The difference between the two types of coatings is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance. In order to understand how enamel differs from paint, it is worth considering separately the various features of these materials. Regarding general provisions, then they consist only in some chemical elements, which are used at the very beginning of production.

Main differences

Such similar, but at the same time different materials

  1. Enamel must be processed during production thermally and is a glassy formation known to everyone. When making paint, heat treatment is not used, and its layer appears less dense during the drying process.
  2. Dried enamel necessarily has an opaque film, while paint has an absolutely transparent film. In the latter case, an additional foaming agent is used - varnish.
  3. Also, the paint contains special additives in varying quantities that create the shine of the coating. Accordingly, there are no such additives in the enamel mixture.
  4. Enamel and regular paint are definitely distinguished by their smell. In the first case, it is harsh and unpleasant for the olfactory organs. In paints, the smell is much less intense. There is even separate species flavored lines.

Areas of application of enamels and paints

For the exterior, enamel is better, but for the interior - paint

  1. External coatings. If your plans include painting outdoor areas, then you should definitely choose enamel. Paint tends to crack if it is in constant contact with moisture.
  2. Windows and benches. However, enamels are not resistant to sunlight. For the mentioned elements it is better to use ordinary paints and varnishes.
  3. Interior decor and cosmetic repairs. In this case, it is also better to use paint, since it has a suitable loose texture. The choice of enamel may cause the coating to “crack” some time after application.

The answer to the question of how enamel for coloring differs from ordinary paint is ambiguous. Several factors must be taken into account, including the manufacturing method, the presence of additives, the nature of the odor, etc.

When conducting repair work When covering various surfaces with paints and varnishes, the consumer is faced with a choice: purchase enamel or oil paint. These coloring agents are the most popular. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to understand what the difference between them is.


The term “enamel” has several meanings, united by common features. In its original scientific meaning, this is the name given to the durable glassy layer covering various surfaces and performing a protective function. For example, tooth enamel or glaze applied to metal and secured by firing. The manufacturing material is glass powder, which melts when fired and forms a fairly durable coating.

In another sense, this term means special type paint, which has a fairly thick consistency and gives an even, durable and glossy finish. These types of paints are produced on the basis of varnish high quality, they contain drying oil and zinc oxides.

Their similarity to ceramic enamel is due to the fact that the painted surface in appearance resembles ceramic glaze. This type of paint has high protective properties, is resistant to abrasion and weathering. It can be applied after priming to almost any surface, including polyurethane foam and glue - sealant. There are several main types of enamels:

  1. Acrylic(they are used to paint furniture, floors, walls, windows, indoor doors, since they dry quickly, are non-toxic and safe in case of fires).
  2. Alkyd(best used for outdoor work, can be applied to wood and metal, not recommended for painting floors, dries long time and have a pungent odor, which is toxic and lasts throughout the drying period and for some time after, therefore requiring ventilation even after complete drying).
  3. Nitroenamel(this type of paint is easy to recognize by the smell of acetone; it is distinguished by the rapid drying process of the painted surface - within an hour, it cannot be applied to surfaces painted with oil paint - the old layer peels off and is a fire hazard).

Oil paints are a type of paint and varnish product based on vegetable or drying oil. synthetic origin. It is a dispersion of drying oil with a pigment substance and special additives. The color range is very diverse.

Suitable for outdoor and interior works, for painting and priming wooden surfaces, also suitable for concrete, plastic, metal. Applied to wooden surface as a primary layer, it can serve as an excellent primer under enamel. Based on the manufacturing method, there are two types of oil paints:

  1. Liquid-grated. The composition of this paint is ready for use immediately after opening the container.
  2. Thickly grated(pasty). Before you start staining, this type paints must be diluted with drying oil or turpentine. When adding drying oil, the painted surface will have a gloss; if you add turpentine, the surface will be matte.

Oil paints can be applied to surfaces in various ways: using a brush, roller, spray. Oil paints are rarely used as a final layer when finishing surfaces, since they have some disadvantages, namely:

  • Low hiding power and abrasion resistance.
  • Drying time (from six hours to several days).
  • The toxicity of some oil paints made on the basis of unnatural drying oil makes its use undesirable inside residential premises.
  • When applied in a thick layer, oil paint does not allow air to pass through to the painted surfaces, which can lead to cracks in the coating.
  • The drying oil contained in the composition gives the color a yellowish tint over time, which spoils appearance surfaces.

However this type paint is in demand due to the relatively inexpensive cost of the product and the versatility of its use. Its use on surfaces that will not be exposed to mechanical stress, allows the coating to last quite a long time long term. At correct application it will last at least seven years.

Oil paint and enamel: similarities and differences

The production technology for these types of paints is similar: binder and pigment. The similarity of enamel and oil paint determined by their scope and purpose: they are applied to almost all surfaces and perform a protective function. However, the protective properties of enamels are higher; they are more resistant to sun rays, temperature changes, precipitation.

The main difference between oil paint and enamels is their composition. Since the base of enamels is varnish, such paint has a sharper odor in contrast to oil paints, which are based on drying oil.

At long-term storage The pigment substances of oil paint settle, forming a dense layer at the bottom of the container, so before use it is necessary to thoroughly stir the drying oil and the settled pigment until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is not recommended to store oil paint after opening the can; the settled pigment hardens and the paint becomes unusable. Enamel can become thick during long-term storage; before use, it is enough to dilute it with a solvent.

In the production of oil paints, natural drying oils are used as a film-forming substance, the basis of which is vegetable oils, such as hemp, soybean, rapeseed, cotton, linseed and others.

In the production of alkyd paints, the film-forming substance is alkyd drying oil, prepared on the basis of a solution of pentaphthalic or glyphthalic oil-containing oligomeric resin in organic solvents. Alkyd paint is successfully used indoors and outdoors, covering materials such as metal, wood, and brickwork.

Cons of oil paints

An important fact is that oil paints need several days to dry completely. Also, in some situations, oil paints cannot be used indoors, as they emit enough large number volatile harmful substances.

Another big disadvantage of oil paints is that after a couple of years, any oil coating acquires an unpleasant yellow patina, while changing its original color.

Quality or price?

The main advantage of oil paints is their relative low cost. But if we talk about quality characteristics, such as the strength of the resulting film, the purity of the resulting color, appearance, then in this case alkyd paints significantly superior to oil ones.
A predisposing factor in choosing alkyd paint is the fact that products with wide range color range.

One of the advantages of a number of alkyd paints is high degree hiding power, which is a decisive factor in the protection of wooden or metal surfaces from corrosion and moisture ingress. This feature is created due to the high surface tension of alkyd resins.

High wear resistance

Compared to oil-based paints, alkyd paints are more wear-resistant and can withstand exposure aggressive environment. Practice has shown that this type of paint is more resistant to exposure household chemicals And detergents than oil or water soluble ones.
If necessary, alkyd paints are diluted with white spirit. Alkyd paints themselves emit virtually no odor.

Thanks to the above qualities that alkyd paints have, they find everything greater application during finishing and repair work.

Modern market finishing materials presented in wide range enamels and paints. If previously you could only buy oil paints in stores, today there are paint and varnish products of various types.

In order to purchase the right product, it is important to know the main differences between enamel compositions and paint.


The composition of any paint is always based on a certain amount of filler, binders, a mixture of pigments and solvents.

Pigments give the paint a certain shade and make the coating more elastic. Drying oils, synthetic polymers or aqueous dispersions act as a binder - these are so-called film formers, creating a dense film on the surface necessary to retain the internal components.

Solvents are water, oils, carbohydrates, alcohols, ethers, ketones, which reduce the viscosity of the paint. This has a beneficial effect on the application process.

Fillers are usually used to give the coating a matte effect, fire and heat resistance, UV resistance and abrasion.

Based on the number of the above elements, paint comes in the following types:

  • glaze (transparent, translucent, opaque);
  • alkyd;
  • mineral;

  • oil;
  • adhesive;
  • emulsion;
  • liquid;
  • pasty.

The product range includes interior and exterior paint formulations that can be used for priming and direct painting. You need to purchase a product based on the base on which it will be applied.– it can be a plastic, wooden or metal surface. Depending on this, the method of application may change.

For example, to paint wood surfaces, you will need at least two layers of paint, of which the first will serve as a primer.

According to the production method, oil compositions are divided into two types:

  • grated;
  • Thickly grated.

The former can be used immediately after opening the package, but the latter require preliminary dilution with turpentine or drying oil.

Enamel paint (enamel) contains a film-forming component based on resin or varnish, as well as solvents, pigments, fillers and functional additives. Used as solvents organic matter: turpentine, solvent or white spirit. The filler is usually microtalc, less often chalk.

Enamel paints can be divided into paste and liquid compositions according to their type. Regardless of the type, the paint forms a dense coating, which can be the most different colors, because the range of enamel palettes is quite diverse.

The composition of this product makes it universal for use: the substance is widely used for both indoor and outdoor use. Besides, You can paint any surface with enamel: metal, wood, plastic, brick.

The only one minus enamel paints– high fire hazard. This is explained by the high content of highly flammable varnish in the composition of the substance, so it is recommended to use such paint in rooms where the likelihood of fire is minimal.

Despite this, the enamels have excellent performance characteristics what makes them stand out from the rest paint and varnish materials. Such compositions are suitable for painting rooms with high level humidity, for example, bathrooms, swimming pools. The durable enamel coating does not allow water to pass through and is also not afraid of minor mechanical damage.

Enamel paints are presented in an assortment and are divided into the following types:

  • Alkyd paints impart shine to the painted surface, they are resistant to temperature changes (from -50 to +60 °C), precipitation, abrasives and mineral oils. Suitable for painting indoor and outdoor surfaces, and also used for treating surfaces made of wood, concrete, and metal.
  • Alkyd-melamine covered with a durable, durable, elastic layer. UV resistant atmospheric pressure, minor scratches. They dry quickly: the first coat of paint will dry in about half an hour, the second will take about an hour to dry. Widely used in the production of motorcycles, automobiles, body parts, and also suitable for use in climatic zones with high humidity.
  • Nitrocellulose paints have an unpleasant, pungent odor and are intended for painting wooden, concrete, and metal surfaces. They are applied in special protective clothing and a mask using sprayers. Most modern manufacturers produce this type of paint in the form of aerosol cans.

  • Pentaphthalic and glypthalic the paints were removed during the modification of drying oils alkyd resins, are resistant to atmospheric pressure, for a long time operation, practically do not lose color. Used for treating external and internal surfaces, are widely used in painting metal equipment, parts of cars, buses and trolleybuses. The service life is: in the building - 15 years, in street conditions– from 4 to 6 years.
  • Organosilicon paints are highly valued for their long-lasting colors. They are resistant to high temperatures, abrasion and moisture.

  • Polyurethane compositions suitable for coloring floor coverings. They are distinguished by their ability to withstand excessive loads and are used in rooms with high traffic. Dries completely within a day.
  • Epoxy compositions are particularly resistant to various chemicals and moisture. They are mainly used as anti-corrosion coating for metal surfaces.

It is worth noting that in lately The range of enamel paints has increased significantly. Many manufacturers, trying to create the appearance of product diversity, assign catchy names to certain products. For example, a product is called enamel, as if emphasizing its strength or shine, although In fact physical properties The product does not at all correspond to the name “enamel”. Often the price of such goods increases along with the increase in pathos in the product range.

Main differences

To do right choice and don’t make a mistake when purchasing, below are the main differences between enamel and regular paint.

The main difference between these two types of coatings is the method of their application. Enamel is intended for decorative finishing of surfaces. When applied, it lays down in a thin, like a “glass” layer. Oil-based or water-based paints are more suitable for imparting a specific rich color to the surface. Compared to enamel, they are more durable and form a reliable layer., which protects well from minor scratches.

In order to navigate the variety of paints and enamels, choose them correctly, select them for them auxiliary material, it is useful to become familiar with the accepted markings.

The name of the paint or enamel, which must be indicated on the packaging (label), contains symbols that help to find out the composition of the paint (enamel) and its purpose. Paints are produced on the basis of drying oils, varnishes and enamels - on the basis of synthetic resins. The type of binder the paint or enamel is made from is indicated by the index of letters behind the name. The letters MA indicate paints on drying oils from vegetable oils, PF - enamels on pentaphthalic varnishes, GF - on glyphthalic varnishes, DA - on oil-phenolic varnishes, ML - melamine-alkyd resins, MC - on urea-formaldehyde resins, PVA - based on polyvinyl alcohol, BG - based on bitumen, AK - based on polyacrylates, MS – based on melamine styrene resins, PE – based on polyester resins.

The letter is followed by a number. By the first number you can judge the purpose of the paint. Numbers 1 and 5 indicate that the paints are suitable for exterior and interior use, number 2 – only for indoor painting, 0 – primer, 00 – putty.

Paints based on drying oils (MA), glyphthalic (GF), pentaphthalic (PF) and oil-phenolic (PA) varnishes belong to the group of alkyd paints. They are compatible with each other, they can be mixed in various ratios (proportions).

Paints suitable for exterior use must be prepared with fade-resistant pigments and weather-resistant binders. Some pigments - zinc white, ocher, red lead, chromium oxide - do not fade even in bright sunlight.

High-quality oil compositions are obtained only from natural drying oil. They paint surfaces in protective and decorative purposes. If the main purpose of painting is to protect the surface being painted, painting is performed with compounds that form a glossy film. At decorative finishing indoor surfaces are usually used matte coatings, which soften the paint tones and make defects of surfaces previously prepared for painting less noticeable.

Matte coatings are obtained by reducing the amount of binder in the film, replacing it with an evaporating solvent and introducing matting additives into the compositions - waxes diluted in a solvent. Such coatings are beautiful, but their strength is low. When preparing for painting with matte compositions of oil paints, the surfaces are primed with drying oil or paint and painted at one time with a thick oil composition until glossy. In this case, the appearance of the prepared surface should be uniform. All alkyd paints and enamels are applied with a brush or roller, usually in two layers. Paint consumption per 1 square meter surface (in one layer) on average about 150 g. Paint consumption depends on color and hiding power; for white – at least 200 g/m².

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):