Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 4 "KALINKA" combined type city ​​of Valuyki Belgorod region 1st junior group Teachers: Romanchenko T.N. Sinelnikova A.S. Valuiki 2015

Planning activities for project implementation:

Cognitive, research, productive activity.

Stage I - Preparatory stage:

  • Selection of information about cultural garden plants (onions, beans, peas, oats).
  • Selection of fiction: fairy tales, poems, riddles, sayings about vegetables.
  • An exhibition of books with Russian folk tales, poems, stories about plants, vegetables and fruits, organized with the help of parents.
  • Examination of illustrations and pictures on the topic.
  • Coloring pictures "Vegetables" And "Fruits" .
  • Preparing equipment for planting (containers, soil, seeds, water containers).
  • Making attributes (house, dog kennel, fence, signs with plant names).
  • Placing a vegetable garden on a windowsill.
  • Seed file.

Stage II - research.

During the work on the project, information about vegetables was provided (beans, onions, garlic, peas, corn)

We planted onions, beans, garlic, peas, and corn.

Conducted observations of plant growth.

Cared for the planted plants (watering, loosening the soil).

Organized observation of a twig with buds placed in a container of water.

Formed ideas about basic needs cultivated plants growing in our garden, the conditions that are necessary for their growth (earth, water, light, heat). We developed the skills of planting bulbs and seeds in the ground.

Introduced the children to fiction about vegetables: fairy tales, riddles, poems, sayings.

We carried out creative work on drawing, appliqué and sculpting, according to the chosen topic.

Organized viewing of illustrations and paintings depicting vegetables (children compared vegetables by color, shape, size).

We decorated the garden in the style of a small rural house in which grandparents and granddaughter Masha live. They "grow" vegetables in the beds, and have a small yard with pets (dog, cat, horse, cow, sheep, chicken). Children in game form They got acquainted with the life and economy of the inhabitants of a rural courtyard, with tools, observed the growth of plants, and learned the names of domestic animals.

Stage III - final

  1. Summing up the project implementation.
  2. Holding a competition among parents "Fake vegetables" .

Experimental activity plan.

Name of the event: Find out what kind of land.

Purpose: To identify the properties of the earth: black, crumbling

Material, equipment: earth in containers

Event name: Water and Plants

Goal: Determine how much water is needed for plant growth

(one is watered regularly, the other is not watered at all)

Event name: Sun and plants

Goal: Determine the role of the sun in plant life

Materials, equipment: 2 containers with soil and sprouted sprouts (one stands in the sun, the other is placed in a dark room)

Event name: Man and Plants

Goal: To determine how much plants need human care

Materials, equipment: 2 containers with soil and sprouts (children water one container, loosen the ground, choose a sunny place, don’t water the other, don’t loosen the ground, put it in a dark place).

Project presentation form:

Demonstration to parents, teachers and children from other groups of the garden on the windowsill

Photo report of the project at the parent meeting "Experimental activities of younger children preschool age» .


  1. Card index of experiments.
  2. Lesson notes.
  3. Movable folder.
  4. Consultation for parents.
  5. Small folklore forms.

Educational area "Socialization" :

Introducing elements of interaction with each other. Developing teamwork and plant care skills.

Formation of a caring emotional attitude towards nature, a desire to take care of plants, a desire to help adults, and responsibility for the assigned task.

Fostering hard work, diligence, and accuracy.

Didactically games: Wonderful bag – “Guess the vegetables and fruits by touch” , "What do they plant in the garden" , "Guess by the description" , Lotto "Vegetables and fruits" , “What vegetable is this part from?” , "Say the word"

Educational area “Cognition.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world" (cognitive-experimental activity)

Development of human taste, smell, and touch.

Forming the ability to establish connections between the growth of a plant in the ground, the ability to compare onions by shape, size, color.

Conversation with children about what a garden is and what grows in it.

Monitoring the plant growth process

Educational area: "Reading fiction"

Enrichment of active vocabulary, familiarization of preschoolers with


Learning poems, proverbs, solving riddles

Reading Russian folk tales "Turnip" , "Puff" , reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov "Vegetables"

Educational area "Artistic creativity"

Development of children's productive activities (drawing, modeling, applique, artistic work).

Development of children's creativity. Introduction to fine arts.

Drawing: "Our onion"

Application: "Merry Beans" .

Modeling: "Our Harvest"

Educational area "Music"

Development of musical and artistic activities. Introduction to the art of music.

Dramatizing the song "Ogrodnaya-round dance" (music by B. Mozhzhevelov,

words by A. Passova)

Educational area "Physical culture"

Formation of ideas about healthy lifestyle, physical education: "Vegetables and fruits" "Harvest" , "Vegetables" , "Cleaning up the garden" ;

outdoor games: "Mouse in the Garden" , "Cucumber, cucumber..." , "Moths" , round dance "Harvest"

Joint activities of children and parents: to consolidate the knowledge gained during the implementation of the Vegetable Garden on the Windowsill project

"Journey to the Village" , parents and their children create their own mini garden at home.

Final stage:

During the implementation of the project, preschoolers gained knowledge that plants are alive.

Ideas about the work of adults have been formed.

The development of research and cognitive activity was noted, as well as the development in children of cognitive interest in natural objects in their immediate environment (to all plants growing in the garden on the windowsill).

Children gained an understanding of the structure and development of plants.

The children's active vocabulary was replenished with new words, figurative expressions, and poems.

A fruitful result was obtained artistic creativity children in different directions (drawings, applique, modeling).

Parents were involved in the pedagogical and creative process of the group.

Project activity product

The children ate green onions during lunch.

The children enjoyed eating green onions and dill and parsley, grown with your own hands.

The kids looked after the garden to the best of their ability: watered it and loosened the soil. Every day, when we came to kindergarten, we ran to the windowsill and looked at how much the plants had grown. It was very nice to watch how the children rejoiced at every sprout.

Thanks to our "Journey to the Village" , children learned to respect their own and other people’s work, take care of plants, and care for them. We learned what care and responsibility are.


Lesson - conversation - research: Find out what kind of land it is.

Purpose: To identify the properties of the earth: it has weight, black color, the soil is loose. Material, equipment: earth in containers



  • Foster a desire to grow your own vegetables.

Material: soil in a pot.

Tools – a stick for loosening, a watering can with water.

Result: Labor actions - sprouted beans, peas, oats.

Progress of the lesson:

(In vegetables). Looking at vegetables (onion, garlic, beans). Which (- ah) He (light, heat, soil, water) and planting patterns.

Subject: "Examining vegetables grown in the garden"


Introduce children to the vegetables that grow on our "garden"

Provide knowledge that plants need care.

Reinforce the names of familiar vegetables with the children.

Foster a caring attitude towards plants and a desire to care for them.

Methodical techniques:

Chuchelka invites children to visit the vegetable garden that is growing in the group.

Game "Vegetables" - the teacher shows pictures with vegetables, and the children name them.

Game "Show and name" - the teacher invites the child to show and name a certain vegetable in the picture

Physical exercise.

Examining and naming vegetables growing in the garden (peas, garlic, zucchini, tomato, pepper).

Game “Find and show the same one” - the teacher shows a picture, and the children show and name a vegetable from the garden.

Lesson summary: Stuffed Animal praises the children and invites the children to help him take care of the garden.

Subject: "Planting Onions"


Teach children to recognize vegetables - onions.

Show and tell the children why and how onions are planted.

Develop children's speech and activate their vocabulary.

To cultivate a desire to grow vegetables yourself and to be careful when working with the soil.


bulbs for each child, a tray with soil, a scoop, a watering can, aprons.

Stuffed Animal Toy.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher creates a problem:

“Chuchelka is missing one vegetable in his garden – an onion, and he asks the children to help him.” .

Looking at vegetables "garden"

Looking at the onion. What is he like?

The teacher tells and shows us how, where, and why we will plant onions.

Physical exercise.

Children work with the teacher and talk through their actions.

Questions for children.

Lesson summary: Stuffed Animal praises the children for their help and asks them to help him




  • Teach children to recognize vegetables - beans, peas, oats.
  • To consolidate knowledge about the plant's needs for soil, water, and light.
  • Show and tell the children why and how these grains are planted.
  • Reinforce the idea of ​​the sequence of the labor process.
  • Develop children's speech and activate their vocabulary.
  • Cultivate a desire to grow vegetables.

The subject of labor is seeds: beans, peas, oats.

Material: soil in a pot.

Tools – a stick for loosening, a watering can with water.

Labor actions - sowing seeds in the ground and watering.

The result is sprouted beans, peas, oats.

Progress of the lesson:

The game character, the granddaughter, comes to class and says that she is sick. The doctor advised me to take vitamins and eat more vegetables. What foods contain vitamins? (In vegetables). Looking at vegetables (onion, garlic, beans). Which (- ah) He (she? Where do the vegetables grow? (In the beds) What does it take to grow vegetables? (light, heat, soil, water). What care do vegetables require? Showing and viewing diagrams "What do plants need to grow" and planting patterns.

Drawing lesson.

Subject: “We planted a vegetable garden... (onions, peas)»

Objectives: Continue to teach children to draw using non-traditional methods (stamp, hand, finger).

Develop children's sense of color and rhythm (when drawing pea leaves)

Cultivate accuracy when working with paints, the desire to draw.


Blanks for drawing onions (strip of land)

Blanks for drawing peas (pots)

Hand wipes,

Sprouted onions and peas.

Methodical techniques:

Chuchelka comes and shows the children how much the harvest has grown in the garden.

Examination of peas and onions.

Explanation and demonstration by the teacher.

Children's work.

Individual assistance.

Review of children's work: “That’s what peas and onions we have!”

Lesson on speech development.

Subject: “Telling the Russian folk tale “Turnip”


Continue to introduce children to Russian folk tales.

Learn to understand the content of a fairy tale, remember the characters and their actions.

Learn to retell the content of a fairy tale together with the teacher and dramatize it. Imitate the heroes of a fairy tale.

Foster a love of fairy tales and a desire to retell fairy tales yourself.

Material: table theater "Turnip" , hats - masks with fairy tale characters.

Methodical techniques:

Remember fairy tales with children "Kolobok" , Ryaba Hen” and others.

Telling a tale "Turnip" teacher and showing it.

Questions for children about the content.

Physical exercise.

Re-telling a fairy tale.

Children's dramatization of fairy tales.

Summary of the lesson.

Game activities for children of the third year of life, topic: "Vegetables"


Introduce children to vegetables.

Develop children's active vocabulary on the topic "Vegetables" .

Teach children to educate plural nouns, use diminutive suffixes.

Continue to teach children to distinguish and name colors (red, green), concepts "one - many" , "big-small" .

Develop memory, sense of rhythm, fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements.

Teach children to coordinate movements with text, understand and follow verbal instructions.

Cultivate friendly relationships with peers.


Dummy vegetables. Wonderful bag.

Toy "goat" , "hares"

Cardboard silhouettes of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, cans.

Spatulas, watering cans, rakes, doll dishes: pots, plates, spoons, knives.

Audio recording: song « Merry vegetable garden» , "Harvest"

Peas, green plasticine, salt dough.

Plastic vegetables made of two halves held together with Velcro.

Prepared drawings "Grow up, carrot" , brown pencils.

Progress of the lesson:


Hello guys, it's great that you all came today!

Our smart heads

They will think a lot, cleverly.

Ears will listen

Mouth speak clearly.

Hands will clap

Feet will stomp.

The backs are straightened,

We smile at each other

Surprise moment "Wonderful bag"

Here is my bag. Not simple, but wonderful. Put your hand into it and take out something.

Game "Feed the bunnies"

Take your vegetables, put them on a plate and feed the bunnies.

Didactic game “What did the bunny eat?”

Here the bunny has cabbage, cucumber and carrots. (The carrot is hiding). What did the bunny eat? The bunny ate a carrot. What's left? All that's left is cabbage and cucumber. What color is cabbage? Green. What color is the cucumber? Green.

Application "Canning vegetables"

Place a large jar on top of the image and small cucumber, big and small tomato. Arrange the vegetables so that they all fit into the jar. Now stick the vegetables onto the jar.

Finger painting "Methodius the goat's garden"

Show the goat Methodius in the picture. Name what vegetables grow in his garden? Cabbage, carrots, tomato. Now we will color these vegetables. What color should we color the cabbage? Green. What color should we paint the tomato? In red. What color should we paint the carrots? Orange color.

Game with lids "Vegetables in a jar"

Arrange the lids in circles suitable color and size.

Drawing "Salad"

Look, this picture shows everything you need for vegetable salad- vegetable salad: tomato, cucumber, pepper, onion, salt, oil. And at the bottom of the sheet there is a salad plate - a salad bowl. Take a pencil in your hands and draw lines from each product to the salad bowl.

Didactic game "Plant a vegetable garden"

There are many beds in the garden.

There are carrots and lettuce.

There are cucumbers and peas here.

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

It will feed us all year round.

Roll the salt dough into a thick sausage - this will be the bed. Stick carrots into the dough - we will have a bed of carrots.

Drawing "Grow up, carrot"

On a prepared background, children draw horizontal stripes on carrots with a brown pencil.

Exercise "The carrot has grown"

First, they planted a small seed in the ground.

Children squat down.

The sun warmed the cabbage,

The rain poured down and the carrots began to grow.

Children slowly rise to their feet.

The carrots have grown green leaves.

Raise your hands up.

It's time to pick the carrots.

Parents hug their children and take them in their arms -

pick carrots from the garden.

Finger game "Vegetables"

The girl Arinochka

Vegetables in a basket.

Fold your palms "basket" .

Here's a pot-bellied zucchini

Placed it on the side

Pepper and carrot

laid it down deftly.

Tomato and cucumber.

Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.

Well done Arina.

Show thumbs up.

Didactic exercise "One-many"

The teacher puts a picture of a vegetable on the magnetic board, and distributes the remaining pictures to the children one at a time.

I have one vegetable. How many do you have? Anya has one carrot. Denis has one cucumber. Place your vegetables next to mine on the board. How many vegetables are there? Many.

Vocabulary work "One-many"

The teacher picks up a vegetable and names it singular, then hands it to the child and asks him to name the plural.

One carrot, but how can you tell if there are many of them? Lots of... carrots.

One cucumber - many... cucumbers.

One tomato - many... tomatoes.

One pepper - many... peppers.

One potato is a lot of... potatoes.

One cabbage is a lot of... cabbage.

Didactic exercise “Put the vegetables in a jar.”

Housewives stock up on vegetables for the winter. This is what we will do: put green cucumbers and red tomatoes in a jar.

Children lay out silhouette images of cucumbers and tomatoes on cardboard "jar" . The teacher makes sure that the children place vegetables along the entire plane of the jar and encourages them to name the color of cucumbers and tomatoes.

Game "Gardeners"

We took the blades

(movements depicting a shovel on the shoulder)

The beds were dug up.

One-two, one-two -

Here's how they dug it up

Picked up the rake

The beds have been combed.

One-two, one-two -

This is how they combed their hair.

Seeds in rows

We planted in the ground.

One-two, one-two -

This is how we planted

(movements in accordance with the text)

We are cool water

The beds were watered.

One-two, one-two -

This is how they watered

(depict watering the beds with a watering can)

The harvest is rich

They collected together.

One-two, one-two -

Here's how they collected it


Dances and songs

We started it ourselves

One-two, one-two -

That's how they started it.

(claps hands)

Exercise "The Cooks"

And now you will be cooks - take knives and cut the fruit into pieces. Children with plastic knives "cut" vegetables in halves (fastened with Velcro).

How many pieces did you cut your vegetable into? Let's count: one, two. You cut it into two halves.

Exercise "Move the peas"

The bunny is hungry again. Let's feed him peas. Spoon the peas from the pan and transfer them to a plate.

Modeling "Pea Pod"

Children make a sausage out of green plasticine and press peas into it.

Finger gymnastics "Pickling cabbage"

We chop and chop cabbage.

Movement with straight palms

We three carrots, three

Rub your palms together

We salt the cabbage, salt it.

Place your fingers into a pinch.

We press and press cabbage.

Clench and unclench your fists.

Tabletop theater show "Methodius the Goat"

Who's wandering around in the garden?

It's me, the goat Methodius.

For what kind of cases?

I help the guards.

I guard the cabbage

I protect every leaf...

  • Why cabbage all of a sudden?

Not a radish

How can this be, tell me, Methodius?!

You forgot about them, it turns out!

  • I haven't forgotten anything

But there is not enough strength for everything.

I don't know how to guard an onion,

And radishes make me lose weight.

And cabbage is good

And she needs guards

Because it's the most delicious

Very tasty -

Cabbage leaf!

Vocabulary work "Big and Small" :

Cucumber is a cucumber.

Potato - potato.

Cabbage is cabbage.

Tomato - tomato.

Onion - onion.

Garlic is garlic.

Carrot is a carrot.

Beetroot - beetroot.

Musical-rhythmic exercise "Harvest"

To the song of the same name, children beat out the rhythm on a metallophone.

We have a vegetable garden

Carrots grow there

Such a height

Such lowlands

These are the dinners

This is the width

You carrot hurry up

Dance with us.

Poems, riddles, fairy tales and conversations about plants.

White and crispy

They call me cabbage.

Tasty, healthy -

I will drive away illnesses.

It can be difficult for you to communicate with me.

It’s even impossible to cleanse without tears.

But I’m very useful - here’s the thing:

There is no remedy for colds better than onion

If you eat carrots more often

No training needed

Drink carrot juice every day -

You will be strong and healthy.

Under the leaves in the garden bed

cucumbers play hide and seek.

the rain will just start to fall

He will notice everyone, find everyone.

Garlic clove

You and I will put it in soup.

It will give the soup flavor

The soup will become a hundred times more delicious!

Miracle - vegetable garden

People are surprised:

What kind of miracle garden is this?

There are radishes and salad here,

Onions, parsley and spinach.

Tomatoes, cucumbers

They mature together - well done!

And potatoes and cabbage

They grow densely in the beds.

And everyone says in unison:

"We are growing here for the kids.

For diligence and work

The whole harvest will be reaped."

And the green zucchini

Turned on his side:

Sleeping sweetly in the garden

like a baby in a crib.

I was born to glory

The head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup -

Look for me in them.

The grandfather is sitting, wearing a hundred fur coats,

Who undresses him?

He sheds tears.

Beautiful maiden

Sitting in prison

And the braid is on the street.

The garden bed is long and green,

And in the tub it’s yellow and salty

At least it grew in the garden,

Knows the notes G and F.

A tale about vegetables.

Vegetables lived in the same garden. They were all very different. Green cucumber he was cheerful, mischievous, never discouraged and often made fun of other vegetables. The red tomato was important and pompous. He often stated: "I think it's going to rain today" . And when it really rained, he said: “You see, I was right!” If there was no rain, the tomato pretended that it had nothing to do with it. The orange carrot was bored all the time and lamented: “All my beauty is hidden underground, how unfortunate I am!” White cabbage she was good-natured and talkative. She told everyone that once she had only two leaves, but now she has very, very many! The brown potatoes were very friendly. He was friends with all the vegetables and helped everyone. Onions was harmful. He loved it when everyone around her shed tears. Here they are different vegetables lived in the garden. Do you think there are people similar to them in character?

Turnip (processed by K.D. Ushinsky. Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew very, very big. Grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground: he pulled and pulled, but he couldn’t pull it out. Grandfather called grandma for help. Grandma for grandpa, grandpa for the turnip: they pull - they pull, they can’t pull out. The granddaughter called for the granddaughter, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip: they pull, they can’t pull out. The granddaughter called the bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip: they pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out. The bug called Masha for the bug, the bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip: they pull, they pull, they can’t pull it out.

Masha clicked the mouse. Mouse for Maka, Masha for Zhuchka, Zhuchka for granddaughter, granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather, grandfather for turnip: pull, pull, pull out the turnip.


Once upon a time there lived a gloomy Onion -

Cried day and night.

Why are you crying, friend?

It's very lonely.

Nobody likes me.

They say it's bitter.

Anyone who rips me off

Immediately he cries bitterly.

I am very simple, unprepossessing -

Arrows, and that's all.

Green sharp long leaf,

At the end is a needle.

They all stand in a bunch.

Look: I am strong!

But the zucchini has a flower

Yellow, like a lily.

And cucumbers in flowers,

Even tomatoes.

I'm the only one in my dreams...

Woe to Luke, woe!

So our Luchok cried.

Drops of tears fell:

An old man appeared

(They knew him in fairy tales).

Very old and small

Belt-length beard

A colorful long raincoat,

Who is grieving? What's the problem?

Listened to grievances

And magic words

Said: “Cru-cri-dy!”

And the onion immediately blossomed,

Like a dandelion

And it became so beautiful

Our green boy!

A story about vegetables

Vegetables are very healthy because they contain a lot of vitamins. For example, carrots contain vitamin A, which helps children grow and strengthens their eyesight. Sweet peppers contain vitamin C, which protects children from colds. A person who eats meat gains strength because meat contains a lot of protein. Peas and beans are called plant meat - they are also rich in protein.

Garlic and onions kill harmful bacteria and help us fight disease.

Tomatoes and cucumbers can be found in any home; they also contain a lot of vitamins. Well, potatoes, of course, are known to everyone. It makes delicious mashed potatoes. Potatoes contain a lot of starch.

And there is also a vegetable in the world whose fruits are the largest of all vegetables. In order to see and even taste the fruits of this plant, you do not need to go to distant countries and climb into unknown jungles. Everyone knows this vegetable and can be seen in any garden - it's a pumpkin. It is also curious that pumpkin is a relative of watermelons and melons. They all grow together in the melon patch. Translated from another language "melon" means garden, but this garden is unusual. They don't grow here fruit trees and bushes, but the entire huge field is occupied by watermelons, melons and pumpkins, and they, lounging, lie right on the ground, ripen and wait for their time - the harvest.

Conversation about vegetables

Q: Children, today we will talk about vegetables. What vegetables do you know?

Children name vegetables

Q: Where do they grow?

D: in the garden

B: correct. A vegetable garden is a fenced piece of land with beds and greenhouses. We grow vegetables there

The teacher reads a poem:

There are many beds in the garden

There are turnips and salad here.

There are beets and peas

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden

It will feed us for a whole year.

Pictures of vegetables are displayed

Q: Vegetables grow in different ways in the garden:

Carrots, beets, potatoes, turnips have fruits that grow in the ground, we don’t see them. And the stems are above the ground;

Cucumber, cabbage, and zucchini have fruits that grow on the ground;

Tomatoes, peas, peppers, eggplants have fruits growing on branches (visual aid“How vegetables grow”)

Q: Who can name the vegetables we pick?

D: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, etc.

Q: Which ones do we dig?

D: potatoes

Q: And which ones do we pull out of the ground?

D: carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, onions, etc.

Q: What vegetables do we cut with a knife?

D: pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, eggplant

Q: Who takes care of the vegetables?

D: Gardeners at their dachas take care of the vegetables.

Q: How do they care for their vegetables?

D: They plant them, water them, loosen the soil, remove weeds, and feed them.

Q: What are vegetables for?

D: Vegetables contain a lot of vitamins that are good for health.

Q: What can you cook with vegetables?

D: You can make juices, purees, salads, and stews from vegetables.

(If the child finds it difficult to answer, the teacher helps him)

2. Compiling a descriptive story based on pictures.

Q: What is this?

D: Tomato

Q: Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

Q: Where does it grow? In the garden or vegetable garden?

Q: What color?

Q: What shape?

Q: In what form do we eat it?

Q: Who will try to talk about onions?

The teacher helps to tell the child about onions using pictures.

Sample story: Onions are vegetables. Onions growing in the garden. It is small and round. The color of the onion is yellow. Hard onion. It tastes bitter. Onions are added to soup and main courses. Onions are very useful!

Consultation for parents. .

A vegetable garden on the windowsill at home promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children's understanding of plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop an ethical sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the result of their work.

It is very important that children actively participate in planting and subsequent care of plants. A vegetable garden on a windowsill should, first of all, help in the development of children. Therefore for children younger age it is advisable to plant more large seeds.

Therefore, parents are invited to choose for planting: onions, garlic cloves, zucchini seeds, celery, parsley. Everything that sprouts should be used as vitamin supplement by lunchtime. Parents and their children are recommended to keep an observation diary in which to record changes in growth.

This type of work develops observation skills, teaches one to look closely at the surrounding nature, to establish the sequence and connection of phenomena and their causes. While growing and caring for plants, the guys observe which of them grow faster, compare the shape and color of the leaves, determine the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants, so this is also an excellent sequential material.

Recommend parents to grow plants in different ways by creating for them different conditions: for one - heat, water, light; for another - warmth, water, darkness; for the third - cold, water, light. By organizing such an experience and conducting regular weekly observations of onion germination with children, followed by recording the results using drawings on a calendar, parents achieve a lot - specific example convince children of the importance of individual factors external environment for plant growth and development.

It should be remembered that work activity not yet basic for a preschooler. Adults only introduce him to all possible participation in family work. In preschool age, work is, first of all, a means of educating such important qualities, as responsibility for fulfilling an order, for the result obtained, duty, determination. Caring for plants is extremely important and has a humanistic meaning: the life and condition of living beings depends on it

Consultation for educators

Vegetable garden on the windowsill kindergarten promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children's understanding of plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop an ethical sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the result of their work.

It is very important that children actively participate in planting and subsequent care of plants. Therefore, for the pupils junior groups It is advisable to plant larger seeds than for pupils of the middle and senior groups. Also, in younger groups, 1–2 types of plants are enough for planting.

I suggest sample list plants for planting: onions, garlic cloves, beet roots, parsley, celery. Everything that sprouts should be used as a vitamin supplement for lunch.

Plants should be monitored regularly and the results recorded in a diary. In younger groups, the teacher sketches or photographs the changes. This type of work develops observation skills, teaches one to look closely at the surrounding nature, to establish the sequence and connection of phenomena and their causes. While growing and caring for plants, the guys observe which of them grow faster, compare the shape and color of the leaves, examine them through a magnifying glass, determine the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants, so this is also an excellent sequential material.

It is also recommended to carry out experimental activities, carry out entertaining experiments and experiments, they encourage children to independently search for reasons, methods of action, and demonstrate creativity; they support children’s initiative, intelligence, criticality and independence. It is advisable to set aside a place for a laboratory where plants will be planted in different ways: between two planes in cotton wool, in stones. You can plant bulbs by creating different conditions for them: for one - heat, water, light; for another - warmth, water, darkness; for the third - cold, water, light. By organizing such an experience and conducting regular weekly observations of onion germination with children, followed by recording the results using drawings in the calendar, the teacher achieves a lot - using a specific example, he convinces children of the importance of individual environmental factors for the growth and development of plants.

To observe spring changes in plant life, it is good to bring tree branches to the group. For younger groups - branches of one tree (to observe buds and leaves). For medium groups - branches of two trees (well known to children and easily distinguishable externally). For seniors and preparatory students – branches of several breeds (growing on the territory of the kindergarten).


  1. N.E. Verkasy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva From birth to school. Sample general education program preschool education. - M.: "Mosaic-Synthesis" , 2011. – 336 p.
  2. Volchkova V. N., Stepanova N. V. Development and education of children of primary preschool age. – Voronezh: shopping center "Teacher" , 2001. – 392 p.
  3. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood - Press" , 2012. – 496 p.
  4. Gorkova L.G. Scenarios for environmental education classes. - M.: Vako, 2011. - 240 p.
  5. Molodova L.P. Playful environmental activities with children. Mn.: "Asar" , 1996. – 128 p.
  6. Sigimova M.N. Knowledge of the plant world. Voronezh: shopping center "Teacher" , 2009. – 251 p.

Journal for recording the results of experiments. in 1 junior group "Rainbow"

teacher: Romanchenko T.N.

Sinelnikova A.S.

Observations on the growth of the onion root system in water.

Target. Teach children how to care for onions in winter room conditions. To form children's ideas about the need for light, heat, and moisture for the growth of bulbs. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

  1. Landing_10_March_2015
  2. Observation of the root system_12_March_to__14_April_2015.
  3. Watching the emergence "onion feather" _March 16___to_April 14__2015
  4. Height measurement "Onion feather" . The onion feather grows in height.
  1. Children will learn to plant and care for onions and get acquainted with the conditions under which they are kept, and will learn to notice the benefits and beauty of green onions in winter.
  2. Children will develop knowledge and ideas about the growth of green onions indoors, both in a container with soil and in a glass of water.

Experience with willow branches.

Target. Identify the plant's heat needs. To develop children’s cognitive and creative abilities, children’s thinking, imagination, ability to observe, compare, and generalize the results of observations. To educate consciously is the right attitude towards nature.

  1. Bringing willow branches into the room_ March 10 to April 1, 4, 2015
  2. Observation of swollen kidneys from March 14 to April 1, 2015.
  3. Observation of leaves April 2015

Conclusion: This kind of work develops observation skills, teaches you to look closely at the surrounding nature, establish the sequence and connection of phenomena and their causes. While growing and caring for plants, children observe how the leaves grow and determine the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants.

Experiment with bean seeds and pea seeds

Goal: to find out that seed germination also depends on the planted crop. To form children's ideas about the need for light, heat, and moisture for the growth of bulbs. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

  1. Landing March 10, 2015
  2. Observation of oat seedlings from March 12 to April 1, 4, 2015.
  3. Measuring seedlings, emergence, sprouts. March bean shoots appeared. The peas did not sprout and other seeds were replanted. On March 18, pea shoots appeared.

Conclusion: Children will gain knowledge that plants are alive, they are watered, planted, grown from seeds; gained ideas about the work of adults, learned to correctly name labor actions. The work carried out allows us to cultivate hard work and caring attitude towards plants. All children and teachers received positive emotions from the results obtained

Growing mini-gardens on windowsills with kindergarten students helps to model cognitive, aesthetic and environmental skills easily, successfully and in an entertaining way. Kids acquire new knowledge and skills, their fine motor skills and discipline are formed. Children learn to be attentive and caring, to notice beauty in everyday things. It’s not at all difficult to create miniature oases of fresh vitamins in any preschool educational institution.

Basic conditions for the implementation of plans

In this project special attention You should pay attention to safety rules:

  • choose a safe location so as not to harm the activity of the kids in the room;
  • the beds must fit entirely within the designated area of ​​the window sills;
  • since fertilizers cannot be used, it is necessary to purchase ready soil in gardening stores.

We need to worry about a sufficient flow of light. Most best option– windows facing south or southeast. Additional lighting is created using a variety of lamps, including special ones.

To successfully carry out the experiment, you should adhere to what is comfortable for the plants. temperature regime. Greenery will grow wildly in constant warmth, the permissible minimum is +17 degrees.

Game and useful activity

Involving children in working with vegetable gardens on window sills has age-related characteristics.

  • In the younger group, children observe more what adults are doing here. They can hold a bulb or clove of garlic in their hands and then watch how they are planted. Most best option for rooms with such kids - two small but bright containers with bulbous ones. Their feathers appear quite quickly, which helps to fix attention on them.
  • The middle group is characterized by curiosity and creativity. Kids can first participate in decorating boxes, planting seeds, and then in decorating their gardens. In addition to bulbs, legumes are sown. Only such large seeds can be held by 4-5 year old children with their fingers due to developmental characteristics fine motor skills. But they already understand that they need to take care of the garden, water the plants, and they help the teacher, receiving a lot of positive emotions.
  • Children senior group they are already planting more different seeds, including lettuce, cucumbers and dill. If the kindergarten has an area outside, you can plant seedlings of beets, carrots, and flowers in cups. Now children not only water the plants, but also learn to loosen the soil around the seedlings and help install a support net for cucumbers. They monitor the readings of the garden thermometer and the switching on of the lighting above the shoots. During the growing process, incredible discoveries and joyful experiences await them. Children's energy is directed to developing their imagination when they learn the stages of growth of hatched seeds, decorate their box with various stickers, and share amazing observations of their “pets” with each other.

Practical invaluable experience

This project contributes to the educational process, the development of children's skills, instills a taste for exploration, and promotes the habit of teamwork. Caring for green pets under the appropriate direction of educators brings abundant results:

  • active vocabulary is enriched and speech develops;
  • memory will improve, because children learn poems, sayings and riddles that mention familiar vegetable crops;
  • math activities accumulate when examples are made based on the number of plants;
  • The pupils' horizons are broadened;
  • experience in information exchange is gained.

Little gardeners will remember this exciting and useful activity for a long time.

MADO "Kindergarten No. 37 "Vesnyanka"


in the middle group on the topic

"Garden on the windowsill"

Prepared by:

Sigaeva Elena Viktorovna



Design activity is that kind pedagogical work, which will be in demand in connection with the implementation of federal state educational standards in the practice of preschool educational institutions, since it, like no other, supports children's cognitive initiative, helps the child gain early social positive experience in realizing his own plans, requires the search for non-standard actions in a variety of circumstances, helps to formalize the plan in the form of a culturally significant product, and, of course, develops cognitive and creative activity of a preschooler.

Project type - educational and research, short-term.


Forming children's interest in research activities on growing cultivated plants indoors. Generalizing and expanding the knowledge of preschoolers about how to care for plants indoors; involving as many children as possible in the project; creating a project as a product of co-creation between educators, children and parents.


1. Teach children to care for plants indoors.

2.Summarize children’s ideas about the need for light, heat, moisture, and soil for plant growth.

3.Develop cognitive and creative abilities.

4.Form a conscious attitude towards natural phenomena and objects.

5. Foster a caring attitude towards your work and plants.

Project participants:



Pupils middle group № 8

Expected result

1. Children will learn to care for plants and become familiar with the conditions under which they are kept, and will learn to notice the beauty of the plant world.

2.Children will develop knowledge about the growth of plants in indoor conditions.

3.Create a vegetable garden on a windowsill in a group.

Forms of work




didactic, board games

role-playing, theatrical games, targeted observations


joint work of children and adults

working with parents

productive activity

feasible independent work activity

use of illustrative material

First stage. Preparatory.

1. Conversations with children (identifying children’s knowledge about plants). 2. Collection of fiction: poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings, stories, tales about vegetables, environmental tales.

3.Purchase necessary equipment(containers, soil, fertilizers, seeds).

4. Planting a vegetable garden on the windowsill.

5. Making signs - signs with the names of plants.

Second stage.


Children watched the growth of plants, conducted experiments, experiments. They established connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - people. In the process of research, children became acquainted with fiction about vegetables: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles. We looked at illustrations and paintings. Classes, didactic games, and conversations were held.

Third stage. Final.

1. Summing up the project implementation.

2. The group created a vegetable garden on the window.

3. Exhibition of children's drawings, plasticine crafts, applications related to the theme of the project.

4. Exhibition creative works performed by children together with their parents.

5. Presentation of the photo album “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.

The following results were obtained from the implementation of the “Vegetable Garden on the Window” project:

The children got acquainted with cultivated plants.

Children develop an interest in experimental and research activities in growing cultivated plants indoors.

As a result of practical and experimental activities, children received the necessary knowledge for plant growth.

The children saw the variety of seeding material.

Children have become more careful about the plant world.

The group created a vegetable garden on the window.

Children have become more respectful of work.

Parents took an active part in the “Garden on the Window” project.


Sample general education program for preschool education

“From birth to school” Edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

Plan-program of educational work in kindergarten [Text]/ ed. Z.A. Mikhailova. - St. Petersburg, 1997

Bondarenko, A.K. Didactic games in kindergarten [Text]: A book for kindergarten teachers/A.K Bondarenko - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Education, 1991. P.90-121

Nikolaeva, S.N. Methods of environmental education in kindergarten [Text]: A book for kindergarten teachers / S.N. Nikolaeva - 3rd ed. - M.: Education, 2001. - 208 p.

Nikolaeva, S.N. Story games V environmental education preschoolers: playful learning situations with toys different types[Text]/S.N. Nikolaeva. I.A.Komarov. - M.: Gnom i D., 2005.

Shvaiko, G.S. Classes on visual arts in kindergarten [Text]: a manual for preschool teachers. institutions / G.S. Shvaiko - M.: VLADOS, 2000. - 160 p.


Plan working with children and parents to implement the “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” project




1. Conversation with parents “Getting to know the project.” Registration parent's corner, placement of recommendations for parents on working with children on the project.

Involve parents in the implementation of the “Vegetable garden on the windowsill” project.


2. Conversation with children about what a garden is and what grows in it.

Expand children's horizons.


3.Seed collection, land preparation, creative design vegetable garden

Foster hard work; develop children's creativity.


4. Joint creation of a vegetable garden in a group. Planting vegetable seeds and bulbs.

Cultivate a desire to help adults.


5. Photo report “How we plant and care for plants.”

Invite all children in the group to work together.


6. Learning nursery rhymes, proverbs, sayings, songs related to the garden, vegetables and fruits.

Introduce folklore works related to the garden, vegetables and fruits.


musical director

7. Examination of illustrations and pictures. Children's drawing of vegetables and fruits.

Cultivate a desire to be creative on your own.


8. Carrying out creative work (drawings, crafts) together with parents according to the theme of the project.

Develop creative abilities and the ability to work together with adults.


9. Reading the Russian folk tale “Turnip”, the Belarusian fairy tale “Pykh”, a poem by S.V. Mikhalkov "Vegetables".

Introduce children to the works of S.V. Mikhalkov, recall the content of the fairy tale “Turnip”. Introduce the fairy tale “Puff”.


10. Caring for seedlings together with children: watering, loosening, thinning.Work in a corner of nature.

Learn to care for plants. Continue to teach children to correctly form judgments and draw conclusions about the creation favorable conditions(water, light, heat).


11. Photo report for parents.

Involve parents in creating a vegetable garden in the group, introducing children to plants, and caring for them.


12. Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits.

Develop ingenuity, memory, attention.


13. Examination of dummies of vegetables, clarification of shape and color.Didactic games:“Find vegetables”, “One or many”, “What color are the vegetables”, “Where to put what”, “What’s extra”, “Find plants”.

To form children's understanding of vegetables and fruits. Strengthen children's knowledge about vegetables and plants.


14. Modeling vegetables from plasticine. Design of the mini-exhibition “Our Harvest”.

Learn to use previously acquired skills while sculpting.


15. Russian dramatization game folk tale"Turnip".

Develop children's acting abilities.


16. NOD "World of indoor plants".

Expand children's understanding of indoor plants, their benefits and structure, teach them to recognize and name the parts of a plant (root, stem, leaf, flower). Encourage the desire to care for indoor plants. Cultivate interest in research activities: teach thinking and drawing conclusions.


17.Creating a photo album “Vegetable garden on the windowsill.”

Summarize the work done.


Diagnostics of the level of development of children within the framework of the project

Has an understanding of the care and growing conditions of plants.

Has an understanding of the structure of plants.

Knows the names of seed.

Willingly carries out instructions for caring for plants.

Start of the project





End of the project





ComparingBased on the monitoring results obtained, it can be concluded that thanks to participation in the project, children formed an understanding of caring for plants and improved the quality of caring for them.Children learned to correctly formulate judgments and draw conclusions about the creation of favorable conditions (water, light, heat). Children have formed an idea ofWhat is a vegetable garden and what grows in it? Children acquired more knowledge about vegetables and plants. Preschoolers learned to value their work and respect the work of adults. The children realized the importance of caring for nature.

A vegetable garden on the windowsill in a kindergarten promotes the development of curiosity and observation in children, this helps to better understand plant life. He is able to expand children’s ideas about plants as living organisms, about the conditions necessary for growth and development, develop an ethical sense, the ability to enjoy the beauty of the plants grown and the result of their work.

It is very important that children actively participate in planting and subsequent care of plants. Previously, programs provided precise recommendations on which plants should be planted in each age group. But with the transition to FGT, there are no strict requirements for the list of plants. A vegetable garden on a windowsill should, first of all, help in the development of children. Therefore, for pupils of the younger groups it is advisable to plant larger seeds than for pupils of the middle and senior groups. Also, in younger groups, 1–2 types of plants are enough for planting, in middle groups – 2–3, in older and preparatory groups – up to 5.

I offer an approximate list of plants for planting: onions, garlic cloves, beet roots, parsley, celery. Everything that sprouts should be used as a vitamin supplement for lunch. You can grow 1-2 copies indoor varieties cucumber, tomato, peas.

Plants should be monitored regularly and the results recorded in a diary. In younger groups, the teacher sketches or photographs the changes. In the middle classes, children help (for example, the teacher draws an onion, and the child draws green leaves). In older and preparatory groups The children sketch the results of their observations. This type of work develops observation skills, teaches one to look closely at the surrounding nature, to establish the sequence and connection of phenomena and their causes. While growing and caring for plants, the guys observe which of them grow faster, compare the shape and color of the leaves, examine them through a magnifying glass, determine the conditions necessary for the growth and development of plants, so this is also an excellent sequential material.

It is also recommended to carry out experimental activities, conduct entertaining experiments and experiments; they encourage children to independently search for reasons, methods of action, and demonstrate creativity; they support children’s initiative, intelligence, criticality and independence. It is advisable to set aside a place for a laboratory where plants will be planted in different ways: between two planes in cotton wool, in stones. You can plant bulbs by creating different conditions for them: for one - heat, water, light; for another - warmth, water, darkness; for the third - cold, water, light. By organizing such an experience and conducting regular weekly observations of onion germination with children, followed by recording the results using drawings in the calendar, the teacher achieves a lot - using a specific example, he convinces children of the importance of individual environmental factors for the growth and development of plants.

To observe spring changes in plant life, it is good to bring tree branches to the group. For younger groups - branches of one tree (to observe the buds and leaves). For middle groups - branches of two trees (well known to children and easily distinguishable externally). For older and preparatory students - branches of several species (growing on the territory of the kindergarten).

Work on organizing a vegetable garden on a window will be more successful if it is carried out in stages.

1. Planting plants, making index tables with names and planting dates. Introducing children to the algorithm for caring for plants. A selection of fiction about planted plants: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles.

2. Monitoring plant growth, conducting experiments. The results are recorded in a diary. Creating a seed collection vegetable crops, popular in our region. Getting acquainted with fiction, creating a card index of literary words, looking at illustrations, holding conversations and games.

3. Analysis and generalization of the results obtained in the process of children's research activities. Design of the exhibition of drawings “From seed to sprout”. Write stories about how to care for plants.

Such work, carried out regularly starting from younger groups, has great educational opportunities.

During a walk, does your child dig in the sandbox and build castles from Easter cakes? And then he collects all the branches in the area and plants them around the castle blooming garden? Congratulations! You have a little gardener growing up and it’s time for him to start his own personal garden beds! All you need is a pot of soil and a handful of seeds. The manual on botany and natural history is ready! And at the same time, grow fresh herbs for the table, which will make the young gardener very proud.

From seed to plate

A vegetable garden on a windowsill is the very case when entertainment, science, and useful work grow, so to speak, in one pot. Why explain to a child a hundred times how it turns out? acorn oak, and from a seed - a sunflower, it is better to plant this seed once and watch its growth with your own eyes.

Oh, how much joy there will be when the first tiny green sprout appears from the ground! And how much pride there will be later when an amateur gardener personally brings mom a sprig of parsley for soup or feathers of dill for a vegetable salad.

By planting plants and caring for them, the child learns patience and observation. And he understands how long it takes for something to grow. Children are impatient, and waiting for long-term results will teach them that not everything in this world comes easy.

And another plus comes from having a vegetable garden in the window. No matter how capricious little ones your son or daughter may be, they will definitely try their own grown greens! And even if the child does not become a gourmet and does not start eating bunches of parsley and dill, he will enrich his vocabulary with names herbs, learn to distinguish subtle aromas, learn a couple of culinary secrets, helping mom add rosemary to meat, and mint to dessert...

Where to start?

A vegetable garden on a windowsill begins, of course, with preparatory work.

Windowsill. First you need to select a window. North side gives too little light and you will need fluorescent lamp. The southern window gives a lot of sun and light, but on a hot afternoon the pots will need to be shaded from the scorching rays. Plants feel best on window sills on the southeast and southwest sides.

Tools. A mini-garden, of course, does not require a lot of equipment. But in any case, you will need to pour soil from bags into pots, make holes for seeds, bury them, and loosen them. An ordinary tablespoon is also suitable for these purposes. But if you get down to business with your child, you can get a children’s sandbox set - a scoop, a rake, a watering can, everything, like a real gardener!

Earth. Land for planting can be dug up near the house or in a garden nearby, but worms, other insects, and seeds may live there weeds, fragments broken glass. Therefore for gardening work It will be safer to buy with a baby big package with soil already sifted and enriched with fertilizers. Expanded clay is also sold there - pebbles that need to be sprinkled at the bottom of each pot for better drainage. Without expanded clay, the soil in pots may turn sour.

Pots. When choosing “beds” for your garden, listen to your sense of beauty. Some people like practical and bright plastic pots or oblong containers, while others like classic ceramic flowerpots. We assure you, dill and parsley don’t care where they grow. They will like old mugs with broken handles, containers for yoghurt or mascarpone, and even waterproof cardboard tetrapacks for children's kefir. The main thing is that these “pots” please your eyes and fit well into the interior of the room.

Seeds. If you are preparing for the gardening season seriously and in advance, then packets of seeds can be purchased on the Internet: there are large selection herbs - from celery and tarragon to cilantro and oregano. If you make all decisions spontaneously and want to start planting right now, take a look at the agricultural store closest to your home, the hardware department of the Central Department Store or another large supermarket, or the Belsoyuzpechat kiosk, where a bag of Curly Parsley is probably languishing, waiting for you. "or "Leaf lettuce."

Overalls. For planting work choose clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty with soil and getting wet with water. Cover the table or floor with newspaper to prevent soil from spreading throughout the house. Be patient and let your little gardener have fun tinkering with the soil. Let him pour soil into the pots with a spatula, make indentations with a pencil and place a seed in each, let him sprinkle the seeds with soil using a rake or fork, and then water everything from a watering can or sprayer. And don’t forget about multi-colored rubber gloves to help keep your hands clean.

What to plant?

Since your vegetable garden is still more entertainment than serious cultivation harvest and preparing vegetables for the winter, then you need to plant the simplest and most unpretentious plants.

Green onions. Probably, each of us at least once in our lives had a jar of water on the windowsill in which an important sprouted onion lived. And if you plant a couple of onions in the ground, they will gladly send out green arrows already on the fifth or seventh day, and two weeks after planting you can harvest them!

Advice: Do not bury the bulb too much in the ground, just dig it a little, that will be enough.

Parsley. Parsley is another very unpretentious plant, willing to grow in a pot on the windowsill and does not have any special care requirements. True, you will have to wait before the sprouts emerge from the seeds: parsley grows slowly. And yet, she loves light very much, so find the sunniest window sill for her.

Advice: It is advisable to soak parsley seeds for a day or two before planting, this will help them germinate and sprout faster.

Watercress. This is probably the most miniature view salad that the children will surely like, if not their own taste qualities, then “puppet”, toy appearance. Watercress is one of the easiest plants to grow because it is undemanding and does not mind shady spaces. It will rise without problems even on a north window.

Advice: The easiest way to harvest watercress is with scissors. Invite your little gardener to cut the crop himself for lunch.

Mint. Children love mint, because it is included in many candies, chewing gum, gingerbread cookies, and even mint chocolate. And how fragrant mint tea is, especially if you throw fresh leaves into it! Growing mint on a windowsill is not at all difficult; fragrant plant loves partial shade and moderate watering. True, you will have to wait for the leaves: the seeds germinate about three weeks after planting, it grows slowly, and only after one and a half to two months you will be able to pinch off the leaves for tea.

Advice: Mint has powerful and branched roots, so a wide and not very deep pot is suitable for it.

Dear gardeners and gardeners! Tell us what kind of greens you plant with your children. Share your experience in the comments.

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