Useful tips

Do you take advantage of such a benefit of civilization as a bath? We're not talking about the bathroom - there's no doubt that you like civilized and clean person, wash regularly. But what do you prefer - taking a bath or rinsing in the shower?

If you love baths, how often do you take them? If rarely, then why? Perhaps you are missing out on a lot from your life by refusing hot bath at least once a week!

Hippocrates and Avicenna are often cited when talking about the benefits of bathing. In fact, there is no need here historical authorities; It’s enough to try to take a bath correctly to understand whether it’s for you or not.

And here a whole bunch of questions arise!

How to take a bath correctly, what are the benefits and harms of a bath, what types of baths exist, what salts and other additives can it be used for a bath, how to achieve lush foam, and also how to behave after you have taken a bath?

In this article you will receive comprehensive answers to all of the above and many other questions. You will also learn about precautions when bathing in the bath and contraindications against this procedure.

A pleasant feeling of relaxation, rest, positive emotions, tidying up thoughts and feelings, cleansing the skin is exactly what we expect when we want to take a bath. In fact, this procedure, familiar to many, can provide much more, including health benefits.

In any case, whatever you expect from the bath procedure makes sense prepare carefully for this event. We are not yet talking about which additives to choose, how to dilute them - we will talk about this a little later.

To begin with, we will talk about ensuring that the entire time you are in the water, nothing distracts you from the pleasant process. For this it is recommended:

1. Tell someone close to you (if they live in the same apartment with you) thatyou will be unavailable for some time (the time required to take a bath - we will also talk about this later).

2. Leave your mobile phone outside the bathroom with the sound on silent. It is better to do this so that your loved ones do not give youdisservice, starting to knock on the bathroom door because someone is calling you.

3. If you take your phone inside the bathroom (for example,for listening to music ), you can simply temporarily set the mode to bar incoming calls (if you do not want to be disturbed).

By the way, about music... If you are not bothered by the sounds that are invariably present in the bathroom (neighbors' fuss, the noise of the neighbor's faucet, sounds from the plumbing system), then you can take a bath in relative silence. For those who do not need complete silence to immerse themselves in themselves, light and pleasant music is suitable (however, this is a matter of taste - some will enjoy hard rock at this moment!).

Bathroom safety

Death in the bath

Safety in the bathroom should be given the utmost attention. Although, at first glance, this does not seem such a serious issue, however bathroom death statistics suggests that the probability of this fatal event does not tend to zero. As for the reasons for such a tragedy, for a healthy person there are usually two of them: sleep and electricity.

Alarm clock in the bathroom

Indeed, cases of people drowning in bathtubs after falling asleep due to the relaxing environment are not uncommon. Especially if they were not very sober or very tired. Therefore, it is worth, firstly, set an alarm clock nearby(smartphone) so that it sometimes makes short periodic sound signals didn't let you fall into oblivion.

The duration of the signals should be limited so that you do not have to reach out of the bathroom to turn off the call, at the risk of ruining your smartphone. You can also ask someone from your family and friends to periodically come to the door, asking about your well-being.

By the way, if possible, it is better not to lock the door. This is especially true for people with certain health problems: closed door, if you you will feel sick in hot water, relatives will not be able to quickly enter bathroom to provide the necessary assistance in a timely manner.

Death in a bathtub from electric shock

Under no circumstances place any source of music (cassette recorder, radio, laptop) on the edge of the bathtub, if it is plugged into an outlet! Assess the degree of danger soberly - the risks of such an electrical appliance falling into water are very high. And the main cost of carelessness will not be a damaged device, but your life!

If you love relaxing in the bathroom to music, then prepare for this process in such a way that nothing threatens your life and health. If the bathroom is not possible somewhere safely install the receiver or laptop, you can bring a regular stool there, installing it in such a way that water cannot get on your device under any circumstances.

If the cord of your radio or tape recorder does not reach the outlet (or if you live in an older house where outlets in the bathroom are not usually included in the building plan), you can use an extension cord. Do not place it on the floor under any circumstances! If water accidentally spills outside the bathroom, it may reach the extension cord outlet.

The consequences can be no less dire than from falling an electrical device into the bathtub. By the way, the musical assortment is also It is recommended to choose in advance so that later you don’t have to reach for the receiver or computer with wet hands, risking, at a minimum, damaging it, and, at maximum, receiving a fatal electric shock.

Headphones in the bathroom

The temptation to listen to music on headphones while you take a bath is very strong. However, in this case you will have to connect them somewhere. And for this you need to either move closer radio or tape recorder(which you shouldn’t do if they are connected to an outlet), or choose your smartphone or tablet as the music source.

If the smartphone is not connected to the charger, then there are no special risks (other than the risk of damaging the device if it falls into water) for your health and life. But you can’t connect your phone to a charger! Don’t listen to those who say that a smartphone with a charger falling into the bathtub is not dangerous. Facts of deaths in the bathroom that occurred for this reason precisely because of a charging defect have been recorded.

Helpful tip about headphones:

Buy wireless bluetooth headphones. The only risk here is that they will drown in water if they accidentally slip off your head or fall out of your ears. The loss is small - safety is more important! But you have a real chance to meditate to your heart’s content, to literally escape reality for a while, deeply immersed in a world of relaxation.

The topic of a completely separate discussion is the risks to life and health when taking a bath for those who suffer from certain health problems. We will talk further about whether such people can take a bath and, if so, how exactly to take it and what kind. And at the same time, we will touch in detail on the issue of the temperature of the bathroom and the duration of stay in it.

In the meantime, it is necessary to mention one more important point, which can also be included in the list of questions about ensuring our safety in the bathroom. It is recommended to place the bed directly in front of the bath non-slip mat, which will allow you, after getting out of the water, to avoid unpleasant contact with the cold floor.

If there is no mat, you can throw a towel on the floor in advance, which will protect you from unwanted hypothermia. So, if all preparations are completed, you can fill the bath with water. By the way, did you eat too much before this process? If your answer is yes, then taking a bath should be postponed for one and a half to two hours!

Is it possible to take a hot bath

Bath water temperature

Some of the most frequently asked questions are when we're talking about about taking a bath, they sound like this: what should be the temperature of the bath and what should be the temperature in the bathroom? Both questions are very important because our comfortable feelings directly depend not only on the temperature of the water, but also on the temperature in the room where we take a bath.

What temperature should the bathroom be?

Some people think that the temperature in the bathroom doesn't matter - the water in the bath is hot enough! In fact, according to existing technical standards stipulated by the relevant standards, the recommended air temperature in the bathroom should be 24-26 degrees Celsius.

This is the value that is considered normal so that you and I can feel completely comfortable, without haste and, most importantly, without negative consequences for our health, we indulged in all sorts of hygienic procedures in the bathroom. Moreover, this temperature value applies to all seasons.

It is clear that the room temperature will increase further after filling the bath hot water. It is also clear that for some people even 20 degrees Celsius is enough. But we are talking about the optimal value. Believe me, standards and technical standards were not compiled at random, but taking into account the recommendations of specialists in various fields of activity (including healthcare).

What temperature should the bath be?

The temperature in the bathroom can be different - it depends on the goals that you set for yourself (not all baths are taken only for the sake of pleasure and hygiene; there are also preventive and health purposes). However, in general case The temperature of the water in the bathroom, which is called hot, should be between 40-42 degrees Celsius.

By the way, if the air temperature in your bathroom is not comfortable, you can preheat the room with a fireplace. And, given the fact that bathroom room for most people it is usually small; the so-called wind blower (that is, a fan heater) is perfect for heating the air.

This simple device very quickly heats rooms with a small square footage. Remember that before taking a bath, the above electric heaters must be taken outside the bathroom.

However, let's return to the issue of the temperature of the water in the bath. If we talk about water procedures for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes (for example, as part of physiotherapy), then the water temperature may be different from the one we gave above.

There is even a special classification of baths based on the temperature regime:

- Hot bath – 40-42 ºС or higher.

- Warm baths – 37-39 ºС.

- Indifferent baths – 34-36 ºС.

- Cool baths – 20-33 ºС.

- Cold baths – up to 20 ºС.

In addition, there are also contrast baths. And if you are lucky enough to have a jacuzzi at home, know that such a bath is called combined(it combines the temperature effect on the body with a mechanical one). By the way, about those factors that affect our body in the bath...

What affects our body in the bath

First of all, this is, of course, the temperature regime. Many people believe that this is the only thing that affects us in the bath. In fact, on our body, aquatic, are additionally influenced by two more important factors for this process: physical and chemical.

Physical factors include self-massage (when we knead and rub the body while in the bathroom), use of washcloths and scrubs. Chemical effects may well include the effect of soap suds on our body. However, we will touch on a number of others in more detail in our article. chemical factors(that is, the use of all kinds of bath additives).

Bath time

How long can you take a bath

The temperature of the water in the bathroom affects the length of our stay in it. After all, any procedure beneficial for our body remains as such (that is, beneficial) only in one case - if we know the measure.

Based on the duration of the bath, it can be divided into the following types:

- Short baths that last before five minutes.

- Standard baths, the duration of which is from 10 to 15 minutes.

- Baths average duration that last from 20 to 30 minutes.

- Long baths. In this case, staying in the bath can last up to up to an hour or more.

It is the combination of temperature conditions with the duration of our stay in the bath that determines the presence of certain positive points, because of which we love and appreciate this procedure so much.

In the next section we will look in more detail at some combinations that are common average person quite capable of implementing it at home in order to get the maximum benefit from the process.

Bath for health

The benefits and harms of a bath

A healthy person who has no objective reasons to complain about his health can be recommended to take a hot (we remind you - 40-42 ºС or higher) bath standard duration(10-15 minutes) or a warm bath (37-39 ºС) of medium duration (20-30 minutes). Let's call this regime general, that is, suitable for most people without health problems.

Keep in mind!

Any other experiments you have with the temperature of the bath or the duration of stay in it (meaning increasing the above parameters) may lead to deterioration of health!

If you feel even slightly unwell, you should stop taking a bath immediately, slowly get out of it, and then fix yourself in the “lying” position in the bedroom.

Perhaps your blood pressure has risen, your blood circulation has been disrupted, or something else has happened very unpleasant, which may require you to rest for a short time, after which you will return to normal.

If your health continues to deteriorate, then it makes sense to seek help. medical care. Is there any point in bringing yourself to such a state? Obviously not. Therefore, strictly observe the combination of temperature conditions with the duration of the bath!

What benefit do we have from a bath other than relaxation and cleansing?

The preventive benefit of a bath for humans is that moderate-long exposure to high water temperature relieves itching, has a sedative effect(useful for insomnia), normalizes the functioning of nerve receptors in the skin, strengthens the immune system, improves lymph and blood circulation.

This is especially noticeable when using appropriate additives, although even without them a hot bath can relieve pain, act as an antiseptic, improve activity of cardio-vascular system. And this is just the tip of the iceberg!

By the way, it’s not a hot bath that helps with insomnia, but an indifferent one: and in general, Each bath has its own benefits. For example, a warm bath will be useful for those who suffer from inflammatory processes associated with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

A hot bath can affect chemical processes, occurring inside the body in such a way that it improves metabolism(improves digestion, helps with some kidney diseases); Often a bath helps with a mild cold or hypothermia and difficulty breathing.

By the way, immediately after a long stay in the cold (or, God forbid, even after mild frostbite) You can't get into a hot bath! You should go through a period of acclimatization of the body to the temperature in the room (if it is, of course, comfortable for the person). And in case of frostbite, you will most likely need the help of a doctor, but not a bath!

Bath harm

Bath and contraindications

All of the above belonged to the category of recommendations for physically healthy people who do not suffer from any pathologies. But what should those whose well-being leaves much to be desired; to those who suffer from some chronic diseases; or those whose physical condition requires special precautions (for example, pregnant women)?

- Hypertensive patients and all those who suffer from any other types of dysfunction of the cardiovascular system.

- People suffering from hemorrhoidal disease (it doesn’t matter whether in the acute phase or not).

- Hot baths are not advisable for women suffering from cystitis, as they can trigger active bacterial growth.

- Varicose veins veins is also a disease in which the patient’s condition can only worsen from hot baths.

- Pregnancy and the menstrual period are two conditions that are in no way related to diseases, but, nevertheless, should also stop you from taking a hot bath. The first condition can result in miscarriage and various fetal pathologies with very hot temperature; and the second - lead to severe bleeding.

Does this mean that people related to the above diseases or body conditions should completely refuse any bath? From anyone - no. But from a bath with hot water - definitely.

At least until their treating specialists allow them to do so (although some categories - for example, hypertensive patients– a hot bath may be contraindicated forever, since this condition can only be stabilized, but not cured).

All is not lost for the at-risk group!

But this does not mean at all that citizens from all of the above categories should refuse from other types of baths. Consult your doctor or physician if you are at any risk.

You may be allowed short warm or short indifferent baths. Perhaps you may well take regularly an indifferent bath of even standard duration, but they denied themselves this due to ignorance.

Finally, you may be offered an alternative in the form of cool or even cold baths, which you will take as part of your therapeutic and preventive physiotherapeutic procedures in order to relieve existing health problems and to prevent possible diseases.

It is known, for example, that short cold baths also have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system; such short-term exposure tones the body (both healthy and not so healthy), improves metabolic processes in the body, normalizes and stimulates the functioning of the nervous system.

But such baths should only be taken with the permission of a specialist; perhaps even under his supervision in the physiotherapy department as part of treatment and prevention. May be, you will be shown a sitz bath; variable temperature bath; vibration, aromatic and so on. In the case of a risk group, an individual and professional approach is required.

How long to take a bath

How to take a bath

All preparatory procedures have been completed and the bath has been filled. By the way, it is recommended to pre-set the bath at the temperature you need - hot, warm and so on. You can hear the opinion that you should enter water at a lower temperature (for example, indifferent), and only then raise it to the level of warm or hot.

This only makes sense if for some reason (say, on the advice of a doctor) you plan to take a bath with varying temperatures. If you do not have such plans, then in order to really relax Instead of wasting time on additional dilution of water, opening and closing taps, the water should be prepared at the required temperature, giving time to the bath itself to warm up.

How should you get into the bath?

You should lower yourself into the water slowly, allowing your body to gradually get used to the hot water. For the least painful adjustment, first kneel down in the water (we are talking about a lying bath). After a couple of minutes, you can begin to gradually lower your torso, immersing your back, and then your whole body.

There is no need to strain when entering the water. You should also not force yourself to quickly get used to high temperatures. Everything should happen smoothly, without stress. Once completely in the water, allow yourself a little rest. To prevent your head from submerging in water, you can place a towel roll under it; The chest may also rise slightly above the surface of the water.

When the body is completely relaxed and accustomed to peace, begin to make the following movement: feel the wall of the bathtub with your fingertips, and then slightly and smoothly push off from it; the water will return you to your place, after which you will push off again - it turns out to be a kind of massage for your feet and toes along with mixing the water.

Use self-massage!

Self-massage in the bath, if carried out without unnecessary fanaticism, will help get rid of dead cells, cleanse pores, and give your body the opportunity to breathe more freely. In addition, massage with a washcloth, massage brush or pumice stone will help you additional help in the fight against overweight and manifestations of cellulite.

After a thorough massage, during which we usually use soap or shower gel, It is recommended to relax again and lie down for a while. Listen to your sensations - they will be completely different from those that you recorded immediately after immersion in water.

After the required time has passed, you can wash off the excess foam with water at the same temperature as the water in the bath (or you don’t have to do this - it depends on the additives in the bath), after which you can finish your ablution. However, the ceremony did not end there - it is also advisable to complete the bath according to certain rules.

Rejuvenating bath

What to do after a bath

At the end of the procedure, do not rush to vigorously jump out of the bath - your physical parameters have changed, so sudden movements can lead to weakness and sudden nausea. You can slip and trip. And there it’s not far from the classic fall, which could end with a Darwin Award.

Therefore, it is recommended to carefully get out onto a previously prepared towel or mat, and then dry yourself completely sheets or large bath towel. You shouldn't rub yourself too hard - it doesn't make sense. Moreover, after treating the surface of the body with a washcloth or scrub, the top layer of skin becomes more vulnerable.

What cosmetics can be used after a bath?

The range of cosmetic products that you can use immediately after a bath may include your favorite nourishing cream, regular toilet milk (almond, flower or other). Considering that the hot bath has dried out the skin, you can also use olive or other vegetable oil.

Since baths are usually taken closer to bedtime, it makes sense to use an antiperspirant. You can use something neutral - for example, deodorizing powder or cream. It doesn’t make much sense to use deodorant alone, not to mention perfume (unless, of course, you want to seduce someone with a special aroma that same evening).

Cream, milk or oil should be applied quickly enough so that the body does not have time to cool down. After this, you can throw on a warm bathrobe or just get dressed. Better yet, put on your pajamas and immediately dive under the blanket; if everything was done correctly, then there is no doubt that your rested and freed from toxins body will not resist sound sleep.

Bath foam

How to make bubble bath

Before we move on to other topics, let's talk about how to make sure your bathtub is full of classic lush bubbles. What is the practical use of this foam cap? Essentially, foam can play role cosmetic product (especially when it comes to foam, which is formed from products containing salts, plant extracts and extracts of natural oils).

Among other things, foam containing herbal ingredients such as chamomile and linden infusions can compensate for water hardness. If there is enough foam, you lather yourself with it. And in principle, what is a bath without foam? One of hers appearance sets us up for a pleasant and useful pastime and relieves fatigue.

How can you achieve a lush bubble bath?

There are quite a few cosmetic products on the market that are called “Bubble Bath”. Read carefully foam composition, follow the quantity instructions; Keep in mind - start pouring liquid as soon as you start filling the bathtub with water.

Only in this case will the resulting foam begin to rise above the water, covering it with a nice lush feather bed. Produces good foam baby shampoos, various shower gels. By the way, you can try such a factory remedy as “Salt with foam”.

On the Internet you can find many recipes offering to make so-called bath bombs from natural ingredients, which will foam perfectly. You can also find ready-made “bombs” on sale - strawberry, chocolate, sea salt, rosemary, and even apple and pomegranate flavors.

Below we will talk about some useful bath additives, which will give you the opportunity to choose bath bombs with health benefits. However, most often a bubble bath is just a bubble bath, which is a cute stereotype(they say a bubble bath is better than a bath without bubbles). So, if we talk about pure foam, then it is necessary only for aesthetic pleasure.

Wellness bath

How often can you take a bath?

WITH temperature conditions, duration, risk groups we have determined. We also discussed exactly how to behave in the bathroom. But the next interesting question arises - how often can you take a bath?

Should this event become something of an ordinary and routine activity for you? procedures for every day, or a bath – this is, nevertheless, from the category of “something tasty” for gourmets; something that should not be abused?

Take a bath at least once a week

The answer, as always, is obvious - the truth is somewhere in the middle. In other words, taking a hot bath every day makes no sense, not only from a hygiene point of view, but also from the point of view of disease prevention. It is quite normal if you allow yourself such an event no more than two or three times a week. For some, however, once is enough.

But! This is only true if the daily bath is not part of some kind of therapeutic or preventive course. Although in this case bath treatment course rarely lasts more than two weeks; and a hot bath is usually unlikely to be prescribed with such a schedule.

In the process of such treatment or prevention, certain types of baths can be taken daily, every other day or two - this individual question. But if we are talking about a hot bath, then even the maximum permissible daily stay in such an environment will place additional constant stress on the heart and other organs.

Is it harmful for a healthy heart?

A healthy and trained heart will be able to resist many things for quite a long time, including regular exposure high temperatures. Maybe it will even get stronger. But for how long? who wants to check? After all, even ardent bathhouse lovers rarely go there more than once a week.

On the other hand, if a healthy person takes standard warm or indifferent baths every evening, no particular harm can be expected from such a procedure. Yet again, meaning in this pastime few see, since it is possible to take a shower at the appropriate temperature due to lack of time. Besides, this is a matter of taste and habit.

Benefits of a bath

Types of baths

Many of those who regularly take baths cannot imagine this event without a number of additives that make this procedure even more pleasant and useful. The addition of various salts, oils and herbs turns taking a bath into a unique ritual, which without these additives would look like an ordinary hygienic procedure - one of many.

Depending on what exactly we add to the bath, there are several types of baths. Consider all of them (or even most of them) within the framework of this article almost impossible, so we bring to your attention the most popular types of bathtubs. In addition, we will tell you how to take them correctly, and what each such bath affects in terms of our health.

Herbs for bath

Pine baths

A very important ingredient of the pine bath, which is one of the most popular medicinal baths, these are different aromatics, which are made from pine needles. Such a bath smells like a pine forest in the heat, which is not surprising, given the fact that it uses not only a liquid extract, but also a decoction of fresh tree branches.

What are the benefits of pine baths?

Such baths are an excellent preventive tool aimed at preventing the development of neuroses. Coniferous baths also cope with developed types of this disease; a pine bath is also capable improve emotional background, relieve fatigue, improve sleep, help normalize blood pressure.

Also, such a bath helps to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system as a whole and improves blood circulation. A pine bath is usually taken at a temperature range corresponding to the boundaries indifferent and warm baths– from 35 to 37 ºС. About one hundred milliliters of liquid extract is added to the bath.

If we are talking about pine extract in powder form, then you can add up to 70 grams or one or two tablets (it also comes in tablets), which are initially should be finely crushed. IN medicinal purposes such a bath can be prescribed for daily use for two weeks. It is not recommended to stay in “coniferous” water for more than 15 minutes.

Starch baths

There is hardly a woman interested in fighting wrinkles who does not use a homemade starch-based mask (or at least has not heard of it). It will be no less useful at home starch bath. Instead of starch, you can also use wheat bran, which will not affect the effectiveness of the procedure.

What are the benefits of starch baths?

A starch bath is a very effective and powerful remedy that can significantly improve the situation with skin diseases such as many types of dermatosis. In particular, we are talking about itchy dermatosis, which can be both hereditary and acquired.

This type of bath is also prescribed for neuroses and certain types of diathesis, when the number of allergens (including food) can be very large. Starch baths have also confirmed their benefits for treating children - they can significantly relieve itching. If we talk about the course of treatment using such a bath, then here, as in the case of a pine bath, the water temperature should be within 35-37 ºС.

Children are usually prescribed up to ten baths, adults - up to 15. The duration of stay in such a bath can be up to 30 minutes (for children - no more than 10). It's easy to prepare at home: You only need up to 1 kilogram of starch or, if you have wheat bran, up to two kilograms of bran, which must be diluted very well before pouring into the bath.

Bath oil

Turpentine baths

About the benefits turpentine baths to combat pathologies of the peripheral nervous system, as well as as an analgesic, has been known for more than a hundred years. In many countries people have already forgotten about this type of bath, used as therapeutic and prophylactic. However, in countries former USSR turpentine baths are still recommended by some experts.

What are the benefits of turpentine baths?

Radiculitis, post-traumatic scars, vascular diseases, gout, inflammatory joint diseases, osteoarthritis, polyatritis, high blood pressure- these are all diseases that can be effectively combated, including with the help of periodic turpentine baths.

As a treatment, turpentine baths are prescribed with great caution, since improper mixing of white or yellow solutions with water gum turpentine may cause skin burns. The danger is very real, so sometimes it makes sense to cover it with Vaseline or good layer ointment-like cream areas of the body with the most delicate skin (for example, the groin, armpits, etc.).

According to breeding rules turpentine emulsion and regarding the purpose of such baths, you should consult with specialists. Typically, turpentine baths are taken at a temperature of 36-38 ºС. The course of treatment is individual, but usually no more than 12 days (in this case, the bath should be taken every other day or two). It is not recommended to stay in such a bath for more than 15 minutes.

Sage baths

Sage baths were very popular in many health resorts of the former Soviet Union 70 years ago or more. However, not just any sage and not just in what form is suitable for such a bath. Real sage bath- this is a condensate bath clary sage, which is formed as a result of steam distillation of this plant.

What are the benefits of a sage bath?

A bath with sage extract is an excellent remedy against chronic inflammatory pathologies of the body; the bath is highly effective as a pain reliever. Also, such a bath promotes faster healing of fractures; copes with lichen, treats women's diseases, promotes recovery from injuries of peripheral nerve endings.

And this is only a small part of what a sage bath actively fights. She can also perform excellent prophylactic with regular use. Such a bath is prepared as follows: up to five liters of liquid sage condensate (or up to two hundred grams of condensed sage) is diluted with one hundred liters of water.

After thorough mixing, the bath is ready for use. The recommended temperature for such a bath is 35-37 ºС. Duration of stay in water with dissolved sage condensate should not exceed 15 minutes. The frequency of using a bath as a treatment is determined by specialists individually, depending on what disease needs to be fought against.

Bath salts

Mustard baths

One of the most popular baths, familiar to many from early childhood, is the mustard bath. And even if you didn’t have the chance to completely immerse yourself in one, then your feet are in a basin with hot water and mustard Many people soared when they had a cold. For a mustard bath, dry mustard is usually used. You don’t need much of it: up to two hundred grams for a full bath.

What are the benefits of a mustard bath?

Local mustard-based baths treat colds, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, coronary heart disease and even neuroses. General baths with the addition of mustard can also be used to treat these same pathologies, but most often they are prescribed to pediatric patients.

Among other things, mustard baths are known for their effectiveness in normalizing blood pressure, improving the functioning of the circulatory system, in improving metabolism. Local mustard baths should usually have a temperature ranging from 37 to 40 degrees Celsius.

The duration of a local bath is about 15 minutes. A general mustard bath is taken at a temperature of 36-38 degrees Celsius, while the duration of stay in the water in such a bath is limited to ten minutes. Usually, after such a procedure, the patient is wrapped warmly in order to increase sweating.

Sea salt bath

A sea salt bath is a very popular water treatment option, which is often recommended for people of all ages. The most famous and popular product for such a bath is salt Dead Sea . However, you can choose any other sea salt, of which there are plenty on sale.

What are the benefits of a sea salt bath?

Sea salt in the bath helps improve the situation with diseases such as rheumatism, work disorders endocrine system, chronic inflammatory processes in organism. A sea salt bath is a powerful remedy in the fight against psoriasis and eczema. This is a unique alternative to sea swimming.

We have not listed even half of the pathologies that sea salt helps to cope with. But, in addition to improving health, baths with such salt are very much appreciated by female representatives. The reason is cosmetic effects, exerted on the body. This bath will also be useful for those who are actively struggling with excess weight, and also achieve the effect of skin rejuvenation.

The recommended temperature for a sea salt bath should be between 36-37 ºС. Taking such baths for a long time is unacceptable - you should limit yourself to ten minutes to avoid side effects . The amount of salt that is added to the bath can reach up to one or even two kilograms (it all depends on the type of salt).

Aromatic bath

Essential oils for bath

There is also great amount other baths (from milk and milk-honey to ginger and citrus baths). The existence of many of these baths (although not all of them) became possible only thanks to the large assortment essential oils for baths

A set of these oils in your bathroom turns an ordinary bath into a session aromatherapy. Once you add just a few drops of some essential oil, the effect of volatile substances is added to the positive effect of taking a bath.

What are the benefits of taking a bath with essential oils?

An added bonus of using different essential oils in your bath is: prevention of neuroses and depressive conditions that many suffer from in this dynamic and crazy world.

In addition, aromatic essential oils help get rid of acne, help with joint problems and diseases of the spine, normalize blood pressure. Essential oils are also used to combat cellulite and rejuvenate the skin.

When adding essential oils to your bath, don't randomly mix several types of product together (although sometimes this tactic can lead to suiting your taste good combination aromas). It is recommended to study the question of what (or for what) this or that essential oil is used.

How much essential oils should I add to my bath?

If you are just planning to start using any type of essential oils in your bath, it is highly recommended that you try adding a small amount of. For example, five drops are enough for a whole bath to understand what reaction such oil causes in your body, nervous system, and other organs.

If this reaction turns out to be quite favorable, then it will be possible to gradually increase the number of drops of essential oil to ten for the whole bath. This amount may be less if you use combination various types essential oils and sea ​​salt; or essential oils in combination with herbal extract.

Consultation with good specialist By aromatherapy(if you have one in mind), who, based on your well-being, will be able to give practical advice on essential oils.

What essential oils can be used for a bath and what are their benefits?

- Oil " tea tree" : provides an antibacterial effect, boosts immune defense, relieves fatigue, increases the ability to fight infections.

- Orange essential oil: is effective means fight against cellulite, used for diseases respiratory tract(including acute respiratory diseases), helps fight neuralgia, relieves muscle and joint pain symptoms.

- Clove essential oil: is a wonderful antiseptic; perfect during periods of rampant infectious diseases as an immunomodulatory agent; in addition, it promotes faster recovery from such diseases; useful for rheumatism, irregularities in the menstrual cycle; improves blood circulation.

- Sandalwood essential oil: helps normalize blood pressure, has a positive effect on the health of the urinary and reproductive systems, normalizes the functioning of the respiratory system; used as a cosmetic to strengthen hair and nails; Among other things, the aroma of sandalwood is a well-known aphrodisiac.

- Cinnamon essential oil: useful for treating diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for normalizing metabolic processes; has an antioxidant effect, reduces the intensity of neuralgic pain, as well as pain in muscles and joints. Is an aphrodisiac.

Even these five essential oils, which are familiar to most readers, are enough to complete every bath routine more pleasant and useful. The number of essential oils that can, in principle, be used for a bath exceeds a hundred. Try, experiment, enjoy your bath and life.

Hydrotherapy has been practiced for many centuries and the use of hot and cold water can have beneficial effect for the whole body. Hot water can be obtained from natural hot springs in many places, such as New Zealand's hot springs and Iceland's natural hot pools, which people use to take advantage of the mineral-rich waters. Likewise, cryotherapy or taking ice baths may help relieve muscle tension experienced by many athletes, including runners. By immersing them in ice water, they neutralize damage or deformation induced by physical activity.

Taking cold and hot baths is very beneficial and has been scientifically proven as it can provide optimal health mind and body.

Here are 10 scientifically proven health benefits of bathing:

Improves heart health

Although taking a hot bath can place increased stress on the heart, especially if you suffer from cardiovascular disease, taking a warm bath will promote a faster heart rate and healthy stress on the heart. This can improve blood circulation throughout the body and microcirculation in all tissues, which helps reduce blood viscosity and improve blood vessel function. In people without heart disease, a warm bath can lower blood pressure and improve heart function.

Breathing becomes easier

Immersion in chest-deep water can have a good effect on your lung capacity and oxygen consumption. There are two factors that contribute to this:

  1. water temperature
  2. water pressure

When the water is hot, your heart beats faster - oxygen consumption can be improved, and the steam from the water can clear your sinuses and lungs.

Immersion in cold water, such as while swimming in a natural body of water or in a pool with cold water, may help reduce the risk of infections in people with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). A study of prepubertal girls showed that swimming can improve lung growth, development, and lung capacity as a result of the resistance and breathing techniques, which are necessary for endurance. While swimming, you need to take longer and deeper rhythmic breaths, which improve the strength and capacity of your lungs.

Benefits for the brain and nervous system

Immersion in water can reduce pain and inflammation and also soothe nervous system, as it reduces stress and anxiety levels, and improves mood. Hydrotherapy can help people with multiple sclerosis as the temperature and pressure of the water gently relieves pain and discomfort in the spine. By providing postural stability, water can relieve symptoms associated with diseases such as Parkinson's disease, providing the patient with some relief and improving quality of life.

Benefits for muscles, joints and bones

Stretching and moving in water has been found to have low impact on joints, muscles and bones while providing ample high load through resistance. The risk of injury in people at risk of falls is also reduced, making aquatic exercise ideal for older adults. Spa treatments can relieve some of the discomfort of conditions such as osteoarthritis, without any side effects or worsening symptoms.

Improves gastrointestinal health

A hot bath can relieve pain associated with hemorrhoids or anal fissures. Fever may cause sphincter relaxation and help heal wounds after surgery. Although bathing in warm water is not recommended immediately after eating, taking a bath improves blood circulation, which can help with overall digestion. In fact, a recent independent study found that bathing can lower blood sugar levels, which may help people with diabetes better control their weight.

Makes childbirth easier and improves urinary health

It is well known that women in the first stage of labor can maximize relaxation and minimize pain by immersing themselves in a warm bath. This can then allow them to focus on the actual process of having their children. There are no side effects for mother and baby from water immersion during labor and after birth. In some cultures, postpartum bathing in herbs and essential oils also contributes to the healing process of both body and mind.

While regular bathing may increase the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs), especially recurrent UTIs, hot and warm baths can help relax the internal urethral sphincter, relieve pain after surgery, and can speed up the healing process after an episiotomy or perineal tears during childbirth.

Blood and the immune system

Not only does a hot bath improve blood flow, but it also helps oxygenate the blood as you breathe deeper and slower, especially when the bath is steamy. Taking a hot bath or spa helps suppress pathogenic bacteria and improves immunity. It may relieve cold and flu symptoms. Research has shown that cold water immersion can increase cellular damage and reduce the risk of necrosis, reducing cancer risk and survival of some cancers.

Balances your hormones

Conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome and some fertility problems can be improved by swimming in cooler temperatures. Hormones produced by the pituitary gland, such as adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), beta-endorphin, and cortisol, may become more balanced. On the other hand, the benefit of a hot bath is that taking it can increase the level of serotonin, which is one of the main neurotransmitters associated with feelings of happiness and well-being.

Cleanses and moisturizes skin, hair and eyes

Exposure to fluids through swimming and visiting the steam room is an excellent way to hydrate the body. Human body consists mainly of water - which is why it is strongly recommended to drink enough of it. Taking a hot bath is also an extremely beneficial activity. We can increase the hydration of the body by adding some oils or salts to the bath or by swimming in a natural body of water or a pool rich in naturally occurring minerals. Hot water opens our pores and makes us sweat, which naturally cleanses the body. And vice versa, cold water tightens our skin, reduces sweating and the opening of pores, but at the same time provides optimal hydration.

Normalizes body temperature

There is no faster and nice way regulating body temperature than taking a bath or swimming in a pond or pool. On a cold day, taking a hot bath or spa is sure to warm you up. Swimming in a cold sea, lake or pool in the middle of summer is undoubtedly the best way to cool down a hot body.

Evidence has shown that taking a bath in hot or cold water, or swimming in a natural body of water, can provide comprehensive health benefits without side effects. However, if you suffer from any medical condition, you should consult your doctor before starting any form of hydrotherapy.

Taking a bath not only gives you the opportunity to enjoy and relax, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin and the body as a whole. Preparing a healthy bath at home is not at all difficult; it’s enough to have a few necessary components at hand.

You need to enter the water gradually, first kneel down, and after a couple of minutes slowly sit down. Then lower your back into the water and gradually immerse your whole body. Even in a relaxed state, lying in the bath, change your position, move slightly, massage yourself. Start the massage from the tips of your toes and move gradually upward (direct all movements towards the heart area).

Massage can be performed either using a massage brush or simply with your hands. Massage in the bath is especially important for those who are on a diet, want get rid of excess weight. Rub the pumice stone onto areas with rough skin - heels and elbows. After the massage you need to relax and have a good rest. To protect the skin from loss of oil and moisture, use salts, pine extracts, and herbs.

The healing effect of baths directly depends on the temperature of the water. The higher the difference between the temperature of the skin and the water, the stronger the effect of the baths. Cool (temperature 20-33 degrees C) and cold (up to 20 degrees C) baths have a general tonic effect, hot baths (40-42 degrees C) increase sweating.

Local contrast baths are often prescribed for those prone to various colds in order to harden the body. Hot water (40-42 degrees C) is poured into one container for such a bath, and cold water (10-12 degrees C) is poured into the other. For 10 minutes, the legs are alternately immersed for a couple of minutes in hot water, then in cold water for 15-20 seconds. The last thing to do is immersion in cold water.

So that taking a bath has therapeutic effect, some aromatic and medicinal substances are added to the water: sage, starch, pine extract, soda, potassium permanganate, etc.

Pine baths have a calming effect on our body. 100 ml is injected into a 200-liter bath pine extract. The duration of such a bath is 10-15 minutes, the water temperature is 35-37 degrees C.

Mustard baths especially effective for bronchial asthma (local hand bath), colds, hypertension (foot baths). They should not be taken when skin diseases and with individual intolerance to the smell of mustard.

To prepare such a bath, dilute it in a small amount of water. mustard powder(100-250 g), strain through cheesecloth and then pour into a bath (about 200 l in volume), mixing the water thoroughly.

Duration of admission for shared bath- at a water temperature of 36-38 degrees C for 5-7 minutes, local (for hands and feet) - at a water temperature of 39-40 degrees C for up to 15 minutes. Before taking a general bath, especially sensitive areas of the body should be lubricated with Vaseline. The body must be washed after the procedure warm water, then wrap yourself in a blanket for half an hour to an hour.

Baths with potassium permanganate dry and disinfect the skin. Add it to water until you get a pale pink solution. The bath should be taken for 5-10 minutes daily or every other day. Finish by dousing with warm water.

Soda and starch baths

They are used for skin diseases to reduce itching and irritation.

A starch bath is prepared as follows: 3 tbsp. l. starch is brewed with boiling water, then dissolved in a bucket of water. For soda bath dissolve 1 tbsp. l. soda in a bucket of water. After such baths, the body should be wiped dry with a towel.

Milk bath

How to take a bath for health benefits /

Perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin.

This bath is especially useful in the cold season, when our skin needs intensive care. To prepare a milk bath, dilute 1-2 liters of milk in warm water, add 3 teaspoons of honey and a couple of handfuls of sea salt.

A hot bath will certainly help you relax at the end of a long day of work. But depending on the temperature of the bath water and the duration of bathing, it may contain certain health risks.

It is also known to be quite dangerous due to its wet floors. Being slippery, they often lead to falls. For older adults, the bathroom is one of the most dangerous areas of the home, with a fair number of accidents occurring there more regularly than anywhere else.

But not only the increased risk of injury, but also the act of bathing itself implies a danger to the human body.

Whether it's taken or not, very hot water can be hazardous to your health. Swimming in water with a temperature above 39 degrees C can have different physiological effects on the body, which can lead to serious consequences. Some people, for example, prefer hotter water when bathing. But even personal preferences must have limits. Naturally, there is no specific temperature that is ideal for swimming. But it is known for sure that it should not exceed a temperature of 43 ° C. For example, infants should be bathed in water at a lower temperature than what would be acceptable for an older child or adult. The water temperature should be as close as possible to normal temperature body (i.e. up to 37°C).

Based on this, regular showering is often seen as a better option since the body is not submerged in water for a long period of time. In addition, a person can quickly react and move away from the pressure hot water.

So what dangers can await a person while swimming?

1. Burns and other skin damage

Most of us don't know when water is too hot to handle. And, although the skin's temperature receptors immediately let us know about the danger, burns from hot water in the bath are far from uncommon. Infants and older adults are most at risk. Babies have very delicate skin that is easily affected by heat. And an inattentive parent may use a bath that is too hot, from which the child cannot escape on his own.

Read also: Optimal temperature in the steam room

Older people are at a slightly different risk group, especially when they have a medical condition such as diabetes. Nerve damage (diabetic neuropathy) can cause problems with temperature sensation, especially in the legs. In these cases, the occurrence of burns is only a matter of time.

Hot water may also worsen some conditions. skin diseases and irritate open wounds on the human body.

2. Drop in blood pressure

Heat causes blood vessels to dilate. As a result, peripheral vascular resistance decreases, which entails a decrease in blood pressure (hypotension). However, depending on the extent to which blood pressure is reduced, the heart may try to compensate by pumping hard and fast. This is fraught not only for a diseased heart, but also creates extreme conditions for the work of a healthy one. In some cases, excessive cardiac work can even lead to fainting. For obvious reasons, passing out in the bathroom can be extremely dangerous.

3. Dizziness and imbalance

As mentioned above, changes in blood pressure from hot water can affect blood flow to the brain. A person usually experiences this change as a feeling of lightness along with dizziness. As a result, the sense of balance may be impaired. Even a slight change in normal balance can affect a person's ability to get out of the bath safely. When combined with wet floors, dizziness and poor balance can increase the likelihood of falling and causing dangerous injuries.

4. Overheating and hypothermia of the body

The process of heat exchange in the human body occurs mainly through the skin. Being in hot water, the skin cannot provide the necessary heat removal, as a result of which the body will begin to overheat. Accordingly, when a person gets out of a hot bath, the body will begin to rapidly give off heat. This can lead to hypothermia after a hot bath, especially if the temperature environment very low (cold climate) and the body’s thermoregulatory mechanisms do not have the ability to quickly compensate. Most often this is a problem for older people.

How pleasant it can be after a long day of work to soak in a warm bath at home, or best of all, in water with plenty of aromatic foam or with the addition of relaxing essential oils. At the same time, with pleasure, in this way you can rid your skin of impurities, which is required by the rules of personal hygiene. Some experts claim that it has a much more positive effect on the body. Let's find out what it is and whether there are any dangers in this type of water procedures.

Is it possible to take a hot bath

Water that has a sufficiently high temperature can give the human body a lot of beneficial effects.

First of all, this is a conclusion from skin and the body as a whole of waste and toxins. With prolonged contact with hot water, the skin steams, as a result of which its pores open as much as possible. By the way, after taking a hot bath it would be good to treat problem areas scrub and then apply a nourishing or moisturizing mask. Thanks to a hot bath, the keratinized layer of dead cells is removed better than usual, while the active ingredients are perfectly absorbed by thoroughly cleansed skin.

This water procedure copes with stress and nervous tension faster and more effectively than one using warm moisture. With its help you can get rid of insomnia, depression, apathy, and aggression. In addition, hot water dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and has a positive effect on the condition of the blood.

This beneficial features hot baths are not limited. Contact with water that is not at a low temperature promotes fat burning, relieves muscle tension, and destroys the excess amount of alcohol present in the blood, that is, it helps to sober up faster. In addition, if you take a hot bath, you can simply warm up, which is why this water procedure is especially relevant in the cold season. After soaking in hot water after an intense sports workout, you will banish fatigue and be full of strength and energy again.

The optimal duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. In this case, the recommended temperature of the liquid in the bath should be within +41+42ºС. However, the duration of the session needs to be increased gradually. You should start by staying in hot water for two to five minutes.

After a hot bath, it is necessary to replenish the loss of moisture, salt and vitamin C. Drink purified bottled or still mineral water. Mix salt with sesame seeds (keep a ratio of 6:4), grind well and eat with a salad of raw vegetables. When you finish your meal, don't drink anything for about 40 minutes. Then send a portion of ascorbic acid into the stomach as part of rosehip infusion or decoction of black currant leaves.

Hot bath for colds

The water procedure we are considering should, in the opinion of a considerable number of doctors, be mandatory for people who have become victims of infectious bacterial or viral diseases. This is the flu, ARVI and, of course, a common cold. Indications for taking a hot bath are the following signs of an incipient illness: a feeling of weakness, fatigue, aching bones, discomfort and pain in the muscles, headache, sore throat, coughing, profuse runny nose. A water procedure at the very beginning of a cold or flu acts as an inhibitory further development disease factor, its transition to the next, second phase. However, it is very important to follow some rules.

Rules for taking a hot bath for a cold

  • It is unacceptable to swim in water that is too hot. Maximum permissible temperature range: +34+37ºС.
  • If you have a cold, you should not take a hot bath for longer than 15 minutes. In the bathroom, as a rule, there is high humidity air, which is a very favorable condition for increased formation of mucus in the bronchi and nasopharynx. As a result, a runny nose and cough will not only not go away with a long stay in the bath, but will even get worse.
  • You should not combine taking a hot bath with alcoholic drinks - either internally or as an addition to the main liquid. This path will lead to a decrease in the activity of the immune system, which will make it more difficult for the body to fight an infectious disease.
  • The best time to take a hot bath to relieve a cold is in the evening, before going to bed. Dry your skin after leaving the bathroom terry towel and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. The longer you experience pleasant warmth, the greater the chances of destroying or at least greatly weakening the pathogenic microflora that has settled in the body.
  • When you have a cold, it is very useful to add infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs and spices (for example, grated ginger) to the water when preparing a medicinal hot bath. These additional agents enrich the liquid with healing components that directly affect viruses and pathogenic bacteria, preventing them from surviving. These nutritional supplements also increase the activity of immune cells.

Harm and contraindications of a hot bath

A hot bath, as you can already see, has a lot of positive aspects. However, this therapeutic technique also has plenty of harmful properties.

  • It creates intense stress on the heart muscle and capillaries. For this reason, you should not resort to a hot bath if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system. At the very least, a preliminary consultation with a cardiologist on this matter definitely won’t hurt.
  • Contact of the skin with hot water leads to premature aging and sagging of the skin. To avoid such negative consequences from a pleasant and effective water procedure, you should soak in a hot bath once every 2-3 weeks, not more often.
  • Pregnant women should not use this relaxation method. At best, a hot bath will provoke a disturbance in the condition of the fetus; at worst, it will lead to a miscarriage.

Contraindications to this procedure include hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cerebral edema, tuberculosis, liver cirrhosis, and increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure. Abuse of treatment and relaxation methods, as well as the use of water at too high temperatures can cause inflammation of the veins and negative changes in the functioning of organs reproductive system. Moreover, this applies to representatives of both sexes. In men, under the influence of hot water, the quality of seminal fluid deteriorates, including due to a decrease in sperm activity. All this leads to infertility. It is especially dangerous for women to take hot baths during menstruation. This, of course, will drive away the pain, but along with beneficial effect will create the problem of extremely heavy bleeding.

Approach taking a hot bath wisely - do not harm your health!

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