• 1. If there are signs of an approaching thunderstorm, wait it out indoors.
  • 2. Close windows, doors, chimneys. Turn off the TV, radio, electrical appliances, telephone.
  • 3. Stay away from electrical wiring, antennas, windows, doors.
  • 4. If a thunderstorm catches you outside, take shelter in the nearest building.
  • 5. If a thunderstorm finds you in a park or forest, do not take shelter nearby tall trees, especially such as oak and poplar.
  • 6. If you are on a hill, a rock, in the mountains, immediately go down or seek refuge in recesses among a pile of stones.
  • 7. You cannot be in open unprotected places, near metal fences, large metal objects, damp walls, grounding of a lightning rod and other objects that are likely to be struck by lightning.
  • 8. If a thunderstorm finds you in a body of water, immediately get to the shore and move away from the water.
  • 9. If you feel your skin tickling or your hair standing on end, know that lightning will strike near you. Without hesitation, throw yourself face down on the ground - this will reduce the risk of your defeat.
  • 10. If you are caught in a thunderstorm while on a bicycle or motorcycle, stop moving, leave them and wait out the thunderstorm at a distance of about 30 meters from them.
  • 11. If you are driving in a car, stay in it. Close the windows, lower the car antenna and stop.
  • 12. If there is no shelter, you need to lie on the ground, preferably on dry sandy soil, away from the reservoir. If it is more comfortable for you to sit, then try to squeeze your knees together, clasp them with your hands, lower your head lower.
  • 13. Do not run during a thunderstorm.
  • 14. When encountering ball lightning, remain calm and do not move. Do not approach it, do not touch it with anything, do not run away from it.

Thunderstorms -- atmospheric phenomenon, in which electrical discharges occur inside the clouds or between the cloud and the earth's surface - lightning, accompanied by thunder. Typically, thunderstorms form in powerful cumulonimbus clouds and are associated with heavy rain, hail and strong winds.

The necessary conditions for the emergence of a thundercloud are the presence of conditions for the development of convection or another mechanism that creates upward flows, a supply of moisture sufficient for the formation of precipitation, and the presence of a structure in which some of the cloud particles are in a liquid state and some in an icy state. Convection leading to the development of thunderstorms occurs in the following cases:

  • -- with uneven heating of the ground layer of air over different underlying surfaces. For example, over water surface and land due to differences in temperature of water and soil. Over major cities the intensity of convection is much higher than in the surrounding areas of the city.
  • -- when lifting or displacing warm air cold on atmospheric fronts. Atmospheric convection at atmospheric fronts is much more intense and more frequent than during intramass convection. Often, frontal convection develops simultaneously with nimbostratus clouds and blanket precipitation, which masks the developing cumulonimbus clouds.
  • -- when air rises in mountainous areas. Even small elevations in the area lead to increased cloud formation (due to forced convection). High mountains create especially difficult conditions for the development of convection and, almost always, increase its frequency and intensity.

All thunderclouds, regardless of their type, progress through the cumulus cloud stage, the mature thundercloud stage, and the breakup stage.

At one time, thunderstorms were classified according to where they were observed, such as localized, frontal, or orographic. It is now more common to classify thunderstorms according to the characteristics of the thunderstorms themselves, and these characteristics mainly depend on the meteorological environment in which the thunderstorm develops.

Main a necessary condition for the formation of thunderclouds is a state of atmospheric instability that forms updrafts. Depending on the size and power of such flows, thunderclouds of various types are formed.

Aircraft and radar studies show that a single thunderstorm cell usually reaches an altitude of about 8-10 km and lasts about 30 minutes. An isolated thunderstorm usually consists of several cells in various stages of development and lasts about an hour. Large thunderstorms can be tens of kilometers in diameter, their peak can reach heights of over 18 km, and they can last for many hours.

Downdrafts in thunderstorms occur at altitudes where the air temperature is colder than the temperature in the surrounding space, and this flow becomes even colder when icy precipitation particles begin to melt in it and cloud droplets evaporate. Air in a downdraft is not only denser than ambient air, but it also carries a horizontal moment of momentum that differs from the surrounding air. If a downdraft occurs, for example, at an altitude of 10 km, then it will reach the earth's surface with a horizontal speed noticeably greater than the wind speed at the ground. Near the ground, this air is carried forward before a thunderstorm at a speed greater than the speed of movement of the entire cloud.

That is why an observer on the ground will sense the approach of a thunderstorm through the flow of cold air even before the thundercloud is overhead. The downdraft spreading over the ground forms a zone with a depth of 500 meters to 2 km with a clear difference between the cold air of the flow and the warm one. moist air, from which a thunderstorm is formed. The passage of such a squall front is easily determined by increased wind and a sudden drop in temperature. In five minutes, the air temperature can drop by 5°C or more. A squall forms a characteristic squall gate with a horizontal axis, a sharp drop in temperature and a change in wind direction.

In extreme cases, the squall front created by the downdraft can reach speeds in excess of 50 m/s, causing destruction to homes and crops. More often, severe squalls occur when an organized line of thunderstorms develops in high wind conditions at mid-levels. At the same time, people may think that this destruction was caused by a tornado. If there are no witnesses who saw the characteristic funnel-shaped cloud of a tornado, then the cause of destruction can be determined by the nature of the destruction caused by the wind. In tornadoes, destruction occurs in a circular pattern, and a thunderstorm squall caused by a downdraft causes destruction primarily in one direction. Cold air is usually followed by rain. In some cases, raindrops completely evaporate as they fall, resulting in a dry thunderstorm. In the opposite situation, typical of severe multicell and supercell thunderstorms, heavy rain and hail occur, causing flash floods.

In mid-mountain conditions or in a forest area, you should not be located in close proximity to the fire. The conductivity of highly heated air increases sharply, so the column of hot air - a good conductor of current - often exceeds the height of the surrounding trees, facilitating the discharge of lightning into the fire, and not into the tree.

Thunderstorms and lightning frighten many people natural phenomena and as soon as it starts to get dark outside, the wind rises, lightning flashes and thunder starts, people hide under the blanket, shake and close the curtains so as not to see what is going on there. For me, on the contrary... this phenomenon causes a lot of positive emotions and every time I try to go outside. This happened yesterday too. A thunderstorm began outside: thunder, lightning, strong wind, pouring rain, I stood and watched all this on the balcony, how wonderful it is... you stand and see how powerful nature is, and we are humans... pitiful and defenseless. When you stand and lightning flashes not far from you, cutting through the clouds like a sharp knife through butter, when thunder shakes everything around: the windows shake, car alarms go off, and there is a thrill in your soul, and this thrill is pleasant. Of course, I would really not like to be far from home in such weather, but since you are standing at home, you can enter a room at any time where everything is so dry, pleasant and warm.

How to behave during a thunderstorm is a question that specifically concerns saving life in extreme situation. There are many sources that provide information about this, but sometimes such information may be incomplete or unsystematized, so it is important to take into account all the nuances and stages.

The basic rules of behavior are concentrated in just a few main points. They are quite versatile and will fit in almost any situation and any location. It is especially important to clarify and explain them to children.

Basic rules of conduct during a thunderstorm:

  1. Under no circumstances should you be active in your movements and movements. Sharp moments can increase the risk of injury.
  2. If you have a phone, player or any other device, it is better to turn it off. Moreover, you cannot talk on the phone or listen to the player.
  3. Eliminate availability metal elements in your hands or on clothing, move away from them if they are located nearby.
  4. Take shelter in deeper places or hollows if at the moment placement takes place on open areas, localities.
  5. It is prohibited to be near water or bodies of water.
  6. You can’t lie down on the ground, it’s better to squat down and clasp your knees with your hands.

It is important not to become a lightning rod, and to do this you should follow the above recommendations. Often people die precisely because they forget about these basic rules of behavior. Even if the thunderstorm is still far away, you should take care of your safety in advance.

What not to do?

There cannot be an absolutely safe place, since lightning is omnipresent and, if necessary, penetrates into any room and is dangerous in any area. The situation is considered especially dangerous when a thunderstorm occurs in nature, especially on open area.

Pay attention! In real time, it is necessary to evaluate not only the situation in which the object itself is located, but also what surrounds it.

Remain calm and sensibly assess the situation, and otherwise follow the instructions of specialists. There are times when teenagers are faced with so-called myths. They must be dispelled. What absolutely should not be done during a thunderstorm:

Myth Consequences
During a thunderstorm, you can and should swim in ponds. Water is a good conductor and attracts the discharge to itself, while affecting an area with a radius of 100 meters around the reservoir.
You need to cover yourself with something voluminous. You should not focus attention on yourself by piling up additional objects, especially if they are metal.
The premises are completely safe. In order for this to happen, a lot of precautions must be taken:

— Close the windows to avoid drafts.
— Turn off all electrical appliances, as they burn out.
- Do not watch TV or play on the computer under any circumstances.
— Do not touch the water taps.
- Don't sit near the window.

Hide under a tree. It is recommended to hide under small plantings: bushes, tall grass, which are located in a depression.

Non-standard situations

Thunderstorms can catch people in unusual situations. The question arises - what are the safest places or how can one be as safe as possible? You need to remember about electrical safety. People close to high-voltage power stations or poles increase the risk of being struck by lightning.

Turn off all devices you have with you in a timely manner.

In non-standard places, appropriate safety measures should be taken:

  1. If a thunderstorm finds you in the forest, it is important to decide in this case where it is safe to be. There are tall trees and many bodies of water everywhere, so it is worth finding a young planting, with low plantings or bushes.

    It is important that they are at least 200 meters from bodies of water. You should not look for a clearing or forest edge. You need to put out the fire if it is lit.

    If the forest is too dense and you cannot find low-growing areas, then it is better to hide under a birch, oak or pine tree - they do not attract discharges so strongly. You should not hide under burnt trees that have already been struck by lightning.

  2. The safest way to wait out bad weather is in a car. It is enough to turn off the receiver and turn off the engine. IN mandatory you need to get rid of drafts, so the hatch and windows are closed in full.

    enjoy mobile devices It’s better not to, since electromagnetic waves can attract lightning.

    You shouldn’t look out the window or generally be active in the cabin, as the lightning can react to movement.

  3. On an airplane, nothing depends on the passenger himself. All devices are already turned off. If not, then it’s worth doing this additionally. Many people think that lightning is not dangerous for airplanes, but this is not true.

    This device is equipped with special radars that detect the epicenter of a thundercloud and do not fly into it, avoiding it.

  4. Mountains are open areas, so the only option- This means removing metal accessories from yourself and placing them at a distance of 100-200 meters from you.

    Find a ledge or hide under a large rock that protrudes slightly. Don't do sudden movements, since the person is already on a hill, this can cause a lightning strike to hit him.

  5. A thunderstorm catches people in a field - this is the most dangerous case. The entire area is open. To assess the degree of danger, you need to calculate the distance to the thunderstorm - measure the time between the flash and thunder.

    The lower it is, the closer the thunderstorm is, which means activity should be reduced. Find the lowest area, and clasp your knees with your hands to wait out the bad weather.

So simple, but effective advice will be able to help in an unusual situation and keep a person as safe as possible. It must be observed constantly and not hope for a lucky break.

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You can avoid danger by following a number of rules: the first rule is never hide from lightning under a lonely tree, under tall metal structures, remember, lightning never hits a bush, it is better to hide under it. If you are in a rural area, close windows, doors, chimneys and vents. Do not light the oven because high temperature gases escaping from chimney, have low resistance. Don't talk on the phone: lightning sometimes strikes wires stretched between poles.

During lightning strikes, do not come close to electrical wiring, lightning rods, roof gutters, antennas, do not stand near a window, and if possible, turn off the TV, radio and other electrical appliances.

During a thunderstorm, water and the banks of reservoirs are dangerous. If you are swimming, immediately return to the shore; if you are sailing in a boat, reel in your fishing rods: “heavenly electricity” does not hit the water, but objects rising above its surface. Do not be in a body of water or on its shore. Move away from the shore, go down from a high place to a low place. If you are on a yacht or sailboat, sail to the nearest shore. During a thunderstorm, it is recommended to stay as far away from the water as possible. A lightning strike into water affects everything within a 100 meter radius.

Do not pitch your tent on the open bank of a body of water to avoid becoming a target for lightning. And the most safe place- dry plains, hollows between hills.

A few observations:

  • the wind will not give you an idea of ​​where the thunderstorm is moving; thunderstorms, contrary to all logic, often go against the wind;
  • the distance from a thunderstorm to your location can be determined by the time between a flash of lightning and a clap of thunder (1 second - distance 300-400 meters, 2 seconds - 600-800 meters, 3 seconds - 1000 m);
  • Before a thunderstorm begins, there is usually either no wind or the wind changes direction.

Having determined that a thunderstorm is moving towards you, see how “safe” your position is:

  • wet clothing and body increase the risk of being struck by lightning;
  • your camp located on convex landforms has a greater chance of being targeted than a camp located in a lowland;
  • look for shelter in the forest among short trees, in the mountains - 3-8 meters from a high “finger” of 10-15 meters, in open areas - in a dry hole, ditch;
  • sandy and rocky soil is safer than clay soil;
  • signs increased danger: moving hair, buzzing of metal objects, discharges from sharp ends of equipment.


  1. take cover near lonely trees;
  2. lean against rocks and steep walls;
  3. stop at the edge of the forest;
  4. stop near bodies of water;
  5. hide under a rock overhang;
  6. run and fuss;
  7. move in a tight group;
  8. be in wet clothes;
  9. be near the fire;
  10. store metal objects in the tent;
  11. use electrical appliances in the house.

If during a thunderstorm you see orange reflections on the walls of your room, and it seems to you as if there is a fire outside the window, immediately slam the window (if it’s not too late) - ball lightning is asking to visit you.

Such lightning is a ball with a diameter of 10 to 35 centimeters (although there are also meter-long specimens). It often has a yellow color (other colors are not excluded: even if something in front of you has the color of a fly agaric, no one guarantees that it is not ball lightning), its temperature is from 100 to 1000 degrees, and its weight is 5-7 grams (even for a kilometer ).

Ball lightning often penetrates houses. If there is ball lightning in the room, do not grab iron objects, do not try to run away from it, do not try to drive it out with a broom, book, etc. Stand still, remain calm. If there is a door nearby, and ball lightning is at a decent distance from you, take cover behind the door.

Where to hide from lightning

1. How to behave outdoors?

Stay away from trees, fences and metal fencing. If you are in the forest, take cover in a low-growing area of ​​the forest. Avoid shelter near tall trees, especially pine, oak and poplar trees. Don't lie on the ground, exposing electric current your whole body. Squat down with your hands clasped around your shins. All objects containing metal parts (including jewelry) must be kept at a distance of at least five meters. If you are swimming, you must get out of the water immediately.

2. Should you get off your bike or motorcycle when you see lightning in the sky?

Not if you're in the city. There, houses act as lightning rods. But if you are in nature, it is better to get off your bicycle or motorcycle and move 20-30 m away from them, otherwise you will attract lightning as a high point on the ground. On the contrary, you should not leave the car, because... It is safe during a thunderstorm. You need to drive off the hill, stop, turn off the engine and turn off the radio.

3. Can lightning block a computer?

Yes. Lightning current passes through a computer, just like a TV, and can destroy it. However, it is not enough to turn off the button from the computer; you need to unplug the plug from the socket. The same goes for TV.

4. Is it dangerous to fly on an airplane through thunderclouds?

No, because the plane's metal skin protects the passengers. But, unfortunately, complex electronics can be damaged by a lightning strike, and the pilot can lose control of the car.

5. Is it possible to make calls on a mobile phone when there is thunder?

Yes, there is no danger in this. Mobile phones do not attract discharges. Just be careful with the telephone cable. Sometimes lightning strikes the telephone network of a home, and current can reach the device. You will get an electric shock if you touch an object with good electrical conductivity (refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) with your other hand.

If you see that a person has been struck by lightning and he has fallen, the victim, first of all, needs to undress, pour cold water over his head, and, if possible, wrap his body in a wet, cold sheet. If the person has not yet regained consciousness, perform artificial respiration and call an ambulance as quickly as possible.

There are various natural disasters that manifest themselves in different ways. There are also all sorts of atmospheric phenomena that can be no less dangerous. Every time during bad weather he suffers large number people. Moreover, there are cases of death due to negligence. Most often, misfortune occurs due to the fact that people do not always follow the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm. Here you will learn how to avoid getting into trouble, no matter where you are.

This is characterized by very strong discharges of electricity in the area of ​​cumulonimbus clouds. In this case, lightning is accompanied by very strong thunder sounds. There are also frequent cases when, along with a thunderstorm, there is a very strong wind that can sharply increase its speed. Sometimes a tornado appears.

Since lightning can cause a fire, disruption of power lines, and injury to a person, it is necessary to know the rules of conduct during a thunderstorm. It is important where exactly you are during the disaster. Please note that high temperature lightning during a strike can kill. Those who survived after such a disaster received serious burns and injuries. Some victims were unable to recover from the shock.

How do you know when bad weather is coming?

Before you learn the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm, you need to know how to determine its occurrence. So, there are such harbingers of bad weather:

High air humidity, which can be seen by long-drying dew.

Low flying and insects.

Slow fall atmospheric pressure. Moreover, the decline may occur in spurts.

Cloudiness in the morning, if before that you noticed the twinkling of stars at night.

If you feel that it has become too stuffy outside, it means that a thunderstorm is coming soon.

Features of calculating the approach of a thunderstorm. Which tree is most often struck by lightning?

You have the opportunity to find out how close lightning is flashing near you. This will give you a head start and you can quickly hide from the weather. Calculating the approach of a thunderstorm is simple. You need to count the time between the clap of thunder and the flash of lightning. The more seconds that pass between these phenomena, the farther the thunderstorm is from you.

Keep in mind that sound travels one kilometer in one second. That is, the more seconds between lightning and the sound boom, the farther the epicenter of the thunderstorm is from you. This means you still have time to find shelter.

Rules of conduct during a thunderstorm will help you protect yourself from injury and even death. As for hits on a tree, most often the oak takes the hit (in more than 50 cases out of 100). The safest tree in case of thunder and lightning is birch, as well as hazel, maple and bay tree. However, this does not mean that you need to hide under a tree.

What should you do if you are in an open area during a thunderstorm?

Now let’s figure out how to behave if you didn’t have time to run home:

1. First of all, there is no need to run under a tree or canopy. A tent made of material will not save you either.

2. If there are no buildings nearby, then try to find a depression in the ground. In this case, it is advisable to bend down and bring your legs together. Remove all items made from metal. Please note that you should not lie down and you should not climb high hills either.

3. Do not gather in groups of several people. It's better to stay away.

4. If you hear a persistent hum emanating from nearby objects, or feel that the hair on your head has begun to rise, immediately change your location.

5. Never hold metal objects in your hands.

6. If a thunderstorm catches you while fishing, then try to move as far away from the water as possible. The fact is that if lightning strikes a body of water, it can kill you even at a distance of several kilometers.

7. It is also undesirable to be near a fire during a thunderstorm. Warm air attracts lightning better.

8. If you are near it, immediately run away from here.

9. If a thunderstorm starts, a tree is not the best thing to hide.

If you are in the house

Now you need to find out what to do during a thunderstorm if it finds you in a building. Please note that even if you are at home, in order to protect yourself from a lightning strike, you also need to follow some rules:

Try not to go near windows or turn on household appliances. Move away from plumbing pipes or other engineering systems.

Unplug the TV or other devices from the outlet. A voltage drop can damage them.

All doors, windows, and chimney must be closed in the house. Please note that a draft can trigger ball lightning, so eliminate it.

You cannot light the stove during a thunderstorm.

If you do show up in the house, try to move away from her as quickly as possible.

What to do if you are traveling by transport?

A thunderstorm (you can see the photo in the article) is a serious atmospheric phenomenon, and you can’t hope for luck here, especially if you are driving a car, bicycle or motorcycle. If you are in transport, then adhere to the following rules of conduct:

1. Stop the car. However, he should not stand near tall buildings, electricity transmission lines. You should not get out of the car. At the same time, try not to touch metal panel or other parts vehicle. Close the windows tightly, turn off the radio. If you have a hardtop trailer, you can hide in it.

2. Wherever you are, you should not make phone calls. It is best to turn off your mobile device altogether.

3. If you were riding a bicycle or motorcycle, try to stop as quickly as possible and move at least 30 meters away from the vehicle.

4. You should not try to escape from ball lightning if it is flying nearby. This will only bring her closer to you.

If it happens that one of your loved ones is struck by lightning, then you need to immediately call ambulance. You yourself must perform artificial respiration.

During bad weather, try not to be nervous. This will only prevent you from remembering the specified rules and doing everything correctly. Try to be calm and focused. Safe behavior during a thunderstorm helps save lives and avoid injury. Be healthy!

Storms are often preceded by thunderstorms and strong electrical discharges of lightning.

In the central part of Russia, thunderstorms are observed from May to September, and in southern regions almost all year round. During a thunderstorm, the main danger is a lightning strike.
In addition to ordinary linear (or zigzag) lightning, ball lightning is sometimes observed - glowing ball, floating in the air above the surface of the earth and exploding upon collision with any solid object.

Preventive measures

To reduce the risk of lightning striking economic facilities, buildings and structures, lightning protection is installed in the form of grounded metal masts and wires stretched high above the facility’s structures.

Before going outdoors, check the weather forecast. If a thunderstorm is predicted, reschedule your trip to another day. If you notice a thunderstorm front, then first of all determine the approximate distance to it by the delay time of the first clap of thunder, the first flash of lightning, and also evaluate whether the front is approaching or moving away. Since the speed of light is enormous (300,000 km/s), we observe a lightning flash instantly. Therefore, the sound delay will be determined by the distance and its speed (about 340 m/s).

Example: if after the flash 5 s passed before the thunder, then the distance to the thunderstorm front is 340 m/s x 5 s = 1700 m.

If the sound delay increases, then the thunderstorm front moves away, and if the sound delay decreases, then the thunderstorm front approaches.

What to do during a thunderstorm

Lightning is dangerous when the flash is followed by a clap of thunder. In this case, take immediate precautions.

If you are in a rural area: close windows, doors, chimneys and vents. Do not light the stove because the high temperature gases coming out of the stove pipe have low resistance. Don't talk on the phone: lightning sometimes strikes wires stretched between poles.

During lightning strikes, do not come close to electrical wiring, lightning rods, roof gutters, antennas, do not stand near a window, and if possible, turn off the TV, radio and other electrical appliances.

If you are in the forest, then take cover in a low-growing area of ​​the forest. Avoid shelter near tall trees, especially pine, oak and poplar trees.

Do not be in a body of water or on its shore. Move away from the shore, go down from a high place to a low place.

In the steppe, field, or in the absence of shelter (buildings), do not lie down on the ground, exposing your entire body to electric current, but squat down in a hollow, ravine or other natural depression, clasping your legs with your hands.

If a thunderstorm hits you while playing sports, stop immediately. Place metal objects (motorcycle, bicycle, ice ax, etc.) to the side and move 20-30 m away from them.

If a thunderstorm finds you in your car, do not leave it, while closing the windows and lowering the radio antenna.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):