Clematis is a beautiful, unpretentious plant.

Clematis is one of the most beautiful climbing plants. It has several advantages that make it even more attractive. Clematis happens different shades: red, pink, purple and blue, as well as neutral white. This allows you to successfully combine bright flowers with other plants on the balcony. They also grow very quickly, and in order to enjoy flowering for as long as possible - from June to September - it is necessary to provide good watering, but not excessive.

Honeysuckle - energetic and evergreen, constantly attracting admiring glances. But you shouldn’t be jealous of it, because you can easily grow this variety in the bathroom on the balcony. Honeysuckle grows well there even in winter, provided the windows face east or west.

Common ivy is a fast-growing classic on any balcony or wall, which it adorns with its green “clothing” of leaves. There's a good reason why it's so popular: perennial ivy is especially easy to care for. But be careful, as this attractive and hardy plant begins to live its life. own life, if not trimmed properly. In particular, if it has been decorating the balcony for several years without being pruned, it becomes wild, and in the worst case, it can damage the facade.

Set garden tools GARDENA "Home Gardening", specially created for use at home, will help you carefully trim not only ivy, but also other plants on your balcony. It consists of pruning shears, a spatula for planting seedlings, gardening gloves for keeping things clean, and a multi-functional jug with a pointed edge for watering and digging the soil.

Thunbergia, or as she is also called, black-eyed Susan, like a snake, directs her beautiful flowers up in a counterclockwise direction. This flower will add joy to your balcony with its yellow, orange or brown-orange petals. Susan's black eyes are at home in a warm and sunny location that should be protected from wind and rain. This attractive plant will grow up to two meters in height if cared for properly and allowed to overwinter indoors.

A trumpet flower will add a bit of exotic charm to your balcony. The flower of this plant looks like a funnel, which gives its appearance a special effect. If the trumpet flower is located in a sunny, warm place, protected from the wind, it turns into a strongly climbing plant that needs support. To ensure it blooms beautifully every year, it needs to be protected during the colder months.

Knotweed flower is also known as "wedding veil" or "architect's comfort" and originates from China. Its heart-shaped green leaves, which turn pale yellow in autumn, look very good on the balcony. During the period from July to October, it also pleases with white broom branches, which give it a romantic look.

The blue passion flower is another attractive plant with an exotic appearance. It is necessary to place the perennial in a bright and sunny place in order to enjoy its abundant flowering for a long time. The little beauty needs help getting up because she can grow up to several meters in height. Despite the fact that the passion flower is very resistant to frost, it must be kept above zero in winter.

Good day.

I have a balcony, a standard Soviet one with lattice railings. And the idea came to my mind to cover it with ivy, but I have never grown anything in my life and I don’t know how to approach this.

Therefore, I will be glad to any advice on this matter.

It’s better to plant annuals, for example, beans; they wrap around the balcony and bloom perfectly.

I'm growing hops - sorry, sorry...

What conditions are needed?

Ivy is an unpretentious plant, this applies to both lighting and temperature requirements. It can also grow in rooms that are poorly heated in winter (not lower than 12°C). With regular spraying, it will overwinter well at normal room temperature.

It prefers bright light (this is especially true for variegated varieties), but it will also develop well in partial shade. In winter, you need to provide a brighter location.

When growing ivy, the soil is moistened regularly. In summer, water abundantly; the soil should be moist all the time. In winter - moderate, the earth should not dry out, but should not be too wet. Excessive wetting of the substrate can damage the plant. But you need to spray the vine as often as possible. It is useful to wash yourself in the shower from time to time.

How to make soil: it is best to use light soil soil mixture based on peat and humus. Take 1 part of turf, peat, humus, leaf soil and 1 part of sand.

Our liana is very responsive to additional nutrition, and you can feed it with any ready-made, store-bought or traditional homemade fertilizers. From March to August they feed complex fertilizer for decorative deciduous indoor plants. Feeding is carried out every two weeks. Ivy responds well to mullein infusion. However, frequent feeding can reduce the decorative attractiveness of small-leaved forms: the leaves become very large.

To ensure that the plant does not lose its decorative appearance and is characterized by dense foliage and “fluffiness,” the ends of the shoots must be pinched from time to time.

Replant the plant once every two years in a pot. larger diameter. Ivy propagation is very easy: stem cuttings or air layering. For better rooting, cuttings can be covered glass jar or by package.

Ivy is not too susceptible to pests and diseases. But still, a red spider mite may appear on the plant. In warm and especially dry rooms it is affected by scale insects. In this case, you should move the plant to a cooler place and get rid of the pest first mechanically- trim off affected stems. Then you should treat the vine with an insecticide. Good results Treatment with karbofos works against many pests. Spraying is carried out very carefully so that the solution gets under each leaf, otherwise after a while the pest will multiply again. Some gardeners recommend rinsing all ivy foliage in a basin with insecticide instead of spraying.

Brown spots on the leaves - a sign of infection by the Phylosticta fungus. If there are only a few diseased leaves, they need to be removed. If the plant is severely damaged, it will have to be destroyed. This disease appears when watering regimes and air humidity are violated.

Growing problems

Basically, these are common care deficiencies for all indoor plants.

If the edges of the leaves dry out, acquire Brown color, the stem is poorly leafy - this means that the room is too heat contents, dry air.

The leaves are small, the stems are bare, twisted -

The plant lacks light. But in general, even in healthy adult specimens, the leaves at the base of the stem usually fall off with age.

Variegated forms lose their decorative coloring, the leaves become even green color- this is also a consequence of lack of light. Move the plant to a brighter place.

Yellowing and falling leaves can also be caused by a lack of moisture. Another reason is a cramped pot.

Eliminating all these content deficiencies, of course, will not be difficult.

With bright and juicy buds that harmoniously combine with straight shoots, they can be considered the pride of any gardener or lover of greenery in the apartment. After growth, any type of climbing plants give even a small balcony a unique charm and delightful look.

In our article today we will discuss which plants are suitable for decorating a terrace, loggia or open balcony, we will provide all the necessary tips and care recommendations.

Overgrown climbing plants, in summer time those planted next to the open railings of balconies can hide from the annoying attention of neighbors, and this alone can be considered a huge advantage in favor of choosing them for decoration.

Ipomoea (Boundweed), popularly called Morning Dew, can also be perfect for decorating a balcony or loggia. The class of these plants can include both annuals and perennial species, but you should be careful.

ATTENTION! Morning glory is considered a poisonous plant!

Delicate buds of various shades decorate the garden or loggia from June until the onset of the first night frosts, creating a beautiful natural carpet of greenery with bright splashes of juicy buds. The inflorescences themselves resemble a “gramophone” in shape, with one stamen and unusual transitions color palette inside the bud.

Morning glory grows quite rapidly, which gives special pleasure, managing to wrap itself around any support during growth, firmly anchor itself on it and crawl upward, creating “ artificial wall" For morning glory to grow, loose soil and regular but moderate watering are sufficient.

Ipomoea purpurea

Bindweed, as morning glory is popularly called, is a climbing garden vine, which began to be grown in the 18th century. The wild relative of this plant is considered to be field bindweed, both in appearance and in structure; it is very similar to morning glory.

The plant is not only perennial, but also annual, so when purchasing seeds or seedlings, you should read the information from the manufacturer. The family includes over 3,500 species, among which you can find: herbaceous species, as well as shrubs and even small trees.

climbing vines

The inflorescences have a funnel shape, reminiscent of a “gramophone” and a wide variety of colors from light, delicate Pink colour, to a rich dark tone. At the same time, the plant prefers sunny side for planting, but in the shade it will bloom very weakly.

Convolvulus for decorating a terrace

This type of plant is widely used as a “drapery” for walls, wicker fences and to imitate hedges. With the help of bindweed, you can effortlessly hide defects and bald spots, decorate a wall or a sunny area for relaxation. That is why bindweed rightfully takes the leading position in terms of rapid growth among the class of vines.

From bindweed you can create a natural border or delimit an area into zones, and many species of this plant feel great not only in open ground, but also suitable for planting in pots and large cache-pots. A floor vases with bindweeds have mobility, they can be moved to another place if necessary, decorating open terrace or the porch of a country house.

Planting morning glory - lighting and care

You can plant morning glory as early as April, by directly sowing the seeds in the ground, but only after the night frosts have ended. If the spring is cold, then you can grow seedlings using peat-based soil, and then carefully transplant them to the site. Before planting the seeds, it is recommended to ventilate them and soak them in warm water for a couple of hours.

The plant is very unpretentious, and can grow in almost any type of soil, with the exception of clay, because root system reproduces rapidly to ensure rapid growth and greater coverage of free territory.

Watering morning glory is moderate, but with proper care and moist soil, morning glory blooms profusely and luxuriantly during the summer months.

If the plant twines around a support or wall of the gazebo, then it is recommended to regularly direct new tendrils to in the right direction. Weeding is needed only at the stage of sprouts appearing in the ground, and the buds do not require pruning and removal of buds that have bloomed.

Perennial climbing plants

You can also grow on balconies and terraces.

The class of perennials includes such plant species as:

  • Climbing rose;
  • Ivy;

Great. They not only serve as its decoration, but are also able to protect the room from excessive sunlight and summer heat, dust and noise. big city. And climbing plants are especially suitable for balconies, since with their long stems with powerful leaf cover they are able to create living green wall. In addition, many of them bloom very beautifully, and their flowers enliven the dull walls of buildings, making them more elegant and picturesque.

How to choose climbing plants?

When choosing climbing plants for your balcony, you need to take into account factors that affect their growth and flowering. Namely, a balcony faces the light or shadow side of the street, whether it is glazed or not.

If the balcony is not glazed, then when planning planting, you need to take into account the strength of the wind blowing there. This is important because some plants, such as clematis, whose shoots break easily, are unlikely to do well in strong winds. To make flowers look beautiful against the background of the walls, you need to select them in contrast with the color of the wall. So, against the background of red brick, white or yellow flowers will look good.

For growing on a balcony, if it is not glazed, it is better to select unpretentious and hardy plants. They can be annual or perennial.

For sunny, illuminated balconies, annuals are suitable: nasturtium, decorative beans, sweet peas, morning glory, from perennials - actinidia, honeysuckle, Chinese lemongrass.

Ivy is good for shaded balconies. He endures strong winds, but it needs to be removed for the winter, as it is sensitive to frost. Compared to ivy girl's grapes unpretentious and hardy, and its unusually beautiful autumn outfit will decorate any balcony. On a balcony facing north, these plants should be placed so that they do not obscure sunlight. For example, near the wall of a building on which the supporting grid needs to be strengthened, or in the corners.

IN southern regions country balconies can be decorated with these beautiful plants, like climbing roses and wisteria, but for middle zone they are unlikely to fit.

Planting climbing plants

Plant boxes should be deep enough, 25 - 30 cm, and the same width. Their length is about a meter. You can make the boxes yourself or buy ready-made ones. The soil should be loose and fertile. A mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand, taken in equal quantities. You can buy ready-made soil for flowers. Drainage must be placed at the bottom of the box or container - expanded clay or ceramic shards.

Clematis requires containers at least 65 cm high. Boxes for climbing plants should be installed on the floor of a balcony or loggia. Plants need to be provided with support. For this purpose, a mesh of thin wire, twine, wooden lattice.

The most popular climbing plants for balconies

Clematis, unusually beautiful and abundant flowering plants, suitable for growing on closed balconies and loggias. It is better if these balconies are located on the south or east side of the building. Plant containers should be 65cm deep and have holes in the bottom. They are placed on pallets, raised by 2.5 cm. When watering flowers, water should not stagnate in the container. Place them to the sides and back walls balcony The plant must be provided with support. Varieties from the Jacqueman, Integrifolia, Florida, Vititsella, and small-flowered groups are suitable for the balcony. Clematis need to be watered abundantly, shoots need to be tied up in time, and the soil must be loosened and mulched.

For the winter, they are cut off and, having been removed from the support, placed on top of the container. Having covered the top with sawdust or peat, wrap it up, and, placing the container with the plant in plastic bag, stored on a shelf at a temperature not lower than minus 12 °C on a balcony or loggia. At severe frost The container should be placed in a warm room for a while.

Morning glory is an annual plant. It is characterized by very rapid growth and long flowering. Blue morning glory blooms before late autumn. Its large flowers, up to 12 cm in diameter, are very decorative. Morning glory rises high on the support, forming a real green wall. Blooms from July to September. Loves good things solar lighting And abundant watering, undemanding to care.

Sweet pea is annual plant with cute fragrant flowers. It grows quickly, reaching 3 meters in height. Not afraid of frost.

Both peas and morning glory can be sown in April at permanent place. It is better to grow morning glory to obtain seeds seedling method, because otherwise its seeds large-flowered varieties may not ripen.

“Living walls” made of green vines, and even flowering ones, will decorate any balcony. You can grow them even if the balcony area does not allow you to roam around - after all, the vines grow vertically along the walls or even along stretched ropes, so they will not take away precious space from their low-flowering potted brethren.

I want to talk about the most common varieties of beautifully flowering vines for our balconies.

Perhaps the most famous among them is morning glory. It captivates with its unpretentiousness, rapid growth and, at the same time, the grace of its foliage and variety of colors. The diameter of morning glory flowers is approximately 5 cm, but there are varieties with a diameter of up to 15 cm.

Stores sell morning glory seeds in a variety of colors and shades.

Morning glory with variegated foliage looks very original.

Morning glory needs a bright, sunny place, preferably protected from the wind (however, this applies to all vines). It is undemanding to the soil, although it is nutritious, loose soil with good drainage will reward with rapid growth. It is advisable to fertilize morning glory only with fertilizers for flowering plants, otherwise it will grow too many tops. If the soil in the box is dry, the morning glory will immediately “tell” you about it by lowering its leaves. After watering, the leaves rise almost before our eyes.

Morning glory grows very quickly and does not require pre-germination. On the contrary, by sowing morning glory seeds in advance you run the risk that the seedlings will stretch out and later get sick when transplanted. The time to sow morning glory depends on the weather and region, but it is usually done in April-May, after the threat of spring frost has passed. By autumn, this graceful vine can reach up to 4-5 meters!!! Unfortunately, it cannot stand the cold at all and will die at the first autumn frosts.

Next plant - TUNBERGY, or black-eyed Suzanne. Thunbergia is a spectacular annual vine native to the tropics. On our balconies it will grow to 1.5 - 2.5 meters. Its flowers reach 5 cm in diameter and come in all shades of yellow and orange flowers, and also white.

Compositions from different varieties thunbergia.

Thunbergia owes its popular name “black-eyed Susanna” to the dark core of the flower, which stands out against the background of yellow petals. However, there are also varieties without the “black eye”.

Thunbergia is sensitive to the bay, but also to dryness earthen coma cannot tolerate, loses leaves and becomes vulnerable to spider mite. The location is sunny, south and west balconies are good.

Like no other flowering vine, thunbergia is ideal for growing without support, that is, as hanging plant. In the fall, you can collect the seeds or heavily prune the plant and provide it with wintering at 12-14 degrees. When propagating by seeds, you should start as early as March.

Let's consider the following well-known, but nevertheless very bright and impressive vine - NASTURTIUM. Many people mistakenly consider it banal, but in fact, nasturtium is a unique celebration of sunny colors!

The familiar round leaves of the capuchin vine are covered with flowers in the most different colors- white, yellow, orange, pink, red, salmon, scarlet, as well as in mixed shades. Nasturtium with variegated foliage is very interesting. Nasturtium flowers (up to 5 cm in diameter) can be simple, semi-double or double.

Climbing nasturtium grows up to 2.5 meters. At the same time, it is unpretentious to the soil; it prefers the sun to the western or eastern side - in the north it blooms poorly, but in the south it grows quickly. This fragrant and colorful vine attracts bees, so do not grow it on small balcony if you suffer from apiphobia. It is possible to sow nasturtium in indoor greenhouses, but there is no need for this - it will grow quickly even with open sowing into the ground balcony boxes; In addition, she does not tolerate transplantation well. Even light frosts can destroy a tender vine, so it can only be planted after the last spring frosts.

Another advantage of nasturtium is that its young leaves and flowers can be added to salads and used to decorate a variety of dishes when setting the table. They look bright flowers on festive table extraordinarily effective. The fruits (unripe, green) can be pickled - they serve as an excellent replacement for expensive capers. The taste is spicy, reminiscent of ground black pepper. In addition, nasturtium is very useful - both the leaves and unripe fruits of the plant contain a large number of vitamin C.

The next plant I want to talk about is SWEET PEA . Perhaps none of the vines described above has such a variety of colors and... such a sweet aroma! Sweet peas are famous for this very quality, but it should be noted that some of them hybrid varieties this property has been lost.

Pea flowers are unusually elegant, but rather small. However, thanks abundant flowering, general form The vines are very bright and interesting.

The richest range of colors makes it possible to choose varieties to suit every taste.

The plant prefers open, sunny, windless places with fertile soils. It reacts painfully to sudden changes in night and day temperatures by dropping buds and even flowers. It is recommended to sow sweet peas in indoor greenhouses as early as March-April, depending on the region, because approximately two and a half to three months pass from the moment of sowing or soaking the seeds until the first flowers appear. However, it is necessary to provide the seedlings with enough light, otherwise the seedlings will stretch and become fragile. Seedlings are painful to transplant, so it is recommended to grow them in peat pots to avoid damaging the roots. Excellent quality sweet pea bloom more profusely when regularly cut flowers for home bouquets makes it even more attractive for growing on the balcony.

But this plant appeared on sale quite recently - we're talking about O COBEE. This one is powerful perennial vine cultivated in our weather conditions as an annual. This is truly a giant liana - the stems reach 6 meters in length, the flowers - 6-8 cm!

There are only two types of kobei - with lilac and cream flowers.

The peculiarity of flowering is that the bell flower changes color as it blooms from first green through creamy white to lilac, to finally become deep purple. Which is also a rare quality in beautifully flowering plants annual vines- each of the flowers “lives” for about a week and only then falls off, leaving behind a seed pod.

It is necessary to sow kobeya early, in mid-March - early April, since the period between sowing and flowering takes several months. The seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks and are very fragile in the first days of life. After this, the kobeya begins to grow quickly and will soon require support.

The soil requirements are the same as most vines: fertile, well-drained soil. It is not recommended to plant other plants too close - this fast-growing, strong vine will certainly “take” its neighbors “hostage”, as it quickly entwines everything around. It blooms until late autumn, being not too sensitive to the first cold snaps. However, kobei will not bloom in the shade - it needs direct sunlight.

    - Seeds need to be soaked in hot water, possible with the addition of stimulants, at night or for a day.
    - Seedlings should be pinched above the first pair of true leaves.
    - In the first 2-3 weeks of life, seedlings must be hardened by placing them at above-zero temperatures for at least a few hours on a balcony or glassed-in loggia.
    - When replanting, try not to damage the roots; convenient for this peat pots, which are planted together with the plant in boxes.
    - Because of rapid growth The soil must be fertile, but it is advisable to fertilize it with special fertilizers for flowering plants in order to obtain lush flowering.
    - Removing spent flowers promotes more abundant flowering.

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