New Year is approaching, stores are filled with all sorts of holiday attributes, including artificial Christmas trees. Existing Selection green beauties, it would seem, should satisfy a wide variety of tastes. In the windows there are fir trees and pine trees, large and small, of different shades and different fluffiness. Some people even want to go up to them and touch the twig to check if it’s real, it looks so believable.

Ksenia Shardina

However, many people try to buy a live Christmas tree. The smell of pine needles relieves stress, transports you to childhood, evoking positive emotions, and for some it is also a tribute to family tradition.

What to do to make the tree stand for a long time? After all, you don’t want to throw it away the day after the holiday! And only because the needles fall off without touching the tree. Decorating the Christmas tree correctly is half the battle. The life of a New Year's tree can be extended if you use the following tips.

Live Christmas tree or pine: so that it lasts a long time!

1. The safety of the Christmas tree is greatly influenced by when it was bought and in what form, where it was stored before installation. The tree that lasts the longest is the one that was recently cut down. The crown must be whole, not broken off, not cut down, otherwise the tree will dry out quickly.

When purchasing, pay attention to the color of the needles, the flexibility of the branches, and the smell of the needles. A freshly cut Christmas tree has a rich green color, the branches do not break, the needles do not fall off and have a strong smell if you rub them with your fingers. Inspect the trunk, make sure there is no mold or breaks on it. A healthy trunk is covered with green needles, just like the branches. A trunk that is too thin indicates that the Christmas tree is weak, there is no reserve nutrients She doesn’t have enough, it’s unlikely she’ll be able to look fresh for long.

The type of wood also matters; it lasts longer than others in a warm room without special care fir - 2 weeks or more. Pine - a little less. And spruce usually lasts for about 10 days.

2. Before placing a Christmas tree brought from the frost in the house, you need to keep it in a cool place, for example, on staircase or a closed loggia. Otherwise, the branches will become brittle due to a sharp temperature change. the same goes for pine. In the room, do not place a tree near the radiator. It is better to choose a ventilated place and where there is enough light. Do not decorate the tree immediately after you put it up; give it several hours, or even a day, to adapt and straighten the branches. Do not overload the Christmas tree with toys.

3. If possible, make a new cut, 2-3 cm is enough, cut off the branches at the very bottom, remove the bark. These measures will help the trunk absorb more water, and the pine or Christmas tree will be able to stand longer. Try not to leave the tree with a prepared bare trunk for a long time without water.

4. To install the Christmas tree, use either special device or a simple bucket. Devices for attaching a Christmas tree come with a vessel for water, but there are also ones without the ability to put the trunk in the water. When there is nowhere to pour water, wrap the bottom of the barrel with a damp cloth and make sure it doesn’t dry out every day.

5. The Christmas tree is preserved very well in a bucket of wet sand. You need to choose clean sand, preferably forest sand. Fill the bucket three-quarters full with sand. Secure the trunk of the tree so that it does not touch the very bottom, but at the same time, the entire bare part is in the sand. Add a new portion of water daily. Some Christmas trees, depending on their size, may require up to two liters of fresh water. Use settled, but not filtered, water. With such care, the tree often even begins to produce new green shoots and give roots.

6. Some available means can help the tree not crumble longer. Mix salt, sugar and one aspirin tablet in a spoon and add to the water if you put the Christmas tree in a bucket of water. Or dissolve aspirin and three tablespoons of sugar in a liter of water and pour into a bucket if the tree is in the sand.

Do not use only sugar as a top dressing, the water will quickly begin to go out. You can dissolve several crystals of potassium permanganate in sweetened water to prevent microbes from multiplying.

Some people use the carbonated drink Sprite as a top dressing.

Another recipe consists of crushed chalk mixed with ½ teaspoon citric acid and spoons of gelatin. All this dissolves in the water with which the tree is watered.

Glycerin added to water in the amount of three tablespoons keeps the Christmas tree fresh.

7. You can add the Zircon biostimulator or a similar fertilizer to the water in which the tree stands. It improves the penetration of water into the stem cells, making the plant more resistant to stress. Use according to instructions. Feed once every 2 days. Fertilizers for indoor plants are also suitable.

8. A humidifier will create a good climate that supports the life of the tree. If you don’t have such a device, you can spray the tree with a spray bottle. But this must be done very carefully so as not to get on the garland. It will be enough to spray on the lowest branches, as they begin to dry out first. Be sure to turn off the garland while watering or spraying.

9. Caring for pine is not much different from caring for spruce. Pine also prefers wet sand and additional feeding. There is only one caveat. As the pine trunk dries out, it quickly decreases in diameter. Therefore, when installing it in a cross or other fixing device, you need to monitor the stability of the tree and, if necessary, correct it. Pine is more drought-resistant than spruce and tolerates heat more easily, so it will require less water when watering.

Ways to extend the life of a Christmas tree.

  • How to keep a live Christmas tree on the balcony until the New Year?
  • VIDEO: Save the Christmas tree

Many of us go to the market in December in search of an evergreen beauty. Indeed, freshly cut pine or spruce can significantly lift your mood and set you in a festive mood. In this article we will tell you what you need to do to make your Christmas tree happy for as long as possible.

There are several options. They will help prolong the life of the green beauty.

  • Sand. It is necessary to fill the tub with wet sand and immerse the barrel. In this case, the sand needs to be watered daily.
  • Water. IN in this case the cross is filled with water and the tree trunk is immersed. Water also needs to be added. To prevent it from rotting, place a piece at the bottom copper wire. It will prevent water from rotting.
  • Damp cloth. You can simply wrap the lower part of the barrel with damp rags. Moisten the fabric daily and do not allow it to dry out.

What should you do, what should you keep a live Christmas tree in, so that the Christmas tree at home lasts and smells longer?

There are ways to extend the life of a Christmas tree. For this you can use plain water, A special solution. Additives prevent water from rotting and improve the nutrition of the forest beauty.

Additives for the Christmas tree:

  • Aspirin. You need to crush the tablet and throw it into 500 ml of water. This solution is poured into the cross. The absorbed liquid is topped up daily.
  • Sugar and salt. It is necessary to dissolve 50 g of sugar and 20 g of salt in a liter of water. You need to water the sand with this solution.
  • Special fertilizers. They can be purchased at flower shop. They are called “For coniferous plants”.
  • Often water for the Christmas tree is fed with ammonium nitrate.
  • Gelatin. It is necessary to dissolve half a bag of gelatin, a teaspoon of citric acid and 10 g of crushed chalk in 3000 ml of water.
  • Potassium permanganate. Nowadays this reagent is quite difficult to obtain. But if you have potassium permanganate lying around somewhere, feel free to use it to prepare a nutrient solution. Add a few crystals of potassium permanganate into the water and immerse the barrel.
  • Acetic acid. It is necessary to cut off the edge of the trunk, updating the cut. Immerse the barrel in boiling vinegar. As a result, you will get rid of bacteria and increase the period of freshness of the tree.

What solution can you use to put a live Christmas tree at home for the New Year: solution recipe

Unfortunately, not everything depends on you. There are many factors that affect the safety of the Christmas tree. This includes the time of felling, as well as storage and transportation conditions. The fact is that forest beauties are cut back in October. That is more than a month the tree is waiting in the wings. It affects her appearance and freshness. At proper care and subject to purchase fresh wood, there is a chance that it will stay at home for about a month.

How long does it cost and how long does a live Christmas tree last at home?

There are several rules that will allow you to save your Christmas tree.


  • After purchasing, do not rush to bring the tree into your apartment or warm room. We recommend keeping the forest beauty on the balcony for a couple of days.
  • This is due to the fact that the temperature increase should be smooth. After this, you can bring the Christmas tree into the apartment.
  • Do not keep it near heating appliances. This will speed up the drying process of the needles.
  • After purchasing, it is advisable to cut off the bark at a distance of 10 cm from the cut site. This will provide better nutrition to the tree.
  • It is advisable to cut off the lower branches. They can be used to weave a Christmas wreath.
  • It is advisable to wrap the barrel in paper. This will prevent the trunk from freezing.

Initially, the tree was a symbol of Christmas. But in Soviet era everything has changed. In Russia, the Soviet government at first, in the 20-30s, completely banned the Christmas tree as a “priestly-bourgeois” relic, and then still allowed it, but as a “New Year tree” with Santa Claus instead of Christ. Most residents of Russia still perceive decorating the Christmas tree this way, in the Soviet way and without any Christmas meaning.

How long should a tree stay up after Christmas?

In the Vatican, the Christmas tree is removed on January 12th. This is a kind of tradition. But in our country we are accustomed to cleaning up the forest beauty after baptism and the old and new year, reports the Rosregistr website. That is, after January 19.

In general, it’s up to you when to remove the Christmas tree. The main thing is that it does not crumble, but gives happiness to the household. It is usually very difficult for children to part with the tree.

How long should a tree stay up after Christmas?

What needs to be done to ensure that the New Year or Christmas tree stands for a long time during the holidays (New Year, Christmas, Old New Year), while maintaining its elegant festive look?

On the Internet there are some simple folk useful tips that will help prolong the life of the main New Year's beauty.

What to do to make the tree last longer

First of all, the tree must get used to the warmth, so only the pine brought from the frost should be left in the corridor or on closed balcony(where it is colder than at home and at the same time warmer than outside) with tied branches for a day or two, giving her time to get used to the warmth. In this case, you should wrap the cut of the trunk with a clean, wet cloth.

To make the tree (spruce, pine) last a little longer, some recommend putting the New Year's tree in a bucket of sand (sand can probably be replaced with regular soil for home flowers). In this case, you should lightly saw down the trunk and remove the bark from below (cut off) about 10 centimeters so that the tree can receive water from the soil. For big tree It is quite problematic to carry out such procedures, but for men it should not be difficult.

The tree in the bucket should be well secured so that it does not fall. An old folk life hack: place an empty bucket in an upside-down stool, then put a Christmas tree there, add sand and attach the trunk to the legs of the stool, centering the tree using strong wire.

What to add to water to make the tree last longer

The New Year's beauty in the soil at home will have to be watered every day. On the first day, add water in which an aspirin tablet has previously been dissolved, as well as a little salt and a tablespoon of sugar. These ingredients need to be dissolved in water, and not simply added to the soil, otherwise there will be no use. You can also add a teaspoon of glycerin or garden fertilizer to the water for irrigation on the first day. Also, do not forget to periodically refresh the tree crown with water, if conditions and decorations on the tree allow.

There are two more options for how to extend the life of the Christmas tree: simply put it in a bucket of water, to which add aspirin, a little salt and a tablespoon of sugar. This is the first option. Second: dissolve 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin or a little crushed chalk in water for the Christmas tree. With these two methods, it is also recommended to spray the tree crown from time to time. clean water from a spray bottle.

Yes, and in order for the New Year's tree to last longer, you should place it away from radiators (heating radiators).

They're so simple people's councils and ways to extend the life of a live Christmas tree at home during the New Year and Christmas holidays were found on the Internet.

Let your beautiful Christmas tree stand as long as possible and delight you with its beauty and forest aroma.

Happy and healthy New Year! Happy holidays!

For many, a Christmas tree is a mandatory attribute of the New Year and Christmas. This forest beauty decorates the house, spreads the unique aroma of the holiday around itself and gives miracles during this magical time. We all want the Christmas tree to remain fresh for as long as possible and delight us with its beautiful view, but, unfortunately, many are faced with the fact that it quickly turns yellow and crumbles. How to extend the life of a New Year's beauty? This is exactly what we will talk about in today's publication.

What can you do to make your tree last longer?

First of all, you need to know how to choose the right tree. This is very important, because if you buy a tree that has been cut down a long time ago, most likely it will begin to turn yellow and crumble in a few days.

When you come to the Christmas tree market, choose a fluffy tree of bright green color (in no case brown) and, before buying it, grab a branch and try to move your hand “against the grain.” If after this the needles remain in place and not in your hands, then the Christmas tree is quite fresh. You can also rub the needles together with your fingers: if the tree was recently cut down, you will feel a slight oiliness and fragrant smell of pine needles.

  1. The most serious and common mistake is to install the Christmas tree immediately after purchasing it. The tree must be given the opportunity to adapt to the heat, otherwise it may quickly wither and lose attractive appearance. Therefore, when you buy a Christmas tree, leave it for a day in a cool place, for example, in the entrance or on the balcony, without untying the branches. You can also leave the tree in the hallway or in the corner of the room away from radiators and heating appliances. It is recommended to wrap the bottom of the barrel with a rag soaked in water and cover it with some kind of cloth.
  2. When the forest beauty adapts to the heat, you can start installing it, but before that you need to prepare the trunk, because when we buy a Christmas tree and bring it home, the cut is often already dry. As a rule, a resin is released on it, which clogs absolutely all blood vessels, as a result of which the tree cannot drink water, which it desperately needs. To solve this problem, you need to saw down the bottom of the trunk a little, and also take a sharp knife and clear 8-10 cm of bark from the trunk. After this, the tree will absorb moisture much better.
  3. The Christmas tree can be placed in a container with water. For small trees the optimal amount of water is 6 liters, for pine and spruce trees larger size– 10-15 liters. To make the tree last longer, add one aspirin tablet, a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar to the water (6 liters). For a volume of water of 10-15 liters, the indicated ingredients should be 2 times more. You can also add citric acid to water to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Please note: this composition must be renewed every 5 days.
  4. If you didn’t like the previous option, place the New Year’s beauty in the sand. For one bucket of sand we need 1 liter of liquid, in which we need to dissolve a crushed aspirin tablet, a pinch of salt and 3 tablespoons of sugar. After this, pour the resulting solution into the sand and install the tree. From time to time it is necessary to make such a solution and pour it over the sand - this way the tree will last longer.
  5. As we said earlier, the New Year tree should not be placed next to radiators, heaters and other heating devices. Take this rule into account when you choose a place for your Christmas tree.

Don't forget to spray the tree once a day warm water from a spray bottle. If you notice that a branch has begun to dry out, cut it off to stop the withering process. It is recommended to lubricate the cut area with grease or Vaseline.

In conclusion

We have shared with you all the secrets of preserving Christmas trees. Take advantage of them, and let the forest beauty delight you and your children all the holidays!

We tell you what to look for when buying a live spruce and how to extend its life as much as possible.

– This year we decided to please the children and buy live Christmas tree. We’re just afraid that it will quickly crumble. What can be done to make the tree last longer?
Can you imagine New Year without a Christmas tree? We don't. Almost everyone in their home has the main symbol of the New Year: some have a very small artificial tree, some just have spruce branches decorated with a couple of shiny balls, while others have a large living tree under the ceiling. Of course, you want to preserve a living Christmas tree for as long as possible. Read on to learn how to extend the life of your holiday tree.

1. The main thing is to choose the right one, buy it on time and store the Christmas tree correctly until installation. The less time has passed since the tree was cut down, the better and longer it will last. Although, of course, this can be quite difficult to do: as a rule, you have to buy a Christmas tree in advance, when there is more choice, and then simply store it on the balcony or in another cool place.

2. When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the color of the needles, the flexibility of the branches and the smell of the tree. A freshly cut tree has a rich green, the branches do not break if you bend them, the needles do not fall off and smell if you rub them between your fingers. At the same time, under no circumstances should there be mold or breaks on the table. The trunk of a healthy spruce is covered with green needles, as are the branches. But if he is very thin, this means that the tree is weak, it will lack nutrients, and it will not last long in any case.

3. If you bought a Christmas tree in advance and stored it, for example, on the balcony, you should not immediately bring the tree into the room: due to a sharp temperature change, the needles will fall off more and faster. You need to gradually warm the tree to room temperature, holding it, for example, on the landing.

Before installation, it is better to cut down the lower branches, file the cut a little (2 - 3 cm is enough) and expose the trunk by 15 - 20 cm. This is necessary in order to remove the resin that clogs the pores, so the tree will absorb water better.

4. The Christmas tree should be placed away from radiators and heaters, otherwise the needles will quickly dry out and fall off. Periodically, tree branches need to be sprayed with water from a spray bottle. And if you have a humidifier at home, then this will excellent option to maintain the life of the tree. Don’t forget: when spraying a tree, the garland must be unplugged to avoid fire.

5. Christmas tree can be installed on a special cross or in a bucket of water or sand. Moreover, if you put the tree on a stand, then the only thing you can do to help it is to wrap the lower part of the trunk with a damp cloth and periodically wet it. But if you are installing the tree in a bucket, you can already try traditional methods to prolong his life.

The most popular recipe: five aspirin tablets and five tablespoons of sugar are diluted in three liters of water. Sometimes salt is added to this set. Aspirin prevents putrefactive bacteria from developing, and salt and sugar provide nutrition to the tree. But under no circumstances dissolve sugar alone in water: it contributes to the rotting of the water.

You can dilute 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid and a spoonful of gelatin or a little crushed chalk in water.

Helps prolong life New Year's tree glycerin: add 1 teaspoon of glycerin to 1 liter of water.

You can put the tree in a bucket of river sand, and the trunk should be immersed 15 - 20 cm. The sand should be constantly watered with a solution of water with aspirin (¼ tablet per 1 liter of water) or several crystals of potassium permanganate. There have been cases when, with such care, the tree even took root. river sand contains impurities of iron oxide and hydroxide, which, when interacting with aspirin, form microfertilizers. Don't forget that the sand should always be wet.

You can also use special stimulants that are sold in stores. They must be accompanied by instructions on the proportions in which the fertilizer should be diluted.

6. Don’t forget that in addition to spruce, you can choose a tree of another species. Longest in warm room and without special care, fir lasts for 2 weeks or even longer. Pine will last a little less, and spruce - about 10 days.

Happy New Year!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):