial, but in temperate climate not saved in winter period and freezes out.

Yours interesting name the plant received on behalf of one curious medieval explorer of the natural environment, Barnabas Cobo, who discovered kobeya to the world while conducting research in the subtropics of Mexico and Peru.

After the discovery of this culture, and this happened back in 1787, the vine immediately found its use as living fences, and decorating gazebos and walls.

Features of the plant

The main difference between Kobei is its fast and active growth, this happens due to a powerful and well-branched root system, which has a mass of thin fibrous roots. They are able to easily obtain water and the nutrition necessary for growth.

Thanks to this “talent,” kobeya is extremely popular among gardeners, because in a few weeks it literally transforms the garden.

The stems of the plant are also very strong and can grow up to 6 m in length, entangling support and deftly entwining vertical surfaces.

The leaves have three lobes, alternately arranged on the branch, and are complexly pinnate. Interestingly, there are tendrils at the tips of the leaves, due to which the adhesion to the support occurs.

Bell-shaped flowers also have their own characteristics. Firstly, they are extremely large and sometimes reach a diameter of eight centimeters. Inside each bell there is a large pistil and many protruding stamens.

Sometimes several bells appear on the peduncle at the same time; such groups of three or three flowers look very impressive.

The metamorphosis that occurs with flowers as they bloom is interesting. At first their hue is greenish-yellow, but later, when full opening is achieved, the flowers become purple or white, it depends on the variety.

Fruits in the form of boxes appear in late summer. The seeds are oval and flat in shape and spill out of the capsule as it ripens. For a gardener who intends to repeat planting kobea next season, the main task is to collect the seeds before they are released from the leathery fruit.

How to grow kobeya from seeds

Experienced gardeners know one thing interesting feature, which allows seeds to germinate faster. The fact is that the emergence of sprouts from the seed can be complicated due to the dense shell in which they are enclosed.

There is one technique that allows you to speed up the germination process; it consists in soaking or dissolving the crust to a mucous substance and then removing it using mechanical action. How to do it:

  • Take a saucer or other flat container and fill it with water.
  • Place the seeds in water, but so that they do not touch each other.
  • Next, cover the container with another saucer or any lid. This will prevent moisture evaporation.
  • We wait for the crust to soften and become soft, and then remove it from the side that comes off without effort.
  • After a few days, the crust should completely come off and the seeds should be cleared.

Next, we can plant the wet and clean seeds in the ground. But remember the rule: kobeya does not like transplanting, so provide a separate container for each seed. Due to this technique, the roots of the plant will not be damaged, and adaptation in open ground will occur faster.

You can buy soil in a store, or prepare it at home, but remember that it must be universal and neutral. Sowing takes place in late February - early March. There is no need to bury the seeds, just put them in a container and sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top, no more than 1-1.5 cm.

Provided that the seeds have been prepared correctly, seedlings will appear in two weeks.

Seedling care

As soon as two true leaves appear on the seedlings, take care of the preparation large pots, with a volume of at least 3 liters. Only in them will the kobea be able to acquire powerful and developed roots and strong stems before planting in the garden.

When transferring plants to large capacity install a ladder or support made of plastic or metal in it. This is necessary to support the stems, since during this period the kobeya already begins to curl and crawl upward.

Hardening is one of the important points in growing kobeya from seeds at home. Since the plant comes from subtropical and tropical forests South America, then for normal growth it requires warmth, moisture and sunlight.

In order for the stress not to be too severe and the plant to quickly adapt to open space, hardening procedures are needed. Cool air on a closed loggia or veranda is suitable for these events.

Three weeks is the ideal period of time for the vine to get used to the climate change. First, pots of plants are placed on short period, the time period gradually increases and by the time the kobei is planted in the garden, it will be fully prepared.

When and how to plant kobeya in open ground

After the return frosts have passed, the favorable period when can this tropical plant be planted on permanent place. The soil warms up to +14 degrees by this time, and at night the temperature does not drop below +5 degrees. Monitor the growth of the plant and try not to overexpose it in pots.

If it is already at the end of May at night temperature regime favorable, plant kobeya in the soil, if it is quite cold at night, wait until the 10th of June.

  • The place for planting kobeya on the site is determined in advance. It should be a sunny, draft-free place with good fertile soil. An excellent choice would be a place next to buildings with south side, since the walls will protect the plant from cold winds, and additional heat received during the day will emanate from the wall at night.
  • The pits are prepared several days in advance. The distance between plantings should be at least a meter, because the vine actively grows and produces many side shoots. In its form, kobeya is a subshrub, so it needs quite a lot of space for successful growth. The holes are filled with peat, humus, and a turf layer. All components are well mixed and poured. After waiting for the ground to settle, you can begin planting.
  • Strong supports, special nets located near the wall, arch or fence are installed in the pits or next to them. If this is not provided for, then the vine will begin to look for trees and bushes that are accessible to it for support, which will noticeably damage the appearance plot. Please note that plant development during favorable conditions happens very quickly.
  • After planting the bush along with a lump of earth, the hole is filled with soil and moistened again so that the soil settles completely. If you are not entirely sure of the constancy of night temperatures, use a covering material and cover the vine while it adapts.

Growing kobei in open ground

There is nothing supernatural in caring for a vine; it will only require regular watering and a few feedings.

You need to water the plant abundantly, but at the same time make sure that the roots are not flooded, this is fraught with the development of root rot; this phenomenon often occurs with vines growing in the shade.

Feeding is carried out every week, starting from the first weeks of growth in a permanent place:

  • first, nitrogen supplements are introduced, this helps to stimulate growth;
  • when forming buds, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers will be required;
  • Then there is an alternation of organics and mineral additives, for example: “Kemira” and mullein.

Kobeya must be weeded and mulched constantly throughout the growing season.

In order to preserve the plant until next year, it is dug up at the end of October, before the onset of cold weather, and stored in the basement of the house at a temperature of +12 degrees.

In February-March, the pot with the plant is exposed to the light, and in the summer it is replanted in its original place in the garden.

Kobeya reproduces well not only by seed method, but also with the help of cuttings. They are harvested in the spring and taken from parent bushes that have successfully overwintered at home. Rooting occurs in damp sand, and ready-made seedlings are planted in June.

It is noted that bushes obtained by cuttings bloom faster, but much fewer ovaries appear. For this reason, not every gardener uses this method.

The following types of kobeya are most often used for growing from seeds: tenacious, climbing, creeping.

Kobea is a unique climbing flowering plant. With proper care, it will give you an avalanche of greenery and the most beautiful flowers, which will decorate the garden for three weeks. You won't get disappointed; on the contrary, you will get a lot of positive emotions.


There are only 9 species in the kobei genus, growing in tropical America. These are perennial subshrubs, reaching a height of 6 meters with paired leaves and very decorative bell-shaped flowers.

Kobeya is perfect for vertical gardening purposes, while it is unpretentious, grows quickly regardless of neighboring plants and is capable of as soon as possible cover a large area, which together makes it a real find for the designer.

Varieties and types

(aka creeping or kobeya scandance ) in its homeland - Mexico - is a perennial, growing up to 4 meters in length, while in our country it is grown as an annual. The stems of this species are covered with feathery foliage with branched tendrils at the end, thanks to which the plant clings to support.

IN natural environment bells up to 8 cm in diameter are purple in color, their elongated stamens and pistils are easily visible from the outside. Flowering begins in July and ends with the onset of frost.

It is this type of kobei that is cultivated, as a result of which among numerous varieties specimens with white flowers also appeared.

  • White kobeya variety ,

  • Kobeya Lady Hamilton variety .

Kobea violet (can be specified as “ lilac ”, if its flowers have a color close to this shade or mixed violet-lilac) is represented, for example, by the variety kobeya calando .

In the climate of the Russian Federation, far from that in the tropics, it is most often grown as annual vine. However, preservation of a perennial trait is possible, although it requires special care and mandatory movement with roots into containers for the winter.

Kobeya planting and care in open ground

In order for kobeya to look like a full-fledged beautiful vine in the garden, planting must be done in the first days of March (maximum in the middle). The plant's seeds are large enough to be planted one at a time and not in a bunch.

The germination of kobei seeds is directly proportional to their age, and therefore it is not recommended to take seeds from last year. Instead, it is better to choose planting material from the latest harvest.

Kobeya watering

It is necessary to water the kobeya regularly, especially in hot weather. summer time. Here, however, it is important not to overdo it, since excessive quantities moisture can trigger the occurrence of root rot, in particular if the plant is grown on the floor in a shaded area.

Kobeya loves fertile, fertilized soils, where it grows especially quickly and massively. A warm, wind-protected area near a wall, fence or some other support on loose, well-fertilized, drained soil is the best option.

In the zone tree trunk circles The soil needs to be kept slightly moist, for which mulching with sawdust or peat is used. Mandatory soil care measures, in addition to moistening and fertilizing, are loosening and removing weeds.

Feeding Kobei

Feeding for Kobei initial stages growth should be applied every week. They must contain large volumes of nitrogen. With the beginning of the formation of buds, the time comes for fertilizing based on phosphorus and potassium.

When the seedlings acquire their first leaves, it is recommended to fertilize them with humate and then alternate mineral fertilizers(for example, kemiru) with organic (mullein infusion) until flowering begins.

Kobea transplant

If you plant the kobea in individual containers before planting it in open ground, you can help it gain strength even before it finds its permanent place. For this purpose, foil cups are well suited, rolled without a bottom, which are placed in a large container and filled more than half with a nutrient substrate.

Place one seed in each cup and cover it with 1-1.5 cm of soil. After 10 days, sprouts should appear and require regular watering. Then, the already taller kobe is transplanted into larger cups, and at this stage the benefits of their design become apparent.

Because the foil easily unfolds without damaging the root system of the plant, which is subsequently transplanted, together with the earthen ball, into the next container.

Another transplant before planting in the ground will be required when, due to the intensive growth of the plant, the roots begin to take up even more space.

Kobeya wintering

As noted earlier, growing perennial kobeya is, in principle, possible in our country. The difficulty is that the plant does not tolerate transplantation well, which often does not allow it to survive the winter in more favorable conditions.

But a kobei that managed to endure winter hardships will be characterized by accelerated start flowering and its increased intensity. So, first you need to save the plant in winter - in October it needs to be completely cut off and carefully dug up, avoiding the possibility of damaging the fragile root system.

Afterwards, the kobeya is transferred to a container placed in a dark, cool (about 10 ° C) room (a cellar is ideal). As long as the winter period lasts, the plant does not need care, with the exception of periodically moistening the soil to prevent the roots from drying out, and when spring comes, it should be moved to a sunny place and watering should be increased.

Planting in the ground in in this case usually produce late spring, when all return frosts have passed, and are cared for in the same way as an annual crop.

Kobeya growing from seeds

Some problems growing kobei are associated with one of its natural features - the seeds have a strong skin, which is difficult for sprouts to cope with.

Therefore, before planting, it is recommended to prepare them in a certain way:

  1. Place at the bottom of a wide container, fill with water at room temperature and seal with a lid;
  2. After 24 hours, remove the softened crust, detaching only its easily peelable parts;
  3. The seeds, peeled in the previous step, must be immersed in water until the peel peels off completely.

The resulting “clean” seeds will germinate an order of magnitude faster, if you also use the pre-germination methods in foil described above.

As a result, we will have an intensively developing, highly elongated, bushy, lush crown (subject to pinching), very decorative garden plant. We sow kobeya in open ground in June, placing young growth or seeds at a mutual distance of 70-90 cm.

Diseases and pests

The most significant damage is caused by mites and aphids. If kobeya blooms poorly - this is the first sign of damage by these insects. Spraying with a solution of liquid potassium green soap with phytoverm will help get rid of them, and pet flea shampoo works well against other pests.

This plant is characterized difficulty opening buds , therefore, if they swell for a long time without opening, they should be carefully cut with scissors.

To reduce the likelihood non-emergence , you should use the recommendations outlined above, and also choose seeds from several manufacturers in the store and, as an additional measure, water the soil with kobea crops with zircon.

Kobeya climbing is a liana with flowers of extraordinary beauty. Actually, she is perennial plant, but, like many guests from southern countries (kobei’s homeland is the South American tropics), it grows here as an annual.

In its homeland, kobei has nine species. We have plants with white and purple flowers. They have shoots from four to six meters long and beautiful feathery leaves. With the help of tenacious antennae, the kobea easily climbs from one support to another. And her flowers are such that, having seen them once, it is impossible to forget. Bells, or rather bells, up to 8 centimeters in diameter with prominent stamens. They can be purple in various shades. At first the flowers are light, greenish, then they become darker and brighter. The bush during flowering looks like christmas tree, decorated with multi-colored bells. White kobeya is also found.

Growing from seeds at home

Kobeya reproduces by seeds, which do not ripen under our conditions. Therefore, you have to buy them every year. Fortunately, there are no problems with the purchase. Almost all flower seed companies sell kobeya. Growing from seeds is a rather difficult process. Their germination rate is quite low. Reviews from gardeners say that even only a third of sprouted seeds sprout. They note the company “Russian Garden”, whose results are much better. Almost all of their sown kobeya germinates.

Growing from seeds begins very early, in winter. Sowed from February to mid-March. Although some gardeners do this in mid-March. And they claim that in July they already admire the flowers that cover the climbing kobe. Growing from seeds can occur in two ways:

  • When sowing dry kobe seeds, place them one at a time in a cup. Having placed the seed with its flat side on the surface of the soil, sprinkle it with a layer of 1.5-2 cm of soil and compact the soil tightly. This will help shed the seed coat. She often tears off the cotyledon leaves, which can cause the death of the purple kobeya. Growing from seeds gives best results, if before sowing you soak them in a growth stimulator for several hours. This could be Epin or aloe juice.
  • Soak kobea seeds just like the seed material of all other plants. The peculiarities of growing kobeya from seeds are that they have an unusual size and shape. The seeds are large, flat and hairy. Their surface is very durable. Because of this, they cannot germinate in any way. When soaked, the seeds become covered with a slippery shell, which is formed from the swelling of the hairy crust. Gardeners advise removing it, but this can not be done immediately, since it takes several days to separate. They say that after this, kobeya germinates faster. Growing from seeds at home may include one more step. Seeds that have not hatched after a day of soaking are advised to be pierced with a needle and placed in water again for a day.

Hatched seeds are sown as described above. After two to three weeks, or even 25 days, shoots appear. This is how long it takes for kobeya to sprout. Growing from seeds (photo attached) in this case gave results.

Gardeners offer an interesting method. It turns out that kobeya can be planted in peat pots in summer, in July. They grow a little before winter and then are stored in the cellar. In March they are taken out into the sun and watered. Then they wait until the threat of spring frosts has passed, harden off and plant in a permanent place. Plants bloom much faster than those sown in spring. They do not outgrow in the cellar. But you need to constantly monitor them. After all, it often happens there high humidity, which can lead to plant death. No one says that with this method of storage they died from the cold.


After the sprout has its first true leaf, they dive into a separate container, larger in size, with a volume of three liters, so that the kobe can grow in it for a long time. Growing from seeds (photo) in such a pot will allow the plant to form a strong root.

First sprout in old dishes water it well, then take it out along with the lump of earth, trying not to disturb its integrity, and sprinkle it with new soil. Water again. Make sure that the plant has enough light.

At the end of summer or even in September, kobeya blooms. Growing from seeds begins earlier precisely for this reason. If seedlings appeared in mid-February, and it can be planted in open ground at the end of May, then all this time it will remain indoors and grow. If you put it in a small bowl, it will soon become small and you will need to transfer it to a deeper pot so that the leaves do not turn yellow. You also need to take into account that kobeya is a vine, and it needs a support on which it will twist. Some plants manage to grow to a height of up to two meters before being planted in the ground. It’s also good if you don’t need to transport it anywhere, but this happens.

Kobeya can be propagated by cuttings. Plants obtained in this way begin to bloom faster. But the bush itself is stronger if it grew from a seed. The cuttings are planted in sand, moistened and a film shelter is made in which constant humidity is maintained. But for this you need to have on hand ready plant, from which you can take cuttings. Since there are not many such trees around, it is quite difficult to do this. As you can see, the only way available to everyone to reproduce kobeya is by growing it from seeds. When to plant it in open ground?


Kobeya is not afraid of cold and low positive temperatures. Mature plant can withstand frosts up to 5 degrees. And zero is dangerous for the young. It is planted in the ground at a stable temperature at night of at least 4 degrees. This is approximately the end of May. Before this, you need to harden the seedlings by placing them on a balcony or a protected place in the yard.

Landing place

Kobeya is planted in fertile soil, previously limed. The area should be well lit and protected from cold winds. It can grow in partial shade, but will not bloom in the shade.

What is needed for normal growth large number land. Therefore, it is almost impossible to bring it to flowering in a pot of any size. This means you shouldn’t grow kobeya on the balcony.

Planting in a permanent place

Plants are planted at a distance of at least half a meter. Kobeya tolerates transplantation well. She quickly regains strength and begins to grow. Sometimes during transportation its stems remain twisted for a long time. During this time, they can wrap themselves and intertwine with each other. Then it is very easy to damage them when installing them on the support.


Kobeya is a very tall vine. If you do not adjust its length, it will climb up and somewhere there will weave itself into a ball. Can climb to a height of up to 9 meters! Therefore, usually its top is pinched after transplantation. But you don’t need to do this earlier, so as not to get wide and low plant. If you plan to direct the kobeya to a long support, then you should not pinch it.


The area where kobeya grows is constantly:

  • watered;
  • fly;
  • loosen;
  • fed.


It needs support in the form of a strong mesh or a specially made arch, which are now widespread.


Kobeya will not bloom if the soil around it is dry. Does not like extreme heat when its root system overheats. In this case, without abundant watering she drops the flowers, and all the long-awaited beauty disappears.


You can feed kobeya with a complex mineral fertilizer containing a balanced amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. If you give preference to nitrogen, the plant will intensively produce leaves, and flowers may not appear.

But if all care conditions are met, then in July or August (depending on the region and weather) it is covered with large, charming bells that will give you joy until frost.


Since kobeya is a perennial plant, you can store it indoors until next summer. To do this, you need to prune and dig up the plant before frost sets in. Immerse it in a wide dish and place it in a bright room, the temperature in which is about 12 degrees. You need to make sure that the root system does not dry out completely, but water it very rarely. In February, place the pot in the light in a warm place and begin to water it. In this case, it will begin to bloom much earlier and more abundantly.

Moreover, gardeners suggest storing kobei bushes with a lump of earth right in the cellar, just like seedlings. They claim that the plants successfully withstand such wintering.


Used for landscaping arches, gazebos, balconies (with planting below).

If you don't keep an eye on her, she easily climbs onto trees or nearby poles and decorates them too.

So, you will have to tinker with the plant a lot. But what a pleasure you will get when the kobeya finally blooms. Growing from seeds is a troublesome process. But, as we know, what we get with difficulty is valued most of all. Still, many gardeners, having suffered with kobeya for six months before planting, and even a couple of months before flowering, next year they are in no hurry to buy its seeds.

Cobaea is a perennial climbing semi-shrub plant, cultivated as an annual. It is a representative of the Sinyukhov family. The Jesuit monk-naturalist Barnabas Cobo lived for many years in Mexico and Peru (the birthplace of the kobei), and it was in his honor that the liana was named. In its natural environment, kobeya grows in the tropics and subtropics of South and North America. Cultivated since 1787. The vine is popularly called monastery bells and Mexican ivy.

Botanical description

In the natural environment, there are 9 species of cobaea, but only one is cultivated - the climbing or tenacious, creeping cobaea (Cobaea scandens). The root system of the plant is powerful, well branched, has numerous thin fibrous roots, due to which the growth rate of the vine is rapid. Kobeya reaches a length of more than 6 m. The leaves are whole-cut, oval-shaped, arranged oppositely, some young leaves can be cut into 3 lobes with sharp tips.

Numerous tendrils located throughout the stem help the vine to cling to supports and climb upward. Large flowers are bell-shaped, reach a diameter of 8 cm, stretch out on long stalks in the axils of the leaves, singly or in groups of 2-3. The corollas are colored pink, lilac, purple. Curled stamens grow from the center of the corolla, giving the flowers originality. Flowering begins in June and lasts until the first frost. The fruits are a leathery capsule that opens at the side seams. The seeds are large, flat, oval in shape.

White cobea (Cobea scandens alba) is a subspecies of tenacious cobea with snow-white flowers.

Growing kobeya from seeds at home

Possibly seed and vegetative (cuttings). In our latitudes, it is not advisable to sow seeds in open ground; it is necessary to grow seedlings. Stock up on a significant amount of seed, since seed germination is about 30%.

When to sow kobeya for seedlings

Start sowing kobei for seedlings from late February to mid-March.

  • The seeds should be soaked in a growth stimulant solution for several hours.
  • It is better to plant one seed at a time in an individual cup.
  • A universal substrate for seedlings is suitable.
  • Place the seeds flat side down, cover with a 1.5 cm layer of soil and spray with a spray bottle.
  • Expect the emergence of seedlings in 2-3 weeks.

The video will tell you how to grow kobe seedlings at home:

To make seeds germinate faster:

Covered with a dense shell. To get seedlings faster, you should get rid of it or pre-germinate the seeds.

  1. To remove the shell, spread the seeds across the bottom of a wide plastic container so that they do not touch each other. Pour some warm water, cover with a lid. When the crust has liquefied to the point of mucus, carefully remove mechanically the part that peels off easily. You can completely get rid of the peel in 2-3 days.
  2. In order for the seeds to hatch, you need to fold ordinary toilet paper in several layers and moisten it generously warm water and spread the kobei seeds over the surface, avoiding the seeds touching each other. Paper with seeds in horizontal position Place in a clear bag and keep under bright light. Germination will take about 2 weeks. Don’t be alarmed if the seeds become moldy - rinse them lightly with warm water, replace the paper and bag with new ones.

Carry out further sowing in the same way as described above.

Transshipment of seedlings and hardening

  • In order for the seedlings to have the opportunity to develop their root system well, once 2 true leaves appear, they should be transferred with a lump of earth into separate 3-liter pots.
  • Install a metal or plastic ladder to provide enough light for the plants.
  • In this form, begin hardening: take the vine to a balcony or loggia, where the kobeya should spend about 3 weeks before planting in open ground.

How to transfer kobe seedlings, look at the video:

When and how to plant kobe seedlings in the ground

Do not overexpose the vine in the pot. When the threat of frost has passed and the night temperature is +5º C, you can plant it in open ground (late May-early June). If you are afraid of the return of cold weather, after planting you can cover the kobeya with non-woven material for a while.

Keep a distance of 0.5-1 m between plantings. Dig planting holes a little larger size earthen coma. Handle the vine, add soil, compact it a little, and water it generously. Immediately install a support for the vine - an arch, a fence.

It is better to choose an area for planting with good lighting, light shading is allowed. You need a secluded place without strong winds. The soil is required to be fertile and loose. Planting holes can be filled with a mixture of humus, turf soil, and peat.

Video about the further growth of kobei in the ground:

Propagation of kobei by cuttings

Unfortunately, in our climatic conditions, kobe seeds do not have time to ripen. They should be purchased annually flower shops. In order to propagate kobeya by cuttings in the spring, try saving the vine growing in your garden until spring. To do this, at the beginning of October, cut off the shoots, carefully dig up the bush, and transfer it to a box or large flowerpot. The plant must be stored in a room with an air temperature no higher than 12º C - in the basement, cellar.

To earthen lump do not dry out, water a little every 3-4 weeks. From the end of February, move the plant to a warm, bright room and gradually increase watering. Cut and root cuttings from young shoots and return the mother plant to open ground.

  • Cut off the apical shoots 10-12 cm long and root in damp sand, after pre-treating them with a growth stimulator.
  • To create a greenhouse effect, the cuttings are covered either with plastic cups, jars, or bags.
  • It is necessary to ventilate daily, moisten moderately to avoid rot.
  • High air temperatures will be destructive; 22-24°C is enough.
  • When young shoots appear, you can gradually accustom the plants to the air by removing the shelter.
  • Before planting in the ground, rooted seedlings are hardened off in shady place garden, and with the onset of warmth at the end of May they are planted in the ground.

How to care for kobeya in the garden

Watering and loosening the soil

Water regularly, more abundantly in dry weather. The soil should always be slightly moist, but be careful with watering, especially if the vine grows in the shade - excess moisture leads to the appearance of root rot.

Regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Top dressing

The first feeding must be done in the first days of life - with the appearance of 2 leaves, add humate. After planting in open ground, fertilize every 7 days, alternating mineral fertilizers with organic matter. Before buds begin to form, apply more nitrogen, and then phosphorus and potassium.

Diseases and pests

They can live on a liana spider mites or aphids. It is necessary to spray with a solution of green potassium soap; pet anti-flea shampoo will do. To completely get rid of pests, treat with an insecticide.

Kobeya in landscape design photo

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):