Cleaning a toilet from rust

How to remove rust from a toilet? The question is always relevant, because the toilet and bathroom always characterize the cleanliness of the housewife, and besides, these 2 household attributes can be carriers of many infections due to their intended purpose.

When looking at a sloppy toilet with urinary stone growths, rust and a leaking tank, any person experiences a feeling of deep disgust. It seems that the whole room is dirty, whether a person is squeamish or not, but such a toilet temporarily turns anyone into a neurotic, fixated on germs and dirt. Next we will talk about ways to remove rust and the most common reasons its formation inside the toilet.

Rust formation on the toilet

Today you can find many products on the market household chemicals, promising to easily remove rust stains. Based on their consistency, consumers are offered: dry abrasives, liquid sprays and thicker, gel-like liquids.

Comet toilet cleaner

So, how to remove rust from a toilet? Abrasive products are often criticized because they leave scratches on the surface being cleaned, and this is true. If your toilet is new, then you probably won't want to ruin it right away. There is another disadvantage of these products - they are less effective than their alternatives in the form of gels and sprays.

Spray for cleaning toilets from rust

It would be possible to recommend a Comet containing chlorine for the toilet, but only if the dirt is fresh, but old and multiple dirt will need to be scrubbed off with force during cleaning, then, leaving the powder, make sure that it does not have time to dry too quickly, otherwise it will the cleaning function will stop. These actions are only suitable if your toilet has nothing left to lose - its surface is already scratched or cracked.

Gel Bref for cleaning the toilet from rust and plaque

Sprays. Sprays are effective, but more metal surfaces, tiles, but not for a bath or toilet, especially if we're talking about about heavily contaminated household items.

Gel-like cleaning liquids. The gel is thicker, more densely and evenly distributed over the surface, does not dry out as quickly as the first two categories of products and corrodes dirt better.

When buying any gel, choose one that contains acid. Chlorine-containing products are intended more for disinfection than as stain removers; they can clean some things, but the more complex the situation, the more useless they are. Lye works great in the kitchen, but toilets and bathtubs are not its strong point.

Toilet acid

The following acids are most often used for rust stains: acetic, citric, oxalic and hydrochloric. There is one folk recipe cleaning: pour hydrochloric or oxalic acid, or a mixture of both, onto the stain and leave for 25-30 minutes. Flush the toilet a large number water.

Hydrochloric acid for cleaning toilets from rust

Hydrochloric acid. Of all the above acids, it is best to choose hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid will definitely clean your toilet, no matter what contaminants it encounters, be it rust, urinary stone or lime, fresh or old multi-layered mud build-ups. It doesn’t matter whether your toilet is new and smooth, or cracked and old, hydrochloric acid will do its job, but if you choose it, it’s better to buy a ready-made cleaning product containing hydrochloric acid. The concentration of the above acid in these products is the safest for home use, while its cleaning properties remain brilliant.

Toilet cleaning gloves

When cleaning with this tool, you need to wear gloves, as the manufacturer himself warns about, but even if by some accident a drop of such a cleaning gel gets on your skin, it will not cause serious damage to you, but if such a nuisance happened with a concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid, damage to you could would be irreparable, but accidents always happen.

You cannot store or use a solution of concentrated hydrochloric acid at home.

Hydrochloric acid contains Cilit Bang, a special gel for toilet bowls.

Cillit Bang toilet cleaner

The liquid has a beautiful green, gel-like consistency (not a spray) and is used only for toilet bowls. There are other products from Cilit Bang used for bathtubs, tiles and other surfaces, but they are much weaker, although the instructions for them say that the liquids can be used against rust.

Choosing toilet rust removers

Perhaps, in addition to Cilit Bang, you will find other brands of cleaning products from other manufacturers that contain hydrochloric acid - read the composition of the product on the bottle. Typically, if the cleaning fluid contains this acid, then this product will not be universal in nature, but purely special, for example, only for the toilet.

Use a strong acidic cleaner to clean inner part toilet, and for him external cleaning use glass cleaner. With its help, you can easily remove dust and other surface contaminants, leaving the toilet sparkling clean.

Traditional methods of fighting rust

How to clean a toilet from rust using folk remedies? There are always folk remedies for all occasions, although they are not always effective enough, but for amateurs folk wisdom Several recipes are given.

Vinegar for removing rust

How to clean a toilet from rust with vinegar? Take a rag, soak it in vinegar and cover the stain to be removed, leave the rag there, eating away the rust, for a while.

There is another way to clean rust from a toilet: heat 70% vinegar to a temperature of 40 °C, then pour it into the toilet. This method is good for cleaning the toilet from limescale and stone.

A solution of vinegar and soda to remove rust on the toilet

The procedure is carried out in the evening so that the contaminants are exposed to acid all night. It is recommended to add 1 tbsp to vinegar. l. soda to increase its cleansing power. Iodine is added to 9% vinegar.

Citric acid is an excellent tool in the fight against rust.

Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid. Pour 2 bags of acid into the toilet and do not flush for 2 hours.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are common stain removers. traditional methods. To clean the toilet from rust and plaque, ammonia mixed with hydrogen peroxide in a proportion of 100 ml of peroxide to 5 ml of ammonia. Pour the resulting solution onto the stains and leave for half an hour.

Hydrogen peroxide is used to remove rust

Another effective, but very controversial way to clean the toilet from rust, urinary stone and plaque is to use electrolyte to car batteries.

In the case of cleaning the toilet, all means will be chemical, since rust must be destroyed. chemical reaction. The only difference will be that some will be special for cleaning plumbing fixtures, while others will be for home use. We will consider the tools and their application in more detail below.

Purchased funds

Ready purchased funds There are liquid and powder. Cost of the product in in this case does not matter, since it depends more on the quality of the plumbing and how strongly rust has affected it. Learn more about how to choose quality toilet - .


The best liquid rust removers are:
  • Silit– contains oxalic acid, which is very effective in fighting rust. It will cope perfectly with fresh rust, but it may not take off old rust in one go. Repeated use will be required.
  • Domestos– contains sodium hypochloride. Dissolves both rust and urinary stone. Quite convenient and safe. It’s easy to use: apply to stains, wash off after half an hour. If used regularly, the rust will come off easily. It may not work on severe rust stains.
  • White– liquid bleach solution. Many people associate the smell of the product with a clean bathroom, however, it does not cause much harm to rust stains. Weak stains may lighten, but heavy rust requires something stronger.
Interestingly, manufacturers do not recommend using both by different means. In some cases, they write that joint use neutralizes the active substances and they stop working. Other sources report that such a mixture of products can lead to corrosion of enamel, etc. bad consequences. In any case, it is impossible to predict what chemical reaction the substances will undergo and what will happen. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Powdery (abrasive)

This is Pemolux and others intended for plumbing. They are more suitable as a preventative measure to prevent the formation of rust, and also in cases where the water in your area is not too hard.

Easy to use:

  • Apply to stains.
  • Rub and leave for ten minutes.
  • Rinse off.

Flaw: permanent use will give large number microcracks, which over time will give that same rusty coating.

Abrasive sponge

Another relatively new but effective tool for cleaning rust is the Cinderella abrasive cleaning sponge. Consists of foam plastic, a modern abrasive (but soft) material. Simply rub the rust stains with this sponge eraser and then rinse with water. The effect is visible immediately.

Folk remedies

Sometimes housewives fundamentally do not trust cleaning products from the store, but use their own proven recipes:
  • Citric acid. Dissolve several sachets in hot water. Apply to stains, preferably overnight. Wash off in the morning.
  • Oxalic acid. It can be found in a chemical store or in a chemical laboratory. Use the same as lemon. Gloves are required when using acids.
  • Battery electrolyte- Sold in stores for car enthusiasts. It's inexpensive. Use in the same way as a regular liquid acid product. Apply to stains, wait half an hour and rinse.
  • A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Mix one spoon of both substances and apply to the rust.
  • Toothpaste with whitening effect. The product is unusual and not too strong, so it only works in cases of light stains. Apply to stains overnight.
  • “Soda” – like Sprite or Cola. They are especially effective when used with citric acid. You need one hundred grams of acid, and a two-liter bottle of drink. Pour in lemon and pour soda powder on top. Mix everything, close the lid. Pour in and leave overnight.
  • Acetic acid. The higher the concentration, the better the reaction. Pour a full bottle into the toilet and leave overnight.
  • Rust neutralizer. Can be purchased at hardware store. Naturally, it is not intended for toilets, but it works no worse. Contains hydrochloric acid.
You can clean the toilet from plaque using Coca-Cola and citric acid, which you can verify by watching the video below:

How to clean rust from a toilet tank?

In addition to the fact that rusty spots form on the toilet itself, the same fate befalls the flush tank. Poor quality water inside the tank makes it difficult for the drain fittings to work. The drain button begins to jam and water flows worse. How to clean the tank so as to remove the rust and not destroy the rubber in the valve?

The simplest remedy is cleaning tablets and powders that are poured into the tank. Designed for water purification. Placed in the cistern, coloring the water delicate color, give a pleasant fresh smell. Must neutralize water from rust. At heavily polluted such means are ineffective. In this case, you can simply take any ready-made liquid cleaner for cleaning plumbing (for example, Sanox) and use it according to the following instructions:

  • Pour the product into the tank (preferably overnight). If the rust is small, an amount equal to one cap of the product is sufficient. This can be done preventatively. If there is very strong rust inside the tank, then the dosage of the drug should be increased. It is possible to use a full bottle of product for the tank. It will dissolve everything. Ideal for plastic tanks, but for marble and other expensive enamels it can be disastrous.
  • In the morning, just drain the water.

If the cistern is leaking, take care to fix the leak. Otherwise, all cleaning actions will be ineffective. Also, let the water out of the tank so that the thin stream doesn't wash away the product you'll be using.

When cleaning your toilet, consider the following tips:
  • Majority store supplies, intended for cleaning plumbing fixtures, are made in such a way that they are convenient to apply to the surface. In the case of households, there are no such devices. In this case, you should either take a bottle of used household chemicals with a dispenser or put it on a regular bottle spray cap.
  • The product you will use to clean the toilet can be applied to toilet paper(for example, vinegar), generously soaking several pieces with it. Place these pieces in places that will be cleaned (can be over the entire surface, including under the rim). After you have left the product on for the required amount of time, you just need to remove the toilet paper and rinse off the product with water.
  • Before you start cleaning the toilet from rust, you should remove the water from the drain. You can do this using a small plastic cup. Use a glass to simply scoop out all (or almost all) the water. This is done to ensure that the product you use is not too diluted.
  • How long should I apply it? Here the validity period is established “experimentally”. With regular cleansing procedures, half an hour may be enough, especially advanced cases it will take 8-10 hours. It is better to do this at night or before the whole family leaves home (so that the product is not quickly washed off due to the need to visit the toilet).
  • All chemicals(both traditional and store-bought) must be applied while wearing rubber gloves. And if the products are in powder form, then a respirator will not hurt. It is best to keep children and pets (who often like to drink toilet water) out of the house during chemical treatments.
Care must be taken to ensure that the pipes through which water flows are not old or rusty. Then the water will not collect rust, settling on the plumbing. This problem can be solved by replacing old cast iron and steel pipes to new plastic ones. Learn more about how to install plastic pipes - .

Another problem is hard water, which contains many different iron salts. The composition of water can only be influenced by a water treatment system. In these cases, special filters are used (more often this is done in private homes), and in apartments the water can be purified using tablets and powders.

Video: How to clean a toilet?

In the following video you can clearly see how effectively a toilet is washed from rust and plaque:

There are many ways to clean rust. Whatever you choose, the main thing is to use it regularly. Use different ways, experiment, then your plumbing fixtures will delight you with their cleanliness and whiteness for a long time.

Rusty stains on the toilet give an untidy appearance toilet room, even if everything else is sparkling clean. The appearance of such stains is not always the fault of the apartment owners; the reason may be the quality of the water or the condition of the sewer system.

You can clean the toilet from rust using specially developed products, of which there are many on store shelves.

Some housewives use more accessible folk methods.

Rust is a product of oxidation of metal alloys, mainly iron. Where can it come from? ceramic product and in cistern? The reason for the formation of orange smudges on the toilet can be several factors:

In post-Soviet countries sewer pipes made of non-galvanized metals. Long term operation of the system, constant contact with water causes metal corrosion.

Oxidized iron particles mix with the liquid and it is this water that enters apartments and houses, leaving a mark on the plumbing.

  1. Water sources in some regions are enriched with iron, which is released into the water supply.
  2. Toilet surface.

Plumbing products are made from earthenware and porcelain. The cost of the former is low, which is reflected in the quality. The surface of such toilets is not resistant to mechanical damage and quickly becomes rough. All water impurities and other contaminants settle in these irregularities. Porcelain toilets are more resistant to plaque formation.

  1. Water leaking from the tank.

Due to constant contact with water, brown marks appear on the surface of plumbing fixtures. The rougher the surface and the more impurities in the water, the faster plaque forms.

To get rid of rust forever, you need to eliminate the cause of its formation.

Products that will help remove rust at home: secrets of cleanliness

In household chemical stores you can purchase a product for removing rust from the surface of any toilet bowl. price category. They differ not only in cost, but also in composition and shape.


The most accessible remedy for the toilet - cleaning powder. In addition to abrasive particles, their composition includes substances that eliminate rust. The most popular products from this series:

  • Pemolux;
  • Comet;
  • Sarma;
  • Sorts;
  • Sanita.

Their advantages: affordable price and ease of use. Some products cost several tens of rubles and can be used to clean not only toilets, but also bathtubs, sinks and even dishes.

enjoy powder products very simple:

  • apply to a damp surface;
  • rub a little;
  • leave to interact with the plumbing for 15-30 minutes.

Through specified time you need to clean the surface with a rough sponge or stiff brush. Removing rust with abrasive means occurs mechanically and effectively only if the plaque has not penetrated deeply.

Toilet abrasives have several disadvantages:

Another disadvantage of powders is the formation of dust during application, which is irritating. respiratory system person.

Liquid products

G much safer for the toilet surface liquid products: gels, creams.

They do not damage the ceramics, stain removal occurs due to penetration active substances in a raid and are convenient for home use.

They can be divided into 2 large groups: alkaline and acidic.

Alkaline cleaners will help clean the toilet

Alkali-based toilet cleaners:

  • Domestos;
  • Dosya;
  • Sarma (gel).

The active ingredient in such products is sodium hydroxide. It easily dissolves rust without damaging the surface.

It is easier to use alkaline products than abrasive ones: simply spread on a contaminated surface, wait for the time indicated on the package and rinse with water.

Benefits of alkaline rust removers:

  • ease of use;
  • surface safety;
  • quick effect without physical effort.

The disadvantages of this group are the pungent odor and the effect only on superficial rust stains.

Acidic products will help remove yellow plaque

Toilet products of this group contain one of the acids: hydrochloric, oxalic or formic in different concentrations. They can clean even large old rust stains. Such means include:

  • Silit Bang;
  • Toilet duckling;
  • Comet.

The technology for using acidic agents is the same as that of alkaline ones.

The undeniable advantage of acid is its high efficiency against any contaminants and its quick effect. Disadvantages include possible harm from inhalation of vapors and contact of liquids with the skin.

Traditional methods: how to remove rust from a toilet?

Many housewives are afraid possible harm household chemicals, so they use improvised products, which, in addition to everything, cost much less.

To remove rust from a toilet bowl, you can use any of the following recipes:

  1. Table vinegar or vinegar essence can be found in any home.

A piece of cloth is moistened with liquid and applied to contaminated areas for 30-50 minutes. After the specified time, simply rinse the surface with water. If you don’t have vinegar at home, you can replace it with regular citric acid by diluting 1 sachet in a glass of water. You can also clean the tank with vinegar - to do this, you need to pour 200-300 ml of essence into it overnight.

  1. A mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide effectively removes rust.

To prepare the cleaning product, you need to take medications in a ratio of 1 to 20. The mixture is applied directly to the stains or covered with a dampened cloth for several hours, or better yet, overnight.

  1. Oxalic acid (powder).

The dry product is applied to a surface moistened with water, rubbed in a little and left to react for half an hour. After washing off, all stains disappear.

  1. Car battery fluid (electrolyte) contains high concentrations of acid.

To remove rust, apply electrolyte to the stains for a quarter of an hour. You need to work with this liquid very carefully - if it gets on plastic surfaces holes may appear.

  1. Baking soda is a safe abrasive with a bleaching effect.

To remove rust, the powder is mixed with water or hydrogen peroxide, applied to the stains and left to dry.

  1. Carbonated drinks Coca-Cola, Sprite, Pepsi easily remove rust stains.

To do this, you need to moisten a cloth with them and apply them to the dirt. After half an hour, just rub the treated area a little and the stain will disappear.

  1. Regular toothpaste, better whitening.

It is a mild abrasive and is suitable for fresh stains. To remove dirt, rub the paste into the stains and wash off after half an hour.

  1. Many housewives use whiteness as universal remedy for cleaning, the chlorine included in the composition destroys bacteria and discolors stains.

To remove rust, you need to apply bleach to the surface.

This video shows a simple way to clean rust from a toilet.

Regardless of the means used to clean the plumbing, you must follow the following rules:

  • if the toilet tank is leaking, turn off the water;
  • open windows or turn on ventilation;
  • work with rubber gloves; when using acidic agents, you can wear safety glasses and a mask;
  • Do not mix 2 or more products at the same time. The chemical reaction that occurs may have unintended consequences;
  • if the result is not satisfactory, the product is reapplied;
  • Do not leave products on the walls of the toilet longer than the time recommended by the manufacturer.

If during cleaning the cleaning liquid or powder gets on any part of the body, it must be removed with running water.

Preventing rust in the toilet: vinegar and tablet

Rust not only spoils appearance plumbing, but also contributes to its failure. Installing filters at the entrance of the water supply system to a home is very effective, but very expensive.

A rusty coating appears not only on the surface of the toilet, but also on the tank and its insides, which shortens the life of the product.

In order for your plumbing fixtures to last longer, it is necessary to periodically clean the tank. To do this, pour white or vinegar essence inside overnight. In addition, you can place special tablets in the tank that prevent rust. Nice little thing- when the product dissolves, the water is colored in different shades and aromatized.

To prevent the appearance of persistent rust stains, it is necessary to promptly repair damage and remove existing contaminants. If the toilet requires replacement, you should opt for a porcelain product with a durable surface.

A clean bathroom gives the impression of a neat and tidy housewife. Unfortunately, many are faced with the problem of rust appearing in the toilet, despite the fact that cleaning is carried out in a timely manner. Now you can find a lot household products How to clean a toilet from rust. The price of each drug is different, but there is no guarantee that an expensive drug will cope with such a problem. Therefore, many people use improvised means to remove rust. What to give preference to - you can decide after the review the best means from rust, proposed in this article.

Where does rust come from?

Rust stains occur as a result of prolonged contact of plumbing fixtures with water and higher level humidity. Over time, water destroys the material from which the pipes are made, because the water does not flow clean, but with impurities of iron and sand. As a result, marks appear on the toilet cistern. yellow spots, which spoil the presentable appearance of the bowl.

Important! The issue may be in the toilet tank, since its malfunction also plays a big role in the appearance of such traces. You should check the functionality of all plumbing fixtures in the bathroom to avoid such an unpleasant situation.

How to remove rust? — Review of popular chemistry

You can remove rust in the toilet using special chemical solutions and improvised means. The main thing is to take into account the material from which the bathroom is made, since many drugs have a harmful effect, and subsequently it is very difficult to deal with contamination.

Important! A bleaching agent, bleach, is often used, but in small quantities. Pour a little liquid onto the affected area, leave for a few minutes and clean with a sponge or brush. The method is certainly effective, but it should be used carefully.

Abrasive Cleaners

Such substances include “PemoLux” in powder form. They contain very effective elements that can easily remove any type of contaminant. Apply a small amount of the substance to a rag and gently rub the rusty stripes.

Important! The drug removes fresh rust from the toilet very well at home, but there are also disadvantages to using it. Since the substance is in powder form, fine particles damage the toilet by scratching it. This means that the next time such trouble appears, rust will accumulate in minor scratches, and it will be much more difficult to remove it.

Alkaline Cleaners

Such drugs include Domestos. It contains sodium, which dissolves rust stains:

  1. The product is applied to the affected area and left for 20 minutes.
  2. Then it is washed off with water, leaving a snow-white surface.

Important! The advantage is that it does not require much effort when cleaning. The disadvantage is that it does not always cope with old stains. In general, this product is quite effective in removing rust from the toilet.

Acidic Cleaners

Such means include “Sillite”. They are used on the same principle as alkaline substances - applied directly to the stain, after which they are washed off with a stream of water.

This type of cleaning products is considered one of the most effective. But like everything, there are minor disadvantages. The composition of the drugs includes acid. Therefore, precautions should be taken when cleaning rust at home. Protective gloves must be worn.

Important! The product is not suitable for cleaning bathtubs. It is recommended to use it to clean porcelain and earthenware sinks and toilets.

Use of improvised means

Using improvised means to clean the toilet at home is a very effective option. Let's look at a few effective methods for rust control:

  • Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are mixed in proportions of 1:9. Pour the solution inside the toilet, under the rim. Leave for a few hours, then rinse with water.
  • Vinegar - used in its pure heated form. To enhance the effect, you can add a spoonful of soda or salt.
  • Carbonated drinks - these include Cola and Sprite. The liquid is poured into the toilet and left for at least 2 hours. Upon expiration required quantity time, all impurities disappear.

Important! The cleaning procedure is best done at night, because more remedy will be on the surface of the toilet, the better the result will be.

Folk remedies for removing rust from the toilet

For many years now, people have been removing rust from the toilet at home using the following generally accepted folk remedies:

  1. Vinegar essence - dilute with a small amount of water and apply the solution to the rust stain. We wait about an hour, wash off the remaining dirt with water.
  2. Citric acid works great on any type of stain, including rust. Pour a packet of the substance under the rim of the toilet and spray a little vinegar. There will be a reaction - that’s how it should be. After some time, not a trace of dirt will remain.
  3. Oxalic acid is very effective remedy that tackles rusty streaks in minutes. Apply it to a damp sponge and wipe the stains. Be sure to wear protective gloves.
  4. Electrolyte - acts on the principle of alkaline agents. Special effort There is no need to apply it, the drug will remove everything itself.
  5. Toothpaste - a small amount of anti-contamination agent, carefully rubbed with a soft-bristle brush or sponge. After some time, the spots will disappear. This method is very effective in removing fresh stains.

Important! When cleaning the bathroom with improvised means, close the toilet lid to enhance the effect.

There are several ways to help remove rust from a toilet. For this purpose, strong concentrated chemical compounds. It is recommended to purchase personal protective equipment (gloves, respirator) in advance. If concentrates come into contact with the skin or eyes, rinse problem areas under running water.

You can remove rust from a toilet using industrial cleaning products - this is the simplest, most affordable and effective method. Depending on the composition and mechanism of action on rust, cleaning products are divided into several groups:

  1. 1 “Toilet duckling”, “Cillit” are classified as acidic products. They effectively clean the toilet and are affordable. Acidic products easy to use: apply, wait the prescribed time, rub with a brush for effectiveness and wash off. Such compositions have disinfectant properties and pleasant aroma. But they are very concentrated and can harm the skin.
  2. 2 "Domestos" is classified as alkaline and effective means, which can cope with strong but superficial dirt. “Domestos” is applied to the area of ​​dirt, left to act for 20-25 minutes, and then washed off with water. The procedure can be repeated several times.
  3. 3 “Komet” is classified as an abrasive toilet care product. These are one of the most popular and cheapest means for cleaning plumbing fixtures. It is applied to the toilet, intensively cleaning areas of contamination. The product is washed off with water after 15-20 minutes. The disadvantages of this method include the possibility of damage to the surface of the toilet, which can lead to reappearances dirt and rust.

Use of improvised means

To remove rust from a toilet, the following cleaning methods are used:

  1. 1 Mix ammonia and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 1:5. Apply this mixture to problem areas in the toilet, wait 30 minutes, rub with a brush and rinse with water.
  2. 2 An excellent cleaning product is regular store-bought Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite. You should pour 1 liter of one of these drinks into the toilet and wait 30 minutes. Then rinse with water. You can lay a rag over the rusty area and pour a carbonated drink onto it. After 30 minutes, the rag is removed and the toilet is flushed.
  3. 3 Acids - hydrochloric and oxalic - will effectively deal with rust deposits. They can be used separately or together. Apply 20 g of acid to the contaminated area. After 25-30 minutes, problem areas are cleaned with a brush. A large amount of water is flushed into the toilet.
  4. 4 Battery electrolyte can easily deal with rust in the toilet. To do this, you will need to apply it to the stains and wash off after 30 minutes. This cleaning method cannot be used if the drainage system is made of plastic pipes.
  5. 5 Application of “Whiteness” - the product is poured into the toilet overnight, and in the morning the product is cleaned with a brush and rinsed with water.
  6. 6 Ordinary toothpaste is applied to the rust, treated with a brush, and washed off after 30 minutes with water.
  7. 7 You can pour several sachets of citric acid into the toilet, wait 2-3 hours and rinse with water.
  8. 8 Using 70% vinegar - it is necessary to heat 1 glass of vinegar to a temperature of 40-45°C. The liquid is poured into the toilet and left overnight. In the morning, the plumbing is washed with water. For greater effectiveness, you can add 1 tbsp to vinegar. l. soda If necessary, the procedure is repeated. If 9% vinegar is used, then iodine is added to the container.

Additional compounds

If the rust is cleaned with special means, then you will need 2-3 bottles of the composition or 2-3 plates of tablets. It is recommended that you first study the instructions and buy protective equipment. Then it is necessary to remove the water located in the area of ​​problem areas. To do this, you will need a disposable cup, a long stick and gloves (to protect your hands from burns).

The product is left for an hour, but topped up periodically. The plumbing fixture is then polished with a brush, then the drain button is pressed. If the rust is partially destroyed, then the procedure is repeated. If an ineffective result is obtained, another product or “Whiteness” with a plunger is used.

In the latter case, you will need to pump the water until it remains in the bowl. Then a bottle of “Belizna” is poured or the procedure is repeated with a glass. The procedure is performed at night. In the morning everything is washed off. This technique is used until the rust is completely removed.

Before washing off rust at home, it is recommended to buy 33% hydrochloric acid. You will first need to wear protective gloves and a respirator. If necessary, use a medical gown or kitchen apron. 200 ml of acid is poured onto the surface of the bowl.

It is recommended to dry the bowl first. The solution is poured carefully. Do not inhale or splash acid. The removable toilet lid is then closed. The mixture must be left to act for 15 minutes. The product is washed off. Hydrochloric acid can be replaced with another similar solution. This technique is used if the toilet is connected to the system using metal pipes.

If the plaque is insignificant, then lemon slices are used.

Then everything is washed away warm water. If the above methods are ineffective, then professional help will be required.

Prevention measures

There are several ways to prevent rust:

  1. 1 If the problem is related to poor quality water, then it is recommended to install a filter.
  2. 2 First of all, adjust your toilet tank so that water does not leak out of it. You can do this yourself. To do this, you need to bend the float lever in the tank. This technique will reduce the amount of water used.
  3. 3 Application special means for water in a tank: they come in the form of soluble tablets, powder or solution. Such compositions color the water nice color, refresh the air, prevent the formation of rust and other deposits.
  4. 4 It is recommended to replace the earthenware toilet with a new analogue, since dirt and rust settle faster on a rough surface and penetrate deeper. It is recommended to buy plumbing fixtures with a special water-repellent glaze.
  5. 5 When choosing plumbing fixtures, preference should be given to products coated with a water-repellent substance. They are more expensive than usual, but effectively prevent dirt and rusty deposits from settling on the walls of the toilet.
  6. 6 If minor breakdowns occur, they should be corrected in a timely manner.
  7. 7 It is easier to remove fresh stains than old ones, so it is recommended to constantly clean the toilet and keep the toilet clean.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):