What should be in the kitchen - complex issue. If you do not take into account such necessary accessories, any modern kitchen like a refrigerator and kitchen stove, then what other utensils should always be on hand? And what should a comfortable and bright culinary workshop be like, meeting the needs of even the most demanding housewife? A quick overview of the arrangement and design of the holy of holies of any woman will not be superfluous.

When arranging a kitchen, it is necessary to take into account its dimensions, quantity household appliances and family size.

Kitchen arrangement

First of all, the space should be spacious, not limiting movements (this is in ideal, of course), the arrangement of objects is convenient and practical, everything should be at hand. The most important is the basic triangle - the refrigerator, stove and sink. It is advisable to install a dish shelf or hang a cabinet next to the sink. Stove classified as hazardous household appliances, is installed in accordance with the latest safety regulations. The refrigerator should not visually split up the space; it is better to push it further into a corner so that the open door does not interfere with free passage. It is not recommended to place the refrigerator near heat sources or direct sunlight.

Layout types

The refrigerator should fit organically into the kitchen space, not block the passage and be located away from heat sources and windows.

Single-line arrangement implies the location of everything kitchen set in one row along the wall. Not the most convenient type, since the length of such a row is usually 3.5 m, and the key points may be inconveniently distant from each other.

The two-line arrangement is perfect for walk-through kitchens. It is recommended to place the gas stove and sink on one side, and the refrigerator and cupboards on the other. In this case, the refrigerator door should not block the passage. It is desirable that the distance between rows be at least 130 cm.

  1. L-shaped type - the main advantage is the presence of a free area for a dining or work table. If this table is installed, the type of kitchen will be considered island.
  2. U-shaped type - suitable for large rooms with an area of ​​at least 12 m², otherwise moving between points will be difficult. Furniture and kitchen units in this case, they are located along three walls, which creates free access to any point.

Kitchen equipment

A microwave will help you quickly heat up cooked food and can also completely replace the oven.

And now the most interesting part - the kitchen utensils. What equipment do you need in the kitchen? For every culinary specialist there is no more endless and exciting topic than its assortment. A modern choice incredibly big. There are dozens of egg cookers, coffee makers, multicookers and rice steamers alone. Choose from everything wide range what is really necessary and what has only a fictitious necessity is very difficult. True Value It is revealed only during operation, and there are also differing opinions on this. It all depends on the preferences of the cook, the quality of the equipment, views on preparing dishes and preparations. An individual approach is required here; each housewife must decide for herself what should be in the kitchen.

But in any case, it would be useful to list the main household appliances. Many modern women Kitchens can no longer be imagined without them. It should be noted that this list was compiled based on analyzes of comments from housewives left on the pages of numerous culinary sites. But these statistics should be the most accurate.

A refrigerator and a gas stove are immediately excluded from the competition - it is impossible to do without them. It is only worth noting that the refrigerator must be a two-chamber one with a large compartment for frozen foods. But the presence of a classic gas stove not always relevant. Many began to use the electric prototype, especially in European countries. And in some kitchen interiors the matter gets by with the presence of the usual hob, good electric oven or microwave.

5 household appliances you must have in the kitchen

  1. Dishwasher. About this type of household appliances almost always good feedback. But housewives often cope well with this everyday task themselves, following the example of their grandmothers. Firstly, sometimes there is no place for a dishwasher in the kitchen, and secondly, there is not always a need for it, especially if there is a family of two. What is the point of an additional unit? But when big family and an acute shortage of time, this miracle of technology can become an irreplaceable thing.
  2. Microwave. The range of functions can range from basic heating of food to baking first-class baked goods. It all depends on the needs of the owners. For express lunches, this is just a lifesaver.
  3. Multicooker. IN last years This trend is gaining more and more popularity among young housewives; older people prefer to cook the old fashioned way. The range of functions is wide. A slow cooker can really replace a whole list kitchen utensils and save a lot of time.
  4. Bread maker. An interesting and useful unit. You just need to pour the necessary ingredients into it, and it will bake a fresh hot loaf itself. You can also buy an electric knife.
  5. Combine. There are differing opinions about it. Most likely, it has to do with the brand of the device. For some it cuts and crumbles, while for others it gathers dust on a shelf in the hallway for years. It all depends on your attitude towards cooking, because some people don’t like various electrical gadgets, especially if they have purchased low-quality ones. Having good combine, you can refuse the mixer, blender and electric meat grinder, although sometimes they prefer the opposite option.

A food processor can replace a row small equipment- mixer, juicer, meat grinder and blender.

What kitchen would be complete without small utensils?

  1. Set of knives. They must certainly be of high quality, only then will they bring pleasure from their use.
  2. Set of pots and pans. It is desirable that they be made from of stainless steel and had a Teflon coating.
  3. A set of different containers for storing dry bulk products. For example, these could be beautiful ceramic jars.
  4. Electric kettle.
  5. Coffee grinder and coffee pot.
  6. Set of small utensils. Various spoons, ladle, tongs and whisks for beating. This set is unique for every housewife.
  7. A set of food trays for storing and heating food. Plastic has proven itself well.
  8. It's nice to have small ones in the kitchen electronic balance, preferably battery-powered.
  9. Different necessary little things like a measuring cup, funnel, opener, grater, etc.

Sometimes some kitchens contain household appliances that are not necessary, for example, an electric egg peeler or a tea maker. Of course, deciding what is needed for the kitchen is a personal matter for everyone, but you shouldn’t go too far.

Every thing in the house should have a direct functional purpose.

And the accumulation of a useless pile of rubbish, which can only be used once a year, is pointless. How fewer items in the kitchen, the easier it is to clean up and there is more space for creative work and thoughts.

What do you think is the most important part of a kitchen renovation? That's right - choosing a kitchen unit. Furniture showrooms offer us a fantastic variety of sets: in style, color, and type of drawers. Let's choose the perfect one together.

Where to begin?

First of all, you need to measure the kitchen, and with these dimensions go to furniture salon, where the manager will calculate the parameters of the headset and tell you the final cost of the kitchen.

What to measure:

  • the length of all walls;
  • distance between walls;
  • height from floor to ceiling;
  • distance from floor to window sill;
  • speakers kitchen elements(pipes, switches, sockets).
  • door and window openings.

Before you go to the store, draw detailed plan your kitchen, so that it is easier for the manager to choose for you optimal layout headset

The layout of the headset is how it will be located around the perimeter of the room:

The location of the set depends on the area of ​​the kitchen: the larger it is, the easier it is to find a comfortable option.

Height of cabinets and countertops

Next we decide how high your work surface will be. When calculating this parameter, the height of the hostess is usually taken into account. The standard height, suitable for most European women, is 85–90 cm (this includes the height of the base, the height of the cabinet, the thickness of the tabletop).

As for wall cabinets, there are generally accepted sizes: 30 cm - standard depth, 36/72/92 cm - standard height. Think ahead about whether you need taller wall cabinets and what you'll be storing on the top shelves.

Optimal distance between wall cabinets And work surface- from 50 to 75 centimeters.

Kitchen frame:prefabricated or glued?

A prefabricated frame means that the set will be brought to you in the form of separate boards, from which you need to assemble the cabinets using screws, ties and other fasteners. This frame is cheaper, but it is less durable. If you completely disassemble the kitchen when moving, it is not a fact that you will be able to assemble it again.

The glued frame is assembled at the factory and sold as ready-made structures. Such a set is easier to install, and a kitchen with a glued frame will serve you for decades.

Typically the kitchen frame is made from laminated chipboard and then cover it with facades.

Facade material

One of the most important stages- choose the material for the facade of your kitchen. Here you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages.

Chipboard (chipboard) with lamination- the most budget-friendly, simple and unpresentable type of facades.

  • Pros: low price.
  • Minuses: poor moisture resistance, cheap look, zero wear resistance.

Chipboard with lamination

MDF ( fibreboard medium density)- universal and optimal material for facades. It can be painted with special enamel, covered with film or covered with plastic.

With enamel coating:

  • pros: the texture of the facade can be almost any (pearl, matte, metallic); material is resistant to external influences; facades of different shapes can be made;
  • minuses: the paint fades in the sun; Over time, scratches or chips may appear on the facades.

PVC coated:

  • pros: the most affordable cost among MDF facades; good stability to abrasion; great amount textures and colors;
  • minuses: color fades in the sun; the coating does not tolerate high temperatures.

PVC coated MDF

Plastic coated:

  • pros: not afraid of moisture and mechanical influences; does not fade in the sun; allows you to produce facades of any shape;
  • minuses: Geometric defects may appear over time; Matte facades are difficult to maintain.

Facades with aluminum frames- V metal frames panels made of rattan, wood, plastic or glass are inserted.

  • Pros: moisture resistance and mechanical stress, durability of facades.
  • Minuses: the metal quickly loses its former appearance and fades; weakly resistant to chemicals(for example, cleaning products); non-standard fastening systems are required.

Aluminum frames

Natural wood- the most luxurious and expensive material (most often oak, walnut, cherry, ash, pine, chestnut are used for facades). Ideal for kitchen sets in a classic style.

  • Pros: solid appearance; durability, environmental friendliness.
  • Minuses: Over time, wood fades and absorbs kitchen smells; does not have high moisture resistance.

Natural wood

Countertop options

Now you need to choose the material for your countertop. The assortment here is much larger than in the case of facades. The materials for it can be:

  • laminated MDF (impact-resistant, but not too durable);
  • natural stone (beautiful, but very heavy);
  • tempered glass (spectacular, but difficult to maintain)
  • artificial stone (light and durable);
  • ceramic tiles (chip, seams between tiles are difficult to clean);
  • natural wood(luxurious, but not moisture resistant, cannot be cleaned with chemicals);
  • metal (resistant to dirt and temperature changes, but requires polishing).

Marble countertop

Tabletop made of natural wood
Metal table top

Tabletop made of laminated MDF

Artificial stone countertop

By the way, the notorious marble countertop is not the best choice. Marble reacts to acid and is damaged not only by impacts, but also by boiling water. If you have chosen a countertop from natural stone, stop at granite - it is truly wear-resistant and almost eternal.


Cabinet opening mechanisms

Modern door opening systems can be divided into three types.

Swing- when the doors are opened using regular hinges. In fact it's last century, although it cannot be said that progress has bypassed such fastenings. Now the doors swing open not 90 degrees, but all 170. Inside cabinets with hinged systems there are often hidden retractable structures"carousel" type.

Retractable- the bottom drawers of the set are made according to this principle. Today they are attached to special guides that allow the drawer to be pulled out all the way to the base (without it falling or bending). Moreover, retractable systems They are equipped with closers so that the drawers close smoothly and without unnecessary noise.


Often, the bottom drawers are replaced with metaboxes - in them, metal guides also serve as walls drawer. Such designs have increased reliability.

Lifting- used for upper kitchen cabinets so that the doors open upward. The mechanism can be:

  • spring (minus: it is impossible to fix the door in the half-open position)
  • in the form of a gas elevator that operates on air pressure (minus: it wears out quickly)
  • electric, where the door lifts itself when pressed
  • folding when the doors open parallel to the cabinet.

Railing system

The next step is to think about the railing system. This is especially important if the kitchen is very small. The railings can accommodate many items for everyday use, from ladle to cutting board.

Railing system

The railing device is extremely simple - it is a metal tube mounted above the working surface. About dozens of hooks are attached to it, and on these hooks you can hang whatever you want.


A high-quality set has its own lighting system: built-in light bulbs near the wall drawers and several lamps above the tabletop. Cutting food with a sharp knife in the semi-darkness is dangerous, so do not neglect this point.

Kitchen stuffing

And lastly: what will be inside the lockers? Thoughtful storage system. A modern kitchen set may include:

  • “carousel” is a corner module that allows you to store large pots in the most inaccessible part of the set. This metal (mesh) structure, in the process of rotation, transports kitchen utensils to the open door of the corner cabinet.
  • dish dryers with removable water removal trays;

Corner module "carousel"

  • cutlery tray;
  • retractable “cargo” system - a metal mesh shelf for storing bottles or cans;
  • pull-out basket under the sink - for trash cans and household chemicals.

Retractable cargo system

Perhaps now you know what your ideal kitchen should be like. But decide for yourself on the color and style of the kitchen set. Interior salons offer such a huge selection that it is almost impossible to give advice here. Maybe it will be classic or hi-tech - whatever you like.

Your kitchen design should combine two qualities - beauty and practicality. Beauty is an individual concept, which may not coincide with the ideas and advice of designers.

First of all, you should like your kitchen.

But, you see, without convenience and functionality, beauty can lose its charm. Therefore, arm yourself with a drawing, and we will move on to the tips.

  1. 1. Don't rush to communicate(drainage, ventilation outlets, sockets) before installing the kitchen unit. To begin, take accurate measurements of your kitchen, think about what appliances you need, in what niches and places it will be located, and sketch out a few design ideas.
  2. 2. If your kitchen is small in size, then the height of the room must be fully utilized, because:
  • this increases the storage space for kitchen utensils;
  • vertical lines will visually raise the ceiling;
  • in such cabinets it is convenient to hide the air ducts from the hood, gas meters etc.
  • 3. Have you heard of the work triangle? This is a somewhat outdated theory today, because... In addition to the refrigerator, sink and stove, other household appliances appeared. But its meaning is very relevant: the trajectory of your movement around the kitchen should be minimal

    Suppose, in addition to the mentioned 3 points, you have a microwave, a juicer, a coffee maker and a food processor, and you use all of this daily and often. Now take a piece of paper and arrange all these items so that it is convenient for you to use them: imagine how you enter the kitchen to prepare something, and what are your main points of movement.

    The main thing is that all 7 of your points are not on the same straight line - this is completely inconvenient. The most acceptable perimeter of our polygon is from 4 to 8 m. If the housewife is not cooking alone, this must also be taken into account and 2 such workers must be created geometric shapes in non-overlapping areas.

  • Having decided on the number, size and location of household appliances, you can begin choosing materials for your kitchen.

    The second stage is the selection of materials

    The most expensive, status-emphasizing materials for kitchen facades are natural wood and glass, which require specific care and careful handling.

    Slightly lower in price is painted MDF, which is very popular today due to its compatibility with any style, various colors and textures - gloss, matte, veneered or wood-look.

    The tabletop can be made:

    • cheap but cheerful: made of laminated chipboard;
    • more expensive - made of natural or artificial stone.

    Let’s immediately make a reservation that the nuances of choosing material for kitchen countertop a lot and there is a separate article about it.

    The third stage - choosing the type of headset and its contents

    So, you have the exact dimensions, a photo of your dream kitchen found on the Internet, and you have already decided on the materials. What to look for when choosing a kitchen set?

    1. 4. Deposit beautiful kitchen and quality design - these are proportions that are more perceptible to our eyes than you might think. The most acceptable sizes of drawers and furniture for comfort should be multiples of 15 cm (30, 45, 60, 75 cm);
    2. 5. Don’t forget to calculate the distance from the kitchen unit to other pieces of furniture, taking into account the opening of cabinet doors;
    3. 6. When choosing the color of the headset, you can follow the rule “ dark bottom– light top,” but you can safely break it by doing the opposite, or use bright, saturated colors. The main thing is not to overload top part headset so that it does not look massive;
    4. 7. Choosing between hinged doors and kitchen drawers, give preference to boxes, internal filling which you can immediately see without crawling halfway into the closet. It will be inconvenient to place a small drawer for spoons and forks in a larger drawer - in fact, each time you will have to perform a simple action twice that you could do once;
    5. 8. You need to pay special attention to the choice of mechanisms with which cabinets and drawers will open. If automatic door closers are quite convenient, although unusual, then push-ups that do not open immediately and require effort when closing may be inconvenient for you. And other untested trend devices can quickly fail or turn out to be very non-functional. The lack of handles on cabinets or drawers can also create discomfort. Think about whether you should trust classic technological solutions;
    6. 9. If you like a refrigerator built into the facade, keep in mind that the decorative overlay and slatted fastening take up space, and compared to regular refrigerator it is not very roomy, although it occupies the same space. The same can be said about any other built-in technology.

    The light in the kitchen should be warm, because food seems most appetizing at a warm light temperature - and this technique is actively used in restaurants.

    A tall faucet with a pull-out spout is ideal for filling vases, 3-liter jars, tall pots or even buckets, but it requires a sink with a deep bowl to avoid constant splashing.

    Compact hood models may not be as efficient and productive as conventional ones.

    On kitchen apron you can install a special rail for a smartphone or a recipe book - this way you can follow the development of the plot of your favorite movie in more natural poses.

    What is important during installation

    The first thing I would like to recommend is personal presence during installation. Not only for the sake of control, but also in order to personally and promptly suggest this or that nuance to the masters. This is an order of magnitude more effective than making and voicing decisions over the phone.

    Joints between sinks, work area and the hob must be laminated - both outside and inside, preventing the ingress of moisture or fats.

    Do not forget about the cutout for the gas hose near the stove or hob, other required holes for wires or pipes. At the same time, cables from the stove, hood and other equipment must reach the outlet and not interfere with the opening and closing of cabinets. Perhaps it makes sense to discuss with the craftsmen the most convenient location of the sockets for you.

    The vast majority of the above nuances are not new to companies that have been designing, manufacturing and installing kitchen sets for a long time (for example, this company). But now all these subtleties will be known to you.

    We hope that our tips on designing, selecting and installing custom-made furniture will be useful to you and will help you furnish your the perfect kitchen!

    • Kitchen utensils for a novice housewife

      In order to cook deliciously, you don’t necessarily need a professionally equipped kitchen or a whole warehouse kitchen utensils, special devices and electrical appliances. You can refuse unnecessary sets of tools, which sometimes only occupy kitchen shelves. It is better to choose small but high-quality equipment. The quality of a chef's tool is the main thing that ensures it Good work and makes work easier.


      Pans and pots

      • large 5 liter saucepan with lid. Used for cooking soups, pasta and etc.;
      • medium 3 liter saucepan with lid. Used for rice, potatoes, cabbage rolls, sauces, etc.;
      • small saucepan for 1.5-2 liters with long handle. Eggs are boiled in it, milk is boiled, sauces are made, etc.;
      • light frying pan with non-stick coating– for scrambled eggs, omelettes, pancakes or pancakes;
      • large, heavy, thick-walled frying pan with a lid - for stewing meat products, steaks, schnitzels, fish dishes, pilaf, etc.

      Kitchen helpers

      • small cutting board for greens and vegetables;
      • large cutting board for cutting fish and meat;
      • small knife for peeling vegetables;
      • big kitchen knife for slicing;
      • bread knife;
      • colander or pasta strainer;
      • whetstone;
      • hair sieve;
      • spatula for turning over when frying;
      • ladles of different sizes;
      • whisk for whipping;
      • corkscrew for opening bottles;
      • can-opener;
      • press for squeezing citrus fruits;
      • kitchen towels;
      • tetrahedral grater;
      • scales;
      • measuring cup;
      • potato masher or blender;
      • mixer.


      • boats different sizes with lids;
      • bowls of different sizes and depths for salads or for serving dishes;
      • two baking dishes - small and large.

      Other kitchen items

      • frying pan;
      • pressure cooker pan - for cooking legumes, broths, potatoes;
      • a slotted spoon for removing foam from the broth or removing dumplings and dumplings from boiling water;
      • grater for nutmeg;
      • knife with a figured blade;
      • mortar - for those who love fresh spices;
      • large meat fork;
      • a culinary brush for greasing baking sheets or pies;
      • food processor(if desired and possible) to save time.

    There are no universal rules for arranging a kitchen; everyone creates a set of necessary items based on their habits and needs. Some people definitely need a table set for everyday use, while others can eat straight from the frying pan without experiencing any discomfort. One person certainly needs the most modern devices for the kitchen, while another needs an ascetic set of kitchen utensils. And yet what it should be necessary utensils in the kitchen, what exactly is on the list? After all, there are some things without which you won’t be able to cook and serve even the most delicious food. simple food. This can be considered basic set dishes and various useful devices for the kitchen, with which you can already deal household and receive guests.


    Large saucepan for 5 liters. In it you can cook chicken, a piece of meat with a bone, boil water (you never know for what purpose), cook pasta, dumplings, dumplings, compotes, etc.
    3 liter saucepan. It is useful for soups and main courses.
    1-1.5 liter saucepan. This saucepan is convenient for heating food, boiling eggs, and preparing gravies and sauces.
    When choosing pots, we pay attention not only to appearance, but also to this:
    - Practicality. The most durable and easy to use are enamel pans and.
    - Weight. The stainless steel pan should be heavy and have a thick bottom. On enamel pan Chips and cracks are unacceptable both outside and inside.
    - Pens. They must be welded and made of the same material as the body of the pan. Plastic handles fastened with screws crack over time and can burn over high heat.
    - Lids. Metal, without glass inserts. Glass lids are more fragile and difficult to clean.

    Frying pans

    The pans should be of different sizes, but for the first time three will be enough: one large, one smaller and one for pancakes.
    - Large frying pan with a diameter of 26-28 cm (preferably with a lid). This is a frying pan universal purpose: You can fry and stew in it.
    - A smaller frying pan with a diameter of 18-20 cm is mainly used for heating already ready meals, for preparing scrambled eggs, omelettes, frying vegetables, etc.
    - The pancake pan should be used only for its intended purpose - for frying pancakes and pancakes. Any diameter, depends on what kind of pancakes you like.
    Modern frying pans are made from different materials, but Teflon-coated frying pans are considered the most unpretentious and versatile. They can be made of aluminum, cast iron, steel, coated with enamel on the outside, but performance characteristics The inner layer (or coating) is Teflon. Teflon-coated pans are easy to use, nothing sticks to the surface, and you can fry with a minimum amount of oil. When choosing, pay attention to:
    - Quality Teflon coating. It may be smooth or rough, but there should not be any scratches. A rough coating is preferable - it has better non-stick properties.
    - Bottom. It should be thick so that it does not deform due to temperature.
    - Weight of the frying pan. A light frying pan will not last long and will not provide even heating. Give preference to pans with thick bottoms and thick walls. Such dishes heat up evenly, the food in it is well fried and does not burn.
    - Height of sides. Deep frying pans are more versatile and easy to use. On the contrary, choose a pan for pancakes with low sides to make it easier to turn over and remove pancakes.
    - The handle must be covered with heat-resistant material and it is better if it is cast, i.e. on inside There are no marks from the frying pan. But there are frying pans in which the handle is attached with one or two bolts, so when choosing, be sure to inspect inner surface walls The disadvantage of this method is that the coating may crumble at the attachment point and in the future the process will spread to the rest of the surface of the pan. If you are going to use a frying pan for cooking in the oven, then choose one with a removable handle.

    Kitchen knives

    Although there is an opinion that the kitchen should have a set of knives, in practice it all comes down to the fact that 1-2 knives are actively used. And, nevertheless, you may need different knives:
    - Meat knife – it should be wide and of medium length.
    - Knives for universal use: chopping (16-20 cm) and for peeling vegetables and fruits (10-12 cm).
    - A small knife for removing minor damage and eyes (6-8 cm).
    - Knife for slicing bread.
    The best knives were and are considered to be steel knives. Yes, they are not cheap, yes, they need to be sharpened periodically. But they have no equal in quality. When choosing a knife, pay attention to:
    - Quality of steel. Required condition– homogeneous composition of the material from which the knife blade is made. If any stains or chips are noticeable on the blade, such a knife will not last long.
    - Sharpening (quality of cutting surface). Turn the knife towards you with the cutting surface - you should see a thin continuous line from the handle to the tip of the knife.
    - The handle can be made of wood, plastic, metal. Each material has its pros and cons, the choice is yours. Knife with wooden handle Do not leave in water for a long time and wash in dishwasher. On the plus side, when purchasing, you can see how deep the steel blade goes into the handle. U good knife it should reach almost to the end of the handle. Plastic handles are not afraid of water, but unlike wood plastic handle hides the part of the canvas on which it is worn. Therefore, it is impossible to check the strength and quality of fastening. Metal handles (solid or in combination with plastic, wood) are considered the best option. They are durable, do not break, crack or become loose.

    Cutting boards

    There should be at least two cutting boards in the kitchen - one for foods that are eaten raw (vegetables, herbs, cheese, bread, sausage), the second for meat products, chicken and fish. But very soon it will become clear that two boards are not enough. For example, it is more convenient to cut bread on a small board, while for vegetables you will need a board bigger size and it is desirable that there are grooves along the edges into which the juice will flow. Even if you rarely cook fish, it requires a separate board, and no other products should be cut on this board. It is very convenient when boards for different products differ in material, shape, and color. Then in a hurry you won’t confuse anything, and it will be easier to remember what to cut on.
    Cutting boards are made from different materials: wood, plastic, glass, marble, granite and even silicone.

    Wooden boards. Traditional material wood is considered, although such boards are inferior to all others in terms of hygiene: wood absorbs odors, wooden boards They are difficult to wash and become deformed over time. But they also have many advantages - knives do not get dull on a wooden board, food does not slip on them, it is very convenient to work with dough on wood, and finally - wooden boards are beautiful and will fit into any interior.

    Glass boards. Boards made of special glass - glass ceramics (not to be confused with ordinary glass) are perfect for cutting meat, fish, slicing any products. They do not absorb odors, do not deform, this material is durable, and there is a huge choice - different colors and sizes, with a pattern, rubber pads. All these advantages are negated by a big drawback - when in contact with glass, the knife makes a characteristic sound, which not everyone can withstand. Well, besides, knives quickly become dull on a glass-ceramic board.

    Plastic boards. They are light, strong, easy to wash, and durable. Plastic boards do not absorb moisture, but they can absorb and transmit odors, so if you buy such a board, it is not the cheapest. The downside is that plastic boards slide across the table, and food can slide on them (a good board should have a slightly rough or textured surface). Plastic is afraid high temperatures, hot pots and pans cannot be placed on such boards. Another disadvantage is that over time, scratches from the knife will remain on the surface.

    Marble and granite boards are very expensive, heavy and are not suitable for daily use. But they are convenient for working with dough and cutting meat products.

    Silicone boards are new in the world kitchen utensils. So far the reviews are good - the boards wash well, do not slip, they can be rolled up like a rug and stored in a closet.

    Choose cutting boards based on your needs, but be sure to consider the characteristics of each material. And don't forget that a good cutting board doesn't come cheap.


    There are soup (deep), table, dessert and salad plates. Buy six of each type at once so that you can receive guests. But in the kitchen, keep one set for each family member at all times. Otherwise, dirty dishes will constantly accumulate in the sink and on the table. Which plates to choose is a matter of taste, it all depends on how you are going to use them. If for every day and as “ceremonial” dishes, then choose plates made of fine porcelain, plain or with an unobtrusive pattern, so that you can set the table for any holiday. If only for use in the kitchen, then you can buy cheaper dishes, also porcelain, but thicker, stronger, and it doesn’t matter what color it is.
    Tea and coffee cups It’s also better to buy six pieces at once and plus a few larger pieces (for milk, juices, cocoa, etc.).

    What else do you need in the kitchen?

    - Metal kettle for boiling water
    - Teapot
    - Baking pans (one with removable sides and one for muffins)
    - Baking dishes (oval for chicken, rectangular or square for casseroles, meat, fish, etc.)
    - Plastic bowls of different sizes (for mixing, beating and storing food in the refrigerator)
    - Faceted glass (usually used as a measuring cup)
    - Forks, tea and table spoons, table knives (all for six people)
    - Clay pots (2-6 pcs)
    - Spice jars (at least 6 pieces)

    Various little things and useful things

    You can’t do without some little things in the kitchen - they not only save time, but also make the cooking process much easier. Among the inconspicuous but very useful things you will need:

    Fine mesh sieve for sifting flour
    - Wooden rolling pin for rolling out dough (if you like to bake)
    - Metal or plastic colander (at least two - one for draining liquid from pasta, boiled vegetables, the second for fresh berries, fruits, greens)
    - Containers for storing flour and cereals (the simplest plastic or glass ones with a lid will do)
    - Universal opener (for everything - cans and bottles)
    - Corkscrew (it is better to choose one with handles and a large screw)
    - Mortar for grinding spices and herbs
    - Garlic press (garlic press)
    - Four-sided grater and fine grater for zest, ginger, garlic
    - Funnels of various diameters
    - Aluminium foil for baking
    - Baking paper
    - Wooden spoons and spatulas for stirring
    - Puree masher
    - Ladle for first courses
    - Skimmer
    - Sugar bowl
    - Table set for spices (or a salt and pepper shaker at a minimum)
    - Oiler with lid
    - Plate large diameter or dish (for cakes, pies, serving meat, chicken)
    - Hot pads
    - Kitchen towels(4-6 pieces)
    - or mitten

    Well, in conclusion, one more piece of advice - don’t rush to run to the store and buy everything! Without a clear idea of ​​what you need and why, you will buy completely useless things that will clutter up the kitchen and will not be found. practical application. At first you can get by minimum set kitchen utensils and various useful little things, and when you get the hang of it a little, you will understand what else you need to make your work in the kitchen easier. Happy and useful shopping!

    This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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      THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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          What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

    • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
      I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.