This small, stocky tree with smooth, spiny-edged leaves can be seen on the windowsill in almost every home.

Housewives love aloe vera for its unpretentiousness combined with mass useful properties.

However, there are some rules of care that must be followed in order to always have a reliable assistant at hand for many health problems. Below we will find out what you need to know before bringing this South African guest into your home.

General description

This is perennial tropical plant with the mysterious name aloe arborescens “nomaded” to us from Southern Africa. There it grows among the wild nature.

How wild plant it can be found in the vastness of Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

It's often there grows up to 3 meters in height.

In our latitudes it is used in medicinal purposes and simply as a decorative houseplant.

It is not by chance that it is called Aloe tree. In appearance, the plant really resembles a small tree with dense and low branches. It has a short straight trunk and smooth, large, spiky, sword-shaped leaves at the edges. The leaves are juicy and fleshy. Look at the photo to see what the plant looks like.

At the top they periodically form beautiful inflorescences with bell-shaped flowers. But it blooms at home extremely rarely.

Aloe and agave: what is the difference

When it comes to aloe, you've probably heard that some people call it something else - agave. Many people are interested in the question: what is the difference? Aloe vera is popularly “christened” as Agave.

There is an opinion about what to see. Whether this is actually true is difficult to say. But blooming aloe in our home is an extremely rare occurrence.

This name applies only to aloe vera. Everything known in science about 400 species of aloe. On our windowsills there are usually 2 types of South African guests - agave or aloe vera and aloe vera (sometimes considered agave).

These two species differ from each other only in appearance: agave has a trunk from which sword-shaped long fleshy leaves diverge, and aloe vera looks like a bush.

So we can say that aloe and agave are the same plant. With just one small clarification - we're talking about about aloe vera.


Aloe is one of those indoor plants who love light very much.

So choose for him the brightest place in your home.

In addition, it is necessary to often turn the plant towards the light - twist it in one direction or the other.

Otherwise the trunk will bend.

Important! In the warm season, if possible, keep aloe on outdoors(on the balcony or in the garden). Just take care of protection from rain.

Watering, humidity

Even in summer, aloe does not need much water. Watering should be moderate. The optimal frequency is once a week. In winter, on the contrary, rare watering will be enough.

In general, the plant is very sensitive to waterlogging. If water stagnates in the pot, the roots may fester and the aloe will die.

Important! Aloe is drought-tolerant (in winter it can be safely placed next to the radiator). Moderate watering is one of the main criteria proper care behind him.

How to determine if a plant has enough water? When watering, pay attention to the presence of moisture on the tray. If the moisture has settled, it means there is enough water. Pour it out and stop watering.

Soil and fertilizing

Add to the soil where aloe will grow charcoal and brick chips.

Or buy a substrate.

Feeding mineral fertilizers Perform 2-3 times a year and only in summer.

You can use fertilizer intended for cactus plants. It is recommended to apply it to moist soil once every 3-4 weeks. Fertilization should begin in April and continue until the end of September.

Important! Aloe is not suitable too nutrient soil. Do not overuse fertilizing.

How to replant

Transplant mature plant recommended once every 2 years, young - once a year. The most favorable time is spring. A drainage layer (5 cm) must be placed on the bottom. For replanting, take a ceramic pot and soil “For cacti and succulents”. You can prepare the soil yourself by taking 4 parts universal soil and 1 part coarse sand.

So, let's imagine that we already have a pot of soil and the plant is ready for planting. Now we perform the transplant in the following sequence:

  1. Pre-moisten the soil.
  2. Make a recess.
  3. Add some sand there.
  4. Insert plant.
  5. Sprinkle with sand and soil.
  6. To provide stability, it is advisable to place pegs.
  7. Cover the transplanted aloe with a plastic bag, leaving room for air underneath.
  8. Place the pot on a windowsill where there is more sun.
  9. When young leaves appear, remove the bag.

How does it reproduce

Agave reproduces basal shoots and cuttings.

We usually grow overgrown a large number shoots that already have their own root system.

You just need to pick them up and replant them.

This is the easiest way to reproduce.

As for cuttings, then Before planting, they are dried in air for 2-3 days.. Transplanted into sandy soil by 1 cm. Ordinary sand or sand mixed with peat is suitable for this.

Water very carefully, otherwise the cutting may simply rot. Transplant into pots 2 weeks after the roots appear.


Does not need pruning.

Possible problems, pests

Generally aloe is an unpretentious plant, which does not require close attention. Not particularly sensitive to low temperatures. Pest damage is observed very rarely.

Occasionally, aloe may be attacked by scale insects or spider mite. They need to be removed from the leaves and the plant washed with soapy water.

Medicinal properties

For medicinal purposes, the leaves are used, which are cut off at the very base, as well as the juice squeezed from them. The juice has a bitter taste and unpleasant smell. Has a bactericidal effect. That's why aloe is so often used in traditional and folk medicine.

The scope of application is very wide. The plant can help with many ailments:

  • wounds and burns;
  • loss of strength;
  • decreased immunity;
  • sexual impotence;
  • colds and bronchitis;
  • indigestion;
  • genitourinary infections;
  • eye diseases, etc.

On the shelves of pharmacies there are a lot of drugs that contain aloe vera. Liquid aloe extract for oral administration, as well as a solution for injection, are sold separately.

The medicinal properties of agave will increase if you leave it without watering for 2 weeks.. Another way is to cut off a leaf and put it in the freezer for 10 days.

Medicinal recipes from aloe

The ancient Egyptians knew about the healing properties of aloe. Historical fact: Aloe juice and leaves were widely used there for embalming corpses.

Below are folk recipes in such cases:

    1. Skin problems (lichens, burns, long-healing wounds, boils):

Squeeze out half a glass of juice and apply to problem area. Or peel the leaves and apply to the wound.

    1. Digestive disorders (ulcers, gastritis, constipation), bronchitis and weakened immune system:

Half an hour before meals, 3 times a day, take 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed juice from the leaves orally.

    1. Acne and pimples:

Perform the procedure daily. Having noticed the first improvements, we apply masks every other day. Then reduce the amount to 2 times a week.

    1. Aging skin, wrinkles.

We take 2 of the most large leaves from below, cut into small pieces and fill with an incomplete glass of water. Mix well and leave for 24 hours. Next, the infusion needs to be frozen (ordinary ice molds will do). We wipe the skin with ice daily.

  1. Bronchitis.

Make a drink from fresh juice aloe, warm honey and melted butter. Everything is taken in equal proportions. Drink for 5 days before meals 4 times a day. We use 2 teaspoons at a time. Next, take a 5-day break and repeat the course for another 5 days.

Important! If you need aloe leaves for medicinal purposes, break them off only from the bottom.

A few more medicinal prescriptions with aloe in this video:

Now you know how aloe vera differs from agave, how to properly care for it and how it can be useful to you.

Generally aloe is a very useful plant and easy to care for. All the wisdom of care can be reduced to 2 rules - moderate watering and more sun. Follow them and you will all year round have in your home a natural first aid kit for many ailments.

What is more useful and necessary - Aloe Vera or Agave?

Aloe - unique plant, accessible to us and very unpretentious, capable of helping magically both in case of a cut and in case of chronic diseases. There are many varieties of aloe, but most often two types grow at home - aloe vera (also known as agave) and aloe vera. Both plants are succulents. This means that aloe requires little watering, winter time once a month, a little more often in the summer. The chemical composition of both types is approximately the same, but we will take a closer look at the differences between them and talk in more detail about the benefits.

Medicinal properties of aloe

P first known record of possibility medical use aloe vera is an ancient Egyptian Ebers papyrus dating back to 1500 BC. e., which describes 12 different healing recipes with aloe juice.

This plant is extremely popular all over the world and is considered a real home doctor.

A loe helps with cuts and splinters, with bronchopulmonary, stomach and eye diseases, is indispensable for cosmetic purposes for both skin and hair, and is a whole treasure trove useful microelements to improve immunity.

AND from aloe you get 2 useful product: pulp and juice. The lower, thickest and fleshiest leaves are suitable for this purpose. Has the tip of the leaf started to dry out slightly? This is a sign that its pulp has become as useful as possible.

P Before using the sheet, you need to keep it in the refrigerator for several days, then rinse with warm water. boiled water. It is enough to cut off the thick skin with the tip of a knife to extract the pulp.

WITH Aloe has pronounced bactericidal properties and has a detrimental effect on most pathogenic microbes: streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli and dysentery bacilli. It is also a storehouse of minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium, selenium, chromium, magnesium, copper, zinc) and vitamins (C, A, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12).

How aloe helps

ABOUT ba species have approximately identical properties, but each proved to be better in its field of application.

For external use (aloe vera):

  • heals ulcers and eczema;
  • soothes dermatitis;
  • pulls out acne, boils;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration in case of burns and frostbite;
  • helps with varicose veins veins;
  • moisturizes the skin thanks to a large amount of allantoin;
  • reduces wrinkles, helps restore skin structure;
  • soothes itching in areas of insect bites;
  • helps with baldness, dandruff, in combination with honey returns vitality to hair;
  • heals wounds and cuts resulting from shaving;
  • helps smooth out postoperative scars and skin stretch marks.

For internal use (aloe vera):

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stabilizes blood sugar levels;
  • prevents digestive disorders, helps with colitis, relieves heartburn;
  • strengthens the heart and improves blood quality;
  • promotes gum restoration;
  • reduces inflammation in arthritis;
  • helps improve the functioning of the urinary tract.

Contraindications for aloe vera treatment

A The active substances contained in aloe vera juice reduce blood sugar levels. Therefore, people with low blood sugar ( for diabetics) It is not recommended to drink drinks (tinctures) made from aloe (agagave) juice. You also need to be careful people with a tendency to spasms of blood vessels And for hypotension(reduced blood pressure), because aloe juice helps dilate blood vessels. For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink aloe juice pregnant women- there is a risk of severe bleeding.

Contraindications for treatment with aloe vera

N Despite the obvious benefits for cosmetic purposes (for hair and skin), for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to increase immunity, improve the course of bronchopulmonary diseases and gastrointestinal diseases, the plant can bring not only benefits. Aloe leaves contain cell growth stimulants, which are indispensable for cell restoration and regeneration (rejuvenation and wound healing), so agave should not be used for oncology. Under the influence of these stimulants, all cells, including cancer cells, are activated. For cuts, agave is indispensable, but if purulent wound, then apply it to it fresh leaf aloe is not recommended, otherwise it will heal top layer skin, but the pus will remain inside.

E If there is no aloe on your windowsill yet, you should seriously think about placing a green healer on your windowsill. It is difficult to find a plant as versatile and valuable for our health!

Aloe is one of the most popular indoor plants with medicinal properties. Many people know it under the name agave, not realizing that this is not a popular name, but a completely different species. In this case, the question arises: how to distinguish agave and aloe, what is the difference?

Modern botany knows about 500 species of aloe, but only two of them are most widespread: agave and aloe vera. They belong to the general genus of succulent plants, so they are often thought of as one species. In fact, aloe and agave each have a whole list of unique qualities.


The first thing that distinguishes aloe from agave is its shape. Agave represents tree plant, to the stem of which juicy fleshy leaves are attached. Aloe is more like a bush, consisting of wide leaves tending upward. Therefore, determining what kind of succulent - aloe or agave - is quite simple. You just need to remember that agave is a miniature tree, and aloe is a tall bush.

Another important difference between these plants relates to the field of medicine. Their chemical composition similar, but indications for use differ.

Agave is not recommended for internal use. It is suitable exclusively for external use and helps restore skin after lesions such as wounds, ulcers, cuts and ulcers. In addition, agave is quite effective for varicose veins.

Aloe, on the contrary, has beneficial influence to work internal organs. It is indispensable in the treatment of diseases cardiovascular system, as well as arthritis and diabetes.

In general, both succulents are very similar, but you need to have an idea of ​​​​how to distinguish aloe from agave in order to avoid possible problems during treatment traditional methods.

Due to its rich composition, the pulp of this plant is widely used as a raw material for the manufacture of medicines. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. Aloe successfully fights against various kinds viruses.

During the last scientific experiments It was found that the plant contains the polysaccharide acemannan. This substance is actively used in the treatment of cancerous tumors, ulcers and even diseases such as AIDS.

In addition to acemannan, the plant contains more than two hundred species nutrients. These include the deficient vitamin B12, which is produced exclusively by the liver. With the help of aloe juice, vegetarians replenish their reserves of this element to avoid anemia.

Aloe vera always has a place in home medicine cabinet. To make the plant ready to eat, just cut off the slightly dry leaf at the edges, put it in the freezer for a week, and then remove the skin.

  • prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthening gums;
  • restoration of urinary system function;
  • maintaining the required blood sugar level;
  • relief of pain due to arthritis.

Despite its benefits, aloe can cause serious harm to the body. following situations:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypotension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • circulatory disorders.

These contraindications should be considered before starting treatment with aloe.

This plant is one of the varieties of aloe, therefore it has no less set medicinal qualities. The difference is that not only the leaves are suitable for treatment, but also the entire stem.

Important! The leaves of the plant contain substances that stimulate cell growth, so agave is strictly contraindicated for cancer, as it can accelerate tumor growth.

If the body is not attacked by a serious disease, then agave will do an excellent job of strengthening the immune system, and will also contribute to a speedy recovery from bronchitis and pneumonia. Moreover, he is effective means for external use, which will be useful in such situations:

  • getting rid of boils and purulent formations;
  • healing of wounds and cuts;
  • smoothing facial wrinkles and improving overall skin tone;
  • fight against dermatitis and psoriasis;
  • hair restoration and scalp hydration.

Contraindications for the use of agave are the same as for aloe. To this list it is worth adding a ban on the use of the plant in the presence of benign or malignant formations.

Home Recipes

There are a significant number of recipes based on agave that are easy to prepare at home:

  1. In case of wounds and cuts, agave performs the function of plantain: it stops bleeding, disinfects and shortens the healing period. To do this, you need to rinse the leaf well, make a longitudinal cut and apply the pulp to the damaged area. Agave should not be applied to a purulent wound, because there is a risk of deep inflammation.
  2. Freshly squeezed plant juice, half diluted with water, will help cope with a runny nose. The resulting mixture should be dropped into the nose every two hours. This solution can be rinsed and sore throat. Relief occurs within a few hours.
  3. The leaves are also recommended to be used to improve skin tone. If you wipe your face with it for a minute after washing, it will give it whiteness and radiance. The procedure is carried out in a course of 2–3 months, 15 times each. In summer there is no need for it.
  4. To soften and moisturize the skin, a scrub based on agave is perfect: 1 tbsp. l. juice mixed with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, then add 4 tbsp. l. semolina. This recipe is good with natural and healthy ingredients that will deeply moisturize not only the skin of the face, but also the whole body.

The opinion that aloe is an agave is erroneous. Both succulents belong to the same species, but they have a number of important differences, ignorance of which can be harmful to health when treating certain diseases.

Aloe and Kalanchoe - at first glance, similar, but completely different plants with medicinal properties. Their benefits have been known since ancient times. Growing on windowsills in many homes, they provide not only aesthetic pleasure. Used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs, wounds, burns. They have antimicrobial, healing, rejuvenating properties.

Kalanchoe belongs to the Crassulaceae family. It does not require special skills when growing, it is easy to propagate, and often pleases the owner with flowers collected in clusters. The succulent leaves have pronounced bactericidal properties, are able to heal wounds, and relieve inflammation. Kalanchoe juice has an antioxidant, rejuvenating effect, helps cope with fatigue, and gives strength.

Aloe is a representative of the tropical region, belongs to the genus Xanthorrhoeaceae. This evergreen in leaves, stems, juice which contain essential oils, phytoncides, vitamins, micro-, macroelements, flavonoids, amino acids. Particularly popular are two species that have taken root on the windowsills of amateur flower growers and traditional healers– aloe vera and agave. The first is distinguished by juicy, fleshy leaves. IN natural environment aloe vera is a shrub, up to half a meter tall. Agave is a tree-like plant, up to 2 meters tall. Both types have pronounced healing properties due to their unique composition.

There is a significant difference between Kalanchoe and aloe. Fundamental difference consists of belonging to different types. Kalanchoe and aloe are not the same thing at all. Having signs of only external similarity, each of them has a unique set of useful substances.

Medicinal properties of aloe

All healing components are concentrated in the pulp and juice. Aloe is used in the treatment of diseases:

  • heart, blood vessels;
  • digestive tract;
  • skin, mucous membranes;
  • respiratory organs;
  • immune system.

For prevention, therapy colds throat and nose, aloe can safely be called the number 1 remedy.

It has a bactericidal effect on staphylococci, streptococci, and has antifungicidal and antiviral activity. Characterized by a rich set of biological active substances, due to the content of vitamins B, C, A, E, its juice is considered one of the most powerful known natural antioxidants.

A simple remedy made from aloe vera or agave leaves is a good remedy for colds. You need to take 100 g of crushed pulp, mix with 300 g of honey, add walnuts. Take 1 teaspoon at least three times throughout the day. A mixture of pulp and juice of the leaves, mixed with lingonberries, honey, and lemon, has an excellent immunostimulating effect.

To treat rhinitis and sinusitis, you need to take equal proportions of aloe juice, onion and honey. Instill the prepared mixture into the nose for as long as necessary until complete recovery.

Gargling with a mixture of aloe juice and decoctions helps with sore throat and sore throat. medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, string, sage, St. John's wort.

Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe

Contains flavonoids, macro- and microelements, organic acids, tannins. At home, it is used for the treatment and prevention of influenza, colds, sinusitis, for the purpose of healing wounds, for varicose veins, and as a pain reliever.

For the treatment of rhinitis, sinusitis no better means than drops prepared from Kalanchoe, diluted half and half with water. It is necessary to instill 2 drops into each nasal passage at least twice throughout the day.

By rubbing any wound with a Kalanchoe leaf, you can achieve rapid healing, and to cure stomatitis, simply chew a leaf of the plant.


The use of medicinal home remedies prepared from aloe or Kalanchoe juice is characterized by good tolerance, lack of side effects. The only contraindication is increased individual sensitivity to the components used in medicinal mixtures.

“Homemade ginseng” - this is what they call unique in their composition, healing properties aloe vera, agave and kalanchoe, different from others medicinal plants more wide range therapeutic action.

Their simultaneous use as part of medicinal mixtures helps to increase immunity, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, improves trophism of damaged tissues, promoting rapid recovery.

Aloe - many people are familiar with the name of this plant. Much is known about its beneficial and medicinal properties, and this knowledge is successfully applied in human life. But few people know that aloe is a succulent; there are more than 300 species in the Xanthorea family.

Of all this diversity, only about 15 species have medicinal properties, the most popular being aloe vera and agave. Working on studying the properties of this useful plant is still underway.

Aloe can come in a wide variety of forms, from a miniature plant to tall tree(10m). All species are characterized by sword-shaped leaves with sharp spines along the edge. It can be either pale light green or rich green.

Plants differ in appearance, but besides this they differ in internal features. Aloe has large and fleshy leaves, which is why they contain more gel and juice. Agave more unpretentious appearance and it is much more convenient to grow it at home. Unpretentious to environmental conditions.

Aloe Vera (left) / Agave (right)

Contraindications for use

Despite its medicinal properties, aloe can be harmful if used incorrectly. Its use is contraindicated in the following situations:
throughout the entire pregnancy and breastfeeding
during menstruation
in case of individual intolerance
allergies to this succulent or any substance contained in
for disorders of the liver and gallbladder
for diseases such as cystitis and hemorrhoids

Medicinal properties of aloe

The leaves of the plant contain about 200 substances that have medicinal properties. Among them: hyaluronic, citric, malic, salicylic and other acids, essential oils, tannins, sugars, vitamins (B1-B3, B6, B9, B12, C, E and others), minerals (F, Ca, Cl, Zn and others).

Aloe contains quite a lot of useful substances, and therefore it can be used to solve different problems with health.
The juice of this plant and products prepared on its basis can have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic, analgesic, hypoglycemic, anti-allergenic, anti-cancer, regenerating, and immunomodulatory effects.

In addition, aloe helps to cope with such health issues as: normalization of metabolism, functioning of the digestive and secretory glands, relieving itching, improving skin condition through nutrition, hydration, rejuvenation, lowering cholesterol, removing bile, sedative, wound healing.

Recipes using aloe and its juice for beautiful skin and body

  • Take castor oil, honey and aloe juice, combine in equal volumes. It is important to apply this mask to wet hair for 10 minutes and rinse with shampoo. It will add shine and volume.

Dandruff, hair loss- a terrible mosquito for any girl, aloe, or rather its juice, will help to cope with it.

  • Every day for 2-3 months you need to rub aloe juice into the scalp. After the first improvement, you can reduce the number of procedures to 2 per week. Oily hair, then you can try rubbing aloe juice mixed with vodka in equal proportions, 2.5 hours before washing your hair. This procedure can be carried out no more often than once every 2-3 days.

Constant use of face masks will help cope with eczema and psoriasis, as well as significantly reduce the amount of acne and inflammation. Masks and creams with aloe are recommended for sensitive skin.

  • For cooking masks for dry skin you will need: aloe juice, honey, glycerin, oatmeal, water. Beat all ingredients with a blender, wait 10-15 minutes and apply to cleansed facial skin. You can use this mask once every two days, apply it in a thick layer and walk with it for at least 25 minutes.
  • To prepare the mask for aging skin need to: Mix aloe juice with honey in a ratio of 1 to 2. This mask should be applied to the skin in a thick layer for 30-40 minutes. Do you want to get rid of acne? There are very easy way, wipe your face with freshly cut aloe pulp every day. It is important that the skin must be cleansed of cosmetics.
  • Mask for acne and pimples:aloe leaves (fresh pulp), chop, add protein and a couple of drops of lemon juice - mix until mushy. Apply the resulting mixture in three layers and leave for 25-30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Mask against redness and inflammation: mix aloe juice with clay (white or blue), apply a thick layer of the mask on the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.
  • Anti-inflammatory lotion: Pour the cut leaves with water and let stand for about an hour, then boil for 2 minutes. After cooling, the resulting liquid should be filtered and used as a lotion or in the form of lotions every day.

Aloe Recipes for Health

All people know the benefits and indispensability of honey in the fight against various diseases, this is especially true for colds. And in combination with aloe it is a very effective remedy.

Do you want boost immunity or just moved serious illness, then the recipe for this tincture is for you:

  • Aloe leaves and walnut(0.5 kg each) chop, add one and a half glasses of honey, and put in a dark place warm place for three days. Take the resulting infusion 3 times a day after meals, no more than 1 tbsp.

Tortured bronchitis or another cold, then you need to stop at this version of the alcohol tincture:

  • Mix 100 ml of alcohol, 750 ml of red wine and 350 grams of leaves (crushed) in a glass container. You should consume 2 tbsp. twenty minutes before meals, children 1 tsp. Store only in a cool, dark place.

If children get sick often or they just weak immunity, you can give them a special mixture three times a day before meals, a teaspoon.

  • To prepare it you will need: 0.5 tbsp. aloe juice, 0.5 kg walnuts(must be crushed first) lemon juice(from 4 pcs.), 300 grams of honey.

Aloe juice can be used as a means for a runny nose and sore throat. Treatment of nasal congestion lasts at least 7 days, 2-3 drops in each nostril.

To get rid of sore throat,dilute the juice with water (in a ratio of 1 to 1) and rinse oral cavity. Then, to enhance the effect, you can add 1 tsp. juice with a glass of warm milk.

If you have a toothache, and there is no opportunity to visit the dentist, You can put a piece of the leaf on a sore spot; the substances that make up aloe have soothing properties.

For pain in the heart An infusion prepared according to this recipe will help.

  • Pour a liter of boiling water into a thermos, add 1 tbsp. strawberry leaves and 2 tbsp. hawthorn (namely berries). Place in a dark place for a day, strain through cheesecloth and add 1 tbsp. aloe juice For taste, you can add a little honey before each meal. It is preferable to take this infusion before bed, 250 ml. Can be stored in the refrigerator. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Cough can be neutralized using the following medicinal composition:

  • Lingonberry juice plus aloe juice (in equal amount), plus 1 teaspoon honey. Take 2 tablespoons 4 times a day after meals.

By taking 10 drops of aloe juice every day, you can forget about any diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract (half an hour before meals). To forget about gastritis must be consumed daily a teaspoon of honey with aloe juice (from leaves at least 5 years old).

To solve such a delicate problem as haemorrhoids you can also apply knowledge about medicinal properties aloe. There are many options:

  • Take a small spoon orally (has a laxative effect), external use (compresses, lotions, suppositories). It is believed that what longer leaf, the more useful and medicinal substances it accumulates. To solve this problem, you need to choose sheets of at least 12 cm in length.

Lifesavers in various situations:

  • Herpes has appeared - the juice from a new cut will deal with it quickly and perfectly. It is enough to wipe this area 5 times a day.
  • To heal wounds, fistulas, and ulcers, apply a bandage with an ointment made from aloe juice. 1 tbsp. Add alcohol to a glass of a mixture of honey and juice (1 to 1). Mix thoroughly and store in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator.
  • By rubbing aloe juice into your temples with massage movements, you can get rid of migraines and dizziness.
    Using a cloth soaked in aloe juice, you can remove redness and dryness from the burn.

How to collect aloe juice and preserve its medicinal properties for as long as possible

In order to collect as much as possible large number juice, you need to cut off suitable leaves (under different recipes, they must be of different ages). Then they need to be cut into small pieces and grind. Strain the resulting slurry and pour into molds. To preserve the maximum amount of nutrients, you can freeze the juice in the refrigerator.

To obtain fresh juice, which is used to make compresses and tinctures, you must:
collect leaves (3-5 summer plant)
put away where it is dark and cool (up to 10 degrees)
rinse in boiled chilled water
squeeze out with gauze
boil for a few minutes in a water bath
use as intended

Useful video

Aloe for pregnant women

The issue of using aloe and its components for expectant mothers faces a very interesting angle. On the one hand, this natural remedy, in which such huge amount necessary substances. On the other hand, there are too many of them and they can cause miscarriage or premature birth, and can provoke complications. But there are more or less neutral ways to use aloe in the life of a pregnant woman.

Majority safe ways external use. For example, a compress or bandage, nasal drops or gargling are considered relatively safe. It is advisable not to allow aloe, nor its components, nor injections or tablets into a girl’s life. interesting position, especially if this event is long-awaited.

To strengthen the immune system during pregnancy, you can take the following composition: a tablespoon of honey plus a few drops of juice and dilute it all with water. Tasty, and most importantly healthy. But most the best option There will be a mandatory consultation with a specialist who is caring for the girl during pregnancy.

In addition to juice, tinctures and ointments, pharmacies sell aloe extracts in tablets and injections. This allows you to increase the chance of choosing an aloe-based medicine that is most suitable for each person.

But under no circumstances should you self-medicate. This is especially true for children's health. Talk to a specialist, let him suggest a proven recipe, with a dosage calculated for your body characteristics.

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):