Clarkia graceful fully lives up to its name. Charming plant with flowers that from a distance resemble small roses. They, one after another, are strung on an erect stem and numerous shoots. Clarkia's ability to branch strongly forms a lush bush that will delight the eye before the onset of cold weather. It is thanks to its elegance, beauty and unpretentiousness that the flower is loved by many gardeners and is successfully grown in summer cottages without requiring much attention and care.

The flower is native to Chile and North America. This is an annual herbaceous plant with a stem height of 30 to 90 cm, however, by the end of the growing season the main shoot becomes partially lignified. The leaves on the flower are arranged alternately and have a dark green color. The flowers are small (3-4 cm in diameter), bright color palette.

The main requirement for clarkia growing conditions is its location in a sunny area. Otherwise, it is quite unpretentious: it easily tolerates spring frosts and is not demanding on the nutritional content of the soil. Grows better in slightly acidic soils.

Clarkia will bloom 2 months after sowing and will last until frost. During the growing season, which takes about 5 months, the flowers manage to produce full-fledged seeds. They can be collected and used as seed material next season.

For reference. Seeds collected from their own plot retain their varietal properties, which has great value for the gardener.

Types and varieties of clarkia with photos

In nature, clarkia has about 30 species, but only three are used in garden culture.

Clarkia Brewery

Clarkia Brewery

The “youngest” species, which began to be grown in summer cottages relatively recently. The plant does not exceed 50 cm in height and has delicate pink flowers. Flowering occurs 2 weeks earlier compared to other species and is very similar to cherry blossoms.

Clarkia is pretty

Clarkia is pretty

A low bush with an erect stem, the height of which is only 30-40 cm. The flowers are located in the axils of the leaves either singly or in small groups and have a very original shape. They consist of four petals, each of which is strongly cut into three parts, which resembles elk antlers. That’s why people call the pretty clarkia that way.

Clarkia graceful

Clarkia graceful

The most common and sought after species in garden floriculture. It is also called marigold. Flowers of this species can be miniature, up to 30 cm high, or tall - up to 90 cm. The flowers are axillary, double or simple, painted in all shades of pink and red. There are varieties with white flowers.



“Diamond” is a cold-resistant annual, up to 70 cm high. Clarkias of this variety are strewn with small, about 2 cm, flowers. The flower is good in groups and ridges, looks beautiful in bouquets. Removal lower leaves will prolong the freshness of flowers standing in water. The bright red color of the flower petals creates unique flower beds, which makes the country house look fabulous and charming. Flowering begins in July and ends in September.

Clarkia "Ruby"


Plant from 40 to 70 cm, with a double flower shape. Stem erect, with a large number side shoots. Flowering is abundant and lasts until the onset of cold weather. Looks great in group plantings and flower beds. When cut, they are used to create tall bouquets. They can stand in water for up to 7 days.



“Mirinda” is a brightly flowering annual up to 60 cm high. The almost sessile flowers are very similar to miniature roses. The color of the double inflorescences is salmon-orange. Blooms from July to September. Looks great in group plantings in flower beds. Used as a cut plant to decorate the interior of premises.



"Sakura" - a variety of clarkia with delicate flowers, which bloom in July. Terry inflorescences of exquisite peach color, densely located on a high branched stem. Used for group compositions and to create tall, luxurious bouquets.

Methods for growing clarkia

Clarkia, like most annuals, reproduces by seed method. They can be sown directly into open ground in early spring. The end of April or the beginning of May is the best time to carry out this work.

In a designated area, shallow furrows are cut with row spacing of 20 cm. The seeds are mixed with fine sand and carried out. The seeds are lightly pressed onto the soil and sprayed with a sprayer. Watering from a watering can is not recommended, as it may wash out the seeds. After the formation of two true leaves on the seedlings, thinning is carried out, leaving 15-20 cm between the sprouts. However, you should not get carried away, since densely growing clarkias create more spectacular compositions.

To protect against flea beetles, plantings are covered with non-woven material. It will also serve as protection from hot sun rays.

Pre-winter sowing is carried out with the onset of cold weather. The seeds should not sprout, but even if this happens, the seedlings will safely overwinter under the snow and continue to develop in the spring. Plants grown in this way are characterized by increased resistance to unfavorable conditions, and they will bloom in mid-July.

To bring the flowering time closer, many gardeners use the seedling method of growing clarkia.

In March or at the very beginning of April, the seeds are sown in shallow containers with loose soil. Since the seed is very fine, almost dusty, it should not be buried.

The seeds are mixed with sand and scattered over the surface, then lightly pressed onto the soil and sprayed with a spray bottle. Create mini-greenhouse conditions by covering it with film. The container with the crops should be placed on a bright windowsill without direct sunlight. It will take 10-14 days to wait for germination.

They pick up seedlings in very early age, since Clarkia seedlings do not respond very well to transplantation. After the first two leaves appear, it is better to distribute the seedlings into separate pots. Best option- these are peat cups that can be buried in the ground, and the roots will not receive the slightest injury. Transplantation from plastic containers is carried out by transshipment along with a lump of earth.

Home-grown seedlings are planted on the site at the end of May. At this time, the period of return frosts usually ends.

For reference. When growing clarkia, you should remember that these are cross-pollinating plants. And if flowers of different varieties are planted nearby, their seeds will lose their varietal qualities.

Diving clarkia seedlings: video

Transplanting clarkia seedlings into open ground and beyond

With the onset of warm days, Clarkia seedlings are transferred to open ground. Sunny place with moderately fertile soil and low acidity - best option for growing clarkia.

When the main stem reaches 12-15 cm, it should be pinched, this will stimulate the plant to form new shoots. This procedure also allows you to shape the clarkia bush to your liking and increases the number of flowers on it.

Clarkia care open ground will not be burdensome.

  • Moderate watering in the absence of rain.
  • Loosening and weeding that everyone needs garden plant. Clarkia will be no exception, unless the soil around the flowers is mulched.

For reference. Mulching the soil around plants solves many problems. Mulch inhibits the growth of weeds and reduces the effort and time spent on watering.

  • Flowers are fed with mineral fertilizers 2-3 times per season. Nitrogen-containing ones are excluded because Clarkia does not like excessively oily soil.
  • Removing spent blooms will prolong the freshness of the flowers. The plant will not waste energy on ripening the seeds, but will direct them to the formation of new buds.

But a few inflorescences should be left if the gardener’s plans include collecting own seeds.

When and how to collect clarkia seeds

Clarkia reproduces well by self-sowing. If a wilted flower is not removed in time, a seed pod will form on it. It has an elongated shape and contains numerous and very small seeds. It will take a month for the seed to mature. During this time, it will change color from green to brown.

After ripening, the box spontaneously opens and so-called self-seeding occurs. Next spring there will be a thick carpet of seedlings in this place, which can be thinned out or replanted for further cultivation.

But if it was decided to collect the seeds, then the inflorescences that attract them are noticed even at the flowering stage. When the flower withers, it is tied with a thin cotton cloth so that after ripening the seeds do not spill into the soil. After a month, the testis is cut off and dried, if necessary. The seeds are poured onto paper and packaged.

They can be used in the year of collection for winter sowing or left until spring. Clarkia remains viable for up to 4 years.

Diseases and pests of clarkia

Beautiful plant With delicate flowers shows resistance to different types diseases and is practically not subject to pest invasion.

In most cases, flower infection occurs due to the carelessness of the gardener. Incorrect choice of planting site and violation of watering standards are the main reasons for fungal diseases affecting clarkia.

Low-lying areas of the garden, where it is always damp and damp, are completely unsuitable for growing flowers. This microclimate is favorable for the development of fungal spores. Damaged first root system and the base of the stem. As they multiply, they populate the entire plant. appears on it gray coating, consisting of a cluster of spores.

It is best to immediately destroy such a plant, and treat neighboring ones with fungicides. The place where the infected flower grew is also subject to treatment. You can use 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Excessive watering with stagnation of water at the location of the roots entails such signs of disease.


At the stage of sprout development in open ground, they may be susceptible to attack by flea beetles. The likelihood of a problem increases if clarkia plantings are located near vegetable beds. Jumping insects move from plant to plant, sucking from young leaves and stems. This inhibits the seedlings and can lead to their death.

You can get rid of garden flea beetles using the drugs Karbofos and Fufanon.

A more dangerous enemy of clarkia is the mealybug. If a coating resembling cotton balls is noticed on the aboveground part, then this is the work of a small worm that has built itself a cotton shelter and is quietly harming the plant.

Flowers Clarkia (lat. Clarkia)- a genus of annual herbs of the fireweed family, close to godetia, which some botanists combine with clarkia into one genus. The plant is named after the captain named William Clark who brought it from California to Europe in the 19th century. In nature, the clarkia flower grows in the west of North America and Chile and has more than 30 species, of which only three are of interest to gardeners.

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Planting and caring for clarkia (in brief)

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - in April or early May you can, but sow them before winter; sowing seeds for seedlings - in March, transplanting seedlings into the ground - in the second or third ten days of May.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • Soil: loose, light, dry, fertile, slightly acidic soils. Oily soil is not suitable for the plant.
  • Watering: only during drought - twice a week.
  • Feeding: during periods of budding and flowering, once every two weeks with complex mineral fertilizer.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: mealybugs, garden flea beetles.
  • Diseases: rust.

Read more about growing clarkia below.

Clarkia flowers - description

So, the clarkia plant is an annual herbaceous crop, reaching a height of 30 to 90 cm. The stems of clarkia are branched, erect, usually pubescent with short villi. Elongated oval sessile leaves of bright green or bluish color are arranged alternately. Single or double axillary flowers correct form up to 3.5 cm in diameter, painted in different colors, usually collected in spike-shaped or racemose apical inflorescences, but occasionally a single arrangement of flowers is found. The calyx of the flower is tubular, the corolla consists of four whole or three-lobed flowers, which taper at the base into a marigold. The fruit of clarkia is an elongated polysperm.

Growing clarkia from seeds

Sowing clarkia

Clarkia flowers are grown by seed - seedlings or non-seedlings. With the seedless method, clarkia seeds are sown directly into the ground. This can be done in April or early May, as well as late autumn, before winter. Before sowing clarkia, add 1 kg of peat per m² and a tablespoon of potassium sulfate with superphosphate to the area to be dug, and a tablespoon of each for the same area. You need to dig up the area with fertilizers at least two weeks before sowing. Small clarkia seeds are sown in nests of 4-5 pieces at a distance of 20-40 cm, but are not buried in the ground, but lightly pressed onto it and sprinkled with the thinnest layer of soil. Shoots may appear in as little as two weeks, and you will have to thin them out, but don’t get carried away—clarkia blooming in a dense bush looks more beautiful. At autumn planting the seedlings have time to germinate before the onset of winter and are preserved well under the snow, but even if the crops do not germinate, there is nothing to worry about. In the spring, when Clarkia sprouts, you only need to thin it out, like carrots.

Clarkia seedlings

Clarkia from seeds, grown by seedlings, at the very beginning of its life is reliably protected from temperature changes, frosts, cold spring rains and other seasonal and climatic troubles, which is why many flower lovers prefer to grow seedlings rather than sow flowers directly into the ground. Clarkia seeds are sown for seedlings in March, then it will bloom in early June. Sow the seeds in slightly acidic soil, press them down with a board, sprinkle with water, cover with glass and place in a bright place. warm place where there is no direct sunlight. As soon as the shoots appear, the glass can be removed, but the container with the crops should remain in a dry, warm place with good ventilation until planting in open ground. Clarkia should be picked as early as possible - as soon as the seedlings have their first leaves.

Planting clarkia in open ground

When to plant clarkia

Clarkia flowers are planted in open ground in May. If the soil on your site is not suitable for clarkia due to its pH value, there are several ways to acidify it: add one to one and a half kilograms of peat or 60 g of sulfur for each square meter or spill the soil with a solution of oxalic or citric acid at the rate of 1.5 tablespoons per 10 liters of water. If the soil is too acidic, it is limed before planting the clarkia, and if it is too oily, the area is dug up with sand. Well, don’t forget to add fertilizers, which have already been mentioned. You need to prepare the area for Clarkia at least two weeks before planting.

How to plant clarkia

Clarkia is planted in this way: seedlings are taken out of the container not one at a time, but in groups, together with a lump of earth, and also planted in holes located at a distance of 20 to 40 cm from each other. Near each hole you need to stick a stick or a rod, which will serve as a support for the thin stems of the clarkia when the bushes grow. Plant different varieties plants are kept at a distance from each other because they can cross-pollinate with each other. After planting, the plants are watered and lightly pinched to stimulate tillering.

Clarkia care

How to grow clarkia

Growing clarkia and caring for it will not require any special knowledge or effort from you. The plant only needs to be watered twice a week during dry periods, and the rest of the time, rain moisture will suffice for Clarkia. For irrigation, you need enough water so that it is quickly absorbed and does not stand in a puddle around the plant. During the periods of budding and flowering, Clarkia is fed with complex mineral fertilizers once every two weeks. Kemira or Rainbow are suitable for this purpose; Clarkia is not fertilized with organic matter. Remove faded flowers and seed pods so that the plant spends its energy only on the formation of new buds. That's all there is to caring for Clarkia.

Pests and diseases of clarkia

Of the insect pests, clarkia is affected by the mealybug, traces of whose vital activity look like a cotton wool-like waxy coating on the ground parts of plants. Mealybugs are combated by spraying with actara, confidor or fitoverm.

If the soil in the area with clarkia is loamy, this may cause fungal disease, manifested by rusty-yellow spots with a brown border on the leaves. To destroy the fungus, the plant is sprayed with fungicides - Bordeaux mixture or oxychome, for example. In general, Clarkia is a very resistant plant to pests and diseases, and if you properly prepare the soil for it, neither it nor you will have problems with it.

Clarkia after flowering

How and when to collect clarkia seeds

Actually, Clarkia reproduces well by self-seeding; you just need to carefully thin it out in the spring, when the bristles of Clarkia seedlings appear. But if you still decide to collect the seeds, then doing it couldn’t be easier: select several beautiful flowers during flowering and, when they begin to fade, tie them with gauze so that the seeds, when ripe, do not fall to the ground. The seeds ripen a month after the end of flowering, when the capsule turns brown. Cut off a box of seeds, sprinkle them on newspaper, dry and sow before winter or store in a paper bag until spring.

Clarkia in winter

After the clarkia has finished blooming, it can be cut back to the ground, and when it comes time to dig up the area, remove the remains of the clarkia and destroy them. It is best to burn them to prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria and fungi in them, which can infect the soil or healthy plants.

Types and varieties of clarkia

As already mentioned, only three types of clarkia are grown in garden culture: clarkia marigold, or clarkia graceful; pretty clarkia, or pubescent clarkia; Clarkia Brevery.

Clarkia graceful, or marigold (Clarkia unguiculata = Clarkia elegans)

The Clarkia graceful flower grows wild in California. It is a branched, dense annual plant up to a meter high. Its stems are strong, thin, woody in the lower part, the leaves are oval, bluish-green with red veins, unevenly sparsely toothed along the edges. Correct flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, single or double, white, red, purple, pink or blue color, are located one at a time in the axils of the leaves. Small seeds remain viable for up to 4 years. Blooms profusely from July to September. Growing Clarkia elegans is very common in our climate. Popular varieties:

  • Albatross– clarkia terry white, the height of the branched bush is about 75 cm;
  • Purpurkönig– terry variety of carmine color, flowers with a diameter of 3.5-4 cm, bush height 80-90 cm;
  • Salmon perfection– double, salmon-pink flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter, loose bush up to 90 cm high.

Clarkia pulchella

dwarf plant. Its stems are branched, erect, up to 40 cm tall. The leaves are green, long, narrow, entire, pointed towards the apex and tapered towards the petiole. The flowers are simple or double, solitary or collected in several pieces in the axils of the leaves on the tops of the shoots. The shape of the petals, divided into three widely spaced lobes, is original, which is why the Americans nicknamed this species “moose horns.” It blooms two weeks earlier than the graceful clarkia.

Clarkia breweri

For some time now, the type of Clarkia Breveri, a cold-resistant annual up to 50 cm high, has become popular. The butterfly-like flowers, up to only 3 cm in diameter, forming loose inflorescences, have a strong and pleasant aroma. Varieties:

  • Pink Ribbons– variety with pink flowers, the petals of which resemble ribbons, the height of the bush is only 30 cm, the stems are branched, the flowering is abundant.

All the other Clarkia species you've heard or read about are actually members of the genus Godetia.

Clarkia is an excellent representative of a garden and ornamental annual plant, combining a wide range of colors, compactness, and an abundance of green mass. Most gardeners love Clarkia because of its elegant appearance, spectacular numerous flowers, long and lush flowering, good and fast growth. The main advantage is that growing Clarkia elegans, including from seeds, does not cause any trouble. The plant owes its name to the English captain William Clark, who brought the flower to Europe from California.

Clarkia belongs to the fireweed family and is a low bush with a height of 30 to 90 cm. The western regions of North America, the territory of Chile, are considered to be the plant’s homeland. Clarkia is very close to the genus Godetia; most botanists combine these two genera.
The bush is very beautiful; due to the dense branching of the stems it takes on a voluminous, lush appearance. The stems are highly branched, erect, thin, dense, strong, woody below, slightly pubescent.

The leaves are alternate, elongated, dark green, with veins and splashes of red, irregularly sparsely toothed along the edges.

The flowers are regular in shape, 3-4 cm in diameter, small, double or simple, located in the axils of the leaves, have various shades of red, orange, pink, crimson, lilac, lilac color, come in two colors with various inclusions, strokes and dots. Collected either at the top of the shoots in the form of spike-shaped or racemose inflorescences, or singly. The flower consists of a tubular calyx, three-lobed or four solid petals, which taper at the base.

Seed capsule - an elongated fruit with numerous seeds brown, seed germination lasts up to four years. After ripening, the seed pod becomes brown, the fruits open, the seeds spill out onto the ground, thereby self-seeding.

Clarkia flowers will look great in any garden, filling the space bright colors and aroma, attracting butterflies and bees.

Types and varieties of plants

There are more than 35 species of clarkia in nature, but only three cultivated varieties are of interest to gardeners, which served as the basis for breeding large quantity varietal forms.

During the period of lush flowering in gardens and summer cottages, Clarkia varieties - graceful, pretty and terry, are covered with many flowers, similar to small roses. At the same time, the green mass favorably emphasizes all the splendor of the flowers. The flowering period is three months: from July to September.

Clarkia terry

The average height of an annual plant is 30-65 cm. Densely branched bush terry clarkia overgrown with dark green leaves. The flowers are double, about 5-6 cm in diameter, with various shades from snow-white to rich carmine, frame the stems so that the image of a spike-shaped plant is created.

Clarkia “Fantasy”

Annual decorative lush- flowering plant grows up to 75 cm in height. Axillary double flowers come in all sorts of colors. Clarkia fantasy is used for cutting and decorating flower beds in single and group plantings.

Clarkia is pretty

Clarkia is pretty

Another name is pubescent. Grows up to 20-40 cm. The leaves are narrow, elongated, entire, pointed at the end and narrower towards the base. The flowers are double and simple, up to 3 cm in diameter, distinguished by wavy and spread out petals divided into three lobes. color shades. They are formed in groups or one at a time in the leaf axils. The pretty clarkia blooms 2-3 weeks earlier than the elegant looking one. Because of unusual shape petals, this species is called “moose horns” in America. The pretty Clarkia served as the basis for obtaining the Arianna variety: simple two-color flowers of lilac and white colors, plant height up to 40-50 cm.

Clarkia graceful

Clarkia graceful

Another name for marigold. IN natural environment grows in California. Can reach up to 30-90 cm in height. The stems are thin, strong, branching, and woody at the base. The leaves are dark green with a bluish tint, elongated, oblong in shape, with a sparsely jagged edge and characteristic red veins.

Clarkia graceful flowers are up to 3-4 cm in diameter, collected in a raceme inflorescence and, depending on the variety, can be simple or double in shape. The mixture of colors of clarkia graceful also depends on the variety. The flowers come in blue, purple, pink, red and white. The first clarkia flowers bloom in June, and the bush blooms profusely and luxuriantly until almost October. Clarkia graceful served as the basis for obtaining varieties:

  • Albatross is a bush 50-75 cm tall, with double white flowers.
  • Salmon Perfection - bush 80-100 cm tall, double flowers are pale pink.
  • Sunny - bush height 60-70 cm, double flowers, salmon colors, axillary, solitary.
  • Orange - plant height 50-60 cm, double flowers of orange color.
  • Ruby - a bush no more than 60 cm in height, numerous double flowers of deep red, ruby ​​color.
  • Purpurkening - grows up to 80-90 cm tall with double flowers of deep red color.

Clarkia marigold Joy

Densely branched erect stems grow up to 40-60 cm. Flowering begins 2 months after sowing the seeds. The bush is covered with flowers from bottom to top. The color range varies from deep pink to crimson. Flowers of the Clarkia variety “Joy” reach up to 3-4 cm in diameter; due to their long flowering, they are very popular among gardeners.

Clarkia graceful Diamond

The variety is densely branched, blooms luxuriantly and profusely. The height of the bush is up to 60-80 cm. Starting in July, the bush is covered with many double flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, red-pink in color. Axillary flowers of the “Diamond” clarkia variety decorate the bush almost until the end of September.

Plant care

To get healthy and beautiful flowering plant You should follow simple rules for care and maintenance. In principle, Clarkia is a rather unpretentious and undemanding plant.

Caring for a plant in open ground

To maintain a decorative and elegant appearance, faded flowers, leaves, and seed pods should be removed. This is necessary to maintain the vitality of the plant during the formation of new flowers. Removing dried flowers helps improve long flowering. Loosening the soil and removing weeds promotes rapid, good growth.

Watering, fertilizing and tying up

IN hot weather, no precipitation, when the soil dries out, regular moderate watering twice a week. In this case, you should not overwater the plant, otherwise you may cause rotting of the roots. To avoid the latter, plant Clarkia in well-drained soil.
Wet soil must be loosened to improve air flow to the roots. In cool, rainy weather, watering is stopped completely. Water strictly under the bush, avoiding water getting on the leaves and flowers, otherwise it can provoke sunburn who spoil decorative look plants.

Fertilizing is applied twice a month - during the period of budding and flowering. Use mineral fertilizers organic fertilizer not used for clarkia. Feeding is mainly necessary in dry, rainy weather. For brighter and more abundant flowering, add ash to the soil.

To prevent breakage of tall stems from strong winds, as well as to avoid bending them, the bush is tied to pegs, which are driven in during planting.

Choosing a landing site

The plant is extremely light-loving, but develops equally well in partial shade. It loves space as it grows quickly. It is necessary to choose a place for the flower that excludes strong winds, otherwise the plant may break. The plant tolerates drafts and short-term spring cooling quite calmly.

Soil: composition and characteristics

The flower develops better on loose, fertile, medium and light density soil. In principle, unpretentious plant It can also germinate on dense clay soils, but it will develop more slowly and bloom extremely sparingly. For future seedlings experienced gardeners prefer to prepare an earthen mixture: they take ordinary soil for seedlings and add rotted humus, peat and river sand in equal proportions. To prevent contamination of the soil by various fungal diseases, it is calcined in an oven or steamed in a water bath.

Seedling care

Due to their unpretentious nature, caring for seedlings comes down to maintaining soil moisture, optimal temperature and periodic watering. The soil of the seedlings should not dry out and should not be over-moistened; it should be moderately moist.

Loosening is allowed only for mature seedlings, since young shoots can be damaged.

To prevent root rotting due to stagnant water, you should take care of the drainage system.

A comfortable temperature for a plant is within +20 C. To prevent burns, young plants should be protected from direct sunlight.

Caring for plants during and after flowering

During the growth of the plant, to give the bush a more voluminous and lush appearance, the tops of shoots no more than 10-15 cm high are periodically pinched.

In late autumn, when flowering ends, just before frost, the bush is cut flush to the ground, the soil is dug up, and old roots are removed. Due to the high probability of self-seeding, Clarkia will independently revive in its original place next spring.

Diseases and pests: treatment

Clarkia is a fairly resistant plant and impervious to diseases and pests, however, due to errors in maintenance and care, the plant may become sick or be attacked by insect pests.

Growing a bush on loamy soils can cause rust disease. This fungal disease appears as reddish-yellow spots with a clear dark border on the leaf blades. In most cases, the disease occurs due to waterlogging of the soil and stagnation of water, as well as excess nitrogen-containing fertilizers. To treat the bush, spray with fungicides (Bordeaux mixture, Topaz) 2 times a week.

If there is excess moisture, the roots of the plant can rot, as a result of which the plant weakens, withers and dies. At an early stage of the disease, the bush can be saved. To do this, drooping, weakened, affected parts of the plant are cut off and treated with fungicides. Also high humidity soil can provoke the appearance of downy mildew: on the back side the affected sheet plate appear colorless or dark spots. Leaves curl and become deformed. For control, the biofungicide “Fitosporin-M” or “Olirna” is used.

Of the insect pests, the mealybug is dangerous; aphids rarely settle on the plant. To get rid of the scourge, insecticides are used; spraying the peels of citrus fruits or garlic with an infusion helps against aphids. You need to be extremely careful with the latter, as it can leave burns on the plant. If treatment and prevention do not save the plant, then it is dug up with all its infected parts and destroyed by burning.

How to get rid of flower midge?

In most cases, an indicator of excessive soil waterlogging is the appearance of flower midge or sciarid. Most often their appearance occurs in winter.

The danger is not from the midges themselves, but from their larvae, which can damage the roots of the plant. When there are so many larvae that they are visible, the plants are transplanted to another place that has been treated against flower midges.

To prevent the proliferation of flower midges, you should periodically loosen the soil around the flower; before planting, you should create a drainage layer, avoid stagnation and excessive waterlogging of the soil. Damaged and diseased parts of the bush should be removed immediately.

Fighting flower midge in various ways. The simplest one, which is most suitable for potted flowers: insert 4-8 matches into the ground around the flower with a sulfur coating, as soon as the sulfur dissolves, repeat the procedure 2-4 times.

Watering with a weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate or a weak soap solution also helps get rid of midges well.

Garlic infusion allows you to reduce and completely remove unwanted insects. It is prepared as follows: add 3-4 chopped garlic cloves to 1 liter of boiling water, leave for at least 4 hours, filter and spray the plants. However, this solution can burn leaves and flowers. For those who are afraid of harming the plant, you can use garlic in another way: cut the garlic cloves and place them on the ground, cut side down, around the trunk of the plant.

An orange peel stuck and spread on the ground around a flower can also protect clarkia from midges.

They also use a chemical insect repellent pencil (for example, “Mashenka”), grind it and sprinkle it with soil.

Insecticides “Bazudin”, “Grom-2” and “Fly-eater” can quickly cope with insect attacks on a flower.

Planting and propagation

Clarkia is not demanding in terms of maintenance and care; planting and propagation does not cause any particular difficulties.

Clarkia seedlings grown from seeds are adapted to cool temperature, they are not afraid of drafts.

The Clarkia flower will be bright and the flowering will be long if it is grown on loose soil. fertile soils. If planted in acidic soil, young plants develop poorly and in most cases die.

The plant is propagated by sowing seeds in open ground immediately permanent place, or for seedlings.

When to plant clarkia?

Grown Clarkia seedlings are planted in late April - early May, when the likelihood of night frosts returning is minimal. The decision to plant clarkia in autumn or spring depends on when you want to get a flowering plant. If the seeds are sown directly into the ground, then sowing is done in the second half of September or in the second half of April.

How to collect seeds?

During flowering, you should notice 3-4 healthy large flower. After pollination, wilting and at the beginning of the formation of the seed capsule, an isolation procedure is carried out. To do this, tie the fruit tightly, but not tightly, to the stem with a clean gauze tape. During this time, the seed box will ripen, and the gauze will not allow the seeds to scatter, thereby eliminating the possibility of self-seeding.

The seeds ripen completely within 30 days after the flower withers. By the dark brown color of the fruit, you can determine that the seeds are fully ripe. They are cut off, the seeds are taken out, dried on flat surface. Matchboxes or paper envelopes work well for storage.

Preparing seeds for sowing

Before planting clarkia, the seeds are soaked for 2.5-3 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are wrapped in a napkin, gauze, bandage or cosmetic cotton pad and dipped into the solution. This way they will not float up and will be well soaked. After the soaking procedure, the seeds are laid out on a sheet of paper or on a clean, dry napkin and dried at room temperature. The seeds are ready for sowing.

Sowing seeds in open ground

In prepared soil rich in mineral fertilizers, make shallow grooves 1.5-2 cm deep, at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other. Using paper or a toothpick, the seed is placed in the recesses, sprinkled with earth, and moistened.

It is necessary to cover the crops with a greenhouse, periodically ventilate and moisten the soil as it dries. In 10-14 days the first shoots will appear. Young sprouts are not replanted, but thinned out, leaving a distance of 10-15 cm between the seedlings. There is no need to do more, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve lush and bright flowering. The greenhouse is removed in early May, when the likelihood of night frosts is very low. Early spring When sowing clarkia in open ground, young seedlings are not watered, since the soil is sufficiently moistened by melt water.

Seed sowing technology

In the prepared soil, shallow grooves are made at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. Clarkia seeds are sown in holes and lightly sprinkled with soil. Afterwards it is necessary to moisten the soil. This should be done with extreme caution and precision to avoid the seeds floating out of the ground. Use a spray bottle or a teaspoon. The container with soil is covered transparent material(glass, polyethylene) and placed in a well-lit place.

The cover should be removed daily to ventilate and prevent seed rotting. As soon as the first shoots appear, the transparent cover is removed.

What containers are needed for sowing?

Select shallow containers that, before loading the soil, are treated with boiling water and wiped with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide for disinfection. For Clarkia seeds, it is preferable to choose medium or large nurseries. You can use individual cups, but they are not as convenient to work with as wide containers. The seeded containers are left in well-lit places that avoid drafts.

Planting clarkia in open ground

12-14 days before landing herbaceous plant They dig up the soil in open ground, remove old roots, and apply mineral fertilizers.

The stems of an adult plant branch strongly, as a result of which the distance between plants should be at least 15 cm. If the plants are close to each other, then they need to be thinned out, this will allow the plant to maintain a lush, elegant appearance. Clarkia is planted in the planting holes from pots by transshipment, that is, together with a lump of earth. Do not divide young bushes, otherwise the roots will be damaged and the plant will die. A peg or other support is inserted into the soil next to the bush. To stimulate lush growth and dense branching, bushes are pinched.

Clarkia seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown in containers with prepared soil in early March. The flower obtained in this way has more good health, protected from various weather changes. Young shoots develop and grow quite quickly. When 2-3 true leaves form, they are pinched. Seedling method good for growing clarkia at home in pots. If seedlings are grown for open ground, then transplantation is planned in May.


The plant can delight with its elegant appearance not only in the garden, but also indoors. Growing clarkia at home will not cause any particular difficulties, although in a potted version it will be more modest in size and with less lush flowering. When growing clarkia at home, you should take care of additional lighting, especially in winter.

If in open ground the seeds sprouted late and the bush has not completely flowered, in the fall it is dug up with a large lump of earth, transplanted into a container and grown at home. The bush will not grow year-round even with the most better care and content. After the flowers wither, the entire root system gradually dies off.

In spring, seeds are sown in early May. In this case, flowering can be expected in early - mid-July and until mid-September.

In autumn, seeds are sown in open ground in the second half of September; in this case, the seedlings will grow a little, become stronger and overwinter under cover. When planting in autumn, flowering occurs much earlier - in early June.

Clarkia in winter

The plant is quite frost-resistant, easily tolerates the cold season, but for better preservation After pruning, it is recommended to cover the flower with straw, fallen leaves, and moss. This manipulation is necessary if the plant remains in the same place. But when a new place for planting clarkia is determined in the spring, the old one is dug up in the fall, all roots and parts of the plant are removed in order to prevent the development of fungal diseases.

Application in landscape design

Clarkia looks very impressive in group plantings, paths, along fences and walls of buildings. Looks great in pots on balconies and terraces. Clarkia graceful and other varieties will fit perfectly and complement various flower beds and become a decoration of the garden.

Combination with other plants

Clarkia looks great next to other light-loving and decorative flowers. Clarkia produces an excellent color ensemble with roses, peonies, daisies, oleanders, delphiniums, asters, and phlox. Clarkia is an excellent representative of the flora for cutting. In vases with water, Clarkia bouquets can last for 10-15 days, while continuing to bloom buds.

Clarkia is a very beautiful and elegant plant with a long flowering period. Externally, Clarkia looks like a bush with roses strung on its stems small size. The plant is incredibly graceful and eye-catching. Flowers on the stems may be different colors: purple, white, pink, lilac. The flower owes this unusual name to the English priest Clarke; it was he who brought it from California to Europe.

Description and photo of an elegant flower

The flower is an annual and belongs to the fireweed family. The height of the plant varies from 30(40) to 60 cm. The stems are straight, rarely bend down, and branched. The foliage color is dark green with red veins. The flowers are at the very top of the plant.

Types of Clarkia

  1. Clarkia graceful (marigold). It is characterized by a thin, branched and strong stem, the height of which is up to 90 cm. The leaves are dense green in color, with red veins. The leaf blade has a serrated edge. Flowers can be either simple or double; they are collected in a raceme inflorescence, the diameter of the flower is about 4 cm. It begins to bloom in June and ends at the end of September.
  2. Clarkia is pubescent - its height is no more than 30 cm. The flowers are double and not double, their color is different. It begins to bloom 2 weeks earlier than Clarkia graceful.
  3. Clarkia terry. Incredibly amazing and beautiful flower. It compares favorably with other Clarkia species with its beautiful double flowers. The height of the plant is from 25 to 65 cm, double flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm. It seems that the flowers are strung on stems, creating the semblance of a spike-shaped plant.

Growing clarkia from seeds (video)

Planting and care

The plant is cold-resistant and loves light. That is why it is best planted in open space. When growing, Clarkia is demanding on the condition of the soil. It blooms well in slightly acidic, loose, moist soil.

When planting in oily soil, first mix it with sand, otherwise the plant may die.

Sowing directly into the ground gives good results. The flowers will grow large, and the stem will be strong and thick. The plant is completely indifferent to frost, so it can be planted at the end of April or beginning of May. The first shoots will begin to appear 2-2.5 weeks after sowing. It is necessary to thin out the seedlings, if they are dense and low - at a distance of 20 cm, if tall - at a distance of 25 cm. But do not get carried away with thinning, clarkia blooms much better in density.


Clarkias can also be grown in special pots. With this approach, you need to sow early - around March - then it will bloom in early June.

For sowing, you will need a special board to press the seeds into the ground. After this, sprinkle the seeds with water, cover with a lid and place in a bright, but not sunny place. After the leaves appear, the lid can be removed. Until the very moment of sowing, all seedlings should be kept in a well-ventilated greenhouse. When planting in the ground, each seedling should have a large lump of earth. It is important that clarkias can only be transplanted to another place at a very early age.

If you are planting Clarkia in large groups, stick sticks into the ground to support the thin stems. It should be remembered that Clarkia is a cross-pollinating plant; in this regard, different varieties should be located at a decent distance from each other. Not required during cultivation special care– watering during drought (so that the water does not stand near the plant), mineral fertilizers – every 2 weeks. Follow appearance leaves, if they appear gray spots with a black rim - this is a sign of a fungal disease. In this case, you need to treat with fungicides.

The peak of flowering occurs in July and usually lasts until the end of August, beginning of September. Trim old flowers and ovaries - this will prolong the flowering of the remaining flowers. After the entire plant has finished flowering, you need to cut it back to the ground. Seeds can be collected after a month; the indicator of their readiness is the brown tint of the box.

The size of Clarkia seeds is very small - 3000 pieces are contained in just 1 gram! Such seeds can be stored for no more than 4 years; after this period they lose their ability to germinate.

Clarkia - beauty in your own home (video)

Clarkias look great on walls, next to a fence or something similar - they will please your eyes all summer long! You can plant in a very original way if you combine different colors of flowers in one composition. Here you can use your imagination. Excellent neighbors for such a plant are phlox and asters. Clarkia will also become an unusual backdrop for red roses. Tall varieties are perfect for planting in beds - they can be cut into bouquets.

Have you ever heard of clarkia? It is an annual herbaceous plant of the Cypriaceae family. These wonderful plants were brought to Europe from California by Captain William Clark, which is why they are also called California marigolds. Clarkia has branched, pubescent stems and elongated oval-shaped leaves, which are characterized by a rich green or bluish tint. In addition, it has very beautiful axillary flowers, collected in racemes or spike-shaped inflorescences.

Today we will introduce you to this beautiful plant take a closer look, let's reveal its main secrets successful cultivation and basic rules proper care. You will learn how to plant wonderful clarkies in open ground yourself. In addition, you will have a great opportunity to look at photos of these fascinating plants.

Varieties and varieties of clarkia

Annual clarkia has about 30 various types, but only three of them are of particular interest to gardeners.

Graceful. The height of representatives of this species reaches 1 m in height. The lower part of their thin stems is woody, the leaves are oval, with reddish veins. As for the flowers, they can be double or single, purple, white, blue or red. Graceful clarkia blooms from July to September. You can admire it by looking at the following photo.

Clarkia graceful

Most popular varieties of this type:

  • purpurkenig (its height is about 90 cm, and its double flowers have a delightful carmine hue);
  • albatross (grows up to 75 cm in height, double, white flowers);
  • salmon perfect (double-type flowers, unusual salmon color).

Pretty. The name of this species confirms reality. These dwarf plants very beautiful. They have branched stems, green long and narrow leaves. The petals of their flowers are divided into three lobes. They begin to bloom several weeks earlier than the graceful clarkias.

Clarkia is pretty

Brevery. Cold-resistant species. Its delicate flowers resemble butterflies and have an excellent aroma. The height of the Clarke Brewery reaches about 50 cm.

Clarkia Brevery

The most famous variety of this species is pink ribbons (height is only 30 cm, branched stems, flowers have a pink tint, and their petals resemble ribbons).

Planting a plant

Your flower plantings will gain elegance, tenderness and harmony as soon as clarkia appears there. Growing and caring for it will not require any professional skills or special knowledge from you, as you can now see for yourself.

Clarkias begin to be planted in open ground in May. If your soil pH is not suitable for these plants, you can always oxidize it. For example, add peat, sulfur for digging, or water the soil with a solution of citric acid. If the soil is too acidic, then it is limed. Excessively oily soil can be dug up with sand. This preparation is carried out 2-3 weeks before planting.

Plant clarcia in soil with optimal acidity

Seedlings are taken out of the container in a group and planted in holes. They should be placed at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Between different varieties Clarkia should also be indented to prevent the plants from mutating. The final stage of planting will be moderate watering and pinching.

Attention! Prepare special supports for plants near each hole. A garter will help protect their thin stems from strong winds.

We provide Clarkias with proper care

Clarkia, planting and caring for which is not at all difficult, still requires some attention. The main rule of caring for this plant should be to provide conditions as close as possible to natural ones. For planting, it is best to choose an open sunny area and loose soil acid reaction.

Advice. Do not plant the plant on wet and heavy soil, where it will develop poorly and may also be affected by fungal diseases.

In dry weather, do not forget to water in a timely manner, which is carried out strictly at the root of the plant. From time to time, loosen the top ball of soil near the clark.

Follow the Clarkia watering regime

Caring for clarkias also involves applying fertilizing, to which the plants respond well. Bring in complex fertilizers should be once every two weeks until the flowering period begins. Often they use “Bud”, “Rainbow”, etc. for this.

Clarke Reproduction

Reproduction of these annual plants occurs using seeds: seedlings or non-seedlings.

In the first case, plant seeds are sown directly into an open grant. The best time for this will be the beginning of May. First, two weeks before planting, potassium sulfate with superphosphate and peat are added to the soil for digging.

Seeds are sown in nests at a distance of 40 cm from each other, without being buried in the ground. They are pressed down a little and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. With the appearance of the first shoots, they can be thinned out a little.

Clarkia seeds

Considered more reliable seedling method reproduction, because in this case Clarkias can withstand temperature changes and other climatic influences. Seeds are sown in March in slightly acidic soil. They are lightly pressed down, sprinkled with water, and then covered with glass and placed in a warm place, protected from direct sunlight. With the appearance of the first shoots, the glass is removed. Clarkias dive when the first leaves appear on them.

Dangerous diseases and pests

These plants are very resistant to various infections and pests. By providing them proper care, you can avoid such problems.

California marigold may be affected by mealybugs. Their invasion is manifested by a waxy coating similar to cotton wool. To combat them, plants are sprayed with phytoverm or actara. Loamy soil is often the cause of fungal diseases. In this case, Clarke fungicide treatment is used.

Combinations of Clarkia with other plants

Clarkias will help you create a truly charming flower garden, especially in combination with other plants. Lilies, phlox, asters, and white daisies are great for them. In addition, they look impressive and bright against the background of other low shrubs, for example, red roses.

Clarkia in the flower garden

Annual clarkia in landscape design

Unpretentiousness, stability and extraordinary beauty Clark provided them with worthy place in modern landscape design. They look amazing both in flower beds and in individual pots. They are often placed on walls, near various fences. By using your imagination, you can achieve amazing results and organic compositions.

Clarkia graceful: video

Clarkia: photos

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