Numerous genus Echinopsis (Echinopsis) from the Cactaceae family is perhaps the most famous and widespread among amateur cactus growers. In addition to the Echinopsis itself ( various types), more recently it also includes lobivia, acantholobivia and chamecereus. In addition, many natural and cultural hybrids are known, which significantly expand the list of cacti of this genus.

IN natural environment These plants can be found in the foothills of Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, as well as Paraguay and Uruguay. Many of the Echinopsis produce numerous offspring, so both in nature and in culture, adult plants are usually surrounded by a whole family.

IN at a young age almost all representatives of the genus have a spherical, symmetrical stem with straight, deeply cut ribs. In some species they are smooth, uniform, in others they seem to consist of separate tubercles. With age, the stem stretches and takes on the shape of a column, sometimes reaching two meters in height with a rather small diameter. Its surface is green, smooth, the areoles are large and pubescent. Each areola contains several hard spines, the length of which, depending on the species, can be several millimeters or several centimeters.

The root system, although quite powerful, is superficial, lying shallow in the soil.

The time to bloom comes at the end of spring. At this time, very large funnel-shaped flowers appear from the lateral areoles of the middle part of the stem. The length of the “funnel” of such a flower can reach 30 cm, and the diameter of the corolla – 15 cm. The tube is usually pubescent, covered with scales; numerous rather wide petals have a lanceolate or oval shape. The number of flowers that bloom at the same time depends on the age of the plant. Adult specimens may have about 25 of them. Such a blooming echinopsis is an enchanting sight; at this time, few plants can compare with it in beauty. Unfortunately, the lifespan of each flower is short and ranges from 1 to 3 days.

Growing conditions


The cactus is a desert flower, so it loves the sun. As soon as warm, spring days arrive, we take the echinopsis out into the air. First we shade (harden). After winter dormancy, plants must be “accustomed” to warmth and light and not immediately exposed to direct sunlight.


Like all succulent plants, cacti have moisture reserves in their powerful stems (with spongy internal tissue). The surface of Echinopsis is covered with bluish wax, as well as powerful spines(up to 1.5 cm), hairs and bristles. The latter not only serve as protection from animals, but are a kind of moisture traps - moisture condenses on the tips and bends of the spines.

In the summer, while echinopsis are growing, we water them abundantly. By autumn, we begin to gradually reduce the amount of moisture, and by mid-November we stop watering completely. Don’t worry: until spring your “prickly pet” can easily do without water. We water young cacti more than adult plants.

Air temperature

The optimal wintering temperature for most cacti is 8°-10°C. Echinopsis requires cooler winter conditions than other cacti - 0°C. If you do not have this opportunity, then try to find the coolest place in your house for the plant.

Soil type

The desert representative prefers a lot of sand and gravel in the ground. Although it grows well in ordinary turf soil. For echinopsis we select flower pots With drainage hole, for outflow excess water when watering and breathing roots.


This cactus does not need to artificially increase air humidity and feels quite good at home. But periodically it can be washed in the shower, cleaning it from dust and dirt, having previously protected the soil from water.


Suitable for Echinopsis ready-made fertilizers for cacti and succulents, which can be purchased at flower shop. Feeding begins in March, when the cactus comes out of hibernation, and is carried out once a month. In November, fertilizers are stopped, and the plant is not fed in winter.


The plant needs breathable, loose soil with neutral acidity. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself by taking turf and leaf soil, coarse sand and fine gravel in a ratio of 2:1:1:0.5. It is advisable to add a little to the mixture charcoal, for the prevention of root rot.

The pot for planting should be chosen to be wide and shallow, since, firstly, the root system of cacti is superficial, and, secondly, many species form large colonies of children.

Replanting is carried out as rarely as possible, only if necessary, when a cactus or a family of cacti outgrows the volume of the pot allotted to it.


Although Echinopsis, like all cacti, is not pruned, it is advisable to separate its overly growing children in order to direct all the plant’s forces to flowering.


Echinopsis are propagated by children, which abundantly grow on old plants, and by seeds.

Seeds are sown in spring, in a moist substrate consisting of leafy soil. river sand and finely crushed charcoal in a ratio of 1:1:1.2. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm water. The temperature of the crops is maintained within 17-20°C, the bowls are constantly sprayed and regularly ventilated.

The babies are separated from the mother plant, dried for several days and planted in fine sand.

The stems of very old plants are rejuvenated. To do this, cut off the top, dry it for 10-12 days, then plant it in damp sand for rooting. The remaining stump will also produce new shoots.

Types of Echinopsis

Domestic amateur flower growers mainly use randomly formed hybrids obtained as a result of random cross-pollination of natural species. They are difficult to classify, but we can briefly list some popular original species forms to which the derived results are, to a greater or lesser extent, similar.

Echinopsis eyriesii– during the flowering period is perhaps one of the most beautiful views. The stem is dark green, with 11-18 ribs, highly branched. In nature, it reaches a height of 2.5 m with a diameter of about 25 cm. The areoles bear 12-18 thin small spines, up to 5 mm long, which are almost completely hidden in the pubescence. The flowers are white or soft pink, with wide-lanceolate petals arranged in several rows.

Echinopsis mamillosa in a blooming state it is no less beautiful. But even in the absence of flowers, it attracts attention with its neat, elegant shape. As a rule, it has a single spherical stem up to 30 cm high, on which in the adult state there are 13 - 17 ribs with clearly defined tubercles bearing rounded areoles. The spines are straight, subulate, yellowish, about 1 cm long, 8 - 12 radial and 1 - 4 central. The flowers are pink, with wide-lanceolate petals arranged in several tiers.

White-flowered Echinopsis (Echinopsis leucantha) in adulthood it has a low, up to 35 cm, cylindrical stem, 12 cm in diameter, gray-green in color. The ribs are blunt, slightly wavy, in the amount of 12 - 14 pieces. The areoles bear several large thick brown spines: 8 - 10 slightly curved radial spines, 2.5 cm long, and one central curved upward, 5 - 10 cm long. The flowers are white with lanceolate multi-tiered petals.

Golden Echinopsis (Echinopsis aurea)– one of miniature species, reaching only 10 cm in height. When young, the stem is spherical; when mature, it is oblong-spherical with a flat top. Forms up to 15 high straight ribs with areoles bearing 10 golden-brown thin and flexible radial spines, centimeter long, and 1 - 4 central ones, about 3 cm long. The flowers are yellow-golden, relatively small, the tube reaches a length of “only” 10 cm, and the diameter of the corolla is 8 cm. The petals are obovate, with a slight point at the end.

Echinopsis ancistrophora- one of the smallest and most original echinopsis. The stem is flattened-spherical in shape and bears about 20 straight tuberous ribs, with light oval areoles. The spines are flexible, light brown, looking contrasting against the dark green surface of the cactus; radial ones, in an amount of about 4 - 10 pieces, reach a length of 1.5 cm and are quite strongly bent back, which makes them look like multi-legged spiders. The central one, usually single, is 2 cm long and also curved at the end. Flowers of various colors: white, hot pink, red, orange, lavender. They are quite large for such a small cactus, their tube is 15 cm long, and the diameter of the open corolla is 10 cm.

Chamaecereus is a creeping form of Echinopsis. In its group, this is the only species represented by Chamaecereus silvestrii. The shoots of the plant are light green, turning purple in bright sun. Length separate stem quite small, only 4 - 10 cm, with a width of about 1 cm. The stem has 6 - 9 ribs with densely spaced light areoles equipped with tiny spines. The flowers are brick red. The length of the tube is about 7 cm, the diameter of the open corolla is 3 - 4 cm.

Clean natural views represent very rare and are highly sought after by collectors. However, numerous modern hybrids are in no way inferior to them in beauty, but they are incomparably easier to acquire.

Cacti are plants that are relatively easy to grow and bloom at home. We recommend growing classic echinopsis and describe what to do to make it bloom regularly.

Echinopsis flowers look incredibly beautiful. Therefore, it is worth trying to ensure that our cacti bloom regularly.

Among many indoor plants Numerous cacti also take their place in decorating our apartments. These are original and interesting plants over the years they have acquired a large group of fans who grow them with great passion. Cacti are also often grown for convenience, as they do not require as much attention as others. indoor flowers. But we must not forget that they also have their own requirements, and if you do not comply with the minimum care requirements, they will grow, bloom and wither poorly.

Echinopsis - cactus with a classic design

Some of the most common and easiest to grow cacti include plants from the genus Echinopsis, in particular, native to South America. This representative of the Cactaceae family is a typical, small cactus with a classic appearance, which grows 30-50 cm tall and reaches a diameter of about 10-20 cm. Initially it has a spherical shape with clearly defined ribs, however, over time it becomes more elongated and cylindrical . Its ribs along the entire length are covered with clusters of small spines, which become longer and sharper over time. In spring and summer, Echinopsis can bloom beautifully in large, semi-double, white or slightly pink flowers with a wonderful aroma. And although the flowers open only at night and remain attractive for only one day, the flowering is still worth waiting for, because the beauty of the flowers is truly extraordinary.

Echinopsis has beautiful flowers In order for it to bloom at home, you must comply with the appropriate conditions - including you must provide the plant with a period of “rest.”

What to do to make a cactus bloom regularly?

However, in order for Echinopsis to have the opportunity to bloom at all, we must provide it with appropriate conditions. First of all all year round it requires a very bright, sunny place. Otherwise, not only will it not bloom, but it may also become deformed and change color. During the growing season, systematically, but moderate watering, because due to the sunny location it is necessary more water than in winter. Excess water should not be left in the stand as this can easily lead to root rot (there should be drainage at the bottom of the pot).

In winter, Echinopsis almost does not need water, since at this time it has a dormant period. At this time, its watering should be kept to an absolute minimum, watering so that the soil in the pot does not dry out completely (just water the plant very sparingly once a month).

In order for Echinopsis to bloom at home, you must also maintain the correct temperature conditions. In summer, temperatures can be high, although this plant does not like heat and prefers cold nights, and in winter the temperature must be low (8-10 ° C) for Echinopsis to go into dormancy mode. Without a period of rest, Echinopsis will not develop properly and may not set flowers even after several years.

Lack of flowers may also occur due to abundant watering And high temperature in summer. On flowering plants good effect fresh air, therefore, if possible, in the summer Echinopsis should be on the balcony or in the garden. During the growing season, the plant should also be fed with a small dose of cactus fertilizer, which will make it stronger and produce more flowers.


Echinopsis needs to be provided with an appropriate foundation. Typical flower earth is not suitable for it because it is too fertile and collects too much water. To grow it, it is much better to use a mixture of peat and sand in a 2:1 ratio or special soil for cacti, which is quite light and permeable. During transplantation, great care must be taken, as sharp thorns can seriously prick. Therefore, it is best to replant Echinopsis while wearing thick gloves or using thick paper wrapped around their spines. Transplantation is carried out at the end of spring; the plant is easy to propagate, as it forms numerous side shoots. To do this, it is enough to break off young shoots from an adult specimen and root them in a moist cactus substrate. The plant can also be grown from seeds.

Echinopsis includes numerous species of the Cactus family. IN natural conditions they can be seen on the plains and mountainous areas Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia. They also represent the flora of Paraguay and Uruguay.

Many Echinopsis form a large number of shoots (children). Therefore, both natural and indoor specimens usually grow surrounded by a large family.

IN open ground natural conditions these cacti can reach human height. Houses grow up to 50-70 cm. In total, there are more than a hundred species of this plant. Only a few of them can be grown in a room.

A common quality for all varieties is high decorativeness. Adult specimens bloom regularly and profusely, producing large funnel-shaped flowers of various shades. Depending on the variety, they can be white, yellow, golden purple pink, etc. At the same time, Echinopsis are very unpretentious and require minimal conditions when growing.

We’ll talk about how to grow echinopsis at home and what a cactus looks like today on the “Popular about Health” website:

Pictured is Echinopsis

Soil and flower pot

In order for the cactus to feel comfortable and bloom regularly, it requires soil prepared from garden soil, peat and expanded clay. You can add humus to the mixture. If difficulties arise with self-cooking soil mixture, best buy ready soil for home cacti. It is quite neutral and nutritious.

Choose a pot that is wide, but not deep. Be sure to fill its bottom with drainage, then add soil. When planting, do not bury the plant - the soil should reach the level of the root collar. Place a layer of small pebbles on top of the soil.

Echinopsis cactus - home care


Everyone loves cacti very much sunlight. Echinopsis is no exception. Therefore, the best place to place it is a south window. In summer, when the hot sun is shining, send him to live on the balcony. Just shade it for the first time so that it gets used to the new conditions and be sure to protect it from precipitation.

For wintering, place it in a shaded, cool place. In the spring, when the dormant period ends, do not immediately expose it to the sun. Gradually accustom him to bright light and warmth.

Air temperature:

In summer, the best temperature for your prickly pet is from 22 to 27C. With the arrival of autumn, the temperature must be gradually reduced. To do this, remove it from the bright sun to a cooler windowsill. In winter there comes a period of rest, so the best temperature will be from 6 to 12C.


At home, Echinopsis prefers dry air, so there is no need to increase the humidity. However, periodically give him warm shower to clean the thin needles from accumulated dust. In this case, it is better to tilt the pot, or protect the soil with cellophane from getting large amounts of water.


The cactus should be watered regularly, but not abundantly. Especially during the flowering period and in summer, when the plant is in the sun and evaporates a lot of moisture. Therefore, do not let the soil dry out. Only in winter, watering is kept to a minimum - you only need to wet the soil with a spray bottle, 1-2 times a month.

Top dressing:

Caring for Echinopsis should include feeding it. Starting in March, feed your pet every month with special fertilizers designed for cacti and succulents. With the onset of November, fertilizing is not carried out.


Echinopsis reproduce well by seeds, as well as shoots (children). Let's take a closer look at both methods:

in spring collected seeds soak warm water for a day, or place it in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks. Then sow in moist soil. Cover with glass or clear plastic. Best temperature for seedlings - from 17 to 20C.

Periodically open the cover, ventilate the plantings, and moisten the soil. When the seedlings grow and become stronger, plant them in separate pots.

If you don’t want to bother with seeds, separate a few babies, preferably from a cactus that has already bloomed. Keep them on a bright windowsill for several days, but without direct sun. Then place it on the surface of the moistened soil and press lightly. You can cover it with a jar, but it is not necessary. The soil needs to be moistened periodically.


Replant the cactus once every 2 years when the roots become crowded. Best time for this procedure - the end of February. IN new pot replant the plant together with an old dried earthen lump. New soil must also be dry.

After transplanting, leave the plant alone. You can start watering only after a week. This “dry” regime is necessary so that the damaged roots heal and do not begin to rot.


To make your Echinopsis bloom, take it home young plant from an adult cactus that has already bloomed. At the same time, you need to create for him, frankly, Spartan conditions in winter: low temperature- about 6-10C and minimal watering - only 1-2 times throughout the winter.

When spring arrives, start feeding immediately. All this should activate the formation and development of flower buds.

Blooming Echinopsis (you can see a photo of the cactus at the top of this page) is a fascinating phenomenon, although it does not last long - the flowers last only a few days. Their number depends on the age of the plant. For example, an adult cactus that has been growing for many years can produce up to 25 flowers.

Since the plant is very unpretentious and requires minimal care and care, novice amateur gardeners are recommended to begin their acquaintance with cacti with Echinopsis.

Unusual, sometimes a little strange and at the same time royally magnificent representatives of the Cactus family appeared in Europe in the first year of the 18th century.

Special appearance and the unpretentiousness of the envoys of South America attracted the attention of flower growers and contributed to their widespread distribution - various types cacti could be meet in greenhouses and botanical gardens many European cities.

And soon they took best places in private collections of tropical plant lovers and on the windowsills of ordinary houses.

Basic signs

Echinopsis, which in the first years of life resembles a hedgehog and that is why it bears the name of this cute animal, is the most sought-after genus of exotic thorns among the world community of flower growers.

IMPORTANT! The first specimens of cacti that arrived in Europe belonged specifically to the genus Echinopsis. And most often the first thing in the collections of beginners and amateurs is the same “green hedgehog”.

The description of a cactus varies considerably within a taxonomic unit.

Although there are similar features:

INTERESTING! For the beauty of its flowers, the cactus received another name - “prickly lily”.

  1. In many collections you can find Echinopsis in the form of a base (rootstock) for other types of cacti.
  2. Echinopsis is distinguished among many plants that are beautiful and at the same time healing medicinal properties its pulp. It has antibacterial properties, helps in the treatment of cardiovascular, gastric diseases, arthrosis, hypertension and much more.

Types and names grown at home

Most cacti growing on windowsills and classified as one or another species of Echinopsis are actually hybrids of this genus, difficult to taxonomically define. But this does not harm their beauty. A certain number of species still remain unchanged.

Echinopsis oxygona

A distinctive feature of the cactus is a large number (maximum up to 14) pointed, sometimes bumpy ribs on a juicy, green ball of the stem.

The ball can stretch up to 30 cm, gaining no more than a quarter of a meter in circumference. Along the tops of the edges, fluffy white areoles are slightly recessed, bearing 1-7 central (0.4 cm) and up to 15 accompanying (about 15 mm) spines.

Flowers on a long tube (a little more than 20 cm) in various shades of pink.

Echinopsis eyriesii

The Echinopsis eyrieza cactus is a spherical stem assembled from 11 to 18 dark green edges. From the light down of the round areoles, short (only 2 cm) awls of spines are slightly visible. A characteristic feature is the presence of multiple processes.

The cactus blooms with white or pinkish corollas, on the petals of which, closer to the center, thick pink lines are occasionally drawn. The long flower tube grows up to a quarter of a meter.

White-flowered Echinopsis (Echinopsis leucantha)

The stem of Echinopsis white-flowered is colored dark tone green with a grayish tint. Its shape can be round or resemble a small cylinder, which is due to its characteristic parameters: with a height of up to 40 cm, the girth of the stem is no more than 12 cm.

Usually 14 blunt, tuberculate edges are covered with elongated areoles of a yellowish tint. The ovals of the areoles contain a single main (up to 10 cm) and about 10 lateral (2.5 cm) spines. They are all thick, curved, and a pleasant brown color.

The snow-white corollas of the cactus are formed by several tiers of lanceolate-shaped petals.

Echinopsis mamillosa

The cactus is beautiful not only in its blooming state - E. mamilosa itself is distinguished by its elegant shape and compact size.

Having a single stem no higher than 30 cm, the specimens are balls slightly pressed down on top. The ribs are sharp, in quantities from 13 to 17 pieces, colored in thick green.

On the obvious tubercles of the edges of the areola balls, yellow spines with brown points peek out. The length of all spines is 1 cm, but the 4 central ones look like a thick awl, and the side ones are thinner, there can be up to 12 of them. Due to the color of the needles, the cactus has a golden glow.

Blooms with pink or white buds. The corollas sit on small curved tubes (about 15 cm).

Golden Echinopsis (Echinopsis aurea)

Young specimens of Echinopsis aureus look like miniature balls. But even in adulthood, the cactus does not increase in size too much, presenting an example of miniature - stretching out a little in height, the plant barely reaches 10 cm. The stem looks like a green column flattened on top.

Produces multiple basal shoots, on each of which you can count about 15 protruding edges. The brown areolas are very closely spaced. The spines protruding from them (up to 4 in the center, 3 cm tall and about 10 radial, reaching 10 cm) are so densely intertwined that they cover the cactus with a brown-gold mesh.

Flowers are formed in the lower half of the stem. The corollas are modest in size (radius - 4 cm) and painted yellow or orange.

Echinopsis ancistrophora

It also represents a group of miniature cacti - the height of an adult specimen is about 10 cm. The balls of dark greenery are collected from, perhaps, the largest number of ribs - there are up to 20 of them, which looks very impressive given the small size of the plant.

One main and up to 10 lateral spines sprout from the white areoles. Radial needle length- one and a half centimeters, and the central one - 0.5 cm more. All spines are strongly curved and colored light tone brown. Because of this, the spiny areoles look like spiders with long legs.

Blooms during the day. The flowers are a little big for a small cactus, but they look amazing. The color range ranges from white and yellow to pink and lilac.

Echinopsis subdenudata or semi-naked (Echinopsis subdenudata)

E. half-naked has a juicy green spherical stem of small size - in adulthood its height does not reach 10 cm, and its girth is only 12 cm. Up to 12 edges stand out clearly on the stem, bearing a small number of whitish areoles.

Echinopsis subdenudata has characteristic feature- he has spines are almost completely absent. In small areoles you can see one spine, which grows up to 0.2 cm. Much less often, there can be two or three.

Flowering occurs at night with white and rather large corollas.

This cactus is most often used as rootstock for other species.

Echinopsis hybrid

The prominent ribs of the cactus make up the spherical stem of a dense green, which as it grows takes on a somewhat elongated shape. Small groups of spines look like thickened needles. They are evenly distributed along all the tips of the ribs, emerging from neat areolas.

Floral tubes are formed from the areoles in the middle of the stem. The buds are painted white or pink.

Hybrid Echinopsis blooms only in adulthood.

Among the cacti of this genus one can also note:

Echinopsis Erie, characterized by a magnificent combination of dark green stems and delicate flowers white or pinkish tint - the most beautifully blooming species.

Echinopsis tubiflora, distinguished by the color of the areoles, which varies from white to black, and the spines, yellow with dark points.

having strongly branching stems up to a meter in height and flowers of bright yellow or red.

But a photo can only partially convey all the splendor of flowering representatives of the genus Echinopsis.

Home care

All representatives of the Cactus family can be called the most picky plants. Careful execution is enough for them simple rules and the great love of flower growers - even a novice amateur can cope with these tasks.

Placement and lighting

Cacti constantly need large quantities light, but there are some nuances. When placing them on south-facing windows, you should shade cacti from the hot midday rays. Although, dosed bathing in the light of the luminary will not harm the cactus.

ATTENTION! Western or eastern window sills can be considered an ideal option for Echinopsis.

On the windows north side illumination is too low for tropical beauties, and they may not form buds in due time.


Cacti are plants whose flowering directly depends on temperature regime. If you do not organize cool keeping for them in winter (ideally no higher than 10 degrees), then it is quite possible refusal of the plant to bloom in summer.

ADVICE! When trying to create conditions for winter dormancy of cacti, you should definitely protect the plant from drafts.

Temperature during the period active growth and flowering of representatives of this genus of cacti should be maintained within 20 - 30 degrees without drafts and sudden changes in indicators.

Humidity and watering

Tropical cacti adapt well to climatic conditions apartments. They do not require artificial maintenance of a certain air humidity, but will be grateful for a cool shower for hygiene purposes.

There are no difficulties with watering cacti either. During active life, plants are watered after the top layer of soil has dried. In addition, the pot must be placed in a tray for the timely drainage of excess water.

From the beginning of autumn, watering of the cactus is gradually reduced, reducing it to a minimum, and watering again begins to increase only at the end of February.

Soil and pot

In order for the roots of the cactus to be comfortable, light, nutritious soil with good aeration is required. To prevent possible putrefactive processes in soil mixture You can add ground activated carbon.

The choice of pot should be approached taking into account the physiology of the plant. The roots of the cactus are powerful, but located near the surface, therefore no deep vessel required. Many species of Echinopsis form numerous basal processes, so a large space is needed.

ATTENTION! For a cactus of the genus Echinopsis, a small and fairly wide pot is perfect.


Here's how to do it so as not to harm the plant:

After transplanting the plant Do not water for 10 days to prevent rot.


Two types of reproduction are used:

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Cacti require them for active life and flowering. Enough application of fertilizers once every month.

You cannot feed newly transplanted and resting plants.

How to make Echinopsis bloom

Lack of flowering in cacti is not so rare. And the problem is primarily due to non-compliance with the temperature regime. Cacti should receive optimal temperature V summer months and a cool dormant period in winter - and flowering will definitely take place.

The cactus may not bloom when low light, frequent watering and rotten roots– in any case, you should diagnose and eliminate the causes of the problem.

Diseases and pests

Echinopsis has strong immunity to diseases and pests. If the conditions of care are not followed, this cactus is dangerous from spider mites, scale insects and mealybugs.

Of the cactus diseases, the most Rot that occurs due to the carelessness of the grower is dangerous.

If damage occurs, it is necessary to change the plant care schedules, and also treat the cactus with chemicals.

Representatives of the genus Echinopsis magnificent flowering and with their unpretentiousness they managed to win the hearts of flower growers. And in return they expect attention, accuracy and love.

Genus Echinopsis quite extensive, its representatives are extremely popular as indoor plants around the world, for example, Echinopsis is found in Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Mexico, Argentina, Bolivia. Cacti grow in large colonies. Young plants have the shape of a ball, adults are more elongated, reaching 1.5-2 meters in height.

The stem of the cactus is dense, green, and ribbed. Covered with sharp spines of varying lengths, depending on the species. Echinopsis has a very poorly developed root system, running in upper layers soil.

At the end of spring, echinopsis bloom together. The flowers are funnel-shaped, up to 30 cm in diameter, and are located on a fairly high stem covered with scales. Young Echinopsis tend to have few flowers. Adults can have up to 20 flowers at a time. Cacti of different heights, collected in a group and covered with luxurious, large flowers, present a very picturesque picture.

Echinopsis cactus easy to care for, decorative and loved by many gardeners. It is a close relative. When purchasing a cactus, we first of all expect to see it bloom. However, very often the plant refuses to bloom. In order for Echinopsis to delight us with its flowering every year, we will consider the basic requirements, observing which we will be able to boast of a flowering cactus.

Caring for Echinopsis

Blooming cactus


Echinopsis needs bright sunlight all year round. Lack of light causes lack of flowering. A south window is good for cactus. Adapted to bright sun, the cactus does not need shading. In summer, the cactus feels great on the balcony and outdoors.


The flowering of a cactus primarily depends on the presence of a dormant period in the life of the plant. Echinopsis needs a cool wintering of +5, +10 degrees. If you ventilate the room in cold weather, remember cacti are afraid of drafts and can get sick if the window is open. It is in winter that the cactus gains strength for active flowering in the spring, so you should not neglect the creation of optimal conditions.

IN warm time year, the optimal temperature range for echinopsis is +22, +30 degrees.


From March to October, Echinopsis is watered as the soil dries out. The higher the air temperature, the more often watering may be required.

From October and throughout the winter, watering stops.

When watering Echinopsis, you need to remember that the weak roots of the cactus rot very quickly from waterlogging. And this is a direct path to the death of the plant.

Top dressing

Echinopsis cactus should be fertilized only during the active growing season - from March to October once a month. Fertilizers for cacti are used as fertilizing, following the dosage indicated in the instructions. Regular feeding will make the cactus bloom brighter and more abundantly.


Young echinopsis are replanted annually, adults, as needed (if the pot is already small). Good drainage is important when replanting. The substrate should be loose and airy. Perfect fit ready soil for cacti.

The pot should be shallow, this also stimulates the cactus to bloom.


To get echinopsis with a pristine set of all the best species properties inherent in this cactus, it is best to grow it from seeds. Although this is a more labor-intensive method, it is not difficult in principle. Follow the seed growing instructions on the package and you will be successful.

The easiest way to propagate Echinopsis is reproduction by children, which grow quickly and abundantly in adult cacti. We separate the most beautiful and healthy cactus, dry it for a couple of days, and plant it in a separate pot. This method is bad because plants degenerate over time and lose their decorative properties and ability to flower.


Echinopsis are not susceptible to pest attacks. Often these cacti die from rotting of the roots and base of the stem, when excessive watering. With a lack of light and moisture, cacti become distorted and lose their decorative properties.

Blooming Echinopsis

Blooming cactus Echinopsis is an unpretentious and very grateful plant. Its rich species diversity gives every gardener the opportunity to choose a cactus to their liking.

Echinopsis photo

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):